Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1910, p. 5

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COPLEY AURORA, ILLINOIS *•> » S\ * " s •s<-VV^kK H" , £ ***&*** , ^ ̂ ~ - . ^ ' f^ JPlg |v ^ ' s| ^ ^ * < K** , M •* : *•-*!" * " ,> ^ ' Candidate for Republican Nomination for Congressman* Eleventh Congressional District: Primaries Sept. 15 Platform: I believe in public regulation and control, by properly constituted au­ thorities, of all public service corporations--railway, traction, telegraph, telfi- phone, electric light, gas and all others. I believe that the public is entitled to know that it gets a fair standard of service, and at a fair price, and that the corporation makes a fair business profit. I feel that the PUBLIC IS ALSO ENTITLED TO ASSURANCE THAT ITS LIFE, HEALTH AND PROP ERTY ARE SAFEGUARDED IN THE UTMOST DEGREE. I believe that the public and employees of the company are entited to know that ev­ ery possible safeguard is thrown about the life and health of the employees. I believe in a fair working out of Employer's Liability. I believe in putting the burden of TAXATION ON THE SHOULDERS OF THE PEOPLE WHO CAN BEST AFFORD TO BEAR IT, and who get the most benefit from the stability which this government offers tov income and capital. I believe in an Income Tax exempting moderate incomes, and one in which the ratio of taxation--when the income is enjoyed by a private indi­ vidual--increases as the income itself increases in size. I believe in an Inherit­ ance Tax exempting moderate inheritances, but one in which the ratio of tax­ ation increases as the size of the inheritance itself increases. I believe in the conservation of all the national and state resources for the benefit of all the people. I BELIEVE IN PROTECTION, BUT I BELIEVE IN PROTECTION THAT REDUCES, AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, THE COST OF THE CHEAPER ARTICLES that are necessarily consumed by the poorer people and, if addi tional revenue must be raised from this source, that the tax on the LUXUR IES THAT ARE ENJOYED BY THE RICHER PEOPLE BE MADE TO STAND SUCH INCREASES, as far as possible. I believe in the principle advocated by President Taft when he caused the present Tariff Commission to be established. After this body has had an opportunity to gather its facts, this country, for the first time, will be able to approach tariff legislation from a fair and scientific standpoint and, for the first time, the schedules will be framed in the interest of the ultimate consumer,~~ as well as in the interest of the producers. Heretofore no one has ever been heard on a tariff schedule excepting the producer. I believe in the integrity and ability of President Taft. I am NOT for Joseph G. Cannon for Speaker. To sum up my platform in one sentence, I AM A "PROGRESSIVE" REPUBLICAN AND BELIEVE IN THE POLICIES OF THEODORE. ROOSEVELT, NAMELY, "A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERYBODY." IRA C . COPLEY WestSide livery&ciaragp R. I. OVEUTON. I'KOi'.-UK !'<•!; fiufu-s n,« i i an tram* for points on PtstiiU"*- Hay umi IM<X take. Team- iiiK of ;iii kimis uone promptly. Spe­ cial attention irivon to traveling men. First-class rigs wltli or without driver at reasonable prices. 'Phone 47a. :: Wert McHenry, III. « Telephone 473 DR. N. J. NYE MCHENRY, ILLINOIS pHYHIOIAN AND SURGEON. Office hours at Johnsburgh. III., from 7:30 a. m. toll:ab a. m. Wednesday and Sunday of each week. 'Psion, MCHMBY K WHEN N CttlCAOO Don't, forget to call on idiobert Q. Sag 93 Fifth Av« vitiere you "will u ways be treated courteously and receive the best in the market in the line of Wines, Liquors &. Cigarfe PARCELS CHECKED FREE H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE P12ACE AND INSURANCE AOENT I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop erty against Fire, Lightning. Tornados, Etc Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause West McHenry, III. Petesch's for drugs. Electric Bitters Sucrecd wlteia everything else fails. lit uci vuciD fenitiU weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the !>t t medicine ever sold over a druggist's cc inter. TtltpbtM NE 293. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Weft McHenry, llllnoi* Universally Service*,*t 10:4i>. The Rev. A. CI McHenry will preach at the Uuiveraalist chnrch next Snndjyr. morning at 10:46. All we invited. ' • PARK. John I, Suttou attended the auto races at Elgin last Saturday. P. J. Ay 1 ward ot McHenry was a caller in this vicinity Wednesday even­ ing. Messrs. .las. and Paul Armstrong are spending this week with their families here. \ Messrs. Chits. Malefyt and Ed. Armit spent the week end with their families here. Mias A OIL a McGee of McHenry is spending a few days with Miss Florence Welch. Mr. and Mrs. D. Strong of Chicago are Mptmding a few days at the Burns cottage. Mrs Ed. Knox spent a few days the lant, of the week with Chicago and Elgin relati ves. Mr. and Mrs D. W. Hill and daugh ter, Laura, spent the week eud at their < oHage here. Arthur Titus of Chicago is spending a week's vacation with his friaud, A. Kenneth Burns. Misse* May me and Marguerite Kuox returned Friday troui a pleasant visit with Chicago relative*. Messrs. Win and