g|jjj "$§ggrj|*S "<%t'*k^;t»"^-1.'lr J*"-* -ui -2'-i ^p"yjjg-T --g-S* j :,. t><~:\ %'•-. , * • ^ <•' ~~ .-"» ?.r <zZ> V. V- ';•• "4; *VJ .. *» .*> « *> 4 JK «W- • .•* *...'>: # U:i ' % <*.• •» *i^'s "--m.'--®'- >"**»/ V.f *<• " wJ*f" ^ • : > : : K - ' - - ' * " - - - V - " " S f f t E N f t y : t t L . T H t i R s D A V . t ® OF SUPERVISOR I Proceedings off the AumD: comber Meeting, 1908. mem- house the the on of of re- The Honorable Board of Soptrviion ot Mcl4ti<ry county. 111., met in special Mevslon. uurauant to a request aliened fey more than one-third of the l«rs of bald board. at the court CP Thursday. the third day of Decem ber. 1W>\ at 10 o'clock, a. m. Mectin? called to order by the chair man. William Desmond. At roll-call, the following named su pervisors answered: N. Brotzman. A. A. Ci ssey. H. E. Whipple. W. H. Ward. John Ful.lock. Win. Desmond. F. D. Ferksns.. J. E. Williams. H. F. Heine- martu E. C. Jewett. H. M. Turner. L. li. CovcU. Jesse B. Richardson. J. C. L.add. Ben Throop. and L>. K. Mentch. The reports of the county and circuit clvrk sheriff and treasurer were |.re- eented to the board by the clerk and on rr.oton of Sup. Mentch were referred to their proper committees withou "^"motion of SUP. Turner. «» claims against the county in the hands of the clerk and to be filed were ordered re- tarred to their pro^r committees, lerreo «.« McConnell, coun- The bond of W. 8. aa-^~~ ' thn ty collector, was presented to Serd by th* clerk ~d refe«ed to committee on finance ,_n. ™ "~uz r\r£«-* <» •»« <=»--'««,»° "°p°TirZ ̂s»m-» Whawte of tywewr*^ wa. Sup Wb'-nle. the Prooowwu m •« the purchasing committee. ferr*d to the of the xl|Conquln and v x ««eclal repor b the clerk Nunda bridge was rea ^ adopted to-wi . Hon Q F Bridge Site. V Woodstock. IM- Rush ton. County ^ committee ap" Dear Sir: ^:th the commissioners oointed to art wttnin townships. in of Nunda the bridise across the matter of bui'^^ meit tht? dav. ltlver. at Rowsono. ^ found said com™Sor^nK to contract. tuime coinolete Qrl(-i vou are here-^accev-ted »me andayoUnty *.y authorized to> issu' j Bri<mrc Co.. livable to the C«Ulne«tai thlrty.tWo tor the t0"nV[ny dollars. (^). and hundred and ftrH}jnan> Gruenwald for one payable to Wi g™for oounty half thirty-five dollars. (*,erseelnK work. for inspection and^ chairman. H F Heinemain. ^ B' county C.»miU«. Tb. zii r-- sr~ --• wwr mrtlarvj Townsh'o. McH«nry Co»» • 2 £Tw™Mm" ~»,~ct "**• WftH SI. 19.. WhlosK,. H. M. Turner kHa,,. »i. ">« IWO *mAB approved, to-ww. Mr. Chairman f^SSnwJto Board of Suoe:j'®£, the retltion of the whom was referred tne11 Qf the town- 00«mi88ioners of aid in buildlnK Si."' <««». » bridce across tfie^ brldife ln section known as the C°uib t wltlt the Sim. thVfeuhWi ifl i^^enlaed ̂ for hWds way commlsaionera building the and let the 4con//* pontjtienta 1 Bridge said bridge to the C $1398 arid $J extra uer square yaru Three below eleven feet o t jn the and one-half /ar^ wm P« m o?U$lh422bS)-l^nof which' the county share will be *711 25-100. which is one-half of t*This°SbridgeSa'wasrl accepted by your committee and highway ^mmisskrf.ers Knv 2Crd 1908. and pay W. H. i^av,° twelve days suoerintendlng the Xv?f* aT 12 per dav $24. the county share or one-half of the cost and recommend the county board to appropriate su-ji earn of money to pay one-half expenses of said bridge. , \nd the county clerk be authorised to draw an order on the treasurer in fav or of the Continental Bridge Company for seven hundred eleven and twenty- five one-hundredths dollars, and W. H. Davis, twelve dollars, being one-half cost of su'perintendency construction of the same. All of which Is respectfully submitted. I,. E. Mentch. Ben Throop. J. B. Richardson. On motion of Sup. Turner, board ad journed until 2 p. m. for committee work. 8 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment. At roll-call, all supervisors present ex cept Sup. Thompson. The committee on fees and salaries made the following report, which *as adopted. - to-wit: . Mr. Chairman and Oentlemen of the fooard of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the 8emi~a,uu'«i) MnortB of the county clerk. c.rcuit clerk and sheriff for the half year ending November 30th. 1908. would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: COUNTY CL.F:KK. Earned Probate fees and fees In suits to county courtim. 17 County services .. «« «> Miscellaneous services.. •• 2T105 Rec'd 1606 SG 266 40 Total earned $a(H6 22 Receipts of earnings pre viously reported Total receipts Expenditures. Clerk hire "55 S Postage, express, etc JO n Clerk's salary, half year.. 900 00 ru»7 71 $152 46 Balance due clerk .. .. CIRCUIT CLERK. Earned Rec d Reoording . .$ 968 60 >958 SO Clerk's fees in suits jn ^ 629 00 394 00 Miscellaneous services .... 19 00 19 00 •nit. allowed for serv. in ct. 31 das. at 16.00 186 00 Total earned ....H6S2 60 Receipts of earnings pre viously reported Total receipts Expenditures. Clerk hire 1700 00 Miscellaneous expenses .. 27 20 Refunded docket fees.. .. 9 CO Clerk's salary for half year 825 00 $388 75 S1760 26 Hfitt 70 Balance, due 'county .. SHERIFF. Sheriff's fees in suits in court..... 