r m Acquiring of beautiful home surroundings does iiot necessarily mean a large outlay of money at one time, but you may surround yourself with a beautiful home slowly and surely if you will but use the proper care in-se lecting your furniture so that each piece you buy from time to time is an addition that will lend to the harmony and attractiveness of what you already have. The quality of furniture that comes, from our store will never become shabby, so if you trade with us you have the assurance that in time you will have^ a home that you may well be proud of. Our line of Hugs, Linoleums and Lace Curtains is also complete and up to date and the prices that are attached , thereto should command vour attention. :: :: JACOB MEN, Mlny, Illinois Ttte FURNITURE MAN gi; • We do not Claim that our "Early Riser" Flour is THE VERY BEST IN THE WORLD, but we do claim and back every word of it when we say that our "Early Riser" Flour is EQUAL TO THE VERY BEST MANUFAC TURED. Our sales on this product during the past year is sufficient evidence to convince the public that we have a Flour of which we are proud and we rec ommend it to the housewives of McHenry and vicin ity. Besides this we also manufacture Graham Flour, Breakfast Foqd. Corn Meal, Rye Flour and Pumper - nickle Flour, all of which rank in the.very highest cl?S8, < ik- "*•. West Mdlenry Flour and Feed Mills WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop. CHAS. G. FRETT McHENRY --PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS ----CENTER VILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com plete lid'e of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :: •ry- Don t be deceived by extravagant claims of far away, unknown makers who claim to sell good stoves at a price that does not even pay for the cost of good material alone. A little use quickly shows their "built to sell" character, the light cast ings will firecrack, warp or burn out. The seams will open, oven will fail to r , Va^e' grates cannot be operated, doors to close and the hundred and one. Other features of cheaply made and care- ylessly constructed stoves will show them selves in their proper light. Our stoves are of the reliable make and sold under positive guarantee. Call and see them gadget our prices. L. ricOmber THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE, rde Mdlenry Pldintfeiler PUBLISHED KVfiKY THUK8DAY 8T ; F. G. SCHREINER. one* lit Beak Building. . T l̂epboae, Mo. 17*. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! Oneyear H.60 dlx months, 75 cts. Three months. 40 eta. Thursday, March 10, 1910. -- -- -- -- -- -- ^ ROK COLLI^UTOB. •' V I hereby announce my candidacy for collector for the township of McHenry, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary. Thanking all my friends for past support,, I am, Yours truly, tf JOHN NIESEN. FOR HIOMWAT COMMISSIONER, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of the legal voters at the com ing town primary, and will be thankful for the support of my friends, 36 tf JAMES L CONWAY. ANNO IKCEM KN T. I hereby ̂ announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of treasurer of McHenry coanty, subject to the decision of the voters at the pri-i maries. ARTHUR A. URISSEY, 33 tf Marengo, III. A NN«»l NClO!>ikS F. c I hereby announce myself & candidate for the office of town clerk for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of the voters stt the coming town primaries. Very respectfully, 88 CHAS B HARMSEN. ^THE NEW YORK LIFE lMarance Company'* Aanet* Hundred Million Dollars. > ao in rich/ begln- FOR COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of collector for the town ship of McHenry. Being unable to fol low heavy manual labor, I appeal to the voters of this township to give me a chance to earn a living for my family. BEN. J. BREFELD. . FOR COUNTY TREASURER, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, when held for the purpose of selecting Republican candidates for eonnty offices, to be voted for at the general election in November, 1910. 35 CHARLES WANDRACK ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of assessor for the town ship of McHenry, subject to the deci sion of the legal voters at the town pri maries. Thanking my friends for past support and soliciting a continuance of the same, I am, Very respectfully yours, 38-2t JOHN KIMBALL,. SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Wm. F. Rice, McHenry, president. C. W. Col ton, Marengo, vice president. Mrs. E. A. Harrison, Woodstock, secretary and treasurer. Rev. Wm. A. Cross, North Crystal Lake, temperance. . ; Miss Cora Fillmore, Woodstock, ele mentary. Rev. C. W. Johnson, North Crystal Lake, normal. Mrs. Geo. Btandish, Marengo, home department. E. F. Booth, Woodstock. E. L. Kimball, Ridgefield. IN THE INTEREST OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF M'HENRY COUNTY. State convention at Olney, May SSI- June 2. The first township convention of the year is at McHenry, March 13. Mrs. Warren Thomas, twp. pres., Mrs. C. E. H. Tuttle, secretary. The date of our county oonvention has been definitely fixed for Thursday and Friday, June 33-24, at Marengo, no providence preventing. We expect Brother C. E. Schenck to be with us this year. Fifty Sunday schools were reported for the county last year. The number may well be increased this