Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1910, p. 5

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A good silo will pay for itself in one year. One that isn't absolutely air­ tight is worse than useless. Wooden silos cost nearly as much, every year* in repairs and insurance as- they save. Silage juices rapidly de­ cay wood--this material makes a short-lived structure. Cut coj/ and insure satisfaSlion by building a Marquette Portland Concrete Cement silo. No insurance, no repairs- just steady, efficient service year /», year out--and generations to come will use your Marquette Concrete 'silo with the same satisfaction that you yourself will experience. We'll gladly send you details for making a silo with MARQUETTF m W1 'ROSrrjL <****"> M The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette. Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, 111. Ckiemf O/fett itmrtmtlte BUt., Ckicmt*. Itt. / Wilbur Lumber Co., McHenry Distributors, OUR LINE OF..... SUMMER DRESS MS is now very complete, in all the new colors and weaves, ranging in price from, per yard IOC to 35c SILKS! SILKS! See our line of plain and fancy Dress Silks at... 39c per yard All the popular shades. :: :: :: FANCY DRESS QINGHAMS! All the grades and colors. Our line of SHOES AND OXFORDS is up to date. Patent leather, Gun Metal, Kid, Tan and Ox Blood, in all grades. :: :: A nobby line of Men's Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts and Collars. Fresh and pure Gro­ ceries. Try our Tea and Coffee. :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 - QOOD& DELIVERED Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED iSM This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with gobd businees principle* and doee a «MRAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully wulicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and Til­ lage property fox sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on tu. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE • in Ftast Class Companies at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Banker*. Want Column. All advertisement* luaerted under thin bend ml the lullowln* r»te»: Five line* or leita, *6 cent* for flrat Invert lull ; 15 cent* for each •ubaequent Insertion. More than Ave line*, 6 cent* a line for first insertion, nd 3 cents a llae for addltlont Insertion. "CVJR SALE--Pour new milkers, two of tbem r Jerseys. Inquire of JOHN Fxusitr, West McHenry, 1II. 38-tf "CV)R SALE--A mlllt wagon In (rood condl- A tloo. Inquire of or write O. W. BULIT, West McHenry, 111. 51-tf JJH)R SALE- NortR and South Dakota land: -1- |15 to 125 per acre. Also farms In Minne­ sota. For further Information apply or write E. W. HOWE, McHenry. III. 80-tf XpOR SALE--My boube and four lots, to jfether with barn and outbuildings. Good well and .cistern and fine orchard. Will l>e sold at a imrK&iti if taken at once. For fyr- Llier Information apply to or write Prri* 'LWCKJUI, Mctieury, ill- 52-tf •p* AH Li AS--'The time baa again arrived *J when dahlia tubers may be secured from my choice4-ollection. Any variety, *uy color, any type, 15c to 2TH- each; $1.50 t.O #2.50 per do/., t'ull Saturday cveuln* or Sunday. Stock may i,e had until May 30. F. R. GOODMAN. 49-£I TJHlR r it* _ PALE OR RENT--The Lake Zurich feed mill, beautifully situated near the banks of Lake Zurich, in the heart, of one of ihe richest farmiq* counties in the state. Mil! In all fitted and ready for operation. A splendid opportunity for man who is willing lu hustle. This is by far one of the best money making opportunities that the section aflfoms. No competition. Everything your own way. Don't delay, but write THE PLAIN- DKAI-KK at out!« for further iuforaiatiou. 40-tf H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE S>EACE AND INSURANCE AGENT • I am BOW prepared to Insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire, Lightning. Tornados, Etc Also have a special iiae of Insurance oa Live Stock Insuring against death frOm any cause West McHenry, - III. UtVRALnPARK. Petesch'a for-drags. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Geo. Edwin Walsh of Chicago spent Monday at his hotne here. Mrs. Ed. Comiskny is spending a few days with relatives in Chicago. Mm. H. Berkircher is npending a Tew days with relatives iu Chicafeo. £.ik>h»n of Chicago was a caller . St. tltB Payjl St>tnrd»y > . Miss Mabel Powers of Glsin is spend­ ing a few days at R J Bartons. Miss Kittie Hi ley of Wanoonda visited at L. E. Walmsley's the past week. Thos. A. Frisby of Elgin is spending a week's vacation at bis home here. Mr. and Mm. Dave Rosencrans of Woodstock called on friends here Ban- day. L. Back spent a few days this week in Chicago, attending to bnsiness mat ters. Mrs. P. CosteHo of Elgin spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Ellen Walsh. Mrs. Wm. Port man sod daa«hter, Flore sice, of Chicago visited at Ed. KQOZ'S