Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1908, p. 5

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*** tw t " s f j • - * Vv •44 ^; , ^ r / i r< *- *f * <, s, "t * - v " * i» • ., i jh1*, . -+ ' *»~ ? *' t * * - - " T* * j , «•" s *• » ' " - ^ ^ • « » . , 1 r »SiKJ *• '** ? Jk A * -"\->V ."•»?*» * > <«•£• ... * ' °An . . .1 >•< -. f'-v . •-%f IS?#E Hi z.rzrx*- ; -- . ; - : ^ ; > ^ u 7 , , ^ • ^1 in ill 111 niilt'ii UIII iill iihifi an TM rf" • ririiiftMriT'iiii «iwtm ? ? iii'Sifim m turn mln ni - • • • -* - mm* J*" -f '* * > j ! ' ,1 t- . *< ftf* , ' •*'- i 'I WHAT IS MORE APPROPRIATE FOR A"' CHRISm\S OIFT THAN A PIECE OP F U R N I T U R E r *V^r- V \ Something fhat will last a lifetime ; :t, ^ f 'z, '• ^ *and always be appreciated. Never ~ ,L__ &W ' t'" ,•*#,* * ,-•• f~~-a -v ( 4^: a* • .before were we so well prepared to \>*.-= %: •"<s".W ^ .. •" . t ' *^v, r» »' * f show the most fastidious, the most * " * . up - to -date l ine o f Morr i s Cha ir s , ^ * *• ' *" '-- *. Rockers, library Tables, Couches, . ; J# * '\ '; ^Music Cabinets, Buffets, , China ^ *:.v l' - ^Closets, Combination Book Cases, ^ Ju .v . # . ^ - •; ' . ; V x ^and, in fact, everything carried i« K" <M.,t VP-%043AT^.FURNITURE. - j? *.* •: * ^ -» ncHENRy,' - ? • k"" Illinois. -- ̂ WHEN YOU THINK OF HARTTtTARE, \ STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OP x- * t \ 4* • . A , v. v McOmber'di®-' • ^ , •r* Ii ardw&re Store , > '• y ;;>-3 ,'r " 1 rjkTMEN CALL AND SEE WHAT ,) VOU FIND IN THESE LINES - . 1 $ ***; >? , t¥ - V * * ^ Respectfully Yourjfe-..' 4'^ i *"*&? > h „ ; F. |L: MCOMBER; Weat Side Hardware. -J «1'. With heavy,, warm goods for the cold ^ ^ !„"tW weather and prices are much lower • ^ ~ . than la s t s eason . . • • : J . . : "7'L-^ Underwear of every description, v . ^ v ^ Sweater Coats and Jackets in Men's^^^ y .. Boys', Ladies', Misses' and Chil|^;v^|^| 4 ..drenfs, from $1.00 to $5.00 each. Aif; ^ ^r'.f good variety of colors. ; s > : . Shoes--Velonr, Vici> Box Calf Patent# "A good selection • of Taiffji,, and Ox Blood, g -^ \ .Heavy Corduro^jr Sheep tioed Coat»w v\tth Wanibat Collar, best quality $10f J*. ^ T Groceries, Flour, Tea and Coffee o.^ . the best grades only.;. , ;' •. .. „; jA I JH. J. WALSH, PROMiPT DELIVERY. PHONE tsj- ^ (R1KKERV Si OASSWAKE sv idy stock of Croiikery and Glassware is^more com if; gjilete than ever. You- fire cordially invited to in-" % mwi Consisting of Salads, Cak« Plates, Celery Trays,„,;>:.^;j Si ©live Dishes, Spoon Trays, Sugar ami Cream Sets^ '.v" States, Plaques. Nut Bowls, Jugs, Cracker Jar.5^:/' .::;|#tc. Hand painted under glaze in a lar^e variety pleasing colors and patterns. :: :: .. %fwioe Piece Presecut Berry Seta--the Bet consisting jff -« •f one large berry dish, six nappies, one each sugai^ ̂ 5' And creamer; two patterns, per set 90c aod handsomely Decorated Rockingham Tea Pots, ||hree sizes . 45c..50c.. Rockingham top early nod get the be?t select! West Mc- Hefiry, HI. JOHN STOFFEL. IW'W' NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS m-- wwwWi KMKKALII P Alt It. / ^ Jif % Petewh's for drnitn. i r Choice jwrfnuit^ at Peteicli'Bi *•* iMiew Lncy Sntton vi»it^ the Miases Fri«by at McBenry Monday. Miw Marguerite Knox visited Hiss Belle Oarsy sa McHeury Mouctny. Earl McAmirewu of Cherry Valley <wae a tinaday caller at Etl. KUOX'K. W. J. Waloli lwlt Saturday «vtiniug ior au bxteuiietl trip thru w«Mteru p»rt« Mi«WM