Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jan 1910, p. 10

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lllllfll • Want Column. BUT JOT MOST HERE, AFTER YOU WEAR " Sincerity -Clothes | Wonder why thepri&e isn't higher. Built to retain the snap j and ginger they're made with-- they never lose their shape, be- ^ cause both clo,tli and canvas-are reshunk by, the London process --can't sag,or stretch. Sincer­ ity Clothes are labeled by the makers, the label is their signed responsibility; the label is a sign of clothes satisfaction. Snappy clothes ^for young men, sedate *5 styles for older ones in our new showing. :: Sincerity A' Ml % WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. & Chamber IAHN CTAFFFI Ortfl#s' Sets, JUilli mm BdOiUS Slop Jus J V 111 1 • V • • MM WEST McHENRY. - TBLEPHONE 301 (abMes January Clearance Sale! In order to reduce stock before taking inventory and to dispose of the few remaining pieces of Hand Painted and Fancy China, I offer a discount of ;% * f tv 50 Per Cent Off : ? 2 - . y . . . A the really low prices the Wares are marked, which makes every item in this line a bargain. Should you still be in need of anything in this lfiie, it will pay you to take advantage of this more than liberal discount. Call and look over my 4 f;-,TEN CENT COUNTER and be convinced that, not everything has advanced in price--at least not at this store. On this counter are pure food products of standard quality, canned goods, cereals, preserves, etc,; ^linaware^ glass­ ware and other useful articles. v? *r V^. & ' <v - • * T< *- V* * If * r tfv* vv*- x- We have upon oar floors 1 number of real bar­ gains in Base Barnora. Owing to the fact that we haven't the room to store these stoves we are going to offer them to the public at a great aac- rifice--COST PRICK. Remember that the nam* ber is very limited and ike ulu rule, First uuuie best served, will pre dominate. If yon know that yon will want a Base Burner next winter and yon have che place to store one NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY. Don't let this opportvni- • tyslip past. JOHN J II Yon Desire To increase the feeding capacn ty of your farm 50 per cent and the How of milk the same, in­ stall an INDI­ ANA SILO. S|: ?»:.' HA p-0' iMSm WM. 5T0FFEL, i - AGENT PIlAIIPft* (WhHlCi:-7Ta. rnunc5. RESIDENCE^!. V ^, ( • J ». - K ' c JANUARY 6. I sell farms. D. F. Qamlan. Mrs. Aoners wjw in Woo<}stook Fri. day. fiev. Laaoki of Canada visited at E. L. KisnkaHV Monday. f Mm E. L. Kimball visited in Elgin and McHenry recently. ;4" Mr. Willis of Bull V*11W flailed at C, H. Dhtieid'9 Hniwiay. / » Born, Tuesday, Dec. MM" Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, a son. Mrs. W. Yanke and Mrs. F. Rialey are under the doctor's care. Will Jayees and family 'Were Wau* oonda visitors Satnrday and Sunday. • Mrs. A. Hanson and two sons drove to Pleasant Valley one day laBt week. Mrs. Hutson of McHenry visited with her daughter, Mrs. F. French, last week. Graham Sillars is nnable to attend school this week on account of a severe cold. Evelyn Allen visited with her grand­ parents in Crystal Lake during the holi­ days. | Mrs. Clayton Wilson of Chicago vis-' ited with Fred French and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Whyte remem­ bered their patrons in a unique way Christmas. Mr. Joseph*neon a^d daughter of Mayfair were Ri3pefield visitors New Year's day. Wilbur Levey was a city visitor Tues­ day. Floyd Morse accompanied him as far as Crystal Lake. Miss Lizzie Fnrney entertained her nephew, George Furney, of Chicago Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. D. O. Kline and tw6 "daughters were Beloit visitors "Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Miss Wille of McHenry spent a part of the holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille. Kay Frydendall and wife of Batavia visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and MTS. P. Haughawont. The Woodstock callers from Ridge- field were John F. White, Wilbur Levey, F. Hartman and James Whyte. Mrs. Elsie Johnson and sister, Mrs. Ray Frydendall visited their auut, Mrs. F. E. Fay in Ringwood Monday. Amos Keeler, wife and daughter of Barrington spent Sunday with the for­ mer's mother, Mrs. Sarah Wakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Sayler