of highways of the township of Al- den, hereby state that we have made a careful estimate of the probable cost of the new bridge and we do estimate that the probable cost of the same will be ^1,000 dollars. Witness our hands this first day of August, A. D. 1911. E. M. FINK, J. H. CARBRET, THOS. O.HOLLAREN, Commissioners of Highways. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, ss. Township of Alden. E. M. Fink, J. H. Carbrey, and Thos. O. Holleran, commissioners of highways of the township of Alden, being duly sworn, on oath say, that the new bridge mentioned In the estimate to which this affidavit is attached, is necessary, and that the same will not be made more expensive than is need ed for the purpose required. E. M. FINK. J. H. CARBREY, THOS. O.HOLLAREN, * Commissioners of Highways. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this first day of August, A- D. 1911. WILLIAM W. FLEMING, Justice of the Peace. Thereupon Sup. Wright moved that the board adjourn, said motion was duly seconded by Sup. Baldeck and carried. Thereupon said board ad journed. H. E. WHIITLE, Chairman. At tes t : G. E. STILL, Clerk. Special December Meeting, 1911 The honorable board of supervisors of McHenry county, Illinois, met in special session pursuant to a request signed by more than one-third of the members of said board at the court house in Woodstock, on the fourth day of December, A. D. 1911, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Board was called to order by the chairman, Homer E. Whipple. At roll call the following members were pres ent: N. Brotzman, D. M. Wright, H. E. Whipple, W. H. Ward, John Bal- dock, William Desmond, F. D. Per kins, J. E. Williams, H. F. Heinemann, F. A. Walters, C. W r. Thompson, H. M. Turner, L. B. Covell, J. B. Richardson, S. H. Freund, Ben Throop, and R. E. Haeger, constituting a full board. The annual reports of the county and circuit clerks and the sheriff were presented and referred to the commit tee on fees and salaries without read ing. The annual report of A. A. Cnssey, county treasurer, was referred to the committee to settle with the treasurer without reading. Lists of claims for labor, fees, and supplies and county poor, were pre sented by the clerk, and on motion were referred to the proper commit tees for report. The bond of A. A. Crissey, county collector, in the penal sum of $120,000 was read and on motion referred to the committee on finance. Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor Desmond, board adjourned until 3 o'clock P. M. for committee work. 3 P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All members present. The committee on claims (county poor) made the following report which was approved, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee on county poor claims would beg leave to report that they have exam ined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the follow ing, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Lincoln State School and Col., exp. of county patients $ 62 65 Dorr-- F. A. Walters, expenses of Mrs. GilHspie, Mrs. John- Bon, A. Stephenson, J. Oak- root, Mrs. Pope, Mrs. J. Eckert, and Miss Julia Burnside 70 Kennedy & Kappler, mdse. Mrs. J. Eckert and G. W. Glaze 42 56 B. S. Austin, mdse. Mrs. A. Johnson 19 $7 C. F. Gaulke & Sons, meat G. W. Glaze and family... . 11 84 Hall & Eckert, coal Mrs. Eck ert and Mrs. Pope H 50 Dr. A. B. Smith, vac. GTlaae family and Mos. Love. . .. 5 26 S. L. Hart, groceries Mrs. Hunthauser 5 00 Algonquin-- John Buehler, groceries Mrs. Holtz, Bauer and Eibiech. . 48 47 Nunda-- L. J. Kammin, groc. D. P. Allen 10 50 Kegebein & Miller, coal F. Bozee and Mrs. Goldstrom. 11 70 E. C. Colby, groc. Allen fam ily 19 50 H. M. Rosenthal & Son, mdse. same 25 27 Dr. D. T. Cole, care same. ... 42 75 W rm. M. Freeman, M. D., care Mr. and Mrs. Bozee 4 3 50 Dr. D. T. Cole, care John Fisher 16 H. M. Rosenthal & Sons, coal Mrs. Goldstrom 17 88 G. H. Dike, mdse. Mrs. Timm 10 60 Dorr-- A. F. Field, coal, Mrs. John son, Burnside and Mrs. Hunthauser 21 35 Grafton-- F. A. Weltzien, services Ferd Fisher, insane 1® 0® Ed Dwyer, same 6 50 Mike Martin, same 2 #0 Marengo-- A. J. Steege, mdse. F. Pal- skophe 6 0® H. W. Richardson, medicine John Ford 4 50 J. J. Heath, rent for Mrs. Glute •* 0® H. G. Otis, mdse. John Ford 17 26 Chemung-- F .W. Barlow, coal Mrs. John Acker 5 00 Strain Bros., mdse. E. Wheel er, Farrel and Card 30 26 D. Herely & Sons, meat How ell, Pennington, Putnam & F. Lilly 4 20 J. A. Sweeney, rent Mrs. New- itt 3 months 18 00 Lake, Harris & Backus, coal Fanny Lilly 15 75 W. H. Ward, exp. R. Keeler, Mrs. Pond 59 52 W. I. Richardson, med. Oest- rom and A. Richardson... 4 60 j3 r p. H Blanchard, care Howell, Putnam et al. . . . 