Mayuitt aud Katie Kuox visitwi iriouita at ttiugwoua SHturany evtsuitiK- Misses Ada (Jar*y aud Lola Boyle of A cot ittvutiurjr vuuwd (be tiiMS Kuux oaiuru*y. Memra. Olareuue \\ hiuu^ of liing- Muua Mud McUlureot Woud»U*u* via" ited at Ed. Knox's Sunday. Mro. tsi. ComisHy ana «on, Jo«, 're- taruea Uotue cs»iurua> «iier upunuiug a wmM witb Obtcaj^o relatives. A number from ibis vicinity attended tM-a oooint ot Aliss VV hlUUg'8 bcboui at ttmgwood S itun.ay ®ven ng. Miss Mayrnu Kuox was uuable to aa- -uui» tier UQties m tbe Cb«rry Valley diutrici Monday ou acoouut ot illness. Msaars. .las U^xtou and Geo. Eraser of Chicago spent ^uuday banting, re t arning that evening quite ttatisfieo wit it tne result of theit spot %. j The basket social at tbe Barreviile j «-houl lj*»t Friday evening wtw well at­ tended. After an excellent program rendered by Misa Knox and pupils, tlie ttuHKetH were auctioned, realising tbe neat sunt of $84.75. > * r Harriabnrgb (S. D.) Joor^na!: On 8uudtiy, October 15, occurred tbe 25tb anuiversary of the weddlug day of Mr. MUd Mrs. Ed. Sutton and tue event was ceiebrated in <reat«hape. About, sixty «ue»t« gathered under tbe hospitable ioof of this amiable couple, npon whom life's cares rest but lightly, altbo they have withstood their share of its hard­ ships. Souie elegaut silver aouveuirs were left a# a lokeu of appreciation, among which were two soMof silver knives and forks, five *ets tea spoons, two sets dessert spoous, three sugar spoons and butter knives, silver bread iray, silver plated «*aiad bowl, silver meat, fork and gravy ladle, silver i liiuible, etc Among the guests pres­ ent were Messrs and Mesdames Wm O'Connor, Shebal. Holmes, A P Clark. b\ J. Hih, Ben Hartnian. Cnrley and • hildren of Tea; Deavltt. E Tate, Louie Bests and Joe Buglers and daughter. Also Mr. and Mrs. MeOmber and Mr and Mrs. ^feeley of Sot) falls, B.ob Olearv and Gill amnmers of Illinois. Au elegant repast was served, of which all partook, after which the gnests de parted wishing Mr. and Mrs. Sntton. many more such happy occasions, in which The Journal joins them, as a more deserving and bsppier conple never were joined in tbe yoke of matrimony, surrounded by a family of bright, worthy and dntifnl sons and daughters. VULM. Petesch a for drags. Petesch s for holiday go^hk Miae Ka(« Frost is working in Orays lake for a few weeki. Miss Elsie Walton was in Lihertyville Sunday and Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson trans­ acted budness in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs Charity Bangbt returned Tnes day from a visit with friends in Elgin. Loa Geary of Lake Zurich and (ieorge Kueliler of Palatine w^re in Volo Fti day. ' Misa ASM B wsdentscber of Waocon- da spent Saturday night aud Sunday in Volo. Mr. find Mrs. Ed. Lusk were in Chi­ cago WedneMay baying their Xrnas stock. Mlis Catherine Do well of West Fre mont was the gnest of relatives here. Sunday. Mrs. John Walton visited her daugh­ ter, Maude, at Libertyville Friday and Saturday. Messrs Frank. Hironitnns and Wm. Dmmill attended'tlft stock show in Chi­ cago this week. Mr. and Mre Lawrence Miller enter­ tained relatives from New Mnnster, Wis , this vreek. Mr. and Mm. Tom Fisher and Mrs. Kate Ettitiger were Wanconda callers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. S. J. Russell and daughters, Lydis and Esther, were in Wanconda Saturday afternoon. Miss Emma Hanson went to Liberty­ ville