Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1910, p. 4

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IS. •"•PC If' •*••• 1 '!*J1'. '! I 1 J1. 1,1 tfoW •' #» The Acquiring of beautiful home surroundings does not necessarily mean a large outlay of money at one time, but you may surround yourself with a beautiful home slowly and surely if you will but use the proper care in se­ lecting your furniture so that each piece you buy from time to time is an addition that will lend to the harmony and attractiveness of what you already have. The quality of furniture that conies from our store will never become shabby, so if you trade with us you have the assurance that in tune you wili haw a home that you may well be proud of. Our line ot Rugs, Linoleums and Lace Curtains is also complete and up to date and the prices that are attached thereto should command your attention. JACOB JUS1EN. McHenry, Illinois THE FURNITURE MAN \ i.i\l is obtainable only from good Flour. It matters not how well versed you may be in the art of baking", kind housewife, your very best efforts are bound to ter­ minate into a disappointment just as long as you are rising an inferior grade of Flour. We suggest purchasing a sack of our "EARLY RISER" Flour, the Flour that never fails you. If vou are not using our brand, try it, arid be convinced that it's the only Flour. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop. th UbmjlhLUUKE.1 I BOND GUARANTEE PACKED INSIDE EACH ROLL OF CONGO R O O F I N G 3-Pty i > Congo is the only Ready Roof­ ing caxrying the National Surety Co.'* band. It carries with k terms •ail conditions that make it especially at­ tractive to anyone who must consider the tooting question. or 10 yean you can rest easy about ymif roofs it coveted with 3-ply Congo, iad, we know diat it is probable yoa will get MM tonga amice out of it. The Surety Company is issuing these bonds, and back of tkem is their two million dollars of aucts. It is a matter of keen satisfaction to us that they were Milling to stand behind Congo Rooting. You are immune from any responsibility other than giving the roofing ordinary care. Write to-day for «yp1*' of Congo H full information. Remember, that with every roll of Coiqp you get a genuine Surety Bond. Albert Etten Coal Co. >Yn ,J (» < f as Central Opera House Fri. & Sat. Sept. 30 Oct. i Beautiful NOVIIKPKTlltl& A truly wonderful repro­ duction of the sublime Play Central OPERA HOUSE m, oa. 1 Society Entertainers 18 Funny Electric Dolls ALL SPECIAL SCENERY AH Seats 10c U Musical Instruments PRICES, 25c, 35c, 50c Seat Sale at Petesch's Hie McHenry Piaindealer rUBLlBHfcu SivKRY THUM8IM.1 «? ^ F. a, SCHREINER. TfcRM* OI» SUBSCRIPTION 1 v'nertu .ft.BO Six months, 75 eta. Three months. 40ota. Thursday, September 29, 1910. THE PASSION PLAY In Moving Pictures to Be Presented at the Central Opera House. The first Passion Play of which there is any record was in the fourth century, A. D., among the Greeks, &ud was called "Christos Paschon." All thra the mid­ dle ages different dramas of this nature were portrayed, chiefly by religious orders. During the Crusades many similar plays were given for the pur pose of stimulating the people to activ­ ity in the saving of the Holy City from the hands of the Saracens. In 1632 the peasants in the village of Oberammergau, in Bavaria, were vis­ ited by a terrible plague, which devas­ tated their coontry. On its cessation the entire population made a vow to perform the Paesion Play of our Saviour every tenth year, out of gratitude, and as a means of religions instruction a vow which has ever since been faithfully and regularly observed. The inhabi­ tants of this secluded village have a rare union of artistic ability and culti­ vation, with perfect simplicity. Their familiarity with religious subjects is even beyond what is usual in the Alpine parts of Germany, and the spectacle is looked on with the same feelings with whinh it. nriirinatjul What nrnnlfj »n- pear elsewhere as impious is, to these peasants, devout and edifying, The impersonator of Christ considers his part act of worship. He and all the rest w§o are to participate in the enact- me at#e selefcffed-for their holy life, and are consecrated to their