46 75 McHenry-- George Beckwith, labor for John Freund 5 00 N. P. Steilen & Son, groceries same Wilbur Lumber Co., coal Aug. Wasknoskys • • • S 00 Buch's Market, meat John Freund Algonquin-- Kroeger & Jaster, groc. M r s- Bauer and Mrs .Eibisch. i0 34 Dorr-- Hoy's Pharmacy, fumigating C. Soderstrom's and Kais er's 13 00 Greenwood-- Hoy's Phamacy, fumigating J. J. Sullivan's, Williams and Henry Eppel's 18 00 Marengo-- J. F. Wilson, coal Mrs. Keen- __ . . 4 ©0 an M. L. St. John, ticket for pau- per to Elgin -*B Dunham-- S. E. Betzer & Co., ambulance for Jennie Jones 4 ®® C. M. Johnsen, services do. . . 32 25 Dr. J. G. Maxon, do 26 75 Algonquin-- Mrs. Wm. Geister, rent Lin coln family 3 months. . .. 21 00 A. H. Frederick, mattress for do 3 00 F .J. Theobald, If. D., serv ices, do ® T® H. D. Hull, serv. Harry Bauer E. W. Vette, mdse. Mrs. Rog- Evangeline Simons, services of nurse for Brackrogge family B. F. Manley, cash paid for care of Ed White, insane. . All of which is respectfully sub mitted. C. W. THOMPSON, Chm. J. B. RICHARDSON, W. H. WARD, H. F. HEINEMANN. 7 50 30 00 70 00 4 20 The committee on claims (labor fees and supplies) made the following report, which was approved, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee on labor, fees and supplies claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be di rected to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the sev eral amounts allowed, as follows, to- wit: p. p. Pettibone & Co., sup pl ies county off icers $ 139 55 Callaghan & Co.. 111. App. Rep. Vol. 159 2 25 George D. Barnard & Co., blanks, Co. Treas 2 16 Art Metal Construction Co., addition to Co. Clk's vault. 398 00 Lawyer's Co-Opp. Pub. Co., Book 3 3 Lawyer' s Reports. 4 00 Merville A. Carmack, services Board of Review 20 00 Dacy Lumber Co. mdse. court house and jail 24 23 Woodstock Republican, prt'g for county officers 30 20 Ferris & Bartelt, clock for court room (cir) 5 00 J. H. Williams, services as county judge 10 00 The Bechman Co., mdse. for sheriff 20 40 A. S. Wright, mdse for sheriff and supt. schs 51 25 W. G. Cashmore, mason work, court house 2 50 James Scott, labor Seneca bridges 43 50 Crystal Lake Herald, blanks Co. Clerk 3 50 Thos. Davis, Jr., sand and dirt 8 15 Rattray Bros., window panes and labor 7 20 D. B. Nichols , labor cour t house 3 70 E. L. Hanaford, ' .5 gal. oil.. 5 23 \V. V. Eickhoff , labor cour t house 6 30 A. M. Shelton, supt . , expenses of of f ice 15 S4 .Same, ex t ra compensat ion , June 75 00 Same, Ju ly 75 00 Same, August 75 00 Same, September 75 00 Same, October 75 00 C. M. Parker, mdse. supt. of schools 24 40 Walters & Burger, coal 25 28 W. H. Shons, bridge No. 1, Grafton 558 50 W. F. Glazier, exc . typewriter cir. elk 123 00 Hebron Tribune, pub. pro. board, 1910-11 50 00 Alverna Schlosser, meals for jurors 4 55 Same, same 9 10 John Walsh, bailiff, 5 days cir. court 12 50 Frank Whaple, 3 days, same. 7 60 Same, 4 days, same 10 00 Jesse A. Cadwell, services janitor June 60 00 Same, July 60 00 Same, August 60 00 Same, September 60 00 Same, October 6# 00 Same, November 60 #0 E. C. Andruss, deputy sher iff June 50 00 Same, Jmly 50 00 Same, August 56 00 Same, September 50 00 Same, October 50 00 Chicago Telephone Co., serv. county officers 4 5 95 Dr. E. V. Anderson, services, prisoners 7 00 Woodstock Sentinel, printing for county officers 140 45 City of Woodstock, light and water 77 90 C. W. Thompson, special com. mittee work 8 10 H. S. Wetherell, county share Coral bridge 895 00 Chi. Ind. Home for Children, care Fitzhenry, Mayme, Lincoln, Peterson and Wil lis children 228 32 D. R. Joslyn, state's atty, ex penses of office 113 05 S. H. Freund, special com mittee work 4 30 L. B. Covell, do 23 40 J. B. Richardson, special work tubercular 29 04 Same, committee work 5 00 John Baldock, poor farm committee work 16 00 Same, same 4 30 Wm. Desmond, poor farm committee work 21 06 F. A. Walters, F. and S., committee work 3 10 H. M. Turner, com. work. ... 30 25 Same, com. work tubercular. 21 75 Frank Whaple, constable fees 14 64 W. H. Ward, com. work.... 8 10 F. D. Perkins, special com. mittee work 27 90 N Brotzman, same 12 00 D. M. Wright, same 40 80 Ben Throop^ same 25 10 J. E. Williams, com. work. . . 8 20 H. F. Heinemann, same 4 20 A. B. Smith, com. fee Ferd Fisher 6 00 E. V. Anderson, same 5 00 Same, com. fee Emll Repka. 5 00 E. Windmueller, same 5 00 Same, com. fee Ansel B. Ma son 6 00 Same, ex. John Ford blind. . 2 00 H. E. Whipple, com. work. . . 3 80 R. E. Haeger, com. work. ... 