-I LIGHT CENTRAL OPERA IOOSE MeHEHKY, ILLINOIS the most satisfying" of All Artificial Lights Is not the only *dvan- . tage of th$ House Wired tor Electricity for the manual service phase is included. . :: The Washing Machine : that assume! this heav iest of household labors The Vacuum Cleaner v without which absolute cleansing is impossible The Electric Iron that transfers a task from a hot kitchen to the porch, :: :: And many other appli ances all operated with a trifling amount of cur rent are available. :: We wire houses at cost --24 months to pay--no interest. The expense is low. :: :: :: MtServiceG). - "OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS " I. n. AmCi Bta motion Picture SliOai FEE! «F FILM NEW nCTUKES FULL REELS DRAM AND COMEDY nmR£ CHANGE OF PROGRAM. DOORS OPEN AT 7:M t E, SHOW AT Bank of Mc Henry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all oonrtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a mtm BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. - REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. • Bankers. APISSMI, ATOS TS, 20C :: :: IOC /iO RESERVED SEATS -A I Drain Tile We Have'Em good and sound, uniformly burn ed, perfect in size and shape-- the kind that won't crumble. Assorted sizes for all require ments. If you want the best, we've trot 'em and can show you. WILBUR LlllER CO. West McHenry. Phone 5 EXCELLENT LOAVES AND---- Delicious Pastries Is the Inevitable result II you use White Swan ...Flour... ' FOR SAL,l£ BY WILBUR UMBER CO. 'WEST MCHEMRY. N.r.STllLtN & SUN, N'HENRY JOHN RICHARDSON, VOLO ncirs, GROCERY, ITHENItY WILUAN ALTHOIT JOHNSBURtiB. ASK FOUR GROCER y CH D V fANCV FAMILY FLOUR i<-££?E$C£Sw * M * H £ N B Y I l L S .THE FLOOR. that n|ver goes wrong WEST H'MERRY HOOK AND ntl> MILLS We could charge more but we could not give more quality and style to our pictures. :: "They are more than good." Fine picture frames at reasonable prices. :: :: ScfcubdY Pboti Studio THONE 971. WEST N'HENRY, U. i OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS We Appreciate the liberal patronage that has been extended us since locating in McHenry and ex tend our thanks to the many kind people of this village and the surrounding terri tory for past as well as fu ture favors. We are going to keep right on giving you the best that the market af fords in our line and hope that our goods and treat ment will continue to please you J.W. Aebischer tSucwsser It C. O- Prett.; NcHEMRY. ILL. THOMEM-W "Ideal" is our idea"of perfect bugffy construction. Come and tell us what your idea is. Win. Stoffel. 41-tf Bead The Plaiodealer. sueKriBLu. - lee cream at the department store. S. W. Simmons is suffering with ery sipelas. Mrs. Fred Reed was in Woodstock Saturday. Lewis Thayer of Woodstock was in town Sunday. H. H. Hanson of Chicago was in town Saturday. The Bell Telephone men were in town Thursday. W. L. Yanke was a Woodstock busi ness caller Tuesday. Miss Florence Simmons went to Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. M. H. Fitzsimmons went to the city Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will French motored to Crystal Lake Friday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield was a business caller at Crystal Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dutield drove to Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hartman enter tained callers from Woodstock Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Teckler of Crystal Lake called here on business Thurs day. Mrs. Roy Skinner and children of Woodstock called here Thursday fore noon. Miss Genevieve Goddard attended teachers' meeting at Woodstock Sat urday. Miss Emma Eichkoff of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Merchant. Chas. Keeler of Elgin spent Thurs day evening with his mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield. J. T. Wells of Chicago spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. W. L. Yanke, and family. Miss Ciara Eichkoff of Woodstock was in town Thursday, taking her music lesson. Arthur Skinner of Woodstock was in town with his new "Yale" Thurs day evening. Miss Effle Magoon of McHenry is spending the week at the home of^her uncle, A. Jacobs. Mrs. Wm. Ormsby and son, Harold, also Robert Knilans and sister, Rhoda, spent Sunday at Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Waterman and daughter, Avis, of Woodstock Sun- dayed at the parental home. Oscar Bartz of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lockwood and daughter, Miss Cora, Sunday. Mrs. Ira Smoke and Mrs. A. Harri son of Antioch are visiting their niece, Mrs. Hesselgrave, and family. Mrs. Lolo Bennett went to Wood stock Thursday, where she is caring for Mrs. Risley and infant son. John Pearson and family, also Otto Pearson, of Crystal Lake visited at the 4ome of Paul Pearson Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Stenson of Crystal Lake called at the home of Mrs. Mad- alene Goddard Thursday afternoon. Ralph Marble and two friends, also Leslie Howarth and George Donnelly of Woodstock, were in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard called at the homes of F. M. Risley and S. Reed at Woodstock Sunday afternoon. The Ladies' Cemetery Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. D. O. Kline Thursday afternoon, May 16, at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Murphy and daughter, Marion, also Freeman Gies- selbrecht, of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of C. H. Giesselbrecht. A few of the young people gave a pleasant surprise party on Misses Elsie and Mabel Wille Friday evening. They were cordially invited to come again. F. M. Risley has moved