Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1908, p. 4

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t'W 1 7* -• Y ,f$ -v ItRALEK UlNlCA ^tsaREnaw ma&ki ®ftS: : vv\« n^ j S5^ff „ 'V* -sr*"**.-* ??^ ^1 a* / ' " .» ... ,'S.l., >¥.'? .. :?. .,.xm~ ,'*»:, 4-. J PUBLISH!! gVKRY THUg|^T.|||', ;; F. a. SCHREINER. 0«c« la Bank Building. Talaphone, No lTl. . TERMS Or SUBSCFtlPTiONt Oneyear »v.. .....^»...,...,.L -•••*•«» 81 x months, B at*. %>rM months. 40ot«. Thursday, December IO, 1908. OF A PERSONAL N|pRE WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GOfeV; £v*-1 AND $ Before buying your Christmas presents come attd look over our selecttOH of fine -Imported Japanese China, Lamps, Albums of different kinds, Finest Dolls, Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets, Etc. " :: - '. • ::' ' - " - .^»»i L 1 That's the Name Ask Your Grocer FOJ* U Why Be Without Pv.v ..THE BEST.. Qrahani Flour Flour Breakfast Food Cora ileil Rye Flour Pumpernickel Flo#-; West Mtflenry flour and feed Mills WEST M,;HENRY ILL mnv yptrvrTi? JOHN SPENCER, Proprietor a--------s--===:------= FREE! - FREE! :• r t: jfe-. '.i r PHOTO STUDIO. will give absolutely free with every dozen photos a MO ENlARdEMEMT in tiifeck and white only. This is a spe­ cial Holiday Offer and will last only pijtil Christmas. : : : WEST HcHENRY, ILL. 'tie for Coughs 4" «• Children cough at night? Give them Aye^s Cherry Pec­ toral. Often a single dose at bedtime will completely control the cough. Good for any one with a cold or cough. Good for easy cases, hard cases; good for acute cases, chronic cases. Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and frankly, just what he thinks of this old standard remedy. No alcohol in this cough medicine. J. a AyerCo. JoweliMasi. A lazy liver maket, a lazy boy. An active brain demands an active liver, wwativc for boys and girls than Aycr's Pills. Ask your doctor about them. No belter He know*. Read ami keep postal art bonapMtyof Whom We Itt WeVcnrjr RntortalM m Urg* Visitor* Dnrlnt the Week- Kutertalii. Mrs. Ben StUMhg fa spending this day in Chicago. Siuion Staff el is in Chicago today (Thursday). Geo. K. Paige of Chicago was in town Wednesday. Mrs. JohnNiesen ia in the windy dty today (Thursday ). E. Hanter attended to business in Chicago Wednesday, • i " , J. P. Smith attended to Chicago today (Thursday). Cbarlee Wright was a Chisago ger this (Thursday) morning, ft. H. Ksuly boarded the Chicago train this (Thursday) morning. N. A. Huemann was a business visit­ or in the windy city Wednesday. Dr. C. H. Fegera, Sr., was a profes­ sional visitor in Chicago Wednesday. J. W. Freund is attending to business matters in Chicago today (Thursday). Geo. Meyers, Jr., was the gnest of Chicago relatives the first of the week. Mrs. O. Q. Frett was among the Chi cago passengers this (Thursday) morn* ing. . W. A. Oristy of Joplin, Mo., wbo is general manager of the Federated Min­ ing company, was a business visitor in Woodstock Tuesday. L. P. Kane, who his familiarizing himself with the lumber business at Tuscaloosa, Ala., is here for * few weeks' visit among relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McDonald and Irwin Vangen of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McDonald of Crystal Lake and Geo. McDonald spent Sunday with their father and sister, Samuel and Miss Margaret McDonald. LOCAL MEWS OF M'HENRY A8 SEEN BY TOE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. INTERESTING ITEMS C«ee*rainy Schools of County CoeopUad by Sopl, G. W. Conn, Jr. (ton* of Iatomt Picked Up About Oar Buy Littl* Bars That May Concern Too or Toor Friends. Special Christmas cigars, 26 inbox, at BaVbian Bros.' store. Misses Amy Yager and Ada Carey are assisting in the F. A. Bohlsnder store during the holidays. H. E. Price