Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1909, p. 5

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BY ALL MEANS ^ANTA GLAUS is growing more sensible and practical *^eaeh year, and, instead of the glitter and tinsel so com­ mon at Christinas time in days agone, we now See the giv­ ing of those wholesome, substantial things which do so much to beautify the home and make it more comfortable and en­ joyable for the entire family. So great has been this change that where Christmas a few years back made but very little difference in the Furniture Business, it is today oiie of our busiest seasons. . For weeks before the Holidays we search the markets for the new ideas in our line with the result that we have today on our floors the largest stock in our history, and not an article but would be acceptable to one or another member of the family as a Christmas gift. Then there is the further pleasure afforded by th^ fact that many of these articles can be shared by all, thus making the re­ cipient feel that the gift has a double value. : ; Christmas Gifts k~~ I- I : 'p. i ' fc'- ' t&.V- - h Are shown sit this store , in abundance. gift here for all your friends and every member Qf your family that is useful and will make you feel proud to give. Make your Christmas money go farther by shopping here early. We are offering special bargains in Christmas Gifts that early buy­ ers are sure to take advantage of. Every depart ment, every counter, every shelf and case is radi­ ating the gay spirit of Christmastide. All regular stocks have been reinforced, and great purchases of special Holiday Merchandise swell every sec­ tion to overflowing. This store is a great Christ­ mas Bazaar filled with gifts both useful and orna­ mental. Your gift problems can be solved here quickly/ pleasantly, satisfactorily and at surpris- ingly low pricfc*. -teSp: M. J. WALSH GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. •PHONE No. 483 is Panulte SeiMin and we ar^ here -to tell you that the manufac­ turer or manufacturers who can beat us when it comes t<j Pure Buckwheat Flour is going some. We are producing a Buckwheat Flour that far surpasses anything that your grocer can or is able to furnish. We therefore ask you to insist Upon your grocer's giving you the McHenry product. At the same time we wish to fix upon your memory the fact that our sales on * 'Early Riser" Flour are steadily growing, which shows us that the housewives of McHenry and the sur­ rounding country can easily judge good from poor flour. If you have%'t given it a fair trial, do so at your earliest convenience. Our line of Graham Flour, Breakfast Food, Corn Meal, Rye Flour and Pumpernickel Flour is always fresh and of the very purest that human skill can make ft, Try it and convince yourself that these statements,are the trat^/ iss WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER. Prop. 4P % Wilbur LumberCo. Lumber* CoctJU Feed L&th( Shingles * ^ >fti'" Saishi Poors* Movildings Jrp~ • * f * ' .r" Limli. >• ~y ; " ^ f . £5*' * • VtW- ! > • v'; >* • Telephone (9 Wil Weil McHenry. III. 3 . ;\.-V '1^' : was in Crystal Lake B. E. Knilaaa was in W F. E. Thnyer of Hebron te visiting at Sirs. E. Smith s. Mr*-1. E. Mum was ft .Woodstock Visitor Saturday. , ' Mrs. D. I*. Gibeon was a Crystal Lake shopper Saturday. Mr. Scott of at C. H. Dntield's. Mrs. Rwhton of Woodstock ia viait- iog at I. Ericfoa's. J. H. Miller of Chicago spent Sunday with his family here. Miss Agnes Dufield was a caller in Woodstock Satarday. Earl Jacobs and sister, Gleuys, were at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. A. Hansen and sons were in Crystal Lake Wednesday. D. O. Kline and Howard .faoobs were Woodstock callers Thursday. Mrs. Olive Baldwin of Crystal Lake was here on business Saturday. Mrs. Citas- Kiltz of Cary was visiting relatives here Satarday and Sunday. Mrs. Anna Wilpox and children of Woodstock; visited at J. B. Lyoch's Sun day. ' .. ' - W. 8 Jaynes, P. Wide and W. Levey were in Woodstock on business Satur- day. Miss Edith Jenks of Elgin visited her grandmother, Mrs. S. Wakefield, last week. Mrs. J. B Lynch land daughter, Mad- alene, were in Harvard on business Sat­ urday. Mrs. W. R. Shelt of ^oodgtock took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler Sunday. ; Mrs. Knilans, daaghter, Rhoda, and son, Donald, were visitors in Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Aimers and Miss Clara Shoff were Christmas shoppera in Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed %nd daughter of Woodstock sp^nt Sunday with their parent^ here. Mr 4nd Mrs Ed Ford have moved onto the farui commonly known as the old Mink farm. Mrs. H. Reed and danghter, Mrs. R. iWatertuau, visited relatives in Wood­ stock Thursday. .Mrs. J. B, Lynch visited her daugh­ ter. Mrs. C, E. Conerty. in Chicago Monday and Tuesday. " Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benson attended the funeral of an old friend and neigh bor in McHenry Wednesday. Keiuember Santa Claus will greet yon at the church Friday evening, Dec. 34; also an excellent program and tree. Miss Clara Shoff of LaGrange, who is spending the winter with her cousin, A, Anners, and wife, is visiting her par­ ents at L<» Grange daring the holidays. Miss Mildred Whyte is teaching the primary room this week during Miss Johnson's absence. Miss Johnson is quite ill with mumps at her home in Crystal Lake. The following officers were elected in the M. W. A. camp for the ensning year: Consul, J. B. Lynch; advisor, JaB. Whyte; clerk, F. W. Hartman; banker, B. F. Peck; escort, Ed Ford; physicians, Windmueller and Bull; sen try, H Jacobs; manager, 8, Merchant; watchman, R. fiesselgrave SCHOOL NOTES. School will open Jan. 3 after a vaca tion. Miss Mildred Whyte i» anbstitnUng in the first room, Onr exercises will be given Friday morning at 10:30. The following pupils ranked first the past month: Grade 5, Paul Pearson; grade 6, Lucy Benson; grade 7, Helen Whyte; grade 8, Margaret Si Hank -- johnsbubgh. * - Dr. if ye passed Tuesday in Chicago Theo. Meyers drove to McBenry Wed nesday. Miss Celia Nell spent onedajr recently in McHenry. Mrs. Stephen Smith was a McHenry visitor Friday. Mrs. John Thelen was a McHenry shopper Monday. J. C- Debrecht boarded the train for Chicago Monday. C. M. Adams transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. Michael Jus ten of McHenry waa a visitor here Monday. Wm. Blake and w{f« of McHenry were in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thelen were Mo Henry callers Monday. Mrs. Anton Meyers was a Spring Grove visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. F. Schmitt were McUenry callers Saturday. Miss Mary Freund of Volo attended mass here Sunday. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Peter freund spent Tuesday afternoon in McHenry. Jos. Adams and Steve May of Spring Grove Sundayed at their homes here. Peter and John Adams of Spring Grove were in town Monday afternoon. Miss Helen Adams and Mrs. John Freund were Chicago passengers Tues­ day. Miss Rena Miehels and Mrs. John Nieeen passed Monday afternoon in Mc­ Henry. Lou Alt^off of Dundee spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mrs. John S. Freund of McHenry "Wa­ ited her mother, Hit. Micfcela, here Monday. John Miller and Hubert HacVermiller visited last Saturday at the home of 8. M. Schmitt Misses Eva Huemann, Martha Nieeen and Mrs. Fred Justen were McHenry callers Monday. Misses Josephine Lay, Qelia Nell and Emma Bngner were McHenry callers one day last week. Misses Clara Lay and Eva King of Pistakee Bay visitdd at their homes here Friday afternoon. Jos. Miehels went to Chicago Monday to attend the funeral of Auton Thelen, who died Satarday morning * m- WHAT TO GTVE CAN EASILY BE DECIDED IF YOTJ WILI* A ' K OVER OUR EXCELLENT AND WELL CHOgJEN STOCK OF for everybody at all prioes makes it possible for us fo meet alf- purses. Our Goods ARE ALL NEW and are priced right in* every case. ^ T n ; ' r S Holiday Gift Suggestions.. WW. ^ • •r^i-7 T\ • « Books, Books, Books, Choice Perfumes, Manicure Seta, Fine Box Stationery, Shaving Sets, Jewel Boxes, Smoking Sets, . Post Card Albums, . Fountain Pens, f Sterling Silver Noveltied; Writing Sets, ^German and English Prayer Books &nd Rosaries, Christmas Cards and Booklets, ^ Art Pottery. >-,{A Toys, Games and Dolls for the little folks. I ^ i . i i » ' " i ' i i ' i - - i . \ i ' ' i • ' . I ' . " ' . , j ii i '".J ii . ; i . i i i . r i i : A Most Complete Display Awaits Your Inspection. Your Money Will Co farther Here liidic flsewtiere. PETESCH'S DRUG STORE, - - - - • - ' - • ILLINOISkji fC;-,"; vi a McHENRY, The Mutual Benefit life Insurance (o. . new the Leadlng Artnual Dividend Company Has dnring the past sixty*four years paid to policyholders, $263,296,648.95 Assets Jan. 1,1909, $121,260,086.89 : Snrplus, $5,628,151.17 No company ha* accomplished better results for its policyholders CARL W. STENGER, A sent. V P H I L I P J A E O E R GENERAL COilMlSSlON MERCHANT • - • • ' ' . 