Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1910, p. 5

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LAL VOLUME XXXVI. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST as, 1910. NUMBER 10 A C. LEY AURORA, ILLINOIS a< v &ms. *>•>» ^5, f ^ r%A"r *;/- <- :< :;• i it&ssgiSS^JI'rau 13$*' % S4>J %* \ ' ^ **•:•<: smm mm® N' * ,,%" I&... ̂ <'* t <"' ' " ^ w„ - it ,> - • > A • * ** ^ *\> * V x &•.<. ,:.- v xwi.-- PSfilPlti'-IP X *S*J^ ^ ' ̂ ^ ;• Xs / •• K" V« • *»* ^ -OXvjiiv.-. . .̂-1 Candidate for Republican Nomination for Congressman, Deventh Congressional District: Primaries Sept. 15 Ml at t nrrri • Jk- J»»J r, M \JFJL lilt I belfeve in public regulation and control, by property constituted au­ thorities, of all public service corporations--railway, traction, telegraph, tele­ phone, electric light, gas and all others. I believe that the public is entitled to know that it gets a fair stahdafd of service, and at a fair price, and that the corporation makes a fair business profit. I feel that the PUBLIC IS ALSO ENTITLED TO ASSURANCE THAT ITS LIFE, HEALTH AND PROP ERTY ARE SAFEGUARDED IN THE UTMOST DEGREE. I believe that the public and employees of the company are entited to know that ev­ ery possible safeguard is thrown about the life and health of the employees. I believe in a fair working out of Employer's Liability. I believe in putting the burden of TAXATION ON THE SHOULDERS OF THE PEOPLE WHO CAN BEST AFFORD TO BEAR IT, and who get the most benefit from the stability which this government offers to income and capital. I believe in an Income Tax exempting moderate incomes, and one in which the ratio of taxation--when the income is enjoyed by a private indi­ vidual--increases as the income itself increases in size. I believe in an Inherit­ ance Tax exempting moderate inheritances, but one in which the ratio of tax­ ation increases as the size of the inheritance itself increases. I believe in the conservation of all the national and state resources for the benefit of all the people. I BELIEVE IN PROTECTION, BUT I BELIEVE IN PROTECTION THAT REDUCES, AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, THE COST OF THE CHEAPER ARTICLES that are necessarily consumed by the poorer people and, if addi­ tional revenue must be raised from this source, that the tax on the LUXUR­ IES THAT ARE ENJOYED BY THE RICHER PEOPLE BE MADE TO STAND SUCH INCREASES, as far as possible. I believe in the principle advocated by President Taft when he caused the present Tariff Commission to be established. After this body has had an opportunity to gather its facts, this country, for the first time, will be able to approach tariff legislation from a fair and scientific standpoint and, for the first time, the schedules will be framed in the interest of the ultimate consumer, as well as in the interest of the producers. Heretofore no one has ever been heard on a tariff schedule excepting the producer. I believe in the integrity and ability of President Taft. I am NOT for Joseph G. Cannon for Speaker. To sum up my platform in one sentence, I AM A "PROGRESSIVE" REPUBLICAN AND BELIEVE IN THE POLICIES OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT, NAMELY, "A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERYBODY." IRA C. COPLEY IT WILL PAY XOU TO DO SO. A Story of Father Mathew. "Father Mathew was the most lov- ine and lovable of human beings," aud in the light of this statement found in a biography of the famous Irish prieat by Mrs. Katherine Tynan Hinkson two incidents of his crusade for tem­ perance in the north of Ireland should be read. At Clones, in Ulster, there were two Oranpe flags raised when be visited it. Instead of considering it as an In­ sult. he thought it a very great com­ pliment, never having seen one or l>een honored with one before. When he saw them he called for three cheers for the Orange flag. Commenting on this, an Irish writer says: "A Cat hoik* priest calling for a cor- dial saiutmion of the Orange banner and a Catholic assembly heartily re­ sponding was something almost lneon- celvnMe. It had never occurred before in Ireland. I'm afraid it has never oc­ curred since." For the time being there were good will and friendly feeling from one end of Ulster to the