Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1910, p. 4

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\ "TJv^ v •> ^ ̂Tftw^.^ ,^Z - •\*S V T1 ^T*- '•f V i"' , f\\ »w^p; - •v' " jy *y > r i _ 7 3 % ^ v ^ M * * « r a v ' . .% y^- <>v' ? J- ;^- /? R##lt!l§ ttVlflSil €iicte|; £ DivnpiiU, c«rtf Titles, WflingHWes,'-, Office Desks, Office (iHirs, Dining (hairs, Writtnf Desks, Library Tallies, China CiWnets Music Ghinets Dressing Cases Parlor (afcinds, ftc OtIE line of Furniture is al­ways kept complete and up-to-date. There isn't a piece of Furniture made that we can not furnish the trade and at prices, too, that just fit the workingman's purse. Besides being in the furniture business we also do undertaking and embalming. .Calls of this na­ ture always receive our very best attention. We respond to calls promptly at any and all times, day or night. :: :: Jacob J listen ^Sn fjr We do not Claim that our "Early Riser" Flour is THE VERY BEST IN THE WORLD, but ire do claim and back every word of it when we say that our "Early Riser" Flour is EQUAL, TO THE VERY BEST MANUFAC­ TURED. Our sales on this product during the past year is sufficient evidence to convince the public that we have a Flour of which we are proud and we recL ommend it to the housewives of McHenry and vicin- * ity. Besides this we also manufacture Graham Flour, Breakfast Food, Corn Meal, Rye Flour and Pumper- nickle Flour, all of which in the very higfrftpt ^ class. :: :: :: i.ii :: :: . '4 S\ ^2 WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop. =^l | ----rCENTERVILLE QfOCerV and ; -M" tf •i* /- * j p 1 « » . w • *'y»: '!• ' „ Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :: . i / •"T *' '^vr •'5# CHAS. G. FRETT, McHENRY, --PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. C. V. Don't be deceived by extravagant claims of far away, unknown makers who claim to sell good stoves at a price that does not even pay for the cost of good material alone. A little use quickly shows their "built to sell" character, the light cast­ ings will firecrack, warp or burn out. The seams will open, oven will fail to bake, grates cannot be operated, doors fail to close and the hundred and one other features of cheaply made and care­ lessly constructed stoves will show them­ selves in their proper light. Our stoves are °? re^able make and sold under a positive guarantee. Call and see them and get our prices; • F. L. ricOmber % y?$9z, S.} m Sfttfe ji- few Ik Mdtery ranter PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BfP® F. a. SCH REINER. OMm la Bank BuiMln#. Telephone, Md. *71. ^UAR?reR OF A CENTURY. (tows Clipped from The PlalndMltr of mFebruary i l, 1880. TKRM8 OP iunomrrtONt Oneyssr .......11.60 tlx month*, TOcts. Tbn« month*. Mot*. Thursday, February io, 19^. t 1 4\ ^ £ ANNOCNCEMKNT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the pri­ maries^, , Arthur a. Crissey, 83 tf Marengo, IU. BXfRKSS RATES. In an attempt to afford merchants, manufacturers, dairymen and shippers generally relief from express charges that are said to be arbitrary and exces­ sive, the state railroad and warehouse commission is about to enter upon the most sweeping investigation of the kind ever undertaken in Illinois. Indications at this time, based on evidence in the hands of the commission, point to an en­ forced revolution in the methods of ex^ press companies in this state. ( This information has been furnished voluntarily, by firms and individuals who claim to be victimized by existing conditions. No small part is said to have come from the Illinois Manufac­ turers' association. Illinois never before has attempted to regulate express companies. In conse­ quence it is declared tariffs are enforced that in some instances are more than double theme charged in states where the curb has been applied. Shippers in distant states are enabled to move their goods to Chicago for less money than Chicago merchants can send similar goods a few miles distant. The result has been a storm of protest that caused Governor Deneen to include the subject in his call for a special session of the legislature. The Attorney General Stead has