1866 60 Earnings other than court costs 67 87 Same «0 30 Total earnings of half vr 714 <7 Receipts of earnings pre viously reported . Total receipts Expenditures. Deputy hire and livery--t 460 00 Xxoense accaunt 75 75 Sheriffs salary half year.. 709 M I 19$ 66 Earned Rec'd S 98 46 . <787 . 124 46 sheriff, which we recommend be paid as follows, to-wit: dieting prisoners, M26. Your committee would further rec ommend that an order be drawn 00 the county treasurer for the amount so shown to be due the county clerk and sheriff, and that the circuit clerk turn over to the county treasurer the bal ance shown to be due the county. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. M. Turner. Chairman. John Baldock. j. C. ladd. E. C. Jewett. Ia. E. Mentch. J.V B. Richardsoa The committee on public buildings made the following report, which»Iras approved, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee on public buildings would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We recom mend that the WoodstocK Woman's club be granted the use of the two (2) rooms in the southeast corner of ihe court house under the circuit rierk's office to be used as rest rooms for women, and attach a radiator to the steam plant for heating, without ex panse to McHenry county. That the public buildings committee be authorized to have laid on the floor of the county court room a cork car pet. As the ventilation in the county jail and "the circuit court room is in such condition as to be mimical to health we recommen-l that the public build- Sags committee be authorized to em ploy an expert On ventilation to draw plans to properly ventilate the jail and circuit court room, and any other room or rooms in the court house that needs ventilation, and have the same proper ly ventilated. We would recommend that a light be installed in the yard back of the court house in place to be designated by the sheriff. All of which is respectfully submit ted. U E. Mentch. Chairman. W. li. Ward. H. K. Helnemann. F. D. Perkins. L*. B. Covell. H. M. Turner. ®- C. Jewett. The committee on elections made the followinit report, which was adopted, to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the election ex penses for Nov. 3rd, 1908. would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Rilev *$0 80 Marengo. 1st ^39 Marengo. 2nd 60 20 ljunham 60 20 Chamung. 1st 60 20 Chemung. 2nd.. 60 20 Alden.... .." '..T. GO SO HartJand 59 70 Seneca 59 60 Coral 60 20 Graftcm: 60 20 I>orr. 1st 54 00 Dorr. 2nd 64 00 Dorr. 3rd 5!i 00 Dorr. 4th 69 60 Greenwood 69 70 Hebron 60 50 Richmond 60 60 iiurton 61 00 McHenry. 1st 60 20 McHenry. 2nd I.. 60 20 Nunda. let 60 20, Nunda. 2nd 6P 90 Algonauin. 1st 60 60 Algonauln. 2nd 6? 90 Algonauin. 3rd 60 3# „All of which is respectfully submitted. E. C. Jewett. Chairman. B. Richardson. W. H. Ward. John Baldock. H. E. Whipple. TV-' committee to settle with the treasurer made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman said Gentlemen of the Roard of Supervisors: Your committee to settle with treasurer would beg leave to submit the following report Qn the matters before them: , _ We have examined and ohecKea tne books nnd vouchers in the county treas urer's office and find them correct and satisfactorily, showing as follows: Ralance on hand Dec. 1, 1907. .$ 16129 24 Receipts from *11 sources during the year. 01 V&L _T. . ^ AN AMERICAN Ob W» ... .... •• 6136« Work bench and vice. -- Set WE ro« Borings 3 1MB6 10 Stencil ilaic...... .. All of whleh 1fc lesiieijtfull; submitted. Disc ouivcriasjr.,.. , William S. McConnell. 'Corn planter.... .. County Treasurer. 3 plows ... Annual report of official fees and a-section drag. .... .. .. emoluments received and expenditures 2 screw drivers .. ., made by William S. McConnell. coun- 4 wrenches ty treasurer of the county of McHenry . .fair tin shears.-. and state of Illinois: <4 sprinklers To the Chairman of the County Board 2 cable chains of McHenry county: I. William S. Mc- a orunumg Knives Connell. county treasurer in and for « orunnint; nippers. the county of McHenry and state of 11- J Pruuaina saw linois. respectfully present the follow-1 j£,»y tiole saw ing report of all the fees and emolu- 2-mch auger ments of my office, and also of neces- I Try sauure sai'y expenditures therefor, for and dur- fair compasses ing the year ending Nov. 30, 1908, where- pair pnn tonxfe .. M .. in 1 state the gross amount of all fe& 3 u»De wrencnes or emoluments by me earned by offi- Grind su-ne eial service durijig said year, the total 1rowel -- amounts of receipts of whatever name cultivator or character, and all necessary expen- iiosr wringer sea fbr clerk hire, stationery, fuel, and 2 funnels other expenses: |<M> 11. lire hose and fixtures-- 1 per cent com. on 167764.92 reed. |Oil stoue .. from twp cols ® » ladders 2 per cent com. on $4^)630.23 col. (Swin cnri as co.col •• •• i* ^ r;niK.... (Making del. list for pub. « tracts &nd 63 lots fiit 3c; m&k* ing del. list for judg. 61 tract* and 48 lots at 3c; selling M tracts and 41 lots at 10c includ ed in interest and costs) 1 per cent com. on 18839.02 reed. as co. treas-- 1 per cent com. on $77216.49 Pd. out as co. treas •• v •• Int. and coats for delinquent Statements to twp. officers 32$ at a wheel uarrows.... Bush scythe 7 hops .. .. ,, 3 potato lorks PlCtt ,.... ? garden rakes.... . Set scales 18 39 hand saws .. | Square 772 16 Bevel auuare 12 .Monkey wrenches.. 