other. One recruit who knelt for Father Mathew's bless­ ing said: "Ycu wouldn't be blessing me if yon knew what I am." "And what are you. my dear?" Fa­ ther Mathew called men, women and children "my dear." "I am ::n Orangeman, your rever­ ence." s "Why. God bless you, my dear,-I wouldn't care if you were a lemon man!" A Loat Ft«. The Right Hon. Augustine Birrell once believed that he had been smit­ ten with a mortal disease and went to consult a distinguished doctor who lived in the neighborhood of Harley street and who was a great expert on the disease of which he thought he was a victim. It was a hot day in July, and as he walked from his I^ondon home, which was in the neighborhood of Addison roau, to Flariey street he perspired freely. He found the great physician's rooms all crowded with patients-- probably, he thought, suffering from a similar complaint to himself. While waiting he found on the table a book written by the great physician on the subject of the particular dis­ ease. He opened the book, and the first words which caught his eye were these: "The patient who Is suffering from this disease never perspires." He had Scotch b lood in u i s ve in s , so he picked up his hat and gloves and walked out, and he never saw that/ eminent physician.--London Scraps. Reynard's Cunning, While crossing an old field waist high with withered mullein stalks, goldenrod and other weeds I noticed a dog within forty feet. He was part­ ly hidden by the grasses, but appeared to be a young, reddish brown setter, pottering along, smelling at this clump and that bunch of weeds and grad­ ually circling behind me. In a few minutes I heard a yell, "There goes a fox." Sure enough, over the top of a neighboring hill a hundred yards away went my "dog." It was a shrewd piece of work on his part to throw me off my guard by seeming indifferent and when behind me and out of sight to streak It for cover. I had probably disturbed him during his afternoon siesta. Many a fox have I hunted and killed, but this one fooled me com­ pletely. It forms a very pleasant rec­ ollection as an instance of brute sa­ gacity.--Forest and Stream. A Regimental Custom. A, peculiar custom obtains In the Twelth lancers--the playing of the Vesper hymn, the Spanish chant and the Russian national hymn every night of the year after the "last post" has sounded. It is said that the play­ ing of the Vesper hymn originated in one of the officers' wives presenting the regiment with a new set of instru­ ments on condition that the hymn was played every night after the "last post." The playing of the Spanish chant is declared to be a penance for sacking of a convent during the penin­ sular war. No reason is assigned for the playing of the Russian national anthem.--London Tit-Bits. A Quick Response. Mrs. Jones (a suffragette)--I don't ask special privileges, Mr. Jones. What I do ask is that you, for example, a man, should treat me exactly as you would another man. Instead of talking small talk and treating me like a thing to be protected, and all that, assume toward me the attitude you do to Mr. Warring­ ton. Treat me like a good fellow. Mr. Jones (quickly)--Why, certainly, old hap. Lend me a fiver, will you?-- London Graphic. Uae For Uniforms. "Do you think we ought to have a bigger army and a larger navy?" "Oh, yes," replied the beautiful girl. "It would be so nice If all the boys at the dances could appear In uniform, with epaulets and braided collars."-- Chicago Record-Herald. James H. Vickers, Mayor of Harvard * v? * ^ ,, x % * I S ^ ^ ^ ^ J J* Candidate for the Republican Nomination for the Legislature. Primaries, Thursday, Sept. 15. I am now and a lwa ys have 1>«H>D a Repub l i ­ c an and be l i eve i n s t r i c t pa r t y l oya l l y , and t ha t Repub l i c an* shou l i i w or k t o ca r ry ou t and make Rood t h e i r pa r t y p l a t f o r m and pa r t y p l edges . I f nomina t ed and e l ec t ed t o t he l eg i s l a t u r e . I s ha l l a t a l l t ime s IH - l o y a l t o t he Repub l i c an pa r t y , and wi l l K " MI IJI and a b ide l>y t h e de ­ c i s i on o f t h e Hepub l i c a i l c a uc us on speake r and 1 ' n t t ed S t a t e s s ena to r , aw I b e l i eve i t t o l i e t h e du ty o f eve ry Repub l i c an house mem­ be r U) s t and by h i s pa r t y and I t s p r i nc i p l e s , and no t en t e r i n to b ip a r t i s a n com bi na t i ons o rde a l s w i th o the r po l i t i c a l pa r t i e s . A s t h i s s ena to r i a l d i s t r i c t i s devo t ed l a rg e ly t o t he da i ry ing i n t e r e s t s . 