and daughters, Florence *ud Olive, of EUgiu were New Year's guests at Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kimball's. Born, Monday, Jan. 3, to Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Fay at Ringwood, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Fay please accept congratulations from their Ridgefield friends. Roger Sillars visited his parents here and Mrs. Angus Sillars and friends at Baraboo Christmas week, returning to his school duties at Lake Forest Satur­ day. Roy Skinner and family of Crystal Lake, brother, Arthur, and cousin, Fred Green, of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mm. R. L, Dufield. Those from out of town who attended the New Year's dance at the Woodman hall Friday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. M. Waterman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed, Misses Nettie and Bethel Shelt and Clara Eickoff of Woodstock. About a dozen young people gathered at the home of Ray Lynch Friday even­ ing and gave him a complete surprise. They came with the intention of watch­ ing the old year out and welcoming in the new. Various games and refresh­ ments in the old fashioned way were in­ dulged in until the clock struck the mid­ night hour. All were wished and wishes returned for a happier year than the one passed. SCHOOL NOTES. Two grades are soon to begin new readers. The ninth grade is reading jBcott's "Ivsnhoe." The eighth gsade will soon begin "Snowbound." The seventh and eighth grades took their first examination in grammar Tuesday. C. H. Ormsby was a Woods took caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Morris of Crystal Lake were Ridgefield callers Tuesday Mrs. I. Wille visited her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Senne, at Woodstock Monday Mrs.S. Wakefield visited her sister, Mrs. Lemmers, in Woodstock Saturday. The Missionary society will meet with Mrs. E. Smith Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 8. Mrs. A. Sensen and sons, Thomas and Earl, were Crystal Lake callers Tues day. P. B. Haughawont and I. W. Hart man transacted business in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Mohlenbrink of (Jnion visited her daughter, Mrs. C. Oglesby, Friday and Saturday. Earl Skinner came down from Elk horn and spent a few days last week with his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frydendall returned to their home in Batavia Saturday, after a short visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and son of Crystal Lake have been spending the past week with their parents hffe. J. C. Button and sister entertained from Saturday until Monday the Rev Axtell of Argyle. Mr. Axtell is chair­ man of the home missions. He also filled vacancy in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. SCHOOL NOTES. Miss JohniKm won a game of "Mag gins." Pearlie Peck has entered the eighth grade. The lower room enjoyed a sleigh ride Tuesday afternoon. "Help! Help! A Mouse! A Mouse! came from the lower room. The fifth and sixth grades took their final examination in physiology Mon day. The seventh and eighth grades will take their final examination in diagram ming Friday, All «MHrert4*ements Inserted under Ibis li«ad at the tallowing nt«t: five lines or 1«m, Mi cents for Int iaserticm; 18 e«ate for e«eh subsequent {insertion. Hon* thfto AT* lino*, 6 <:ent« » line for (lift ln«*rt!on, nd Scent* a line for ftdditionl inaertton*. "C^OR SALE--North anil South Dakota land: " $15 to$25 per acre. Also farms* in Minne­ sota. For further information apply or write EL W. HOWE, McHenry. 111. 20-ti OK SALE--A stack of slough hay. For further information address or apply to WAMKB BOM)KB. West McHenry. 111. z7-ii F W ANTED--A married man with family be­ginning March 1, 1910, for the ltohema Stock farm at PIsiakee Bay. This will be a fine position for right man. Gail any time. Jos. F. HAAS, Hstakee Bay, 111., near Kings- ley House. 