Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jan 1910, p. 4

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rn i r^ i rV- - rT^n^ i r f | l ^ Vf i# i cHENRY BRKTT HUNTER, President and r V ' ' f' ° ' M • 1 SEE OUR BIOHTEEN FOOT LAUNCI WITH A <100® MOTOR, C O M P L E T READY TO RUN FOR. i . Regular Price, $MS. % SPECIAL SALE OF- , i ' " in all sizes with a c Per Cen we wish to emphasize the fact most stron ly that those who have in mind the purchase a Launch this coming season now is the time order. "We reserve the right to withdraw the prices without notice. ORDER NOW, TOMO ROW MAY BE TOO LATE. I v:\:. % M: ' "T4 • ' ' 1-&T ' %- - if- Twenty foot IaIinch? ? /r ' ' > ' - : t -IM GOOD * RELIABI M 0 T 0 Regular Price, $325.) r' Our Tornado Hodel, 25ft. FAST FAMILY RUN-A­ BOUT with 10 H. P. four- cylinder Motor a|| 0R PAYMENTS MAY BE ARRANGED BY THE WEEK IN SUNS TO MEET YOUR CONVENIENCE. .00 Regular Price, $650.00. iv c i r r t c Tn imcct vni to rnwvPMiPMrp names, whom you know, who have just purchased our Launches: Nic A. Huematw, J John J. Buch, Peter Rothermel, A. J. Hunter, Q. F, Kramer, Paul Armstrong, Chits. E. Reed and many others on Pistakee Bay and Foxv Lake. SECOND HANtfJlbAR- QAINS in alJl siz|„^ They have . been thf" .uglily overhauled and r«ch' Hinted. Prices..;.,.,,-..! $ s s " 1 V:i jf f : P ? f. 3 May be found in the great­ est variety and at prices that are satisfactory at this place. We have placed in stock a desirable line of winter goods that we want yon to inspect. We natui ally feel proud of this line and that is the reason why we are so anxious to have yon see it, Our repair de­ partment is also offered at your service. • * «* the Nclleiry (MiMeiler PUBLISHED BVEBY THURSDAY BY. F. G. SCH REINER. Ottce la BaakltaUdiaf • Tslephoae.He.WI. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION J Umyur W® ilz months. 75 cts. Thr«e month*. 40 o«. West McHenry. Let Us ir Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per haps you. are not aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom­ ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every c ase conform to the regulations set aside by the Pure Food Law. We want you as one of our customers. M. N. NIESEN 694 Illinois. TELEPHONE NO. rtcHenry, Tburaday, January 6, 1910. MU8T ANSWER 32 QUESTIONS. The C«oib« Knnmermtors Will Ask Many Questions of Householder on C»t)iaf Chicago & North-Western. 4 : > Effective November 14,1900. WXBOK DAT TBAIHB. NORTHBOUND McHe^V 7.06 a W-......... .Via Elgin JO.OMa m g-tSa m--.......Via Des Plainest a m 12.30 pm v- Via Elgin...,..,. m 1 15 pin.........Vlft Bps Plaities,.,. ...vti.OO una alifl d m .Via. Des i'la!ue!n..,...jr>.00 p m aji'BiB . .. -. • Via Elgin... . p ni 9.12 pm. -Via Dee Plalne#v..fp m •trWDAT THAIN8 Via Elgin . .v>..».i!0-30a m . . . . V l f t l i e s P l a t a n s . a . t n ......Via Bes Plaine.Sfe^.,,.3.00p ra Via Elgin -- i","..»?. 4 55 p m ••' ; warn , iA r r i f s , §OtrrH»OOND. ;• |j|j)hicagO ..... Via Des Plaiues......'..9.08a m Via Elgin t».4Ba w Via Des Plaiufe. ..9.4A»nt ...ToCrystal Lakt- ...ArS>M Via IHiPlaliie8iAv.i0.® p m .....Vlalllgta 7.® P n» 80WPAT SRAINtM, McHenry people will have to lied themselves to answer some embarrass­ ing questions when the census taker comes to their doors after Feb. 1. In a majority of cases it will be woman who will be called upon to give the enumerator desired information. The census man will get along aicsly until he geta down to question number seven. "What wae your age at your last birthday T" she will then be asked. Then come a number of personal ques­ tions such as "single or married, wid­ owed or divorced?" When the enumer­ ator asks some choleric business man if he owns bis home and whether it is free or mortgaged it may take tact to avoid trouble. Doubtless there will by many times when a policeman should be with­ in calling distance. Some of the thirty-two questions will answer themselves. A man bright enough to be selected as an enumerator will not need to ask a woman if ahe served in the confederate or union army. And after carrying on his interview for ten minutes he will not need to ask his informant is she blind, deaf or dumb. Ordinarily he can make a shrewd guew as to her color, too. The thirty-two questions that will be submitted by the enumerators areas follows; , 1. Location 1 • », 2. Location of famtljFf 8. Name of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910, was in tjjjis family Y 4. Relationship of person to head of family Y 5. Sex? % , X"'- 6. Color or rae»? ̂ £' * 7. Age at last " 8. Single, married, widowed or di­ vorced v 9. Number of years of present mar riaget 10. Children, number born? 11. How many living* 12. Place of birth? 18. Place of birth of father of this person? 15. Tear of immigration to United States? i:v:-«yfr 16. Naturalized or alien? 17. Speak English? If not, what language? ?•_ • 18. Trade or profession* v ̂ $$$££ 19. General nature of industry in which person works? 20. Employer, employe, or working on own account? 21. Out of work April 15t 19)0? 