Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1910, p. 10

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:- :W • • • : • • ' ' « OF A PERSONAL NATURE Bftttue Kidneji An T'" Weakened ty tow-Wort. PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW ANO WHERE THEY GO / 11.> MIDSUMMER A Orlat of F«r*onat N«sw» Gathered V p by the Wayside by The IMaJndenler K*pre- $tnecrtiy Clot be* Your choice of a style is most important,--one that will fit your age as well as figure. If you want to think it over at home, and see the season's styles, get a SINCERITY STYLE BOOK. It will help you to make a selection. Call for a style book. :: JOS. w WEST McHENRY, J FREUND ILLINOIS. rivet i\rr jj| ^ jjj^ jj^ /*aai\ ivnnr • /* A AtV a :m A good house with a poor roof is like an umbrella with a leaky cover. It's ail right till the test comes. It is cheaper in the end to have a good roof than an expensive cheap one. Our stock of RED CEDAR SHINGLES AND PAROID, MONOGRAM. J-H ASBESTOS, AND AHAT1TE READY ROOFING offer you varied assortment of the best roofing materials from which to select. Come in and examine these roofings. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West Mchenry, Illinois 0* Hard ware of every description y at honest prices. F. L. McOMBER,WE5T SIU6 HARDWARE =ss P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHM1SSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE BALE OF Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall • * a, Pattoa St. WboetaU Market. GIVE A LOOK! •If you want the prices right on Hard and Soft Coal, ^and, Gravel, Cement and Poultry Food, and every ^thing weighed with a typewriting, registering beam "Fairbanks Scale, full weight guaranteed, why, call on =« ETTEN THi H[W (OAl MAH ANO YARD OPPOSITE KQisim PTT'5 MILL """* WEST flcHENRY, ILL. Theo. Schiessle was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Dr. D. G. Wells was a windy city vis­ itor Tuesday. Rev. D. Lehane was a Richmond vis­ itor last Friday. E. W. HowJ» wan a Chicago passenger Tuesday uiorning. Mr. and Mrs. C G Berner were Chl- j cago visitors Tuesday. John F'. Milier was a Chicago passen­ ger Wednesday morning. Max Ziuimermann and daughter, Eleanor, Chicagoed Tuesday. Mrs. John E Frenn'd boarded the Chicago train Tuesday morning Gilbert McOmher of Chicago is spend­ ing his vacation at hie home here. J. H. Miller attended to business in the metropolitan city Wednesday. C D. Ross witnessed the Kuight Templar par«de in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Miller spent a few days recently as the gnest of Elgin friends. N. E. Barbian attended to hasim*s matters in the vwndy city Wednesday. Miss Alice Knox upent a dRy last week as the gnest of Mrs. Ed Brah&n iu Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Holtz were among the Chicago passengers Tnesday morn­ ing. N. P Steilen attended to matters of a business nature in the windy city Tues­ day. Mrs. J. C. Bickler and sons, William and Charles, were Chicago visitors Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Walters of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. mer- riman. Miss Villa Sherman of Chicago" is passing the week as the guest of Mc Henry friends. John and Pete Engeln have gone to Kenosha, Wis., where they have se­ cured employment. D L Chamberlain of Kenosha, Wis., was a guest at the home of J H. Miller a connle of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holly and little daughter of Lake Geneva spent last Sunday with Mrs. Nizza Holly. Mrs. Sarah McOmber and Mrs. J. W, Smith were among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morning. Miss Mabelle Wheeler is spending the week with her sinter, Mrs. Lillian Wheeler Sayler, at Silyerlake, Wis. Mrs Merriman and the Misses Clara and Ethel Rorer spent Friday and Sat­ urday with Mrs. Dwelly at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs W. A. Sayler and son, Frank, of Woodstock were Sunday call­ ers at the home of Mrs. E. S. Wheeler. Lewis Miller of Woodstock is spend ing his vacation here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller. Misses Florence Welch and Florence Carey returned home Saturday from De Kalb, where they have been attending summer school. Mrs. J. P. Steinbach of Kenosha, Wis , has been a guest at the home of her father, Henry Miller, during the past several week?. Miss Christina Pint came out from Chicago Saturday evening to spend Sun­ day at the houitt of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Lucius Beckley of North Crystal Lake and Mrs. Lyman Holcomb and grand­ daughter of Florida were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merriman. Misses Alta and Varina Wentworth are enjoying their annual outing at Lake Geneva this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Thompson. Rollin Wftite, Dr. F. C. Ross, Geo. H. Hanly, C. W. Harrison and August Nordqtmt were iu Chicago Tuesday to see the Knights Templar parade. