V *• '> $' •;v ;,; r o.<; m<!\ &. F, A. BOH LANDER W«k McHenry PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 091 M Hosiery for All the Family Bo^*y The very best money can buy. If there were any better made you would find them here. All sizes, all prices, all colors and all the very best quality. Don't buy anything but the best. :: :: " Children's Dresses ">• and Rompers Children's dresses, all sizes, in ginghams, per cales and calicoes, at prices from.. 5®® to $3.00 Children's rompers, best gingham, at 5®c vs I Want to Meet You personally. I want you to know as I know the good qualities of the goods I have to offer you. Take the Emerson Foot Lift line of Sulky and Gang Plows, as well as the Emerson Disc, nothing bet ter on the market today. The Van Brunt Hoe and Disc Drills, as well as the Hoos- ier,--where in this wide world can you find anything better? Then our stock of Plows, Harrows, Corn Planters, Culti vators, Spreaders, Wagons, Buggies and a hundred other articles from our stock is now as complete as we can iHake it. And you know we stand back oi\every- thing we sell. With the knowledge ob tained by years of experience, and a de sire to please our customers, I want you you to know. Make us a call. :: WM. STOFFEL CJ I'i (1 & fell tf* c • 'WFFICE«77 r IlUllCd. fe>K«ii>BNCI *ESH>BNCE"79I. A Record-breaking Shoe Sale at Johnsburgh J. C. Debrecht Beginning May 1st and Lasts Ten Days 300 Pair Shoes all sizes From 25 Cents Up INCLUSIVE J. C. Debrecht JOHNSBURGH, ILL. TICLED BIT I OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS i mAI . BlUUKFlliU ' Mrs. 3. Wille spent Monday in Crys tal Lake. Mi*. F. S. Mor^e was in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Salow were McHenry callers Saturday. Mi*. J. B. Lynch was a (Jhicago shopper Tuesday. A. F. Salow journeyed by auto to Batavia Tuesday. R®y Dygert made a business trip to Chicago Monday. Miss Olive Hesselgrave was in Crys tal Lake Monday. Miss Elsie Anderson was at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Walter Reed visited his sister at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. R. L. Dulield visited her sons in Wojdstock Friday. H. P. Barber made a trip to Chicago the first of the week. Mrs. Chas. TegXineyer was a Crystal Lake caller Thursday. Mrs. Anna Hunt of Elgin visited at R. L. DutielJ's this week. Mr. CraDe and son of Chicago spent Saturday at Chas. Ht>bes'. F. M. Risley was down from Wood stock Sunday and Monday. H. Irish of Harvard spent Sunday with his parents and sisters. Misses Glenys Jacobs and Ethel Reed were Elgin visitors Tuesday. A. Anners took a spin in his auto to McHenry Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reed visited their children in Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Reser visited her parents at Capron Monday and Tuesday. F. W. Wille shipped a car of cattle to Chicago the first of the week. Walter Cobb boarded the train for the windy city Tuesday morning. Mr, and Mrs, Lilja and children were visiting at Holcombville Sunday. Mrs. E. Smith and Mrs. J. G. Hart- man were Woodstock visitors Wednes day. Paul Ritt of Woodstock called on his cousin, Clara Salow, Saturday after noon. The next meeting of the Ladies' Aid society will be held May 9 in the church parlors. Mrs. Heatin and Clarence Sand berg of Chicago Were visiting at E. Letsler's this week. Mr. Anderson, wife and two children of DeKalb moved into W. H. Munroe's house Monday. Leroy Skinner and son, Wesley, of Woodstock called at R. L. Dufield's Sunday afternoon. J. Oak root has moved from the Bald win rooms over A. A. Dietz's store in to the Hansen house. Mrs. A. A. Dietz and daughter, Ar- line, visited the former's parents in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hesselgrave of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents here. Mrs. F. French and son, Claude, vis ited with Grandma Hutson in McHen ry Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Rudolph and son of Richmond were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hesselgrave, Saturday. A. Hansen, E. Letsler, A. A. Dietz and Geo. Peterson motored to Wood stock and took in the sights Saturday evening. Mrs. L. Nelson was in Elgin Sunday to visit a nephew who is confined in a hospital, having been kicked in the face by a horse. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanson and son, Earl, and Mrs. L. Johnson and son took in the moving pictures at Woodstock Thursday evening. Mrs. S. Warnock and children vis ited at the homes of t). L. Gibson, S. A. Merchant and D. O. Kline from Fri day until Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smith of Austin are visiting the latter's father. J. C Buiton, who has been confined to his bed for nearly two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bonichaen entertained a number of relatives from Woodstock and Chicago Sunday and Monday, the occasion being their silver wedding anniversary. OUtnwr. It was with the shock of a sad sur prise that word was passed on Tuesday evening, April 23, that one in our midst had been suddenly called from earth. Mildred Cora French was born Jan. 11, 1899, at Ostend, this county, at the time of her death being 13 years, 3 months and 12 days of age. Millie, as she was familiarly called by her friends and playmates, has spent the last ten years of her life in Ridgefield, being a faithful and regular attendant in the public school and Sunday school, and early in life manifested a desire to be a Christian and during the special meetings held in the church in October, 1910, she waB converted and on Nov. 6, 1910, united with the church. Why she should be called thus in her prime of youth we cannot know. Her life, tho comparatively short, was one of patience and peacefulness and dur ing her suffering she never complained, not even on her death bed did she mur mur a complaint, so willing and ready was she to give up her life here for a better one beyond- On Thursday afternoon (he home was filled with the bereaved kindred and sympathetic friends on the occur rence of the funeral, conduoted by Rev. C. H. Giesselbrecht, who spoke cheer ing words of comfort to the bereaved ones. Mrs. J. J. Reser and Mrs. F. S. Morse rendered comforting music, while the odor of exquisite flowers blended with the consolations of the word of God. A deep sense of common bereavement pervaded the entire company, tempered by faith's beautiful hope of eternal life. The school, in order to show their respect for the departed one, 11 closed for the afternoon and from her Sunday school class six young ladies, all dressed in white, acted as pall bearei-s. N Interment was beside the remains of a brother and sister who have gone before. Mildred leaves a father and mother, two sisters, Rachel and Alic§; and three brothers, Will, Mark and Claude, to mourn the loss of one who has passed from them to enjoy other and higher service in the land "Where loyal hearts and true Stand ever in the light." R1MOWOOD. James C. Ladd was a Woodstock vis itor Tuesday. Miss Lora Walkington was an Elgin visitor Tuesday. H. M. Stephenson was a Chicago pas senger Tuesday. Dr. Hepburn now drives a fine new Krit automobile. Samuel M. Esler of McHenry was in town Wednesday. W. D. Wentworth of McHenry was in town Wednesday. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sun day with his parents. Miss Mary Bell is spending a couple of weeks at Spring Grove, 111. Miss Eleanor Hawley entertained friends from Wauconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bell were business visitors at Richmond Wednesday. The W. C. T. U. held a pleasant meeting at Mrs. Florence Smith's Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bobbins of Chicago visited at E. T. Chase's Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Merchant of Woodstock visited their son Ray, la* 1 Saturday. Mrs. Ward Woods of Lake Genevj Wis., was the guest of Ringwoo friends Sunday and Monday. Eleanor Hawley visited relatives «.*• Barrington from Wednesday until Sa urday. Her grandmother came wit her for a few days' visit. VOLO. Chas. Raught was a Chicago visitor Monday. James Halpin has purchased a nev, Ford runabout. Mr. and Mrs. B. Paddock spent Tue; day in Chicago. Mrs. C. G. Huson and daughter Marion, spent Tuesday in Waukegai Fred Reed left for Antioch Tuesday, where he expects to make his future home. Miss Florence Spooner and friend, Kenneth Manderville, left for Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kuttenburgof Kenosha are guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. M. Sable, here. Alfred Guthrie of Waukegan wa ttle truest of Miss Genevieve Efflnger Sunday and Monday. Miss Genevieve Effinger is here from Waukegan and is ill at the home of her uncle, P. L. Stadtfeld. Miss Florence Spooner entertained a few of the young people at her home Thursday evening, it being a leap year party. Robt. W. Clauder of Chicago is mov ing his household goods to the Huson Bros, farm, which he recently pur chased. TKRKA COfTiu Mrs. M. A. Conway spent Saturday ith Elgin relatives. John Conway of Woodstock spent Sunday at his home here. Paul Doherty of Holcombville called on relatives here Friday. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin was the guest of home folks Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Marjorie, were Elgin visitors last Thursday. nr. MUU Mi's. J. ni. Pli&iiu auu daughter, Eleanor, were recent Chica go visitors. Mrs. S. B. Leisner has returned to her home here after spending the past four months with Chicago relatives. PROBATE NEWS is the home of None Such Goods and we certainly would be pleased to de liver to your door a trial order. We also carry a full line of Blossom Brand Goods, Vegetables and Fruit. Let us supply you with our Early Ohio Seed Potatoes. WE DELIVER GOODS Math. Laures Phone 653 West McHenry [Furnished by McHenry <V>unty Abstract Company, Woodstock, lllfuols. Office iu Ar nold Block. east *1d« public Mjunre. Ab stracts of title mid couveyimcliiR- Money to |Ojui on real estate iu auuia of live hundred to ten thousuud dollars. Time itud payments to suit borrower. Phones 634.903 and 911.