Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1912, p. 10

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"the construction of saM four bridges and approaches thereto said bridges, to be constructed of steel and concrete •ach to be 16x40 feet. We would fur­ ther report that in pursuance of said advertisement we again met with said highway commissioners at the court house in Woodstock, and opened the bids for said work, at which time a contract was entered Into with H. S. Wetherell for the construction of said four bridges and approaches thereto, for the sum of $1380.00, each one-half of said sum to be paid hv the county. AH of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. BEN THROOP, Chm. C. W. THOMPSON, J. E. WILLIAMS, The semi-annual report of A. A. Crissey, county treasurer, was read and on motion approved. The purchasing committee made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your pur­ chasing committee would report that the typewriters in the circuit clerk's office ought to be replac ed by new ma­ chines, the old ones having been used for three years, and showing consider­ able wear. A proposition in writing has been submitted by W. F. Glazier, agent for the Oliver Typewriter where­ in he allows a ten per cent discount from the regular price of one hun­ dred and ten dollars, and also agrees to take each old machine at the price of thirty-seven and 50-100 dollars, leaving a net cash amount of sixty- one and 50-100 dollars to be paid for each new machine. We would recom­ mend that said proposition be accept- Nunda--F. W. Covalt, Walter Walsh. Algonquin--Charles Albright, Fred Abbott. Supervisor Desmond of the commit­ tee on Marengo bridge made oral re­ port as to the letting of contract, and stated that complete report would be made upon completion of bridge. Supervisor Wright of the committee on Coral bridge made same report. It was moved by Sup. Throop, sec­ onded by Sup. Wright, the purchasing committ*** V*4? instruct6d to purchase gas stove for sheriff's residence. Mo­ tion carried. The clerk called the attention of the board to the fact that the proceeding of the last meeting had not been pub­ lished, and it was moved by Super­ visor Brotzman, that no action be tak­ en at this time, and that if no publi­ cation is rrjade before the next Septem­ ber meeting, then the clerk of this board be instructed to negotiate with some one paper in the county for the publication of the proceedings of this board. Motion was duly seconded and carried. it was moved by Supervisor Bal- doek, seconded by Sup. Helnemann, that this board adjourn. Motion car­ ried. Thereupon the board adjourned. H. E. WHIPPLE. Chairman. At te s t : G . E. STILL, Clerk. Ike Millet-, dry goods Sprague Warner Co., gro E. V. Anderson, medloal att. G. K. Mills, salary O. K. Mills, paid hired mi wife G. K. Mills, paid hired man. Q. K. Mills, paid incidentals E. Q. Qriebel, rep mower. Hoy's Pharmacy, drugs.. . H. A. Stone, boots and she Mead & Charles, groceries.. Chicago Telephone Co., serv A. S Wright, paints and drug W. H Whitson, hardware. . . Dacy Lumber Co., wire and J. J. Stafford, undertaking. . . Willis Disbrow, groceries. . . . Sprague Warner Co., gro. .. . Sprague Warner Co., gro and tobacco E. V. Anderson, med att... G. K. Mills, salary G. K. Mills, paid incidentals. G. K. Mills, paid hired help. The honorable board of supervisors of McHenry county, Illinois, met in an­ nual session at the court house In Woodstock, on the 12tlj day of Sep- ed, and that two new machines be! timber, 1911, at 10 o'clock a .m. Regular September Meeting, 1911 placed in the circuit clerk's office, the old ones turned over to W. F. Glazier , and that the county clerk be author­ ized to draw an order for one hundred and twenty- three dol lars , in favor of said W. F. Glasler upon del ivery of said new machines. which is r»-spe>- t fu l ly suV>-All of mitted. F. D. Perkins, Chm. C. W. THOMPSON. I WILLIAM DESMOND The committee on Grafton bridges made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: , To the Chairman and Members of j gUp Desmond, all claims were re the Board of Supervisors in and for f,.rre(j to the proper committees and said County: Your committee to1 Present , H. E. Whipple, chairman, also the following named members: Desmond, Perkins, Walters, Thomp­ son, Turner, Covell, Throop and Haeg- er, con.-tituting a quorum. Sup. Desmond moved that this board adjourn for one week, said mo- lion was duly seconded and carried. Tuesday, Sept. 19th. Board met pursuant to adjourn- ' ment, H. E. Whipple, chairman, pre­ s id ing . At roll call all members responded to their names except R. E. Haeger. