Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1912, p. 4

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' G= h>; - '*i ' • lie Nclteory Plaindealef EVERY THritf»T>AV BY rte* ,,w: F. O. SCH REINER. 6«W(S BttklalUlM- M#RhoM,Ko.Ul TSftMS Of* •UBSORIPTIONi MfNT SlsnOBtlM. ne*. Three month*. 40c»e. Thnnday. May a, 191a. . JUQERSON WILL MM WBX RECEIVE THE SUPPORT OP THE DRY PEOPLE. |Waukegan O&cette, Tuesday, April 30.1 The dry faction of the three coun­ ties representing this legislative dis­ trict have decided to run Joseph An­ derson of Lake Forest as their candi­ date in the election in November and already men are out with petit'ons, working to get them signed, and they will run Anderson as an Independent candidate. The drys are claiming that they will have an easy victory as Anderson is so weil known in this district. Graham is the man they will try to beat. Al- tho Meyer of Barring-ton was nominat­ ed on the Prohibition ticket at the re­ cent primaries, the dry faction does not consider him strong enough to be elected. Mr. Anderson will run on the Independent ticket. The issue of the Dry-Republicans that are putting Anderson up on the Independent ticket is that next ses­ sion the redisricting of the legisla­ tive, senatorial and judicial district will take place and also that two Unit­ ed States senators are to be elected. They claim that Lake county should have Republican representation in the lower house. In getting voters to sign the peti­ tion of Mr. Anderson for the Inde­ pendent ticket it will be necessary to get men who did not vote at the last primary election and also men who did not sign the petition of any other can­ didate. Altho the vote at the last pri­ mary was large no trouble is expected in securing the names. I am agent for the Staver buggies and would like to explain the merits of this buggy to you. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. 37 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. L. F. Block was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Wm. Bonslett transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. Walter Warner of Elgin was a vis­ itor in town Wednesday. C. E. Gaylord and W. F. Bassett were county seat visitors Tuesday. John Carey of Ringwood boarded the Chicago train at this station Tues­ day morning. Fred Schnorr of Council Bluffs, la., has been the guest of his father, Fred Schnorr, here. C. S. Howard and sons, Gilbert and Raymond, were business visitors in Chicago Wednesday. Z. Webster spent a day last week as the guest of his sister, Mrs. L. Hale, at North Crystal Lake. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Stilling, daugh­ ter, Eva, and son, George, were coun­ ty seat visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McOmber and children of Sioux Falls, S. D., spent a lew days here last week. H. S. Gardinier, one of the head car­ penters on the large mansion at the lakes, visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. Alice Simpson, last Saturday. Leo and Joe Smith, Peter J. Freund, Geo. Steilen, F. H. Wattles, Geo. H. Hanly, N. J. Jus ten and Miss Eva Stil­ ling were among the Chicago passen­ gers this (Thursday) morning. Jesse Simpson, who runs one of the new automatic screw machines in the motor-cycle factory at Aurora, was the guest of his mother and brother here from Saturday evening until Mon­ day morning. A carload of new buggies with Ideal tope, the 1912 sensation, at Wm. Stof- fel's. 41-tf OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Report of the condition of the West McHenry State Bank, located at West MeHenry, State of Illinois, before the commencement of business on the 19th day of April, 1912, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, for the State of Illinois pursuant to law: BnOOKOH. Loans: Loans on rati estate... (35,175.00 > - V " > \ 'TW. • > 7m •0 <i>- a woman has lost an invitation to spend the afternoon with friends- just because she had no tele­ phone and couldn't be reached quickly. Isn't it worth a few cents a (day to get those invitations. If it's the co$t that bothers, ask our manager few the lowest rate for residence service. He may help you. If yon Intend to more May 1st talk manager at once. Perhaps you can ha telephone In yotir new home* *ffc to th e ve the' CHI0160 TELEPROIE WMPAHY SILOS! SILOS! Farmers, you all know by our old way of feed­ ing corn stalks we lose 40 per cent of their feeding value. We must save this feed. The SILO is the only way. THE IDEAL SILO is the only silo that has hinged doors, auto­ matic take-ups to prevent silo falling down in summer. The only safe ladder and, most im­ portant, the only silo you can till full. It will pay you to inspect the IDEAL Silo. Address (deal Silo Co., Chicago, III. Or Agent, R. G. HOOK, Lake Villa, III. Phone 19R Round Lake R. F. D. No. 1 FARM SURVEYS :: MAPS :: LOT SURVEYS PLATS SUBDIVIDING ' PROFILES A. L WEBSTER, CIVIL AND DRAINAGE ENGINEER WOODSTOCK AND WHEATON, ILL SEWAGE PLANS PAVING PLANS Loans on collateral se Curity 76,241.14 Other iotuif and dis­ count* Overdrafts Investments: State, county and mu­ sic! i>t»l bonds Other bonds Miscellaneous resources: Faruiiure and Bxtures.. DM fro in banks: Matloual Oaah 011 hand: Ourrenr.y Gold cola Silver coin Minor coin.. Other resources: Checks and other ca*h items.. Total resources.. LIABILITIES Capital block paid In 80.5G6.53 a, 700.00 38,000.00 4.077.00 235.00 164 00 23.14 1171,978.67 41.54 46.760.00 1.300.00 28.630.74 of Registered Holstein Friesians on the H. K, Jones farm, situated U miles east of Hebron, 111., at 10 a. m., sharp, on TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912 90 HEAD REGISTERED and Tu­ berculin Tested Cows, Heifers and Young Bulls. The cows and heifers consist of grand-daughters of Hengerveld DeKol, I'aul Beets DeKol. Lord Netherland. Paul Beets DeKol. Lord Netherland DeKol, Aaggie Cornucopia, Johanna Lad and other great sires. F. N. Turner consigns four A. R. (). cows, bred to a young sire recently purchased from the Erickson herd which made such famous records in the Wisconsin competitive cow test, and also four young bulls. Two cows in this draft are by a sire having seven A. R. O. daughters, which are all the daughters he has sired now in milk. Mr. Turner is one of the leading win­ ners in the Illinois competitive cow test. Mr. Jones has never done any official testing, but many cows of his herd are well equipped to make a good record. Hebron is located on the C. & N. W. Ry. Or you may take the C. M. & St. P. and get off at Hebron Tower. Au­ tomobiles will nieet trains at Hebron and at Hebron Tower. This is our first sale and we do not expect high prices, therefore come and secure some of these bargains. Sale to be held rain or shine. Auc­ tion will be held under cover. Ample provisions will be made to feed tlw>se who attend. H. F. JONES. Prop. Auctioneers^-R. E. Haeger, Algon­ quin, 111.; B. V. Kelley, New York. Sales manager--E. M. Hastings, Lacona, N. Y. 4.4W.14 LEGAL. I). T. Smiley. Solicitor. Srt. CENTRAL OPERA MUSE NeHEKllY, ILLINOIS Sunday, May 5 R. Ol. tiracv'* Bla motion Picture SfiOlU WW PICTURES FULL REELS if inrrTcnif DRAMA AND COMEDY ENTIRE CHANCE OF PROGRAM. DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 P. M., SHOW AT iM ADMISSION, ADULTS, 20C :: :: IOC Bat-plus funds." Undi< . livlded profits Lehh current Interest, and expenses DaiKMUtK Time certificate* 17.665 17 •livings, ntbtact to no­ tice 120.419.67 beinttud, subject to check 7E.3U.lB Demand certificates.. . 1,560 00 Miscellaneous liabilities: 2H6.09 F253,4U?.0K 555.000.00 M02.32 215.UW.76 i254.4U7.0K fv Total liabilities. T STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) ; County of McHenry,J I, CARL W 4 BTENGKB, Cashier of West McHenry * *3, State Buik, do solemnly swear that the t above statement is true, to the best of , my knowledge and belief. „ CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. * An elegant new line ol Staver bug- V. jries and Northwestern truck wagons " »i Math. Fre unci's. *0 STATE OF ILLINOIS Me Henry Cou nty In the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Btate of Illinois. May Term, A. I). 1&12. Antonette Kay. Complainant. vs Walters. Haines, Mary E. Wirth and Einina F. Beardhley and the unknown owner or own ers of the following described premises. l.o- wit: "Lot« number four (4) and (5) in Mock number one (1) in Owen's addltic.11 ofoutlots to the villaKt of McHenry. on the West side of Fox river, situated in the sw 4 of section number twenty-six (2tt) In township number forty-five (45) nort h of range number ei(fht (*) east of the :ird I ' . M., according to the plat re­ corded iu the recorder's office of McHenry County. Illinois, In book 59 of deeds on pajce 265, situate lying ;ind being in the county of McHenry and Mate of Illinois," Defendants. In Chancery Bill to quiet Title. Notice is hereby given t hat the above In the title of the 1 ourt and the names of the parties to a suit whicti Is now pending in said (/ 'ourt and that process for said defendants has been | issued to the Sheriff of said County return­ able tothe said Court at its Court Room In the ( ity of \Voodst<K:k. County of McHenry <n Monday, the 27th day a n d S t a t e o f l l l l n o l of May. A. 1). 