spring. Township officers can encourage the opening for the summer of a very use ful school in several unoccupied fields at country achoolhouses. The organization of one country Snn- day school in this county has been the means of securing the addition of forty members to one of our churches. Others have done the same in a less degree. Here is a practical field for home mis sion work in our churches. The report of our county treasurer BhowB a balance on hand at the close of last year's convention of $34.38. She has in preparation a complete statistical report. This work can be greatly sim plified for her if the township presidents will secure a report from each of the schools in their respective townships and forward them at once in a complete form. "Break np your fallow ground." Be tween Decision day and Easter Sunday is an excellent time for bringing back those who have fallen out since Christ mas thru sickness, bad weather, or neg lect. There are also children in fam ilies which have religious traditions, but no present religions connections, who should be gathered into the Sunday school as a step toward rekindling the home altar. One hundred thousand dollars is a big fortune. Few men achieve it even in a life time of work, and those who do in most communities are accounted rich If it had been possible at the ning of the world, say 6,000 years to lay aside #100,000, and then each year thereafter to plaoe on top of it a like sum, the grand total in the sixty centuries supposed to have elapsed since time began, taking no account of inter est, would be six hundred million dol lars,--just the assets of the New York Life today. The comparison is startling. It throws into relief the ralre judgment and business acumen that enabled those connected with the various manage ments of the New York Life--many of them long since dead--to create in sixty- five brief years a going concern with so vast an amount of assets. Six hundred millions is indeed a big sum. But it takes a big sum, a mighty big sum, to back np and make as good as wheat policy contracts for more than two billions of insurance, any of which may become claims at any moment, and every one of which stands for a bash payment at the policy's matnrity by death or otherwise. In times past men and women have lost money and met with dire disaster thru the failure of life insurance com panies that didn't have assets enough to meet their liabilities. It's a mighty good fault to have one's life insurance in a company whose assets are great and strong beyond a shadow of doubt. But big as this sum is, it is not a menace. It is not a Wall street tund. Itis not hoarded in New York City, state or elsewhere. It is universal prop erty, one might 'say. These dollars of the company are at work, actively at work, in many cities, states and sec tions. President Kingsley touched on this point in one of his late addresses. Our railroad bonds represent dollars loaned by the Netv York Life to build, maintain or improve the railroads that unite communities; onr money thus helps in the development of local trade and commerce. It is the same with the money loaned to governments, cities, and corporations. These loans mean expenditures locally, not in New York, but in the communities that have bor rowed the funds they needed. And so it is with the money that is out on mortgage loans. These loans aid in the development of local enterprises, in the building of our homes and our cities. Every dollar of the New York Life's in vestments either directly performs the work referred to, or releases another dollar that can be spent or invested locally for these purpose's. Thus, in a large sense, the New York Life is a 'ideal company," with the added strength that comes from not carrying all of its eggs in one basket. . The New York Life's list of assets in its detailed statement is a constant an swer to the representatives of local com panies who cry "Keep your money at home." E. J. Cohan, who has a summer home at Emerald Park, Is the local agent for the company. He makes weekly trips to McHenry and will be pleased at any time to further enlighten those wishing additional information regarding the New York Life. OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND CONCERNING COUNTY SCHOOLS Item* of General Interest M Farnlulled by County Superintendent. McHenry Entertains a Large Company of Visitors Daring the Week--Whom We Entertain. John F. Miller spent Tuesday in Chi cago. Mrs. Theo. Winkels spent Wednesday in Chicago. E. W. Howe was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. Everett Hunter was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Dr. D. G. Wells was a professional visitor in Chicago Monday. » Mrs. Fred Weinschenker spent Satur day and Sunday last in Chicago. John Theonnes was among the Chica go passengers Monday morning. H. E. Clemens was a business visitor at the county seat last Saturday. • Miss Bertha Wolff spent Tuesday and Wednesday with relatives in Elgin* C. G. Frett attended to business mat ters in the metropolitan city TuAday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bob lander were Chicago visitors Monday and Tuesday. Mi.«s Myrtle Cobb of Chicago is spend ing the week at the home of L. F. New man. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle, son, Theo., and daughter, Bertha, passed. Tuesday in Chicago. Miss Anna Stock was among the Chi cago passengers from this station last Friday morning. C. M. Adams of Johnsbargh boarded the Chicago train at this station Wed nesday morning. Dr. W. C. Besley of Woodstock pass ed Tuesday night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Besley, here. Mrs. Charles McArthnr of Elgin spent the latter part of last week at the home of her mother here. Mr. Mc Arthnr was a Sunday guest at the Wolff home. Q Miss Grace Conn of Hebron has taken the place made vacant by the resigna tion of Mi^s Bessie Barnes In the Ester- gren district in the town of Algonquin. There is a general movement in the educational work of this country that tends to improve the physical conditions under which the children live during school hours. Ventilation is one of the things that are receiving much atten tion and justly so. Individual drinking caps are becoming common and this will be a long step toward lessening the spread of contagious diseases. In some of the more advanced communities in school matters people are making pro visions for the regular examination of children by competent physicians. There is a vacancy in district 79, a country school about two miles west of Crystal Lake. The directors would like to have the school begin work on Mon day, March 14. Applicants should hold valid teacher's certificate and are re quested to call at the office of the coun ty superintendent prior to engaging the position. Prin. Kimball and his wife of Ridge field visited the normal school at DeKalb recently, where Mr. Kimball made ar rangements for pursuing his work in that institution. Mr. Kimball is one of the uio^t effective and satisfactory teachers in the county. The directors in the Walkup district, north of Ridgefield, have installed the Smith heating system. This is the first system of the kind that has been intro duced into the country schools of this county. ItTis a move in the right direc tion. The system provides for ventila tion, which is the distinct feature and the one to be emphatically endorsed. The directors in this district are Richard Reed, Geo. Baker and Wm. Wagner. The teacher is Miss Ella Baker. This is one of the best country schools in the county and the people of that commun ity are to be congratulated on the( pro- gressiveness so evident in their Softool. A meeting of dairymen is to be held in the village of Greenwood on next Thursday, March 10. Speakers'from abroad, as well as good local talent, will address the meeting. It is to be held at the school house. Pinner will be served by the ladies of the Cemetery Aid soci ety. Messrs. Harrison of Greenwood and Gilkerson of Marengo made the arrangements for the meeting. These affairs should receive the support of ail farmers and they should become more common than they now are. Every teacher in the country schools should see to it that the school house receives a thoro cleansing during the spring vacation. Often this is not done from fall until the close of the spring term. Annual house cleaning is not frequent enough in the country schools to insure against the attacks of disease. It is largely "up to the teacher" to see that these matters are attended to at the proper time. The annual teachers' institute and county federation will be held at Wood stock March 28-April 1. Thursday and Friday, March Skand April 1, will be the federation days. Boards of direc tors and of education are requested to grant the entife five days of the insti tute to the teachers without loss of pay. Furthermore, the boards should see to it that their teachers attend these meet ings. Every effort is being put forth to make this -the banner meeting in the history of the countj^and we earnestly hope that not one teacher in the county will be absent and that their attendance will be for the whole time. Professors Gilbert and Charles will present the educational themes, pedagogy and na ture study, respectively. Mrs. Lena D. Collier of the School of Education of the University of Chicago will have charge of the hand work and drawing. The federation program will be one of the best in its history. The Illinois Congress of Mothers will furnish the program for Friday, April 1. Teachers desiring accommodations for the week are requested to write to Supt. E C Thomas or Prin. W. E. Evans of Wood stock. Capt. llogardim Again Hits the BUII'H KY«*. This world famous rifle shot who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots is living at Lin coln, III. Recently interviewed, he says:--"I have suffered a long time with kidney and bladder trouble and have used several well known kidney medi cines, all of which gave me no relief un til I started taking Foley's Kidney Pills Before I used Foley's Kidney Pills I was subjected to severe backache and pains in my kidneys with suppression and oftentimes a cloudy voiding. While upon arising in the morning I would get dnll headaches. Now I have taken three bottles of Foley's Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and once more feel like my own self. All this I o\Ve solely to Foley's Kidney Pills and always tecommend them to my fellow, sufferers." Frank Masque let. Hot cross buns every Friday during Lent at the McHenry bakery and E. F. Matthews meat market. 