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabe and Miss Lucy McCabe of Chicago were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schnabel Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Chas. Waters returned to her home at Dwight, 111., Monday after­ noon after a pleasant visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs Frank Schnabel. Mrs. Minnie Cort and daughter and Mlbs Emma Block returned to their homes in Cleveland, Ohio, Tuesday aft­ er a pleasant visit among McHenry rel­ atives. Jay Van Honsen and the Misses Ethel and Helen Van Housen and Mable and Celia Powers of Elgin autoed to McHen­ ry last Saturday and returned home the following day. The Misses Clara and Ethel Rorer of Gilman, 111., spent the past week with Mrs. Button, their grandmother, and Mrs. Merriman, their aunt. All took in the sights at the Bay Tuesday after­ noon. To keep yonr health sound; to avoid the ills of advancing years; to conserve your physical forces for a ripe and healthful old age, guard your kidneys by taking Foley 's Kidney Remedy. F. Masquelet Miss Kathryn Stenger, who has been a guest at the home of her brother, C. W. Stenger, and family left last Thurs­ day for Evanston, where she will spend a week before returning to her home in Green Bay, Wis. In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially rec­ ommended for coughs, colds and whoop ing cough. Sold by all dealers. Mr. and Mrs F. A Boh lander re­ turned home Monday evening from week's automobile and lake trip. They drove to Detroit, Mich., in their aoto and from there took a lake steamer to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. They re port a highly enjoyable time. Miss Celia Miller of Kenosha, Wis., is visiting at the hbme of her father, Henry Miller. Miss Miller returned just recently from a five months' tour around the world, stopping off at many points of interest in Europe, Japan and She reports a most delightful trip. 7 - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schneider of Woodstock are spending the week at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Bloc1. On Tuesday Mr. and/Mrs. Block children, together with their guests, made a trip to Algonquin in Block & Bethke's motor boat. The trip was greatly enjoyed by all. Be sure and take a bottle 6f Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with yon when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be obtained 011 board the trains or steamV ers. Changes of water and climate of­ ten cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and it is best to be prepared. Sold by all dealers. John R. Brents returned Sunday even­ ing from a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Lee at Medford, Wis. John informs us that he enjoyed him­ self greatly wiule away and speaks very highly or the country around Medford. He described the forest^ fires that have been raging for some, weeks as having done a vast amount of damage.and area sight to behold. While dairy farming is not carried on very extensively, the dairy interest is becoming more prom­ inent right along. Those who have a dairy also h«.v« own separator*, and separate the cream from the milk before taking same to the factories. John thinks that the country affords splendid opportunities for young men and the land is being taken up quite rapidly. Wild animals are quite plenti ful and fishiDg is the best in the conn try. EQUINE FLIGHT Home Make* Online In Ali-nlilp r| I)o<l« Fink Clrcun. It has been said, and justly, that won- uerH never cease--for each day brings to notice something new--but it has beer left to the proprietors of the large cir­ cuses to scheme and plan, invent and produce noyel features that are beyond