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. On motion tlu whom were referred the six applica- ^()1 tions for county aid on bridges across1 the Kishwaukee drainage ditch in the town of Grafton, would respectfully report as follows: Your committee met with the Grafton highway com­ missioners on October 20th, 1910. for the purpose of viewng the sites of the different bridges, and determining the spans and kinds of bridges needed. Your committee and highway com­ missioners again met on October 29th, J.910, and prepared notices for letting of contracts for bridges, number one, two and three, being the bridges com­ monly known as bridges at William Clark farm, James Lawson farm, and bridge on Huntley-Woodstock road on the west end of L. L. Foster flUn. Your committee again met with the highway commissioners on November 9th, 1910, for the purpose of receiv­ ing bids. It was found that bridge number two would not come under the county aid law, and it was thrown out. Bridge number one was let to W. H. Shons, Freeport, Illinois, for the sym of $1099.00. Bridge No. three was let to Enos Conley for the sum of eleven hundred dollars. Your committee again met with the highway commissioners of said town on March 29th, 1911, to prepare no­ tices for the letting of contracts for bridges number four, five and six, be­ ing the bridges commonly known as James bridge, Schuyler bridge and Krause bridge. The letting for these bridges was had on April 10th, 1911, and contracts were awarded as fol­ lows: Bridge number four to Enos Conley for the sum of eleven hundred dollars; bridge number five to W. H. Shons, Freeport, Illinois, for the sum of $1125.89, and bridge number six to "W. H. Shons, Freeport, Illinois, for the yum of $1110.79. Tour committee met with the com­ missioners of highways on April 29, 1911, for the purpose of inspecting bridge number one. We would report that the work on said bridge was found satisfactory; that there was an extra charge of eighteen dollars for ex­ tra concrete, and that the total cost of said bridge was eleven hundred seven­ teen dollars, of which the county's share is five hundred fifty-eight and £0-100 dollars. We would recommend that the county clerk be authorized and direct ed to draw an order in favor of W. H. Shons, the contractor, in the said sum of $558.50. fridges number three and four are »ot yet completed. Tour committee inspected bridges number five and six on June 6th, 1911. We found that bridge number five was still supported by the forms. Bridge jqumber six was completed but seemed to have settled some, which caused it to have a slight crack in each corner. JTaur committee was unwilling to ac­ cept these bridges without some as- surrance of their permanency. The contractor, W. H. Shons, has therefore agreed to enter into a good and suffi- ciflftt bond in the sum of $5000,00, jrtth sureties satisfactory to your com­ mittee and the highway commis­ sioners, conditioned that in case eith­ er one of these bridges should be found to be materially defective with­ in five years from the the date thereof, that he will replace the same with a new bridge, or properly remedy the same to the satisfaction of the high- way commissioners of the town of Grafton and the board of supervisors ot McHenry county. Your committee would report that It was necessary to drive piles at bridge No. 6, for which there is an ex­ tra charge of $280, and other extras amounting to $103, making the total cost of bridges No. 5 and 6, $2619.68. Tour committee would therefore rec­ ommend that the county clerk be au­ thorized and directed to draw an order In favor of the said W. H. Shons in the sum of $1309,84, being the county's share for the construction of bridges number five and six, and that said or­ der be delivered to the said W. H. Shons whenever he files with the coun­ ty clerk of this county, the bond above referred to, properly approved by your committee and said highway commis­ sioners. All of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. H. M. TURNER, Chm. F. A. WALTERS, L. B. COVELL, Committee. It was moved by Sup. Desmond, and duly seconded, that said report be ap­ proved so far as it refers to bridge number one, and that so far as it re­ fers to bridges number 5 and 6, that It stand to be considered at the Sep­ tember meeting. Motion carried. p. m. board took a recess until ommittee work. 2 P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Same members present. The com­ mittee appointed to represent the copnty in the construction of two bridges in the township of Greenwood, made the following reports, which were adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: We the under­ signed, committee of the McHenry county board of supervisors, appoint­ ed to act with the town board of Greenwood township in building a bridge across the Nippersink creek; met on the 26th day of June, 1911, to examine said bridge, and found it built according to contract, and accepted the same and certify that there is now due the Joliet Bridge & Iron Co., the sum of eight hundred sixty-four dol­ lars and fifty cents, ($864.50) be­ ing one-half of the cost or the county share of said bridge. J. B. RICHARDSON, S. H. FREUND, JOHN BALDOCK, Committee. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee appointed to represent the county in the building of a bridge across a branch of the Nippersink creek on the highway leading from Woodstock to Hebron in the township of Green­ wood, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That In accordance with their report heretofore made to this board at their June meeting the bridge be­ ing let to the Joliet Bridge & Iron Co., was built according to contract and ac­ cepted July 22, 1911, and would rec­ ommend that the county clerk be au­ thorized to draw an order In favor of the Joliet Bridge & Iron Co, the sum of eight hundred seventy-five dollars, ($875.00), being one-half of the county share of building said bridge, and an order in favor of Mr. O. Gar­ rison of fourteen dollars ($14.00), for superintending the work for the coun­ ty, being one-half of the cost of su­ perintending both bridges. All of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. J. B. RICHARDSON, S. H. FREUND, JOHN BALDOCK, Committee. Total for June For July, A. D. 1911. Weaver and Hayden, dry goods $ T. B. Merwin, blacksmith. . . . Walters & Burger, binding twine and repairs C. F. Gaulke & Son, meats.. A. W. Wagner, hardware.... E. L. Hanaford, gasoline.... Gus Handel, threshing grain Hoy's Pharmacy, drugs and medicine Chicago Telephone Co., ser. . Mead & Charles, groceries. . A. S. Wright, drugs W. H. Whitson, hardware. . . Sprague W'arner Co., gro. . .. E. V. Anderson, medical att. G. K. Mills, salary G. K. Mills, paid incidentals. . G. K. Mills, paid hired help.. 101 SS 110 66 39 00 100 00 50 00 15 00 24 94 $1195 40 $ 1 50 19 30 t 8 60 87 79 2 50 75 42 5 78 261 68 40 00 22 00 47 71 43 74 51 89 21 00 100 00 17 53 65 00 ? 