and Cbas. Wright were among the fortunate nimrods to cap­ ture geese during the past week. Genuine amber tipped, French brier pipes, with or without cases, very suit­ able Christmas gifts, at Barbian's cigar store. A Dangerous Operation is the removal of the appendix by a sat- geon. No one who takes Dr. King's New Life Pills is ever subjected to this frightful "ordeal. They work so quietly you don't feel them. They enre consti­ pation, headache, biliousness and mala­ ria. 35c at N. H. Petesch's drng store. Petesch's for drugs. JOHN J, COONEY, Attoettjg^ STATE OF ILLINOIS I „ McHenry County lu the Circuit Court of McHenry Oounty. 1, January Term, A. p. IMS. State of Illinois _ _ George Meyers, Flaiatlff Tres­ pass McHenry Light, Heat & Power qpm-1 on the a Corporation existing and do-winy, iig business under and bj the Laws of the State of Illinois"!]®' fendant. ng virtue of case on prom- , ises. Notice is hereby given that the above is t lie title or the Court aud the names of the parties to a..suit, which is uow peudiug in said Court and that process for said defendant has beeti issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at Its Court room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Moridav the lltli day of January, A. D. 1900, In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, , ^ Taeo. HAMK*. Clerk. J Circuit Court Seal. | •t STATIB OF ILLINOIS, I w McHenry County C. P. BARNES, SOLICITOR. 1I» CBANCKKT, BILL TO QOirr TITLE! UU >? '- i ^;v « . . £ * ' 14s... Aif,, Anton Engeln, complainant, The unknown helm or devise eft of Horace Loug, deceased, The unknown heiHi or devisees of James M. Kellogg, deceased. ^ The unknown heirs or devisees of Chris- t/opher Walk up, deceased, The unkuowu heirs or devisees of Ellas A. Thomas, deceased. The nuknown heirs or devisees of Jacob V. A. WuKMple, UtM-eased, The unknown heirs or devisees of Jubn V. Wempie, deceased, ( The unknown heirs or devisees of tieorxe Wooster, de(!ea.sed, t And tiie unkuowu owner or owners ol un­ known person or persons Interested in the followiug descriSjed premises, towlt: Sub-iot numtier two <2> of lot. uuuiber live (5)of the County deck's plat of block num. ber nineteen (It)); all of lots number eight (8) and niue <») in said block number nineteen (!#); also sub-lot number two tit) of lot num­ ber twelve (I2( of said County Clerk's plat of said block number nineteen (ltt); said County Clerk's plat being recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry county. Illinois, in book 2 of plats, on page 40; said block number nine­ teen <19> being lis the original plat of the Vil lageof Metifcuiy, ou the west side of Fox elver; said oHglnal plat being a subdivision of the southeast fractional quarter or section number I wen1 ty-slx (SMS), in township iiuuilxsr forty-Ave (46) north, of range number eight (s) east of the third principal meridian aud situ­ ate, lying woe being in the County of Mc Henry, In TB« State of Illinois, OKFEN PA NTH Notice isbeveby given that the above is the title of the Court aud the names of the parties to a suit which is uow pending in said Court, aud that process for said defendants has b»eu issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Roma in the city of Woodstock, County of Mctftmry and state of Illinois, on Moudav the Uth day of Jauuary, A. D. 1908. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand aud affixed the seal of said Court at uuy office in Woodstock this 3rd day of Decern- Nothing like knowing what's going • . . . i on. We keep you posted locally, but t»»Vaneuar7^m°Araamt,eurr countjr to The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news Anton Rnmin. cnmRi<.i»4^ of ail the world. By our special ar­ rangement von can secure both papers for one fnll year for the very low rate *1 75. ' Want Column. .All *4vembeiu<9at» infterted undei this tie*d mttbe rollowtatf r*U*«: Five linen or Jenn, tt eimtfl ror Dret iUHtertion, 16 for cach htib«equenl inucrliuii. More thau IIimm, & celite a line for IVrat IniMi tivii, and Uu« for additional Imwrtiunn. l^OH SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. Homesteads located. For further iufot ination apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry. 111. 