10 20 All of which is respectfully sub mitted. N. BROTZMAN, Chm. L. B. COVELL, F. D. PERKINS, BEN THROOP. Rec'd. from poor bills Rec'd. from Master in Chancery for unknown, non-resident and minor heirs fund Rec'd. from institute fund. Rec'd. from Ceo. F. Rush- ton, county clerk, as per Nov. 1910 report Rec'd. from Theo. Hamer, circuit clerk, as per Nov. 1910 report Rec'd. from G. E. Still, co. elk., unclaimed witness fees Rec'd. from G. E. Still, co. elk., old sheriff's fees... Rec'd. from G. E. Still, co. elk., per diem of Judge Reckhow from Marengo paving case Rec'd. from Theo. Hamer, cir. elk., unclaimed wit ness fees Rec'd. from Theo. Hamer, cir. elk., old sheriff's fees Rec'd. from Richards, Jew- fit & Wright Abstract Co.. and McHenry Coun ty Abstract Co., telephone rental Rec'd. from G. E. Still, co. dk . , re fund on Order No. 7225 Rec 'd . f rom G. E . St i l l , co. elk.. sale of 1 stove and 12 lengths of p ipe Rec'd. from Theo. Hamer, cir. elk., sale of 1 stove. Rec'd. from making 1 du plicate inheritance tax receipt Rec 'd . f rom Geo. K. Mil l s , f rom sa le of s tock a t poor fa rm Rec'd. from loans from banks Rec 'd . f rom township col lec tor , fees for co . e lk . for extending taxes 1010 *7 17« 60 296 13 151 93 636 90 71 40 141 35 10 00 21 00 2 00 9 00 112 50 1 2 0 0 24 00 .50 246 95 7500 00 2438 44 Tut . e ip ts $176037 29 CREDITS Paid s ta te t reasurer $ 46211 62 Paid township off icers 43293 92 Paid county orders 61256 06 Paid bounty orders Paid c i rcui t cour t Juror ' s cer t i f ica tes Pa id county cour t juror ' s cer t i f ica tes Pa id insane cour t juror ' s cer t i f ica tes ' Paid coroner ' s inques t cer t i f ica tes Pa id coroner ' s inques t fees Paid loans to banks Paid in teres t on same. . Pa id probat ion off icer Pa id fore ign wi tness fees . . Pa id uncla imed wi tnessfees Paid for repor ts of b i r ths & deaths Paid cour t repor ter Paid county c lerk , of f ic ia t ing a t tax sa le Paid county c lerk , ex tend ing taxes Paid for publ ish ing de l in quent tax l i s t s Pa id for publ ish ing as sessment l i s t s Pa id for publ ish ing uncla imed wi tness fees l i s t Pa id f rom funds deposi ted by order of cour t Pa id f rom unknown, non resident and minor heirs fund Paid f rom ins t i tu te fund. . Paid rebate tax. refunded. Paid association fund Paid treasurer's salary for year Paid for stationery, express and incidentals 1289 95 2659 30 214 90 12 00 232 00 309 00 7500 00 77 88 700 00 27 40 55 50 131 00 544 00 3 6 00 213S 14 82 30 1126 30 6 0 0 76 92 479 75 275 51 35 32 1 0 0 0 2250 00 90 65 Total expenditures ...$171421 72 Cash on hand to balance.. 4615 57 Total 1176037 29 Balance on hand 4615 57 Statement for November, 1911. December 1st, 1911 Debits cash book 176037 29 Credits cash book 171421 72 4615 57 2529 62 1036 29 229 50 Balance in treasury State Bank of Woodstock. . American National Bank.. Farmers' Exchange Bank. . McHenry County State Bank Cash on hand 154 39 666 77 Total in treasurer's hands.$ 4616 57 Distributed as Follows: General fund overdrawn... $ 6955 18 Tax of 1910 (paid after abatement) Township officer's fund. . . . 1'nknown, non-resident and minor heir's fund Duplicate taxes Deposit by order or court. Unclaimed witness fees. . . Association fund Institute fund Total in funds except gen eral (overdrawn) Less genera l fund over drawn Balance in funds 110 33 7225 87 1622 42 98 54 1070 75 163 90 26 46 263 49 10670 75 5955 18 4615 57 July 1, 1910, and ending June 30, 1911, to as follows: INSTITUTE FUND: Receipts. Balance on hand July 1, 1910$ 6 87 "Received from examinations, etc 296 00 Received from other sources. 4 IS 00 Total $ 307 Disbursements. Incidental expenses, Sept. 1, 1910 March institute expenses. . . . Balance on hand. June 30, 191 1 31 49 Total $ 307 00 10 51 265 00 Elmer J. Fellows, president of the supervisors' cSmmittee appointed in 1910, appeared before the board in re gard to the payment of the sum of $300.00 heretofore conditionally ap propriated by the board for use of said committee, and explained the ser vices rendered by said committee, and urged that the payment be made. I t was decided by the board tha t ac t ion in th is regard be defer red unt i l next meet ing . EXPENDITURES. Clerk hire $1092 63 Docket fees re t u r n e d . . . j . . . . 6 0 0 Miscellaneous ... 20 96 Clerk's salary for one-half year . . 900 00 DISTRIBUTABLE FUND: Receip ts . Received f rom school tax fund (s ta te aud. ) 4108 43 Received f rom in teres t on school fund (s ta te aud. ) . . . . 328 76 Received f rom f ines and for fe i tures 289 86 Tota l $4727 06 Disbu: semei i t s . To township t reasurer 4727 05 Received f rom County Treasurer . For ass is tant 710 37 For addi t ional compensat ion . 