Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1910, p. 10

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f X ^tttcctily Clotkc» EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY AND ADJACENT COUNTIE8. .".il;-- Ihfil Your choice of a stylo is mos: will fit your ago as well as figure. If you want to think it over at home, and see the season's stylos, get. a SINCERITY STYLE BOOK. It will help you to make a selection. Call for a style book. :: JOS. W. FREUNDl |WE ^flunna WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Before You Build • Timbers Dimension Plank S h i n g l e s Siding F l o o r i n g It will pay you to call and see us before placing your ord^r for building material. We not only have a well selected stock of high grade lumber, but we can also quote you low prices and save you money. :: :: :: - :: Our careful attention and prompt service are features worth noting. WILBUR LUriBERCO. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Hrrrd wa re of every description at honest prices. F. L. McOMBER, SViSI A Wtifellanenm Auortneat of (t«ma In Coad«nn«d Corm For Oonvcn- len«e of Baay f*«oi>l«. The annaal hill climb at Algonqnin which was to have taken place this month has bee n postponed until Sep teuiber 18. Two dollarn per bnndred is the price which will probably be demanded by the Milk Producers' association for milk fo* the six months of the coming winter season. According to the Wanconda Leader, the people-of Lake Zurich are now con­ fronted with a second railroad proposi­ tion. The Leader warns its neighbors not to place too much confidence in the latest railroad proposition, bnt to exer­ cise every effort to land the first. That the city of Elgin will not stand for naughty pictures was shown one day last week when a bill poster in the employ of the Lake County Fair asso­ ciation was arrested and fined a dollar and costs for distributing "naughty" folders advertising the Lake county fair. It has been brought to light that the longest drought that ever occurred in i America was during the snrntner of 1762. No rain f^ll from May 1 to Sept. 1 that year, making 123 days withont rain. Many of the inhabitants were forced to send to England for hay and grain. Dysentery is a dangerous disease but can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been successfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has tiever been known to fail. It is equally valuable for chil dren and adults, and when reduced with water and sweetened, it is pleasant to take. Sold by all dealers. P. W. Ryan of Janesville, Wis., has been awarded the contract for doing all the grading on the new Waukegan, Roekford and Elgin railroad between Palatine and Wanconda. Work on the grading was started Wednesday of this week and, under the contract, must be finished by December 1. The contract for the grassing rspr6SoH,ts about 000. The season for shooting mourning doves and woodcock, the first of the feathered tribe which may be legally billed, opened on Aug. 1 and will ex tend to Nov. 30, a period of 120 days. This season it is permitted to sell doves for commercial purposes. The law pro­ vides, however, that not more than fif teen may be killed in one day by each hunter. The first frost will occnr in this sec­ tion about Sept. 15. There is no get­ ting away from it. The chirrup of the katydids has been heard for several weeks now, and according to the estab lished tradition the frost can be bnt six weeks away. The frost is inevitable; the katydids have spoken. The actions of the ground hog and the katydid are treated by hosts of people with a great deal more respect than the forecasting of the highest browed weather isharp that ever gazed at a thermometer. The katydid never fails, is the belief of many who watch for these signs. As the threshing season progresses good grain yields continue to be the re­ sult. The oats generally are turning out fine and the average crop thru the county, it is estimated by some, will be at least forty-two to forty-three bushels to the acre. Most crops have stood the unusually dry weather much better than could have been expected, the fact that the early season's rains soaked the earth full of water probably accounting for the fact that vegetation has not suffered more than it has. The drouth has been serious enough, it is true, but in spite of it the farmers report good crops of hay, oats and other small grain, tho co^n and potatoes will show a light yield. Taken as a whole, however, the crops generally thrnout this section will be much better than would ordi­ narily be the case following such a drouth. SAYS COPLEY WILL WIN J P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and puce lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i A j, Pulton St. Whoaaala Market. it) GIVE A LOOK! If you want the prices right on Hard and Soft Coal, Sand, Gravel, Cement and Poultry !