Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Feb 1910, p. 5

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mmmmm '- '.*>£ "' .i&> A ' -U '1; , - • ' r"" |C r. *7^* •>?:*/.<* >«y**»y * ?> ^ i t * j * * * ' •*. ; J" |V> The Aroerican National Bago^ of Woodstock " ' ^ " ., &.?<&> •* Statement of condition as made to the Comptroller of tile Currency, at Washington, B. C., at the close of business January 31,1910. • ? RESOURCES , * - Loans and Discounts, Bonds and Securities . $185:482.14 United States Bonds . # >v . . 12,500.00 Due from United States Treastft&r . . 625,OO Due from Banks $61,349.65 : Cash in Bank 16,872.62 . . . . 78,222.27 * • Total . . $276,829.41 $50,000.00 12,500.00 1,388.86 1,888.86 854.00 . 12,500.00 . 199,586.55 $276,829.41 Capital Stock ^ Surplus Fund ^ Undivided Profits Reserved to pay taxes . National Bank Notes in circulation DEPOSITS . . . Total Referring to the above statement showing Capital, Sur­ plus and Undivided Profits amounting to over $63,000.00, we solicit your business. Organized, developed and con­ ducted on the principle of conservative banking along progressive lines, The American National Bank of Wood­ stock offers to the people of Woodstock and McHenry County uniform courtesy, adequate facilities and perfect A servicC , Chas. L. Quinlati, Cashier Geo. L. Murphy, Pros, DIRECTORS Charles H. Donnelly William Haley Henry C. Murphf G-eorge F. Rushton George L. Murphy , Money to Loan Savings Department Interest PaJd on Deposits % § furs! fufi! Highest market, p r i c e s p a i d f o r furs of evefy de­ scription. Bring them to us. Tel­ ephone No. 222.- Cillowiiril&SoD McHENRY, ILLINOIS 223MAAH THE WRONG WAY to select harness is the way It is usually doue. Price is generally the Brst consid­ eration. If that Is very low the Rood seem attractive, reRardless of ijuality. Judge our goods tlte other way about. Examine into the quality of this iiarne-s tirst. Then it will be seen t,lut ifc is wortf. almost aavjjrice. But oar prices are not hijfh. Value considered they are remark ably low • :: :: Q. A- Barker flcHenry, III. CALL IN and let us show you samples of our four- piece suits, including pants, coat, belt and cap to match. The very latest thing out --will be all the go during the coming spring and summer. While we are show­ ing the samples we will at the same time quote you prices that are exceedingly low for the quality of the goods. Order your suit early so as to have it when the balmy breezes blow again. :: :: :: J . D . L O D T Z , McHENRY, ILLINOIS Let Us mm I ------ I ! 1 NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY i E G O S For Ha tch ing ! Single Comb White Leghorns and White Wyandottes, bred to lay, $1.00 per setting* Single Comb Brown Leghotwa SOc per 11 "v" , $3,SO per 100 5 Also ageo*. for Cypher's Iucn* baton and Brooders. Al) orders promptly attended to. PEPPING POULTRY FARM =5v ILL. MCHENRY, - R. I 1». Mo. 3 X^SBSSS I ' . I I =S)?- Vis Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per­ haps you are not aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom­ ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every case conform "to, the regulations set aside by the Pure Food Law. We want you as one of our customers. M. 1*1, NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 flcHenry, - Illinois. Want Column. All advertisements fnaerted utulvr till* bead attfee following r&few: Five line* or taw, 26 cento for flrftt insertion; 15 cento for each subsequent lmterUon. More than Ave liue*. f> cent* a line for rtnt insertion, ml Hit-niam lint1 for addition) »n*«'i tion#. WANTED--A lady stenographer. For fur­ther particulars address or upply at tlie Hunter-Weckler Jioat factory, Mi-Henry, 111. WANTED--Men at the itoat factory. Hunter-Week lei- Hoat <'orn pariy. l7H>B8ALlt~Xorth and South Dakota land: fid to S25 per acre. AI HO farms Id Minne­ sota. For further information apply or write E. W. HOWE. McHenry, III. 2tMf r^oK SALE--About two cords Of wood, cut L up all ready for use. Apply to J. H. KEN NKBKCK. 35-at V\7 ANTED--To buy desirable lot iu either *• town. Please state full particulars iu first letter. Address XX I'I.AINOEALKK Saturday, March 19, is the date of the tovrn canons. The offices to be filled this year ai'e town clerk, Rssesnor, col­ lector and one road cominitwioner. If yon intend becoming a candidate for Hny of the offices mentioned, make yonr wants known thru the colnmns of The i'laindealer. Now is the time to start Hot cross bnns every Friday dnrinj? Lent at tbe McHenry bakery and E. F. Matthews meat market. 