Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Sep 1910, p. 5

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#! •HtJ3k«K3ES mmh W w ̂ -:~4i-«-#s v NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR " ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 'town *-A Right now--to-day--their are a hundred places on your farm where Marquette Concrete work will not only save you money, but shorten the day^s work. Replace fast decaying, inflammable wood with everlasting Marquette Concrete and make your farm a land-mark for generations to come. The greater part of the work you can do yourself and the materials are cheap--it will cost you nothing to learn the many uses of Marquette Cement. We'll gladly send you details for using PORTLAND CEMENT The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. ^ General Office and Works: La Salle, I1L CnUugv OJicc. marqmetie Biag., Cktcago, iiL Wilbur Lumber Co., M<-Henry tbutors. ..Electric Ligfht.. .Electric Power. Service Day and Night W ®re EM trie (mm [ " * ~ 2SBS£i983 I*) J-Plf OA) f . •3'FLi hi' !>e tNu up S * I GENUINE SURETY BOND GUARANTEE PAUNQt iNSOE EACSi ROLL OF R O O F I N G is® Congo it the only Ready Roof­ ing carrying the National Suiety Co.'* band. It came* with it terms J coodiboaa that make it especially at- :tirc to anyone who must coruider the (iDg question. IFor 10 years you can red easy about ir roof* it covered with 3-ply Congo, J we know that it is probable you will b torn longer awvice out of k. The Surety Company » issuing these bonds, and back of them is their two mi.lion dollar* of assets. It is a matter of keen satisfaction to us that they were willing to stand behind Congo Roofing. You are immune from any responsibility other than giving the roofing ordinary care. Write to-day for samples of Congo and full information. Remember, that with every roll of Congo you get a genuine Surety Bond. Albert Etten Coal Co. MCHFNRY. :: :: ILLINOIS Berthd Emmert Kxpert Fitter of Ulasses for all [V'A I f?» I.ill At Besley's Drugstore latesday, Sept. 14 Oct. 12 Nov. 9 Dec. 14 w NEWARK, NHW JERSEY. The Leading Annual Dividend • Company Hu daring the put sixty-four year* paid to policy bolder*, $268,296,648.95 Assets Jan. 1, 1009, $121,260,086.89 : Surplus, $5,628,151.17 No company has accomplished better results for Its policyholders CARL W. STENGER, Agent. Sit: It Saved his Leg. "All thought I'd loee my lejj," writes J A. Swenaeu of Watertown, Wis. "Teu years of eczema, that fifteen doc­ tors could uot care, had at la«t laid me ap. Th«n Bncklen's Arnica Salve cared it, sound and well. " Iufallible for Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rbenui, Bolls, Fever Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Piles. 25c at N. H. Petesoh's aud F. Masquelet's Mo HuDtlDf or Trenpi(iialn(. Notice is hereby given that hunting and trespassing on uiy premises on rikI after this date are prohibited. Viola tors of this notice will be prosecuted. Dated this twenty-first day of Septeui ber, 1910. • STEPHEN F. SCHMITT. FOR SALE--One small Round Oak Jewel stove, coal or wood. L F. Pouse 13 St KIlMiliPlELU A Tranah came out troin the ci ty Tuesday. *" Chauucey Stephenson spent hiB vaca­ t ion in the ci ty. Mr aud Mrs. A. Salow were Chicago callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. O Kline drove to Woodstock Sunday. j D O. Kiiue and Clyde Oirieebv went to Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shelt Snndaved at the home of D. L. Gibson. John Peterson was a Chicago business callei Wednesday of last week. Mrs E S^nue of Woodstock visi ted her parents Sunday and Monday. Miss Pt*arl Hanghawout retured from a business visi t at Bataria recently Mrs. J B Lynch and daughter, Mad- «lnn« wpro (?bi<\*igo shoppers Saturday. Miss Clara Salow viuited fr iends in the ci ty from Thursday unti l Tuesday. Mrs L Johnson and l i t t le son. Lloyd, were Woodstock business callers Satur­ day. Mrs. r i . Goiidaru and daughter, Gen­ evieve. were business callers at Sharon Saturday. Mis« Ethel Thayer of Woodstock call­ ed on her Ridge field fr iends Thursday and Friday The Womans" Missionary nociotv met with Rev. and M r-< «*in*sfl ln-Hcbt Tues­ day afternoon. Mrs Lolo Bennett and l i t t le son vis­ i ted with WooiUto. k fr iends from Sun­ day unti l Saturday. Mr and Mrs E. E. Knilane and Mr. and Mrs S VI Siunn<>ns were Wood- stock callers Friday Mrs A Jacolw attended the Jacobs Rice reunion held «t t l ic home of Mrs H, Rice at Crystal Lake Sunday. Robert Knilans and sister , Rhoda, spcti t Severn! ditv.N !t t the home of Mr. mid Mrs Jacob 1 ' i . tzin Chicago \ irs f ieorue (>t>vh»in and two chil­ dren and Mrs H Thayer visi ted with their parents Ht Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs Wui Reed is very wick with bil­ ious f vst Her many friends »ud neighbors hope for a complete recovery S > > O M . Mr. and Mrs F Wille anil son, An gust , hre visi t