33 tf • > A DECIDED STAND isn't always the best attitude to take. • It's proper, though, in all cases of certainty. - IT'S A CERTAIN. TY YOU WANT YOUR PHOTO. You've been think ing about having some taken for a l o n g w h i l e , a n d haven't done it yet. COME IN TODAY AND GET PHO TOGRAPHED. It will make yonr friends happy and please mother. • Stucliof West McHenry 4 Illinois. Phone 322 ' - -k Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest o^ftime depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate «nd other first clase security. ' REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and *il- lag© property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on as. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Rerry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Professional. Society V tvnd Business ' Cards DAVID G. WKJ.LSVMI. D. ;V; pHfBICIAN, BURG EON AND OCULItflf *• Office and residence corner . Elm aJM streets. Me Hear v. TeteDhWft -AW FEGEK8 & FEGEK8 PHYSICIANS M&l) SURGEONS, McHenfjr ^ 111. Office .itprestdence, corner Oourtaaw Elm streets Telephone 333. f D.T. SMILEY, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, ^ All business intrusted to bis curt properly and promptly attended to. DR. R. 0. CHAM BERLIN ite mi DENTIST 1.••fllllrt over Beitay'i Dm* *5f- Hours: 8:00 to 5:30^ WIST MOHBNRT. LUU Telephone No 6 Office over M. J. Dr. Arnold Mueller, ^ Physician and Surgeon V:; - ' ..V ; ..&] ^ WEST McHENRY ILLINOIS. f telepboae No. a?*. i SIMON STOFFEL laanrance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, ItllaoU . k . =Jm- H. C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. I am now prepared to Insure all kinds of profi? : erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, EtfS\ Also have a special tine of Insurance on Llw Stock insuring against death from any cauie - HI. --1^--i»te* West McHenry, RfJSTY Sir VFS&($T0Vi (MADE NEW fiUST SHINES ITSELF WON'T WASH OFF It your dealer hasn't it TEE John J. V ycital -NORTHWESTERN nnb TELEPHONE NO* 362 One Doctor---Only One No sense in running from one doctor to another! Select the best one, then stand by him. No sense either in trying this thing, that thing, for your cough. Carefully, deliber ately select the best cough medicine, then take it. Stick to it. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles. Sold for nearly seventy years. No alcohol in this cough medicine. JT Aytr Co., LoweU,Mass. Why try this thing, thai thing, for your constipation? Why not stick to the J oWwflaMefamily m? igtyiyf 4m^4 An Awful Eruption of a volcano excites brief interest, and yonr interest in skin eruptions will be as short, if yon use Bncklin's Arnica Salve, their quickest core. |Cveu the worst boils, nlcers, or fever sores are soon healed by it. ttest for Bnrna, Cuts, BrniHea, Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Chilblains and Piles. It «ives inatant relief. 25c at N. H. Peteach'e .and F. Masqoelet's. Mr. Jacob today. Did it ever occnr to yon that yon can boy envelopes with yonr retnrn address printed on them just as cheap as you can bny the blank envelopes at the m and MM. Joe. W. Freund and Jnsten were Chicago . visitors Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Coin mercial and family trade soli cited. All homecooking. Rate« $1 50 per day. THEO. SflllESSLE, Prop. WEST McHENRY. WHEN IN CHICAUO Don't, forget to eal I on Limbert a. Sag 9a Fifth Aver where you Will always be treated courteously and receive the best in the market to. 1 he line of Wines, LIQUORS & CIGARS PARCELS CHECKED FREE. West Side Livery | OVERTON, PROP. 'Buses meet all trains for points on Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake. Teani- lnir of all Kinds done promptly. Spe cial attention srlven to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. 'Pltoae 47a. West flcHenry, • - Illinois. YOUR ORDER will be booked for delivery today, tomor row or for every day of the week. You're duty bound u> shop where it is most ac ceptable. 4 WHEN SHOPPING FOR MEAT VISIT THIS MARKET and get tbe "cut" you want. Orders we fill receive special care, so as to please our patrons. MEAT ORDERS LEFT HERE RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENHION E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY - TELEPHONE 3 We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr patrons can,se en re that sterling paper, togethe? with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant age of. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at tbe expiration of that time unless other wise ordered, Try it. See the farm pnmp engine for general Wia* BtofiaL Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else Sails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses thrv are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it ia the best medicine ever aold over a druggist's ccinter. I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cheriak Quality. --For Sale by Leading Dealers.-- Are You perhaps thinking of purchaaing a Gasoline Engine? If so, we tiave a proposition that will in* tereet yon. Just think of It--a 2 h. p., 4x6 cylinder Gasoline Engine for $75:00! Compare this engine with those rated at 4 h. p. Weight of engine, 600 pounds. Aiso pumping engine at $37.5®. . Wm. Baton, • McHenry PUMPS, WINDMILLS, ETC. TELEPHONE SJI, . McHENRY. ILL. The Weekly Inter Ocean and thii paper delivered for one year at o> "special deal" price year at out off 1.75 for