821 44 $ 24 80 16 60 9 00 32 71 S 20 14 82 13 92 21 05 2 20 10 30 8 55 6 45 139 70 15 00 100 00 19 08 65 00 $ 507 38 The committee on education made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: The committee on education beg leave to report to defer final action up­ on their report until the December meeting. Very truly yours, J. B. Richardson, Chm. , J. E. WILLIAMS. S. H. FREUND, H. M. JTURNER, C. w". xhuMrSuN. Total for July $ 507 For August, A. D. 1911. Rochester Germacide Co., germacide A. S. WTright, medicine and fire extinguisher E. G. Griebel, repairs J. E. McCracken, groceries & tobacco H. A. Stone & Son, boots and shoes M. N. Wien, clothing Woodstock Hry Goods Co., dry goods Thorne & Son, clothing Weaver & Hayden, dry goods Willis Disbrow, groceries. . . . Hoy's Pharmacy, medicine.. Butterfield & Co., liniment. . Sprague Warner & Co., gro. . E. V. Anderson, medical att. . G. K. Mills, salary G. K. Mills, paid for inci­ dentals G. K. Mills, paid hired help. . $ 45 00 37 00 17 00 7 95 37 20 14 35 15 53 24 50 11 05 38 62 17 25 18 00 49 42 12 00 100 00 17 88 65 00 The committee on relief for blind made the following report which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee to whom was referred the appli­ cation of John Ford for relief as blind person would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the mat­ ters before them: We hereby rec­ ommend that said application be re­ ferred to the examiner for his report. We would further report that appro­ priations heretofore made for relief of blind persons was exhausted on July 1st, 1911. That during the year John C. Bierlien, who was drawing such re­ lief has died and that George D. Wil­ liams who has heretofore received relief under this act is now in a finan­ cial condition that would not entitle him to such relief. We would further recommend that the sum of $150.00 payable quarterly commencing July 1st, 1911, and payable October 1st, 1911, January 1st, 1912, April 1st, 1912, and July 1st, 1912, be appro­ priated for each one of the following named persons who are now entitled to relief as blind persons under the statute, to-wit: George C. Hansen, John Frisby, Mrs. E. L. Tompkins, Mary J. Hezlep, Mary Frickel, Hosea L. Woodard, Margaret Sassrnan, Jo­ hanna Ritt, Frank W. Miller, Ellen Boyle and Mary Murphy, making a to­ tal appropriation of sixteen hundred fifty ($1650.00) dollars. All of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. F . A. WALTERS, Chm. H. M. TURNER, S. H. FREUND, D. M. WRIGHT. All of which Is respectfully sub­ mitted. WILLIAM DESMOND. Chm. H. F. HEINE MANN, W. H. WARD. The special committee on Riley bridge made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Riley township, Aug. 31, 19H. Honorable G. E. Still, County Clerk, Woodstock, 111 . Dear Sir: We, the undersigned committee of supervisors, appointed by the chairman of the county board, to act with the commis­ sioners of highways of said town for the purpose of building a bridge, would respectfully advise that we met on the above date jointly with the commissioners of highways of Riley township, and inspected the bridge and concrete abutments built by the Con­ tinental Bridge Company of Chicago, 111., and found the same completed ac­ cording to contract and specifications together with the commissioners of highways of said town jointly accepted the work, and we hereby authorize you to draw a county order in favor of the Continental Bridge Company of Chi­ cago, 111., for five hundred forty-live and no one hundredths ($545.00) dol­ lars, being one-half the cost of the bridge and abutments, or the county's share of the same. Respectfully submitted, H. F. HEINE MANN, J. E. WILLIAMS, D. M. WRIGHT, County Committee. 7 00 1 00 40 00 15 00 Total for August $ 527 75 Summary for Six Months From March 1, 1911, to September 1, 1911. Bills paid for month of March $1075 60 Bills paid for month of April Bills paid for month of May. . Bills paid for month of June. Bills paid for month of July. Bills paid for month of Aug­ ust 734 52 1195 40 821 44 507 38 527 75 Total. $4862 09 Less stock and produce sold. 115 76 Total net expenditures (six months) ..$4746 33 DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS: Permanent improvements . ..$ 578 99 Running expenses .. 3430 95 Clothing, boots and shoes. . 348 17 51 73 .'. 177 25 Medical attendance 165 00 Undertaker . . 