strengthened the arm of the investigat­ ors by an opinion that it is within the power of the commission to curb the alleged rapacity of the express com­ panies. The movement has been set in motion by the introduction of a bill in the senate appropriating f10,000 to meet the expenses of the investigation. Sen­ ator Hurburgh of Galesburg introduced the measure, which is regarded as hav­ ing emanated from the executive. As it was referred to the committee of which Senator Hurburgh is the chair­ man, its early appearance with favor­ able recommendation is a foregone con­ clusion, and it is expected that it will be pushed to the tore without delay. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY A8 8EEN BY THE <PL.AINDEAL.EB REPORTERS. ttena* of Interest Picked Up Atant Oar Busy Little Burg That May OeaeAm Voa or Your Friends. Valentines at Petesch's. 1 / Tank heaters at Wm. StoffeM^^; Slippery Elm lozenges at G. W.-^Bee- ley's. ' • . . the Beeley's cold tablet* are Never fail to cure. best Hot cross buns every Friday dnring Lent at the McHenry bakery. 33-tf For cold in the head or a case of the grippe take Petesch's Pink Cold Tablets Full of laughs from start to finish-- the "bin party" at the Universalist church Feb. 19. Did it ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at the •tore? --^ The automobile show is drawing uiany local enthusiasts and from all reports quite a number of new cars will be owned in McHenry and vicinity the coming summer. A good sized crowd saw J. Har. Basel's picture play at the Central opera honse on Monday evening. The pic­ tures were pronounced by all who saw them to be first-class in every respect. One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. If you heard Dr. David Roberts'lec­ ture on the diseases of live stock you are convinced that he knows what he is talking abont. Any of bis prescriptions can be secured of us. No one else in town has them. Petesch's. . . % * Henry Colby intends starting this week for a Southern trip, to be absent two or three months. He goes for his health. N , We learn that the John Stnrdivant house in this Village has been sold to Wm. L. Smith of Ringwood^ who will occupy it in the spring. The scholars of the higher department of our public school, accompanied by the principal, paid a visit to the Rich­ mond school one day last week. E. W. Wright of Rockford is making his parents and friends in this village a short visit. -"Poddy" has hosts of friends here who. were glad to tabe.bim by the hand. One of the severest snow storms of the season, accompanied by a -heavy wind, struck this section on Sunday night and the consequence is that the railroads are all blockaded, the high­ ways are almost impassable and busi­ ness generally is at a stand still. At the titne of writing, Tuesday afternoon, the thermometer is down in the twen­ ties, and the wind blowing a stiff gale from the west. The entertainments of the McHenry Dramatic club at Grand hall last week were « success in every particular and netted the band boye the handsome sum of $50. The drama was au admirable one and all took their parts so well that it would be folly for us to attempt to particularize. The hall was well filled both evenings and all went home well pleased and with the hope that they would bring out another play at no dis­ tant day. By request of many citizens of this village, the Ringwood Dramatic clnb has decided to visit this village, and will, on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week, at Grand hall, present the beautiful and interesting drama of the "Little Detective." Those of our citi­ zens who saw this play at Ringwood speak of it in the highest terms of praise, and those who fail to attend on this occasion will miBS a rich treat The following is the east of characters: Sir Gervase Langton..., Wm. SmitU, Barrie Mallinson Hubert Potter lodovic Stuyvesant John V. Buokland Phoebus Roekaway . ..• . .O. A. Tabor Dr. Strasfeldt ;.. .Osrling Richardson Roderick Tracey Tom Richardson Stephen Hardcllffe "......... Earnest Infills Nap and Snooze O..French. F. Coats Capt. Oustave Koenig*- Edward Smith The Little Detective..,..