K°:?r THE CRC WING GIFT OF ALL 15 AN APPROPRIATE, THOUGH NOT NECESSARILY EXPENSIVE QEil OR JEWEL you can not think of Christmas Gifts more acceptable to your friends than Jewelry. No other kind of a Gift carries so much sentiment or feeling of appreciation. Contrary to the general impression, • it is not necessary to choose expensive Jewels and Gems.. The important point is to make PROPER selections. The advantages of buying at this store are many. We carry none but dependable goods. Our line offers you the widest range to select from of any in McHenry county. Our prices are, in no case, higher than elsewhere and, in.many instances, you will find them lower. Every article in our stock is absolutely guaranteed to be^just as represented. There is no qualification to this guaranty. We simply say, if the goods are not right, please return them and we will refund your money. We are ever ready to suggest Gifts that suit your need and fit your pocket book. If you buy at this store, you will find holiday shopping a pleasure, and the friends for whom you buy will find permanent satis faction in the presents you choose. Think this over. Come to our store and see our beautiful holiday display. Investigate our store service. Vis itors are quite as welcome as buyers. Please bring your friends along and inspect our stock, at your earliest convenience, while the lines are still full and complete. :: : Hiieniami, WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. WE handle both the Edison and Colum bia Graphaphones and Records. A more acceptable gift could not be brought into any home. A complete musical and vau deville entertainment in itself. Come and hear all the late records just out. PUBLISHED EVERY THUR8DAY BY F. G. SCH REINER. Office In Bank Building Telephone. Mo. tit. TIRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION! Jneyear .tl.M dla months. 75c«k. Three month*. iOott. Thur*day, December i, 191s. PREMIUM CORN CONTEST. All Pln»« Completed For • HI* I>»y For Farmer*. . C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AOENT I w KENTIJI KV WHISKEY OVERTON. PRO 1 'HIKTOR tor Gentlemen Vtio cherish \QuaHt* I am now prepared to insure all kindx of prop erty ttgalust Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also have a special line of Insurance on Liv^ BtOCk insuring against death from any cause West McHenry, WHEN IN CHICAGO Don't forget call Lambert Q. Seng 9a Pltth Ave. where you wiil always be treated courteously and receive the best lu the market In the line of Wines, Liquors A Cigars PARUiLS CHECKED FREE For Sale by Leading Dealers. Telephone No 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all claseeeof property in the beat Companies. We*t McHeerr, llllnal* -- - - ail iiaius lor poiuu, CJU rlstalase Bay and Fox Lake. Team ing of all winds done promptly. 8|»e- cla attention tciven to traveling men. Hret-class rigs with or without driver ai reasonable prices. 'Phone 47a. We»t McHenry, III. - Telephone 47a Old plumes made into willows and plumes cleaned, cnrled and dyed. Mrs E. D. Fischer, 616 North Slat Coort, Austin, III Jan, jo The details for the Bankers' Premium Corn contest are practically completed. What promises to be not ouiy a nuuowo- fnl bat also a novel meeting for men interested in agriculture in to be held at Woodstock l i rXt oStuiuSy iit tu6 City i hall. It hat? been made possible by the generosity aud public spirit of the bank- j ers of tbe county combined with the j wide awake proKressivene** of tbe bnsi- UOMH men •>[' Woodntock. All that ie left now is f<>! the tanners of the conn : ty to manifest their liferent in a move rnent tlmf in pnniHrilv for (heir benefit aud show their appreciation of this effort in their behalf by pouring into Woodstock "on Saturday That the bankers of the county and the business men of Woodstock are intelligently aroused to the importance of up to date agriculture is very evident when they willingly- and enthusiastically become financial sponsors to a great degree fo%; a meeting that will entail an expense of , nearly three hundred dollars. It is now up to the farmers to so arrange their ; work that they can give this one day to j a good time socially and educationally. 