110 00 Total $4862 09 Less permanent Improve­ ments 578 99 The committee on alms house and farm made the following report which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee on alms house and farm beg leave to submit the following report: The committee met at the poor farm and audited bills as follows: For March, A. D. 19M. C. F. Gaulke & Son, hay & oats $ Same, meats Hoy's Pharmacy, drugs and medicine T. B. Merwin, blacksmith. . . J. J. Stafford, furniture & undertaking W. H. Whitson, hardware. . . Bunker Bros., grass seed.. . . H. A. Stone & Son, boots & shoes A. S. Wright, medicine & supplies The Warrell Mfg. Co., disin­ fectant 129 E. L. Hanaford, oil Chicago Telephone Co., serv. Sprague Warner Co E. V. Anderson, medical at.. G. K. Mills, salary G. K. Mills, cash advanced for incidentals G. K. Mills, paid hired man and wife 313 75 76 76 18 50 9 60 47 25 13 80 45 04 13 85 24 80 00 5 40 2 60 149 26 83 00 100 00 41 99 50 00 Balance $4283 10 Supplies on hand September 5, 1911 2064 38 Supplies on hand March 5, 1911 2532 06 $4750 78 Less sale of farm products. . . 115 76 Total running expenses for six months $4635 02 Less cost boots, shoes, cloth­ ing, medical attendance & undertaking 853 15 The committee on public buildings made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee to whom was referred the addi­ tional fixtures in vault in county clerk's office would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the mat­ ters before them: That pursuant to resolution of the board made at June meeting the clerk of this board caused a notice to be published fixing June 24th for opening bids, copies of said notice were mailed to various firms, and on said date your cemmittee met and opened bids, and the contract let to the Art Metal Construction Co., said company being the lowest bidder, at the sum of $398.00. All of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. W. H. WARD, Chm. D. M. WRIGHT, F. D. PERKINS. L. B. COVELL, J. E. WILLIAMS, H. F. HEINE MANN. Cost of dieting $3781 87 Number of inmates 49 Number of weeks 1204 Cost of Inmates for week $3.14 All of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. WILLIAM DESMOND, Chm. BEN THROOP, L. B. COVELL, D. M. WRIGHT, JOHN BALDOCK, F. D.. PERKINS, H. M. TURNER. The committee on Grafton bridges made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee to whom was referred the matter of county aid for bridges in Grafton township, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That said bridges were completed according to contract and duly accepted by your said committee, who met with the highway commission­ ers of said township of Grafton at said bridges. Two of said bridges being constructed by Enos Conley of Hunt­ ley, Illinois, and two of said bridges by W. H. Shons of Freeport, Illinois. We would therefore, recommend that the county clerk draw an order in favor of Enos Conley for the sum of eleven hundred and thirty dollars ($1130.00) being one-half of the cost of the two bridges constructed by the said Enos Conley, or the county's share of the same. We would further recommend that the county clerk draw an order in favor of W. H. Shons for the sum of thirteen hundred and nine dollars and eighty-four cents ($1309.84), be­ ing one-half the cost of the two bridg­ es constructed by the said W. H. Shons, or the county's share of the same. All of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. H. M. TURNER, Chm. F. A. WALTERS. L. B. COVELL. The following named persons were selected to serve as grand Jurors at the September term of the circuit court of McHenry county, Illinois, A. D. 1911, and on motion of Supervisor Thompson said list was approved and the clerk instructed to certify same to the clerk of the circuit court. List of Grand Jurors for September. Riley--William Weaver. Marengo -- Dewey Thompson, Joshua Burton. Dunham--Frank D. Ensign. Chemung--W. B. Truax, A. J. Mc- Cauley. Alden--H. G. Durkee. . ' Hartland--E. F. Mullen. Seneca--Fred Lloyd. Coral--F. E. Stevens. ' ' Grafton--John Weltzien. Dorr--E. J. Heimerdlnger, H. G. Fisher. Greenwood--S. G. Givens. Hebron--F. W. James. Richmoiyl--G. A. Osmond. Burton--Frank Schumacher. McHenry--N. D. Stevens, John J. f Pitzen. Total for March $1075 60 For April, A. D. 1911. Joseph Feltes, hay $ 29 82 Willis Disbrow, groceries. ... 4 50 J. E. McCracken, groceries. . 4 55 Henry Dlnse, hay and seed corn Buell & Olmstead, salt and bags W . H. Whitson, hardware. . . Alvin Eppel, cells for engine. Walters & Burger, land roller E. R. Goodrow, harness and repairs Thorne & Son, clothing L. T. Hoy, medicine Woodstock Dry Goods Co., dry goods II. H. Bosshard, grinding and bran C. D. Barker, repair on har­ ness II. A. Stone & Son, boots and shoes A. D. Osborn, hardware.... 4 20 Chicago Telephone Co., serv. 5 86 J. J. Stafford, mirrors and undertaking 47 7& A .S. Wright, medicine 40 45 Sprague Warner & Co., gro.. 121 05 E. V. Anderson, medical att. 45 00 G. K. Mills, salary 100 00 G. K. Mills, paid hired man and wife . 50 00 G K. ills, cash advanced for incidentals 29 17 22 42 3 96 15 40 4 20 23 00 5 05 77 75 24 20 4 56 47 69 3 85 14 60 Total for April $ 784 62 For May, A. D. 1911. Hoy's Pharmacy, medicine..$ Thorne & Son, clothing H. A. Stone & Son, boots and shoes Weaver & Hayden, dry goods Alvin Eppel, cultivator A F. Field, coal A. S. Wright, medicine and paint 69 05 W. H. Whitson, hardware. . . 24 60 Chicago Telephone Co., serv. 2 80 E. G. Griebel, repairs 5 86 E. L. Hanaford, oil* 10 17 Frank Murphy, fence posts. . 