Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1912, p. 5

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vf-™ c * 1». fW'>y» " ' t K • Is*^'% "J^-:j-;;-i^V^: • * *>\<k. ••< 'jg&Em? •*»#! -frTfr fpectre a Possible Coal Shortage It frequently looks in the windows of most steam mechanical 'plants. A railroad strike, a miner's strike, storms, floods, an embargo --any one of several things ma^y make it a reality. If coal shipments are stopped the plant will be greatly hampered; perhaps it must shut down. Of course coal storage is possible--if you want to divert your capital to that purpose. The Danger is not present to plants that run on Electric Power from a Central Station The Central Station figures possible interruptions to its coal supplies as carefully as it does on coal itself. It keeps on hand always a mountain of coal. It organizes fuel resources in addition that no event short of general ruin can exhaust. You needn't think of fuel if you are connected with a Central Station. Another thing about the motor driven plant, connected with Central Station: It's ready for work In its full effi­ ciency day or night. Just turn the switches and the motors respond. THIS IS OWE OF THE FACTORS THAT STRENGTHENS ITS POSITION IN THE FIGHT FOR BUSINESS. (Service d OH NORTHERN ILLINOIS Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS * respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm land*, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. . Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. fXCEUENT LOAVES -AND Delicious Pastries la the Inevitable result II you use White Swan ...Flour... SPRWGF1EI.D FOR SALE BY Wilbur Lumber <io. West flcHenry N. P. Steilen & Son HcHenry John Richardson Volo William Althoff Johasbutrh "A Bird in the Hand Is Worth " ONE of our skillfully made por­ traits is worth a dozen carelessly made photo­ graphs. "Quality" tells every time. :: FINE FRAMES AT REASONABLE PRICES kMih Photo Studio "Quality" Photographs 'PHONE 971. WEST N'HENRY, ILL kOtt VMi'to /1 Dil#"*151) MlU» AJIV IHUl UlUflLA 11m I NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •------•mm ------aWb----• JOVKMHTKGB. Fred Diet-horn was a McHenry caller Monday. J. C. Debrecht passed last week Fri­ day in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thelen were Mc­ Henry visitors Sunday afternoon. Joe Adams and Nick Klein of Spring- Grove were callers in town Sunday. Theo. Meyers is spending a few days among relatives in Chicago and Racine. Mrs. J. E. Freund and Miss Helen Adams were McHenry visitors Monday. John Degen of McHenry was enter­ tained in the home of Frank Miller Sunday. Mat Lay of Spring Grove was a call­ er in Johnsburgh and vicinity Sunday afternoon. Misses Mayme and Dena Kattner oi Spring Grove were Johnsburgh visit­ ors Tuesday. Mrs. A1 Pepping and Mrs. Peter Schmitt were Chicago visitors last, week Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams of Pista- kee Bay spent Sunday at the home of Jos. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer Tuesday. M rs. Jos. Thelen and Miss Rena Michels were McHenry visitors Friday afternoon of last week. , Mrs. Mike Rauen and daughter, Tootsie, of Spring Grove were Johns­ burgh visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake and chil­ dren passed Sunday in the home of Geo. Wirfs and family, Mrs. Christ Blake and daughter, Helen, of Pistakee Bay were Johns­ burgh visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray enter­ tained a few friends at progressive cinch last Sunday evening. Miss Clara Lay of Spring Grove passed last Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay. Misses Kate and Rose Althoff of Mc­ Henry were Sunday guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Miss Lena Hettermann of Burling­ ton, Wis., is spending a few weeks at the home of her parents, \fr. and Mrs. Henrv Hettermann. •:%£-- RISER FANCY FAMILY FLOUR I J. 5PE/VC ER v .k Mchenry ill13± E FLO that never goes wrong MY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS Wm. SimeS? representing the Victor Oil company of Cleveland, O., can save you money on lubricating oils, greases gad prepared paints. See him. 31 KMKRA l,f> PARK. L. Huck spent Friday last in Chica- «ro- Miss Myrtle Huck visited the Mc­ Henry school Friday afternoon. Misses Hellen and Mayme Smith were the guests of their parents Sun­ day. Miss Hazel I^ockwood of Crystal Lake visited her aunt, Mrs. J. Smith, Wed­ nesday. Miss Adah Carey and Jas. Doherty were guests at the home of E. Knox Sunday. R. K. Sutton of Chicago was a guest ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sutton Sunday. Messrs. J. J. Flusky and Jas. Hughes went to Chicago Monday to remain a it*w day s. Miss Alice Sutton is attending a two weeks' domestic culture course at Champaign, 111. Miss Anna Cleary visited at the home of her grandmother. Mrs. E. Frisby, Sunday. Messrs. W. Walsh and P. Ay 1 ward and lady friends attended the horse laces Sunday on the Fox. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sutton chaperoned a sleighing party to the home of C. W. Cibbs Tuesday evening. Messrs. Wm. and Joe Sutton and Miss Eleanor Lark in of Elgin were guests of relatives here Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. M. Sutton will be pleased to hear she is again able to be out after several weeks' ill­ ness. P. Avlward, who has been assisting W. Walsh the past few weeks, went to Chicago Wednesday to assist at a social function. Mrs. E. Walsh is spending a few days this week at the homes of her daughters, Mesdames C. W. Gibbs and Jack Walsh. Mrs. M. J. Walsh, daughter, Eleanor, and sons, Quintin and Marvin, and Miss Anna Cleary were callers in this vicinity Tuesday. The long delayed charivari happened Sunday evening. Miases Katie and Marguerite Knox, Adah and Belle Carey, Anna Cleary, Anna and Irene Frisby, Mrs. Overton, Messrs. P. Ayl- ward, Ray Conway, Walter Walsh, Robert Knox and Jas. Doherty called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Sutton in a bunch. CAM OP THANKS. I take this means of extending my heartfelt thanks to the manv kind people of McHenry who have extended their sympathy and assisted me dur­ ing and after my recent very sad be­ reavement I wish to extend especial thanks to those who assisted me in a financial way. Their kindness was surely appreciated. GHAS. DAVIDSON. VOLO. A. J. Raymond transacted business in Chicago Monday. C. G. Huson is visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. Jepson, and family at Owen, Wis. Harry Nicholls visited his son, Frank, at the West Side hospital in Chicago Wednesday. Mias Lucile Dunn ill went to Chicago Thursday evening to visit friends and returned the following morning. Will Dillon and Glifford Benwell are taking a two weeks' course at the agricultural school at Champaign, 111. M. Wagner' wife and daughter, Tillie, left for Chicago Saturday to at tend the funeral of a brother-in-law, W. Montgomery. Mrs. C. G. Huson was the guest of Mrs. Gussie Townsend in Lake Bluff Thursday and C. G. Huson was a busi­ ness visitor in Waukegan the same day. Miss Anna Corapton left Sunday for Elgin for a short visit with relatives. From there she goes to Wheaton. where she will be employed as nurse for an indefinite time. While working on the ice at Lily lake last Friday, Will Huson was acci­ dentally cut on the foot with an ice chisel. He is confined to the bed and has been suffering a great deal of pain. Dr. Sch iffer is in attendance. siuucniCLu Mr. Oak root was in Woodstock Mon­ day. Mrs. Harry Cooper was in Chicago Friday. Mrs. A. Diet* was in Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Harry Cooper was in the city Monday. W. Harden of Woodstock visited, here Sunday. R. Reed was at Crystal Lake Satur­ day morning. Mrs. C. H. Giesselbrecht visited in Woodstock Friday. P. B. Haughawout spent Sunday and Monday in tbe city. Mr. and Mrs. A. Josephenson were at Woodstock Sunday. Miss Clara Eichkoff of Woodstock was in town Thursday. Mrs. E. Smith was a pleasant caller at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. R. Dygert visited with relatives at Woodstock Thursday. Miss Florence Simmons visited with friends in Elgin recently. Fred Reddei-sdorf of Crystal Lake is invoicing for A. F. Salow. George Brvant of Crystal Lake was here on business Thursday. Frank Irish of Klamath Falls, Ore., is visiting with relatives here. J. H. Parks of Crystal Lake was a caller here Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. F. Salow and daughter, Clara, were in Elgin Wednesday. Mrs. Olive Baldwin of Crystal Laki was in Ridgefield ou business Friday Misses Mabel and Elsie Wille enter­ tained Crystal Lake company Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard were business callers at Crystal Lake Sat­ urday. Charles Davidson and son, Albert, of McHenry are visiting with friends in Ridgefield. Clinton Martin and Ray Page of McHenry were callers in Ridgefield Friday evening. Mrs. A. Stephenson and daughter, Edna, visited with relatives in Mc- Heifry Saturday and Sunday. Miss Pearl Zenk of Crystal Lake spent Thursday afternoon and evening with her friend, Miss Genevieve God­ dard. Rev. C. E. Boyer, pastor of the Erie chapel of Chicago, will speak next Sunday at the Ridgefield Presbyterian church. Effie Magoon and May Henise of Mc­ Henry visited at the home' of their aunt, Mrs. A. Jacobs, from Thursday to Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jackett, Virgieand Clintot Jackett of Woodstock spent Sunda; with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dietz. C. H. Dutield will sell at public auc tion Tuesday, Jan. 30, a large atnouDt of high grade live stock, farm im­ plements and household good6. Three employes of the Oliver, Ed Pier-son, Arthur Skinner and S. Reed, also Charles Davidson of McHenry, helped with the ice at Borden's Sun­ day. MKS. CHARGES DAVIDSON. Mrs. Charles Davidson passed away at her home In McHenry, 111,., Tues­ day morning, Jan. 16, 1912, after a short illness of tuberculosis. Frances Nye was born in Ohio, Oct. 31, 1887. She leaves a I HI* band, two sons and a father to mourn her early death. M rs. Davidson is greatly . missed by a large number of friends, both in Mc Henry and Ridgefield. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church at Crystal Lake, with burial in Union cemetery. Those from Ridgefield attending the funeral services were: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike, Miss Ash ton, Chris Hoy, Mrs. A. Levey, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ormsby, Miss Glenys Jacobs, Miss Rhoda Knilans and Robert Knilans. Hit. and Mrs. Reuben Hesselgrave of Woodstock also attended the services. SCHOOF-MORSK. It was a happy gathering of relatives and friends who witnessed the mar­ riage of Miss Clara Maude Schoof and Floyd S. Morse at the home of the bride's brother, Edward Schoof, at La Grange, 111., Jan. 18, 1912. At six o'clock, as Mrs. Edward Schoof sound­ ed the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, Rev. Hertel took his place in the parlor. The bridal party followed, the groom being attended by Mr. Geo. Schoof. Anna Morse, as maid of hon­ or, carrying a bouquet of pink roses, preceded the bride, who entered the room with her older brother, who gave her in marriage. The bride, becom­ ingly attired in white, carried a show­ er bouquet of bridal roses. At the conclusion of the double ring service sincere congratulations were offered by the guests. Following this, the whole company marched upstairs, while the march was played again. Here they were seated at tables made beautiful with roses, ferns and light­ ed candles. The bride's cake occupied a prominent place in the decorations and was cut by the maid of honor-, aft­ er the dinner. A delicious course din­ ner was served by a caterer. During this time a number of fitting toasts wer§ offered the happy pair. An orig­ inal poem by an intimate friend and a number of telegraphic congratulations were also read. The many and beau­ tiful gift8 were emblems of the esteem in whicn these worthy young people are held by their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mojse left th&t evening for an extended trip thru the south and east. See Wm. Simes for lubricating oils, greases and prepared paints. He guar­ antees satisfactory goods at satisfactory prices. 31 We are at your service every minute and want you to form the habit of doing your Grocery and 'Fruit buying of us. All orders over the phone and other­ wise receive our prompt attention. Our wagon is on the road the entire day, which makes us the quick service grocery of McHen­ ry. Better try a sack of our ARDEE FLOUR. :: Math. Lau res Phone :: West McHenry Whit'i th« difference between story tellinf t | men ai --FT WW Traveling men bring their talen to th<" lore, •Meet keep theirs behind. Little Bo-Peep she lost her sheep and didn ' t know where to f ind them. So she le t them alone and soon they came home, a-hust l ing their ta i l s behind them. Mutton or lamb chops are nice for a change. Try them. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY TELEPHONE 3 For sale by all leading dealers. Alt Mlvvrtiiiemetits liiserUid under this h.