Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1912, p. 5

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̂ tfce most satisfying of All Art ifici al Lights is not the only advan­ tage of the House Wired for Electricity for toe manual service phase is included. :: The Washing Machine that assumes this heav­ iest of household labors The Vacuum' Cleaner without which absolute cleansing is impossible The Electric Iron that transfers a task from a hot kitchen to the porch. :: And many other appli­ ances all operated with a trifling amount of cur­ rent are available. :: We wire houses at cost --24 months to pay--no interest. TJ^p expense is low. :: :: :: OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS CENTRAL OPERA BOUSE McHENRY. 11X0*018 R. HI* eracv's Bifl motion Picture SROIU , FEET OF FILM m ncnffiES run na* INDIAN, WESTERN, DMM4 AMD CPSDY ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM. DOORS OPEN AT 7:S0 P. H., SHOW AT tM Bank of |k^ EST ABL.LSHBD t8SS This Banlrreoeives deposits, pays 8 per <jent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles an«3 does a CENERJU BAHKHK BIISVKSS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first claa® security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstract# ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. AMISSMR, ADULTS, 20C :: :: IOC RESERVED SEATS How about that Chicken House you are going to build? We've a lot of No. a Boards and Dimen­ sion on hand right now that would be just the thing for such a building and at the price we're selling it, we don't believe you could ever build any cheaper. We want to show you this stock and leave the quality and price comparison to you. WILBUR LIMBER CO. Wen Mctlenry. * Phone 5 BKBlHILOAm Delicious Pastries li the Inevitable ramUt If yom mm White Swan ...Flour... nmiftH HNt £»AL,fci IBV- _ WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST MeHENKY. N.P. STOLEN &SON, N'HENRY JOHN RICHARDSON, ¥0L§ Hucrs, GROCERY, WMM WILLI AL ALTHOrr JOHNSBORGH. It seems like yesterday that mother mourned the transition from skirts to trousers--his rocking horse will soon give way to the base­ ball and the pigskin. He's developing, chang­ ing, every day, and you haven't had his picture taken in more than a year--yes, it's two years last Christ­ mas. There's a pho­ tographer in this town. SdiiM's Photo Studio 'PHONE 97L- WEST M'lBttY, EL. £ N C E R Jk jli-LE THE FLOUR. that never goes wrong | NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY I OUR ABLE CORK OF CORRESPONDENTS MfNMUNM We Appreciate the liberal patronage that has been extended us since locating in McHenry and ex­ tend our thanks to the many kind people "Of this village and the surrounding terri­ tory for past as well as fu­ ture favors. We are going to keep right on giving you the best that the market af­ fords in our line and hope that our goods and treat­ ment will continue to please you. :: :: J.W.Aebischer (S» McHENRY. ILL. Pratt.) w THOHE SO-W Don't fail to see Sherlock Holmes the second solve the great mystery in "The Masonic Ring." RING WOOD. H. M. Stephenson is painting his house. Richard Lawson of Elgin was in tQwn Monday. Starr Brink of McHenry was calling in town last Thursday. John W. Bell and Joe May were in Woodstock last Saturday. Mrs. Ora Harrison and two little daughters were Elgin visitors Monday. Mesdames Ada and Nellie Dodge spent Thursday and Friday in Chica- J. C. Ladd returned from Wisconsin Saturday evening with a carload of cows. Mr. and Mrs. Dunham of Marengo visited at C. E. H. TutUe's Thursday of last week. H. P. Allen and wife and Mrs. Flor­ ence Bell drove to Woodstock Satur­ day afternoon. Florence Smith attended the Sunday school convention at Harvard Friday and Saturday. August Walters and wife and Mrs. Dwelly of Woodstock were calling in town Saturday. William Allen of Greenwood was calling on his sister, Mrs. Walkington, Tuesday afternoon. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday of this week with Edith McCannon. Tea will be served. C. W. Harrison was called to War­ ren, 111., Sunday morning by the sud­ den death of Elon Harrison. Misses Frank and Edith Ingalls and p]rnest Ingalls of Elgin attended the funeral of Elon Harrison Tuesday. Before buying a buggy see our 1912 Ideal top. Something new--a full line to select from. Wni. Stoffel. 41-tf Miss Mary Bell ^returned home Sun­ day. Her brothef, Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierce of Spring Grove came with her and spent the day. The W. C. T. U. met at Mrs. Emma Brown's Thursday of last week to make arrangements for Decoration day exercises, which will be held in the M. W. A. hall May 30 at 2 o'clock p. m. Rev. Mary Moreland will be the speaker. ELON HARRISON. Elon Harrison, a former resident of Ringwood, was brought here for burial Tuesday. He was born in Ringwood Dec. 13, 1870, and died at his home in Warren, 111., May 18, 1912. In 1896 he was married to Miss Mamie McDonald. Six children were born to them, two dying in infancy. Four, with the heartbroken wife, are left to mourn his early departure. He also leaves an aged mother and four brothers, be­ side numerous other relatives. All his life, until