27 00 26 80 15 00 11 60 7 12 26 00 &28 93 The committee on finance made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee to whom was referred the matter of the county tax levy for the year 1911% would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters be­ fore them: That we have ascertained the several items of necessary expen­ ditures for county purposes, as nearly as possible, and recommend that the sum of sixty thousand ($60,000.00) be levied as county tax on all the tax­ able property of said county and state aforesaid, for the year 1911, and the county clerk is hereby instructed to ex­ tend said amount on all taxable prop­ erty in the county in accordance with the report for the following specified purposes: Salary of county judge $1500 00 County services, county elk, sheriff and treasurer 4000 00 Additional compensation and office expenses county su­ perintendent schools 1500 00 Stationery, postage, express etc., county officers 3500 00 Per diem, board of review. . . 1200 00 Clerk hire, witness fees etc., board of review Mileage and per diem, cir­ cuit and county court Jurors Coroner's and Juror's fees at Inquests Fees for birth and death re­ ports Salary, probation officer. . . 600 00 Bounties , woodchucks, crows etc 3000 00 Indigent poor at poor farm and asylums 10000 00 Fuel, light, water, etc., court house and Jail 3000 00 Relief of blind 2 500 00 General and primary election expenses General repairs court house and Jail General repairs poor farm. . . Janitor service Supplies, court house and Jail 1000 00 Dieting prisoners 1000 00 Sheriff's deputy hire, livery etc 1100 00 Court reporters 600 00 County aid in buldlng bridges 6500 00 Furniture, court house and Jail - • 600 00 Contingent expenses, extra help, labor, law books etc. 1000 00 Per diem, mileage and special committee work, members board 2000 00 All of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. JOHN BALDOCK, Chm. WILLIAM DESMOND, N. BROTZMAN, C. -W. THOMPSON, J. •. WILLIAMS. 500 00 3000 00 500 00 300 00 4080 00 5000 00 1500 00 720 00 The committee on roads and bridg­ es made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee to whom was referred the various road warrants returned from the town of Hebron and the highway commis­ sioners' certificate of tax levy from said town, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters be­ fore them: We have examined all road warrants returned to the county clerk and would recommend that the county clerk be instructed to spread all unpaid road tax of the several war­ rants on the collector's books for the year 1911. We would further recom­ mend that the certificate of tax levy for the road and bridge tax of the highway commissioners of said town of Hebron and before this board by H. M. Turner, supervisor of said town be approved, and that the county clerk be directed to extend a road and brldg* tax for said town amounting to twen­ ty-five hundred ($2 500) dollars, the same being less than 25 cents on the $100 valuation of said town for the year 1910, in accordance with the cer­ tificate of said highway commission­ ers. All of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. L. B. COVELL, Chm. JOHN BALDOCK, BEN THROOP, N. BROTZMAN, S. H. FREUND. The committee on claims (labor fees and supplies) made the following re­ port which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee on labor, fees and supplies claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be di­ rected to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the sev­ eral amounts allowed, as follows, to- wit : * P. F. Petti bone & Co., sup­ plies for county officers...$ 195 61 The Lawyer's Co-Op Pub. Co., book 31 Lawyer's Reports. 4 00 Same, book 32, same 4 00 Same, British Ruling Cases, Vol 1 Cal laghan & Co., 111. App. Rep. Vol. 155, 156, 157, 158 Zion City Office Supply, Mdse Cir Clk, Treas, Supt H. E. Whipple, services Bd. of Review 380 00 J. T. Bower, same Wm. Pinnow, same 380 00 Wm. Desmond, clerk board of review 288 00 John Desmond, same James W. Northrop, same. . . Joliet Bridge & Iron Co., Co. share Greenwood bridge.. Continental Bridge Co., Co. share Riley bridge 545 Chicago Telephone Co., rent and services City of Woodstock, oil on sts Same, water and lights Western United Gas & Elec. Co., stoves sheriff's res. .. . George B. Carpenter Co., flag I. N. Van Voorhis, supplies, Co. Supt. Sch E. G. Griebel, repairs E. H. Sears, meals for pris­ oner F. J. Hendricks, burning bal­ lots F. L. Kimberly, same Samuel J. Dunbar, services for Bd. of Review Murphy & Doering, mdse for sheriff A. Dwight Osborn, same.... W. C. DeWolf, services 1 day county judge Hall & Eckert, cement etc., court house M. A. Stafford, services as ar- x chitect George Lockwood, services whitewashing Pickens & Hamilton Co., mdse. for court house.... A. W. Wagner, mdse and la­ bor court house Albert Bloom, wit fee, People vs. Oatman Condensed Milk Co J. H. Knull, same L. F. Brown, witness fees. People vs. Hawley Frank Whaple, same Floyd S. Morse, witness fees, People vs. Dollbaum Same, same L. F. Brown, witness fees. People vs. Goodsell Wm. Desmond, special com­ mittee work, board Sup... Crystal Lake Herald, printing board of review Same, Supt. Schs A. M. Shelton, expenses Supt. Schs W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., mdse Supt. Schs D. R. Joslyn, Sts. Atty, exp. of office Pinkerton Nat. Detec. Agcy, services Woodstock Sentinel Co., prt'g for county officers Wm. Desmond, clerk board of review, postage