24-*i TXT ANTED---A crib of good, sound yellow * * corn. West McHenry Mills, JOHH SPJSN- csa, Prop. 30-tf "CM3R SALE--"Very choice Ringlet Barred Rock cockerels and pullets. Large, fine­ ly marked birds that will improve the color and size of your stock. Call and see them. Prices right. W. M. JOHOKNOTT, Ringwood, 30-tf A NY BOF anxious to earn money outside of school hours can secure a position with me. To my best, boy I am going to give SAV­ INGS HANKS and cash prizes. The work is easy and does not interfere with school duties. ARTS F. JOHNSON, BOX 644, North Crystal Lake. ~cV)R SALE--A model ten Bnlck roadster automobile, complete, with lamps and top and driven by a four-cylinder, 30-horse power engine. Machine may be seen and terms given by applying at Vv. (J. EVANSON'S, West McHenry, 30-tf " J*OU SAljE-Choice eighty acre farm with ^ good improvements, good fences, one mile from good town and lakt-;. only 65.00 per acre. Easy terms. Several good farms for rent. The very best large farm in northern Illinois few*sale on easy terms. 2S-tf SIMON STOFFEL, West McHenry, 111. KHSRALD PARK. JANUARY 6. , . ' I sell terms. D. F. Quinl^a./ ' Mrs. E. Comisky is spending the week in Chicago. FOR RENT--Nine choice farms. D. F. Quinlan Miss Mayme Knox spent .Thursday last with Woodstock friends. Thoe. McDonald of Ostefid Was a caller in this vicinity Saturday.- Geo. Shaw of Elgin was a guest at the home of R. J. Sutton New Year's day. Wm. Smith of Chicago spent Satur­ day and Sunday with Berkircher broth­ ers. Mrs. P. Cleary and Mrs. H. Schaffer of West McHenry visited at E. Knox's Monday. John Sjntton returned home New Year's day after spending a few weeks in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heaney of Chica­ go were guests of relatives here over the holidays. MiBs Alice McManaman of ^Chicago spent Satnrday and Sunday at R. J. Sutton's. R. E. Sutton returned to Chicago Sunday evening after spending a few days at home. Miss Viola Martin of Chicago spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. L. E. Walmsley. Miss Nancy Frisby returned home Friday after a few days' visit with El­ gin relatives. Miss Macie Dake of Chicago visited at the home of Wm. Welch at Griswold Lake Monday. Messrs. R. H, Corr and Clarence Whiting of Woodstock were callers at E. Knox's New Year's day. Mine Margaret Sutton and niece, El* eanor Larkin, returned to Elgin Satur­ day after spending a week at R. J. Sut­ ton's. Misses Mayme Costello and Kathleen O 'Neil of Elgin were guests at the home of the former's grandmother, Mrs. E. Walsh, Saturday and Sunday. Misses Margaret Aylwardsand Mar­ garet Conway, Messrs.. Ralph Roach and John Aylward of Elgin spent New Year's day and Sunday at the home of E. Knox. n FOR RENT-Nine choice farm F. Quinlan. Miss Anna Cleary visited at tne home of J. B. Frisby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bolger spent Satur- nrday last with Woodstock relatives. Mrs. E. Knox visited at Mrs. M. Carey's at West McHenry last Thurs­ day. Miss Anna Cleary visited her aunt, Mrs. J. McCarthy, at West McHenry Friday. L. Huok and / Robert Sohns came ont from Chicago Saturday to spend Sun­ day at the Park. Messrs. Ed Sntton and Walter Walsh were callers at the home of L. B. Walmsley Sunday. Miss Katie Knox resumed her school duties Monday, after a two weeks' va­ cation. She is staying at the home of MM lie Ktfmyi Are Weakened by Om-Wnk. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re­ sponsible for much sickness and suffering, therefore, if kidney trouble is permitted to continue, serious re­ sults are most likely to follow. Your other organs may need at­ tention, but your kid­ neys most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your en­ tire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. ' - If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con­ vince you of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distress- lag cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dol­ lar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you H«D. oTS^mp-aiot. how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mis­ take, but remember the name, Swamp- Root, and don't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swainp-Root--if you do you will be disappointed. W. Wingate this week. Miss Alice Sutton went to Elgin Sat urday, intending to remain a few days before journeying to the Pacific coast, where she will station at Los Angeles, Calif. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby, Mabel and Florence Orauger and Anna Cleary, Messrs. George Johnson, Floyd Thomp son, J. Gibbs and Thomas Bolger visit­ ed at R. J. Sutton's Sunday evening. A Wretched Mistake to endure the itching, painful distress of Piles. There's no need to. Listen: "I suffered much from Piles," writes Will A. Marsh, of Siler City, N. C., "till I got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon enred," Burns, Boils, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema, Cuts, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, van­ ish before it. 25c at N. H. Fetesch's and F. Masquelet's. January Stormy Month. * Rev. Irl R. Hicks in his forecast for January predicts much disagreeable weather with plenty of snow, sleet and rain and much cold weather. Five periods of storm are promised by Mr. Hicks, who says the month will be ushered in with sleet and snow storms fallowed by a change to warmer weath­ er. Rain is likely to fall during the milder period, turning to heavy sleet and snow and followed by a cold wave. The varied program of mild, stormy and cold weather is to continue thru the month and the closing days of January will be marked by blizzards, rain and snow storms. FOR RENT--Nine choice farms, 1$. F. Quinlan. I THE WRONO WAY to select harness is the way It is usually done. Price is generally the first consid­ eration. If that Is very low the Roods seem attractive, regardless of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Examine into the quality of this harness first. Then it will be seen that it is worth almost any price. But our prices are not high. Value considered they are remark­ ably low •: :: :: :: :: G. A. Barker .• flcHenry, 111. tii looking over our stock We Jnd that we h*ve 011 % 1-cfar shelves aM • eotmtera feimdreda of odds- ends in wirlter goods which'#e want to move, and j ̂ ; move they must. We aren't going to begin too < ,1 (quote prices on these goods, for if we did we^fear "; : • this paper would be far too small to accommo-';4 '^' * date us. We wi«h to merely state that if you are > , "iTboking for real bargains this is the time and place- , get them. Then, too, there are hundreds of^ ^ '/ .i- pieces of winter goods that we do not intend to-j*-- > <?arry over if easy prices will take them away.? •:^0ome and let us show you what yon can buy atfpgj, I * this store at this time" for very little money. Re- ; -? , ^ ttiember, we are sincere when we say that THE ' Y';>y$0'0bS "-~MUST GO. Come early and get first! ; y>Choice at BARGAIN PRICES. :: :: :: F. A.Bohlander WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS I, k'i 'V-V'* *9 Where is M O N E Y that you depend upon for future necessities if you spend all your earnings today? Wouidn*t it be well to have a savings account to your credit at Our Savings Deptn*ti'i xemit in case your Stopped? Three per cent interest on all your <|eposit& guarantee n c orrre suddenly v "V Wilbur Lumber Co. Lumber, CoeJ, Feed L&th, Shingles; ' if „. •' • ;; i... • - l"- ' ' - • " ' S&sh, Doers, Mouldings VHjsttf Etc. Telephone 651 West McHenry* W* "Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. Block & Beth ke One B. A B. Blue Trading Stamp with IOC cash purchase „.w« Ms, Yl! ijy? We Hive te. We still have a large enough stock, after the great holiday rush, to fill the wants of every one of the family. You can do no better than to give us a chance to fill that want, be it what it may. If we don't have it in stock we get it, and only on satisfactory terms to you, so if you don't find what jrou are looking for,®come see us. We are here to please everyone; :: :: :: \ Items Worth Your While! Items You've Got to. Have! All heavy Leather Mitts* wool lined, ;S0ld at $1 and up, now per pair • • • • • *75c All wool lined Leather Mitts sold at 50c and 75c H0W 3Sd and 50c Remember one thing--when you buy this line of goods you get the best there is, such as Water* proof, Horsehide, Calf and Hog skins, made to stand the wear,--and we know they do, ^ A good assortment boys' fleece lined Underwear.. ,25c All ladies' ribbed fleeced vests and pants, each..25, 50c Men's fleece lined shirts and drawers, good ones... .50c Men's all "arQol underwear, fair assortment of the only . g o o d w o o l a n d g o o d s i z e u n d e r w e a r m a d e , a t . . . « , .... ............................ .$1.00, 1.25, 1.50 Felt Boots, Socks and Overs, Overshoes and Rubbers, Wart?i lined Shoes, Caps for Men, Boys and Girls. ' v & o.., -% ^K- •• J-*

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