Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1910, p. 5

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'U- I$fte=l *UJL$ J1 Si <?UI IT K, ' W$ { H « >J si A,. ' ',L^0:' ^jfc |&'|^,rty^g,fl;'; "fiteu. ,i A wooden ice-box is a money-waster. It falls down on the one big ice-box requirement--it doesn't keep the cold in. Most of them are half below ground. Moisture outside and it soon starts to decay--repair expense quickly follows. The heat stays out and the cold stays in, in a Marquette Concrete ice-box. Damp­ ness, which destroys wood and rusts iron, hardens Marquette Concrete. The Marquette Cement ice-box will far outlast your time, without one cent's worth of repairs. It's easily made with unskilledX^box and materials are inexpensive. We'll gladly send you details for making an ice-box with The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, III. Chief* OJux: M&nrnnu BUg., Chief, IU. Wilbur Lumber Co., McHenry Distributors. iiii/i NfcWAKK, NEW JERSEY. The Leading Annual Dividend Company Has daring the past sixty-four years paid to policyholders, $268,296,648.96 Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,260,080.89 : Surplus, $5,628,151.17 No company has accomplished better results for its policyholders CARL W. STENGER, Agent. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OK * Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry,. Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAUE FREE Stall i A 3. Fulton St. WhojiMl* Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. £ Attention to Card Parties J ^ Leave your orilor for first and second prizos at the Coffee ^ A Store. We can jjet anything you want for prizes. :: A 0 SPECIAL THIS WEEK WITH CAN OF BAKINQ POWDER ^ A Fine Carving Set, large Stewing Kettle, nica Sugar and Creamer, Set A J Kettle Covers or a Teu t^uart Galvanized Water Pail. J X A large can of Kitchen Cleanser for I© cents. Cleans anything. A \ We can save yon money on Coffees. Teas, Cocoa. Extracts and Bak- \ f ing Powder. Extra Special for this week only: Slb best Rice 26c. W | The Reliable Always Reliable! J F. B. Doolittle C. C. Van Dyne. J READ THE Pl^indPril^r • K I Cl I S I I tr 4 • NEIGHBORING NE, WS AS CHRONICLED B Y I OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 1 RINOWOOB. Man wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Alabastine and kalkomo at Vycital's Center vi He hardware. Mra. LlbWe Simpson was visiting her sister, Mrs. Jane Carr, at Greenwood last week. Andrew Waters and A Hawley drove np from Elgin and spent Sunday at E. C. HawleyV Mosely Back land of Burlington. Wis , came Monday to visit with his mother and brother. Misses .Ethel and Lora Harrison and Mrs. Or* Harrison and two little cirls were in Elgin Saturday. Mrs. iLora Bacon and little danghter of Ant^och was visiting her parents and calling on friends last week A goodly nnmber from our place at tended the Elk horn fair last week and all report a pleasant time. E. C. Hawley's mother, who has been visiting him for a few days, returned to her home in Barrington Monday even ing. J C. Lftdd is building a bars at his hoitoe in towa. He will take down bis old one, which will very much improve his place. Mrs. Carrie Peterson not being able to entertain the W. C. T. U this week they will meet with Mrs. Leroy Peet instead. Ail invited. Mrs H. L. Waterman left Thursday of last week for her home in Moscow, Idaho. The best wishes of many friends go with her to her new home. Mrs. NinaCristy of Joplin, Mo., was calling on friends in town Wednesday of last week. Thursday she attended cne naanorn rair with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith and family. Your complexion as well as yonr tem­ per is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking Chamberlnin's Stom­ ach and Liver Tablets yon can improve both Sold by all dealers. A nnmber of relatives and friends attended the funeral of Charles Smith of Clifton, III , who was brought to McHenry last week Thursday. He at one time resided in Ringwood. All those who attended the W. C. T. [J. institute last week enjoyed it very muoh. Mrs. Florence Smith of the Ringwood nnipn was elected connty president, Mrs. Colver of Marengo vice- president. Your kidney tronble may be of long standing, it may be either acute or chronic, but whatever it is Foley's Kid­ ney Remedy will aid yon to get rid of it qnickly and restore yonr natnral health and vigor. "One bottle of Foley's Kid­ ney Remedy made me well." said J. SibbnA of Grand View, Wis. Com­ mence taking it. now. F. Manquelet. Bernard Harrison died at bis home sonth of town Thnrsday, Sept 22. 