500 00 Tota l Township exerc ise ' earned by teachers '* Disbursements fund $1210 37 137 50 0 00 Tota l $ 137 60 All of mi t ted whi> h spt ' i t fu l ly sub- J . B. RICHARDSON, Chm. H. M. TURNER, J . E . WILLIAMS, S. H. FREUND, C. W. THOMPSON. The specia l commit tee appointed to represent the county in the mat ter of the bui ld ing of a br idge in Alden town ship , made the fo l lowing repor t , which was adopted , to-wi t : Mr . Chai rman and Gent lemen of the Board of Supervisors : Your commit tee to whom was refer red the con s t ruc t ion of a br idge across the creek in the h ighway running eas t and west through the center of sec t ion 12, in the town of Alden, would beg leave to submit the fo l lowing repor t on the mat ters before them: We met wi th the h ighway commiss ioners of the town of Alden. and af ter organiz ing , ami de termining the k ind of a br idge requi red , we adver t i sed for b ids for the cons t ruc t ion of a br idge . The con t rac t was awarded to the Jo l ie t Br idge and I ron Company, the lowest respon s ib le b idder , for the sum of $1332.00. We would repor t tha t the work of the cons t ruc t ion of sa id br idge i s a l l com ple ted and has been accepted by your commit tee in conjunct ion wi th the sa id h ighway commiss ioners . We would fur ther repor t tha t the cos t of super vis ion and ext ra f i l l ing amounts to $67.00, of which we have agreed to pay one-hal f as the county ' s share . We would therefore recommend tha t the c lerk of th is board be author ized to draw an order for the sum of $666.00 in favor of the Jo l ie t Br idge and I ron Company, as the county ' s share for the cons t ruc t ion of sa id br idge , and tha t he a lso be author ized to draw an or der in favor of the h ighway commis sioners of the town of Alden for $33.50 as the county ' s share for supervis ion and extra filling. All of which is respect fu l ly sub mit ted . R. E . HAEGER, Chm. L. B. COVELL, H. M. TURNER. The fo l lowing communicat ion f rom David R. Jos lyn , s ta te ' s a t torney, was presented and read by the c lerk . Dec . 1 , 1911. Mr . Homer Whipple , Chai rman Board of Supervisors , Woodstock, 111. Dear Si r : I am leaving for Cold- water , Michigan, tonight , to inves t iga te a c lue to the Wenners t rom murder case . Af ter our te lephone conversa t ion I took the l iber ty of s ta t ing to a man,--from whom I got informat ion tha t I th ink may resul t in the ar res t and convic t ion of the par t ies who are gui l ty of th is murder , ---that our board of supervisors would offer a reward of a t leas t 1300.00. I wish you would ask the board to do th is , in case I do not ge t back by Monday, and a lso ask them not to ment ion tha t there i s any l ike l ihood of any ar res t be ing made in th is case , as I be l ieve there a re a number of per sons impl ica ted in i t , some of whom are now in Chicago, and who would undoubtedly leave a t once i f there was anything in the newspapers indica t ing thut we suspect them. Yours verv t ru ly , DAVID R. JOSLYN. I t was thereupon moved by Super visor Wright and seconded by Super visor Haeger , tha t th is board author ize the payment of a reward in the sum of $300.00 for the ar res t and con vic t ion of the par ty or par t ies who commit ted the Wenners t rom murder , provided i t sha l l be proven tha t sa id murder was commit ted wi th in th is county . Woodstock, 111. , Nov. 29 , 1911. To G. E . St i l l , County Clerk: We, the unders igned, members of the board of supervisors , hereby reques t you to call a meeting of said board to be held a t the i r rooms in the cour t house on the 4 th day of December next , for the purpose of t ransact ing such bus i ness as may proper ly come before sa id meet ing . BEN THROOP. F . D. PERKINS, IX M. WRIGHT, N. BROTZMAN, L. B. COVELL, J . E . WILLIAMS. JOHN BALDOCK. Amount due uin ty ' ' I KCUIT CLERK. Earned. $1286 40 I- or ivcuri t ing . . . Clerk ' s fees in su i t s in cour t . . Miscel laneous serv Amount a l lowed for serv ices days in cour t D7 0 4 S 246 0<~> STATE OF ILLINOI8, CJpunty of McHenry, ss. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of thf board of supervisors: Your committee on Alms-House and Farm would beg leave to submit tlM $2019 59 , following report on the matters beforo them: Said committee met at Alms House and Farm on Friday, the 1st. day of December, A. D. 1911, for the purpose of making an inventory of the personal property on and about said farm and transacting such other bus iness as should properly come before said committee. The inventory is as follows: FARM STOCK $•4365 91 Received. $1286 40 S49 75 4 8 i 5 T- . t Of h ; ; I ea rn ings i ! f year . .$ i o f earn- 1 1 re \ io t i s ly repor t - - I 1 1 r e , e i p t s EXPENDITURES S 409 20 J2t -S4 10 c lerk h i re Refunded docket fees Miscel laneous ex penses Clerk ' s sa lary for one-hal f year . . % S25 00 3 S 0 0 7 3 15 900 00 $1836 15 1 roan team 1 grey and bay team 1 b lack mare 13 cows 1 bul l 1 bul l 1 boar hog 2S p igs 20 p igs 600 chickens 90 guinea hens 5 7 ducks : i6 geese Pain ; county Fees in cour t Fees on Earni n g s • e due SHERIFF. Earned. <ui ts in $ 319 59 Locut ions 27 3 17 o t h e r than cour t cos ts 66S 90 Tota 1 earn ings? 1 2 6 1 06 Received of earn ings previous ly repor ted Tota l rece ip ts EXPENDITURES Livery , e tc $ 1 50 00 Miscel laneous ex penses 65 12 Sher i f f ' s sa lary for one-hal f year . . 