Monday, where she has accepted a l>oaition for the winter. Mrs Chas. Eanght was the guest of relatives at, Waukegan from Thursday to Sanday of this week. Mrs C Sabel visite«l Mr. and Mrs. John Babel and Mr. and Mrs. Qeo^Bohr in Chicago a few days recently. r- • +* iIOHNSBl.'KGB. ^ '1>C. C. M. Adanwi ChiaSoed tt»I« w«k Thnnday. ^ Mr. and Mrs%.Totin Schnlilt #ere Mc- Henry callers Friday, Henry Scbaefer went to C|ij|«M{p l#»t week Thnrs«lay morning. Miss Susie Frennd visited Wth Miss Emma Bngner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Johu Schaefer Snndayed at the home of Jos Michels. Mr and Mrs. Peter Britz visited at Jake Miller 's Saturday evening. A bunch of boys and gills enjoyed skating on the river Snnday afternoon. Mr. and Airs. Henry Hettermann drove to McHenry Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. John Miller and Miss Martha Nieeen spent but Snnday with Mra. Kate May. w Misses Emma Nye and Margaret La Fountain lioarded the Chicago train Saturday morning. Mrs Ben Josten entertained Mrs. John E Frennd of McHenry and Miss Helen Adams Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Althnff entertained Mrs. Henry Hettermann au£ Mrs. John Klein last Snnday evening/ Mesdames Jos. Frennd, John King and Martin Bngner were McHeury shoppers last week Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klein of Ingfeside were guests at tbe home of Mr. and Mre. John Klein Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ban Jnsfcen and Misses Helen Adams and Mary Freqnd visited with Mrs. John E. Frennd in McHenry last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Math. Mnllenbach and son, Panlie, who have been visiting relatives and friends here for two weeks, re­ turned to their home la Adamp, Mtyn., last Monday night Harold Mason went to m city Fri J. F. Whyte went lp Crystal Lain 8atnrday. . Mrs. J. Johnstone was a Chicago vis­ itor Snnday. . • J. H. Milter Was ifi Cary last Friday on business. E. L Kimball spent Saturday in Crystal Lake. M. F. Lindsley was a city caller last week Friday. Mrs. Nord Skinner #« a caller at the L a k e M o n d a y . ' * ; * ; V Mrs. Josephenson visited her sieter in Woodstock Monday. Henry Willeand Arthur Skinner were Cary callers Snnday. Mr. and Mrs Si Reed were Wood­ stock callers^ Tuesday. Mr. Shales and family visited with relatives here Tuesday. .V W. J. Garrison of Woodstock waa a Eidgefield caller Saturday. \ Miss Bessie Buell of Woofdsto<A ftl- ite 1 at A Petersoc's Monday. A. P. Peck and wife took the train for Milwaukee Tuesday morning. Mr. aod Mrs. D. L. Gibson entertain^ their son, Lewis, over Sunday. f The Ladies' Aid society met with Mra LeRoy Skinner last, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs J Johnstone entertained relatives from Chicago last week. Mrs. A Hanson and two sons called on relatives in Woodstock Saturday Mesdames Smith, Hodgkinson and Monroe were Woodstock visitors Fri­ day. Mr. and Mra Horskey of<Woodstock visited with their parents. Mr and Mrs Zenk, Sat unlay. Mr. Biglow of California gave his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Q. Hartmsn, a short visit la*t Friday. * Mrs. J. B, Lynch and son, Ray, vis­ ited with the former's daughter, Mrs. Blanche Conerty, in Chicago from Sat urday till Sunday afternoon. The Ladies' Aid society will hold their annna' chicken pie supper and bagagr in the chnrch parlors Friday evening. Pec. tl The ladies will serve supper from six to nine for the small sum of 25 cts. Aooulial invitation is extended to all. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Kimball eater tained the Y. E. C. Friday evening from 7:80 to n o'clock A luncheon of sand wiches, cake, cookies, apples and eaudy were served. Games of varions kinds were enjoyed ly all who attended. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball know how to enter­ tain royally, and the good time had by the young people will not be forgotten soon. Consul--J. B. Lynch. Adviser--W. S. Jaynea. Banker--B. F. Peck. Clerk-- F. W. Hartnian. Escort--Wm. Yank®. Wat<'bman--C. Hoy. Sentry--Rob. Knilans. Manager--Wm. Weiland. ^Physicians--Drs Doolittle and Hull. SCHOOL NOTES. Rachael French has returned to onr school. The 5th grade will eooa begin a new reader. The 8th grade will read Shakespeare's "Tempest. The upper grades are baring monthly examinations today (Tuesday) Misses Pearl Hougbawont and Helen Benson visited school Tbnrsday. Mr. Miller, of the Interstate Corre­ spondence school, called last week. The M. W. A. met Tuesday evening in tbe hall to eleot officers. The follow­ ing are those who will act for the year 1909: The following pupils were perfect in attendance: Lucy Benson. George Peterson. Olive Hesselgrare, Harold Lucas. Ray Lynch, Jessie Whyte and Madalene Lynch. Tbe following were leaders in the spelling contest: Grade 5, Emma W*i- land: grade6. Donald Knilans: grade 7, Jessie Wbyte and Olive Hesselgrave. irrade 8. Ethel Thayer, Madalene Lynch Ray Lynch, Harold Lncaa. ' ; JF' TXRRA COITJ^ *• > , DECEMBER 8. ' ftomfras Church has retnmed" ftrott Colorado Mrs. Jos. Bnss was a McHenry caller Wednesday. Mrs. S. Knox of McHenry spent Toes- day at the home of M. Knox. Miss Ruth Anderson of Richmond spent Saturday at T. R. Anderson's. Mrs. L. Lock wood and children of Barrevilie were calling on friends here recently. Carl Bergman of Chicago spent Thanksgiving with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leisner. DECEMBER 10. * Chas. Collins of Crystal Lake was a business visitor here Satnrday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan has been quite sick the past week. Miss Alice Leisner and brother, Eu­ gene, were gnests of Chicago relativee recently. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powers of Mc­ Henry were recent visitors at J. M. Phalin's. Mr. aud Mrs,. David1 Powers of West McHenry spent Sunday at the home of Frank McMillan. Miss Theresa Conway of MoHenry spent a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Buss. Miss Katie Buss spent Wednesday aad-Thursday with her sister, Mrs. M Conway, in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Bnck entertained a number of relatives Sunday in honor of Mra. Buck's birthday. Mrs. J. M. Pbalin spent Satnrday and Sunday in McHenry with Mrs. Thomas Phalin, who is quite sick at this writing. The following were neither absent n$r tardy during the month ending Dec. 3: Mary Conway, Leo Conway, Annie BUM, Frances Knox, Arthur Shales, Eddie Knox and Geo, Phalin. ^ v ,,r;. \ "" V ' EVBRYBODY IS INVITED To call at our store and make a guess on the num­ ber of beans in a pot. The . pfrize, a Pus» in Boots, which will be awarded on Thursday, Dec. 24, will go to the person guessing the correct, qr nearest correct, number of beans that the pot contains. Every 25c cash purchase entitles one to a guess. We have a choice line of box candies at IQG, 