work with prayer and fasting. In fact, it is the ambition of every child in the village to act a part in this great event of their life, and in order to do so they must show by their daily life that they are worthy of such an honor. Every village girl has an ambition to portray the part of M&ry, ths Mother of Christ. They believe that in order to attain this they must not. even in thought, do anything contrary to the virtuous and pure character required for the part of the Mother of our Savior. Not to be considered fit to take part, however small, in this grand play is, in Oberammergau, considered to be a great disgrace. To take a part away from an aetor is a shame that can hardly be borne, and it is on record that once a man to whom this happened sank into such a melancholy condition that he finally became mad. When properly equipped and present­ ed there is not an attraction before the world today in the way of an entertain­ ment, so impressive, so pleasing, so soul- stirring and heart-reaching, and so up» lifting in the future morality of some individuals as is this wonderful creation in moving picture form. That it is do­ ing the world great good no oh'e can leuy. How delightfully grand must the opportunity seem to be able to wit­ ness these clear, beautiful life motion pictures passing by before us, unfolding n the most convincing and pleasing manner these scenes and incidents in >.he Christ life heretofore pictured in words only, and not understood by all. You have but to ask someone who has witnessed the play and it is confidently assumed that you surely will be advised jy them to go and see it yourself. The management does not claim this 'X> be the only attraction of its kind be­ fore the public. To make such an as­ sertion would be untrue. We do say, aowever, that never before, since these icenes were presented to the world in this manner, has there ever been wit­ nessed in tljis city so complete and im­ pressive a reproduction of the original Oberammergau play as this one. In presenting to the people of the world this version, it is the intention to give to them as near an exact reproduc­ tion of the original play (the Oberam­ mergau play) as possible. In producing this masterpiece the highest point is reached in the art of life-motion photog­ raphy. Those who see it will be inter ested and instructed, aside from its artistic qualities. It can be asserted conscientiously that there is nothing in this grand perform­ ance that will be sacriligious or irrev­ erent, or any picture presented offensive to any Christian of any denomination. Every man, woman and child will not only enjoy it, but will be held spell­ bound at the sight of the fascinating and Btibliine life-size moving pictures. Every parent and Hunday school teacher should take advantage of this opportunity to vividly impress upon the children these scenes in Christ's life impressions that can never be effaced while the lamp of this life holds ont to burn. In no other way, short of a personal visit to the village of Oberammergau, in Bavaria, at the time of this stupen­ dous enactment, can so lasting a real­ ization of the crucifixion of Christ be made. It fixes the mind upon its great subject--the Christ. Clearly and dis­ tinctly does it unfold the scenes and in­ cidents of His early life; portraying it so plainly, so beautifully, that the smallest child shall know and under­ stand this beautiful, simple story, At the Central opera house Friday and Saturday evenings, Sept. 30 and Oct 1. The (iratltude of Elderly People Goes out to whatever helps give them ease, comfort and strength. Foley Kid ney Pills cure kidney and bladder diseases promptly, and give comfort and relief to elderly people. F. Ma&jOblct ; JHE GREATEST E»HtBi;TjjRaU Im Om Si.wr, of Coauiy Was ii>« The McBenry county fair, held at Woodstock, 111., Sept. 6-9, 1910, is de­ clared to have been the greatest exhibi­ tion in the history of the county. Every department was well filled with ex­ hibits. The live stock department was especially large, and a surprise to many visitors from other counties and states. The display of hogs and sheep was far beyond expectations, a large ntunber of temporary pens haying to be con­ structed to accommodate