204 13 ' 2 Diane* |Brad and six bits... St' 90 Hay kmie 2 tnauis... Total receipts.,.. .. Expenditures. Stationery and. printing.. Miscellaneous.. Treas. salary.... Total expenditures.... . Balance.... ...,f 27SC i2 2 chisvls-- .. .... .. Is step leaders ., " ? 50 "Draw share.... .... .. . 20 U) 3 wedges... ' Z cross cut saws...;.. .. $ 2260 90 Sausage mill...... .. .. ....> 2273 00 2 pair wire Pinchers.... ....I 619 92 1 Pair pinchers.... .... .• .. ....T v. , . Respectfully submitted this 1st day <-aldron kettle Uasoi.ne engine.. fumoino' jack Scythe grinder Sorinif tooth harrow.. 2 set f«y n«t8 of December. 1908. William S. McConnell. County Treasurer. I. Wm. S. McConnell. county treasurer of McHenry county, state of Illinois, . _ being duly sworn, upon oath, say mat | . tank the above and foregoing statement ; ^r1 -- is true to the best of my knowledge ! and belief, this 2nd day of December, . ° ^"rinkler A. D. 1908. William S. McConnell. County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to in usual form before me this 3rd day of l»ec. A. D. 1908. G. F. Rushton, County Clerk. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the ilacK »a 100 ft .'-4 in. garden hose.. Soiay t ump URi>CKRIES ANlj FUEii. ^ bbl. salt at 31.60 Barrel mit at J1.30 160 lbs. uoap at .tH.... 17a lbs. wash powder at *6®!" 126 I os. corn beef.. . t« 5 HJ3 1 «l 33 i*) IK W ltt wo 6 Dl< Iv Hi 10 w 60 I uo i IK* 1 UO iiO • 1.0 ^6 & 60 4 uO Z 1M 60 2 uo '<& SO U0 20 3 uO 10 I UO I 00 1 0U ) 60 1 03 4*J £ «0 1 00 60 20 60 60 1 00 M' 1 00 40 1 60 1 60 1 00 £ ot- 4 00 1 00 4y 10 00 300 00 10U 00 5 00 6 wj 1' 00 1- 00 6 00 12 00 60 00 (.0 t uo 1 (10 3 00 1 20 6 00 6 2$ 12 50 *r, tfiwinnajQ mo vrtinuemeii of tn© p^i ..j_^_Q^ izdu Board of Supervisors: Your committee jb |alu *ar 12 00 to settle with the treasurer would beg 'so gal PV' Y ' S " Total.... pisfeyriyeinentf for year- SI40409 25 .... 121714 15 leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have examined and checked the books and vouchers in the county treasurer's of fice and find them correct and satis factory. showing as follows: Receipts from all sources during the year *124280 61 Balance on hand as per report Dec. 1. 1907 1<512» J4 , Total 3140409 25 Disbursements for year 121714 15 Balance on hand Dec. 1. lVos 18696 10 The county treasurer's itemized re port hereto attached, which with the county treasurer's report showing offi cial collections and disbursements made during the past year, we submit as part of this report. We would recom mend that the county treasurer be and he is hereby authorised to borrow at the lowest possible rate of interest such sums of money as may be required from time to time to pay the running ex- penses of the county yntil suf/lcien* rundp shall have been collected from the current year's taxes and turned over to the treasurer by the various town collectors to meet said expenses. ui T^hD'C,,ci,.1SSJ:"u")' "ul"nlu«1- Helnemann. A . A. Crlssev. J. E. Williams, W. H. Ward. 'Lir at <1.30.... sacks Cabbage.. 100 ton co.u _ 20 cords wood 9 cases breakfast food J3.15. 1-2 bbl. oat meal.. 250 lb. (Hitrar 100 lb. rice 10 lb. coffee. 100 lb. salt 6 lb niacaroni ] 40 lb. tea ...... 3 1-2 do*, can corn JBW 20 can setup j 5 60 14 00 26 00 0 00 ?V5 00 120 10 24 iS5 3 00 13 .5 6 CO 1 70 6 00 30 12 00 10 00 2 case* can salmon >0 lb. nepper 2 cases gold dust.... 72 lb butter » 20 gal. •yrup 5 boxes soap 12 lb borax 1-2 doz. bottle bluing 1100 cans fruit 30 gal. kerosene 75 gal. Mrs 6 gal. disinfectant at ttJO 2 gal. bed bug poison Matches Total FURNITURE AND FIXTURES! 2 steels.... 6 dnst pans 2 celling brooms 4 60 2 60 » 00 21 60 6 90 12 (0 1 60 30 220 90 3 00 » *> 12 CO 4 00 10 00 S 1379 25 balance on hand Dec. 1, 1908. .$ 18636 10 The county treasurer's itemized re port hereto attached, which, with the county treasurer's report, showing of ficial collec tions and disbursements made them during the past year, we submit as part io^inera. of this report. We would recommend .hat the county treasurer be and he |s hereby authorized to borrow at the low est possible rate of interest such Finns of money as may be required from time to time to pay the running expenses of the county until sufficient sums shall have been collected from the current vtar's taxes and turned over to the treasurer by the varjpus town collect ors. to meet said expenses. We Would further recommend that In case the trensurer borrows any money as herein authorised, that he repay the same to the 1-ank or person from whom he may borrow such amounts, as soon as the condition of the treasury will permit. AU_of_wlilch Is respectfully submitted. Rem Throop. Chairman. II. F. Heinemann. W. H. Ward. J. E. Williams. A. 'A. Crlssev. To the Chairman and Members of the Hoard of" Supervisors of McHenry Coun- iy Illinois: I herewith submit to your honoraBte board my annual report as county treasurer of said coanty or year ending Nov. 30. 