88 tf The Clover Leaf manure spreaders go like hot cakes. Only a few left. Win. : w k - A rpOH 8ALIC -liarred i'lytnoiith Kocks. Five -*• cockerels aud twelve pulh'ts of pri*e wiuuing (juallty bred from prizewinners. A bargHin for someone. M 11st have room. Eggs in season. TCRNEB Bnou., McHenry, Iih 35* WANTED--A large stove. 'Must be in good repair. Apply iiuNTKK-WBCKi.BH BOAT VO. * 35 TjMJR 8AI<E -Saloon building. 2BxttO; six nilu- 1 utes' walk to tbe lake. Imjuire of PAUL L. KAITHITT, Crystal Lak«, 111. April 1 l^OliSALE OH KENT -A six room IIOUM-, together with two lots. For fiirtlier lu- forrriulion write, phone or apply to THEO. WINKKU, McHenry, III. "Phone f««. XpOIl SALE-Very choice Kinglet Barred HtK-k cockerels and uullvts. Large, fine­ ly marked birds that will improve tlie color and size of your stock. Call and see them. Prices right. \V. H. JOHONNOTT, Kingwood. *»-tf "C^OK SALE--Choice eighty acre farm with L good improvements, good fences, one mile from good town and lake, only 05.00 per acre. Easy terms. Several good farms for rent. The very best large farm in northern llliuois for sale on easy terms. 25-tf SIMOIT STorrKL, West McHenry, III. Air cooled, double exhaast--some thing new--oar pnuip engine. Better see it at Wm. Stoftel's. OUR ABLE" CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KUMi£fIEUk Mrs. Grace Ford was an Elgin caller Saturday.' v Chas F.Tegtuire was m Chicago vis­ itor Monday. P. Han«hawoat atid wife were in the city Saturdiiy. ' Mrs. W. Allen' was a Crystal l^ake caller Saturday. James Whyte was a Oystal Lake vis­ itor Satnrday last. Mrs. Sarah Wakefield returned home from Elgin Saturday. The Burden factory has about finished filling their ice house. Frank Wagner was a business visitor in Crystal Lake Wednesday. Mis H Nelson and daughter. Myrtle, were Chicago visitors recently. Mrs. Hattie Thayer was a pleasant caller at Crystal Lake Thursday. Mrs. A. A oners was a Crystal Lake visitor a part of Wednesday and Thurs­ day. E Cadwallader of Terra Cotta visited his lister hew last week Thursday and Friday. ,/f . . Miss Lilia Huntof Elgin visited with relatives here a part of Saturday and Souday. Mr. ami Mrs. S. Cragsman of Wood- stock visited with Ridgefield friends Monday. Mm C Orm-tby and sister. Miss Roda Knilaus. were W»xxi»tock shoppers last Thursday. Lawyer Casey of Woodstock was a business caller in Ridgefiald Monday afternoon F. Wille and wife of McHenry visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wille, Wednesday. Frank Hutsou of McHenry spent Wednesday of last week with his aistsr, Mrs. C. F. French, and family. Miss Genevieve Goddard visited with her sister, Mrs. S. Reed, in Woodstock a part of Friday and Saturday. Arthur Skinner and best girl spent Saturday and Sunday am<*ng Chicago friends and attended the auto show. Mr. and Mrs. Will BuchoHz and little mm of Crystal Lake called oh Agent Lynch and family Sunday afternoon. Mrs. P. Hodgkitisoii enjoyed a visit with her son, Fred Hodgkitison, of Good- land, Kan., from Thursday until Sun- See the farm pump engine for general day. The Christian Endeavor society held a business meeting last Thursday even­ ing at the home of .lames Whyte, to elect officers for the year. J. C. Button and sister, Mrs. tiodgin- son, and her son, Fred, of Kansas vis­ ited Mr. aud Mrs. Miner Lockwood and A Murphy iu Woodstock Saturday. Supt. John White will move onto a farm west of Woodstock tbe first of March. It is understood a man from West Chicago will fill tbe vacancy left by Mr White. B. L. Dufield and wife entertained Mr. anl Mrs. Duane Whitcomb of South Dakota and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fisk of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Fisk and Mrs. Whitcomb are niecee of Mr. Du­ field. Miss Johnson, a missionary from India, but recently of Chicago, gave an interesting talk Sundaj at the Presby- rerian church on the life and pastimes of that country. Mrs S. B. Smith entertained her. Conductor Perry of the C. & N. W. R. R , scalded his ankle quite badly last Friday. He was passing from one track to the other eaat of the pumping station when the cover to the tank gave way. He is still lame Mrs. H. B. Wilcox and four children of Woodstock visited with Mrs. Lolo Bennett