Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jan 1910, p. 4

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IMPROVEMENTS AT FOX LAKE. HP** ;, Society V Cards jr«* UUwk^ouutrj Club It LooJUnc Far- ^ ' wiird to Hlg T«r. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BT P. Q. SCHREINBR OBc* in Bank Build in*. Telephone, 80,If*. Witfe a new DAVID Q. WELLS M-». TfeftM* O* «yB«OniPTIONl Oneyear tlx months, nets. : Tim months. ttets. January *ot 1910. 4F i. V;*A,. , < •mh (•ties, gfckers, Bfisteids, Davenports." ^ Ort Tiller $ •• Office DesKfrl'^ Office CMrv Dining (Hairs, WfltifH Desks, titary Irtles, Ote Gfcisets Music OMnets Dressing Cises M Uttieis, ftc AUEt line of Furniture is*J« I Jways kept complete and up- Vto-date. There isn't a piece of Furniture made that we pan not furnish the trade and at prices, too, that just fit the workingman's purse. Besides being in the furniture business we also do undertaking and embalming. Calls of this na­ ture always receive our very best attention. We respond to calls promptly at any and alt times, day or night. 2: :: J acob)J usten and we are here to tell yoti tliat the manufac­ turer or manufacturers who can beat us when it comes to Pure Buckwheat Flour is going some. We are producing a Buckwheat Flour that far surpasses anything that your grocer can or is able to furnish. We therefore ask you to insist upon your grocer's giving you the McHenry product. At the same time we wish to fix upon your memory the fact that our sales on 4 'Early Riser" Flour are steadily growing, which shows us that the housewives of McHenry and t&e«ur- rounding country can easily judge good from poor flour. If you haven't given it a fair trial, do so at your earliest convenience. Our line of Graham Flour, Breakfast Food, Corn Meal, 2*ye Flour-* and Pumpernickel Flour is always fresh and of the very purest that hufhan skill can make it.- Try it and convince yourself that these statements arethe truth.7 , i ' J ' i . u J : - O ' U . r WEST McttENRY, ILLI JOHN SPENCER. Prop. i/t-- '*;I*-4~-CENTERVILLE--•$$'? Grocery and flarket • \ * , ^' t' , '4 . \ • t v5f- |Sfe i • '}y%4 • & v.V- Y& . } • infill Wi i i i j i i uIi i rmilnlim-iiri mi iiim^ ftju iii^r'niii^ * Always a fresh and com­ pete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meat*. Phone, 552. ^ :: t :* ( - j* y.'tyW'V 'U'. G2n"#r CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-^ MCHENRY, - - - ^ ILLINOIS. mJl F. L. COLBY ®L SON NORTH CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. AOENTS FOR---- .V and Reo Automobile# -#*• x stfm- PRICED OUALIT PRICED . . . . . . . . . P R I C E S . . 5-passenger Ford Touring Car, complete top, lamps, glass front, speedometer. >,|f- Ford Roadster complete.. • V. ...... 0-'~,, , Five-passenger Reo, four-cylinder, BO hi p. flouring Car at. . :A» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Five-passenger twdHBylid^r, 22 h, p. Touring Car ojj.. ..v.... .v. Reo, single-cylinder; It h, p. Run-About. Order early to get the spring delivery. Sample Car now on exhibition at our North Crystal Lake Oarage. O 900.00 $1,250 $1,000 .00 This 1* Tough Lnflk. A wife-seeking yonng man of McHeo- ryit tailing his friends oue of the moeit disastrons hard lack stories that has been brought to light in McHenry in many a day. The yonng man in ques­ tion now freely admits that he has fallen the victim of a clever piece of trickery, in which a Chicago lassie played the leading role. It was on a bright summer day tliat the unfortun­ ate young man met her. At firet glance her shapely form, her beautiful eyes and pleasing smile appealed to the yonng fellow, who lost no time in form­ ing an acquaintance. The young man, on hearing the words uttered by her silvery tongue shortly after meeting, set his mind right there and then that she was the one for him. After listen­ ing to her flowery t*le, the young man was not long in telling her that her pleasing personality had made a hit with him. The fellow's visits to Pis- takee Bay, where the young lady was stopping, became quite frequent after the first meeting. Late last fall the young lady, after