700 00 $ S4 7 95 Received. $ 241 59 273 17 42 70 46 $ 915 12 The commit tee on re l ie f of b l ind , I {^ y t h e c o u n t y The special committee on Dunham bridge made the following report, which was approved, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee appointed to represent the county in the matter of county aid in build ing bridge in Dunham township across drainage ditch on road from South Dunham cemetery west to Island road, would beg leave to submit the follow ing report on the matters before them: That they met with the highway commissioners of Dunham township on July 15, 1911, and found that a bridge was necessary, that said com missioners had in all respects complied with the statutes in such cases and were entitled to county aid. They therefore In conjunct ion wi th sa id commiss ioners adver t i sed for b ids . That on Ju ly 2 9 th , 1911, they met a t R. D. Wei tzol ' s of f ice and rece ived the bids . At sa id meet ing i t was decided to change the p lan and new bids were adver t i sed for to be rece ived on Aug. 10th , 3 911, a t sa id R. D. Weitze l ' s of fice in Harvard. That they met on sa id Aug. 3 0 th , and le t the cont rac t for br idge wi thout the concre te work to the Joliet Bridge and Iron Co. for the sum of $644.00, the concre te work to be done by the commissioners, and ne-hal f of the 400 00 500 00 40 0* 650 00 28 00 65 00 20 00 300 00 200 00 300 00 35 00 42 00 45 00 nois, respectfully present the follow ing report of all fees and emoluments of my office and also of necessary ex penditures therefor, for and during the year ending November 29th, A. D. 1911, wherein I state the gross amount of all emoluments by me earned by of ficial service during said year, the total amounts of receipts of whatever name or character, and all expenditures for salary, stationery, printing and other expenses: RECEIPTS 1 per cent. com. on $87734.70 received from township c o l l e c t o r $ 8 7 7 3 5 2 per cent com. on $64731.42 received as county collec tor 1294 68 Making delinquent list for publication, 216 tracts, and 391 lots, at 3c; making de linquent list for judge ment, 128 tracts and 173 lots, at 3c; selling 79 tracts and 134 lots at 10c; (all Included in interest and costs). 1 per cent commission on $3206.65 received as coun ty treasurer 1 per cent commission on $117709.90 paid out as county treasurer Interest and costs received from delinquent tax Statements to township of ficers, 32 2 at 25c Making 1 duplicate inherit ance tax receipt 32 07 1177 10 461 22 80 50 . , , . . . , They would repor t tha t made the fo l lowing repor t , which was • t j i e c o s t sa jd concre te work was approved, to-wi t : Mr . Chai rman and Gent lemen of the Board of Supervisors : Your commlt- The committee to settle with the treasurer made the following report, which was approved, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee to settle with the treasurer would beg leave to submit the following re port on the matters before them: We have examined and checked the books and vouchers in the county treasurer's office and find them correct and satis factory, showing as follows: Balance on hand as per re port Dec. 1st, 1910 $ 12864 52 Receipts from all sources during the year 163172 77 tee to whom was referred the applica tion for relief of the blind for John Ford, George D. Williams and Julia Palm would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That the said John Ford has left McHenry county and we recom mend that the application be denied and no appropriation be made for him. Application having been made to this committee for re-instatement of the blind relief heretofore allowed to Geo. D. Williams of Crystal Lake, Illinois, and for whom no appropriation was made by this board at its annual Sep tember meeting 3 911, on account of property having been left to the wife of said applicant, this committee de sires to represent that they have con sidered said application and have de $704.16. They would therefore rec ommend tha t the county c lerk draw f o r m ^ m e an order on treasurer in favor of Joliet 1 h . .... ' Bridge drfd I ron Co. for the sum of t e l I ,uer- A- Q £ gTILL Balance due shf . $ 357 66 Your > ommit tee would recommend tha t an order be drawn on the county t reasurer for $357.66, the amount shown to be due the sher i f f . We would fur ther repor t tha t we have examined the sher i f f ' s account for d ie t ing pr isoners for the pas t s ix months and f ind tha t there i s due h im the sum of s ix hundred and s ix ty-nine dol la rs and f i f ty cents (1669.50) for wl i i< h we recommend tha t an order be Annual repor t of of f ic ia l fees and ' , 1 t a w n 0 , 1 t h e