Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1910, p. 8

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BUT NOT MOST HERE. AFTER YOU WEAR Sincerity Clotlfes you'll wonder why the price isn't higher. Built to retain the snap and ginger they're made with-- they never lose their shape, be­ cause both cloth and canvas are resliunk by the London process --can't sag or stretch. Sincer­ ity Clothes are labeled by the makers, the label is their signed responsibility; the label is a sign of clothes satisfaction. Snappy clothes for young men, sedate styles for older ones < showing. llnewttj CWtlie* Copyright JOS. WEST McHENRY, FREUND ILLINOIS. i 1 v^. Stoffelf - W. McHenry Kitchen Utensils We have an assortment of Kitchen Utensils that are built for service. Our line of Violet Blue three-coated Granite Ware is a beauty and ^commands your attention. Ob your next visit , to our store ask us to show you our display and at the same time we will explain the merits of every article. Our Coffee and Tea Pots that sell at from * ,0oc to 75j|i are dandies. • Ajso our Tea Kettles *at from. .g 5 . - . . > . 6 5 c to $ line of Wash Boilers-are narked at pricep waging •\r f • ' & •Kv . J" jnt 75c to $3.™ JOHN J. VYCITAL. THE CENTERV1LLE HARDWARE MAN. Auction Sale! CIEO. V1KIBL, - AUCTIONEER Lenten Svlm and Kegnlktitoi Read In MeHeury Catholic Churclie* Sunday. Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at public auction on my farm, located one-quarter of a mile weet of Johoflbnrfcb on the MoHenry and Johns burgh road, on Thursday, Feb. 17 commencing at one o'clock p. m., sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 28 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 28 Seventeen head of cattle, some of which are high grade Holsteins; 11 choice cows, 5 new milkers with calves by side, bal­ ance close springers; 2 two-year-old heifers coming in in spring, 2 pneyear- oldgHolstein heifers, 2 nine-months-old Holstein calves, black horse, eight years old, wt. 1250 lbs,; roan horse, fifteen years old, wt. 1150 lbs.; Morgan colt, three years old, wt 1000 lbs.; 75 chickens. HAY, GRAIN AND HACHINERY. Seven tons tame hay in barn, 4 tons clover hay in barn, 8 stacks corn stalks, 14 tons corn in crib, hnsked by hand; 300 bu. good white oats, 50 bo. good aeed barley, 10 bn. first class seed corn, 16 in. Emerson sulky plow, McCormiOk grain binder, McCormick mower, 2 sulky cultivators, diamond tooth culti­ vator, 2 walking plows, 2 section drag, Gorham seeder, pulverizer, Rock Island corn planter with 80 rds. of wire, hay rake, hay rack, hog rack, 2 track wag ons, wagon box, 2 milk wagons, single boggy, bob sleigh, 2 sets work harness, 3 rnilfa cans, strainer, grain bags, 3-horse whiffle tree, grindstone, caldron kettle, crowbar, forks, shovels, and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE: All sums of |10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at 7 per cent per annnm. No property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. niCHAEL SCHAEFER, Prop. - SIMON STOFFEL, Clerk. Ofltclal Publication. Report of the condition of the West, MoHenry State Bank at West McHenry State of Illinois, before the commence­ ment of business on the 1st day of February, 1910, as made to the Aud­ itor of "Public Accounts, for the State of Illinois pursuant to law. *y "RESOURCES. Loans: Ixmns on real estate... $86,600.00 Loans on collateral se­ curity 57,700.00 Other loans and dis­ counts.. .SMCMi «tll»MMS Overdrafts ...... - •• 7|.65 Investments: State, county and mu­ nicipal bonds 8,888.87 Other bonds 18,000.00 13,858.37 Miscellaneous resources: Furniture and fixtures.. 1,006.94 Due from bankq^?. •. National. Cii..."«.*> ,8,5|%43 Cash on band: • -. <' • . **;• Currency -- .... ,U UlOM ' Gold coin... ..-i*."".:;.mfi V •->" Silver coin ,.^ |88.58 Minor coin ....... 97.2* "$#.33 Other cash resources: 1' f: > ' Cliweka imd other cash . items Total resource*., f,iABii&rM8. Capital stock paid in Undivided profits ' « Less current interest and expenses paid... . Deposits: ; Time certificates . 8,TSUI savings, sublect to no­ tice 74,337.87 Demand, subject - to check . 