Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1912, p. 9

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Wm - P>'^':-^ %-• r • • '#1 ' * : * VOLUME XXXVII. M o I I K N K V . I L L I N O I S . T H U R S D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 1 5 . 1 9 1 2 . NUMBER 35. CENTRALOPPRA HOUSE R. W. Gracy's Big POTION *1 iw ss i£ L FEET OF FILM NEW PICTURES :: FULL REELS A high-class show. Beautiful Photography finely acted. Popular Subjects. Three illus­ trated songs. Doors open at 7:30 p. m., show at 8:00 p. m. :: :: :: :: :: :: : Admission, Children, Jkdults, : : : NO RESERVED SEATS In Office - In Home MO man c^n conduct his business with- * out a telephone. It puts him in instant touch with customer or client, It is essen­ tial to his success. No careful housewife should attempt to run the business of her home without a telephone. It lightens the drudgery of housework; it brightens the few moments she has for leisure. 11 , fci ves her a wide circle of friends' ^ithin reach without leaving the house. - Every Bell Telephone is -a'Long Distance Station C H I C A G O T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Comp&uy, Woodstock, lUluols. OfHo«i tu Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and couveyaucliiif. Money to |oan on real estate In sums of Ave huu<m<d to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634. 903 and Bil l REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Kate Surges to Matberns May. w 1 acre of pt neH see 30, Mcllenry J2500.00 John M. May & w to Mat her us N. May. sHswH sec 35, Richmond, (ex pe lu nwM 14 rds lonKiTftnd 10 rds wide run­ ning from east to west); e pt of n pt of ne$* se}» sec 52, Burton,^ acres; pt nwM secJJ, Richmond U700.00 Frances E. Kittle to Michael A.Con­ way, ne}4 sec 10, Nunda. ltfO acres, (ex 40 a on nwly side of highway) 1.00 C. Leroy Norton & w to Katnarlna R. Rauen, it 5 blk 2 & pt It 6 blk 2, Lewis Hatch's addu. Spring Grove ... ttOO.OO Orlando Garrison A w to Theo. SUn-k. It 5 Hanly's 1st addn, West McHenry 750.00 Walbarger (Hegeumiin & Christopher Stegemanu to Mary F. Kaiser, It '£ of Co Clk's pit of blk 12, Mcllenry, west of Fox river, (ex e 74 feet) 100 Nicholas Martin & w toJolin I'. Wetier. It 4 blk 5, It 'I blk ti, west side of Fox river, village of McHenry 2700.00 John P. Weber & w to Emma Martin, do. do 2700.0 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Andrew Huff. Interlocutory rei>ort filed and approved. . - MARRIAGE LICENSES. William F. Vogel, 19. Janesville, Wis Marie M. Mueller, 19-. ...Hebron Edward W. Volkent, 27 Woodstock Augusta Mae Vpgel, 25 See Wm. Simee for lubricating oils, greases and prepared paints. He guar­ antees satisfactory goods at satisfactory price*. . BILLIARD i» POOL HALL Now Open in the Schumacher Block. Pass your recreation hours at the Redwood where you receive the most courteous treatment and where the best of tables are at your service. The finest Pool and Billiard hall in McHenry county. Open to everyone. FULL LINE OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND OCARETTES Winchester Bros. Proprietors. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PLADfDEALER OP TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Let those who prophesied that we would have An open winter read what became of the false prophets. mi . C. H. Fegers of this village has Jack London's Brilliant Story of Millions and a Maid ?^TSL' S£2 BURNING DAYLIGHT is the best work yet produced by this masterful writer who has roughed it in many fields of adventure. Burning Daylight is a character fashioned out of the frozen North; how he comes out of the Klondike with wealth won from the obdurate earth, is vanquished and stripped of his millions in Wall Street, regains them, and returning to the West from whence he came, is conquered anew by love, then to renounce his riches, is told in the powerful style of this author who has achieved world-wide popularity. W A T C H F O R I T ! R E A D I T I been appointed surgeon for the North­ western railroad in this section. Mi's. Lee Andrus has been quite sick the past week with diphtheria, but at this writing is reported as improving. I. N. Mead has sold his hardware busi­ ness on the West Side to \\ . P. Ste\- ens, who has taken possession of the same. Died--At McHenry. Feb. 2, of diph­ theria, Vivian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Andruss. aged IS months and 5 days. Who says the |>opulation of the town of McHenry is not on the increase? During the past week plump and healthy boys have arrived at the homes of Jos. E. C'risty, King wood, and Geo. Rothermel and Thomas Wright in this village. Died--At her home near this village, on Wednesday, Feb. 2, 1887, Mrs. John Thurlwell, aged forty-four years. Mrs. Thurlwell had- been kick for some time, but nothing serious was anticipated until Sunday, Jan. 30. when she had a stroke of paralysis, and from that time sank rapidly, breathing her laSit on Wednesday evening. The 2d instant was ground hog day. If the festive dweller in the earth saw his shadow it must have been faintly traced. Now let us look for an early spring for as a weather prophet this little chap staying all winter under ground with ample time for contem­ plation is about as reliable a weather prophet as Higgins or Foster. The McHenry