1 n li a l l d o a l l I c a n t o p ro t ec t and he lp t he da i r y i n t e r e s t s , and I SHALL STAND KIRMLV At iA lNST T1IK ENTIRE LOl i l M KK-MOX LEY C R OWD AND THEIU BUTTKRINE IN T E R E ST S , and 1 811 ALL ALSO OiM'OSE ANY I 'ROPOSED LEGISLATION TO HAVE TH E roMt M'L- SOKY T E ST I NG OK DAIRY COWS KOR TU RERCI ILOS18 . 1 am in f avo r o f keep ing ou r p r e sen t p r i ­ ma ry l aw . b u t w i l l vo t e f o r a ny a me ndme n t t ha t w i l l make I t more pe r f e c t . 1 t>e l i eve t h e p ro p o s ed deepwa te rway wi l l s oon b e c o m e a ma t t e r o f f ede r a l l eg i s l a t i on , and I WILL NOT VOTE IN FAVOR o ) ANY STA TE LEGISLATION BY WHICH (UK VOTE FOR 0 Thos. F. Burns For Representative in the (Jeneral Assembly. STA TE I S TO H I ' I L I ) A DEKTW ATEl : W AY AT THE EXPENSE OI 'THK T AX I 'AMKS OK THIS STATE. I 'NLKSS IT CAN UK SHOWN T O ME THAT THE HENKITI 'S To THE F A l iM ER S A N D OTH KR TAX i 'A Y ERS OK THIS SENATORIAL DISTRICT W IL L E QI AL OR EXCEED THE AMol NT OK A LL TAXES THEY WILL HE COMPELLED TO PAY TO W A R D ITSCONSI R l C | ION I am a merchan t and ennac i d i n bus ine s s a t Ha rva rd . I l l i no i s , and I t l r n i l y be l i eve t ha t b u s in e s s p r i nc ip l e s and bus ine s s e c onomy shou ld IH? mo re c lo se ly fo l l owed i n t r an sac t ­ i ng t he b u s in e s s o f t h e s t a t e l eg i s l a t u r e , and t ha t t he r e s hou ld he l e s s p o l i t i c s p l ayed bv I h e member s o f t h e l e g i s l a t u r e wh i l e t r an s ­ a c t i n g Jh e bus ine s s o f t l i e s t a t e ami i n mak In i ; t h e l a ws t h a i a n - t o gove rn u s . I f n o m iu a t e d and e l ec t ed I s ha l l s e r \ e t he peop l e o f t h i s d i s t r i c t t o t he ve ry l> es t o f m y ab i l i t y , and sha l l f r om t l i n e t o t i t i . e consu l t t h em on a l l ma t t e r s o f l e^ i s l a t I on t h a t w i l l i n any way e f f ec t t h em, and be gu ided b y wha t t hey oe l l eve t o l i e f o r I h e i r be s t I n t e r e s t s . I A M WHAT IS CALLED A "PROGRES­ S IVE" REIM HLI C AN AND RELIEVE IN THE POLICIES OK THEODORE ROOSE­ VELT, WHICH INCLl 'DK. "A SQUARE DEAI , K i l l ! EYERYHODY." JA ME S I I Y ICKERS. F«»K ( ' ( )L NTV CI .K .KK. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the Hepnhlicnn nomination fortheofHce of conuty clerk of McHenry comity. HOI> ject to the decision of the voter* at the pr imar ies . ( - i rv E . HTILL ANNOI 'NCEMK NT. 1 herebv announce uiy candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of treasntvr of McHenry county, unbject to the det'ision of fho voters at the pri mar ie* . A R T l i r i ; A CKISSEY :>:! t.f Marengo, I I I . Mil t f o r NTV SHERIFF . I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of nlieriff of MeHenrv conntv, mjbject to tlie decision of H11 Republican voters at thu primaries Sept. 1,1. (TEOKCK E CKKKT. r>1 Woodstock, 111. All She Paid For. On her way home from morning serr- lce Mrs. Scott complained to the friend who had Joined her of the exceeding dullness of the sermon. "Yes. mamma, but It was very cheap," little Jimmy hastened to say. You only paid a dime for it." Monetary. When we hear a girl refer to her dresses and shoes as frocks and boots we know her father Is making more money than he used to.--Ohio State Journal. The man without a purpose 1s like • ship without a rudder--a waif, a noth- taf. a uoaiad. Have a porpoaa tat Ute; hare a pnrpoae.--Ctrlfl*. PLATFORM an pnlilinhcd in the Belvidere Daily Re­ publican of April 'ifi, 1910; "1 favor the economical expenditure of public money* and the immediate abolition of old time extravagant ineth odn. I favor lawn that will be beneficial to the farinern, dairymen and wtock- rainer* of thin great commonwealth, the municipal control of gas, electric and water HysteuiH, the eHtablinhuient of ^ood roadn. and an economical Hyateu) of expenditure for their permanent maintenance, convict labor to be used a« far an possible. 