17 tf ber^A | Circuit Court a "CV>E SALE A adjoining terms. Highly improved r>0}4 acre farm Uiage of McHenry. "" SIMON STorritn.' Liberal 21-4t l^OR RENT:- Farm of 237 acres at Fox ^ Lake, four miles east. ofSpriug Grove. For particulars, address Mas. F. Vf. Hatch, Uichuiond, III. 24-OL* Tj>OR SALE CHEAP: Au oak extension f- table aud oak bedstead. Inqalre of F. A. BOHUANOKR, West McHenry. tHJR SALE: Twenty tous of choice pressed „ timothy hay in barn. Inquire at the Mc­ Henry Brewery. tK)R SALE:--Casks of all kinds, raagln? iu siite from 15 to JO barrels capacity. 'For further Information inquire at the McHenry Brewery. EM3R SALE:-A quantity of second-hand * furniture iu ttrst class condition. Used but very little. For further information up or address H. C. MKAJD, West McHeiny, Supt. Douglass of the Woodstock schools has called a patrons' meeting for Thursday evening of this week. The main theme for discussion and consideration will be "Effective Co­ operation of the Home and School in the Development of Character." The meeting promises to be unusually in­ teresting ami a large attendance is an­ ticipated. Ralph Mullen, wlko teaches in the Maple Hill school in the town of Seneca, held a social on last Monday evening. A good program was rendered and the baskets sold for a ronnd sum. The dec­ orations were unusually good and show­ ed that the responsible person had an eye for harmony. Mr. O'Ronrke made au excellent auctioneer and added to the pleasure and profit of the occasion. There will be a teachers' meeting at Harvard on Saturday, Dec. 19. This is intended especially for the teachers of «eetk>n fourc which comprises the towns of Hartl&nd, Dnnham, Alden, Chemung. However, the teachers from other parts of the county are invited to attend The general subject for discussion will' be reading.4^ Supfc. Folk of Harvard will give an address. Let us have a large attendance. The Annual County Formers' insti­ tute will be held at Harvard on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 8 9. Pres. Thayer and Sec. WestphaJl are making plans for a latge meeting. There will be a strong corps of instructors from the University present, as well as some local speakefs. Local Farmers' institutes are being planned for the towns of Greenwood, Hebron, Alden, to be held on Wednes­ day, Jan. flth. This is a step that means much work for those shouldering the responsibilities and it is sincerely hoped that the people of those localities will take hold and he|p pnsh the work in a vigorous manuer. The County Farmers' institute can be a material success only as it reaches the local in terests and also educates the rising generations to an appreciation of the valne of these meetings. Mrs. Free­ man of the Greenwood school, Mr. Lowman of the Hebron school and Mr. Harrison of the Alden school will be found faithful allies of the local insti­ tute workers in planning the details of these meetings. The annual meeting of the Stock­ men's convention will be held at the University of Illinois during tbe last two weeks of January. Tbe regular short term of tbe University will be held at tbe same time and many people, young and old, from all parts of the state will be present at that time. Miss Amy Pierce of Hebron, wbo won the Bcliol&ielup at the dairy judging con­ test that was held in Hebron last spring, will attend this