<\>od, and every­ thing weighed with a typewriting, registering beam Fairbanks Scale, full weight guaranteed, why, call on ALBERT ELTTELN THE HEW COAL MAR OFFICE AND YARD OPPOSITE BONSLETT'S MILL Office Phone: 78a RmUmcc Phone: 263 WEST HcHENRY, ILL. ClaiirtH He Will H« Nominated by a Tre­ mendous Majority. The Joliet Herald is not owned by Col. Copley, although it is supporting his candidacy. In its Sunday edition of Aug 14, in speaking of the congression­ al campaign, it said: That Ira C Copley will be nominated as the Republican candidate for con­ gress by a tremendous majority is now generally accepted. Mr. Copley is viciously attacked by the political ring organ of Joliet, the support of which was offered Mr. Copley if he would re­ frain from opposing the reappointment of the present postmaster. Mr. Copley has steadfastly refused to recognize in any way the machine which fought against direct primaries and the right of the people to select their own repre­ sentative. Mr. Copley's reception all over the district proves he is generally accepted by Republicans as the cham­ pion of the people against the tyranny of political ring rule. The Best Hour of Life is when yon do some great deed or dis cover some wonderful fact. This hour came to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky Mt., N. C. when he was suffering intensely, as he says," from tjie worst cold I ever had. I ^hen proved to my great satisfaction, what a wonderfnl Cold and Cough care Dr. King's New Discovery is, for after taking one bottle, I was entirely cored. You can't say anything too good of a medicine like that." It's the surest and I'est remedy for diseased lungs, Hemor­ rhages, La(irippc, Asthma, Hay Fever any Throat or lung Trouble. 50c. ft 00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch and F. Masquelet. 8. & W. buggy paint will make yonr old rig look like new. At Peteach's. Wr- M> IMlWli LL. CONCRETE' W HOUSES A Marquette Concrete home is the ideal dwelling---zvann in winter-- cool in summer--uist right all the year 'round. Fii si cost is not great --the after-saving i.s immense. No repairs, no in sura. c, no decay, and long after you're gone your Alar- quette Concrete ho ise will stand as a tribute to your fiir-siglitcdytcss. We'll gladly send you details for making houses with The Farmer's Cemeru Handbook free for the asking. V Vite us todav. I ' Marquet te Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La S.ill;-, 111 Chicago Offict: Marquet 'u RMg., Chicago, HI. Wilbur Lumber Co., Mtfhini/ 1 h, Inhiilors. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Items Clipped from The FlnlmlewTer <>( August 20, 188r>. Michael Roos, a former resident of Jobnsbnrgh, was killed by the cars near Evanston one day last weeR. Do not fail to hear the Hon. Luther Laflie Mills, one of the finest orators in the state, at the old settlers' meeting tomorrow (Thursday) The McHenry military band will leave the Riverside House, in this village, at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning for the old Settlers' meeting at Woodstock. F. A. Parker has come out with a new five seat bus. He advertises to carry passengers to and from the lakes on Fri­ days, Saturdays and Mondays of each week. If you do not wish to miss the best circus and menagerie that has visited this section for years, be sure and see Burr Robbins' great railroad shows, which will exhibit in this village on Fri­ day next. Frank Smith has secured the contract for carrying the Johnsburgb mail for the coming year. He arrives here about seven in the morning and returns at H o'clock, immediately after the morning mail arrives fijorn the north. The McHenry County Voltsblatt is the name of a new German Democratic paper, whi^h has just made it appear ance. It is printed in Chicago and dated at Woodstock and McHenry, with F. Marcus local gatherer at Woodstock and M. Engelnat McHenry. Gen. Lieb, of the Chicago Democrat, is the pub lisher. We wish them success iu their new enterprise. To keep yonr health sound; to avoid the ills of advancing years; to conserve your physical forces for a ripe and healthful old age, guard your kidneys by taking Foley s Kidney Remedy. F. Masquelet. I AUUC COD ROAT HU/MCDC N r U l.iiiVH Tllllt R«»«'P II11 y We III I I) to KllV)t Are of Interest Here. Every owner of a motor b<*at in Mc Henry is affected by an act of congress passed July !) of this 'year and effective tillrty days thereafter. The following are the requirements of all motor boats: 1 Every boat must be provided with a whistle or sound producing tuechani eal appliance capable of producing a blast of not less than two seconds. 