*.'....' J. E. Cristy Madame Ritzdorf ; Miss Carrie Ladd Stella Miss Mary Ladd Una Langton.. ."... . Mrs. O. A. Tabor Between eight and nine o'clock on Monday evening our citizens werfe star­ tled by that dread' alarm of "Fire!" "Fire!" and in a few minutes our streets were thronged with excited men, for with the thermometer down towards the twenties and the snow piled three or four feet deep in onr streets, the con­ templation of It raging conflagration, with no means at hand to extinguish it was enough to appal the stoutest heart. The fire was found to be in the meat market of L. A. Parker, situated just west of his residence, which, together with its entire contents, was destroyed. In fact so quick was the work of the demon, fire, that the building was one mass of flames within five minutes after the alarm was given. Mr. Parker esti­ mates his. loss at $1000, Sore Lungs and K»vv Lun|«, Most people know the feeling, and the miserable state of ill health it indicates. All people should know that Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, will quickly enre the Bore- ness and': Cough and restore a normal condition. Ask for Foley'* Honey and Tar. Frank Masquelet. PROBA TE NE WS | PRO [Furnished by McHeary County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and bayrhents to suit borrower, l'bones 834, 903 and 911.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Miles F. Hatch et al to Frank W. Hatch, ISO a la s H and neM sec 8, ' 'to Bert Bel), It 36, r to John M. Peter* t pt meM swM sec 9, .113000.00 1266,00 1.00 1M0.OO *P- McHeary Township '"'j I will be at the following named places for the collection of taxes for Mc­ Henry township: Mondays -- At Debrec&iV store, Johnsbnrgh. . Tuesdays--At Bradley & Foes' store, Ringwood. Thursdays--At M. J. Walsh's store, Weat McHenry. Saturdays--At N. H. Petesch's drug store, McHenry. 88-tf John Niesen, Collector. Burton... Fred H. Belt &; Kingwood George L. Murpl sou, 2 a in nej< Greenwood Henry E. Wightman & w to Richard I Overton, it 1, blk 3, West McHenry.. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of , William S. Starfltt. Inventory proved. Robert H. Sherburne. Petition for probate of will and letters testamentary filed. On motion of petitioner QMise continued to Feb. 10, { marriagb licenses. Arthur Nichols, 28. .... Hebron Irene Everett, 23 ...... Harvard Alfred Krause, 21.. t...... ... .Huntley Delia Fehnnann, 18>......... Seneca Tp Otto C. Hill, 25... .i^i.Mt. Hareb, Wis Julia I. Aavang, 23,**....., .Woodstock Walter Ettner, 25. ,,,, v...... .Marengo |Smma Polnow, 22. ^C*r^ ? Place Your Order Now, .. The government postal auftorttles have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner, OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WC ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO* . AW> It May Be Pneumonia "A hard chill, pain through the chest, difficult breathing. Then fever, with great prostration." If this should fee your experience, send for your doctor. You may baw pneumonia! If your doctor cannot come at once, 0ve Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. When he comes, tell him exactly what you have done. Then do as he says. No alcohol to tfes cough medicine. JT'Ayer Co., Lowell,Man* of Ayer's Pills at bedtime wffl cause gftJc laxative cflect (tie day Mbwlag, ••Hoary Ktttertaln* » X*rf« Company of Visitor. During Che Wook-Wbom Wo Ifliitertaln. Joe Engeln spent Tuesday in Chicago. H. E, Buch was a Chicago visitor Tuesday.N 0 Simon Stoffel was a Woodstock caller Saturday. C. T. Eldredge was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. F. J. Herbes was a metropolitan cfty visitor Wednesday. Nick Justen attended the automobile show in Chicago Tuesday. Anton Freund was a business visitor in the windy city Tuesday. Everett Hunter transacted business in Janesville, Wis., Tuesday. Wm. Stoffel, Jr., attended the auto show in Chicago Wednesday. Theo. Bethke was a business visitor J in the metropolitan city Tuesday. - T. P. Walsh attended to business matters at the county seat last Satur­ day. P. P. Rothermel was among the Chi­ cago passengers from this