ing with their daughter Mini Hi»ter . Mrs Anna Breyufyer, at l ' . txico, Kan. Mr and Mrs. I t L. Hutield at tended the funeral of Mrs Frame, held "tot the home ot her daughter, Mrs Oscar Dn lield, near Woodstock. Friday. Mr. and Mrs U L Dnlield and daugh tsr , Mrs. Dora Green, at tended the Kiltz r e ' inion at Cary Saturday. Mrs t lreeii remained for a few da>s' visi t . Mr and Mrs. C Lock wood returned Monday troui a week's visi t with Mrs Lock wood's brother, Mr Murphy, and other relat ives at Hartford and Law reuce, Michigan. Mrs. Jacob Wi'mert , i j incoln, III . , found her way back to perfect health. Shw writes: "1 suffered M i th kidney trouble and backache aud my ap|>eti te was very poor at t imes. A few weeks ago 1 got Foley " Kidnev and gave t lnni a Ir ial They gave me great re l ief , so continued I i l l now 1 am again in perfect health " F Masqnelet . VOU). Mr and Mrs Win. Dil lon spent last Monday in < 'h icago. Will Frost made a business t r ip to Libertyvil le Sunday. Mr and Mrs Richard Dowell spent Saturday in Lila»rty vil le. Mr and Mrs Peter Stadtfeld were Fox Lake tel lers Sunday. Miss Jennie Potter was^a Waukegan visi tor one day last , week, Gonevieve Ktliuger of Ingleslde spent Sunday with relat ives here. Mrs W M. Huson was a McHenry caller last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Hanson are eutertain ing relat ives from D> umark. Mesdatu s Walton and Dillon were in Graywlake Fridav afternoon. Mrs Ed Snyder of Roll ins was a guest at the Wngner home Wednenday. Miss Kate Frost is speuil ing a few weeks with relat ives in Kenosha. Win. Siers and son of Elgin were Sunday guests at the Dillon home. Mr. and Mrs Edward Lusk at tended to business in Chicago last Wednesday, . Leo Unrnh has returned to Chicago after several weeus ' visi t with Rev. Relnpe. Messrs. E Lusk anil E. Fisher trans­ acted business in Waultegau Tuesday of this week. Mr and Mrs. Theodore Wiukel of McHenry spent Sunday evening at the Sabel home. Joe Roaing of ChicMgo and Miss ( ' lara Rosing of Round Lake at tended church here Sunday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hanson of Stoughton. Wis , are visi t ing with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hanson. There will be services in the Volo M. E church Sunday afternoon, Sept. 2.r>. Everyone is given a cordial invitat ion to at tend. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller are moving into the house owned by Har­ vey Gardinier and will uiake their home there for some t ime OSTKND. Miss Ella Thomas is visi t ing fr iendsf in Chicago this week. R. H. Richardson transacted business in Woodstock last Monday. Miss Hazel Thomas visi ted with Het- t ie aud Flossie Randall last Sunday. Miss Daisy Gaylord is visi t ing rela t ivts anu at tending the Elk horn fair tbis week. Mr. and Mrs. F E Martin enter­ tained relat ives from Elgin from Wed­ nesday uuti l Sunday. Mr and Mrs F. E. Martin and Mr. and Mrs Grote and children were visi t­ ing in Harvard last Saturday. Mr. aud Mrs Edgar Thomas aud chil­ dren of Woodstock visi ted relat ives in this vicinity last Saturday and Sunday. BINOWOOI). ( Mrs. Langham of Solon is visiting rel­ atives and friends in town. Miss Anna Waterman returned froip her visit to Vermont Thursday of last week. Ray Merchant, and Miss Inga Benson of Greenwood were at Bert McCannon's Sunday Walter Bradley sad family retnrued from their visit in the East Sunday evening. Fred Allen aod wife of Chicago visit­ ed at Thomas Walkington's Snnday and Monday. Mrs. Earl Allen and two little girls of Greenwood spent last Friday at Thoa. Walkington's. August Walters and wife of Wood­ stock were in town Sunday. The W C. T. U. tunetiug at Mrs. J. D. Smith's was a very pleasant one. Tea was served to about twenty. W. E, Smith and wife, Miss Agnes Bigelow ami Mrs. J. C. Ladd attended the auto hill chmb at Algonquin last Friday. Mr and Mrs. J. C. Ladd and W. E. Smith and family attended the politics,! meeting at Wo«Mistock last Wednesday evening. Miss Eleanor Hawley went to Elgin Thursday afteru<x>n of last week, re turning Sunday eveuing. She was ac companies by her mother's sister. Mesdames Emma Brown, Florence Smith, Edith McCannon and Libbie Allen went to Woodstock Tuesday to attend the W. C. T. U. convention. Ed Robbins and wife of Chicago spent the last of the week at E. T. Chase's Snnday morning they went to William Stevens' to visit Mrs. Robbins' mother. Mrs. Stacia Knox was called to Terra Cotta last Wednesday morning by the illness of ber sister. Mrs. Harrison of Wauconda is staying a few days with Mrs. Carr. J. S. Brown and wife and W. E. Walker and wife went to Milwaukee Tuesday afternoon of last week to at tend the Wiwcoiisiu state fair, return ing home Thursday evening. Mrs. H. L. Waterman of Moscow, Tdaho, who has been visiting in the East, arrived in town Saturday morn­ ing for a few days' visit on her return home. Her many