session. It is hoped that a way will be provided whereby more students will be given tbe same opportunity. This is certain­ ly one of the best investments that can be made. It guarantees a better aud more efficient class of farmers and citi­ zens. In fact, the future of the farm and the farm institutions will depend quite largely on the education of this kind that is provided for the young people of the present day. Tbe officers of the Farmers' institute are trying to secure the services of Pres. John W. Cook as speaker for the evening session of Friday, Jan, £th. Dr. Cook is a man of national promi­ nence in educational affairs and is oue of 'the most entertaining speakers of the profession. If they succeed in get­ ting him for this evening, tbe hall should be packed. The evening of the 8th will be given over to the discussion of school legislation with special refer­ ence to the proposed legislation sub mitted by the report of the Educational commission. The local meeting of the Farmers' club in the town of Riley will be held Friday of this week. Plans are practi­ cally completed for the holding of this meeting. All farmers from adjoining towns are invited to attend this meet­ ing. It would be especially valuable experience for those farmers who live in communities where these organi­ zations do not exist. It would inspire and encourage them to establish such societies in their own midst. What a boon it would be to the social, educa­ tional and industrial welfare of Mc­ Henry county if snch a society existed in everv town of McHenry connty. Farmers; try it. * t - A mv'- \ f-M ^*>^1 -i / \ I am Ready to Prove to You t •••»/"• t: s Tr* i »*> >3That I can relieve pain ' j,'Af-'-,.*: f . jrL •S ^ UHti| the *L i/ "J*"?'Offer of F First ttf January My Special cure disease ; '* «> j « ; ̂ ̂ :4 . * " *.* > - * > 4 " » V A ' ] t Offer of Free Diagnosis and ONE FREE! r"~ k 1 f ; - v TREATMENT is Open to Everybody. ^ . \ ' • . v, x . ' f .i I offer this In older that I may destroy that grim monster DOUBT that has so long stood hetwecu ym ̂ ̂ --J health. If, after diagnosiug yonr case »u<l giving you one free treatment, I PROVE to yon that I CAN help or enre yoi ? % , where-doctors and metiicines have faile l, I am entiroly willing to leave the matter of further treatments with yon. All I ; want to do in one of uiy free treatments is to dispal yonr skepticism; prove to you that I CAN alleviate pain and sufferings « er to me. I am not offering tc|s . vr a demonstration of my powsr. **- . sV ' If yon do uot, THEN wish to continue the treatments yon are under no obl gation whatsoever to me. prove that I can relieve pain aud cure disease to satisfy curiosity seekers who merely desire a demonstration or my pow but T do want every man, woman o? ohild who is broken in health, ill in pain. or diseased in any way whatsoever, to advantage of this special offer. ' / J is Open to You For a Limited Time Only, "V i ^ -V - >' t i * , k , ^ r i f ;JViy large practice prohibits uiy making such an offer t>eriuauent. . ^ ^ am in a position to submit to yon the strongest testimonials ever placed before the pnblio--letters froui leading '<• •?T \ citizens of cities all over the country--testimonials which PROVE WHAT I HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS. I am ready ttf'" ^ give yon names of people- whom I have cured' of your disease right here at home. Yon can call on them or write to then|U~ , ^ j WHEN YOU CALL ON flE ASK TO SEE WHAT OTHERS HAVE SAID OF MY POWER TO HEAL DISEASE* J THEIR TESTinONIALS ARE AN OPEN HOOK TO YOU IN WHICH YOU CAN READ AND FIND HOPE FOR THff % ,1 ALEVIATION OF YOUR SUFFERINd. I am not asking yon to take my word for anything. No man c»n. promise ^ he can do, but he cart assuredly prove to yor^-what he has doue If iji is not {>ossiMe foi* you to call at my Rlgt» office IT, '<• ' >•$ will be pleased to answer any quest Ions you may subiuit. " "All- 'cotffeapo&deuee has my personal attention. *»• ««•"" * ' ̂ I ask a chahce to'PROVE TO YOU that, I can enre disease by laying my hands on the poor diseased portion of you* „' > A : iKMly. I diagnose through holding the baud. There is no physician's disagreeable examination, and i use no drugs. Toil t "I* are at lil»erty to t»|ke ^<Jy.auta^e of thyj qlfpr of my jj^usijai free 'di.fl^P!