Snuday. Ghas. Malefytand Mian Anna Malefyt of Ohicago sprat Satnrday and Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger and family of Wiunl»tock^visited relatives in this vicinity Sunday. Chss, A. Cohen drove out frotu the city in an anto Friday eveuing and re mained until Sunday. James Costello returned to Elgin Snn day After attending a two weeks' vw* tion with relatives here. Mrs Irving Overton of West McHen ry and Miss Lncy Carey of Elgin visited the MiSses Knox Thursday. Misses Anna Knox. Lola Bovie and Belle Carey of McHenry spent Snnday with Miss Marguerite Knox Messrs. W. K. Bnrns, A K Burns, Wm Blum snd Walter Bluui of ('him go spent Snnday at their cottages Messrs. J. B. Kilter and E<1. Kelter of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week at their cottage at Kilter's Lake. Miss Alice McMansmsn returned to Chicago Snnday( after enjoyiflt^ a two weeks' vacation with relatives in this vicinity. Messrs. Rsphael Corr and Harold GHllis of Woodstock and John J . Ayl- ward of Elgin were Sunday visitors at Ed. Knox's. Mies Mamie Knox returned home Tuesday evening after. spending sev­ eral days with relatives in Chit-ago and Forest Park. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heaney and the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Heaney, and Mies Eleauor Flannery of Chicago spent several days last week at the Park. Ttaff CoMM>rvMtoH »r &»tare'a RMtmrm Applies as well to our physical state as to material things. C. J. Budlong, Washington, R. I., realised hn condi­ tion and took warning before it was too late. He says: "I suffered severely from kidney trouble, the disease being hereditary in oqr family. I have taken four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now consider myself tboroly cured, This should be a waruing to all not to neglect taking Foley's Kidney Remedy nntil it is too late." F. Maaqnelet. *vva Petesoh's for drags Men wanted at Terracotta factory. Miss Nettie Russell is at home for taei summer vacation. Elma Meyer of Chicago called on friends here Sunday. Alabastine and kalkomo at Vycital's Centerville hardware. Mrs. John Mayers of Wanoooda was a Yolo caller Monday. Miss Genevieve Etfisger is spending a few days in Waakegan. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Nicholls spent last Taesday at Liberty ville. Mrs. Sarah Howard of Grant called on friends here Sunday afternoon. Leo Brewer of West Fremont called on friends here Saturday evening. Mrs. Wm Hironimas and son, Ches­ ter, of Ronnd Lake were in town Thurs­ day. Mr. wid Mrs. Peter Diedrich of Mc­ Henry were in town Thursday after­ noon. Miss Adeline Frost of Chicago in vis­ iting her grandparents here for a few weeks. Mrs. Simpson and Delia Beckwith of McHenry spent Friday with Mrs. Oar- dinier. Mr. and Mrs. Schwerman and son of Lake's Corners were in town Friday evening Peter Frost and children of Chicago are spending a few days with bis par­ ents here. Mrs Charity Raught entertained her brother, Freeman Snyder, of Bristol, Wis., over Sanday. Misses Ruby Cook and Bessie Clough of Wauconda visited relatives here Thursday of last week. Meedeines Babel and Stadtfeld visited Mr. and Mrs. Vogt at the Glossen home at Stolfel's Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and ohil dren were guests of relatives sear Mc­ Henry Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Etten and Mr. and Mrs. Math. Steffo* of Johnsburgh spent Sanday with Mrs. S. Weingart. If yon are looking for a buggy seir oar assortment before yon make your purchase. Wm. Stoffel. Chamberlain's Stpmach and Liver Tablets will brace np the nerves, banish sick headache, prevent despoudency and invigorate the whole system. Sold by all dealers. School closed Thursday with a picnic gives the pupils by the teacher, Miss Margaret Ward. A farewell party was given Miss Ward Thursday evening at ,the W after hook*. RINaWlMfl). Mra<-Bradley and Mrs, Marvin went to Elgin last Satnrday. J. V . Ladd and wife were in Rich­ mond Monday afternoon, August Walters and. wife of Wood­ stock were calling in town Sunday. Mrs. C E H. Tuttle went to Chicago Tuesday for an operation for cancer. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Beck of Wood- •tnrjr vara «{ J;iKn MfT.anghli>>*• BUS* day. The Township Sunday School conven­ tion was held here last Sunday after­ noon. Mrs. Nellie Dodge has Iteen quite sick the pant week, but at this tiuie is some better. Quite a number from here attended the Mysik! Workers' convention at El­ gin lust week. Several from here were present at the Children's day exercises in McHenry Sunday morning. Otis Murray and family of McHen­ ry were calling at John McLaughlin's Tuesday afternoon. C. U. Stephenson went to Woodstock Sunday to see his wife, who is there for medical treatment. Mrs. Lihhie Simpson cAute home from Chicago Snuday. Her many friends will be glad to see her Mrs. Etnuia Brown end daughter, Mrs Florence