1 The meeting will not be allowed to ! drag into the boars of the afternoon that interfere with the exacting duties of the dairymen of the county. The meeting will begin promptly at 10:30 in the forenoon and will close promptly at 8:30 in the afternoon in order to give the farmers time to get home for their evening chores. There will be no even ing session. The prize money for the corn will be distributed as follows: Five dollars for the best ten ears of corn from each town ship of tbe county, any variety; fifteen dollars will be given for the best ten ears of corn in tbe county, any variety; a five dollar gold piece will be given for tbe best ear of corn in the county. Al) entries must be coyn raised in the county or territory described in its class and shall be entered in tbe name of the one who raised tbe corn. All corn exhibits must be in by 10 o'clock Saturday morn ing. The corn exhibit will be placed in the council room of the city hall in Woodstock. Prof. O. D. Center, a spe cialist in the subject, will judge the corn and give a talk on corn judging as well as on other phases of the subject. The noon day banquet that is to be given to tbe visiting farmers by the business men of Woodstock will be held in Odd Fellows' hall over the postofflce in the city of Woodstock. The farmers' program will be held in the city hall. The teachers of the county will hold their forenoon program in the city high school room. In the afternoon the teachers will meet in conjunction with the farmers in the city ball. The program arranged for the farm ers is one of the best ever presented in the county. The speakers, with one exception, are practical farmers. In fact, that music for the program is to be given entirely by farmers. J. P. Mason of Elgin, who speaks on the sub ject of dairying, is one of tbe foremost dairymen in the state. He is prominent in all farmers' organization work. He has been president of the State Farm ers' institute and isat present a member of the state board from this congression al district. Mr. F. I. Mann of Gilman, Illinois, is tha farmer who has raised one hundred busbela of oats to the acre on one of the largest farms in the state. He is one of the most prac tical farmers in the state as well as one of the best institute instructors. You should not miss bearing what he has to say. Prof. O. D. Center has been a practical farmer but is now a member of the faculty in the College of Agri culture at Urbana, the state university He will judge tbe corn and give an ad dress on the subject. Hon. F. G. Blair, who has been state superintendent of schools for tho past four years and who has just been re elected to that impor tant position, will give an address to the combined meeting in the afternoon. Those who know Mr. Blair will vouch for the statement that he is one of the most interesting as well as one of tbe most eloquent speakers in tbe state. | The musical numbers at the farmers' section will be rendered v>y H M. Trsr ' ner, supervisor of the town of Hebron; P. H. Anderson, a farmer in the town of Seneca, and Mr. and Mrs Roy Steven son. who reside on a farm in the town of Dunham. This speaks for the music al part of the program. As before stated, tbe teachers of the county will meet at 10:30 in the fore noon at the city high school. The musical numbers will be rendered by the Woodstock school at. this meeting. The speaker* will be Prof. C. v\ . Whit- ten of the DeKalb normal school and Supt. F. *4. Bluir Every teacher in the county iw expected to attend this meet ing C It its sincerely hoped that this meet* ing will be epoch making in the agri cultural history of the couuty and that tbe farmers will take advantage of this opportunity to get in step and take an accounting of their possibilities. Every thinking person knows that tbe welfare of this great country is involved if not wholly dependent on the wisdom and economy displayed by its greatest indus trial class, the farmers. It is also a matter of common knowledge -sad to the ment upon-- that this great class ie satleast prepared, thru lack of organi omloii, to protect its Interest*. Further- Half the RfsiiIar^Fiiel Supply Jtemared Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater, on account of the patented air-figfet and gas-tight construction and patented Professional. Society V T a.nd Business Cards | UAVIDG. WELLS M.D. PHYSICIAN, SUBGEON AND OCULIST ' Office and residence- corner ,El 1x1 and Green streets, McHenry- Telephone No. 311 DR. R. G. CHAM BERLIN DENTIST Office over Btitey'i Drag Str«. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. Wi 1 MOHXNHT. ILL, hoi blfist combustion, gives perfect control c <.u. "¥W1 iU& fire. BnikV Only One Fire a Winter It is so perfect in construction that fire keeps all night-- It saves the gases wasted with other stoves. The cost of the stove is saved in fuel. $5.00 v--rt/r of soft coal, hard cosi or lignite, or a $1.50 ton of siaek or screenings will do the work of twice the amount of fuel in other stoves. It is guaranteed to remain always air-tight, which means that it is always a fire-keeper. Examine Cole's Original Hot Blast before-you buy-- Avoid imitations which only look like the genuine. Telephone No 6 Office over M. J. Walsh' DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOI8. MAX ZIMMJ^KMANN BUFFET 701 Willow St., corner Orchard street, one block north of North Ave. FINE WINE' LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Fine Lunch. The hssisr with a reputation. Price (12.00 and upward according tr $!ze nnri To Our Patrons In the coming issues of this paper our weekly ad vertisement will be found in this space. It is re served for :: :: :: :: J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh, 111. 'Phone 926. Sv P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHJVilSSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THK SAF.K OF Dreascd Beef, Jlutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on tbe street Tags and price linte furnished on application. x v COLD STORACJH FREE ST CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. more, that this lack of organization is a tremendous handicap in securing a national prestige, social!?, economically and politically Let ns as farmers dem onstrate our capacity for greater deedn and for effective organization. Farm- em. come ont Saturday. HOLCOMBVILLK,. Mioses Grace and Vera Doherty were Chicago shopper* Saturday. Gabe's entertained relatives from Crystal Lake Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. E P. Flanders of Bing- wood called at Qeo. Whiston's Friday. Misses Irene and Eva Davoll spent Friday afternoon with tbe Misses Doh erty Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doherty and chil dren spent Thanksgiving at Walter Bolger's. A. P. Peck and family were enter tained Thanksgiving day at tbe home of Fred Davoll. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and children ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colby. Kee-Ay I ward. Robert Aylward, who was born and raised in the vicinity of MoHenry and who np to a few years ago was a resi dent of this place, was united in mar riage to Miss Edith M. KeeatSt. Mary's church, parsonage, Elgin, by Rev. J. J. McCanu at o'clock last Wednesday evening, November 23. The bride ie the accomplished daughter t»f Mr. and M r». W. T. Kee of 720 Prospect street, Elgin. She passed most of ber lite in the Watch City and attended the public schools at that place. At the conclusion of her school days she became an em ploye at the watch factery, where she gave up her position about a year ago The groom resided with his brothers and sisters near tbis villa?** ntitil a few vears ago, when tbe family moved to Elgin, aud which city has been bis home ever eince. He is employed in the bal ance room at the watch factory The youDg con pie ere now at home at 156 Clifford street. Elgin, where they will he pleased to meet their friends. Me Henry friends and admirers of the couple extend congratulations. Will Knt*rtnin Mattir t lf t jr Kvenlng, McHenry lodge No 158. A F. and A M., will entertain their Indies and the members of McHenry chapter No 547, O. E S , at the Masonkv hall next Sat urday evening. Dec. 8. An excellent musical program has been preparer! and light refreshments will bn served. A cordial Invitation is exteuded to mem bers of affiliated Masonic organliattoM to participate in the feptiritie*. Electric