1910, aged fifty five years. He was born in Ringwood and has lived near this place all bis life, where be has many friends who sympathize with the sorrowing wife and two children. Guy of Ostend and Mrs fid Martin of Woodstock, in their bereavement. He was a member of the M. W.' A. Truly a place has been made vacant that can never be filled. The funeral was held at the home Satnrday afternoon, Rev. Sander- lin of Chicago officiating. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh sang some beautiful selec­ tions. The flowers were besntiful, and with loving hands he was laid to rest in Ringwood cemetery. Don't Break Down. Severe strains on the vital organs, like strains on machinery, cause break­ downs. Yon can't over-tax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serious danger to yourself. If you are weak or run-down, or under strain of any kind, take Electric Bitters, the matchless tonic medicine. Mrs. J. E. Van de Sande, of Kirkland, III . writes: "That 1 did not break down while en during a most severe strain for three months is dne wholly to Electric Bit­ ters. " Use them and enjoy health and strength. Satisfaction positively guar­ anteed. 50c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. OaTKMD. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. School books, tablets and pencils at Peteech's. Eb Gay lord attended the Elkhorn fair last Friday. C. B Gnylord transacted business in Hebron last week. F. E. Martin transacted business in Harvard last Monday. Miss Mamie Knox visited at D. A. Whiting's last Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Thompson spent Thursday with F. B. Thompson. Miss Hazel Thomas visited Miss Iva Woodford's ccbool at Tryon's Grove last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Clande Hntoon spent Thursday at the bouie of Freeman Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. E. E Bassett and two children spent Snnday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bassett. Misses Iva Woodford and Flossie Randall spent Saturday and Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodford, at Elkhorn, Wis. Mrs. Emma Mead and son, Ray, and Mrs. Frank Joelyn of Elgin and Mrs. Ella Morey and daughter of Rogers Park attended the funeral of Bernard Harrison Saturday. Mrs. Jacob Wilmert, Lincoln, III., found her way back to perfect health. She writes: "I suffered **-itb kidney tronble and backache and my appetite was very poor at times. A few weeks ago I got Foley's Kidnev Pills and gave them a trial. They gave me great re­ lief, so continued till now I am again in perfect health." F. Masqnelet. School books, tablets and pencils at PeteMh't. uiwramtuk Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Mrs J. B. Lynch is visiting relatives at Berlin, Wis. Mrs. Geo. Wilson visited relatives in Harvard Monday. Henry Wilson of Harvard spent Sun­ day at A. Josephenson's. Mrs. Apna Hnnt of Elgin is visiting at R. L. Dnfield's this week. Mrs. Olive Baldwin of Crystal Lake was here on business Tuesday. Mrs. A. Josephenson is quite sick at the home of her son in Harvard. Mrs. Wm. Reed is at the present writing still confined to her bed. Lyman Levey and wife of Crystal Lake visited his parents here Snnday. Mr. and Mrs Hermsn Wille and son visited their sisters in Woodsttx^k Sun­ day. Miss Glenys Jacobs was viaitinsr rela­ tives in McHenry-from Satnrriav nntil Tuesday. Mrs R. L. Dnfield visited b»-r son and family in Woodstock part of Snnday and Monday. ftii. and Mrs. Msrlr Hotson and mother visited with C. F French and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ktiilans, son, TVonald, and daughter, Mrs Wm. Onnt<by, and son atteuded the fair at Elkhorn, Wis , last week. Rev. and Mrs Gies*.«n>reeht enter­ tained the memb^r* ><( the choir wt their home Friday evening They re­ port a very delightful »»vi-ning, sjtent in doing stouts. Light refreshments were also served Mr. and Mrn, Geo. Baker returned Satnrdsy evening from an automobile trip with Mr ami Mrs .1 We^terman of Capron. They took in the fair at Elkhorn. Wis., and visited numerous towns iu Wisconsin. The Lash of a Fiend would have been atxiut. as welcome to A. i\w>per of Oswego, N. Y., as a mer riless lung racking conith that detied all remedies for years. "It was most troublesome at. night." he writes, "noth­ ing helped me till I used Dr. King's New Discovery, which enred nie com­ pletely. I never cough at night now." Millions know its matchless iperit for Htublx>rn <«lds, obstinate oonghs, sore lungs, la grippe, asthma, hemorrhage, croup, whoopiug cough or hay fever. It relieves qnickly and uever fails to satisfy. A trial convinces. 