O. Garrison, overseeing build­ ing of two bridges Birth reports Death reports Ben Throop, special commit­ tee work J. B. Richardson, same F. A. Walters, same L. B. Covell, same S. H. Freund, same H. F. Heinemann, same John Baldock, same J. E. Williams, same F. D. Perkins, same W. H. Ward, same Enos Conley, bridges in Graf­ ton 1130 Lynn W. Richards, auto for 5 00 9 50 6 00 228 00 48 00 864 50 00 47 15 15 00 37 90 56 03 6 89 5 50 8 85 22 00 3 00 3 00 .40 26 56 SI 66 10 00 23 85 219 00 5 00 12 50 2 1 2 1 8 70 3 70 2 40 14 00 26 00 152 00 37 25 29 00 90 57 89 37 33 30 16 50 14 00 31 50 25 25 17 20 8 70 3 60 28 30 7 80 21 40 20 50 20 80 28 20 15 30 00 6 00 1309 84 17 20 22 00 8 90 00 The special committee on Marengo bridge made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee to whom was referred the petition of the township of Marengo for county aid in building a bridge over the Kish­ waukee on May 3rd, 1911, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Your committee met at the location of said bridge together with the commission­ ers of said town, and being satisfied that said bridge was necessary, that the township of Marengo had complied with all the requirements of law and were entitled to county aid and that they together with said highway com­ missioners advertised for bids for the construction of a bridge 16 feet d>y 100 feet. Said com­ mittee met at the town clerk's office in the city of Marengo on the sixteenth day of May in which a num­ ber of bids were opened which in tho opinion of your committee were ex­ cessive. Your committee again adver­ tised for other bids which were opened at the office of the tow* clerk In the city of Marengo on May 27th, and the contract awarded to the Joliet Bridge and Iron Company for the sum of $3826 and said bridge being now com­ pleted according to contract we would therefore recommend that the county clerk draw an order in favor of said Joliet Bridge and Iron Co. for the sum of one thousand nine hundred and thirteen ($1913) dollars which is one- half of the cost of the bridge and that the county clerk draw an additional order of $82.57 in favor of the treasur­ er of the commissioners of the town­ ship of Marengo, being the proportion of McHenry county for expenses in­ curred filling approaches and building railings to sahl bridge. board of review Freeport Bridge & Iron Co., bridge In Grafton D. M. Wright, com. work. . . . H. M. Turner, same C. W. Thompson, same J H. S. Wetherell, Seneca I bridge 690 (Joliet Iron & Bridge Co., j Marengo bridge 1913 00 j Commissioners Highway Ma­ rengo, approaches, bridge. 82 57 Joliet Iron & Bridge Co., Greenwood bridge 875 00 II. S. Wetherell, Seneca bridge No. 2 690 00 Same, Seneca bridge No. 3. . . 690 00 Same, Seneca bridge No. 4. . . 690 00 All of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. N. BROTZMAN, Chm. L. B. COVELL, F. D. PERKINS, BEN THROOP. The committee on claims (county poor) made the following report, which was adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee on county poor claims would beg leave to report that they have exam­ ined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the follow­ ing, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts, allowed, as follows, to-wit: Peoria State Hospital, exp. Co. patients $ Illinois Eastern Hospital, exp. Anna W'ollert Dr. A. B. Smith, com. insanity of Anson Mason Same, Robert Caldwell Dr. E. V. Anderson, same.... Same, Nellie Kline Dr. A. B. Smith, same Dr. J. E. Guy,, com. insanity Pearl Fitzhenry Dr. E. Windmueller, same... Hoy's Pharmacy, fumigating Larson's, Cran's, Reed's. . . Marengo-- D. M. Wright, exp. paupers. . J. E. Heath, rent for Mrs. Gluth, 3 months H. G. Otis, mdse. for Jack Ford A. J. Steege, mer. Fred Pats- kefsky 37 75 3 30 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 1# 00 1 80 12 00 Alden-- # Chas. C. Peck, M. D., fumi­ gating at Emil Riese's.... Hebron-- H. M. Turner, telephoning Hoak case Dr. E. M. Brown, services Allen Hoak . Dr. B. J. Bill, autopsy Allen Hoak Dr. Chas. C. Peck, same Richmond-- E. E. Wright, burial Robert Kane McHenry-- Buch's Market, meat for John Freund N. P. Steilen & Son, mdse for John Freund Nun da-- Roy J. Warner, burial Stev­ en Nolik H. M. Rosenthal, mdse. for D. P. Allen and family. . . . Dr. D. T. Cole, services, do. . L. J. Kammin, mdse. do E. C. Colby, mdse. do Same, L. J. Rau Algonquin-- E. W. Vette, mdse. Mrs. Rog- man R. E. Haeger, furniture R. Lin­ coln family Same, freight R. Lincoln family John Buehler, mdse. Bauer, Eibisch and Holtz A. J. Severns, mdse. P.adke and Handrock Peter Bros., mdse Eisner & Son, mdse. Dan Cary Kroeger & Jaster, mdse. Mrs. L. Eibisch and Mrs. Bauer. E. Meiibek & Son, mdse. R. Lincoln family F. V. Cermack, do E. W. Vette, do John Janak, services R. Lin­ coln family Mrs. A. H. Tubbs, board R. Lincoln family Mrs. John D. Freeman, board R. Lincoln family Wm. Gruenwald, services R. Lincoln family Alfred O. Hack, coal R. Lin­ coln family Mrs. Wm. Geister, rent, R. Lincoln family Kane County Alms House, bd. and mdse. R. Lincoln and family Dorr-- F. A. Walters, rent for Mrs. Eckert, J. Oakroot, Mrs. Janson, Miss Burnside. . . . B .S. Austin, mdse. A. John­ son and Mary Johns. ... S. L. Hart, mdse. Mrs. Hunt- hauser Kennedy & Kappler, mdse. Mrs. Jake Eckert Chemung--• Dr. J. G. Maxon, serv. F. Lusz, Mrs. Lilley, C. Maine, Mrs. J. Chapmann Dr. P. H. Blanchard, serv. Putnam, and