38,707.38 Demand certiflc ates.... 743 00 Miscellaneous liabilities: Dividends unpaid 1,664.10 1148,797.24 26,000.00 77 s^as. 579.00 148^797.24 Yesterday, Ash Wednesday, marked the beginning of the Lenten season and from now until Easter Sunday the Cath olic churches in McHenry and tbruout the world will observe the period of self- denial as laid down by the Roman Cath­ olic faith. Below are the rules which the Roman Catholics heard read Sunday and which Will govern their lives during the Lenten period: All days of Loot from Ash Wednes­ day (February 9) to Blaster Sunday (March 27), Sundays excepted, are fast days- t By dispensation, flesh meat m^ be used at the principal meal Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, except the Saturdays in Ember and Holy week. The use of fish and flesh meat is forbidden at the same meal even on Sundays during Lent. All the faithful who have attained their twenty-first year are obliged to fast and abstain on the days appointed, unless otherwise dispensed by their pas­ tor. The sick, the very poor, pregnant women, those nursing infants, and in general all who because of old age (60 years), weakly constitutions or hard labor cannot fast without detriment to thieir health, are exempted from fasting. Those exempted are not restricted in the use of meat on days ^when it is al­ lowed by dispensation lit th# principal meal. Those obliged to fast are restricted to one full meal in the day, which should not ordinarily be taken before noon, and to a collation in the evening not ex­ ceeding the fourth part of an ordinary meal. Custom permits the taking of tea, coffee or chocolate with a small piece of bread, not exceeding two ounces, in the morning. Lard, the fa tendered from any kind of meat, m*5^be used in preparing food on all days during Lent and on all days of the fast and abstinence thrnont the year. The Holy See has granted to working men and their families a special indult, permitting them to eat meat once a day on all days of fast and abstinence thrn­ ont the year, except on Fridays, Ash Wednesday and Saturday during Holy week and the Virgil of Christmas. Working men and their families avail­ ing themselves of this indult are not allowed the use of fish and flesh meat at the same meal. It is the earnest de­ sire of the Holy See, and ours as well, that they perform some other act of self-denial, such as abstaining from in­ toxicating liquors. Appropriate Lenten instructions and devotions will be held in all the parish churches of the diocese at least three timeB a week. These Lenten devotions are on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. On Sunday these may con­ sist of vespers, a brief sermon and bene­ diction; Wednesdays, the recitation of five decades of the rosary, a catecheti­ cal instruction and benediction; Friday, the way of the cross and benediction of the most blessed sacrament. To increase the • . r . t . > feeding capaci­ ty of your farm 50 per cent and the flow of milk the same, in­ stall an INDI­ ANA SILO. WAffeSTQFFEL : Phones: "3F OPFICI Rest AGENT . f t Total liabilities.'.. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) AA County of McHenry, ) ' I, CARL W STENGER, Cashier of West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. Twenty-one Enumerators For County, Twenty-one enumerators will be em­ ployed to take the census of McHenry county, the work to begin on the 15 th of next April and it must be completed within thirty days thereafter. Each of the seventeen towns of the county v/il! have one enumerator except Bur­ ton, which will be merged with Rich­ mond in making one district. One addi*x tional enumerator will be added to take the census in Harvard, Marengo, McHen. ry and Woodstock, and the township of Algonquin will be given two, or a total of twenty-one in the county. The salary of enumerators employed in taking the census this year will range from $3 to $6 a day of eight hours' work. Saved From Awful Pefik "I never felt so near my grave," writes Lewis Chamblin, of Manchester, Ohio. R. R. No. 3, "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 115 pounds in spite of many remedies and the best doctors. And that I am alive to|ay is due solely to Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 160 pounds and can work hard. It also cured my four chil­ dren of croup." Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it's the most certain remedy for LaGrippe, Asthma, desperate lung trouble and all bronchial affections. 50c and $1.00. A trial bottle free. Guaran­ teed by N. H. Petesch and Frank Mas- qnelet. Place Your Order Mow. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- offioe in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use En­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer o: and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner, Sore Langs and lUw Luugt, Most people know the feeling, and the miserable state of ill health it indicates All people should know that Foley Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and laog remedy, will quickly cure the sore ness and cough and restore a normal condition. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar. Frank Sj President Helps Orphan*. Hundreds of Orphans have been Help­ ed by the President of the Industrial and Orphan's Home Macon, Ga., who writes: "We have used Electric Bitters in this Institution for nine years. It has proved a most excellent medicine for Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. We regard it as one of the best family medicines on earth." It invigorates all vital organs, purifies the blood, aids di­ gestion, creates appetite. To strengthen and built up pale, thin, weak children rundown people it has %o equal. Best for female complaints. Only 50c. at N. H. Petesch's and Frank Ms#que let's. /;:{ ; Motkiet To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week.' Advertisers, especially, are asked ta take particular notic to this effeot. Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at the store? Walters' Benso antiseptic cream for the hands at Petesch's. Do Yon Get Up. With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes Yon Miserable. Almost everyone knowsof Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, be­ cause of its remark­ able health restoring properties. Swamp- Root fulfills almost every wish in over­ coming rheumatism, pain in the back, kid­ neys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor­ oughly tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar­ rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al­ ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telliug more about* Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you ha ve kid­ ney or bladder trouble. When writing mention AS Home ©tbv?«i»p-HooU reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to DR. KILMER & CO., Home otSwwnp-Rodt. Binghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad­ dress, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every bottle. Council I'ryce^dlngn. Council Rooms, Feb 7, 1910. Tfef board of trustees met in regular meeting with President Wattles presid­ ing. Trustees present: Chamberlin, Web­ er, Freund, Meyers and Nickels. Ab­ sent: S toff el. The minutes of l«|t meeting #tire read and approved. !r The following bills were read and ap­ proved by finance committee: Stephen Justen, police service.. ̂ 50.00 John Walsh, police services ? . . 50 (K) Herbes Bros , Ibr on w w .ir# 4.00 G e o . M e y e r s , J r . , I b r o n s t . 2 0 . 0 0 G. A. Barker, sundries 2 00 P. M. Freund, gravel 1.80 Wm. P. Kinns, lbr on st.,. 7.60 G. W. Besley, sundries 3,80 P. J. Scboewer, lumber.*........ 2 25 John J. Vycitai, ,oifs '.Tfl. 8 89 111. Lakes Lgt. P. Co., stlgts.. 95.00 III. Iron & Bolt Co., castings.. . 6.85 Wilbur Lum. Co., lum, coal, etc. 132.49 *On motion by Freund, seconded by Nickels, the bills were ordered paid. On motion by Nickels, seconded by Meyers, the meeting adjourned. F. H. WATTLES, President B>E. PRICE, Clerk. > Air cooled, double ezhanst--some thing new--our pnmp engine. Better see it at Wm. Stoffel's. McHenry Township Taxes. - I will be at the following named places for the collection of taxes for Mc­ Henry township: Mondays--Att-J. Debcecht's. stags, Johnsburgh. Tuesdays--At Bradley & FOBS' store, Ringwood. Thursdays--At M. J. Walsh's store, West McHenry. Saturdays--At N. H, Petesch's drug store, McHenry. 33 tf JOHN NIESEN, Collector. One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, f 1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. Chicago & North-Westep, Effective January 16,1910. WBBK DAT TRAINS. Ohfcago. "OBTHBOITND McHenry 7.00 a id..........uVia Elgin .......10.24a m 9.00a m Via Pes Plainest,.