friends are pleased to see her. Your kidney trouble may be of lon|; standing, it may be either acnte or chronic, bat whatever it is Foley's Kid- uey Remedy will aid you to get rid of it quickly and restore your natural health and vigor. "One bottle of Foley's Kid­ ney Remedy made me well," said J, Sibbull of Grand View, Wis. Com- mence taking it now. F. Masqnelet. KM KRAI, n PARK. Messrs. D. W. Hill and James Haxton Sundayed at the Park. Miss Mary F. Knox of McHenry was a caller here Tuesday. Frank O'Flaherty of Elgin spent San day with his wife here. Chas. A. Cohan of Chicago was with his family from Friday nntil Monday. $fjs. Robert Sobns of Chicago is spending a few days at her cottage here. Floyd Thompeon of La Grange was a guest at Ellen Frisby's Snuday evening. Miss Ethel McDonald of Barreville spent Wednesday evening at Ed Knox's Mr. and Mrs. George Frisby of Mc Henry spent Wednesday at Mrs. Ellen Frisby's. Clarence Whiting, who recently re turned from the West, was a guest at Ed Knox's Tuesday evening. Misses Anna McGee aud Anna and Irene Frisby of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Malefyt and Miss Anna Malefyt of Chicago spent the week end at their cottage here. Mrs Dau Mc Manama u of Chicago is spending this week at R. J. Sutton's and visiting among old friends. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Heaney and Mrs Mary Heaney returned to the city Sat urday after several weeks'sojourn here. Mr and Mrs L Hack are spending a few days with Chicago relatives. Mrs Huck was called to the city to attend her brother's funeral. Mrs. Chas. W. Gibbs entertained a sewing circle at ber home here Monday afternoon. A pleasant time was had, little sewing being done, and all did ample justice to a delicious luncheon. A number of Edwin Knox's friends gathered at his home Wednesday and took him by surprise. The occasion was Edwin's twenty first birthday an niversary. A very pleasant evening was passed in playing games, after which a dainty lunch was served. TEKKA COTTA. Mrs. S Knox visited relatives here last week. M. A. Conway was a Chicago visitor last Wednesday. T R Anderson was a Richmond oall- er Sunday evening. Mrs F. Waterman was a McHenry caller last Tuesday. Mrs. P. H. Conway and son, Clarence, spent Wednesday last in Chicago. Mrd. Frank Peck of Chicago spent a few days last week at H. McMillan's. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin was the guest of hqine folks Satnrday and Sun­ day Mrs. Fred Powers of Holcombville spent Tuesday afternoon at J. M. Pha lin's. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson enter tained company from Carpentereville Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Martin Conway of McHenry vis­ ited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Buss, Sunday. Mrs. Robert Anderson and son, Ar­ thur, of Richmond were guests at the home of T R. Anderson Saturday and Sunday. '. Th« Gratitude of Elderly People Goes out to whatever helps give them ease, comfort and strength. Foley Kid ney Pills care kidney and bladder diseases promptly, and give comfort and relief to elderly people. F. Maequelet. 'me: -iSS&V? A cold is a threat against life; pneumonia, throat trouble or consumption lurk in its shadow. Colds are now easy to cure; our Laxa Quinine Cold Tablets relieve in an hour and cure in a day. Money back if they fail. Twenty-five cents. :: :: M H i ^ i . I I DRUGGIST PETESCH :: :: TELEPHONE 374 When Looking for YourSpringW ants Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. G\>od goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi- . ana Silos. :: :: :: WM.STOFFEL Phnnpft1 office-773. rnuncs. RESIDENCE-?*!. TEM hm, AMT m i-iK UI If : ( u • O N - Kerosene and Gasoline STOVES! Th is is the opportunity that you have been looking1 for. We do not intend to carry a single Kerosene or Gasoline Stove over until next season. For this rea­ son we are closing them out at ten per cent dis­ count under our regular low selling price. Don't put off buying until to­ morrow but come today as the stock is limited. We handle the Perfec­ tion. :: :: :: JOHN J. VYCITAL, THE CENTER VILLE HARDWARE MAN. For Siiner & rail Our new fall line of Shoes is now ready for your inspection. We have an exceptionally good line in Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt in the dull or bright finish and cloth top At Prices to Suit all Purses We are making special low prices on all Summer Goods to close out this month. We have many lines of Oxfords, Strap Sandals, Pumps and Roman Sandals to close at reduced price. Lawns, Dimities, Percales, Silks and all Summer Dress Goods at Slaughter Prices. :: :: SUITS mADE TO YOUR MEASURE--Our new fall and winter samples are now ready. Come in and look. :: :: :: :: ?: :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 - GOODS DELIVERED • ;:,v^ 1 .A •" • • •% V5 m M if

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