*iR.;^|th-Tiie^ApDI.i;|U!f«l OP OfME f^REE TREAT* ® flENT, only nntil the tirst of January. My is closed on Saturday afternoons and Sundays, except by appointment. ^ S >'**$> " ' ' * 1 • ' •- . ' v • '••••• PROF. F. A. LEA(lf, Magnetic Healer, No. I Spuria Biiiliinf, Elfin, illeMfS *•! • r.' » - if?" p.X&A Selling Out Our Entire Line of Buy Your Xmas Presents y now and save money* -SALE BhQINS- Jv rf Professional, Society V and Businesss Cards DAVIDO. WELLS, M. D. ' ^ - PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIfttT ~ V Office and r&sldence corner Eiui ault--^ Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 811& I • * IS ^ 'I ^ and contiues every afternoon and ^ y evening until stock 1* sold. Auc- ^f^tions at 3:30 p. m. and 7:30 < p > % \ ' % ^ ---r-CENTERVILLEt--«- JlltPUd ss •« TO BUY FRESH, PURE GROCERIES ,, AND BRUITS 1 " ' V ' /r :> ' . ^Courteous ' Treatment .Always*;/ :N>' N 4-^'S S. ' imes 'PHONti t)(j4 lleimerlilock, • flcHcnry ^ HAVING opened a Har­ness and Repair Shop in the old Scliiessle Build­ ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at alI times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at al 1 ti mes be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. ^ h: ; e. West McHenry. ffj . ^ *EGEK8 it FEGEB9. pairfefSlANS AND SURGEONS,'Mc"6emjr^^."^^s. 111. Office at Residence, corner Court ant' 1 TV Elm streets Telephone 333. > . * D. T. SIIILBY '" ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wood&tdfcfc, Alt business intrusted to his cars wll property aud promptly attended to. 'J. J 1 7 '"i• ~ : : ! -'"'M, : BR. R. G. CH AMBERL1N >, \ . ^ DENTIST. . OMIcaand R««idenea over n. J. WtWi'i ^ •t-**^ nourB: ®:o° *° 5:3®* ^ ^ N ' #m» MoHaiieranr. Ibt. ^ • --:--: --: ' 1 - »• •*- *-4* Talaphon* No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for ail classes of property in the beet Companiaa. A S Wut Mctfaary, Illinois ^ % John J. Vyoitaii^V^ DGALEB IN , ; General Hardware . Moves, Paints and Oile. Tin and m«r . chiue repairing of ail kinds. 'Phone t'C McHENRY, • . ILUNOIS^,/; • - • - • • ' " =55^ "V \ H.C. MEAi JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE * AND INSURANCE AUENT. f am now prepared to insure all kinds of propt^V'# erty against Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Std, i'i " Also h%ye a special line of Insurance on Llv*;.->» < Stoclr insuring against death from any causs^ iT'4 . : %r"~ wmrnmm* I X •-<"• •.'•T ' West McHenry, John D. l_odt2l MERCHANT TAILOR. . ^ $?p & ; K - ! ^IIIBT-CLASS WORK ONLY •£#: MODKRATK PRICKS. MeHENRY; ILLINOIS^",, ^WHILE^r- ̂ ?•' in Chicago Ing the STOCit-1., Sf/i SHOW DON'T . •" FOROETtocalloe ^ as Fifth Ave. - f , n where you will at • all times be servj:,! ; ed with the be># * *. ' ̂ Wlues Liquor . Cigars and Bus I* ' f s,<(. • 1 n o s s < j u n c h . : 8 - % % ••'-J •;?r WEST SIDE? ft' % - : Meats s,-t- . Vegetables and Canned Good#. £, F.i Matthow8, Weet McHenry, III, f i.., ' Tbe Weekly Inter-Ocean and this'lK paper deliysrtpi for one year a' our' *:'-T 1 •pedal daal" price of «i.75 for tb#> . P - W® 'W . . ,v; 4 *$•+ yit THEO viexk. T^OB BALE:--Between 4 and 5 tons good dry If Sffli Btil Tilt pitfT?ilrr1&r R-fafi Tbi Piaiiidfalar 1 'g-.wt••* ik,

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