-ad at th» following r«tn» Five line* or le»», *6 cents for Br»t Insertion, 15 rente for t4M'.b insertion. More than flvt? lines. 6 eenU a line for first Insertion, and loenta a line for addition! insertion*. ANTED- GIKHI. I-leari timothy S«ED. W11 BUK LCMBKH Co., West McHenry, III. ai-tf w p*OK HAl.E--Cord wixitl and fem-e pofcts. lu- " quire of ORRKN 1. SMITH. K. I\ IV No. 1. West McHenry, III , 011 Townsend farm, for­ merly the tiardlnlcr farm* IW-H * W' ANTED To rent small farm on shares or a position as manager on large farm. Experienced. K. J. MARTIN, 3W01 W. Mont­ rose Ave., Irving I'arlt. I 'hit 'ajjo. il!i-lt* WANTED An experienced tea and coffee salesman for old established route. Bond and reference required. Call or write.? ORAND PNION TBA t 'o.. 11 Grove Ave., Elgin. III. 3t-2t R! IVKK LOTS b'OKSALE A number of very desirable build inn lots on the west, shore of Fox river at May's avenue, opposite Sehaf- fer's grove. Inquire oforwrito HTBI'HKN 11. SMITH or THK PI.AINDEAL.KR, McHenry, 111. 25-Feb. 1* IpOK SALE -Klver property; bouse and four " lots, Just north of Orchard Beach hotel. Also some choice building lots on the east bank of Fox river, south of McHenry bridge. Inquire of C. W. MTENGKR, West McHenry State Bank. 7-tf Tj^OK SALE--Store and stock of goods, good r point, prices right. Also fifty good Mc­ Henry county farms, prices right and terms easy. Also some fine bargains in Minnesota lands. If you wish to buy or have anything to trade call on or write (J. E. UAYIX)HI». West McHenry. 'Phone 414. I5-tf TJVJR RENT--A harness shop, located in the " center of the village of McHenry. Best stand in town. First time without tenant In twenty years. If you are a harness maker of experience and are looking for a good loca­ tion, lose no time, but call on or communi­ cate with S. IIABBST , McHenry. III. 31 -<•' Only $1,000 required by Match 1, 1H12. to buy a flrst-class 200 acre farm on l.i <o 20 years' time at fi per cent. Title perfect, good land in high state of cultivation, free from foul weeds; good, large buildings, on fine road, near school; orchard, timber, etc. JJay rent- act quick. SIMON STOKKBI , , West McHenry, III. " l t r Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. *7.00 a m *8.30 a m *1:15 p 111 *3.40 p m *3.16 p m Effective Dec. 17, 1011. WliK DAT T R A I N S . NORTHBOOHD .Via Elgin. . Via Des Plalnes. Via I>es Plalnes.._ Via Des Plaines _ .. , . Via Elgin *4.50 p m Via Des Plalnes... SUNDAY TRAINS. 7 10 a. m ..Via Elgin 8 30 a 111 Via Des Plalnes MSpm Via Elgin Will DAT TRAINS. . .L?,aTe SOUTHBOUND. McHenry. *7.10 am Via Des I'laiues •7J0 am Via Elgin.. •S.24 am Via Des Plalnes -4.36 pm Via De« Plalnes..., •4.30 pm Via Elgin 8UWDAT TRAINS. 7 10 a m Via Des Plalnes 7' lOa m Via Elgin 5 00 p m Via Des Plalnes 5.00 p m Via Elgin •Dally except Suuday. Arrive McHenry. 10.01 a m . .. 10.01 a 111 2:5f> p m 4.58 p m 6.1s D m 6.18 p m . .tt.55 a m . H ;>5 a m ..6.00 p ID Arrive Chicago. ...#.20 a 111 . ,10.05 a m ...9,40a m ...0.85 p oi ..7.25 p m 9.35 a 111 . - .itss a ni ...UW p m ..,7,25 p in For chilblains use Sudicura. 25c at Petesch'g. 31 tmm PINK COLD TAB1 SURE CURE FOR AND LAf.RfP, 25 CENTS AT Don't LET US SELL YOU ONE OF OUR ROUND OAK HEATERS. IT WILL KEEP YOUR BONE WARN AND COZY ON THESE COLD DAYS. We always aim to carry as complete a line of Furniture as may be found in any town in the state the size of McHenry. We are now making a specialty of furnishing homes for newly married coupies and feel certain that we can furnish homes just a» cheap as any Furniture House in McHenry county. The fact that we have furnished such homes in McHenry, Volo, Fox Lake, Johnsburgh, Grayslake, Ringwood, Woodstock and other places proves that we are giving satisfaction. JACOB JUSTEN miwwwmmww" The Home of PURE FOOD BAKERY If you have not been a patron of this Bakery now is the time to start. Be­ gin the new year by placing a trial or­ der with us and we know that you will become a steady patron of this Bakery. 'Phone 1033 A. TIETZ, Prop. (r P H I L I P J A E G E GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE OW Dressed Beef, riutton. Hogs, Veal, Hides, Etc., Butter «nd EffS This is the oldest hcose os the street Tags sad pari0* tats application. F COLO STORAGE FREE iri *' J Stall A 3. Fultoa St. Whocaal* CHICAOO. ILLINOIS.

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