50c, ifl.00. Trial little free. It s positively guar­ anteed by N. II. Petesch and F. Mas­ qnelet, VOLO M en wanted at Terra Cotta factory. John Walton transacted business in Wauconda Saturday. Misses Annie aud Clara Rosing were McHenry callers Satnrday afternoon. Messrs. Lnsk and Yonng of West Fremont were in town Sunday fore noon. Mrs. Fanny Tower of Chicago is vis iting relatives aud friends in and around Volo. k Mrs Geo. Simpson and son, Willie, of McHenry visited relatives iu Volo last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Krapf and dangh ter, Josephine, were iu McHenry Satur day afternoon. Miss Bessie Duonill of Chicago is spending a few weeks' vacation with her parents here. Mrs Harry Nicholls and daughter, Lydia, were Libertyville callers Wed nesday of last week. Mrs. Richard Compton is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Coesman, at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers of Wan- kegan were guests of Mr.' and Mrs Chas. Raught during the past week. Mrs Lanra Huson has gone to Chica go and will make a visit of several weeks with her danghter, Mrs. Lon Russell. Dr. C. H. Fegers aud Misses Eleanor and Annie McGee of McHeury visited at the Martin home one day last week Messrs. aud Mesdames Wagner and Hironftnus, Messrs. Jason Walton, Dan Richardson and Henry Krugerand Miss Elsie Walton attended the fair at Elk­ horn. Wis., last Thursday. "Can be depended npoh' is an expres­ sion we all like to hear, and when it is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fails tocurediarrhoea dysentery or bowel complaints. It is pleasant to take aud equally valuable for childreu and adults. Hold by all dealers. There will be services at the Volo M. E. church on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 9, at 2 o'clock. Rev. Uryans of Wauconda will preach. Anyone haviDg an edition of "Songs of the Century" hymn book belonging to the church kiudly bring same or send them in before that time. Everyone is given a cordial invitation to attend these services, which will be held every two weeks. HOLCOM IIV I L.I.K. Miss Irene Davoll was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. Miss Minnie Pomrening spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Nellie Doherty spent Saturday with her aunts in McHenry. Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughters were McHenry callers Saturday. Mrs. T. L. Flanders called on Mrs. David Powers Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Jay Doherty and daughter, Lil lian, were McHenry callers Tuesday. W. B. Gilbert and C. H. Harrison were business callers in Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Beck ley of North Crys­ tal Lake were Sunday visitors at W. B. Gillfert's. Mr. aud Mrs. W. B. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Beckley called on friends near Ringwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and son and Miss Grace Doherty called on friends in Terra Sunday afternoon. IflVBMHi MIA Tmble ail lew Impiet & Sew- ¥** Sltml Cimt, • Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a brick dust sedi- ^ ment, or settling, stringy or milky appearance often indicates an un­ healthy condi­ tion of" the kid­ neys ; too fre­ quent desire to in pass it or ^sain in the back are also symptoms that tell you the kidneys and bladder are out of order and need attention. What To So. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and ever/ part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or *~v~ -sd overcomes that Uuplcasaai nc- cessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands tVi.- cause of its remarkable health restoring prop erties._ If you need s m^Ktsc you sboulc have the best. Sold bj druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar sizes. H«« JiKSi You may have a sample bot?.te sent fret- by snail. Address Dr. Kilnies « o- g hamton, N. Y. Mention this paper and remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and the address, JBingbamtou, N. Y., on every bottle. PR OB A TE NEWS [Furnished by McHeury County Abstract Company, \V<HKlstoek, Illinois i.* A- easi, side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate Iu sums of five hundred to teu thousand dollars. Time and payments t*> suit borrower. Phones 634, (Oil and 911.1 REAL KSTATE TKAN8FKRS. William Tesch & w to Wm. G. Scbrelner, Jr., pt It I blk s. West McHenry $450.0 MARRIAUK LICENSES. John F. Browu, 07 Hobrou Margaret Whiting, 60 " Q Nick Kennebeck, 25 McHenrj Laura Scheid, 18 Harry C. Goodsell, 24 Harvard Sara I Barlow, 20 , Albert Gast, 4ti Genoa Junction Maude Buchanan, 82... " Frank Smith, 26 Harvard Catherine Calbthan, 21 Henry Borchert, 82 Coral Minnie Krnse. 