Military band have decided to give a concert and variety entertainment at Riverside hall, in tliis village, on Thursday and Friday evenings, Feb. 24 and 25. The enter­ tainment will consist of choice selec­ tions of nfusic by the band, singing and the two roaring farces, "Our Country Cousin" and "The Loan of a Lover." On Saturday night last a heavy rain commenced falling in tbis section, 1 1 Ml which continued without abatement until Tuesday. This, with a warm southerly wind, and the heavy body of snow and ice upon the ground, caused grave apprehensions on Monday among our mill owners and others who were familiar with the sudden freaks of the water courses in this section. On Tues­ day morning their worst fears were realized. The water had risen to such an extent that the dam at Bishop's mill was taxed to its utmost capacity, and it was only by superhuman efforts it was saved from total destruction. About noon on Tuesday the dam was practically considered safe, but the danger then turned in another direc­ tion. The large body of water ttiat was passing thru the mill race was more than it could stand and about Four o'clock it gave way with a loud ;rash, and from that moment the work M destruction began. The race broke aear the southwest corner of the mill ind the rushing waters commenced mating away the banks on both sides. The south foundation of the pickle factory building was washed out and -he large pickle tubs crashed thru the side ol the building into the race. The race, which was originally twenty-four feet wide, is now fully twice that width ind the banks on each side are washed mder so that much mote will fall as ioon as the frost comes out. This Wednesday morning the water has subsided, but the locality presents a lesolate appearance. Mr. Bishop's loss s estimated at not less than $3000. He will immediately put on a large force of men and repair the damages at once, ind expects to be in runnipg order again nside of three weeks. His customers will please bear this in mind. Mr. Bishop has the sympathy of all in this nisfortune, but this will not recompense lim lor the great loss of property and ime. At Hanly's mill but litte serious iamagt- was done. The water backed jp, submerging the lower story, but further than this, and the loss of time, ihey did not seriously suffer. The flats \n and around McHenry were one grand lake, but such grand sights we care not i x) see soon again. Verily, water is a • food servant but a hard master. A RELIGION OF NEWEST CULT i*AY BUY SPIRIT FRUIT COLONY PROP­ ERTY AT WOOSTER LAKE. Another religious community, prac­ ticing strange rites, similar to those jracticed in the temple of Jerusalem, iie worshippers gathering every morn­ ing to repent in real sack cloth and real ashes, with the strong pungent ! >rdor of incense permeating the atinos- j jjhere, is to be the latest addition to he many religious cults, now invading ^ake county, unless some force steps n and prevents one of the most im­ portant real estate sales ever in the iiistory of Lake county. Details of the proj>osed sale are not made public at this time. Several nonths ago the Spirit Fruit colony vcith a farm at Wooster Lake in the vestern part of Lake couuty, offered the farm for sale, claiming that the oice of Jacob Bielhart, their dead leader, Had directed them to go to ,'alifornia. Since the faj^n was offei'ed for sale here have been many offers, among which was the offer of Evelyn Arthur- See, founder of the Absolute Life cult, vho was sentenced in Chicago a few nonths ago on the charge of abducting Mildred Bridges. None of the offers were accepted, however, but now comes =,he Society of the Fallen Angel Re­ stored, a new religious community and desires to purchase the fa^ni. It is expected that this offer will be accepted, as the new colony offers the I highest price of any so far, and the i Spirit Fruit people are anxious to sell ! In a way. the new cult is the least | fanatic of the many now in Lake coun i ty. There is no "free-love," no wor­ ship of one individual, no faith heal­ ing, nothing in fact but the strange -ites, patterned as near as possible after the rites of the ancient Jews in Jerusalem. There are about twenty followers of the leader, who is named the Fallen Angel Restored. His real name, it is said, is John Keiner, but his ancestry, or last place of residence, is still held a mystery. The society is composed of those who have walked, during their life times, the "primrose ways to the everlasting bon-fires" and have re­ pented of their sins, and desire to make restitution in the way laid down in the Bible, namely, kneeling in ashes, while clothed in sack cloth, and pray­ ing for forgiveness. These rites, it is said, are practiced every morning, the men and women kneeling in the tabernacle, which will be built, their knees resting in ashes and their forms draped in sack cloth. All the followers, with the exception of the leader, are married, it is said, their wives to accompany them to their hew proposed home at Wooster Lake, should the sale be consummated. They are without any of the objectionable features of the many cults, which now hold Lake county. They worship God, and not the Fall­ en Angel, they draw their religious belief from the Bible, they hold mar­ riage sacred and each family will be housed in a separate house. The fu­ ture plans of the community are not Typewriters Given Away The Emerson Typewriter company of Woodstock, 111., have recently given away over 400 of the highest grade, wholly visible Emerson Type­ writers made in the world. They have gone into every state and terri­ tory in the United States. There may be some in your town. They are giv­ ing them away everywhere to men, women, boys and girls, over 18 year6 of age, on surprisingly liberal condi­ tions. If you could m&ke any use of a #100.00 typewriter, providing it did not cost you even one cent, then in a letter or on a postal card addressed to Frank L. Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111., simply say, "Mail me all your Free Offers," and by return mail you will receive their Free Of­ fers, the names of over 400 who have recently received typewriters free, and you will learn on what easy condi tions you can get one of their type­ writers free right away. The Emerson Typewriter is one of the highest graae, wholly visible typewriters made in the world. Many who have used the "EMERSON" and other makes pronounce the "EMER­ SON" superior to any 1100.00 type­ writer on the market. It is a wholly visible machine, has every new, up- to-date feature, looks like other high grade 8100.00 typewriters, though it sells regularly for less and on terms of $1.00 down and 10 cents a day un­ til paid for. The "EM1-1RSON" has every new improvement, universal keyboard, back spacer, tabulator, two- color ribbon, everything the best; is the ideal mach'ne for beginners as well as for the most expert typists and stenographers; iust the type­ writer for the smallest or largest office. If you could possibly make any use of a high grade typewriter, even though it didn't cost you one cent of money, then be sure, on a postal card or in a letter addressed to Frank L. Wilder, President, Woodstock, 111., say, "Mail me your Free Offers." We Wire houses for Electric Light at cost and spread the bill over 2 years, pay­ able in monthly install­ ments without interest. The expene is small. No damage to the house. No inconvenience to the occupants. Ask your neighbor who has it about Eloctric Light and Electric Power in the house. Each is a luxury in every thing but cost. ELECTRIC LICHT 18 ALWAYS RELIABLE it Service (» OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Bank of McHenry E5TABU5HBO iSSS This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and doe«i e GENERAL HUKIK WSMfSS respeotfally eolicting public pat ­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other flnt elass security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences vil­ lage property for sale. If 70a want to buy or sell, call on na. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at tht lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. ataim mm Delicious Pastries Is tlM iMvttekb r«M«lt II ym White Swan ...Flour... liifiiijyw Foil ow Wilbur Lumber Co. Wmi .'IcMtery N. P. Steilen & Son rtcH«ary* John Richardson Volo William Althoff Johaskvrft Wli« 'to • w»»t «u'i Beauty &nd the Camera Beauty is only skin deep, they say. But that is deep enough for our cam­ era. And our skill en­ ables us to accentuate the best features of each sitter, with a pleasing, satisfactory likeness as the result. :: :: EVERYTHING IN THE PHOTOGRAPHIC LINE DONE Tk* kuWl wtta k*t ta buy. but tht mm m th« b*rb*r iht» br. We are sorry 'tis 90, for we believe in reciprocity wherever possible Not only barbers' wives oorne here to buy, but all good housewives, and this is why, our meats are right, shop i9 clean, and every week our ads are seen. E. F. Matthews W&9T McHENRY - T8L8PilONB « ChicafO ft Nortfc-W Lm?« Ohlcaco. .00 a m.. •W.aoa m.. 1:15 p m. *3.40 p 1 *a.i5pi •4J0pi SdifNbel's Photo Studio b; - THttNt m. WEST H'HENRY, ILL Effective Uec. IT. Ml. Win DAT T1A1M. •OBTUOOn . . . . . . . . V t l i i i l ^ ̂ . . . . Via lVo s'lalnes Via tte Pi&lii«s ....Via Des tnaiMS.... U . .vu Kurt* Via r»«* Plata known, further than the fact that they desire to purchase the Spirit Fruit farm, and bring the twenty families there, build small homes, till the fields and spend the remainder of their days in repenting for the sins they commit­ ted in their younger days. The age of the cult is not known, or its present location, and this will remain a secret, until after the real estate deal is con­ summated. Win. Simes, representing the Victor Oil company of Cleveland, O., can save you money on lubricating oils, greases and prepared paints. See him. 31 SOIMI TKAtM. ....viu Klgia 8.90 am Via Dts» Plumas t.66 pa Vl» Elgla wui TttAias. SOCTHaOUMS. ..Via Deo FltUass VU Klj Leave McHenry *7.16 a m. * 7 . 1 0 a n . *S.Ma a. *4.38 p BB. *4.3Up« Vj* IW PI I Via Ik-a ! Via KSglij SOMDl . tuiM. 7.10 & ia Via Des Pt&JiMa. 7.10 a ia Via Blglu -- VOOpta Via D«s Plain*#. &,00 p IB Via EUt»u... •Dally axcept Sunday. Aiatva io.ot a •> io.oi a .. pm IS m m Ulfs Arrive OtHnaee ..MDam 10.05 a b Man (Spa . .9.36 a m .(JftRI NOTICE or SETTLEMEJIT. Those knowing themselves ip be in­ debted to me will kindly call at the West McHenry State bank and have their accounts adjusted. 1 haTe author­ ized C. W. Stenger to collect »ud give rece ipts for all outstanding account*. 2^-tf Alseht £'rritv

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