county t reasurer in fa - emoluments rece ived and expendi tures I t he sher i f f . made by Arthur A. <Tiss . y, county 11 being the duty of the board of treasurer of the county of M< Henry .supervisors to fix the compensation of ind state of Illinois: iprobation officer under appointment To the chairman of the county board uf the circuit court and it having been of McHenry county: I, Arthur A. Cris- brought to the attention of this com- sey, county treasurer in and for the mittee that such officer is to be ap- county of McHenry and state of Illi- | pointed in this county, we would rec ommend that the compensation of such probation officer be fixed at the sum of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars per month, to commence from date of appointment, and that the county clerk be authorized and instructed to draw a warrant on the county treasurer for said amount upon the expiration of each month after said appointment in favor of the party appointed to this position. The matter of the petition of va rious parties presented to this beard at the September meeting to increase the salary of chief deputy to the sher iff having been referred to this com mittee for report we therefore recom mend that the prayer of said petition be denied. We would further recommend that the compensation of the Janitor be in creased from $60.00 to $65.00 for the months of December, January, Febru ary and March. Owing to the fact that this board fixed the amount to be paid for pub lishing its proceedings for this year at the sum of $35.00 for each paper, pub lication to be made in each of the ten papers of the county, and that no paper has accepted the offer, and whereas, the matter has been referred to us for report, and believing that it would be useless to publish the en tire proceedings for this year at this time in more than one paper would recommend that the county clerk cor respond with each paper in the county asking that a bid be submitted by the 20th of this month, for the publication within thirty days from that date of the proceedings for the year in the regular issue or issues of the paper during that period and the printing of 500 copies of said proceedings in pamphlet form. All of which is respectfully sub mitted. H. M. TURNER, Chm. WILLIAM DESMOND, W. H. WARD, J. B. RICHARDSON, JOHN BALDOCK, C. W. THOMPSON, F. A. WALTERS. 50 Total earnings $3923 37 EXPENDITURES Sta t ionery and pr in t ing . . . . $ 7 6 9 0 Misce l laneous 13 75 Treasurer ' s sa lary for 1 year . 2250 00 Total expenditures $2340 65 Balance $1682 72 Respectfully submitted this 1st day st thereof to be paid 0f December, A. D. 1911. ARTHUR A. CRISSEY, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to In usual $322.00, and in favor of the t reasurer of the commiss ioners of h ighways of the town of Dunham for the sum of $352.08, be ing i r ie county ' s share of the cos t of bui ld ing sa id br idge Al l of which mi t ted . W. H. WARD, Chm. F D. PERKINS, C W. THOMPSON. (Seal ) County Clerk. The specia l br idge made committee on Coral the following report, which was approved, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee to whom was referred the con- Thc committee on fees and salaries v.. and on alms house and farm not being respectfully sub-1 ̂ t^le to report at this time, it was moved by Supervisor Wright and sec onded by Supervisor Baldock that this board adjourn for one week, for re ceiving said reports and for the trans action of any other business which may properly come before them. Mo tion carried. Thereupon said board adjourned for one week. HOMER E. WHIPPLE, Chairman. Attest: G. E. STILL, Clerk. . . s t ruc t ion of a br idge across the creek c ided tha t before ac t ion be taken 1 o j ) highway between sec t ions 11 thereon, a more extended inves t iga t ion ' n j ^ 2 , in the town of Cora l , would should be had and tha t sa id appl ica- leave to submit the fo l lowing re- t ion b>e l a id over unt i l the next je^gu- ! por t on the mat ters before them: lar meet ing , and the chai rman or th is , wi th the h ighway commis- commit tee ins t ruc ted to take s teps to s i ( i n e r s G f ^^e sa id town of Cora l and determine i f sa id appl icant should be . ^ t e r o r p a n j Z i n g i we determined the re- ins ta ted . k ind of a br idge which would be the The mat ter of the appl ica t ion 01 Ju- | 1 I 1 0 S ( economical and durable . We ad- l ia Pa lm is hereby refer red to Ben Throop, supervisor of Nunda township , • spec t fuUy sub- Tota l $176037 29 Disbursements for the year$171421 72 Balance on hand Dec. 1s t , 1911 $ 4615 57 The county t reasurer ' s i temized re por t here to a t tached, which , wi th the county t reasurer ' s repor t showing of f ic ia l co l lec t ions and disbursements made dur ing the pas t year , we submit as par t of