Sunday. Mrs. Bennett acd son, James, will leave Friday for Owen, Wis., to visit her sister, Mrs. E. W. Merchant, aud family for a few weeks. Wm. Rushtou was slightly injured Monday- No bones broken. But Otto Johnson had tbe misfortune to sustain a fracture of one of the bones, in one of his legs. A donation of $15 78 was raised for the benefit of the family, as Mrs. Johnson was sick and the fam­ ily in great need. Earl Jacobs and Miss Lacy Brown were tendered a linen shower by thirty of their young friends at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Jacobs, last Saturday evening. The linen pieces Were just what delights tbe young and old alike. They also received a Rochester lamp, which is sure to drive darkness away. Refresh­ ments, consisting of oake and coffee, were served. All report a moat enjoy­ able evening. Last Friday evening, all unexpect­ edly, the employes of the Borden factory and their wives, to the number of six­ teen, invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. John White It was a genuine sur­ prise. The evening was very pleasantly spent with cards and various games. Mr. Goddard gave an enjoyable enter­ tainment with his pbfltaograph, after which refreshments were served. "The boys" presented Mr. White with a very pretty oak rocker as. an expression of tbe good will and esteem borne by them and expressed their good wishes in bis new undertaking. They departed at a late hour, with Mr. White remarking that they could come again next week. SCHOOL NOTK8. Each room had a valentine box. Wilbur Levey visited school Wednes­ day . The ninth grade is working fractions in algebra. « Our object is lo teach our pupils to reason for themselves. The board of education has purchased two sets of supplementary readers for the fifth and sixth grades. The Plaindealer will be aeai t» any address on trial three months for t wenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at tbe expiration of that time ywlaga other wise ordered. Try it. ~ Petesch's for drags. MM III I III MM IIHL •««•« »•--«•«« IIHWPWMWIIM I KINGWOOD. Mrs. D. A. Whiting was a recent Chi­ cago visitor. Mrs! James Green was a McHenry caller Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams were Spring Grove callers Monday. Mr. aud Mm, A G. Bishop were Chi­ cago passengers Wednesday morning. Mrs. Mayme Overton of McHenry was a Sunday visitor at John Carey's. Miss Anna Waterman is spending the Week with B. A. Whiting at Richmond. Miss Dorothy Carr spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Vera Beatty at Rich­ mond. Mri and Mrs. Frank. Martin were Fri­ day visitors at B. A. Whiting's at Rich mond. J. M, Westlake of Spring Grove spent Saturday with his daughter, Mrs. Ray Dodge. Miss Agnes Biglow was entertained at the home of Will Stevens* Saturday and Sunday. Miss Agnes Dodge entertained the Misses Maude and Fannie Granger and Julia Stoffel Saturday. Mrs. Chas Bacon spent the fore' part of the week with her daughter, Mrs. John Gould, at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson of Paul's Valley, Okla., are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coatee. Mrs. Lou Francisco and sons were Sunday visitors in tt«e home of the for mer 's son. Eloier, and family at Rich mond. Frank Bell returned to his home, Dare port, Neb., after visiting relatives, and was accompanied home by Miss Bertha and Arthur Bell. i Mr. and Mrs Ray Dodge, Misses Maude, Fanny and Marguerite Granger. Julia Stoffel and Agnes Dodge took in the basket ball game at Richmond Fri­ day eventng. Mr. E. A. Kelley, Belvidere, 111., writes us: "I am an ex engineer with 22 yearsactiveservice to my credit. About three years ago my kidneys were affect ert so that I had to give up my engine. First I was troubled with severe aching pain over the hips. Then followed in rtammation of the bladder, and specks appeared before my eyes. A sample of Foley's Kidney Pills that I tried, so beu efited me that I bought more. I contin­ ued to take them until now I can safely testify they have made me a sound and well man." Frank Masqnelet. vuia Ed Bacon of Roseville was in V^lo Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Wni. Huson was a Chicago vis itor Monday of this week. John Effinger of McHeury was in town Saturday and Sunday. John Walton transacted business hi Wankegan one day recently. Frank Rouey and Ira Fisher of Watt conda were in town last Wednesday. Miss Lucy Dunnill