Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1912, p. 5

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I ,J /P® EVERYBODY'S SAY I NO IT ' - "... 4» - j*; SAYING WMATfSS at the Central Opera House last Sunday evening, but, watch for OUR SHOW -FOR- Sun., 3uly 2 to be published next week If you failed to see our show last Sunday, don't feel blue, but come Sunday, July ai, and you will see some show. Don't forget Sxirvda^y, J\ily 21st NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •Mb - Riverside Park, McHenry, T WILL PRESENT- / ? & Sidrsf , • MWi Ml. J , or EACH WEEK, GIVING TWO SHOWS EACH EVENING All Seats, IOC. House Wiring and Supplies BEST OF EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SAMUEL M. ESLER TELEPHONE N*. 102-M M9HENRY, ILL VOLO. JULY, 4, 1912. Miss Ella Moore was a Wauoonda caller Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. Benwell of Morton Park is visiting her children here. Mr. and Mrs. B. Compton of Wood stock spent Tuesday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers of Wau­ kegan are visiting1 their daughters here. Mfs. Lucy Clough and Bessie were recent visitors at Mrs. A. J. Ray­ mond's. Miss Muriel C'ossman spent Wednes­ day and Thursday with~iier aunt, Mrs. Jas. Kirwan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krutenberg and daughter of Waukegan spent Sunday at John Walton's. Miss Marian Huson is spending her vacation in Owens, Wis., visiting Chauncy Jepson and family. Mrs. J. Converse, who has been spending the past eight weeks in Wau- conda, is now stopping with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. J. Walton. Ray Paddock and Miss Irma Huson of Fort Hill were marr^-d in Libert y- ville Wednesday, June 2fc. They will be at home after July 21 at their home east of town. JULY 11, 1912. Ves Wagner and family were Mc­ Henry visitors Sunday. Miss Naomi Vasey of Round Lake spent Sunday at Win. Dunriill's. Miss Bessie (.'lough of Wauconda called on her aunt here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger and son of East Fremont called at John Walton's Sunday. Mrs. M. Mc.Mahon and daughter of Chicago were calling ou Miss M. Moore Tu sday. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Kapple of C.rays- lake s|>ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. John Hniwii of Wan- c >nda visited with John Brown and family here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Croker of Liberty- ville spent from the Fourth till Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raught enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Howard of Grant, Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson and sons of Fort Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland and children of Waukegan Sunday at a dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. Rogers, who are visiting there. TKKKA COfTA- W. F. Burke of Chicago visited at M. Knox's Sunday. Walter Conway visited relatives in Elgin a few days last week. Miss Evelyn Carey of Ringwood vis- at J. M. l'halin's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wegener of Lily Lake visited at Jos. Buss' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chi­ cago visited at S. B. Leisner's recent- r .a"' ~r-> I Want to Rent a House WANT a house of eight rooms, with 1 modem conveniences. Nut coo far out of town. You have something you think 1 will like? Very well; I will call this afternoon and you may show it to me.** The home-hunter finds the Bell Tele­ phone a great convenience. It saves her many steps. Every Bell Telephone to • Long Distance Station CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY 5SS ly. Dr. H. D. Hull of .Crystal Lake was :i caller in this vicinity Saturday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Riley and son, Raymond, were Chicago visitors re­ cently. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin is en­ joying a two weeks' vacation at her home here. Miss Eleanor Phalin was the guest of the Misses Welch at McHenry one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and chil­ dren of McHenry were guests of rela­ tives here recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy spent a few days recently in the home of their son, Merton, at Honey Creek, Wis, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Person of Chica­ go wore guests of tin' latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Leisner, Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin, daugh­ ter, Eleanor, son. Thomas, and Mr. ^nd Mrs. George Phalin and son spent Sat­ urday at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin and son, Thomas, of Tuscaloosa. Ala., have been visiting at the home of J. M. Phalin. Mr. Phalin returned to his home Monday, while his w ife and son will sj>end the summer in Illinois. McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1912. The premium lists for the Mc­ Henry county fair arc now ready. If you did not get one write to Theo. Hamer, Sec., Woodstock, HI. 4 "IN ARIZONA." Aulger