Howell Dr. C. C. Peck, serv. Mrs. Keys, Mrs. Butts, Mrs. Crow and Mrs. Putnam Same, same Strain Bros., mdse. Mrs. Card, Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Farrell Hubbell & Putnam, serv. R. H. Reid, Pennington boy & Butt's child A. J. McCarty, mdse. Mrs. Lusz, H. Howell, Betsey, Cross, Mrs. Pennington & Putnam F. W. Barlow, coal, Mrs. Dad- ison J. A. Sweeney, rent Mrs. New- ett, 6 months J. J. Shields, mdse. Gus Clark Algonquin-- G. H. Dike, mdse. Mrs. Tlmm Chicago Industrial Home, bd. Charles Mayme Same, board George and Al­ bert Wilcox Same, board Gertrude Pet­ erson Same, board Fitz Henry chil­ dren Chemung-- H. J. Schmid, M. D., serv. M. Smith, Peterson, Keller children, C. Putnam Dr. G. A. McLane, serv. Mrs. Pennington W. H. Ward, care Ruth Kel­ ler, Mrs. Pond, and W. Per- ham's baby Dunham-- H. E. Whipple, coal Mrs. Chase McHenry-- Jacob Justen, burial of ex- soldier All of which is respectfully sub­ mitted. C. W. THOMPSON, Chm. F. A. WALTERS. H. F. HEINEMANN, W. H. WARD, J. B. RICHARDSON. tition your honorable board to increase the present salary of the deputy sher­ iff of McHenry county, Illinois, to the ®eventy-five dollars per month. inn v.rmeu that the Present sal­ ary or $50 has been the existing com- klifor about twenty-five years. * ^ that a capable, compe­ tent and efficient deputy sheriff is wor- 1 >» nn 1 ^ a salary than the pres- 15 00,ent one and that in order to secure I . resV , ts ln the sheriff's office it I# «e Aft I L° ine aavantage of the county to have 25 00 a capable man as a deputy and we consider the present salary inadequate c «a 1 lOT the serv^es necessary to be Der- 5 <0 formed, taking into consideration the I present high cost of living. 1- 00 Charles H. Donnelly, circuit 1ud«re D. T. Smiley, county Judge. 35 00 6 60 26 50 10 50 19 50 8 91 20 00 75 00 .74 49 08 10 95 2 0 0 2 92 00 30 30 6 1 6 6 9 72 1 20 3 00 7 00 23 50 2 50 3 00 14 00 29 33 130 70 30 00 10 00 40 00 27 00 18 00 56 60 9 00 45 00 83 00 33 30 5 50 36 00 8 00 J. Hendricks, master in 26 90 15 00 Calvin chancery Theo. Hamer. A. M. Shelton, county superintendent of schools. A. H. Henderson, sheriff of Mc­ Henry county. A. A. Crissey, county treasurer. E. D. Shurtleff, Marengo. J. E. Barber, Marengo. E. R. Hoy, Woodstock. A. J. Mullen, Woodstock. C. H. Francis, Woodstock. Paul J. Donovan, Woodstock. C. Wr. Hart, Woodstock. C. B. Whittemore, Marengo. »- S. Lumley, Woodstock. Charles T. Allen, Cary. C. Percy Barnes, Woodstock. F. Casey, Woodstock. M- A. Carmack, Woodstock. David R. Joslyn, W'oodstock. n notion of Sup. Desmond, duly seconded, said petition was referred to the committee on fees and salaries. M. F .Walsh and C. A. Lemmers, as a committee from the publishers of the county appeared before the board in regard to the matter of the publica- tion of the proceedings of the board fi1 d Presentfd the case as it appeared them, after short discussion this matter was, on motion of Sup. Des­ mond duly seconded by Sup. Ward, re- salaries the comni,ttee on fees and W, H. Ward called the attention of the board to the matter of installing a carrier for coal from the coal bin to the furnace and for ashes and cinders furnace out doors, on motion of Sup. Wright, duly seconded, same was referred to the committee on pub­ lic buildings, with power to act. The following named persons were selected to serve as grand jurors at the January term of the circuit court, and on motion of Sup. Freund, duly sec­ onded, the list was approved and the clerk instructed to certify same to the clerk of the circuit court. Grand Jurors for January Term Riley--F^rank Osborn. Marengo--D. S. Hance, Henry Hauschildt. Dunham--J. E. Cunningham. Chemung--Howard Ferris, R. A. Blackman. Alden--Joseph Collier. Hartland---J. H. Haley. Seneca--W. G. Flanders. Coral--L. J. Church. Grafton--C. D. Hadley. Dorr--E. G. Griebel, Robert Mc­ Lean. Greenwood--Joseph Guth. Hebron--H. E. Lines. Richmond--J. H. Richardson. Burton--N. N. Weber. McHenry--John J. Pitzen, L. Beck. Nunda--Fred Schroeder, John Pierson. Algonquin--Fred Goodwin, B. C. Getzelman. The chairman stated that a petition had been handed to him signed by the highway commissioners of the town­ ship of Alden, asking for county aid in building bridge, and that he had named as a committee to represent the county Supervisors Turner, Covell and Haeger, and that there had also been presented to him the petition of the highway commissioners of the town of Dunham, asking for county aid ln building a bridge and that he had named as the committee in this Supervisors Perkins, Ward and Thompson. To the Board of Supervisors of the county of McHenry, state of Illinois: The undersigned, commissioners of highways of the township of Dunham, sn flft 'In said county, would respectfully rep- vv ^ resent that a bridge and approaches „. «ft needs to be built over the draiaage ditch where the same is crossed by the 9« Alt highway leading from South Dunham 30 ww cemetery, west of the Island road ln I said township, for which said work the j township of Dunham is wholly re- __ __ sponsible; that the total cost of said 00 i» work will be nine hundred fifty-three ' dollars, which sum will be more than twelve cents on the one hundred dol­ lars on the latest assessment roll of said township, and that the levy of the road and bridge tax for the two pre­ ceding years in said township was in each year for the full amount twen­ ty-four cents on each one hundred dol­ lars allowed by law for the commis­ sioners to raise, the major part of which is needed for the ordinary re­ pairs of roads and bridges. Wherefore, the said commissioners of highways hereby petition you for aid, and for an appropriation from the county treasurer of a sum sufficient te meet one-half the expenses of the said work. Dated at Dunham, this first day ®f July, A. D. 1911. THOS. GREENE, J. J. KENNEDY. H. P. DONOVAN, Commissioners of Highways. 