1906: Debits. Amt. on hand Dec. L 1907 f ^ Reed, from taxes •<* Reed, as int. and costs Reed, from poor bills Itecd. from cir. elk Nov. report Reed, from clr. elk unclaimed witness fees • • Reed, from cir. elk unelalnved sheriff fees Reed, from co. elk. Nov. report Reed, from co. elk. unclaimed witness fees Reed, from co. elk. unclaimed sheriff fees Reed, from co. elk insane pau pers - 288 W Reed, from co. elk. costs, coll from Kane Co. change of ven ue Reed, from co. elk. refund on or der No. 6669 Reed, from co. elk. refund on or der No. 6843 Reed, from Master In Chanoery and by order of court Reed, from J. S. Maxon. re funded cor. inq. fees Reed, for institute fund Reed, for burial of Timothy Cum mins Th. 2 chopping knives The committee on finance made the z covered dishes.... following report, which was adopted, to-*2 gravey bowels Wit; ,One-bbl. oil tank , 2 office tables Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tne •> small tables,,,,. Board of Supervisors: Your committed »'i mJc """ on finance to whom was referred the * 7„' " l-oud of William S. McConnell as coun- £ '°°k "f chairs.... tv collector would beg leave to submit i* ^71, ' the following report on the matters be- * Furniture and flxturA~ .4 .... 1®2 66 p. p. HctUbeae * Co.. Oroceri«B mad M... You^committie"" would"' ^commend that the county employ Dr **-1>\- derson as eountv physician f°r 1909 to attend the patients at the l*oor House at $3 per visit, he to furnish his °\our1 committee would also the appointment of G. K, Mills and wife as uun-- ntendent at a salary of $1100 per annum for running the foor Farm and house and for the proper care of all inmates who may be in Uie house on the first day of January. 1909. or w'-o may be admitted during tne vear. The said superintendent to fur nish and pay all necessary hel^ With the exception of one hired man. whom we recommend that the board employ at a salary not to exceed $25 i»er month, and hired man to work at all times under the instructions and direc tions of the superintendent or his wife. It is further recommended that the superintendent or some responsible cm- Dlovee of kis or of the county shall at all times be In personal charge of the inmates. The superintendent shall be employed for such time as his servic es shall urove satisfactory to the board of supervisors and its poor farm com mittee not to exceed one year from January 1st. 1909. It is further under stood arid agreed that the entering up on the duties of superintendent of said Poor Farm shall constitute an ac ceptance of all the foregofng provisions and be in part a contract, between the superintendent and the board of sup ervisors. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. R. Whipple. Chairman. A._A._Crissey. JL. B. Covell. E. C. Jewett. N. Brottman. Ij. E. Mentch. Ben Ths-oOP. The special committee on Hart land bridge made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the petition of the highway commissioners of Hartland township, asking county aid in build- inR a new bridge across the Kishwau- kee. at Brookdale. would beg leave to submit the following report on the mat ters' before them: Your committee met July 18th, with the commissioners of highways of the town of Hartland at said bridge and decided it was necessary to construct a new bridge. Found the highway com missioners had complied with the law reouired to allow thein county aid. The clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for a new steeil bridge. 60 feet long. 14 foot roadway, cement tloor, but- menta and wings. Plans and specifica tions to be decided upon, on date of opening the bids. July 29th. at the court house in the city of Woodstock. Your committee met at the court house with the commissioners of highways of the town of Hartland on July 29th, and let the contract for said bridge to the lowest bidder, the Freeport Bridge Company for <1197. Your committee met at Brookdale with the highway commissioners of the town of Hartland and found that the bridge had been finished according to contract. And your committee by spe cial report recommended that the coun ty clerk be authorized to draw an or- der on the county treasurer, for *598.60 the one-half of the contract price, being the county's share to pay. lMien done we recommend that the action of the clerk In drawing the order be approved. wA,L< ° ttr? I110!1 is reHP®c«ully submitted. H. E. Whipple. Chairman. *»hn Baiuocn, h M. Turner. The purchasing committee made the following report on matters before them, to-wit: Mr. Theo. Hamer. Woodstock. III.. My Dear Sir: Permit me to make vou the following proposition, to exchange your present typewriters for new No. 6 Olivers, as follows: No. 6 Oliver. (12 inch carria**) 10 per cent cash discount.... 110 00 JfrOP Your machine 40 00 CO. off Same, same •• w " Callaahan & Co.. 111. Ap|<? ***&• Vols. 138. 139. J40.... - " - *» Geo. A. Ogle & Co- * ̂ w for cir. elk " " " " 15 00 Same. co. elk-• • "VJ*" ̂ o sup. National Office Supply w 2 75 plie* Cienr'* M Judare 1000 W. C. DeWolf. serv- »» printing W o o d s t o c k S e n t i n e l C . . . . 5 3 9 6 env. for cir. c,k- " " " 6126 Same minting and env." for co. Same, printing ^ 4b 06 Harvard Herald, printing 45c, jo Nunda Herald. Printing ^l etC - J? &0 Minting £l- "50 WoodSocf R«.. Printing for co. R ^ Gifv oi Woodstock, light and wat- ^ ̂ Hotel Woodstock, meals for jur- ^ ̂ C °1r' ' Beardsley & S^n- "auto deliV; K 75 "ing ballots * _ 10 00 Walter Hoy. same.... •••• • ^ , 2 15 G. E. Still, expense deliv. oa 5 w Kmil Arnold, serving eft*1 •• - «-» 00 6 00 rime. W.