Its stfpefiority is o^qKestloned Its fame world-wide Its use & protection and a guarantee against alum food The low-grade powders are made from " phosphate alum/' or " sodium alumi num sulphate/* which is also alum, a mineral acid, and that makes the food unhtalthfuL One pound of the imitation (25c.) powders contains five ounces of alum, k mineral poison. Food baked wfth afam baking powtfefs Is focmd to contain at portion of the alitm unchanged. The continued use of alum made food impairs digestion, causing dyspepsia. The careful housewife when buying baking powder, will examine the label and take only a brand whose label shows the powder to be made from cMm of tartar. "Read -the Label THE GENUINE is the best made and most successful Heating Stove in the world and you may rely upon GETTING THE WORTH OF EVERY DOLLAR YOU PUT INTO ONE. It not only heats up with any kind of fuel hut it does its work to suit you. When a LOW PRICE is the principal argument used in selling a stove and sav ing you 40 to per cent looms up manv times in the talk, make up your mind that QUALITY, DURABILITY AND MANY OTHER BSSKNT1AUS have been left out to make cheap prices. TAKE NO CHANCES. GET THE GOOD, THE DEPENDABLE ROUND OAK OF F. L. NcOMBER WEST SIDE HARDWARE. Dandy Real r A hot water bottle is of course needed in every home; more than one can often be used to advantage. In sickness they are a necessity in reliev ing pain, in keeping up the bodily temper ature and other ways. They are handy for cold feet any time. Our stock is large and fresh and consists of the most reliable goods made. U. B. Pelescb Druggist* < c«i. 2ii4 When You Want the Very Best Cough Cure 8 get our White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup. We would not recon^end this remedy did we not know it to be unusually effective. We do know this because we have been making and selling it for many years. It is pleasant, safe and prompt and thoro in results. Equally good for chil dren or adults . Price, 25 cents. N. h. Petesch, Druggist. - Tel. 274 For doughs and Colds* Troubled with a cough? A hard cold, bronchitis, or some chronic lung trouble? There is a medicine made for just these cases--Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Your doctor knows all about it. Ask him what he thinks of it. No medicine can ever take the place of your doctor. Keep in close touch with him, consult him frequently, trust him fully. No alcohol in this cough medicine. J, C Ayer Co., LwecfhMass. Berth Eiemert Expert Fitter of Ulaaaea for all At Besley's Drug Store Wednesday, Nov. 9 Dec. 14 Ay*i\ Pills. Sugar-coated. Ail vegetable. Act directly on the liver. Gently laxa tive. Dose, only one pill. Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor about them. Read This Paper FOR ALL THE NEW5. ...EverytttiagOectriui... is soi.n IN OUR SHOW ROOMS AT THE LOWEST PRICKS. Tbta includes not only appli ances and things required by or dinary conaaiuere of current, bat also sapplies needed by con tractors At this time of the year the abow room* are particularly at tractive in the display made of Holiday Goods Yon can save money by making yonr purchas es in them Show rooms at Crystal Lake, Antioch. Park Ridge, Wanke gas, Evanston. Highland Park. La (Grange, Harvey and Chicago Height". North Shore Electric Co. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR able: corps of correspondents MaMHb ^IbuKFIEia C. Q. Davids JU drupe to Crystal Lake fisudtv Rev Hayes spent Saturday in Lake Geneva. J C Bat ton waa a Woodstock vis itor Satnrday. Herman Wille waa a Palatine boat nees caller Saturday. F. W. Hartman made a business trip to Woodstock Saturday. Mr. huu Mrs. W. L Yanke were Crys tal Lnkfi visitors Saturday. -Mrs. J. H. Miller of Woodstock visit e«l with Mrs. E. B. Smith Friday. H Wilson of Harvard visited bis nether. Mrs. A. Joeephenson, this week. Mrs. Bessie Waterman of Seneca vis ited her parents here the first of the week. Mrs. Geo. Irish visited over Sanday with her eon, Herman, and family in Harvard. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter. Mad- alene, called on friends in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. S. A. Merchant visited Saturday with Misses Emms ami Clara Eichkoff in Woodstock. Lyman Levey and wife of Crystal Lake were over Snnday visitors at Father Levey's. Mr. and Mrs. S M Simmons enter tertained Mr. and Mrs. W ft. Hhelt of Woodstock Sunday Lonis Thayer, Arthur Skinner and Lonis Goddard ot Woodstock spent Sunday in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs Myron Waterman of Woodstock visited at the home of Mr. and Mr*. H. Reed Hnuday. Mrs P B H^nifhciwout and ditugh ter, Ruse, are vixitiuj; relatives in Chf cago and Batavia this wt-ek. Kit Pearson. Lonte Goddard and Syd uey R^-ed weut bunting Saturday, re turniu* with one blackbird Mr nud Mr* A J«»-epht»uaou have moved fn»m the Rk-hknf? place and are now occupying thr W. H. Monroe hon*>e Mr snl Mrs S HetMi ami daughter, Virginia, of Woodstock visited Satur •lay aud Sunday with Heury Ret-d and family The Lt'lieH' Aid ws-iety met with Mrs It L <4ih*on Thotwlsy afternoon to (.Inn and MiHkf nnuierouH articles for h hs7.MHr in die near f uture Remember Ma Hweet and her daugh ter* will entertain you at the ctinrch thin F riday eveuiug Admission ','•*) aud l.r»<*eutH. including refreshments Not Sorry For Blunder. ' If ins M£;ida had 11 t blundered iu thiukiiiK I was a doomed victim of con sumptiuu, I might not be alive now," writes D T Sander* of Harrodsburgh. Ky., "but for years they saw every at tempt 'ociirn a lung racking cough fail. Ar. last 1 irieit Dr. Ring's New Discov- «ry. The effect was wonderful. It t>oon stopped the cough and I am uow in l*eHer health than I have had for years " This wouderful life saver is an unrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, la- grippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c, $I.H0. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H Petesch and P Masquelet. VUUk Mrs Harry I'assfleld waa a McHenry caller Saturday afternoon. Mrs .litu Kirwan is spending this week with relatives in Elgin. Rev. Jos Rerape was in Chicago dur ing the fore part of the week. Mesdames Sabel aud Wagner spent last Wednesday iij Waukegan. Chris. Dillou of Wankegan waa a Sanday guest at tile Wm. Dillon home. Mrs Chas Ranght was the guest of Wankegan relatives Friday and Satur day. Mrs W. M Huson and Miss Kate Frost spent Friday and Saturday in Chi cago. Mewl amen Ben well aud Lusk of West Fremont were Jn town Sunday after- noou. Mesdames Dunuill and Richardson were McHenry visitors Saturday after noon. Messrs. Paul Avery and Allie Kapple of Lake Villa were in town Sanday afternoon Mr. and Mrs Sylveater Wagner were guests of Miss Margaret Ward in Mc Henry Sunday Mrs Harry Nicholls and daughters, Lydia and Edith, spent Tuesday of last week in Chicago Mrs. Fanny Tower of Chicago is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ranght. Mrs Jennie Coasman aud daughter, Muriel, of Round Lake were Snnday guests at the Kirwan home. Miss Armilda Brown of Liberty ville was the gnest of Mrs. Ed. Lusk from Thursday to Sanday of this week. Peteaob'e for drags. Chicago 6t Nortli-Western. Effective June 13, wasx pat nun lino. roam. Chicago. »V H *H *O V*V M^vf*y •7.00 am "... Via lilgin 10.14 am •8.45 a m Via Plaiues 10.14 a in *12.30 p fu Vfa Elgin 8.45 u u> •1.00 p in Viu Des Plaint* 2.1ft p in «Lv Crystal l«5ie Ar. McHenry 1! 55 *3.45 pm Via DebPlalnes 4.45 p zo *8.25 pm i- Via EIrIu 0.45pm •3.18p m Via Des Plaint* 6.46pm IONB1T TRAINS. 8.00 am Via lH-s> I'tnim-* 0.J7 a m 7.40 am VlaElglu 10.16 am 8.80am Via Des I'laines am I.OApm VfaElgin 4.6Vpm WBEK DAT THAI MS. M^nr, SOETTHBOUNIi. ta.ftO am .Via Des Plaluts h.2« a m *7.10 a, m Vi«t Des Plainer a.08 si m *7.10 a di ....Via Elgin.. 10.00 am *8.38 a m Via l)e» Plalut-.s u.IiS a m 13.10 p ijj TO Crystal Lake .. Ar HID p l;i *4.40 pm Via Den e.26 u m *4.40 p m Via Elgin 7.85 p m *«.S7 p m VJu Des Plaluert... .. 7.57 pm aVMOAT TRAINS T.IO am Via OesPlaim-n. 9.35 a m 7.10 a m Elgin. 10.15 tia 7.08 p m Via Des Plaluwt 8.25 p ui 7.45 pm Via Des Plaiije* «.20 p m 7 45 p m . . .. .Via Elgin 10.35 p ta •Daily except Sanday. •Saturday only. ^Monday only. •Dai!