his family to Woodstock, where he is inspector in the Borden milk plant. Their Ridgetield friends will find them on Clay stre4(*. While Mrs. J. Mickelson and Miss Rachel French were driving to Crys tal Lake Saturday afternoon the horse became suddenly frightened, throwing Miss Rachel to the ground and frac turing her arm just above the wrist. Among the recent arrivals to our little village on the stork train are: A son to Mr. and Mi's. Hans Nelson; a son, Reuben Freeman, to Mr. and Mrs. Morton; a son, Berwin Millard, to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Risley,: a son to Mr. and Mrs. Hoby; a daughter, Louise Evangeline, to Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard. SCHOOL NOTES. Howard Kin°man has returned to the primary room. Martha Arneson has withdrawn from school on account of the illness of her mother. The fifth grade is now learning to figure out the cost of papering, shin gling and plastering. Sadie Risley of the sixth grade and Kenneth Risley of the first grade have moved to Woodstock. t We are now started on our last month's work, which will include a review of the year's work. We have only a few more weeks of school, but we expect to finish all we have anticipated during the year. A new definition of the staff in music has been given. When a teacher asked a pupil what a staff was he an swered that it was a cane. We have two new pupils from the DeKalb normal primary school. They are Mary and Alex Anderson, whose parents have recently moved here. The first grade pupils are advancing rapidlv in their reading and are now interested in the "Brownie Book," a purchase from our social last fall. The recess periods have now been lengthened to fifteen minutes, so that school closes at 4 o'clock, except on Fridays, when it is dismissed at 3:30. Many of the children have brought in plants from the woods which will soon be in bloom. A great interest has been awakened in the coining of birds and flowers this spring. The Dorr township exercises will be held here in Ridgefield on May 31. The Ridgefield eighth graders are: Eva Letaler, Helen Carlson, Edith Nel son, Emma Weiland, Emma Freeland. The sixth grade is learning the dif ferent uses of per centage in arithme tic, while the seventh has worked on taxes and insurance. The eigth grade is reviewing the work of the last four years. Some afternoon of this week the school expects to take a visit to the woods to gather flowers and see if they can discover some new things that spring has brought in the shape of birds and insects. A lively contest has been going on for the last three months between the members of the fifth grade as to who should be first in arithmetic. Two girls always tied. At our last month's examination, however, Edith Letsler received the higher grade. The seventh and eighth grades are studying Dickens' "Tale of Two Cities" and have reached the point where Evremonde reaches Paris as the French revolution is at its height. The fifth and sixth grades are reading of the adventures of Hiawatha, the Indian boy. amowooD. Sunday, May 12, is Mothers' day. Warren Foss was buying goods in the city Tuesday. William Nickle of Chicago is visit ing friends in town. Lewis Hall of Mendota was the Sun day guest of his parents. J. S. and S. W. Brown and wives drove to Harvard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Reed of Rich mond were in town Wednesday. Edith McCannon and mother were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Pierce, Miss Miller and Mary Bell spent Sunday at Ed. Bell's. H. M. Stephenson and family called at Herbert Thompson's in Oste&d Sun day. Lee Turner of Solon is doing consid erable paper hanging for people in town. Mrs. L. A. McCannon of Greenwood spent Sunday night and Monday with relatives. J. S. Brown, who was taken suddenly sick Monday night, at this writing is improving. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday of this week with Mrs. Abbie Martin. All invited. Joe Seleg and family of Chicago vis ited at Mrs. Mary Noonan's Saturday and Sunday. Miss Conway of Elgin was the guest of her brother, James, and family a few days the past week. Thomas Walkington is putting in a new cement walk in iront of his resi dence. Let the good work go on. Mesdames H. M. Stephenson, Libbie Ladd, Rilla Foss and James Rainey at tended the Eastern Star meeting at McHenry Monday evening. Thomas Thompson and daughter, Clara, of Barreville and Chas. Thomp son and wife of Greenwood spent Sun day with Mrs. Libbie Simpson. Miss Ellen Hall was taken to a Chi cago hospital Monday morning. She was accompanied by Mrs. Cole of Rich mond and Mrs. Abtaie Schroeder of Oconomowoc, Wis.. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. IHIBALD PARK. Mrs. S. Knox called at Sutton's Tues day. R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Sun day with home folks. J. Delabie of Chicago spent a few days at Paul Armstrong's. John Armstrong of River Forest spent Sunday at the Park. Capt. H ax ton and George Frazer spent Sunday at the Park. Mrs. James Hughes and son, James, were recent Chicago visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleary of Elgin spent a few days at M. A. Sutton's. Harry Blum returned home after spending a busy week at the cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and Mrs. Jack Allen are at the Park this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin visited relatives and friends here Sun day. Mrs. B. Lama and daughter of Chi cago are spending a few days at M. A. Sutton's. Mrs. E. Knox and daughters, Gene vieve and Dorothy, called at M. Sut ton's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Goggin are en tertaining the former's