station Tues­ day morning. Misses Irene Frisby and Anna Cleary spent Saturday and Sunday with rela­ tives in Elgin. ^ Mrs. Martin J. Healy of Chicago spent several days at the home of Ben Wege­ ner at Lily Lake. Miss Lizzie Thelen passod several days this week as the guest of relatives and friends in Elgin. George J. Wegener and friend, Paul Zeuhlke, of Chicago visited his parents at Lily Lake last Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Thnrlwell of Rockford is caring for her mother, Mrs. Miller, at Ringwood at this writing. Mrs. H. H. Hanly of Chicago is spend­ ing the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Perry. * Edgar and Merritt Thomas of Wood­ stock passed Monday at the hOme of their sister, Mrs. F. H. Wattles. Howard Wattles of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his parents, Mayor and Mrs. F. H. Wat­ tles. Mr. and Mrs. Warthen Kimball of Ingleside spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kimball, Sunday. Grover Kimball, who has been spend­ ing the past two years in Iowa, spent last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kimball, here. Rev. F. W. Miller, a former pastor of the Universalist church here, but now at Plymouth, Mich., is in town today (Thursday), shaking hands idth his many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Blake, daughter, Kate, and son, Anton, and Mrs. John Heimer and daughter, Mayme, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Blake at Pistakee Bay Monday. N. A. Huemann, M. L. Worts, An­ drew Miller, Nick Meyers, F. O. Gans, E. W. Howe, Frank Masquelet and J. W. Schaffer were among the Chicago passenger^ this (Thursday) morning. Charles F. Hayes of North Crystal Lake was shaking hands with the voters in McHenry on Tuesday. Mr. Hayee has already announced himself a candi­ date for the office of state representative from this legislative district. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engels of Spring Grove were McHenry visitors Wednes­ day. Mr. Engels made this office a pleasant call while here, at the same time renewing his subscription to The Plaindealer for another year. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Feltz, Mrs. Theo. H. Bethke, Miss Marie Block, Frank F. and L. F. Block of this place attended the funeral of Emma, the youngsst daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Block, at Dundee Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Block were former residents of this place and will be remembered by many of omrreaders. • ' "7^. P1STAKKS BAV Mathias Pitaen was a Woodstock vis­ itor Monday. Ben Stilling has had his ice house filled this week. S. J. Mellin 's ice honse was filled with twenty six inch ice last Friday, while J. J. Pitzen's house was filled the fol­ lowing day. Misses Dena Meyers and Emma Bug- ner of Johnsbnrgh visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Frennd one day last week. Mrs. M. Schaefer is having a new addition built to her bouse at Schaefer *s grove on Fox river. Jacob Schaefer li doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Justen, Joe King, Jacob Steffes, John Oeffiing, Misses Clara Lay and Bva King attended the fireman's masqnerade at Fox Lake last Saturday evening. AU report a fine time. J. J. Mertes will have one of the long­ est as well as finest piers on the shores of Pistakee bay next summer. He and Hubert Klapperich have just completed a thirty-foot addition to the old pier in front of the Oak Park hotel. A Safeguard to Children. "Onr two children of six and eight years have been since infanoy subject to colds and croup. About three years ago I started to use Foley's Honey and Tar, and it has never failed to prevent and cure thes« troubles. It is the only medicine I can get the children to take without a row." The above from W. C Ornstein, Green Bay, Wis., duplicates the experience of thousands of other* users of Foley's Honey and Tar. Frank Masquelet. Ktinda Townthlp Taxea. I hereby give notice that I shall ba st the West McHenry State bank on Tues­ days and at Throop's store, North Crys­ tal Lake on Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week for