2. Every boat must be provided with an efficient fog horn. 8 Every boat must carry life pre servers, life belts, buoyant enshions or ringbuoys sufficient to snstain every person on board and must be readily accessible; all boats that curry passen gers for hire sh;ill have a life perserver for every passenger; such boat must be operated or navigated only by a person duly licensed. 5. Every boat must carry the means of promptly and efficiently extinguish­ ing burning gasoline. (>. A tine not exceeding $100 for each violation of the act is provided. The boat shall b« liable for the penalty and may be seized and proceeded against by way of libel in the district court of the I'nited States. 7. The secretary of the department of commerce and labor may remit or mitigate any fine except a violation of the clause referring to the means of ex­ tinguishing burning gasoline. Kr<> 111 NiekneftM to "KxceTlent Health." So says Mrs. Chas. Lyon, Peoria, 111. ; "I found in your Foley Kidney Pills a prompt and speedy cure for backrfche and kidney trouble which bothered me for lpany months. I am now enjoying excellent health which I oWS to Foley Kidney Pills. " F. Masquelet. V • • ' • MIDSUMMER " " J " " | of Tan Shoes and Oxfords, Also all odds , and ends in Summer Goods, Lawns, etc. The largest and best selected stock of Goods to be found in McHenry county. The house of quality. :: :: \ F. A. BOHLANDER. .1,„>ii Capital Stock, $25,000. . ..THE LIST OF. . Depositors of this bank includes the names of many of the most successful business men in the community. TriEiR FAITH in the Bank is not a matter of sen­ timent, but of good, hard sense. They know the ample resources of the bank and its able management. Prove your good judgment by having your account here also. LU..UJ -OFFICERS: Edwin L. Wagner, C. H. Fegera, Sr., Pres. Vice Pres. . Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. Dinner Sets and Table Ware White and Gold Dinner Set, 70 pieces, in latest shapes $7.50 100-piece Dinner Sets, in latest shapes, fancy floral decorations, edges and handles traced in gold $12.50, $13.50, $14.50 We also carry a large assortment of Queens ware, Glassware, Water Sets, Berry Sets, Etc. :: :: :: Horseshoe brand Table Tumblers, at each ^ 2c SIRE % IN ~ ^ V WEST McHENRY. - - - TEL. 30T. Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. Block <SBethkc One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with ioc cash purchase OXFORD SALE! Here is the biggest value ever offered by us and our prices are always lower than the lowest., We have taken our en­ tire stock of Ladies' Oxfords and made them so low7 that the sizes will soon be broken, so get, your pick early. La­ dies' Patent, Tan and Gun Metal Pumps and Oxfords sold at $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 now choice of lot per pair $1.85 % Men's Oxfords! The well known Thompson line for style, tit and wear. There are none better. Come in Oxblood, Tan, Gun Metal,- every shoe a dandy, none sold for less than $4.00, now, choice $3.95 LADIES' WAISTS! Don't fail to see the wonder bargains found in this line of waists worth up to $2.00. Good sheer material, neatly trimmed and tailored, your choice while they last $1.00 DRtSS MATERIAL! We have made a big cut in all summer lawns and batiste, fancy sheer material in a variety of shades, sold at 15c, now only 10c Lawn Tissues and Plaxon now selling at 23c Space will not permit us to quote you the reduction on all goods, but come and see for yourself. :: DRESSING SACQUESI In tine Persian trimmed effect, to close, each 50c Rettticoats! Retticoats! Made of good quality gingham, ruffled and flounced, skirts worth up to $1.00, the lot at each . .*• 50c One lot of odds and ends in Waists. 25c Ladies Vests'at 15c, 25c \

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