11)12. lu testimony whereof J have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Heal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this £id day of April, A " THEO. HAM Kit, Clerk. LEGAL. D. T. Smiley, Solicitor. STATE OF ILLINOIS < „ McHenry (Jouuty ( In the Circuit Court of McHenry County. State of Illinois, May Terrrl, A. L). ftl2. Jacob J. May, Complainant,, The heirs at law or devisees of Enos W. Smith, deceased; the unknown heirs at law or devisees of Abraham Reynolds, deceased; Mary Miller, Mathias ltowlln, Herbert Klap- perick. Stephen F. Freund and the unknown owners of the following described premises, t^>-wit: "I 'art of the east fractional half of the southeast, quarter of section number seven (7), bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of said southeast east quarter of said section number seven (7) and running thence north along the east line of the said southwest quarter of the said south­ east quarter twenty (2(0 chains to the south­ east corner of the northwest quarter of the said southeast quarter, thence east one-half (i4) rod thence in a southeasterly direction to the meander line of Fox river, thence along the said meander line of Fox river to the south line of said section number seven (7): thence west along said section line to the place of beginning, containing six (6) acres of land, more or less; also lots number one (1) and two (2) according to the plat of the Parti­ tion of the Estate of Nicholas Frett, deceased, in case No. IU21 in the Circuit Court of Mc­ Henry County, Illinois, and being a part of the southwest quarter of said section number seven (7) Ixtunded and inscribed as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a point ort the north line of said southwest quarter thirty-eight and one-half OH) links east of the northwest corner thereof and running thence east along said north line thirty-eight (38) chains and lifty-two (52) links to the northeast corner of said southwest quarter or the center of sal«i section number seven (7) thence south along.' the east tine of said southwest quarter six (t>) chains and eighty-flve (K5) links, thence west ten (10) chains, thence south four (4) chains and thirteen (13) links, thence west twenty- eight (2S) chains and fifty-four (54) links to a point thirty-eight and one-half (38K) links east of the west line of said southwest quar­ ter and eleven (11) chains and twenty-oue (21) links south of the north line or said south­ west quarter; thence north eleven (II) chains and twenty-one (21) links tothe place of l>e- ginning, containing thirty-nine and ten hun dredths (3H 10) acres of land, more or less; al­ so lot number six (B) according to said plat of Said Partition and being a part of t.h^ said southwest quarter of said section number seven (7) liounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the east line of said southwest quarter six (0) chains and eighty-five (K r>) links south of the northeast corner thereof and running thence west ten (10) chains, thence south twenty-nine (2D) chains and nine (») links to the center of the highway running from McHenry to Spring Grove, thence south, thirty-two (32) degrees west., along the center of said highway three (3) chains and sixty-five (fif>) l inks to the south line of said southwest quarter, thence east along said south line twelve (12) chains and thirty (30) links t.o ^.he quarter post on the south side of said section number seven (7) at the souteast corner of said southwest quarter thence iy>rth along the quarter line on the east side of said southwest quarter thirty- three CCD chains and seventy-eight [78] links to the place of beginning, containing thirty- three and forty-five hundredths L33.4.'i] acres of land, more or less; also lots number seven 171 and eight LH1 • according to said plat of said Partition, and being all of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said sec­ tion number seven [7] and containing, accord­ ing to said plat, forty and twenty hundredths 110.20] acres of land, more or less, and accord­ ing to Government Survey forty [40] acres of land, more or less: also lots number nine li ' add ten [10] according to said, plat of said i I artltion. and being all of the north west frac tIon of the northeast fractional quarter of i sect ion number eighteen [If] and eontatnlm i according to said plat twenty-eight and thlr ; t v hundredths 