th is repor t . We would rec ommend tha t the county t reasurer be and he i s hereby author ized to borrow a t the lowest ra te of in teres t such sums of money as may be requi red f rom t ime to t ime to pay the running expenses of the county unt i l suf f ic ient funds shal l have been col lec ted f rom the current year ' s taxes and turned over to the t reasurer by the var ious town col lec tors , to meet sa id expenses . All of which is respectfully sub mitted. BEN THROOP, Chm. S. H. FREUND D. M. WRIGHT, H. F. HEINEMANN, J. E. WILLIAMS. DEBITS Amount on hand December 1s t , 1910 $ 12864 62 Received from taxes 149639 98 Rec'd. from interest and costs 401 22 ver t ized for b ids and awarded the con tract to W. II. Wetherel, who was the lowest responsible bidder. We would repor t tha t a l l of the work for the cons t ruc t ion of sa id br idge , not in c luding approaches , was le t to sa id W. H. Wethere l for the sum of seventeen hundred and ninety dol lars ($3 790.00) . i »wing to lateness of the season the The c ommi t t e e on t inam e made tne pproaehes have not been bui l t and fo l lowing repor t , whieh was approved, probably cannot be unt i l another sea- to-wi t : son . We would repor t however tha t Mr. Chai rman a io l Gent lemen of the through ar i unders tanding and agree- IJoard of Supervisors : Your commit- : m < . n t wi th the sa id h ighway commis for h is cons idera t ion Al l of which mi t ted . I- \ WALTERS. Chm H. M TI 'KNEK, 11. M. WiMGIlT. made the tee to whom was refer red the bond of Ar thur A. Cr issey as county col lec tor for the year 1911. would beg leave to submit the fo l lowing repor t on the mat ters before them: We f ind sa id . ) bond duly executed in the penal sum j 3 o f one hundred twenty thousand , ( (120,000.00) dol lars s igned by Ar thur i , A. Cr issey as pr inc ipa l and by F .mi lus t .1 Jewet t , Eras tus Emery Richards , ' •^°- I , L . Murphy, George H. Hoy, ana John 1 M. Hoy; we would fur ther repor t tha t we deem the 6aid bond and the sure t ies thereupon good and suff ic ient and we therefore recommend tha t the same be approved by th is board . Al l of which i s respect fu l ly sub mit ted . JOHN BALDOCK, Chm. WILLIAM DESMOND. N. BROTZMAN. J . E . WILLIAMS, C. W. THOMPSON. .^Miners the county i s to pay one- th i rd of the cos t of sa id approaches . We uoul<l recommend tha t the c lerk be . i : i t hor ized to draw an order for one- i l f the cos t of sa id br idge , to-wi t : ! i r , in favor of sa id W. I I . Weth- , 1 . be ing t i ie county ' s share of sa id \ !1 l i t e , ] . The committee on education, made the following report, which was ap proved. to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee to whom was referred the matter of examining the records, books and papers of the office of county superin tendent would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: The condition of the school funds, for the school year beginning >f which i s respect fu l ly Bub- I> M. WRIGHT, Chm. F. D. PERKINS, N. BROTZMAN. S• : pe 1 \ i sor "Desmond presented the following resolution and moved its adoption, the motion being seconded t.y supervisor Thompson, was thereup on unanimously carried. Whereas , The County Farmers' In stitutes are doing a great work in pro moting and encouraging agricultural education in Illinois, and Whereas . A law was passed by the last general assembly making it law ful for county boards to appropriate a sum not exceeding $300.00 in any one year for the use of County Farm ers ' Inst i tutes ' Therefore, Resolved, That the board of supervisors of McHenry county d* appropriate the sum of $150.00 for the use of the McHenry County Farmers' Institute for the year 1913. WILLIAM DESMOND. Adjourned December Meeting, 1911 Board met pursuant to adjournment , a t the cour t house , in Woodstock on Monday, December 11th , 1911, a t 30 o 'c lock a . m. The meet ing was ca l led to order by the chai rman, H. E . Whip ple . At ro l l ca l l , N. Brotzman, D. M. Wright , H. E . Whipple , W. H. Ward, John Baldock, Wm. Desmond, F . D. Perkins , J . E . Wil l iams. H. F . Heine mann, F . A. Wal ters , C. W. Thomp son, I I . M. Turner , L . B. Covel l . J . B. Richardson, R. I I . Freund, Ben Throop and R. E . Haeger responded to the i r names cons t i tu t ing a fu l l board . The minutes of the preceding meet ing were read and approved. The commit tee on fees and sa lar ies made the fo l low ing repor t , which was unanimously approved, and ordered spread upon the record , to-wi t : Mr . Chai rman and Gent lemen ^if the Board of Supervisors : Your commit tee on fees and sa lar ies to vvhom was refer red the semi-annual repor ts of the county c lerk , c i rcui t c lerk and sher i f l for the hal f vear ending November 30th , A. D. 1931, would beg leave to submit the fo l lowing repor t on the mat ters before them. We have aud i ted the books and accounts of sa id of f icers and f ind the same correc t as fo l lows, to-wi t : COUNTY CLERK Earned. Received Probate fees . . . .11034 76 % 472 79 Clerk ' s fees in su i t s in cour t . . 