%. T&ir**:**£* n \v Hill, same ' Hnnaford. 51^1- oi E. I- James ^ * '"mdse for sher- Murphy & Mullen. mase 6110 iff...... ** " « sewer pipe ct. h 1 13 "Tv. m -« 17 days Same. 4 day*..-- •• Same. lday.... •• V " .. ,5r?. Same. Nov »i9 :>ni 05 4m 75 (73 82 43 70 24 06 IS 64 28 40 87 86 131 46 16 00 6 90 1137 60 IT 00 344 00 30 00 We have carefully examined said bond and find that the same is duly execut ed in ihe sum of $100,000 signed by Wil liam S. McConm-U as pr;nc pal and Har riet S. McConnell. Fred B. McConnell. Charles H. Donnelly. Emery E. Itich- ar.'s. Charles .S Northrop. George H. Hoy nnd A11103 K. Hu.iker as sureties, nnd we would recommend that said bond be approved, the sureties being trood and fcu/ficient. and not disquali fied from signing said bond under the law. All of which is respectfully submitted. John Baldock. Chairman. H. E. Whit pie. A. A. Crissey. J. E. Williams. The committee on poor farm made the following report, which was adopted, to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen or tne Board of Supervisors: Your committee beg leave to submit the following re port: The committee met at the Poor House 011 Tuesday. November 24th, A. D. 1908, for the purpose of making an inventory of the personal property on and about the Poor Farm and trans acting such other business as should properly come before said committee. JMembers present. Whipple. Coveii, Cris sey. Mentch. Throop. and Jewett. The inventory is as follows: FARM STOCK. Sorrel gelditUF 73 00 Roan gelding Roan mare Black mare.... DO 00 '5 hanging lamps... 15 milch cows at $30 450 00 Clock. Yearling heifer 16 00 Bull 80 00 15 fat hogs at I18.60 *4 Oo 29 stock hogs at 16.,,. .. •• •• 1?4 00 Boar 10 00 4 sheep at 33 22 geese at 11 70 b.vlsteads 60 comforts 80 blankets IS sheets 80 pillow* 12 mirrors 11 sUtnd» 5 suerar bowls....„ .... 24 soup plates :>S cup and saucers-- Sewing machine 3 bells.... 2 lanterns 30 bowls 2 butter dishes 3 bed pans Hot water bag Fountain syringe Svringe 6- gal. kerosene can -- 3 pair crutches 60 nlates 175 pillow cases Coffee boiler 3 coffee pots Tea pot Meat saw Coffee mill Spice mill 6 cooking kettles 20 granite basins 4 dripping pans 15 mop pails 4 padlocks,,. 10 wash basin 4 tubs < wash boards 4S0 gals, of iard jars., 60 towels 240 00: 7 butcher knives J84C 00 Office lamp... 60 60 40 Ed 100 Balance.... 1W I am very truly yours. t. o * ... w- p- «la*ier. J.' 1 Jrl11 take UD your two ma- i W .chimes at the same rate or the two for E0 $118, p ^ Si' r Mr" t,!la'rman and Gentlem.-n of the I M Board of Supervisors. Your purchasing 3.--V 00 committou to whom wnas r..lerred the 90 (A) proposition of W. F. ijlazitr, agent for 120 0J - -- * 3S «X> 50 '10 b 00 4 110 60 1 r,o 3 KO c 00 3 00 1 50 3 00 20 3 00 1 00 i 00 Cleaver. 60 chairs 2 eabb:ip- cutters Set laundry fixtures.... ' Gasoline stove 12 00 ' Range !n Supt. home.... 22 00 i Pair hand cuffs 55 ducks at 60 cents..., 375 chickens at vOc.... Total debits .. ,.«M0409 25 Credits. Pd. state treasurer • 4ilW 6fi Pd. two. officers 3493C 39 32399 84 2657 45 20S0 60 139 80 3.-58 00 173 00 2SL' 24 279 65 46 70 Pd. co. orders... Pd. bounty orders Pd. cir. ct. Jurors Pd. county court Jurors Pd. insane court Jurors Pd. coroner's jurors Pd. coroner's inquest fees Pd. institute orders.... Pd. unclaimed witness fees.. .. Pd. foreign witness fees Pd. reports of births and deaths Pd. court reporter Pd. co. clerk officiating at tax sale Pd. for publication of delinquent list Pd. for publication of assessment list Pd. from funds deposited by or der of court Pd. duplicate tax... 141 90 170 0<r 315 00 22 76 26 M 207 » 912 60 Total * 1TO7 FARM PRODUCTS. 1000 bu. corn at 60c $ ®00 00 300 bu. oats at 60c 40 bu. barley at 4to.. Corn stalks Straw 75 tons hay at 16 25 bu. onions at tl 5 bu. cursnlps. at &0c 250 bu. potatoes 15 bu. carrots at 26c 7 bu. beats at 25c 40 sauash. at 10c 4 1100 auarts canned fruit at 20c.. 3 no 3 00 4 UO 17 6« 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 75 25 5 00 2 00 1 00 6 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 20 45 00 9 00 1 75 50 2 60 1 00 r,o M 00 •100 900 00 U 00 26 00 50 50 3 00 27 M Pair clippers.... 187 to 12 cuspidors 30 chambers 10 CW 1 50 3 00 1 00 26 50 25 00 26 1 00 3 00 4 It) 1 00 4 00 50 60 1 00 3 50 t 90 10 milk pitchers 6 dish pans 10 tin pails 1E0 00 Butter bowl .. 24 00 " chopping bowls 50 00 Range in county house... 15 00 Bread kr.ife. 450 00 2 milk pulls 26 00 2 milk cans 2 60 18 milk setters,.. 187 60 Churn ... ;; 76 45 knives and forks 1 JR 6 deep d.shes 4 00 25 table spoons £0 00 60 tea spoons 6 dining tables Total 9 1733 60 $ .fryin_ar„.D?n? FARM IMPLEMENTS. Road wagon Platform spring wagon, Top buggy Lumber wagon 3 truck wagons Hog rack 2 set double harness t single harness 4 horse blankets.... 2 lan robes Mower .. 2 potato diggers 2 crow bars 3 spades 4 shovels S 83 5 6 SCOOD shovels.. 12 38,2 corn plows,... I Lard strainer, g 00 ' Lard press Rice boiler.... ;40 00 SvruP pump & 00 10 0U 5 coa' hods jp 00 Invalid chair j oo Bread trough -- i. . 