#.-.^10.24 a m 12.80 p m Via Elgin....*;v«100 p in 1.00 p m Via Des Plaint's,.*,JX00 p m 3.40 p m Via Des Plainest .'.iffi.OO p m 8.85 p m .Via Klgi". •. v5;. ..1^6.40 p m 5.12p<n.... Via Des Plainef.^^ll.M p m • SUNDAY TRAINS.':'lh 7.55am. ... > Via Elgin . ........10.30am 9.00am . ....Via Des Plalnas... .. .1*0.30 am Lv Crystal Lake..2.45 Ar McHenry. .3.00 9.00 pm Via Elgin 4.55pm WMK DAT TRAIN^;^,, Leave ^ Arrive McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. Chicago 7.10 a m Via Des Platnes,^%^'.-.«S.08 a m 7.10a m ... ViaElgin.. ..iv;?K-10.00 a in H.ltt& m Via Des Plaines......* .9.45a m 3.30 p m To Crystal Lake -- Ar&M p m 4.38 p m .Via Des Piaines.. .....6.25 p m 4.36 p m ..Via Elgin ....7.25 p in SONDAT TRAINS. 7.10am...'. Via Elgin..........10.00 am 3.80 Dm... To Crystal Lake.... Ar 8.50 p m 5.00 p m Via Des Plaiues... .....8.30 pm 5.00 p m Via Elgin --7.50 p m our In looking over our stock we find that we have 011 shelves and counters hundreds of odds arid in winter goods which #e want to move, and v move they must. We aren't going to begin ii ^ ,;tv ^quote-.prkses on these goods, for if we diif we fes*r this papef<w6uld be far t<5o small to aoc©mm<p .date us. We wish to merely state that if you ai ^ / lookirig for real bargains this is the time and ph get them. Then, too, there are hundreds df pieces of winter goods that we do not intend to ^' carryover if easy prices will take them awaj^d : - vCome and let us show you what you , can buy s»| i this store at this time for very little money. ; member, we are sincere when We say that THE" ĜOODS MUST GqN Comie early and get fir|f choice at BARGAIN PRICES. :: :: - ^ " - 'Jf' , •••'" ' ' 'f " ' ' s WEST MCHENRY, jfciiiiiiKi %r':' ii ILLINOIS (P J \ v., ^ Saved Today is the foundation upon, which your future success in life depends.^ ; , Anrifc>ition and Ability^&re often powerless to succeed without Capital! What *A dollar t>r two weekly deposited regularly with Our Savings Department will, in less time than you thinkr with three per cent interest added, give ̂ ^aa»pit^fipr most any business. 1 y Start your account today. WEST McHENRY SI |$ not likely to be experienced again this season. We have a good supply of all sizes and kinds, both Hard and Soft. Shipments are still backward, however, and another storm would tie up traffic again, so if you find your coal pile is get­ ting low, better order now and it "while the gettin' is *k * * X n 4-**, Wilbur Lumber Co. telephone 65|4 V West McHenry- IU* . i ;?t" " s£/ •V . : f- ii? Tfl sSf %W \ Block&Bethke One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with IOC cash purchase .Jm (iimls, 1 Say? 1 WfjhK Mi We still have a large enough stock, after the great holiday rush, to fill the wants of every one of the family. You can do no better than to give us a chance to fill that want, be it what it may. If we don t have it in stock we get it, and only on satisfactory terms to ^ don't fi«4 what you are looking for, come see us. We are here to please everyone. :: :: ^ .. Items VA/ortH Voi-ir WHile! Items You've Got to Have! AU heayy tfeather Mitts, wopl lined, s^,at $1 and up, now per pair > * c.:. * * r. v.... 75c AH wool lined Leather Mitts told at 50d and 75c now•... * • * ;•• • • 38c and 50c Biemember one thing--when yow feuy this line of goods you get the best there is, such as Water­ proof, Horsehide, Calf and Hog skins, made to stand the wear,--an4 we know tbey 4o. i; \ < f . v A good assortment boys' fleece lined Underwear. . .25c All ladies' ribbed fleeced vests and pants, each..25, 50c Men's fleece lined shirts and drawers, good ones... .50c Men's alFwool underwear, fair assortment of the only - f o o d w o o l a n d g o o d s i z e u n d e r w e a r m a d e ^ a t . . . : ; ; . ; . . . . . . R . . : . . . . $ I .oo, 4.50 ]^elt Boots, SOCKS aii<I Ov^rs, Overshoes and Rubbers, W^r»n lilted Shoes, Caps for Men, Boys and Girls. & •it,- ' ^ s. * \ iiM: ! ' , J'f t 1 "v/.i- 1 ,.<5 ^ ::0,4 • • i % i • , t " m ,ii. > ^ . .'t' •i \ . "sfe&sifl . i . i . , i -FT j ^ ' >' J J f - * •• *• 3? * > ** Mi- • v -f-

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