283 90 472 79 County services . . 1051 00 108 80 Miscellaneous serv 355 70 354 30 The clerk presented lists of claims, for county poor, and for labor fees and supplies, which on motion were or dered referred to the proper commit tees for report. It was thereupon on motion of Supervisor Wright, ordered that the board adjourn to 1:30 P. M. for committee work. 1:30 P. M. The board met pursuant to adjourn ment, all members responding to their names at roll call. The committee on claims (county poor) made the following report which was approved, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee on county poor claims would beg leave to report that they have exam ined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the fol lowing, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts, allowed, as follows, to-wit: Marengo-- J . F . Sullivan, taking pauper to poor farm $ 3 50 Dr . C. C. Peck, pos t mor tem Wenners t rom 25 00 McHenry-- S. H. Freund, care and board Wil l iam Coates , J r 8 00 Block & Bethke , mdse . for John Freund Al l ;Ued. S 03 • f which is respect fu l ly sub- C W. THOMPSON, Chm. K. A. WALTERS. J . B. RICHARDSON, H. F . HEINEMANN, W. H. WARD. Tota ls $2725 30 Received of earn ings previous ly repor ted Tota l rece ip ts Balance due coun ty as Bhown by June 1911 repor t Total $ 933 89 819 19 $1763 78 4031 72 $6385 60 T!i> commit tee on c la ims ( labor fees and suppl ies) made the fo l lowing re por t . which was approved, to-wi t : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Hoard of Supervisors: Your commit tee on labor, fees and supplies claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the sev eral amounts allowed, as follows, to- wi t : P. F. Pettibone & Co., sup plies for county clerk $ 187 60 Western United Gas & El. Co., gas for sheriffs res idence 7 22 158 18 50 00 3 20 Tota l $ 2615 00 FARM PRODUCTS 40 tons hay $ 800 00 310 00 5 tons corn 65 00 2 s tacks corn 200 00 Tot a ' . $ 1375 00 FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 road wagon $ 5 00 20 00 10 00 22 50 2 s ingle harnesses 8 00 4 lap robes 1 00 1 p la t form spr ing wagon . . 25 00 3 t ruck wagons 30 00 55 00 5 00 10 00 40 00 1 00 2 50 40 2 se ts of curry combs and 1 00 4 00 80 1 water tank 1 00 1 seed dr i l l 25 00 1 pa i r ice tongs 50 1 r id ing p low 15 00 1 00 1 pai r horse c l ippers 75 1 hay car r ie r , fork and rope 8 00 10 corn knives 1 00 2 work benches and vice . . 0 00 10 l corn p lanter 12 00 1 3 -sec t ion drag 5 00 10 wrenches 1 00 60 2 pruning knives 50 Pruning saws 75 1 2- inch auger 50 25 3 00 1 trowel 25 1 hog wringer 25 300 feet fire hose and fixtures eo .00 7 50 1 00, 1 00 4 00 50 50 75 1 00 1 50 75 40 100 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 so 00 200 feet of % inch gardei 1 8 00 1 00 SO 00 7 60 1 00 75 12 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 8 00 1 garden drill . . . .s 5 00 6 hammers 1 •0 4 00 4 00 6 00 78 SS 1 00 1 set of wagon springs . . . 4 00 SO 00 6 00 50 2 00 1 00 40 25 50 1 00 6 00 2* 00 2* IS 2 it 4 00 1 01 50 7* 1 00 20 50 50 S$ i draw shave 1 00 2 cross cut saws 2 00 2 pairs of wire pincers 75 8 00 75 Ofr 1 spr ing toothed harrow ... 1 00 7» 8 00 5* 3 00 feet of # Inch hose .. . 4 00 6 •• 70 •• SO 00 100 •0 100 00 40 00 7 00 S 00 4 00 7 00 6 00 2 lawn mowers 8 00 1 fork for shoveling potatoes 2 45 S 11C5 45 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES « 2 00 1 gasol ine stove S 00 3 2 cuspidors 3 00 3 5 milk pitchers 2 50 10 t in pans 1 00 3 chopping bowls 10 Bread knives 25 3 mi lk cans 3 00 1 churn 1 00 12 deep d ishes 1 00 50 tea spoons 1 00 5 f ry ing pans I 50 1 rice boiler 2 00 15 chambers 15 00 1 lard press S 00 3 invalid chair 12 00 2 heating stoves 38 00 2 bureaus 4 00 1 II 1 milk tank 2 00 Frank Whaple, deputy sheriff for November, 1911 Michael Muldoon, witness fee, People vs. Kubicz All of which is respectfully sub-|l lard strainer mitted. 11 syrup pun^p N. BROTZMAN, Chm. F. D. PERKINS, BEN THROOP. L. B. COVELL, WILLIAM DESMOID. 10 small lamps 20 tin cups x pair of scales 6 pair of scissors 1 colander 4 quar t measures . . 2 dippers 6 milk ladles 1 range in «uperintendent's house 1 pai r c l ippers ( dish pans 1 but ter bowl 2 ranges in county bouM. . . 2 milk pails 18 milk setters 50 knives and forks 25 table spoons 5 dining tables 1 00 a 2 H 1 St g s The committee on alms house farm made the following report, which was approved, to-wit: f coal hods 1 bread trough . . 2 meat grinders . 1 bed room set . , 1 office desk 30 bracket lamps 20 p ie t ins 1 domen mops 30 arm chairs ....