20 00 Stove 19 M, 2 meat grinders 2 bureaus. Bed room set •« ^ 4 settees ™ Office desk ^ Milk tank 6 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 26 12 bracket lamps.... Soup tureen 20 pie tins , 77 tllS 76 Balance due sheriff .. $939 98 We further report that we have ex amined the jailor's account, sheriff's •xp-nse bill and account for Janitor, sad find the following amotwt doe On Pd. refund erroneous tax sale Pd. treas. salary 2250 00 4 hog scrapers Pd. association orders 41 37 8 forks Pd stationery, exp.. and kici- U set c.trrv combs and brushes dentals 23 00 3 scvtliee Total credits, H21714 1& ; " •* . . . . 1 8 6 9 6 1 0 . B ^ ^ s a w . . 7 . 7 Total ... .. JM0409 26 ! Gru,b "..7." .." Balance on hand Dec. 1. #918«96 10 j v*4 Summary of Eunds. Scalding tank General fund $ 12338 72 Tax 'paid after abatement).... 17 94 "l* -s gg 64 Pair ice tonga 170 90 ® hammers 3159 80 , Deer in- grain binder .' 40 grain sacks.. 1583 ee Riding plow gt; 87 Fanning mill 1241 30 ! Potato hiller Feed cutter and power tion $ 18702 ]£ Pair hovse clippers.. Association fund overdrawn .... 7 06 Corn sheller Total in funds except assn....$ 18702 16; Hay carrier, fork sn^fOpe.. .. 1 .ess assn. fund overdrawn.... 7 06 Shovel Plow Total in funds ..$ 18696 10 Wire stretcher.... .. .. Cash on hand as follows: JO corn knives la beaks $ 1»« • l-i Balance-- Duplicate tax.... Unclaimed wit. fees Township officers.... Unknown, non-resident, and mi nor heirs fund Institute fund..... Deposited by order of court.... Total in funds except associa- J! r% 20 tin CUDS .. 20 SSf Dos. mops pair of shades ^ 00 30 arm chairs " •0 Colander 1 00 Rubber cushion 1 00 6 Dair scissors 6 00 28 pie plates 25 '4-ouart measure. 1 ®0 2 quart measure ®0 2 dippers .7.7 4 0,1 4 disinfectant guns. 10 00 g milk ladles 35 00 Skimmer ® rSt ' Platters "0 4 traps 'f® 2 potato smashers.'...".' 7'" 10 00 6 flat irons 3 60 2 oil healing stoves..'."...".." zo w) Medicine cupboard.... 6 00 4 comnlodes ^lftl ; hand lire extinguishers.." 1 00 I 6 00 . Total £ I SUMMARY. 26 Farm stock 1 00 Fun products 1 ̂ Vfcm implements 60 8 60 400 2 00 1 00 IB 00 60 10 00 200 4 00 15 00 6 00 10 00 200 8 00 40 60 £? 2 00 » 90 75 1 00 2 0» 2 00 10 10 60 the Oliver Typewriter Co. for the ex change of typewriters in circuit clerk's orfice would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: U'e have considered the proposition made and would recommend that the exchange of the two typewriters now in sa d cir. uit clerk's office be made. The county to give the two old typewriters 111 exchange for two new No. 6 Oliver machines and to pay a difference of 1118 on the two machines. We would further recommend that the county clerk be authorised to draw an order for said amount of $118 upon the O. K. of the circuit 11 fi'k that the exchange has been made. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. C. Jewett. Chairman. Ben Throop. Purchasing Committee. A report of State's Attorney Lowell on moneys used for apprehending crim inals was read to the board and on mo tion of Sup. Jewett. the report was ap proved and the balance of the $23.26 due the state's attorney was allowed, aind listed with the other claims against the county: To the Honorable Board of Supervis ors of McHenry County. Illinois: Gentlemen--About four years ago the sum of two hundred dollars (200) was appropriated by the honorable board of supervisors of this county, for the btate's attorney to use in the Investiga tion of criminal offenses committed within the county. Out of said sum so appropriated. I have used in the fol lowing ca'^s. the following sums, to- wit: In investigating the Forn broth er's case. a>. Algonqujn. the sum of • »» In Investigating the death of Z>an- iel Deuar of Marengo, who was supposed to have been murdered. the sum of 21 00 In investigating the case of death of Earle Eldredge. of Richmond. the sum of 26 00 In Investigating the case of the People vs. Michael O'Connell, of Harvard, charged with murder, the sum of.. 36 U0 In the case of the People vs. John Bedford, including expen ses of James Burke, on trip to Nebraska, and the return of John Bedford, the hum of 137 26 $223 26 Balance due L. D. Lowell, state's attorney $ 23 26 Resectfully submitted. Lk D. Lowell, State's Attorney. The committee on county poor and re liefs made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committe« on county poor and reliefs claims Would beg leave to report that they have ex amined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the fol lowing. and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: 111. Nor. Hos.. clothing for co. pa tients $166 M Alex Reid. funeral exp. John 6. ' I Welch ,. 36 00 IE. V. Anderson, M. D. med. terr. I prisoners 16 00 [J. J. Stafford, burial tficp. of Hen- I rv Honlg 25 00 I All of which Is respectfully submitted. A. A. Crissey. Chairman. L. E. Me.itch. J. C. Ladd. -- jJ. B. Richardson. W. H. Ward. -- 10 | .... 20 I The committee . on claims, for labor. J[? fees and supplies, made the following 1 00 report, which was adopted, to-wit: .! 4 00' Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the 10 00 Board of Supervisors: Your committee 10 00 on labor, fees and supplies. claims, 75 00 i would beg leave to report that they I have examined all claims presented to • i«m « them, and recommend the payment of ....* IK 65 | the f0n0WinK. and that the clerk be di- I rected to issue orders on the county ....