Smith, attended tUe fu­ neral of Mrs. iiowe at Richmond Taes­ day. 11. W Allen and wife, Emma Mat­ thews aud Bert McCaunon's family ilrnfw t. .4... I - - - Woodmen picnic The ekising exercises of our school were good, all the children taking their parts well, showing the training Mr. .lohoiinott aud Miss Carey had given theui Mr. Booth, assistant county superin­ tendent of schools, and Prof. Sheltou of Crystal Lake were present at the grad­ uating exercises held here last Friday evening. The W. C. T lT meeting at Mrs. Alien's last Saturday was well attend­ ed. Mrs. Mart.iu had some good papers read Tea was served. All seeiued to eujoy themselves Mrs. At wood of Johnaon, Vt , who is visiting Mrs. Lncinda Francisco, will return to her home this week. Miss Anna Watermau will go with her for a visit with relatives iu the East. Miss Wallace of Marengo, who has been visiting Miss Eieaiior Hawiey fyr the past week, returned to her herine Tuesday evening. Miss Hawiey accom­ panied her as far as Elgin. A Woman's Great Idea is now to make herself attractive. Bat, without health, it is hard for her to be lovely in fa<w, form or temper. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irrit­ able. Constipation and Kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin ernp- tious and a wretched complexion. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who waut heakh. beauty aud friends. They reguiate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood: give strong nerves, hrivht ey*g, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin,"lovely complexion, good health. Try them. 50c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. TfcKKA COTTA- Mrs. B. F. i'eck was a recent Chicago visitor. Mrs. T. R. Anderson was a Chicago visitor Friday. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin spent Snnday with her parents here. Miss Vera Doherty of Holcombville spent Tuesday witt^retstives here, Mr. aud Mrs. B Cusick of Pistakee Bay visited at T. R. Anderson's Snnday. Attorney Stenning aud mother of Chicagospent Monday at 8 BALeisner's. Mr. and Mrs. James B Perry and daughter, Agnes, passed tbrn here San day. Mrs. W. Bolger and daughters. Anna and Mary, called on relatives here San­ day. Miss Marguerite Knox of Emerald Park visited relatives here last Wednes­ day Mrs. W. J. Welch of Griswold Lake visited relatives here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson and children were Richmond callers Sanday efe^ing. "Minn Frances Welch of Griswold Lake vikitpd her sister, Mia. C. E. Martin, last week. Mrs. Charles Bay of Marsballtown, Iowa, was a visitor at S. B. Leisner's last week. Misses Delia and Maggie Conway of Elgin vieited relatives here Satnrday and Snnday. Mrs. Reed Carr of Spring Grove is spending a few week* with her sister, Mrs Merton Graey. Mr, and Mrs. Cbas. Matthews and children from near Huntley were callers at Chas. Buck's Sunday. Mrs. Addie McDowell left for Iowa to visit her sister, after spending several months with her sister, Mrs. A T. Mc­ Millan. Charlie Newman of McHenry and Ed Bolger of Emerald Park visited Edward Knox Tuesday and ajso attended the exercises at school. Miss Newman closed a very success­ ful term of school here Tuesday. A fine program was rendered by the pupils and ice cream, cake and candy were served to the pupils and several visitors, ftlad to Recommend The 111. Mr. E Weakley, Kokomo, Ind., says: "After taking Foley Kidney Pills, the severe backache left n»e, my kidneyB be­ came strouger, the secretions natural and my bladder no longer pained me. I am glad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills." In a yellow package. F. Mas qaelet. ' ilea wanted at Terra Cotta factory. M«H«nry Entertains a tarfe Company of Visitors Daring tlf* Week--Whom W* Kntertaiu. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Nick Justen was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. H. C. Hankermeyer was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jamee B. Perry spent Wednesday at Aurora. C. G. Bsrasr boarded the Chicago train Tuesday morning. Rev. A. Royer boarded the Chicago train Tuesday morning. Alford Pouse of Chicago Snndayed at the home of his parents. J. P. Smith attended to bnsinees mat­ ters in Chicago Tuesday. Arthur Orton of Elgin passed Satur­ day last with friends here. Warren Howell was a Chicago pas­ senger Wednesday morning. E S. Brink was among the windy city passengers Taesday morning. Theo. Schiessle was among the Chica­ go passengers Tuesday morning. Lester B&fber of Marengo attended to business matters here last Saturday. Mrs. Peter B. Freund and daughter, Clara, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Frank Masqnelet was a businees vis­ itor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. L. F. Block attended to business mat­ ters in the metropolitan city Weduesday. Max Zimmermann attended to busi­ ness matters in the windy city