22. Number of weeks ovt .of work during year 1909? '28. Able to read? 24. Able to write? 25. Attended school any Sept 1,1909? . 26. Home owned or rented ? C Home free or mortgagedJ } Farm or house? ^ d umber of farm schedule? 80. Survivor of union or confederate army? *1. Blind? 82. Deaf or dumt>? OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM 27. 28. 29. 7.S5 a m. . ;•'«i.*6am. 1 . 1 5 p w . »J0 p m. Leave McHenrjr. 7.10 am... 7.10a in.. 8.10am. . &aDp». 4.3ft p m. p m, . A Wretched Mistake to endure the itching, painful distress of Piles. There's no need to. Listen 'I hoffered much from Piles," writes Will A. Marsh, ofSiler City, N. C., till I got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon cured," Barns, Boils, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema Cuts, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, van­ ish before it. 25c at N. H. Petesoh's and F. Masquelet's. WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND FEEDING THE SPARROW8. Qnlt« a Number of Qar CKIbmm Tills a Dally Task. Make One of the most interesting and kind hearted acts performed daily by a num­ ber of our citizens during the present cold spell is the feeding of hundreds of Bullish sparrows which claim this village as their home. In the rear of numerous houses in this village housewives and other members of the family have swept clear a place where crumbs and "left overs" from the table are scattered after each meal. In a few minutes the "eating ground" will be covered with the little birds, chirping gayly as they peck at the food, i A heavy snow such as has just visit- led McHenry works a hardship upon no animal or bird worse than it does upon the sparrow. With the snow a foot or more deep upon the ground, the food supply for the little birds is cut off. They are either fed by considerate housewives or allowed to starve to death. Does not Color the Hair AYER*S iaJues. HAIR VIGOR railing Hair An Elegant Destroys Dandruff .< Makes Hair Grow Composed of Sulphur, Glycerin, fuifai, lodtttin Qtiorid, Capsicum, Sage, Akihol, Water, Perfume. Ask your doctor his opinion of such a hair preparation AVER'S HAIR VIGOR not Color the Hair 3. ft Mia oottnnrt. UnmII. MM*. tber by windl| Hte'sAs*-.,,.., MeHenrj Ratwteini a Large Company of Vinltur« Daring the We«k--Whom W« Bntertaln. Chas. C. Colby was a Chicago passen­ ger Wednesday. E. W. Howe was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Ben Hanly was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. Miss Lena Gesfce is spending a week with relatives in Chicago. Geo. H. Hanly boarded >he Chicago train Wednesday morning. \ Henry Frett of Chicago spent^the first pf the week with relatives here. Kendall Austin and Jack Harding of Woodstock sprat Sunday with McHenry friends. F. H. Wattles attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Wed­ nesday. Jeff Hamilton of«Ft. Sheridan, 111., spent Saturday and Sunday with Mo- Henry friends. Miss Ruby Claxton was the guest of Miss Jennie Beatty at Richmond a few days last week. Robert Matthews of Chicago visited at the home of his father at Barreville one day recently. * Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jnsten and Miss Katie Freund transacted business in the city Monday. Miss Luoy Granger of Janesville, Wis., is a guest at the home of Mrs. F K. Granger this week. Mr and Mrs. W. F. Holts were among the Chicago passengers from this sta­ tion Tuesday morning. Lewis Vertuna of Oak Park spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Fegers, William Niesen of Kenosha, Wis., is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Niesen, John Buss and son of Spring Lake, Mich., passed Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mrs. Bernard Buss. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Block and daugh­ ter, Hazel, were guests of relatives in Algonquin Sunday and Monday. Ben Hutson came home from Wood­ stock Friday evening for a few days' vacation with his wife and family. Mrs. Julia Bishop has returned to her home near Ringwood from St. Paul, Neb., and will spend the winter here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colby and daugh­ ter of Woodstock spent the first of the week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurting here.* Miss Elizabeth Meyers returned to Saginaw, Mich., last Friday after a week s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. M. Merriman, Arthur Merriman and Mrs. Bntton took New Year's dinner with Mrs. Owelty and Mr. and Mrs. Walters at Ringwood. Mrs. P. S. Martin and granddaugh ter, Floribelle Baseett, went to Green­ wood Saturday last for an extended visit with the former's daughter, Mrs. E. Mansfield. Mr. and Mrs. Howard King of Har vard cane to McHenry one day last week to bury an infant child. They were guests of Mrs. Flora Sherburne and daughter while here. _ ^ Petesoh's for drags. ^ Tank heaters at Wo. Stoffel's. ; -.. ^ Air cooled, double exhaust--some­ thing new--our pump engine. Better see it at Wm. Stoffel'a. Schaffer's Orchestra of McHenry fur­ nishes the music for the dances at Smith's