satisfying herself that her game was working very success­ fully, decided to return to Chicago. Her address, as is only natural in case of love making, was left with the McHen- ryite. After making several trips to Chicago the young man decided that it was about time to propose, which he did some time ago. The girl expressed herself willing and all preparations for for the wedding were being made (by the yonng man only). In her usual clever manner, the Chicago lassie, in order to make the wedding day one of more than passing interest asked the groom-to-be to send her a sufficient snm of money with which to purchase a wedding trousseau and a few other things that she named. Blinded with the happiness that was confronting him, the young fellow responded to her re­ quest and sent her enough coin to start up a small size jewelry store. Here, gentle readers, is where the tough luck story comes in. After the cash had been forwarded to the bride-to-be the yonng lady was just rude enough to make her departure for greener fields and that, too, without even sending the young man her new address. Now if there is anyone who can beat this for tough lnck we sorely wogM like to be told about it. A Traveling; SalMqtra H. F. Beers, 617-7th Ave., Peoria,4ll-» writes: "I have been troubled for sou^e time with kidney trouble, so severely at times I could scarcely carry my grips. After using one bottle of Foley's Kidney mis I have been entirely relieved, and cheerfully recommend them to all." Foley's Kidney PillB are healing and antiseptic and will restore health and strength. Frank Masquelet. t Oh, Yon German Carp. ^ ' At 1:80 o'clock last Sunday afternoon a bob load of McHenry business men left the scene of cares and troubles to pass for a few hours, at least, into the land of sunshine and bliss. Stilling's hotel at Pistakee was the destination chosen. The trip to the beautiful sum­ mer resort of ours would have been a most delightful one had it not been for the fact that th» party at one time be­ came so badly tangled in a twenty- foot snow drift that all wished them­ selves somewhere nearer the south pole, wherever that may be. At this point a very careful observation of the situation m made by the party, when at length (about thirty minutes) it was unani­ mously decided that it would be abso­ lutely necessary for all, even the fat boy, to get ont and indulge in about forty minutes of muscular exercise. With this accomplished the journey was continued, the destination being reached about an hour later than the scheduled time. After passing a few games at bowling, the party was in­ formed that dinner was awaiting them. The dining hall at the pdpul&r hotel next saw the visitors nicely seated about the table that had been prepared for them. The dinner, which was one especially gotten up for the McHenry- ites, consisted of no less than six courses, with friend German carp as a head liner on the bill of fare. Just how much of the palatable eatables was con­ sumed we will not mention, as we have pledged ourselves on this question, but it is a safe bet that there wasn't enough "grub" left after all was over to make a square meal for a sparrow. After dinner the jovial crowd adjourned to a specially prepared room, where cards were enjoyed until about eleven o'clock, when the homeward journey was made. The day will go down as one of the most pleasurable ones ever put in by a crowd of McHenry business men. Pneumonia Follow* a Cold bat never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which stops the cough, heals the lungs and expels the cold from yotir system. Frank Masqnelet. club house on attractive point of land projecting into the Fox lake waters, the Fox Laflt# Country clnb is entering upon the big­ gest year of its career. At the annual meeting and election of officers of the club, held in Chicago last Thursday Bight at tuo Hdraj l» Salle, meUiUcm were acquainted with the improve­ ment of the new site, on Stanton Point, Ingleside. Contracts for the work were let and the task will be pushed so that the club house wHl be ready lor the spring opening. The club's improvements will