them. The display was not only large, bat the quality of all classes of live 6tock and poultry was far at>ove the average usually shown at countv fairs. In light and heavy horses and ponies the ribbons were all placed by A. R. Ives of Dela- van, Wis., who gave excellent satisfac­ tion. The dairy cattle and hogs were judged by R. E. Roberts of Corliss, Wis. The awards on beef cattle and sheep were placed by Prof. W. C. Coffey of Urbana. III., while the merits of each specimen in the poultry classes were decided by Prank Heck of Chicago, who spoke in the highest terms of the qua! ity of the birds on exhibition All of these judges gave their ieasonb f<»r plat­ ing the awards, and exhibitors were ap parenHy well satisfied with the resnlta The displays in the agricultural build ing, woman's building and manufac­ tures buildiug attracted favorable com­ ment, and the display of school work was undoubtedly the best ever shown. The display of butter and milk was excellent, but not as large as it should have been. On account of the extent and importance of the dairy industry in this county, and the liberal prizes of­ fered, it would seem that this depart­ ment merits a much larger display. There were more than four hundred entries in live stook at the fair this year; and in all departments about one thou­ sand more entries than last year. The ball games and races were closely contested and afforded great amuse­ ment for the crowds of visitors. No pool-selling or book-making »s allowed on the races, the purpose being to test the speed and endurance of the horses The fair in this county is growing larger and better each year, and is a comprehensive showing of the agricul tural, industrial and live stock products of the county. It is the show window of its accomplishments. The mission of the McHenry county fair is, in a large measure, to encourage better agricul ture, horticulture, stock raising, house hold science and manufactures. It in­ duces men to think of the possibilities open to them, and urges them to put forth better efforts for intelligent farm­ ing, breeding, etc. It is the place for those who have learned the lesson well, to demonstrate results. The exhibitors at the fair this year numbered over two hundred. Only a few of these failed to win prizes. They are to be congratulated on the extent and quality of exhibits shown, and a cordial invitation is extended them to come again. A Man of Iron Nerve. Indomitable will and tremendous en- ergy are never found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, the matchless regula­ tors, for keen brain and strong body. 25c at N. H Petesch's and F. Masque- let's. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. aa Clipped from The Piaindealer ot September ilfc. 1885. I lit House Wired For Electricity Secures to those living in it a UGHT superior to all other artificial illnminants at a cost for opera­ tion no greater than others and POWER to run a great variety of appli­ ances that do the work usually done by human. WIRING A HOUSE means modernizing it and add­ ing to its valne. It is neither expensive nor inconvenient to the occupants. Let us explain our plan of doing the work at cost, fixtures in­ cluded, no interest, and twenty- four months to pay. j Nortli Sire Electric Co. Itea Geo. W. Owen is building an addition to his barn. Smith & Bowe are doing the work. John Heimer is building a new barn on the rear of his lot. Albany Frett is doing the carpenter work. We learn that W. H. Ford's running ponies, "Daisy" and "Fly," took first and second money at the Libertyville races last week. We learn that Albert Colby has rent­ ed Allen Walsh's house, and that I. N. Mead, the West Side hardware mer chant, has rented Wm. Walsh's resi­ dence. Wm. Walsh proposes to move to Chicago sometime during the winter. An accident occurred on the railroad near Algonquin on Friday last, a freight train running into the pay car, while paying off the men at the gravel pit. Quite a number of workmen were severely injured and we hear that one has since died. A Reliable Medicine- Not a Narcotic, Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich., says Foley's Honey and Tar saved her little boy's life. She writes: "Our little boy contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor's medicine did not cure him, I gave him Foley 's Honey and Tar in which 1 have great faith. It cured the cough as well as the choking and gagging spells, and he got well in a short time. Foley's Honey and THI has many times saved us much trouble aud we are never withont it in the house. " F. Masquelet. Charming style innovations, correctly interpreting the highest ideals of the foremost American and Parisian de­ signers, are realized in the surpassing specimens of our fall and winter hats. Mrs. E. W. Howe, over Block & Beth- ke's store, McHenry, 111. a EmiMt Expert Fitter of QIasses for all At Besley's Drug Store w«dnpC(|ay, Sept. 14 Oct. • 2 Nov. 9 •" Dec. 14 Chicago & North-Western. Effective .June 12, 191ft. WKBK DAT TRAINS. Ohfc%o. NORTHBOUND McH«nry *7.00 am Via Elgin 10.14 .1; m *8.45 a. m Via Des l ' laines 10.14 a 111 •12.30 p m Via El^in 2.45 p in +1.00 p m Via Des Haines 2.1. r> p in SLv Crystal l<u«e. .2.40 Ar. McIIcnry .2 :'>!> *3.45 p m Via Oes l ' laines 4.4T> p m *3.25 p m Via Elgin. ti.45 p m *5.12 pm Via Des Plaines 8.45 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. H.Ofl a in Via Des l ' laines 0.27 am 7.40 am Via Elgin 10.1s a ni S.30 a rn Via Des Plalnes 10.18 a 111 3.05 pm . VlaJT.lRin 4.6U p m WEEK DAT TRAINS. McHenry. , SOUTHBOUND. < chfeago t6.59 am Via Des l' laines S.2»> a in *7.10 a m . . . Via Des l ' laines 'J.OK a m *7.10 a m ..Via Elgin 10.0(> a m' *8.:t2 am Via Des Plaines B.3S a ni SM.10 p in . To < !ry* Lake. . . . Ar H.iKl p ni '4.40 p m Via Dos l ' laines.. 6.25 p rn *4.40 p m Via Elgin 7.25 pm *6.27 p m Via Des l ' laines.. 7.57 p m BTNDAT TKA1NS. 7.10 am Via Desl'laines ft.35 a tn 7.10 am Via Klirin 10 15 u rn ,08 pm Via Des Plaines M.25 p m •45pm Via Dps Plainer. !».20 |> in .45 p ni Via F.lglu 10.35 p in •"Dally ex.ept Sunday. tSaturday only. tMonday only. * SDaily. Want Column. A11 a<lv«'rtlK«'im-ntK following ratefl; Kiv< Imwrtion, ift o«ntK Mure than live Uni-n, I nd 3 cent* a Unc for InsfrttHi nt t linen or It for earli : i rents a In ier this af Iht- HK, RT-RFCTN for !tr*t ub>ogui ht iatserlion. llrat Insertion SALE -Aliout eight heavy swarms of bees. II. U MKAII, West Mellenry, J11. 14 2t SA LE--Mrt'orri»iek reaper, in good con­ dition. J. M. WAIJSH , WoodstiH-k, 111. 14-tf •nVJK SA liE--Eotir full blood Molstein bulls, -*• 20 months old. Inquire a t PI .AINDHAI.KH Oniric. 14-31* XpOKSALE Nortl) and South Dakota land; $15 to $25 per acre. Also farms in Minne­ sota. Eor further information apply or write E. W. IIOWK. McHenry. 111. 20-t.f pOK SALE -The fine dairy of 120 acres (for- " merly owned l»y Robert, (ireen, deceased), 3 miles east of Woodstock, will l>e sold hy order of court at WooUsttxrk on Saturday. October H. Address P. BAKNLS. Wood­ stock, III. 14-3t C>OK KEN T A few of the cottages at " Howell 's Villas, on the hanks of Fox river, a short distaucc from town, are offered for the winter mont hs at reasonuhie rates. Are furnished ready for housekeeping. For further Information inquire of MHS. M. A. IIOWKI.L. McHenry. FOR SALE OK REN'T One huudred acre farm, located I miles southeast of Mc­ Henry, near Fox river. Sixty-live acres un­ der cult) vat ion, balance pasture land, tiood buildings. For further information apply to or write MRS. EI.IKABETH SMITH, McHenry, III. 14-3t. M. .1. Walsh's depot, between the hours f six aud seven o'clock on Wednesday even- It,g of last week, 122 In paper money, ;is fol­ lows: One twenty dollar bill aud two one dollar hills. Finder will kindly leave at tills office and receive reward. I OST Somewhere between store and th« Notice to HunUr*. Notice ia hereby niv»u that hnnting ami trespassing is^trictly prohibited on onr premises JOHN HUFF. PHILIP 8CH AF.PKR. STEPHEN H FRETTND. JOHN SMITH. School books, Petesch 'a. tablets an<l pencils at IXCELLENT LOAVES -AND- Delicious Pastries la the Inevitable result if you use White Swan ...Flour... sswiemsi s« ^ ^A,TES!f FOR SALE BY Wilbur Lumber Co. West flcMenry N. P. Steil^n rtcHenry John Richardson Voltn William Althoff .lohnsbur^h Professions!, Society V and Btisfiiess Cards DAVID G. .WELLS M.D. ' \ . PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ANI> OOULIfT * r Office and residence corner Elm and Green streets, McHenry. Teleuhone No. 8). | D. T. 811 ILK Y A TTOKNKY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois ^ All business intrusted to Ids core will be properly and promptly attended to. DR. R. G. CHAMBKRLIN DENTIST Office over Berity'* Drug Str*. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. W KHT MoilKNRT. ILU Telephone No 6 Office over M. J. Walsh's Bank of McHenry This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all conrtesies consist­ ent with good bnsinesB principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting pnblic pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. A PERFECT PICTURE in guaranteed all those who sit fnr n*. We cannot a? foul to Bpoil our repn tation for high cliiss work by per mittin^ an iraper fpct. pir.turn to leave t.lii* Htndio. THE PHOTOS we fake mnst sat iflfy 11s as well as >01. and believe us, we are far more severe crit­ ics than you can possibly be. F. SCHNABEL, (Successor to J J. Hie) West McHenry, 111. - ' Phone 971 \ i a * DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. DR. N. J. NYE McHRNRY. ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND 8UKGEON. Office bours ^ at JGhnsburgb, III. , from 7:30 a. in. to 11 :i«) a. m. Wednesday and Sunday of e&cb week. TnoNK, MCHENKY £*<. Telephone No *93. SIMON 5TOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois H . C . M E A D JUSTICE OP THE PBACB AND INMJRANCE AGENT I :im now prepared to insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etr Also have H special line of Insurance on Live Stock Insuring against death from any cause West mcneriry. 111. WHEN IN CHICAdO Don't forget t<» call on Hubert Q. Seng 9» Fifth Ave where you will always be treated courteously and receive the Lest in the market in the liue of Wines, Liquors & Cigars CiriiiCiCED FREE s: m IlAf i '"rTrnitJ WHISKEY for Ctfrttttemen wn< cherish --For Sale by Leading Dealers.-- WestSifrtivery&to^e R. i. ov'iiaiToii. PnoPRi _ , 34619.* OUK MEAT IS SOMETHING TO CROW OVER It mimes from Hie choicest cattle, i .nd small stock, and no kind's table lias better. A LITTLE GOOD MEAT that, you can eat Is better than a whole lot that you can't get your teet h t hrou^lu For your own lienctit and ours, give our meats a trial. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY - TELEPHONE .i Not Coughing Today ? Yet you may cough tomorrow! Better be prepared for it when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold or cough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at hand. Your doctor's approval of its use will certainly set all doubt at rest. Do as he says. He knows. No alcohol in this cough medicine. /. C At/erCo, l ow?!!, Mass. Robust health is a great satcguurd against attacks of thioat and lung troubles, but will Jctliv/ ilit lusi iti A»k doctor ubout Ay<, i 5 I ills. Bitters Succeed when everything else foils. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands liuve FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it Is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's cc"inter. Bust's nu-(:( 1 I for points Oil I ' ibtakee Hitj> .iiisi Ko.% Lake. Team- iiiK ol all KIUUS uuuu promptly. Spe­ cial attention given to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver ai reasonable prices. 'Phone 47». West McHenry, III. - Telephone 47a AERMOTOR Gasoline Engine The beet cnnstrncted and cheapest engine on thp market. The Aer- niotor Co. in the first to reduce the price of engines and the first to use thin wont important improve­ ment withont raising price, $37>5° Also have 2 h. p. engine at $75 and 4 h. p. at $135. If yon need power for any purpose, write or ask us for information. WM. BA(OI), • HM PUMPii, WINDMILLS, luBC. TRLRPHONE 831. - McHENRY. ILL. We do not wish to proach a sermon but we do mean to keep that question «&>f Gro­ ceries and Fruits before you at all times and furthermore we want to supply you in these lines. If you are fas­ tidious w»> know our line of floods will please you. (Jive us your order over the 'phone and same will have our prompt attention. :: M . H . N I E S E N TELEPHONE NO. 694 ricHenry, - Illinois.

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