1 favor the passage of laws that protect the inembern of fraternal insurance organizations against the encroachments of powerful old line insurance companies. I am op­ posed to any deep waterway legislation by this state until such time as the Fed eral Government assnres its financial support of the project. I am for the rigid enforcement of laws governing the practice of medicine and surgery, and the enactment of Bnch laws as will protect the people against unscrupulous practitioners. I believe there should be just and equitable measures of protec­ tion to employer and employee, the con nervation of all our natural resonrces, the encouragement, support tnd ad vancemeut of all our public, educational and charitable institutions, in order that they may be placed on the highest plane of efficiency." t'nlxmllit ScrvleNiat 10:45. The Bev A. C- McHenry will preach at the Univ^rsalist church next Sunday morning at 10:45. All are invited. FT 1 I t cot NTY SHKKIFF . 1 hereby announce my candidacy for he Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry connty, subject to the decision of all Republican voters at the primaries Sept 15. ANDREW H HENDERSON, SR. , 51 Crystal Lake, ill. ANNII I NO.M KVr. 1 desire to announce to the voters of McHenry county that 1 am seeking the Republican nomination for the office of (.'•ouiity .Iu<l|<e and respectfully solicit your vote at the Primaries to lie held September 15, IStlo. V . S , L I MI .EY. KOK ((IINTV I |{ K A >r It K It. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc­ Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, when held for the purpose of selecting Repnblican candidates for county offices, to tie voted for at the general election in November, 1910. ;}5 CHARLES WANDRACK. TO VOTKKS OF M IJKMCI t'OI NTY, 1 am a candidate for connty superin­ tendent of schools of McHenry county, wholly on my record as au eminently successful school teacher and practical educator, if this meets yonr approval, 1 shall appreciate any assistance ten­ dered in my behalf, either before or at the primaries Sept 15, 19t0. 9 PHIL S. HARRISON. A N NOITNC KM EST. As everybtnly already knows, I am a candidate for the Republican nomi­ nation for the office of Connty Clerk of this county, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary to be held on Thursday, Sept. 15, 1910. I hereby make a formal announcement of that fact and solicit the votes of my friends aud other*, who think 1 am entitled to that of f ice . OSORGE W. LEMMSKS 58 (r EXCELLENT IMYES ANU- Delicious Pastries is the Inevitable matt II ymm CM White 5wari ...Flour... fffSfp $Ifjf K AM £ 6,. t nCFIELO FOR S A L E BY Wilbur 1 umber Co. \Ve* t HcHenry N. P. Steilen Ithmry John Richardson Volo William Althoff John<burgh Bank of McHenry - ^ ESTABLISHED i888 This Bank receives deposits, paya •* per cent interest on time depos­ it H, extends all courtesies Consist* ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first claaa security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and Til­ lage property for sale. If yoa want to buy or sell, call on na. Alwtracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. » Bankers. Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per­ haps you are not aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom­ ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every case conform to the regulations set aside by the Pure Pood Law. We want you as one of our customers. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 TlcHenry, - Illinois. THE HOUSE WIRED FOR ELECTRICITY secures to those living in It a LIGHT superior to all other artificial il» lnuiinants at a cost of operation no greater than others and POWER to mo a great variety of apptt- auces that do the work usually done by human hands. WIRING A HOUSE means modernizing it and adding to its value. The operation to neither expensive nor inconven­ ient to the occupants. Let ns ex­ plain our plan of doing tbe work at cost, fixtures included. 2to in­ terest and 34 months to pay. North Shore Electric Co. Have you seen our five and tt*u C«A I counter? If not, better call in mod uumey. J. J. YjauU,*

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