$ 17W 00 ! treasurer to the claimants for the sev- 17J3 so eral amounts v allowed, as follows, to- «s*4i 42 60 10 00 2 60 5 00 60 00 60 00 60 QV Dr. vs. Brown •••• * John C. Tyler, same. - Dr J. I. Wernham. same M v Woleben. same •• Fr«d Woleben. same.... •• Winifred Yerke. same Mrs. G. S. Scott. ?ame.. T>r R M. Curtiss. same Mrs. W. W. Williams, same Jas. Cavener. same Marv Cavener. same John Noble, same .Tohn C. Gyler. same.... Mrs. Pearl Kugath. same Hunrv Hauschlldt. same. Ida Kaston. same ... .. •• Andrew Henderson, wit. fees w pie vs. Carlo Ferra Joseph Angelo. same.... A, J. •• *• ** "*»' «a Hoy's Fharmacy. drugs^ glass etc 19 w 2 20 2 20 li 10 2 » 2 20 2 2Q 3 20 2 20 S 20 S 20 S 20 2 20 3 20 2 20 3 20 3 20 1 90 1 90 1 10 Marengo Rep. News Co. sample ballets •• Harvard Herald printing for sup schools •• •• " il* Dixon Hanson Co. mdse. for sup. schools M. W. Welch Mfg. Co.. blanks.... C. M. Parker, blanks, same E. F. Booth, salary 1 mo. asst. co stmt -- ... „ G. W. Conn. Jr.. exp. sunt sch.... 181 00 n. B. Nichols, rep at C house.. 14011 W. H. Davis, work on Colllson bridge 18- John Baldock. com. work...,? 3 w T. O. I«idd. same 11 90 H. F. Heinemann. same 11 M T. B Richardson, same 13 50 William Gardner, approaches Row- 25 00 2 00 7 85 92 00 34 CO 70 00 son's bridge.. K. M Turner, com. work.... 62 ro S 20 Ben Throop. same 19 90 T.. E. Mentch. same.... 23 30 E. C. .Tewett. same R 60 T„. B. Covell same .... 13 9" T. E. Williams, same 3 90 A. A. Crissey, same 7 60 H. E. Whlpnie. same <5 20 Births nnd deaths 113 £0 T. S. Maxon. postmortems 25 "0 W. H. Ward. torn. work. £ 7 0 J j . D. Lowell, bal. due sts. attor ney evnensAs getting Bedford.. 2:1 23 Contlmcitnl Bridge Co.. bridge at R ' c h m o n d , . . . . . . . . . . . , 7 1 . 1 3 6 All of which Is respectfully submitted. V. Brotrman. L. B. Covell. Throop. H. E. Wh'pple. F. D. Perkins. The report of the Seotemher grand lury was rcsd to the board, and on motion of Sup. Mentch. was ordered orinted with the proceedings: STATE OF ILLINOIS. County of McH*tiry. ss. September Term. A. V). 1908. To the Hon. Charles H. Donnelly, "residing Judge of the c'rcu't court of McHenrv county, state of Illinois: We. the undersigned, members of the arnnd lury. of the term aforesaid, re- snectfully renort that we have complet ed our investigations so far as has come to our knowledge of such matters as we deem it our duty to Investigate. We have Investigated <he condition of court hoiis» Including the county iail. and we find everything in good oondftlon and repair, and the prison ers well cared for. A l l o f w h i c h i s r e s p e c t f u l l y s u b m i t t e d . E. B. Hunt. Foreman. Frank McConnell. Clerk. Filed. McHenry County, Illinois. Oct. I. 190$.. Theodore Harper. Clerk of the Circuit Court. The following named persons were se lected to serve as grand jurors at the lanuary. 1909. term of the circuit court of McHenry county. Illinois.. On mo tion of Sup. Whipple, the list was ap proved and the clerk of the hoard di rected to certify the same to the clerk of the circuit court, to-wit: GRAND JURY. Rilev J. H. McKeown Marengo....R. R. Olcott. Fred Dunker Dunham John Davidson Cl-emung John H. Deaner. James Lake Alden John Bungard Hartland Henry T. Enpel Seneca Charles Secor Coral Charles Gllkerson Grafton John Donahue Dorr--O. H. FiJImore, F. A. Walters Greenwood Mvron Goddard Tlehron H. M. R«*er Richmond J. T. Bower Burton F, B, Orvi McHenry--Walter Bradley. F. Wattles Vumla....Grant Randsll John Phalen Algonauin.. William Swartx. J. fiuehler SUP Jewett presented a matter of forfeited bond of William Lowry. who bonded William Bruce in penal sum of $1,054. including bond and costs, and up on his motion the county treasurer was instructed to bid on farm, not to ex ceed amount of judgments and costs, that was being advertised for sale to satisfy said judgment. On motion of Sup. Mentch hoard ad- iourned until the second Tuesday of February. 1MB. WILLIAM DESMOND. Chairman. Attest-Q. F. RUSHTON. Clerk. French Oyster Gatherer*. The work of oyster collecting and culture la most unsuitable for women, but In France, owing to its tedious na ture, it does not appeal to men. Often from an eaipr hour In the morning till late into tBB evening the women are standing up to tbe knees in water, with a strong sun beating down on them. Tbe result la that never a year passes without some of them going mad and having to be hurried away to the asylums. The work la well paid, as, indeed, it ought to be, while in the case of the few who own beds tbe profits are large, and small fortunes are quickly amassed. "What a frail looking body that poor fly has!** exclaimed the Innocent city boarder. "Don't you fool with that frail body," rejoined the old farmer. "It belongs to a wasp, and if you get familiar you'll find it strong enough In the end."--New York Journal. "An elephant must b* a pretty ex pensive animal." "Yea. I wish 1 had enovgh moasy to buy one." "Why do you want an elephant?* "1 dont want an elephant at all. 1 merely expressed a wish for tb* Ha Uasrf His Own !