cost about $15,000, but when completed the organization will have the finest site for a club on the lake. The entire north end of the point is owned by the club, purchase of the land from John E. Lane, the former owner, having been made last year. At the business session, pre­ ceding the banquet, the following re­ cently elected officers were installed: Commodore--Henry Kleine. Vice commodore--Frank W. Cornish. Rear commodorejwd treasurer--Paul L. Schmechel. ^ • '• ••••'•. Secretary--Thomas A. Bagerliy. Directors--M. C. Conlon, ha, Samuel Simpson, George Maypole and the officers of the club. mj be found in the m variety and at t are satisfactory at this5 We have placed in stock a desirable line of Winter goods that we Wa>«t Jfon to inspect We natur­ ally feel proud of this line and that is the reason why we are so anxious" to have you see it. Our repair de- partment is also offered ai your service. :: - :: - ;; In* West McHenry. forgettibe tographed immediately after this interesting oc- David Ba]h Gottlieb F. Lehmana. Gottlieb F. Lehmann, who for four- teen years resided on farms ii% this im­ mediate vicinity, passed away at the home of his son, William, who resides on a farm near Crystal Lake, on Sun­ day, Jan. 9. The deceased was born in Provinz Sachsen, Wittenberg, Germany, April 15, 1842. At the age of thirty he was united in marriage to Miss Theresa Schultze. He emigrated to America in 1881 and settled in Lake county, where he made his home for eleven years. His next- move was to a farm near this vil­ lage and for the next fourteen years be made his home near McHenry. About three years ago he moved to Lakin, Kan. Poor health compelled him to leave his farm there and move back to Illinois to pass the remainder of his days at the home of his son. Four chil­ dren are left to mourn, as follows: William of Crystal Lake, Richard of Lakin, Kan.; Louise of Los Angeles, Cal., and Wilhelmina of Crystal Lake. The funeral was held on Tuesday after­ noon following bis death, the*services being conducted first from the house and thence to the German Lutheran church at Crystal Lake. Interment took place in the Union cemetery at Crystal Lake. Mttte One Faeces Away. Died, on Sunday, Jan. 9, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Arvilla Emma Wilson at the tender *ge of 3 years, 2 months and 13 days, of diabetes mellitus. 'Tie not more than five weeks ago her parents became alarmed at her condition, and since that time have given her the best of medical aid and did all that loving bands could do. but the angel of death could not be stayed. She leaves, beside her heart broken parents, one little baby brother and a host of other relatives And friends. She was always a bright, happy, healthy child of a sunny disposi­ tion, who at once won her way to the hearts of all who met her in spite of her tender years. Bear little Arvilla, how we miss her. It seems as if the sun has ceased its shining little one has gone. •f.ix- -fifhe window was open, . " • . <•(.* . • !• - The curtain was drawn, ;; ' Along came an angel. » - '•> • j ' ; Ana our sweetheart- was " \ ' . •** • CARD OF THANKS. ; ' We wieh to thank the many kind friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our loved little daughter; also for the many and beautiful flowers .which they sent. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. Making Life Safer. Everywhere life is being made more, safe thru the work of Dr. King's New Life Pills in Constipation, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver Troubles, Kidney Diseases and Bowel Disorders. They're easy, but sure, and perfectly build up the health. 25c at N. H. Pet- esch's and F. Masqueiet's. L PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by Mcfleury County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east, side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan 011 real estate in suras of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments toauit borrower. Phones 634,903and #11^"' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tfg, George P. Kushton, county clerk, to u - Frank W. Hill, Duck inland, &% sec 8, % McHenry, r 1), tax deod ; -- : s a Catharina Justen & h to Mattie Taylor. 