12h 30] acres of land, more < s j less, and according to Government, Survey, twenty-six and eleven hundredths 120 11 j acres of laud, more or less, all of the above described land being In township number forty fivf» (io] north of rangfj number nine east of the third principal meridian and con­ taining in all. according to said plat and sur­ veys. one hundred thirty-seven and five liiin- dredths 1137.OS] acres of land, more or lees, and situate lying and lielng In the <>>unty of McHenry in the State of Illinois." . ,,. Defendants. In </hancery Bill to Clear Title Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending In SHid Conrl and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of *aul County return­ able to the said Court at its Court Room In the City of Wrxxlstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 27th d»v of May, A. I). 1#12. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at tny office In Woodstock this 2Bd day of An'rll A. D. 1U12. THEO. HAMER , Clerk ' Circuit Court Heal ft'-'iVr ®y:i XMckvn feed at M. M. Nieaen's. 43 40tf Order your spring suit thru Mif» F. llillcbrand. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. 38-tf Staver buggies and Northwestern truck wagons at Math, Freund's 43 | Circuit Court §eal J- S. W. Brown, the Ringwood drug­ gist, invites you to call and get a i lb can of Chi-Namel absolutely free of charge. 43 Early Ohio and Early Rose seed po­ tatoes at M. M. Nlesen'a. 4££ h':. • RESERVED SEATS ASK 111 GRftCER Fill Drunkenness Is a Disease 'and We Can Cure It It was at Dwight, Illinois, that Dr. Leslie E. Keels? Mtde M® famous declarations MDrunkenness Is • '• 4keme( I can sure it." It startled tbs world, and'aroused the incredulity ©f minions, BUT IT WAS TRUE! And it brought new hope and new lifs to thousands of despairing souls and suffering homes. #CMIstCIOO Men Saved From Drink Disease Piazza of Hotel Urlngiloii. Keetey laatftnte, Dwlgiit, 11L Beautiful location. Delightful aurroundiuga. Finest accommodation*>nd care. Result of "The Keeley Cure' 1(6) Thf eff«et of tlM KMler remedies la to sbRohitety destroy the craving: and appetite for drink. The man who Sakes the Keeley treatment Is no longer called on to iigkt an appetite.. The desire an<5 nacesaity for alcohol it gone. And the core lazui Haaf whrt men say wto have been aaveds "Thte is the twentieth annlvera&ry of my rslncar- nitl(: and releaae from the bondage of the Demon Rum Complete cured--ttas accursed appetite never to return," "I, took the cur® twelve years SCO-- Drink Is no any temptation Co me." Thte is the eighteenth anniversary of my graduation at Dwight No matter what riaea. I never thtnk of whlakey/" " Words cannot express what I feel in tny soul for the God-gSveis saving Institute at Dwight, 111. I haven't the Uiutdetire fordrmk Bay more than if I had never tasted it." We have saanf, many thousand* of letters like the above. We never mention names. But we will show you orlginalletter* (with the consent of the writers) in our office, and prove to say who desire, the trnthof our every statement Ask for Full Infomatlon Bend thecoupun foriwli information. It wll! be mailed labium, sealed envelope. You can save that brother, rela­ tive. friend, employee from ruin and death. Will yon do itt THE LESLIE E. KEELEY CO. DWIOIT, IMJNOIS Ifuiee that memorable day--'tbtrty>two year?; ag'o--men have V ': f'he: vactory tlie lieeley ti'eatiiieiit. And thousands more are daily breaking their chwfns and "eettinr a fresh, clean start." % ® • Dr. Keeley proved, conclusively, that drankenness is a disease csostd by constant use of alcohol Wherein 4,the nerve cells have becoma so accustomed to performing their duties and functions tinder tbe influence of alcohol that they are dependent on It and will no Jonjer jj^rforni, those duties snii fun^Hotv^. properly except when tinder its influence." It is practically impossible for an inebriate, to stop drink­ ing of his own accord. The Famous ^Keeley Core" The Keeley treatn«ent--knowa the world around as "The Keeley Core --is simply the application of reconstructive nerve tonics wbicb restore the nerve cells to their normal, natural condition. Tlae treatment produces no sickness or nausea. It demands no restriction or confinement of patients, it has absolutely no ill effects. Information Coupon THR LESUE 1, £E££E¥ CO.. i&wighi. Illinola Please send me under plain, sealed envelope full information about the Keeley treatment for alcoholic disease, morphine, ophua and tobacco habits. Name 1 ,-- .... Town ..State.................. Name