20C and 35c. Also fresh Fruits* Vegetables and Nuts. Our line of fan­ cy China Ware is complete. Gall and get one pretty calendars. ^ :: Anton Schneider --The Water Street Grocer-- 'Phone i8a. - - Mctlenry, III! UNDER NEW MAN AGEMENT - NORTHWESTERN - Steam fieat, Hot and Cold WaterT Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecookingi Bates $1 50 per day. TWO. SOIIESSLE, Prop. WEST McHENRY. AIR MOTOR puni» Guaranteed to operate any pump. Beet of satisfaction always. We h<»11 on trial. Why pay $125 when yon can buy pump complete for $37*50 Wm. Bacon, McHENRY. ILLINOIS. . . .EAST SIDE. . . A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt MEATS of every description. Have you tried our Home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. J. J. BU(H, PROP. * Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois, OSTEND. lire. Jessie Harrison and children *is- ited in Woodstock last Friday. Mrs. Warren Thomas and son, Emil, visited at Genoa Jnnction Saturday. Misses Daisy and Mildred Gaylord were Ringwood callers last Satnrday. Mrs. George Rider and children are visiting with 7. A. Abbott and family this week. Mrs. W. H. Mann of Woodstock spent? last Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Thomas. Miss Florence Rockwell returned to her home in Wisconsin last Satnrday, after a two weeks' visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. U. E. Gaylord. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1,75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken ad van t- *g® ot -- WAITING FOR YOU ^ . You said you were going to buy your holi- fc, day goods early this season. Now is tbe I time to begin. Our stock of holiday goods | ".is very complete and our low prices will i# " -make this air easy holiday time for Qifts for Everybody Including the Baby Books for Boys and Girls and Grown-lips TOILET SETS kNICURE SETS CHOICE PERFUMES PUFF BOXE5 > , ? ; j- JEWEL BOXES kmm M. STERLING ' " SILVER GOODS --w'liisaau iii i i.ji.u Fountain Pens & Fine Stationery SHAVING SETS > SHAVING MIRRORS TOBACCO JARS SMOKING SETS GENUINE AflBER STEfl BRIAR PIPES if And Toy3 and TOys and Toys CO-CglE EARLY AND OFTFM w. N Druggist. McHenry. 'Phone 374. 1 jy -K . I'S3 .yj " i'kz; y V'-' "I To fully enjoy your 5':, #4'- Yo get all the good there fs in; giving, make your purchases j ^ At the Christmas Store - jCtiow that your gifts are backed by £ Ihe guarantee of the well known 5 ROVELSTAP QUALITY • 'S»^. 'iii ^ yflalf the joy of giving is in the Selecting. You will get a full leasure of happiness here, where you will find pretty and original^ things in every department. I?: m "S ^ , •*? ^ A Set Ring^i 'Mantel Clocks $2 to $12 Signet Rings, liow sO popular $2 to $7 Brooches and |||1 - Belt Pins 75c to $10 $5 to $40 " • tr-J Pieces in Cut Glass and China - C $1.60 to $20 . , .;.® Electric and Gas Lamps '•>»«' $8 to $28 ,̂ 3 Hundreds of pretty things in Gold - and Silver reasonable price8.^^C-';;l| /v ROVELSTAD BROS JEWELERS ELGIN, - • ILLINOIS. ?v; 't ; -r. Si#: ' ft® J ,-Mi ••im , ?-, C I ft * U 'K -CENTERVILLE- Grocery and Harket '4', t \ S1 ̂ • r'" Always a fresh and aMii^ ##ete tine of the choicest Groceries and Meat*. , • V ^ : <• . ; . * < • *r , \ ^ 'VJ 4, •?= • "" t '• Ti¥-.-v V" xp-' "*£&'• * CHAS. G. FRETT, McHENRY, -PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. • 7'^ '4 ' w - . « •' •• m ' •, !/•*

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