4 50 58 00 10 37 35 00 Sup. Desmond introduced the fol­ lowing resolution which was upon mo­ tion, unanimously adopted, to-wit: Whereas, The people of the state of Illinois voted for a bond issue for $20,- 000,000 for the construction of a deep commercial waterway from the lakes to the Gulf, And Whereas, This was a project which would benefit all of the people of the state of Illinois. And Whereas, It is now proposed by the executive of this state to construct Instead of a deep waterway, a water- power plant, in the Northern part of Illinois for the benefit of Chicago, And Whereas, The construction of this waterpower plant will exhaust the entire $20,000,000 which was voted by the people of this state, leaving noth­ ing whatever for river improvement or development. And Whereas, The expense of such waterpower plant would have to be borne by the various counties of the state of Illinois, ln proportion to their assessable \aluation of property. And Whereas, The proportion of said bond issue against McHenry county, compared to McHenry coun­ ty's proportion of the entire assessed valuation ( f said state will amount to the sum of $144,595.33, And Whereas. Such waterpower plant w^uld be of no benefit whatso­ ever to this county, And Whereas. The effect of the con­ struction of such waterpower plant would be to send down a greater quan­ tity of water into the valley of the Il­ linois, without taking any precaution to prevent its doing damage, by deep­ ening its channel or raising its banks, and the result would be the flooding of much land there situated, to the dam­ age of the owners and occupants, Now Therefore, Be It Resolved, That we denounce such plan of building and constructing a waterpower plant at the expense of all the counties of the state of Illinois, as being destructive of the waterway legislation which was ap­ proved by the people of this state, and being an unreasonable and improper expense on the part of all the people of the state of Illinois, for the develop­ ment of a particular locality it the cost of the entire state, and we request our representatives in the legislature to oppose such plan at all times, and to do all ln their power to defeat the same. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, ss. Board of Commissioners of Highways. Township of Dunham. We, the undersigned, commissioners of highways of the township of Dun­ ham, hereby state that we have made a careful estimate of the probable cost of the bridge and approaches and we do estimate that the probable cost of the .same will be $953.00 dollars. Witness our hands this first day of July, A. D. 1911. J. J. KENNEDY, THOS. GREENE. H. P. DONOVAN, Commissioners of Highways. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, ss. Township of Dunham. John J. Kennedy, Thomas Greene, Sr., and Henry P. Donovan, commis­ sioners of highways of the township at Dunham, being duly sworn, on oath, say, that the bridge and approaches mentioned in the estimate to which this affidavit is attached, is necessary, and that the same will not be made more expensive than is needed for the purpose required. J. J. KENNEDY, THOS. GREENE, H. P. DONOVAN, Commissioners of Highways. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1st day of July, A. D. 1911. D. A. BARROWS, Justice of the Peace. The following petition was present­ ed, to-wlt: 4 401 To the Honorable Board of Supervis- I ors of McHenry Connty, Illinois: 6 00 | We, the undersigned, do hereby pe- To the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, state of Illinois: The undersigned, commissioners of highways of the township of Alden, in said county, would respectfully repre­ sent that the Wickham bridge needs to be a new bridge over the Nippersink where the same is crossed by the highway leading from Burdick's Cor­ nels east to Hebron in said township for which said work the township of Alden is held responsible: that the total cost of said work will be one thousand dollars, which sum will be more than twelve cents on the one hundred dollars on the latest assess­ ment roll of said township, and that the levy of the road and bridge tax for the two preceding years in said town­ ship was in each year for the full amount of twenty-five cents on each one hundred dollars allowed by law for the commissioners to raise, the major part of which is needed for the ordinary repairs of roads and bridges. Wherefore, the said commissioners of highways hereby petition you for aid, and for an appropriation from the county treasury of a sum sufficient to meet one-half the expenses of the said work. Dated at Alden this first day of Aug­ ust, A. D. 1911. E. M. FINK, J. H. CARBREY, THOS. O. HOLLAREN, Commissioners of Highways. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, as. Board of Commissioners of Highways. Township of Alden. We, the undersigned, commissioners

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