and address of person for whom treatment Is desired, (ltay be omitted If inatdrer does not wish to state It.) M'Hffli/ir A JfyLLERMf^ Hllli Mlicv F A M I L Y M U X . J .SPENCER. , A M*HCN RV liu. 3^ .THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong WEST MIENRY FLOUK AND FEED HILLS ANOTHER BAkN? WHY, OF COURSE! You will need it this year and what's the use waiting until you are busy with other things before getting it under way? We've an­ ticipated a lot of building in this county during 1912 and have bought lumber accordingly to supply all your needs--sound, long, full thickness dimension, joists and boards. Come in and see it. WILBUK LUMBER CO. West McHenry. Phone 5 A POPULAR TRYSTING PUCE? n OUR MEAT HAKKET, KCAUSE SO MANY ARRANGE FOR TBEOt MEETS HERE. We will be pleased to arrange wU&i you for the best cute of meat, either by phone or at the counter. This is a rendezvous for meat for those who are particular about the kind they eat. E. F. Matthews the most satisfying of All Artificial Lights is not the only advan­ tage of the House Wired for Electricity for the manual service phase is included. :: The Washing Machine that assumes this heav­ iest of household labors The Vacuum Cleaner without which absolute cleansing is impossible The Electric Iron that transfers a task from a hot kitchen to the porch. :: And many other appli­ ances all operated with a trifling amount of cur­ rent are available. :: We wire houses at cost --24 months to pay--no interest. The expense is low. :: :: :: PuDlkServiceO). OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS (7* EXCELLENT [OAVES AND -- Delicious Pastries Is the Inevitable result If you use White Swan ...Flour... KUTMf iMGHtlftrtl* FOR SAfiJ BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST McHENBtY. N.r.SlULLK a SON, IfHENRY JOHN RICHARDSON, V0L0 BUCK'S, IIKULLKV M'HENRY WILLIAM ALTHOiT JOHNSBUKCH. WEST McHENKY. ILL. •PHONE I The right place to get the right drugs--right here at Peteech'a. 44 For sal all leading Merry War lye at Petesch'a, 44 Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BAflKIK BUSINESS respectfully solioting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in Pint Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. $ Professional, Society V | t a.nd Business Cards | DAVID C. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST. Ol- 1 fice and residence, corncr Elm and Greea atreeta, McHenrv. Iliineie. Telephone Ne. 311. DR. N. J. NYE McHENKY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OtHee Inui 1 st johneburtfh. III., from 7:30 a. m. te 11£0 e. m. Wedneeday and Sunday el eaek week. PHONE; NcHENRY 333. Telephone Ne >93. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. West Mstleary, Hllaele Fine Stock Nerchandlee Fern Seles •eel Eetate Telephene Ne. 894 G.A. AUCTIONEER WEST M'HENRY, ILL Houee Phone, 248-J s: Office Phiai M7- CHARLES H. FRANCIS YF!B ESTATE WORK A SPECIALTY Kendall Bleck 113 1-2 Ceee Street WOODSTOCK, ILL We could charge more but we could not give more quality and style to our pictures. :: "They are more than good." Fine picture frames at reasonable prices. :: :: Sriumel's Photo Studio 'PHONE 971. WEST M'HENRY, ILL L. Q. SENG Same decree e! ex­ cellence nliqwerS and clfara, MM service, same old atand, HIM every- thlM except the tar NUMBER le 106 N. 8th Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE W ST SIDE LIVERY I AUTO LIVERY R. I. OVERTON. PROPRIETOR. We Appreciate the liberal patronage that has been extended us since locating in McHenry and ex­ tend our thanks to the many kind people of this village and the surrounding terri­ tory for past as well as fu­ ture favors. We are going to keep right on giving you the best that the market af­ fords in our line and hope that our goods and treat­ ment will continue to please you. ;; :: J.W.Aobischer (fwcoeeer t* C fi. FrottJ . ILL. M ft THOME m-W % AVJMN.IPMTI.TI-I ANO Bases meoi all traius tor points ou Plstakee Bay uuu Fojt Lake. Team­ ing of all kinds done promptly. Spe­ cial attention given to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. West McHenry, III. Gardening Time is almost at hand and yrrx will want seeds. riTe have a nice, new line of Seeds and can supyly you with anything and everything in the seed line at a nominal cost. Also remember that we have the Early Ohio and Early Rose §eed Pota­ toes. Our Groceries and Fruits are of the that you will liKe. to* M. H. MESEN TELEPfHiNt: NO. 694 rtcdenry, - Illinois. , ft. Jdife'xjkJLL*

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