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Wllber Bassett ft w to Grant 8. Ran dall, 40 a in ne corner of nefe sec 9, Mclleury • 10.00 Herbert w Allen & w to Warren M. POM, pt sec to. being a lot In the vil lage of HI n K wood 3800.00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Edward Lawless. Final report filed & approved & executrix discharged. John Nett. Proof of death and peti tion for probate of will tiled and ap proved. Mathias Nett appointed execu tor. Bond filed & approved. Andrew Huff. Appraisement bill filed & approved. Lodusky Harsh. Final report filed & approved. Entry of appearance of all heirs at law. Exhibition of final receipts made and administrator dis charge MARRIAGE LICENSES. Casper Bickler, 26 - McHenry Anna Miller, 27 Charles W. Buchert, 22. -. Elfreida Otelia Berner, 21 ..McHenry NOTICE TO COKN OBOWEM. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, are now ready to contract for 1912 crop of corn to be delivered at our factory in McHenry. 43_tf HANLY BROS. DANCE AT jotmsBtmcH MAY IS. Stephen H. Smith announces that his next dance at his hall will be held on Wednesday evening, May 15. Par ticulars later. Bead The I'laindealer. IN A IOTE DON ! INVITE DISEASE by using material that absorb moisture and keeps the walls forever moist and cold. Use a non-conductor of moisture like wood and be sure of your fam ily's health. The construction of a frame house with a liberal air space between siding- and plastering is acknowledged by experienced builders to be the correct principle for a sanitary habitation. Such walls com pletely baffle moisture as well as the sudden changes of tempera ture. This, however, is only one of the advantages of frame con struction--there are many more good reasons why wood is Che accepted material for a home. Before you complete your plans we want to tell you some of the other reasons why you can't af ford to overlook the construc tion that was good enough for our forefathers and show you the best in present day lumber. "There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE S. YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT NEVER DISAPPOINTS FOB SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. F. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh Potato Scab .AND Smutty Grain can be prevented by using fimiiilivi Solution on the seed. For spray ing solutions we have the best. :: :: :: ARSENATE OF LEAD BORDEAUX MIXTURE rAKlS GREEN FORMALDEHYDE BOOKLET TREE t Y. MUSTER & (0. -THE CHI-NAMEL DRUG STORE Druggists West McHenry S. & W. paint and floor Tarnish at Petesch's. 44 Center TUp r\|«| | q* of this locality is lo rn lw U. cated here. Our stock is largest, it is the most complete. We handle everything that ordinary drug stores carry and scores of things that not one in a dozen carries. In brushes, toilet articles and drug store sundries it is the same as in drugs. When you want anything to be found in a large and diversified stock and when you care to get goods of worthy quality at the fairest prices obtainable, come and see us. We are glad to show you goods; we are pleased to give you quotations. This is a time of the year when this store can be of especial service to farmers. Our assortment of stock and poultry supplies is not only complete but everything is fresh and of full strength. :: :: :: N. H. Petesch, Druggist. - - McHenry, III. Warm will find you in need of many articles that are on sale at only first-class Hardware Es tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season F. L. McONBER, The West Side Hardware Man. IS HERE We have an elegant new line of Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum In fact, we have everything in the Home Furnishing line and know that we can sat isfy you both in quality and price. JACOB JUSTEN \ to % i - -lite [••••••••IITT nothing but the best of everything in making up our bakery goods. The best grade of flour, good, pure milk, the very best of lard, the best grade of sugar and the highest priced spices are used. Buy your bakery here and be sure you are getting the best. Phone 103-R mux :: A. TiETZ, Prop. swiiiiaawiiiiiaiiiuifiiiiii P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL corunissioN MERCHANT * SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO TH* SAIJB OT Dressed Beef, fluttoa. Hogs. Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter anil Eggs ThiB ia the oldest house on the street Tags and price lista bunkM o« COLD STORAQB FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. application. Stall * JUFuitJT St* WboM*l' Market.