Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1910, p. 4

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v"r -» •'.(> ' ' i < •' • j i. , .* " . - ' . V S5 , ... '&k j. • .•• ' ' of beautiful home surroundings does not necessarily mean a large outlay of money at one time, but you may snrround yourself with a beautiful home slowly and surely if you will but use the proper care in se­ lecting your furniture so that each piece you buy from time to time is an addition that will lend to the harmony and attractiveness of what you already have. The quality of furniture that comes from our store will never become shabby, so if you trade with us you have the assurance that in time you will have a home that you may well be proud of. Our line of Itugs, Linoleums and Lace Curtains is also complete and up to date and the prices that are attached thereto should command vour attention. FURNITURE MAN "JUST GRAND" iv , "'M. .That is the unanimous verdict of every housewife who is using our "Early Riser" Flour. Once used, always. A better or purer Flour is not manufactured. Don't let your dealer .spring the "just as good" kind on you but insist upon "Early Riser," the quality Flour. West McHenry flour and Feed Mills WEST AftcHENUY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop. Hie w* 5»'0t Life NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. The Leading Annual Dividend Company HM daring the past sixty-four years paid to policyholders, $263,296,648.95 Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,260,086.80 : Surplus, $5,628,151.17 No company has accomplished better results for its policyholders CARL W. STENGER, Agent. G I V E A L O O K ! If you want the prices right on Hard and Soft Coal, Sand, Gravel, Cement and Poultry Pood, and every­ thing weighed with a typewriting, registering beam Fairbanks Scale, full weight guaranteed, why, call on ALBERT ETTEN TIK HEW mnm OFFICE AND YARD OPPOSITE BONSLETT'S MILL WEST flcHENRY, ILL. Ottfc* Phone: 78a RMUCOM Pbone: =0 P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price list* furnished on application. COLD STORAUH FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall 1 a 4, Paltoa St, WhMMl* Market. PUBLISHED lilVKEY TilUESI'AY Ml P. O. SCH REINER. OSee In Bank Building. Telephone, No. SO. * TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION 1 Jneyear P.S0 Six months, 76 eta. Three months. 40ote. Fie Mdfenry PlJillllealer|James W- Vickers, Mayor of Harvard Thursday, September 1, 1910. FOR COUNTY OLKRK. I hereby annonuce my candidacy for ! the Republican noujiuntion for the office of county clerk of McHenry conuty, enh- | ject to the decision of the vot^ra at the nriiimriftH CUY E. STILL. ANNO! S'CKMKNT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of treasurer of McHenry connty, subject, to the decision of the voters at the pri inaries. AKTHI'R A. CRISSRY 33 tf Marengo, 111. [ Foil CO|' NT Y Sll KKIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the oflice of sheriff of Mcflenrv comity, subject to the decision of al! Republican voters at the primaries Sept. 15. (.JEOJMJK EUKKRT. 51 Woodstock, 111. Will COUNTY SH Kn! IT. I hereby announce mv candidacy for hi Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, subjec t to the decision of all Republican voters at the primaries Sept 15. ANDUKW H. HKNDERSON, SR., 51 Crystal Lake, 111. A N NOl'NCEM KNT, I desire to announce to the voters of McHenry county that I am seeking the Republican nomination for the office of County Judge and respectfully solicit your vote at the Primaries to be held September 15, 1910. V. S, LUMLEY. TO VOT!£R*< OF M'HKNHY OOI'NTV> 1 am a candidate for county superin­ tendent of schools of McHenry county, wholly on my record as an eminently successful school teacher and practical educator. If this meets your approval, I shall appreciate any assistance ten­ dered in my behalf, either before or at the primaries Sept 15, 1910 9 PHIL S. HARRISON. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc­ Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, when held for the purpose of selecting Republican candidates for county offices, to be voted for at the general election in November, 1910. 