about five years ago, was spent in Ringwood, where he had many friends who will miss him, and who sympathize with the sorrowing family. He was a member of the Ma­ sonic order and of the Modern Wood­ man. The funeral was held in the M. E. church, Rev. Collins officiating, and who spoke very comforting words. Mrs. Laura Norton of Richmond sang. The Masonic service was held at the grave, and the remains were tenderly laid to rest in the Ringwood cemetery beside his children. The floral offer­ ings were many and beautiful. If you want to see a real jealous hus­ band see Roderick York in "The Ma­ sonic Ring" at the Central Saturday evening, May 25. KMERALI) HARK. Phil Aylward ate dinner at Frisby's Sunday. Mrs. E, Walsh is spending a few days in Elgin. Henry Bending spent the past week at his cottage. Henry Berkircher spent the past week in Chicago. Mesdames E. and S. Knox visited at M. Sutton's Sunday. Jas. Armstrong and wife spent a day recently at their cottage. W. J. Walsh transacted business at the county seat on Tuesday. Miss Nancy Frisby is visiting rela­ tives in Elgin the past week. "Doc" Hayes and wife of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby of Mc­ Henry visited Miss Gibbs Sunday. John Phalin and daughter, Eleanor, were callers in this vicinity Sunday. George Blum and family of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the Park. Capt. Haxton and son, Harry, spent Sunday at their summer home at the Park. Miss Buttner of Crystal Lake spent a few days the past week at W. Walsh's. Mrs. P. Costello of Elgin and Mrs. E. Walsh of Chicago spent Friday at Mrs. E. Walsh's. Mrs. W. McGee of Chicago and Miss Keefe of Woodstock visited E. Knox's one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony McSwiggin and Mrs. Fitzpatrick of Chicago spent Friday at E. Knox's. Misses Goggin and O'Connell of Chi­ cago were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Goggin over Sunday. You really can't afford to miss see­ ing that mysterious fortune teller and who it turns out to be in "The Masonic Ring." COMING. Dp, 3, J. Sehaefer of Elgin, eye sight specialist, will be in Mc- Htk Henry on Friday, May 24, at Dr. Chamberlin, the dentist's office. Spec­ tacles and eye glasses accurately fitted All work guaranteed. "Get some pointer from the profes­ sional detective, Bartholomew Jere­ miah Farebrother, at "The Masonic [Ring" Saturday evening, May 25, Mrs. W. E. Dike spent Friday in the city. P. R. Fridendall spent Saturday at Elgin. A. P. Peck was a caller at Batavia M A. F. Davis of Austin was in town Thursday. Miss Clara Salow was a Crystal Lake caller Friday. Mrs. S.Thayer of Woodstock was in town Monday. Mrs. A. Hanson ancj son, Earl, drove to Huntley Sunday. Frank Peck of Chicago called at R. L. Dufield's Sunday. J. J. Reser was a business caller at Crystal Lake Monday. F. W. Hartman was a Woodstock business caller Monday. Miss Glenys Jacobs went to Wood­ stock Monday afternoon. S. A. Merchant and D. L. Gibson 1 went to Harvard Monday. Frank Havanac, wife and child were Woodstock callers Saturday. Miss Rose Barden of Chicago visited with Mrs. R. Dygert Saturday. Louis Thayer and Leslie Howarth of Woodstock were in town Sunday. Mrs. A. Dietz and daughter, Arline, were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Ormsby set out for Wi­ baux, Mont., Wednesday forenoon. Miss Clara Eichkoff of Woodstock spent Sunday with Miss Glenys Jacobs. Mrs. C. D. Stratton and daughter, Lucile, called in Woodstock Saturday. The Cemetery Aid society met at the home of Mrs. D. O. Kline Thurs­ day. Mrs. E. E. Knilans and daughter, Rhoda, were Woodstock callers Satur­ day- Mrs. A. Stephenson and daughter, Arline, were Woodstock callers Satur­ day. Mrs. A. Peterson and daughter, Rose, were at Crystal Lake Saturday after­ noon. Oscar Bartz of Chicago was the guest of Miss Cora Lock wood Saturday and Sunday. Henry Carlson and wife of Wood­ stock spent Sunday at the home of E. Letsler. Ralph Walkup is home for a few days from an agricultural school in Indiana. Miss Edna -Salow visited with her cousins, the Misses Kegebein, at Crys­ tal Lake. Mrs. C. H. Giesselbrecht and daugh­ ter, Helen, were Woodstock visitors Thursday. Wm. Hesselgrave took dinner at the home of his son, Reuben, at Wood­ stock Friday. On aocount of scarlet fever, school was closed in the Waikup district one day last week. Misses Genevieve Goddard and Claia Salow attended a convention at Har­ vard Saturday. Mrs. C. E. Lock wood and daughter, Cora, were business callers at Wood­ stock Saturday. Mrs. Winnie Ward of Woodstock spent the week at the home of her sis­ ter, Mrs. R. Dygert. Dr. Ryder of Chicago was here re­ cently looking after the interests of the Borden company. Frank Wagner and lady friend of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pope. Lyman Levey of Crystal Lake is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levey. Mrs. R. L. Dufield attended the meeting of the order of the Eastern Star at Crystal Lake Friday evening. Mrs. Bertha Jenck of Beloit visited with her mother and sister, Mrs. Ris- ley and Mrs. D. O. Kline, recently. Grandma French of McHenry, who is staying with her daughter, Mrs. A. Stephenson, went