2 pt It 5 Spring Lake club grounds and • * riifht of way, McHenry, r 9. ...*..»|ft7M0 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS, Estate of ! Peter Rotherxnel. Bond approved and letters ordered issued. MAliKlAGE LICENSES. Alfred G. McAuliffe, 29... Marengo Tp Lucy J. Backes, 27 Marengo John John, 81............, . Marengo Tp Emma Mienke, ......,.Coral Tp Joseph Eaycraft, 9&:... .Greenwood Tp Alice McCauley, 24 .. ........ Hartland Howard L. Thomas, 31.... .Seneca Tp Mabel Griffin, 20 . . > M'MjWjMiy ,-s ; . f Petesoh's for drugs. , sr<:,. ^ 70 Years with Coughs We haye had nearly seventy years of experience with Ayer's Cheiry Pectoral. That makes us have great con­ fidence in it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. Ask your own doctor what experience he has had with it. He knows. He can advise yo|i wisely. Keep in close touch with your family physician. No alcohol in this cough nicdk inc. j. C Aner Co ,Lo IffwSTlSs^trwBg1' "you<^Tmiio?iry^^lTwels are constipated ^*rns,Aii vegstahl*. Ask your doctor tf he /;,^i* f o .. * * S. .V . , - . . * A * _ » ... * ** aA ' A.: The best m Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per haps you are not aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom­ ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every case conform to the regulations set aside by the Pure Food Law. . We want you as one of our customers. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 HcHenry, - Illinois. furs! flits! Highest mark et prices paid fo:t, furs of every de­ scription. Brin^ them to us. Tel­ ephone No. 222^' -J&iJ ... : C S. Howard & Son MchENRY, ILLINOIS OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM %E ENTERTAIN WHERE WE QO. *ND flf«H«nry Entertain* a Largv Com pan? of Visitor* During the Wfcek--'Whom We Bntertata. N. A. Hnemann Is In Chicago today (Thursday). Everett Hunter Is spending the day in the metropolitan city. F. O. Gans boarded, the Chicago train this (Thursday) morning. Joseph Neuuiaun boarded the Cbtaago train this (Thursday) morning. Miss Eva Stoffel is visiting at the home of her brother, liartin, in Elgin. M. J. Walsh is attending to business matters in the windy city today (Thurs­ day). F, L. McOmber is attending to bnsi- nsss matters in the windy city today (Thursday). Steve Ward, who has been passing the past few months in the West, has re­ turned to McHenry. Wm. Bonslett wa« numbered among those who left this village for Chicago this (Thursday) morning. Dr. W. C. Besley of Woodstock spent •last night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Besley. Miss Martha Gast of Genoa Junction, Wis., was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Price Tuesday. Granger Smith of Elgin passed the latter part of last and the fore part of the present week as a guest at the home of Mrs. F. K. Granger. Mrs. Nina N. Sherman is again able to be ont after an ilines* covering sev­ eral weeks in duration. Her many friends will be pleased to learn this good news.- Mrs. H. P. Johnson has returned from a most pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Givens at Columbia, Wis. While a guest at the Givens honm Mrs. Johnson was tendered a very plea«- <ant surprise by Columbia ladies. The surprise, one can easily imagine, vicas a complete one and it is needless for us to state that the victim proved herself equal to the occasion. Before returning to McHenry Mrs Johnson was also the guest at several dinner parties given her honor. ^ Simple Bantdy For UOri||lb LaGrfppe coughs are dangerous, as they frequently develop into pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops the congh, but heels and strengthens the lungs so that no serious results may be feared. The genuine Foley's Hoeey and Tar con teioayeiiow IM» no harmful drug* and Frank Msenna 4*hs?!! », A A*,* * - • 4 > , *' if < ; «r,v. <• don't forget to h*v« picture taken s! th« PHOTO - SU I OIO West McHenry, Illinois. Pkone f , ff 1' m.uiuijiaij j a ilk? Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Buik receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL MRKIIK BUSINESS respectfully solictittg public pat» ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATEi® TtilSn lands, residences andf%-A lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call 05 Abstracts ordered. ^ insurance * in First Class Companies, at tbe lowest rates 1 Perry & Qwen, Notary Public, •« Bankers. NORTHWESTERN- Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $i per day. IHEO. SCHIESSLf, Prop. WEST McHENRY. MEATS :-W- tender are wbat We sell here. Also a $ne line of Canned Isroods, Bakery Goods and Vegetables in sea- Ion. We know we A ate j ust what you want. Will also have ITresh Fish on every , Friday and Fast Day. > E. F. Matthews West McHenry, Itt* TBLfiPHONB - . t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Sstate of Peter Kotherpiel, Deeewsed. he uftaeralirt" ' ie«l having been itppointed Atim! n lutrator of t be Estate of Peter Rother- 11)el. deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that (j< 'ourity Court of he will appear before the McHenry County, at the Court House iu Woodstock, sit the March Term, 011 the first Monday March next, at whiehtime all per- vliij! auc situ! Estate are requested to attend for the pur harm* the mud« adjusted. All per- lebted to said Estate »re mi " m«ke tflomwliatepaymeottotlie nud »as ha otlfied lUlti k>>bs ludMbted'to a Oated Udt l&i nested to PHYSICIAN,SURGEON AND OCULIST, & $ ^ Office and residence corner Flui &n&. ^ .j 0reen streets, McHenry. Telephone No. Sll * v ; » ^ \i FEGERS & PEGER8 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. McHearj^ ~ in. -Office ut Residence, corner Court *nc Bins streets •. Telephone 838. n. i ^ 0, T- SMILEY A TTORNEY AT LAW. Woodstock^lilwrfi f "I ^ AH business intrusted to bis vSre will v • ' v . proper!j aad promptly attenaed to. * X>R. H. O. CHAMBBRLIN DENMBT m-Vv* Rce ever Beiley'f Drag Hours: 8:00 to 5:30 MOHKNOT. III. '• & OWc. over M. Br. Arnold Mueller, Physician apd Surgeon WEST MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 393. SIMON Inanrftnoe Agent for all claaaei of > property in the beet Compaaiea. We*t McHmy, IlllnoU §.-~ - f-f'--,T> H. C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ~ AND INSURANCE AGENT. I ani DO« prepared to Insure all UlndaOf j erty against Fire, Iiigbtniog, Tornados, Also have a special line of Insurance on Ltvj^, ^ j Stock insuring agalust death from any caust^ West. McHenry,' • - Hll J >:« •RUSTY Si^VLS MADE NEW | ,f,; - f ' - ^ /r' EATi UP RUST - 4 ijjfi . s,- i SHINPB r*ptp WONT WASH OFF ^ If your dealer hasn't It see John J. Vycttal ---- ' . ' WHEN ; IN CHICAGO Don't forget. s to c:tH on ?'* Lmfiert Q. Senf < Fifth Ave, * where you wil} always be treated ,, ; courteously aini " vl"1'.,"! receive the in the market la .11 f*f * %* the line of VVines^ ' : ^ Liquors & Cigar PARCELS CHECK Ell FREE. West Side Livery, R. I. OVERTON, PROP. ••t" L,,i *1 sr"'*- mm 'Buses meet all trains for point* on I'istakee Bay and Fox Lake. Team* lust of all kinds done promptly. Spe­ cial attention tciveu to tmv jllng men. FVst-eluss rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. 'Phone 47a. ;: West flclienry, - - Illinois •<s • *• Electric Bitters Succeed when everything elae &&a. f»» wrvrais nrriBtratiriri nnrl frmal* weaknessea they are the supreme remedy, aa thousands have . testified. FOR KIDNEY,1.1 VER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it ia the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's cc-inter. '""lis >• . j ̂ ' £7^ <»S"- " $K&:. • r W" <&• V.. . 14: - '% tS" i.w. HARPER KENTUCKY Alt;': ¥ \ WHISKEY for Gcntlemei Who cherish QnM^ -For Sale by Leading Dealers*-- We ftave the Best Gasoline engine owtlie mar­ ket. Why pay more when you can buy an engine of me for $37*5® that will do all of your workV I sold 57 last year.. Let me sell you one. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. :: :: Wm. Bacilli, • McHenry PUMPS, WINDMILLS, ETC. TELEPHONE «3«. - McHENItY. ILL. - - ̂ viiT, < J ^ < • - , j Air cooled, doable exbanet--eouie Vf :

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