7 s SFBCHAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO THK SALS OF Dressod BOEF, riutton, Hogs, VmI, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs . . Tiiis is the oldest house on the street Tags anil prioe llste furnished on application COLD STORAUE FREE .H" ^ICHICAQO, ILLINOIS. t' vMlt.. 'A" Stdl it), Pattos M. Whslsssls Marlut, >& Mat. Adams, John Miller and Hubert Hackermiller of Btacyville, Iowa, are spending the week with relatives and friends here. •OMR. Mrs. Jack Stadtfield *|P a Li bertyville caller. a > Miss Carrie Worts is spending a oouple of weeks with relatives in Elgin. Miss Annie Rossdeutscher of Wan- conda spent Thursday night in Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Bylvestsr Wagner were McHenry callers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. W. M. Huaon visited friends at (Jrayslake a few days the latter part of the week. Mrs P. 8. Stadtfield and Miss Gene­ vieve Effinger were McHenry visitors last Tuesday. Messrs. Will Geary and Albert Stub- bins of Waueonda were In Volo one afternoon last week. Mrs. Wm. Hironimns was the guest of relatives in Elgin from Wednesday nntil Friday of last week. Miss Genevieve Effinger left here Thursday for Burlington, Wis., where she will stay for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clough and Misses Bessie Clough and Rnby Cook of Wau- cooda were in town Wednesday after­ noon. Mrs. 8. Joyoe, Claremont, N. H., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy. It cared me of a severe case of kidney trouble of several yearn* standing It certainly is a grand, geod medicine, and I heartily recommend it." Frank Mas- qoelet. TKKRA COTTA. Mrs. W. H. Grant is qnite sick at this writing. Mrs. Marlon Havens spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. J. Gibbs of Emerald Park spent Tuesday at M. Knox's. Miss Ellen Doherty of McHenry spent Tuesday with relatives here. W. A. Goodwin of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Monday. Mrs. A. T McMillan and Mrs. Henry McMillan spent Monday in Elgin. Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughter, Glenys, were Chicago visitors Monday. Mrs. Helen Fox returned to her home in Iowa Monday after several weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. 4-. T. Mc­ Millan. The Barreville school visited the Terra Gotta school Monday, and a pleasant afternoon was spent by all, speaking pieces and singing songs. HOKE DANVIILE PROOf. Jacob Schrall, 432 South Danville, 111., writes: "For over eighteen months I was a sufferer from kidney and blad­ der trouble. Daring the whole time was treated by several doctors and tried several different kidney pills. Seven weeks ago I commenced taking Foley's Kidney Pills and am feeling better ev­ ery day and will he glad to tell anyone interested just what Foley'B^idney Pills did for me." Frank Ma*}aetet. -CENTERVILLE- "jV '."s and Market v\, .•£ Always a fresh and com- , plete line of the choicest ̂ " of Groceries and Meatsf/;>« Phone, 552. :: :* CHAS. Q. FRETT, McHENRY, PROPRIETOR- - ILLINOIS. /P t Don't be deceived by extravagant claims % of far away, unknown makers who claim to sell good stoves at a price that does not even pay for the cost of good material alone. A little use quickly shows their "built to sell" character, the light cast­ ings will firecrack, warp or burn out. The seams will open, oven will farl to bake, grates cannot be operated, doors fail to close and the hundred and4 one other features of cheaply made and care­ lessly constructed stoves will show them­ selves in their proper light. Our stoves are of the reliable make ant! sold under a positive guarantee. Call and see them a n d g e t o u r p r i c e s . - : : ; ; : : • -m ' * Hi THE! west SIDE HARDWARE

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