visited her sister at Round Lake Saturday and Sunday. Miss Reba Huson, who is attending school at Grayslake, was at home over Sunday. Miss Margaret Ward attended teach­ ers' meeting at Wauconda Saturday afternoon. Mrs Simeon Russell of Chicago spent part of last week with her mother, Mre. Lnura Huson. George Hironimus was the guest of relativeb in Wankegan a few days the first of the week. Mrs. Laura Huson is reported as being somewhat better. Dr. Shaffer of Grays­ lake is attending her. Miss Annie Rossdentscher of Wan- conda was the guest of relatives and friends here Thursday night and Friday. More people are taking Foley's Kid­ ney Remedy every year. It is consid ered the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that medi­ cal science can deyise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities, tpiiidg up tbe system, and restores lost vitality. Frank Masquelet. KMKKAI.I* PAKE. D. W. Hill of Chicago was ftt Hie Park Sunday. Walter Walsh spent Sunday with rel­ atives in Elgin. Harold Gilles of Woodstock visited at E. Knox 's Sunday. Mrs. L. Huck spent Tuesday with triends in West McHenry. Miss Irene Frisby visited Miss Lacy Sutton Saturday evening. Miss Margaret Sutton of Elgin re­ turned to her home Tuesday. L. Huck returned to Chicago Monday, after spending a week at the Park. Joe Comiskey, who is employed in Chicago, spent Snnday with his parents. Miss Katie Knox spent Monday even­ ing with Miss Nellie Wingate at Barre ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robison of Chica­ go were the guests of Chas. Berkircber Sunday. Miss Mabell Bigelow of Chicago is spending a few weeks at the home oi Mrs. E Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer of Mc Heury visited4 at the home of L. E Walmsley Snnday. Mrs. Jas. Hughes ehtertalned her nephew, Robert Bennett, of Chicago Saturday and Sunday. Those pupils neither absent nor tardy during the school month ending Feb. 1<> were Cora Felmeten, Josie Smith, Dora and Mrytle Huck. LaGrippe pains that pervade the en tire system, LaGrippe coughs that rack and strain, are quickly cured by Foley 's Honey and Tar. Is mldly laxative, safe and certain in results. Frank Masqne­ let. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with oar own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year, Thia is a rare op portuoity and shootid be taken advant­ age of. ^23 •r* The fact that we have an unusually complete stock of drugs and other drug store goods is well known. It is comjmonly said that "If you can't get it at Petesch's it is not to be had in town." Completeness of stock is quite apt to mean that care is exercised in eveiy detail of management. The store where you find what you want is also the store where you get depend­ able goods and accurate ser-, vice. » lOflKOI McHENRY, TEL. 274 f c . - " ' • Oar stock of Winter Merchandise is too large and must be sold. We will make special low prices on all warm goods until ^4 March i, Ten per cent discount FOR CASH, on Sweater Coats, Under­ wear, Heavy Mittens, Caps, Hats, Heavy Lined Coats, Heavy Wool Pants, Felt Boot Combinations, Cravenette Coats, Blankets, Knit Goodsi Outing Flannels, Dress Goods, Etc. Shoes, Shoes! l)o not fail to lay in your supply and save the 10 per cent. :: :: :: Complete stock of fresh, pure Groceries at lowest prices for good quality. vTr^ our Tea and Coffee. - I*-"' ^ • • \ • £ -4- ^•4 75c per bu. for Pickles i to ilnchei. JSC per bu. for Pickles 4 to 5 inches. H • rM ;* • JS& Delivered at oujr factories at McHeijfy and Crystal Lake. Contract now with F. A. Bohlander or Block & Bethke. NATIONAL PldLE (ANNINd (0. Tbe Mutual Benefit Life In^urduce Co. NEWARK, NEW The Leading Annual. Dividend Company 4 Has daring the past sirty fonr years paid to policyholders, $268,296,648.95 Assets Jan. 1, 1900, f121,260,086.80 : Surplus, No company has accompiislied better results (or Its policy holders CARL W. STENGER, Agent. J) PHILIP JAEGER OENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT <U : ' ' . • " "3M ' SFtKXUUU A9TKNTION OIVKN TO TBS SALK Of *( " ' "' --""JTsp ; • Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Pouttfy* Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This Is the oldest house on the street Tags and price W» far^hed on application. £OU> STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. tk.>1 .. '. ,..«rs4 ,

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