the purpose of collect: inj^taxes for the township of Nuoda. tt IfiLTKJ. Walm, Colteator r p f e t t i f c e f c - t » e n show the force, ener­ gy and character of the sitter. They are true portraits, bringing out the individuality and ay that is best U* cap- 1 ' ^ v ' - a i y PHOTO - SUTDIO West McHenry, Illinois. ^ir? Bank o# y" McHen ry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and doeB a GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for Bale. If you want to buy or sell, caU on us. Abstracts ordered. , v . a INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates ^ • - Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. -- NORTHWESTERN ttttb Qtxffzi TELEPHONE NO. 362 Steam Heat, Hot and X2old Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. AU homecookiag. Rates $1 50 per day. THEO. SCHIf SSLE, Ptip. WEST McHKNRY. MEATS •' --1 ' f " v'"^ TjyWfr^fJrfcy and tender are what ^ we sell heffc. Also a fine line M Canned Goocis, Bakery Goods : a»d Vegetables in sea- ,J son. . We know we "have 'just vwhat you want. Will also hare Fresh Fish on every Friday and Fast Day. E. F. Matthews West McHenry, III. TELEPHONE - - t Professional* Society V ahd Business Cards DAVID O. WRLL8 M. D. OHYS1CIAN, SURGEON AND OCOLWt r office and residence corner Elm and *; Bhreea streets. McHenrv. Telephone No. Sil . >* 1v; FEGER8 & FEGER8 V DHYSICIANB AND SURGEONS, McHenry r ui, office at Residence, corner Oourtwio Elm streets Telephone 333. D.T. SMILEY A tTOHWEY AT LAW, Woodstock, pftaote All business intrusted to his c*re will be properly aud promptly atteuued to. DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN ^ dentist - Office over Besley's Hours: 8:00 to 5:30* %m McHswOT. Ix.x* Tetephoae M* 6 Office over M. J. W»Wi Dr. Arnold Mueller* Physician an# Surgeon •: - WEST McHBSIlY, IUJNQli ! ' . 2 -- -- . -- " j , > , 1 1 ' -- • -- > r Telephone No. 393, SIMON STOFFEWjivi '/J ^ * Insurance Agent for all classes of- * : •property in the best Com panies. | Weat McHenry, ll||**t* ; H.C. 'MEAq^St > J JUSTICE OF THE PEACE „ * ^ • AND INSURANCE AOBNT. I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop- j^v,^ erty against Fira, Lightning1, Tornados, Etc Also have a special line Qf Insurance on Live /, Stock insuring against death from any cause . West McHenry, - III. RUSTY MAD? EATS RUST SHINES TSPLF WONT WASH OFP* H your dealer hasn't it see John J. Vycital WHEN IN CHICAGO Don't forget to call on Luntert Q. Sen* 9a Fifth Ave. where you * will always be treated courteously aud receive the best In the market iu the line of Wines, Liquors & Cigars PARCELS CHECKED FREEL West Side Livery -i.:% OVERTON. PROiv - . i 'Buses meet all trains for points 011 Ristakee Bay and Pox Lake. TeaiB- luii of all Kinds done promptly. Sp#- cla> attention Eiveu to traveling men^ v Fli-st-class rigs with or without driver al reasonable prices. 'Plwae47S. Weat ricHenry,> - - Illinois. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else Jails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's cc inter. I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY lor Gentlemen who cherish ^ ifumiy. ,.r. Mo tie* I To insure publication in Tlw Plain- dealer copy must be In tbe office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular no tic to this effect. 'Walters' Benzo antiseptic cream for the hands at Petesch's. V . V-* • ^ L.»* » f „ ^ •" -- m' -- - • Single harness, an exceptional rain ••• ? "* MWdl BtoffeiC " - --For Sale by Leading Dealers.- Are You perhaps thinking of purchasing a Gasoline Engine? If so, we have a proposition that will in­ terest yon. Jnst think of it--a 2 h. p., 4x4 cylinder Qasoline Engine for $75.00! Compare this engine with those rated at 4 h. p. Weight of engine, 600 ponnds. 'Also pomptng engine at $37.50. Wm. Bmi, . Mary PUMPS, WINDMILLS. ETC TELEPHONE 831. - McHENRY, ILL. «$P £&k i*- -I* - •» * ,K- * U ; f l / * i:A- and this %r at onr « I 'dA- 4 V ^ • '!• * ^ g . ^ ..IsL * The Weekly Inter-Ocean paper delivered for one yi •* .""'V# * •* v *• Jf*t- .. 'Xyt t • r ^ , * r, "f .. e _• .vk-* ',3,.,,^ " *•

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