brother and sister from Chicago. Mrs. L. Huck is spending a few days in Chicago. She was called in by the death of ner brother. Mrs. George Frazer and children of Chicago are spending a couple of weeks at the Haxton cottage. Miss Florence Schrivner of Chicago spent a week's vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Huck. Paul Armstrong and family of River Forest returned to their home Sunday, after spending two weeks at their cot tage. HOLCOMBVILLK. Will Zenk and son drove to Elgin Tuesday. Miss Irene Davoll called at Jay Doherty :s Thursday. Miss Vera Doherty spent Tuesday evening in McHenry. John R. Knox of McHenry was a caller here Thursday. Miss Grace Doherty spent Thursday with relatives in McHenry. F. D. Davoll of Wisconsin spent Sat urday and Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert were callers at F. Martin's Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and sons were Sunday visitors at Will Doher ty's. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doherty and fam ily spent Sunday afternoon at W. Bol- ger's. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughters were Sunday visitors at C. Colby's. Miss Alice Knox of McHenry spent Wednesday and Thursday with her sister here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Eaton of Elgin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers and children of Chicago called at David Powers' Wednesday. Mrs. E. Flanders, Mr. and Mrs. G. Whiston,-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiston and Helen O'Donald spent Sunday at Mrs. Mary Mason's in Richmond. TKKKA COTTA. John Conway of Woodstock visited home folks Sunday. H. Steinback and daughter, Mildred, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Chas. Buck was a North Crystal Lake visitor Saturday morning. Misses Eleanor Phalin and Florence Knox were Woodstock visitors Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin were entertained by relatives here Sat urday and Sunday. Misses Delia and Minnie Conway of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday with their brother here. For the latest, up-to-date ideas in buggy construction see our line with patent Ideal tops. Wm. Stoffel. 41-fef Of (Mf is the home of None Such Goods and we certainly would be pleased to de liver to your door a trial order. We also carry a full line of Blossom Brand Goods, Vegetables and Fruit. Let us supply you with our Early Ohio Seed Potatoes. WE DELIVER GOODS Math. Laures 653 :• We?t McHenry i Ml HUM by applying your own knowledge and the wisdom yon have gained through observation and you can't go far wrong. Wood has always been the favored material used in these parts and there is plenty of evidence in the old time frame houses still standing in this town to convince any self thinking man that it is yet the safest material for home build ing. It permits of alterations and changes, even after a house has been standing for years, and by painting, its entire appear ance can be changed to conform with surroundings. The lumber we handle these days is carefully- manufactured from virgin tim ber, perfectly dried and of full thickness. By exercising due care in the selecting of grades we can save you money and in sure you satisfaction. ••There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE 8. Center of this locality is lo- cated here. Our stock is largest, it is the most complete. We handle everything that ordinary drug stores carry and scores of things that not one in a dozen carries. In brushes, toilet articles and drug store sundries it is the same as in drugs. When you want anything to be found in a large and diversified stock and when you care to get goods of worthy quality at the fairest prices obtainable, come and see us. We are glad to show you goods; we are pleased to give you quotations. This is a time of the year when this store can be of especial service to farmers. Our assortment of stock and poultry supplies is not only complete but everything is fresh and of full strength. :: :: :: N Druggist. Pet esc li, McHenry, III. 9 F. YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT a NEVER DISAPPOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. F. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh Potato Scab AND-- Smutty Grain can be prevented by using Formalileliyfe Solution on the seed. For spray ing solutions we have the best. :: :: :: ARSENATE OF LEAD BOKDMUX NTXTUKE PARIS CHEER FOMMJomic Mann me I V. NcAUIMtd Hi («. THE CHI-NAMEL DRUG STORE Druggists :: * West McHenry Staver buggies and Northwestern truck wagons at Math. Frond** 43 Warm will find you in need of many articles that are on sale at only first-class Hardware Es tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season * * L. McOMfiER* The West Side Hardware Man. R K l IS HERE We have an elegant new line of Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum In fact, we have everything in the Home Furnishing line and know that we can sat isfy you both in quality and price. JACOB JUSTEN 11 mmmm1 inn UJc Use nothing but the best of everything in making up oar bakery goods. The best ^rade of flour, good, pure milk, the very best of lard, the best grade of sugar and the highest priced spices are used. Buy your bakery here and be sure you are getting the best. Phpneio3-R » A. TIETZ, Prop. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COnMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO THZ SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This its the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists fft application COLD STORAGE FREE v CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall * 3. st-WkoMil* Starke*.