35 CHARLES WANDRACK. ANNOUNCEMENT. As everybody already knows, I am a candidate for the Republican nomi­ nation for the office of County Clerk of this county, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary to be held on Thursday, Sept. 15, 1910. 1 hereby make a formal announcement of that fact and solicit the votes of my friends and others, who think I am entitled to that office. GEORGE W. LEMMERS. 52 ' ANNOUNCEMENT. Having been county judge of Mc­ Henry county for one term only, and it having been the custom to return with­ out opposition, for a second term, the officer who has satisfactorily performed the dnties of the office to which he has been elected, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county judge to succeed myself, t»ubject to the will and wish of the voters of the county, as expressed at the primaries, Sept. 15. 10 D. T. SMILEY. VOTE FOR Ixl Thos. F. Burns For Repre (lenert -tive in the sembly. r G&fiukiKiLt* Mill uic KcJplibi&Cliii 1 IOr tllC Legislature. Primaries, Thursday, Sept. 15. I am now and always have been a Republi­ can and believe In strict party loyalty, and that Republicans should work to carry out and make good their party platform and party pl&dgcs. If nominated and elepfced to the legislature, I shall at all times be loyal to the Republican party, and will go into and abide by the de­ cision of the Republican caucus on speaker and United States senator, as I believe it to be the duty of every Republican house mem­ ber to stand by his party and its principles, and not enter into bipartisan combinations or deals with other political parties. As this senatorial district is devoted largely to the dairying Interests, I shall do all I can to protect and help the dairy interests, and I SHALL STANf) FIRMLY AGAINST THE ENTIRE LORIMER-MOXLEY CROWD AND THEIR BUTTERINE INTERESTS, and I SHALL ALSO OPPOSE ANY PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO HAVE THE COMPUL­ SORY TESTING OF DAIRY COWS FOR TUBERCULOSIS. I am in favor of keeping our present pri­ mary law, but will vote for any amendment that will make it more perfect. I believe the proposed deepwaterway will soon become a matter of federal legislation, and I WILL NOT VOTE IN FAVOR OF ANY STATE LEGISLATION BY WHICH OUR STATE IS TO BUILD A DEEPWATEKWAY AT THE EXPENSE OF THE TAX PAYERS OF THIS STATE. UNLESS IT CAN BE SHOWN TO ME THAT THE BENEFITS TO THP f. A P.MVIN AND OTHER TAY PAYITRS OF THIS SENATORIAL DISTRICT WILL EQUAL OR EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF ALL TAXES THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO PAY TOWARD ITS CONSTRUCTION. I am a merchant and engaged in business at Harvard, Illinois, and I firmly Jaeiieve that business principles and business economy should be more closely followed in transact­ ing the business of the state legislature, and. t)jat there should be less politick played by the members of the legislature while trans­ acting the business of the state >tnd in mak­ ing the laws that are to govern us. If nominated and elected I shall serve the people of this district to the very best of my ability, and shall from- time to time consult them on all matters of legislation that will in any way effect them, and be guided by what they oelieve to be for their best Interests. 1 AM WHAT IS CALLED A "PROGRES­ SIVE" REPUBLICAN AND BELIEVE IN THE POLICIES OF THEODORE ROOSE- VELT, WHICH INCLUDE "A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERYBODY." JAMES H. VICKERS. OF A PERSONAL NATURE PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW WHERE THEY GO. AND Mot a Drop of Alcohol] What is a "tonic"? A medicine that increases the strength or tone of the whole system. What is an "alterative"? A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy action to healthy action. Name the best "tonic and alterative"? Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free froni alcohol Ask your own doctor all about it. Never take a medicine doctors cannot endorse, jx MBMBMMMMMMMiMiiMiiwiiiiiiiimum iiiiwiiTifiiiiiiiiirwwiwiimiiMTiTmiTiT'Tri'i 1111 1111 tit--ii--m 1 >--i--i m , uv mmmmuiu 4 Without daily action of the bowc-is poisonous products must l>* absorbed. Then you have Atk^yur 4octor about Ayer's Pill* Un constipation. as published in the Belvldere Daily Re­ publican of April 20, 1910; "I favor the economical expenditure of public moneys and the immediate abolition of old time extravagant ineth ode. I favor laws that will be beneficial to the farmers, dairymen and stock- raisers of this great commonwealth, the manicipal control of gas, electric and water systems, the establishment of good roads, and an economical system of expenditure for their permanent maintenance, convict labor to be used as far as possible. I favor the passage of laws that protect the members of fraternal insurance organizations against the encroachments of powerful old line insurance companies. I am op posed to any deep waterway legislation by this state until such time as the Fed­ eral Government assnres its financial snpport of the project., I am for the rigid enforcement of laws governing the practice of medicine and surgery, and the enactment of sach laws as will protect the people against unscrupulous practitioners. I believe there should be just and equitable measures of protec­ tion to employer and employee, the con­ servation of all our natural resources, the encouragement, snpport and ad­ vancement of all our public, educational and charitable institutions, in order that they may be placed on the highest plane of efficiency." Announcement of Color For Ballots. HTATKOF ILLINOIS, County of Mr-Henry ( ""• Office of the County Clerk. This Is to certify that the ballots for the primary of Heptemt>er 15, 1910, 6nr the re­ spective parties shall be printed on paper of the following colors: Names of party Color of paper Republican White Democratic Oreen Prohibition Blue In witni'MK thereof I subscribe my name, and aftix the seal of the County Court this, thealth day of Augnat, A. D. 1910. O, P. Rmmof, Oeostjr Olot. A Grist of Personal News Gathered Up by the Wayside l»y Tlie Plalmlealer Repre­ sentatives Henry E. Buch was a Chicago visitor Tnesday. chas. Rietesel was a Chicago yisitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bethke passed Tuesday in the windy city. Clinton Martin passed the latter part of last week with Elgin friends. Miss Mabel Granger passed Monday as the guest of Chicago relatives, Miss Pearl Claxton was the guest of Woodstock friends the past week. James Burger of Woodstock passed Tuesday with friends near McHenry. State's Atty. D. R. Joslyn of Wood­ stock was a visitor in town Tuesday. J. F. Claxton and daughter. Ruby, were Sharon, Wis., visitors Tuesday. Paul Barbian spent several days this week with Chicago relatives and friends. James B. Perry and daughter, Agnes, were county seat visitors last Saturday. W. P. Kinns attended to business matters in the windy city Wednesday. Mrs. J. B. Buss and daughter, Mamie, were Chicago visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Holtz were among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morn­ ing. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morn­ ing. Everett -Hunter attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Tues­ day. Station Agent J. B. Buss attended to business matters in the windy city Mon­ day. Miss Lucile Byrd has been a guest of Woodstock friends during the past week. Miss Ada Carey passed a few days this week with relatives in Spring Grove. Mrs. Anton Barbian passed a few days last week as the guest of Chicago relatives. Mrs. J. D. Lodtz and son, Percy, boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Edward Tetlow of Elgin was enter tained in the home of Mrs. Mary Carey last Sunday. Miss Kathryn Bolger of Chicago is spending the week as a guest of Mrs John Walsh. Walter Haebig of Milwaukee, Wis , is spending the week at the home of Simon Stoffel. / James Moore of Chicago is spending the week at the home of John Carey near Ringwood. Mrs. Peter Schoewer and daughter, Anna, boarded the Chicago train last