*. BMICHAI.I) PARK. Geo. Yoang of McHenry waa a caller is this Ticiuity Sandfly afternoon. Miss Katherine Knox spent Saturday and Sanday with Chicago relatives. Hiss Anna Cleary ia spending a few days with Elgin relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas W. Oibbs visited the Misses Fleming at Barievilie San day. Mrs. O. Smiley and son, Jarnee, are visiting relatives in Elgin a few days this week Mr and Mrs John A. Smith of Mc Henry visited John R. Smith and fam ily Sanday. Misses Anna Frisby and Anna McGee of McHenry visited tbe Misses Knox Wednesday. Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, Kath arine. of McHenry visited Mrs. Chas. Qibbe Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Priaby and chil dren of McHenry visited at Chas. W. Gibbs' Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Knaack and sons of Barreville vi«ited Mr and Mrs. Glenn Keller Monday. Lyon Keller o? North Crystal Lake visited his brother, Glenn, here Satur day and Sncday. James Armstrong and friend of May- wood spent Saturday and Sunday at the former's cottage here. They en joyed some good hunting. Misses Anna McGee, Anna and Irene Frisby and Messrs Ed Sutton. Walter Walsh aud Richard Fleming visited at R. J. Sutton's Sanday afternoon. The old, old story, told times without number and repeated over and over again for the last 86 years, but it is al ways a welcome story to those in search of health--There is nothing in the world that cures oonghs and colds as quickly a* Chamberlaiu's Cough Rem edy. Sold by all dealers. RINflWOOD. Mrs Mary Chaae is visiting Mrs. E T. Chase. Mrs. Maria and Mrs Fred Nobles of Keystone were at John McLaughlin'a Wednesday. Ray Merchant and Miaa Inga Benso" of Greenwoud spent Sanday at Bert McCannon's. Mr and Mrs. E. C. Hawley visited Elgin relatives Monday. Miss Lora Walkiugton returned from hur visit iu Chlcatco last Friday. J. C. Ladd attended tbe sale of Mrs. H. T. Brown in McHenry Tuesday. H. W. Allen and A. Lawrence were in Woodstock Wednesday morning. C. E H. Tnttle and Thos. Walking- ton were Chicago passengers Monday. Mrs. Emma Merchant of Woodstock visited at Bert McCannon's last Friday. Miss Agnes Bigelow went to McHenry Thursday morning for a couple of days. G. A. Stevens of Elgin plaeed a fine piano in Dr. Hepburn's home last Fri day. Tom Thompson and wife of Chicago were over Sanday guests at Jaa. Con way 'a. The dinner given by the Willing Workers laat Wednesday was well at tended, the proceeds amounting to $50. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Abhie Martin Saturday of this week. This is the annual doe dinner. All are invited. A good time is expected. OSTKND. ~ Earl Maun spent Sanday with friends in this vicinity. Miss Lora Morton is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Alva Hollarbnsh. Mrs. Wm. Thomas spent Thursday with Mra. A. 8, Parks of Woodstopk. Mrs. Warren Thomas and niece, Miss Haael, were Sharon oallers Thursday. Roy Hobart of Elgin spent Saturday and Saitylay with his parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart. Tbe annual due dinner of the W. C. T. U. will be held with Mrs. Frank Martin next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Thompson of Chicago visited relatives in this vicinity Saturday and Sanday. Miaa Iva Woodford spent Saturday and Sanday at tbe home of her sister, Mrs. Clifford Thompson. Mrs. Clara Harrison and daughter, Mrs. Eld. Martin, were oalling in this neighborhood Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Thomas of Woodstock were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sherman Sanday. Mrs. Isabelle Richardson was pleas antly surprised at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Guy Harrison, last Sat urday, all her children and grandchil dren being present. HOLCOMBVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert called at Will Wingate's Sanday. W. H. Harrison waa a Chicago busi ness caller one day last week. Miss Anna Bolger spent a recent even ing with relatives in this vicinity. Misses Gertrude La Sage and Irene Davoll were Elgin shoppers recently. Misses Gertrnde La Sage and Irene Davoll called on Miss Vera Doherty one evening la* t week. Mrs. Chas. Harrison and Mrs. Claude Hutson and daughter called on Mrs. W. B. Gilbert Tuesday. Mrs. W. B. Gilbert and Mrs. Jay Doherty spent an afternoon recently with Mra. F. D. Davoll. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughters, Villa and Mildred, spent Sunday at C. W. Colby's at Barreville. 5hall Women Vote? If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills tbe true remedy for women For banishing doll, fagged feelings, backache or headache, consti pation, dispelling colds, imparting appe tite and toning up the system, they're anequaled. Easy, safe. sure. 25c at N. H. Petesch'sand F. Masque let's. Hot water bottlea, Fountain syringsa At FeUMclTa. i p"' "4 1 ^ ^ - '4 am Warm Floors and Healthy QiMrsn Make Homey There is no better way for you to avoid uigiiy ̂ than by insuring your children's health. Wana floors in the home* which is the children's. |t1sj* house In winter, are assured when using Cole'* Original Hoi Blast Heater* The steel base and body construction allows the heat to b« radiated to the floor keeping it warm during the coldest weather. Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater The Cts&aeaf--Easiest to Cars Wm ~ Burnt Soft Coal, Lignite, Hard Coal, Crushed Goto, %'ood uilu Cobs, # Users of coal must remember that the ordinary heater ia a big care to operate. That 3ta smoke and ashes; entail dtast* tag, curtain washing and carpet sweeping. Think then ©f the ease of operation and the cleanliness of Cole's Hot Blast Cole's Hot Blast has a guaranteed smoke-proof feed door-- open the feed door and the current of air draws the smoke directly across the top of stove to the stove pipe--away from the opening. Contrast this simple, cleanly feed with the side door in an ordinary heater. The side door used on other stoves permits escape of dirty smoke, unpleasant gas accumulated soot drops from it. If you s skfe sSoor stove, coal faiis to the floor. And note this, you eanfwt make a side door heater air-tight--an everlasting advantage in favor of Cole's Hot Blast which is air-tight and guaranteed to remain so always. No fires to build--the fire is never out in thla reasarkable heater from fall until taken down in the spring. Better select one today--surely it is the heater jron neetf>-~ NNftUI' , A- "if * • • ... -3 --i ""J •sHi t hm Heater With a Bspa talis*), to* K4 J. J. VMM, MlMfjS JKSaFwmg M till MK*i Stffc, r or?aa is obtainable only from good Flour. It matters not how well versed you may be in the art of baking, kind housewife, your very best efforts are bound to ter minate into a disappointment just as long as you are using an inferjoj grade of Flour. We suggest purchasing a sack of our "EARLY RISER" Flour, the Flour that never fails you. If you are not using our brand, try it, and be convinced that it 's the only Flour. WEST McHBNRY, ILLINOIS JOHN 5PBNCBR fP ....SWEATER.... FOR THE COOL DAYS We have all grades from $1.00* $4.50. Each to fit all sizes'from baby to grandpa in pop ular shades and combination colors. :: A complete line of Underwear in all wool and fleece lined goods--white, gray, tan and blue. :: :: :: :: Our line of Dress Goods in silk, wool and cotton goods is complete in the new colorings and weaves. :: :: :: Outing Flannel, good heavy fleeced, at 10c per yard. Other grades at 8c, 11c, 12^c up to 20c per yard. :: :: Our line of Shoes is the finest we have ever shown. Gun Metal Kid and Patent Colt Leather and cloth top, new shades. :: :: :: Leave your order for Groceries, Canned Goods, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Corn Meal, Graham, etc. :: :: - M. J. WALSH PHONE 343 GOODS DELIVERED | Attention to Card Rarties ! * Leave your order for first and second prizes at the Coffee Store. We can get anything you want for prises. :: :: SPECIAL THIS WEEK WITH CAN OF BAKINO POWDER Fine Carving Set, large Stewing Kettle. nic3 Sngar and Creamer, Sat Kettle Covers or a Teu Quart Galvanised Water Pail. :: A large can of Kitchen Cleanser for io cents. Cleans anything. We can save yon money on Coffees, Teas, Cocoa, Extracts and Bak ing Powder. Extra Special for thla week only: Sft beat Rice 35e. The Reliable Always Reliable F, B. Doolittle C. C. Vaa Dy*. t t - 4 2 * K'% ~#"3SS A/f •M •t * m f i