the wildest dreams of the imagination, and to accomplish the seeming impoHei ble. When the airship was recently per fected it was thought that the ingenuity of man could devise nothing greasei than to make the air navigable--but it was left for D&de Fisk to accomplish a still greater wonder, that of sending a horse on a cruise in an airship. It is beyond human belief that this i? done--but one has only to witness thu most sensational of the world's greatest triumph of wonders to be convinced Merfeury, the airship horse, aviating equine feature with the great Dode Fisk shows, makes a sensational ascension twice daily with bewildering pyrotech­ nic display, making this the most extra­ ordinary feature ever presented by an amusement organisatidn in America At McHenry Saturday, August 20. Vacation For Gas lMaimgvr, The following clipping from a Du quoin, 111., paper will be of interest to many Plaiudealer readers, as Mr. ttlim- pin was until a few years ago a resident of McHenry, where he was born and grew to manhood: Charles D. Slimpin, manager of the Duquoin Light, Heat & Power Co., will take a short but much deserved vacation from his duties at thi® place. Since his coming to Duquoin the people of thiB city have experienced a very decided and much welcomed change in the gas service. During the past six months the gas company has been busy repairing the plant and pi^ ing system, it now being in good condi­ tion and the service rendered being the best that the people have had. Mr. and Mrs. Slimpin will leave Friday morning for a visit with relatives in Elgiq^ Mr. Slimpin will return about August 12, but Mrs. Slimpin will remain several weeks on account of poor health. Acute or Chronic -Which ? No matter if your kidney trouble is acute or chronic Foley's Kidney Reme­ dy will reach your case. Mr. Claude Brown, Reynoldwville, III., writes hh that he suffered many months with kidney complaint which baffled all treatment. At last he tried Foley's Kidney Remedy and a few large bottles effected a complete cure. He says, "It has been of inestimable value tome." F. Masquelet. Have you seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J. J. Vycital. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re­ sponsible for much sickness and suffering, therefore, if kidney trouble is permitted to continue, serious re­ sults are most likely m» follow. Your other organs may need at­ tention, but yonr kid­ neys most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when ypur kidneys are weak or out of order, you. can understand how quickly your en­ tire bsdy is affected and how every organ k r R I A : J . . . 1 ± bcciiis 10 1a.11 iu uO 11s uuiy. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con­ vince you of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney and b! adder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distress­ ing eases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. 4 Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dol- lar sizes. You may have a sample bott by mail free, also pamphlet telling yoa Home ot how to find out if you have kidney or bkulder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bin>>hamtoa, N. Y. Don't make any mis­ take, but remember the name, Swamp- Root, and don't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root--if you do you will be disappointed. r * t <.„t !„ I; f..i f>>: 3 J';,3. ;r;3SRii> j* MK'SIsmmcsi of Tan Shoes and Oxfords. Also all odds and ends in Summer Goods, Lawns, etc. The largest and best selected stock of Goods to be found in McHenry county. The house of quality. :: :: F. A. BOHLANDER. PROBATE NEWS \ mi».««...»--...W»mw«.W ...... .»--».»• [.Furnished by McHenry County Abstract. Gnriiiistny. WtMMistojrk, Jluiniin. Ofiice in Ar­ nold liloek. east, side public s<|tliire. Ab­ stracts of title, and con veyancinft. Money to loan on real estate in sums o£_nvi; hundred tot-en thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones M4. !iOli and Ull-l RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Frank Miller & w to N cliolas Schu­ macher el at. 4'.'