Saturday morning. Mrs. L. F. Block and children spent a few days this week as the guests of her parents in Algonquin. Miss LaNette VanderKarrof Hebron is spending the week with Miss LaNette Whiting near Ringwood. Max Zimmermann transacted matters of a business nature in the windy city a couple of days this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Price and children •peat Snnday as the gue«ts of Genoa Junction, Wis , relatives. Mrs. Joe McOmber and daughter, Marion, were among the Chicago pas­ sengers Wednesday morning. Mrs. Tueo. Sc'niessle and children passed,a few days the first of the week as guests of Chicago relatives. Miss Barbara Steinsdoerfer of Chicago was a guest at the hou^e of her parents, who reside east of McHenry, Sunday. August Larsen came out from Chh cago Wednesday morning for a couple of days' outing at the Orchard Beach hotel. M iss Pearl Hutson of Woodstock returned to her home last Thursday, after a ten days' visit at the Claxton farm. i Miss Dora Lanman returned to her home in Chicago Monday evening, after a month's visit with Mrs. Josephine Heiraer. Messrs. and Mesdames F. A. Boh­ lander and F. L. McOuiber made a trip to Chicago in the former's automobile last Sunday. Miss Lillian Heimer retnrned home Monday from a short visit amoug rela tives and friends at Kanosha and Mil wankee, Wis. Misses Corabolle McOmber, Esther SJoifwl and Edyth Peteseh were guests of Miss Sylvia Hille at Irving Park, III., last week. Misses Grace and Erma Carey and Roy Hiienniug of Wilmot, Wis, passed (Sunday as the guests of relatives and friends in McBenry and vicinity. Misses Irene McOmber, Clara Stoffel and Myrtle Wattles went to Chicago Wednesday morcing and will make a trip to Milwaukee, Wis., by boat today. A trip to the lotus bedB lat-t week Tuesday was very much enjoved by the Misses Pearl and Ruby Claxton, Pearl Hutson, Mrs. J. Laul6tta and danghter, Erminia, and son, Joe. The trip was made in the latter's launch. Mrs. Antoinette Fay and daughter, Emma, passed ft couple of days this week at the home of H. H. Fay at Solon. Miss Fay will return to Philadelphia, Pa., tomorrow, where she goes to re­ sume her dnties as instructress in one of the schools of that city. TKRKA COJTA. Earl McMillan was an Elgin visitor Satnrday. Miss Agnes Conway is quite sick at this writing. Mrs. T. R. Anderson was an Elgin vis­ itor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. La Plant spent Sunda^ at Crystal Lake. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin spent Snnday at her home here. Misses Eleanor and Edna Phalin were Emerald Park callers Sunday. Miss Florence Knox is spending the week with McHenry relatives. Louis McDonald and Miss Nellie New­ man of Mo Henry called on friends here Sunday. W. Earle of Honey Creek, Wis., spent a few days last week at the home of J. H. Gracy. Mr. and Mra. John Hefferon of Chica­ go were recent visitors at Henry and Frank McMillan's. Mrs. Martin VJon^ray and children of McHenry were guests at the home of Joseph Buss last week. Mrs. Frqd Bergman of Chicago is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and M*s 8. B. Leisner. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and chil> dren and Mrs. S. Ku«x of McHenry called on relatives here tianday. ^ iXaUERT LOAVES Delicious Pastries to the White Swan Flour. FOR SAI,e RY Wilbur Lumber Co. West /IcHenry N. P. Steilen ricHenry John Richardson Vtflo William Althoff ^ JoitnabufKh A SWEET EX­ PRESSION, cbeerfol bat mod eet, is the princi­ pal charm in a photograph. It all lies in the mind. Don't hsys yosr photo taken the day you bounced the servant. Our WELL EQUIPPED PHOTO STUDIO has turned out nothing bat win­ ners so far. Fact is, it's the only kind we allow out of our hands. Give ns a sitting and allow na to pose you and you can be snre of the beat photo of yonritelf yon ever had. SCHNABEL, (Successor to J. J. Hille) ( West McHenry, III. - Phone 971 223MMH THE WRONG WAY to select harness is the way it is usually done. Price is generally the first consid­ eration. ff that is very low tho goods .se«m attractive, regardless of