«4y to Leak In a Ferryboat. One morning In January, w tee In the Hudson river ma heavy, a Hoboken ferryboat crunched her way through tha floes until the thickness of the choked her paddles in midriver. It an early morning trip, and the were crowded with laboring me the driveways choked with teams, women and children standing the cabins were a solid mass up 1 swinging doors. While she was ering strength for a further effo ocean tug sheered to avoid her, a point and crashed into her side, ting her below the water line great V shaped gash. A moment and the disabled boat careened the shock and fell over 'cm har helpless. Into the V shaped water poured a torrent. It seemed a question of minutes before she wc lunge headlong below the ice. Within 200 yards of both beats free of the heavy ice steamed wrecking tug Reliance of the shore Wrecking company, and deck forward stood Captain When the ocean tug reversed 1 glnes after the collision and clear of the shattered wheeihow*! the ferryboat he sprang forward, 1 ed down, ran his eye alot»g the line, noted in a flash every shat plank, climbed into the pilothouse j his own boat and before the ai ed pilot could catch his breath the nose of the Reliance along 1 of the ferryboat and dropj>ai latter's deck like a cat. With a threat to throw ever any man who stirred he dropped the engine room, met the engineer I way up the ladder, compelled h return, dragged the mattresses the crew's bunks, stripped off blanks and snatched lip clothes, overalls, ton waste and rags of carpet, ming them into the great rent left the tug's cutwater. It was useless. Little by little water gained, bursting ont first bel< then on one side, only to be calked again and only to rush In once more. Captaiu Scott stood a moment as undecided, ran his eye searching!j the engine room, saw that for his; it was empty, then deliberately tc down the top wail calking he had carefully built up and before the gineer could protest forced his body into the gap, with bis: level with the drifting ice. An hour later the disabled f« boat, with every soul on board, towed into the Hoboken slip. When they* lifted the captain the wreck he was unconscious barely alive. The water had tromm blood, and the floating Ice had tmm flesh from his protruding arm it shoulder to wrist When the color gan to creep back to his cheeks opened his eyes and said to the Who was winding the bandages: "Wus any of them babies hurt?" A month passed before he regal his strength and another week the arm had healed so that be coul get his coat on. Then he went back the Reliance.--Everybody's Magazine. BUYING THE WIND. Iceland "Wizards" Who Used te to Superstitious Mariners. In the old days of sailing ships was a common thing for a sea eaptali to "buy the wind" for bis voyaga, though, strangely enough, tbe otuy peo< pie supposed to deal In it were tl Icelanders. When a constant succe sion of baffling winds or dead calma had persistently followed a ship fot more than one cruise, it was not at unusual for tbe skipper of a big wind- Jammer to pay a visit to Iceland foe the sole purpose of purchasing wind enough to last him on his next voyage or two. In every port tn Iceland one or mom "wind wizards" were to be found, who were ready to sell a favorable wind for the next six mouths or a year to •ea captain willing to invest in some thing he could not see. The sailor, hav ing found his way to tbe magician's bouse, first proceeded to spread ost upon tbe floor the articles offered paymeut for the wind--tallow caudlest cloth, beads, knives, powder and lead. After a good deal of haggling an& many times adding to or taking"" away from tbe little pile of merchandtoe be tween them the price was finally agreed upon, and the captain pai over his handkerchief to the Icelander. The wind merchant muttered certain words into it. tying a knot in the kerchief at tbe end of each incanta tion. This was done to keep the magle words from evaporating. When a cer tain number of knots had been tie& the handkerchief returned to Its owner, with a strict charge to keep It knotted and guard it with nary care until he arrived at the sired port and at each port a knot to be taken out One old captain bad been so bothers ̂ with bead winds that he kept crytagg out to tbe Icelander to tie another knafc ln tbe handkerchief and another andl another, so as to be sure of plenty d§ the wished for sephyrs, until there was no room for any more and three knives and thirty had been added to the heap on tte floor. But when the tfjad greedy c«p» tatn was two days at sea a terrific gala began to harl the ship ahead of it.- ever Increasing in fury, until ah* plunged along under bare poles, wtfti her no«e deep in the brine and tons «C water washing her decks. Daikar darker grew the sky, and Weber higher roe# the racing; foam waves, hammering the laboring with ceaseless blows until began to open under the strain and Irts ft> the sea. ( Then, believing te ted tte devil Ik his pocket the badly frightened skip per drew forth the much knotted tend kerchief and threw It overhoardL Si short time the tempest abated, clouds cleared away, and the subsided, but one seaman never bought wind. He was content with tte- kind that comes by chance.--New York Tlwes. "Something old and something borrowed -- "To what are you altadteff* "A bride's costume." "Oh. I thought maybe you wen bag a recipe for a joke column,*' the preew humorist wearily finiitM Journal