^-;t in r'4swH & s ̂ a w of hy. se'4 sec It. .McHenry .. $5500.00 MAIllliAUIC I,I<;I'MSKS. Carl (). Loft-gordon. :<o... Barneveld. Ia Tillie C Bttcke. . . Charley Bach man T,atiey HsrdhlofK . . . Henry T. Johnson, :i,r) Emma VVltt, Mounds, Win . . Woodstock W oodstock • I'H}'» OuMnii, Seven McHenry girl* styling thein- nelves "The Hungry Seven" spent a day 's ontinK at Mineral Springs park, down the river, on Tuesday of this v. f^ek. From information that we are able to obtain from thowe present the name chosen by the girl* wan a most appro priate one, an eatiug featured the out ing. Dinner wa« served h 10:80 a in., the bill of fare consi^timc tn part of thirty-five sandwiches, baked beans, to matoes, pickles, crackers, ci t kies, nabis- coes, fruits and lemon soda The after­ noon was devoted to lunching, etc , while twenty minutes were devoted to a dip in the Fox which wan highly en joyed by all present. At. 4:80 p. in. snpper was served, the bill of fare being made up of baked beans, Band wiches, cake, fruits and lemon, soda. A dandy time was enjoyed by all. Those who made up the crovvd were. Misses Clara Miller, Margureite Friedley, Laura and Mamie Barbian, Mamie Schneider, Clara Freund and Lucile Steinbach McHenry Kouud Lake. In a hard fought, thirteen inning con test the McHenry baseball team last Sunday afternoon defeated the Round Lake team by the close sc >t d of 4 to 8 Qnigley and (J-nske performed the artil lery work for the locals, while Mason and Olson acted in like capacity for the visitors. The game wan an exciting one from start to finish and the handful of fans who turned out to witness the contest were w^ll repaid for so doing by being treated to a high claws exhibi tion of the national pastime. Next Sun­ day afternoon at '2:80 o'clock the Mc- Henryites meet the Fox Lake aggrega­ tion on the home lot ami a hot time is expected. Everyone turn out and en courage the home players. From Sirkn«M to "Kniwl-I «n I Health." So says Mrs. Chas. Lyon, Peoria, 111. -. "I found in your Foley Kidney Pills a prompt and speedy cure for backache and kidney trouble which bothered me for many months. 1 am now enjoying excellent health which I owe to Foley Kidney Pills. " F. Masquelet. \ Ca Canital Stock. Su.oon. - W » 9 - [very Little Bit ADDED TO YOUR account in the savings bank is a step towards independence and com­ fort. So when you open an account at this bank, don't wait for big accounts to add to it. SMALL DEPOSITS MADE OFTEN ARE more apt to mount up quicker than larger ones made less frequently. Can't you guess why? -OFFICERS: Edwin L. Wagner, C. H. Fegers, Sr., Pres. , Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. Dinner Sets and Table Ware White and Gold Dinner Set, 70 pieces, in latest shapes $7.50 100-piece Dinner Sets, in latest shapes, fancy floral decorations, edges and handles traced in gold $12.50, $13.50, $14.50 We also carry a large assortment of Queensware, Glassware, Water Sets, Berry Sets, Etc. :: :: :: Horseshoe brand Table Tumblers, at each 2c ..JOHN STOFFEL.. WEST MdrtiiNteY. - I'BL. 301. Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. ' One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with 10c cash purchase Reduction Sale! OXFORD ALE1 Here is the biggest value ever offered by us and our prices are always lower than the lowest. We have taken our en­ tire stock of Ladies' Oxfords and made them so low that the sizes will soon be broken, so get your pick early. La­ dies' Patent, Tali and Gun Metal Pumps and Oxfords sold at $2.(K>, $2.25 and $2.50 now choiceof lot per pair $1.85 Men's Oxfordsl The well known Thompson line for style, tit and wear. There are none better. Come in Oxblood, Tan, Gun Metal,--every shoe a dandy, 'none sold for less than now, clioice $3-95 LADIES' WAISTS! Don't fail to see the wonder bargains found in this line of waists worth up to $2.(X). Good sheer material, neatly trimmed and tailored, your choice while they last $1.00 DRESS MATERIAL! r We have made a .big cut in all summer lawns and batiste, fancy sheer material in a variety of shades, sold at 15c, now only . IOC Lawn Tissues and Flaxon now selling at 33c Space will not permit us to quote you the reduction on all goods, but come and see for yourself. :: DRESSING SACQUESI In tine Persian trimmed effect, to close, ^ach -50c Rettioosts! Petticoats! Made of good quality gingham, ruffled and flourtced, skirts worth up to $1.00, the lot at each 50c One lot of odds and ends ia Waists. 25c Ladies Vests'at toe, 15c, 35c

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