quality. Juclgw our goods the otner way about. Rxun.ine into the quality of this harness first.. Then it will be seen tbatitls worth almost any price. But our prices are not high. Value considered they are remark­ ably low •: : G. A. Barker richenry. III. North Shore Electric Co. WILL MAKE AN EXHIBIT -OF- Electrical Appinces IN GREAT VARIETY -AT THE Lilcrtyville, III,, fair BiitilNHlNG SEPT. 6 Examination of the display is invited. It will prove of interest to all present or intending con Burners of eleetrie current. Want Column. All MUertlanwnla Inwrtva under thin bead Mtk» following rmU'M: Five line* or lem, It oMits tor ftrst tnavrtion; 16 rants tur Mcli iiubatxinent iunertiM. Hon' Uun ftvc linen, t> o*nt» a tine tur flrat lnnertioM, nil lio« (or addition! iuaerUona. TjMJH SALE--All my household furniture. X MAX ZIMMBRMAMN, McHenry, LLL£ l^OK SALE--House with barn and three lots. L Iu good conditiou. Inquire of C. O. UKRNKH. McHenry, 111. 8-6t* "CHJK HALE--North at J Houth Dakota land: 1 915 to §25 per aore. Also farms In Minne­ sota. For further Information apply or writ* E. W. Howie. McHenry. III. *M,f "CVJB KENT--Seven" room house on Wauke- ^ gao. street, for further particulars ap­ ply to JOSEPH SUNARRAA, West McHenry, 111. WANTED TO KENT--A g«x>d farm of 60 to M0 acres. For further information write or apply at THE I'I,AII»I>KALBR Orric*. 10-2t* tnOKSALE--An 18-ft, family launch, with JF Kacine eiiKlne. i-upacity, ten to twelve people; cushions, canvas top, cover aud lainps. All in best of condition. Only §135 If taken at ooce. Call at Eosed&le hotel or pfaocM&JL. MCSM»7, 111. Professional, Society V Business DAVID G.WELLS M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST" A Office and residence corner Elm aip ,, 6c®enStreets. fccHeory. Tel^jhoo^ Np.$tp : . " ' ^^ ' > • • • • ' O.T. SMILEY; > A TTORjnSY AT LAW, WooastSA;Illlnoi* ' *• All/fcusinoss intrusted to his fare will properljr and promptly attended to. DR. R. G. CHAM BERLIN DBNTI8T 4 Otffcc ev*r Btiley'i Drag Str*. Hours: 8:00 io 5:30. Warn Mc'ITi N»« ! over M. J. Wi DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. 1 (Sii fp w m WC MV for Oentteffiga who etieriflfe QueSlty -For Sale by Leading Dealers AERMOTOR Gasoline Engine The best constructed and cheapest engine on the market today. Is now furnished with magneto, re­ quiring no batteries. The Aer- motor Co. is the first to reduce the price of engines and the first to nse this most important improve­ ment without raising price, $37.50 Also have 2 h. p. engine at $75 and 4 u. p. at ir you nsea power for any purpose, write or ask na for information. WM, BACON, aOENT PUMPS. WINDMILLS, ETC. TELEPHONE 831. - McHENRY, ILL. The Long Distance Passenger Boat " A L I C E " The Most Reliable But on These Waters is again in commission and making daily trips along Fox River, Plst&kee Bfcy, Plstakee Lake, Nipper®Ink Lake, Vox ILake. Grass Lake. LaJke M«.rle, Lake Bluff, Channel Lake and Lake Cath­ erine. The boat also makes trips to Gary and Algonquin, III., and Wilmot, Wis. On these trips It follows the course of Fox river. (heap Rites After Labor toy After Labor day this boat may be char­ tered at any time up until October 1 at very much reduced rates. Boat may be chartered at $10 per day after that day. A reduced rate will also be given parties wishing to make trips to WiUnot^ Wis., Channel lake. Lake Marie and Lake Cath­ erine. Single fare to any of these points after Labor day will be 75 cents for the round trip. Inquire of the captain or tel­ ephone McHenry 881. wn. KOEPPE, :: CAPT. Long Distance Telephone, ricHenry 8a 1 Bertha Emmert Expert Fitter of (llasses for all At Besley's Drug Store Wednesday, Sept. 14 .g|Bte: Oct. 2 Nov. <9 •̂SP* Dec. 14 srwwtrr HOU&D UP of a freshly fed herd of cattle if full of excitement. It's quite different here. Quietly and steadily WE OUT UP MEAT HOUR BY HOUR. There's no noise or confusion, bnt just the same it s a steady stream of people who keep coming In to buy the CHOICE MEATS ON SALE HERE. E. F. Matthews WE5T McHENRY TELEPHONE 3

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