Tuesday. Arthur Thelen of Elgin passed several days this week as the gneet of relatives here. » Peter J. scnreiner ot Gutcago is at­ tending to matters of business here this week. v Misses Li trie Thelen and Katie Weber attended a musical at Elgin Taesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslstt of Chicago V are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Frett. Mrs. Sarah McOmber of Chicago is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Smith. August Larsen of Chicago passed Wednesday and Thursday at the Orch­ ard Beach hotel. Ben Fischer of Elgin passed several days this week as a gneet of relatives and friend s, Frank li*i|fc-t and Curtis West fall of Chicago -ilPLod Snnday at the home of the Misses t^toffeU Henry Frett and Frank Koehler of Chicago were guests of relatives and Sanday. Edwiu Evanson of Chicago is spend­ ing a two weeks' vacation at the home of W. C. Evansou here. Miss Blanche Loomia pf North Crys­ tal Lake passed Tuesday at the home of her father, A. D. Loomis. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago passed Sunday and Monday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Went worth and children spent Sunday at Lake Geneva, Wis. The trip was made in an auto. Mrs. L. Salvage and two children of New Orleans, La., are guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Cbamber- lin. Mr. anil Mrs P. J. Peyton and| chil­ dren spent several days this and last week at the Houey Dew cottage on the Fox. Chas. Gray and Math. Rotbermel of Kenosha, Wis , spent Sunday as the guests of relatives and friendB in Mc­ Henry. Thomas Grady and family and- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carr of Waukegan drove to McHenry in the former's car last Sunday. Edward Kelley, Thoe. Good and Thos. Favero of Chicago were guests at the Honey Dew cottage on Fox river Snnday last. Mr. and Mrs. 13. J. Frisby of Chicago were entertained in the home of the for­ mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fris­ by, last Snnday. Mrs. Gerhard Wegener and children and Mrs. Ben Wegener of Lily Lake visited relatives in West Fremont Cen­ ter one day last week. N. ~A.. Huemann, F. A. Bohlander, C. M. Adams, Lnln and William Simpson were among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. Casper Herbes returned to his duties on the Chicago police force Tuesday morning, after a two weeks' visit with McHenry and Lily Lake relatives. Mrs. Harry Bacon and children of Chicago passed the first of the week at the home of Mrs. Bacon's parents, Mr., and Mrs. J. B Frisby. Mr. Baoon wa« out Weduesday. Foley 's Kidney Remedy may be given to children with admirable results. It does away with bed wetting, and is also recommended for use after measles and scarlet fever. F. Masquelet. Mrs. Frank Herbes, Ben Herbes of McHenry, Casper Herbes of Chicago and Gerhard Wegener of Lily Lake went with a launch from Pistakee Bay to Lake Marion, Wis., Sunday. , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sold on a guarantee that if you are not sat­ isfied after nsing two thirds of a bottle according to directions, yonr money will be refunded. It is ap to yoa to try. Sold by all dealers. Mrs. C. E. Lainpbere returned hdme from Athens, N. Y., last Friday, where she had been called tbrn the serious ill­ ness of her father, Isaac Wentworth, She reports Mr. Wentworth's condition very much improved, which his many friends here will be glad to kndw. 'It cured me," or "It saved the life of my child," are expressions yoa hear e%- ery day about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the world over where this valua­ ble remedy has been introduced. No other medicine in use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received such gen­ eral approval. The secret of the success of Oa iin ><jrl*i n'a Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea that it curee. Sold- Uy ail dealer*. 4 4 For Shut-in** F oiks We have many things that lessen suffering and make sickness more bearable. Invalid Cushions, Sick Feeders, Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes, Ice Bags, Bandages, Lints, Cotton, and all sorts of hospital and sick room sup­ plies. If you can't find what you want else­ where, come here. We may have just what you are looking for. Better save time and money by coming here first. :: :: :: N. H. Petesch DRUUUIST McHENRtY TEL. 274 •£) When Looking- for YourSpringWants Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our mottp. See us for Indi- o : i ~ _ a n a o n u s . WM. STOFFEL *0 Phones: RESIDF.P^JE-7»«. I THIS IS THE ee*> X The Quality Stove We are selling more of these Stoves than ever before. Why? Because they are honestly and dependably constructed. THEY ARE RIGHT. JOHN J. VYCITAL. CENTERVILLE: MAN. • SUITS $16.00 Mm '<^'3 m and up. J. D. LODTZ McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. -I" +86

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