In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOt KIDNEYiLIVEK AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the bci»i medicine ever sold over a druggist's cc inter. Want Column. All a<l»erti*ementB Inserted under this huad at the following rates: Fire lines or lex*, M cents for Qrst Insertion; 1ft cent* for each subsequent Insertion. More than Ave lines, B cents a line for first insertion, ml .1 (.ents a line for addition 1 insertion*. XiM)R SALE--Chester White -T H HARHJSON, Ring wood, 111. bonrs. C. W. 17-8t* •p*OR SALE --Four choice farms 011 easy p»y- " ment. For further part iculars inquire oforwrit« SIMON STOKFEL , Wtsi McHenry, HI. iH-tf In TpOIt SALE-Tbe l>r. C. H. Keiters. . Ir . . rest- dence and property In McHenry. Foi further Information apply to or nridruMK T. J WALSH , McHenry, 111. LS- tf SALE OK KENT My property " W' st McHenry, uow occupied by E. F. Matthews. Jr . , as a uieul mm-Wet. This lis a desirable locution for business aud cau tic obtained on reHsonahle terms. K. A How AND . Inquire of SIMON STOJTRI .> West Tu, Henry, or the owner, 512 South State. F.i i 111. 88. LEUAL BTATK OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF LAKE ) In the County Court of Lake County. In the matter of the peti t ion of) Colon H. Ostrander, . imrdlan ) of Clarence (i . Ostrander, minor) for teave lo sell real estate. ) Tot-he above named iniuor and ;i l l persons whom It may concern: Publication is hereby (ftven that by virtue ot a decretal order r indu and entered of r<-c- ord in » > id* 'oumv court of l .ake county in tbe above enti t led cuusc mi the 14th day of Noverj ber. A. 1». lwlO. i ln- said <>uardiau will , a t the hour of one o'clock | i . m. on Tuesdtiy, the 20tl i day of December. A. I) . I»l<>, upou the premise* hereinafter described. In the Coun ty of McHenry and State of l l ' inois. offer tor xale and sell at public auct ion u> the highest bidder for cash all the right. , t i t le . . Interest aivd estate which the >aiu Clarence i i Ostrander. minor, has In and to the following described real estate, to-wit: I / i i ts Three (3) aud Four (4) in Block Sev • • , (7) in the Village of West McHenry in i l ie Couuty of McHenry apd M.nteof I l l inois. Terms of sale: Ode-half of the purchase price to he p:iId on the da 'eof sale and i be remainder u> be. paid upon the delivery of :i proper deed or conveyance. No tl-^ed or deeds will be delivered to pur chaser or purchasers unti l sale has been re ported to and approved by said County Court of Lake County. Dated November 14,1910. W)LAN H. OftTHANnKfl. Ouardlan of Clarence O Ostrander. Minor. PvtMch's for drugs. N. J. NYE McHENRY, ILLINOIS _ KIC1 AN AND SURGEON. Office hours at Johnsburgh, 111., from 7:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. Wednesday and Sunday of each week. PHONE, MCHENRY 333. pBYf AERMOTOR Gasoline Engine Tbe best constrncted and cheapest engine on the market. The Aer- motor Co. is the first to red nee the price of engines and the* first to nBe this most important improve ment withont raising price, §37.50 Also have 3 h. p. engine at $75 and 4 h. p. at $135. If yon need power forany purpose, write or ask ns for information. WM-BfeM, • Alflf PUMPS, WINDMILLS. ETC. TELEPHONE 831. - McHENRY, ILL. ^ m • t/WU We do not wish to preach a sermon but we do mean to keep that question of Gro ceries and Fruits before you at all times and furthermore we want 1*> supply you in these lines. If you are fas tidious we know our line of goods will please you. Give us your order over the 'phone and same will have our prompt attention. :: M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 rtcHenry, - Illinois. Highest market p r i c e s p a i d f o r furs of every de scription. Bring them to us. Tel ephone No. 222. OS.M&S0A McHENRY, ILLINOIS VERY ARTISTIC and t.rne are our p o r t r a i t s . W e spend considerable time in placing you in a pose that will enable an to ol» tain T H E b E S T PHOTOGRAPH By this special a t t t ' n t i o u a u d o n r experience iu the miking and finiah iug of photograph* we produce a per fect pit-tore. Hfep into onr »t a d i o a n d s e e POUIH of onr nam pies. We can do a* well for yon. 5CHNABEL, (taccMMr to J. J. HNto) McHcary, III. • PhOM 971