80 " Albert F. Anderson, 25 Woodstock Elizabeth Kennebeck, 20 McHenry It Saved his Leg. "All thought I'd lose my leg," writes J. A. Swensen of Watertown, Wis. "Ten years of eczema, that fifteen doc­ tors could not cure, had at last laid me np. Then Bncklen's Arnica Salve cured it, sound and well. " Infallible for Skiu Eruptions. Eczema, Salt Rbeum, Boils, Fever Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Piles 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. KMKRAl.t) PAKE. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Thos. A. Frisby of Elgin spent a week's vacation at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Gibbs visited Snnday at John Walsh's in McHenry. Chas. A. Cohan of Chicago spent the week end with his family at the Park, Miss Emma Larson of Elgin visited at the home of Mrs. Ellen Frisby over Sun­ day MIBS Mamie Knox visited Ringwood and Woodstock fdends the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander of Mc­ Henry were callers in this vicinity Tues­ day evening. Mrs. John Powers and Miss Lncy Sutton visited Wauconda friends a few days this week, Mr. and Mrs Geo. E. Hoelscher and little sofr visited R. J. Sutton and fam ily over Snnday. Mrs. Daniel McManaman returned to Chicago Tuesday after a few days' visit with friends here. Mrs. John Powers and Miss Margaret Sutton visited Mrs. Wm. Bonslett in McHenry Tuesday. Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Sohns returned to Chicago Monday after a few days spent at their cottage. Mrs. Ellen Walsh and son, W. J. Walsh, were guests of John Walsh and family in McHenry Sunday. Miss Mabel Powers and Master Dun­ can Powers of Elgin spent a few days the first of the week at R. J. Sutton's. Frank O'Flarety of Elgin spent Sun­ day and Monday at Mrs. Ellen Frisby's. His wife returned with him after spend­ ing a few months here. Lawrence Huck, Jr., has secured a position with "Sparks the Rounder' company, which played in McHenry last Suuday evening, and left for Bur­ lington, Wis., Wednesday to join them. When Merit Wins, When the medicine >ou take cures your disease, tones up your system and makes yon feel better, stronger and more vigorous than before. That is what Foley Kidney Pills do for you, in all cases of backache, headache, nervous­ ness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness and general weakness that is caused by any disorder of the kidneys or bladder. F. Masquelet. Next Dance Saturday Night. The young people of McHenry and viciuity will again gather at 8toffel'8 hall next Saturday evening/Oct. I, at which time another of those social dances will be given. Sherman's Wood stock orchestra has been engaged to furnish the msaic and something real classy is expected of them. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Dance tickets, 7!) cents. Safe Medicine For Children, Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and effective medicine for children as it does not contain opiates or harmful drugs. Get only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. F. Masquelet. ^ Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. IJT" A cold is a threat against life; pneumoaia, throat trouble or consumption lurk in its shadow. Colds are now easy to cure; our Laxa Quinine Cold Tablets relieve in an hour and cure in a day. .Money back if they fail. Twenty-five cents. :: :: N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST :: :: TELEPHONE 374 4 When Looking for You r Spri n %W ants Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on haild. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi­ ana Silos. :: :: :: •• Phones- OFFICE-,?*. f I1UIIO. RESIDBNCE-791. 9 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. fi- 1 •yt 4- J. Vyci •% THE: CENTERVILLE. HARDWARE MAN. v. =- ̂ At Prices to Our new fall line of Shoes is now ready for your inspection. We have an exceptionally good line in Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt in the dull or bright finish and cloth top Suit all Purses We are making special low prices on all Summer Goods to close out this month. We have many lines of Oxfords, Strap Sandals, Pumps and Roman Sandals to close at reduced price. L<awiis, Dimities, Percales, Silks and all Summer Dress Goods at Slaughter Prices. ;; SUITS MADE TO YOUR HEASURE--Our new fall and winter samples are now ready. Come in and look. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 - GOODS DELIVERED

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