to Woodstock Satur­ day. Wesley Skinner of Woodstock is spending a week at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Du­ field. Herman Irish of Harvard spent the latter part of the week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Irish. The Cemetery Aid society will meet with Mrs. C. F. French Friday, May 31, one day later than usual on account of Decoration day. A little stranger has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benson. The little new girl intends to make it her permanent home. The Sunday school will give a "Seven cent social" in the church parlors Fri­ day evening, May 24. There will be music and good things to eat. The eighth grade pupils of the Ridgefield publio school took the pre­ liminary examination given by A. M. Shelton at the Crystal Lake high school Saturday. Mrs. R- W. Waterman and son, Hen­ ry. Mrs. B. Waterman and daughter, Avis, Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daugh­ ters, Virginia and Mabel, of Wood­ stock Sundayed at the county seat. MAY DANCE. A cordial invitati&i is extended to everyone to be present at a May dance to take place at Stoffel's hall next Sat­ urday evening, May 25. Those having the event in hand tell us that every arrangement is being made to enter­ tain a large crowd at McHenry's most popular dancing resort on this evening and one fine time is assured all who attend. Heimer's orchestra will fur­ nish the music. Dance tickets, 75 cents. is the home of None Such Goods and we certainly would be pleased to de­ liver to your door a trial order. We also carry a full line of Blossom Brand Goods, Vegetables and Fruit. Let us supply you with our Early Ohio Seed Potatoes. WE DELIVER GOODS Math. Laures Phone 653 West McHenry (F ilOJ FADS li are frequently about as suitable to health and comfort as low shoes and low necks in the win­ ter time are to long life. The regrettable thing about them, however, in hothe building is that a mistake once made is made for life. Few people can afford to take a chance like this. Those who build with lumber are on the safe side because they are using a material that has been tested for years. And those who let us specify and supply the lumber are doubly sure of satisfaction because we are par­ ticularly careful to buy only standard manufacture and virgin timber products. We've had lots of experience in house building and can save you a lot of mis­ takes when you get ready to build. We don't charge a cent for our advice, however, but would like to sell you the lum­ ber, doors, windows, frames, etc. ••There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE 6. ® 0 0 YCIII1 IliMMOTHER USED IT NEVER DiSAifOINTS FOR SAiLE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. P. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh SQ| Center of "this locality-is lo-" cated here. Our stock is largest, it is the most complete. * We handle everything that ordinary drug stores carry and scores of things that not one in a dozen carries. In brushes, toilet articles and drug store sundries it is the same as in drugs. When you want anything to be found in a large and diversified stock ,and when you care to get goods of worthy quality at the fairest prices obtainable, come and see ns. We are glad to show you goods; we are pleased to give you quotations. This is a time-of the year when this store can be of especial service to farmers. Our assortment of stock and poultry supplies is not only complete but everything is fresh and of full strength. :: :: :: N. H. Druggist. McHenry, III. Warm will find you in need of many articles that are on sale at ; X 3 only first-class Hardware, Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and1 are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season V. L. McOMBER, | The West Side Hardware Man* N* IS HERE Little Chicks and Their mothers should have Hess' Panacea the chicks to promote their growth and keep them healthy, and the hens- to prevent chol­ era and make them lay more eggs. :: Instant Louse Killer and Hess' Dip and Disinfectant will keep poultry free from lice. t v. McAllister & co. Agents West McHenry An elegant new line of Stavar bug­ gies and Northwestern truck wagons st Math, Freund's. 13 We have an elegant new line of Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum In fact, we have everything in the Home Furnishing line and know that we can sat­ isfy you both in quality and price. JACOB JUSTEN ttle Use nothing but the best of everything in making up our bakery goods. The best grade of flour, good, pure milk, the very best of lard, the best grade of sugar and the highest priced spices are used. Buy yotir bakery here and be sure you are getting the be&it. :: A. TIETZ, Prop. Phone aoj'R I! NMMMNMNM t § 4 , I P H I L I P J A E O E R GENERAL COilMlSSION MERCHANT 9PS0LAI* ATTENTION GIVEN TO THB SALS OF Pressed Beef, rtutton. Hogs, Veal. Pwltiy, * Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This Is the oldest house on the street Tags and priot Ms* faraisfcsd •» application. coi n STORAGE FRBtf CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall a ). Paltoa St W h o -- l U H M t

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