Walter Blnm and Mis« (iertrnde Blum of Chicago spent Sunday with their folk* here. W. K. Burns and daughter, Grace, and Jack Allen spoilt Saturday and Sunday at thf Huron cottage Mifts Anns C;«>try <>! Smnx Falls, S D , is spending a few weeks with her grandmother. Mrs. Ellen Frisby Miss Julia Matt.sou very pleasantly entertained a number of her friends at her collage here Tuesday evening. Mi sses Maytne and Katherine Knox and Anna Bolger attended the teachers' metiiiuK at Woodstock lawt Saturday. Mr*. C Romano and family closed their cottage for the season and re turned to ttieir home in Chicago Mon day Mtssrs. J. A. FarrellaudR E Sutton returned ' to the city Sunday evening alter Mpending a few days with relatives hei e. Mias Benlah Larkin returned to her home in Elgin Saturday after spending several weeks with her grandfather here. Messrw Snlvator Romano and Robt. Sutton motored to IVtite lake Thurs day and spent a few days with friends t here Mr. and Mrs H Berkircher and Miss­ es Mary and Anna Romano enjoyed a trip to Fox Lake and the lotus beds in the former's launch Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Armstrong and family returned to their home at River Forest Friday after a pleasant season spent at their summer home. Mrs. Mary Kennaley and daughter, Mi** Mary Kennaley, of Elgin, are spending a tew weeks with relatives and old friends in this vicinity. Sister Mary Bernard and Sister Mary Agatba of Chicago viaited at the home of their uncle. R. J Sutton, and among other relatives in this vicinity a few ^ays this week. A party consisting of Misses Anna McGee, Anna and Irene Frisby of Mc­ Henry; Margaret and Lucy Sutton of Emerald Park; Mr and Mrs. Harry Bacon, Messrs. Robt. E Sutton, J. A. Farrell, Weston and Harold Bacon of Chicago, chaperoned by Mrs, John Powers of Elgin, enjoyed a day's outing at Kelter's lake the first of the week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs Ed. Kelter and J. B Kelter at their beautiful sum­ mer home Bathing and fishing were indulged in and many fine catches made, among which were black bass, pickerel sud luneka onge. The day was closed with a delicious picnic supper on the lawn, to which all did ample justice. KINI1WOOI). Mrs Sar«h Struble of Pan I's Valley, Okla , is visitiug relatives here and at Solou. Walter Bradley and family left last Monday for Johnson, Vt , for a few weeks' visit. Mrs. Robert McLean and daughter of Woodstock are visiting her sister, Mrs C. H. Stephenson. Miss Eleanor Banks of Chicago is Hpending a few days with Ringwood relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Westlake ot Michi­ gan spent Monday with their niece, Mrs. James McCannon. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday of this week with Mrs. Mary Carey. Mrs. Emma Brown, leader. Mrs. Jane Carr was quite sick Mon­ day night. At this writing she is bet­ ter. Mrs. Knox is with her. Bert McCannon and family and Mr. and Mrs Will McCannon were in Elgin last Saturday to see the auto races. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen visited friend* in Antiocb, 111., and Salem and Keuo»ha, Wis., the last of the week' Mr« Josephine; Coatee was given a postal card shower '"uesday and Bertha Bell on Wednesday, their birthdays J. S Brown and son. S. W.. and C. W. Harrison and W. E. Walker at­ tended the funeral of Anderson Mur­ phy a» W< >odi*tock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Harrison returned from Nebranka Saturday afternoon. Herbert Harrison's daughter of St. J ihn's returned with them for a visit with her grandparents and other rela­ tives. Mrs. Elon Harrison ancl children of Warren, 111 . spent part of last week with relatives in this place. Saturday she went to Solon to visit her sister, from which place she would go home Monday. Don't waste yonr money baying plas­ ters when you can «et a bottle of Cham­ berlain's Liniment for twenty fivecentSi A piece of flannel dampened with this liniment is superior to any plaster for lam^back. pft'.ns in the side and chest, andmuch cheaper. Sold by all dealers. aiiiuiiniiA Elston Hunt of Elgin is visiting at R. L. Dufield's. J. Oakroot was a Woodstock business caller Tuesday. Miss Elma Shuach of Beloit is visiting at F. M. Risley's. Mrs. Irish visited her son, Herman, in Harvard Saturday. Mrs. J G. Hartman was a Crystal Lake visitor Friday. Henry Wilson of Harvard visited hie mother here Sunday. F. M. Risley and son, Kenneth, were in Woodstock Friday. Mr.