ball, Johnsburgb, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week, Jan. 11 and 12. / W. F. Gallaber of Milwaukee, "Wis., spent a couple of days last week with McHenry friends. He was accompanied home by his son. Hurry, Who has been visiting here the past three weeks. If you have entertained company froftn a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the faihily, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfuiiy received. It is a dangerous thing to take a cough medicine containing opiates that merely stifle your cough instead of curing it. Foley's Honey and Tar loosens and cures the cough and expels the poisonous germs, thus preventing pneumonia and consumption, Refuse substitutes and take only the genuine Foley's Hon­ ey and Tar in yellow packages. Frank Masquelet. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen of Ring- wood left last week for Chicago, from which city they departed on a trip thru the South. They will visit several places of interest in the southeastern states and later go to Cuba, where they expect to make their longest stay. The balance of the winter and perhaps some of the spring months will be passed in Cuba, where Mr. Allen Swns land. E. R. Gilbert of Chicago called at thin office on Wednesday morning of this week and renewed his subscription to The Plaindealer for another year. Mr. Gilbert came out from Chicago Tuesday evenintr to pass a few days at the Wui Gilbert home south of town, but on ac count of the stormy weather and blocked roads he was unable to get to his des­ tination until Wednesday afternoon. Rev. S. W. Laucke of Riga, Sas­ katchewan, Can., passed several days this and last week with McHenry friends. Rev. Laucke had charge of the McHenry M. ; E. church several years ago, but since going to Canada has been engaged in farming. He in­ formed his friends here that he had made a snug little sum of money since going to Canada and hopes to make a small fortune there before he retires. He now owns two large farms. - j, t •" I Making Life Safer. r «/J: Everywhere life is being made more safe thru the work of Dr. King's New Life Pills in Constipation, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver Troubles, Kidney Diseases and Bowel Disorders. They're easy, but sure, and perfectly build up the health. 36c at N. H. Pet­ esoh's and F. Masquelst's. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--#1.75 for one year's subscription to both Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND 8TOMACH TROUBLE it Is the best medicine ever gold over a druggist's cc inter. WHEN IN CHICAOO ' Don't forget to call on Limftert Q. Sent 93 Fifth Avei where you will always be treated courteously ami receive the best In the market la the line of Wines, Liquors & Cigar* PARCELS CHECKED FREE. The Riverside Livery R. I. OVERTON, PROP. , 'Buess meet all trains for Riverside Hotel and points Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake. Teambisr of ati Hinds doue promptly. Bpeclai attention irlven to traveling men. First-class figs with or without driver at reasonable prices. McHENRY, - ILLINOia I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY * vw-ni»IUBf S lor Gentlemen Who cherish QuatUy --For Sale by Leading Dealers Place l'our Order Mow. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every pon- office in the country circular letter to the public, urging everypne to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on hie envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office abd leave orders for this staf^nery »»v* it will be pat np ill fint-clgj J manner, < £ itlul _ Professional, Society V tind Business" Cards DAVll) G. WKLL* M. D. DHYSIOJAN, 8UKGEON ANP UCUJ4 Office and residence comer Elut t <3*een afreets. Mc H en ry. Telenhona Hot FSGtKB SI FBG6R8 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. L III, Office at Residence, corner <'ourtMSC Elm streets Te!ephone333. D. T. SMILEY A TTOKNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, (lilac All business intrusted to his CKflre tflfiq properly and promptly attended to. « DR. R. G. CHAMBJSRJL<IN # DENTIST over PMdfey'a Prog St|§t. - flourai 8:oo to sjjof! WRST MOHBNRT. ILL, TMcphon* No 6 Office over M. J. Dr; Ar&0£d Mueller, Physician and Surgeon ^EST . -- -- « in***? flfaa TihphaM N*. a**. f; " > SIMON STOFFIX Insurance Agent for all classesof : i fpoperty in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois rrs$** JH.C. MEAQ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop* < erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Ktc;"".. Also have a special line of Insurance on ufij^ Stock insuring against death from any West McHenry, RUSTY STOVES&fSfOVtrfnPt VtAPE NiEW RUST SHINES IT5BLP WONT WASMOPP^1 li yeur dealer hasn't it see John J.r AIR MOTOR 1% C .2 ouut r "a :: ;4 » I . - . A / . : I gave the traveling salesman's coin ml* sion by purchasing your Air Moto^r Pnmp right here at jtoWf- Pomp coiiji- plete for .......... ft $37.Sf Wm. MtHenry * t* ^ ^ • -j ' , 5 S , A ~ ' - j W-1 > ift , yj • Mi s3* %^'hi ::-W<

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