-t. S. Wakefield is visiting her son, Chas. Keeler, in Elgin. Mrs. R. Reed and children spent San- day in Carpentersyille. Miss Pearl Haughawout was a Crys­ tal Lake caller Monday. Mrs. Dora Greene is visiting relatives iu Woodstock this week. Mrs. Clayton Wilson of Chicago is visiting at C. F. French's. Mr. and Mrs. R. L Dufield were Woodstock visitors SaturdM. Miss Dora Hudson of Woodstock visited at A. Stephenson's Friday Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson and son, Lloyd, spent Sunday in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. E Jacobs of Terra Cot- ta spent Suuday at Father Brown's. J. B. Lynch returned to his duties Monday afteaa two weeks' vacation. Mr. Josephenson returned Wednesday evening from his vibit in Minneapolis. Mrs E. Smith attended the funeral of Mr. Morley in Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. A. Schuett of Woodstock visited her sister, Mrs. C. Ogleshy. Wednesday. Mrs. Stratton and children and Mrs. Salow visited in Woodstock Wednes­ day. Howard Jacobs of Terra Cotta spent a part of last week with his parents here. The Ladies' Aid society will be post- po ted next week on accoun |of i s • eing fair wtek. Quite a number from here attended the automobile races in Elgin Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and son, Wesley, of Woodstock spent Sunday at R. L. Dufield's. The Wille brothers, Clyde Oglesby and Will Freuch took in the big show at Elgin Monday. Mrs. R. Goddard and daughter, Gen­ evieve, visited the former's daughter ip Woodstock Tuesday. M rs. C. H. Dufield and daughter, Agnes, visited with Mrs. J. T. Fisk in Crystal Lake Saturday. Sherman Irish left Thursday for his home in California after a two weeks' visit with his parents and sisters; Mr. and Mrs. Will Merchant and daughters of Richmond visited at S, A. Merchant's Saturday and Sunday. Miss Anna Morse is visiting her brother, Floyd, Sifter spending a part of the summer toarlng thru the Old World. Miss Mildred Morse of Blackstone, Va., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. A. Walkup, and other relatives and friends. Miss Nora Hardyman and friend, Mr. Apps, of Beloit spent part of Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Kline. Miss Margaret Sillars and brother, Graham, returned^ to their home at Elizabeth Tuesday after spending a portion of their summer vacation here. HOLCOHBVILLIC. Miss Rosie Gaebe is visiting in Chi­ cago. H. E. Clemens entertained oompany Sunday. Wm. Zenk was an Elgin business vis­ itor Friday. Miss Laura Masoh visited last week at T. L. Flanders'. Joe Vasiey and fajtiUy spent Sunday with relatives in Volo. James and David Powers were Wood­ stock callers Saturday. Will Whiting and son, Charles, were Crystal Lake callers Tuesday. Misses Letah and Minuie Pomrening spent Sunday at their home here. Miss Minnie Pomrening called on Miss Grace Doherty Sunday afternoon. Misses Etta and Anna Powers of McHenry are spending this week at J. Powers'. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and son spent Sunday at John Gibbs' at Emer­ ald Park. James E. Doherty spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with friends in Chicago and Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conley and sons, Everett and Morton, of Chicago visited Sunday at W. B. Gilbert's. Misses Nellie Doherty and Roeella Evanson of Cnicago spent Saturday with relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mre. W. B. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whiting attended the auto races in Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughters, Villa and Mildred, spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. Misses Gertrude La Sage and Irene and Eva Da vol 1 and brother, Clarence, called at Jay Doherty 'B Friday after­ noon. "Can be depended upoh" is an expres­ sion we all like to hear, and when it is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fails tocurediarrhoea dysentery or bowel complaints. It is pleasant to take and equally valuable for children and adults. Sold by ail dealers. One of the most enjoyable surprises of the season was that which took place last Wednesday evening when about twenty friends of Willie Doherty in vaded his home *Uth the intention >ot having a good tubev -Their expecta­ tions were fulfilled. Games were played until a late hour and then a dainty luucheon was served. In the early hours of morning the merry guests departed for their homes, wondering "Whose tarn next?" ... .EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF SCHOOL BOOKS, TABLETS, • PENCILS, PAPER, ETC. AT N. H. Petesch's When Looking for You rSpring Wants Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second band Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi­ ana Silos. :: :: :: ?: sroir EL Phones: RES!DEN2E-7»i. Kerosene and Gasoline ST0VE5! This is the opportunity that you have been looking for. We do not intend to carry a single Kerosene or Gasoline Stove over until next season. For this rea- son we are closing them out at ten percent dis­ count under our regular low selling price. Don't put off buying until to­ morrow but come today as the stock is limited. We handle the Perfec­ tion. :: :: :: JOHN J. VYCITAL, THE CCNTERvklX HARDWARE MAN. ad For Summer & Fall Our new fall line of Shoes is now ready for your inspection. We have an exceptionally good line in Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt in the dull or bright finish and cloth top At Prices to Suit all Purses We are making special low prices on all Summer Goods to close out this month. We have many lines of Oxfords, Strap Sandals, Pumps and Roman Sandals to close at reduced price. Lawns, Dimities, Percales, Silks ttnd all Summer Dress Goods at Slaughter^ Prices. :: :: :: SUIT5 MADE TO jVOUR HEASURE--Our new fall and trititer samples are now ready. Come in and look. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 - GOODS DELIVERED !U" -1 -J

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