Bros.' big show will visit McHenry once every year, alwuys pre­ senting a truly meritable play. The play for this year is entitled "In Ari­ zona." It is an excellent Western comedy drama, from the pen of Addison Aulger, and is guaranteed to please. We hope by our past offerings we have met the approval of our pat i ons $nd have gained their contidence, as that has been our chief aim in playing the same towns and cities each year, and we learn from many of our friends and acquaintances that we have accom­ plished this to a considerable extent. We always want to please, for our. reputation as will as our investment is at stake. We hope our patrons will believe us when we say "In Arizona' is a first-class play and well worth your time and money. AULGER BROS. 4 SERVICES AT N. E. CHURCH. Order of services at the McHenry M. E. church next Sunday, July 14, is Sunday school at ten a. m. Subject-- 'The Seed in the Four Kinds of Soil." Text --Mark 4:1-20. Golden text--"Re­ ceive with meekness the ingrafted word, which is able to save your souls." Preaching services at 11 a. m. Sermon by the paetor. Kl Mi JfiFIBLU. W. Levey spent the Fourth at Rock- ford. C. Hoy and G. Gorh&m were in Woodstock last week. Mrs. Rose Goddard was a Ridgefield caller recently. Mrs. A. L. Swanson went to the city Tuesday morning. Mrs. S. Wakefleld spent several days at WToodstock recently. Miss Glenys Jacobs spent Sunday in McHenry and Monday in the city. The Missionary society met at the home of Mrs. A. Jacobs Tuesday after­ noon. Herman and Sherman Irish of Har­ vard spent Sunday at the parental home. Walter Reed, Bob Gronzo and Ed­ win Nielson were Crystal Lake callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard of Wood­ stock spent Saturday and Sunday in Ridgelield. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bartz of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the E. E. Knilans home. Mrs. L. Johnson and son, Lloyd spent several days last week with rel­ atives at Batavia. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schumacher en­ tertained company from the city sev­ eral days recently. Miss Margaret Fay spent the Fourth with her sister, Gertrude, at the P. B. Haughawout home. Miss Burgett returned to Rockford Sunday after a two weeks' vacation s|>ent with her parents. Messrs. P. B. Haughawout and C. H. Or.nsbv were business callers in the city Tiu^day of last week. Misses Ethel Reed, Glenys Jacobs, Elsie and Mabel Wille enjoyed a trip to Crystal Lake last week Thursday. Freeman Giesselbrecht of Woodstock visiUnl at. the manse Sunday. He also made the acquaintance of his little niece. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richerson of Chi­ cago sj tent several days recently with Mrs. Rieherson's sister, Mj-s. S. M. Simmons, and family. Messrs. and Mesdames II. P. and J. L. Barber entertained several of their relatives from the city at their farm home at a Fourth of Juh\ dinner. George Phillips and Mr. Towner of Woodstock spent part of their vaca­ tion with Arthur Skinner at Burton's Bridge and enjoyed a two days' fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and two children of Woodstock visited with Mrs. Skinner's sister, Mrs. Krepal, and family at Burton's Bridge from Sun­ day till Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Re6er and daugh­ ter, Marjory, were Delavan Lake fish­ ers Friday. They also exiled on Mr Reser's brother, H. M. Reser, and family at Hebron. The Sunday school contest between the Reds and the Blues closed last Sun day in favor of the Blues. The Reds will give a picnic to the Blues July 19 in WTalkup's grove. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler are entertaining Miss Almeda Townsend of Honolulu, Hawaii, for an extended visit. Miss Townsend was a visitor at the Wheeler home seven years ago. Mrs. A. Anners.and Mrs. A. Peter­ son will give a social for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid society Friday even­ ing, July 12, on the church lawn. Ice cream and cake will be served. An excellent program will be given in the church in connection with the social. The principal part of the program will be a one act farce given by sixteen of the young people, who have been practicing for some time under the direction of Mrs. J. J. Reser. The farce is a burlesque on photography and all are invited to come and enjoy a good laugh and help the society in their good work. Admission for adults, 25 cents: children, 15 cents. This also includes refreshments. UOLCOMBVILLK. F. D. Davoll spent last week at his home here. Miss Zella Hutson is spending this week at C. Hutson's. Will Doherty spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. Zanders of Elgin are guests at P. F. Hunt'9. Mr. and Mrs. P. Flanders were call­ ers here one day last week. Miss Nellie Doherty spent Tuesday and Wednesday in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beiser and chil­ dren spent Thursday in Elgin. Mrs. B. F. Peck entertained her sis­ ter f/om Lake Geneva recently. Mrs. Montz and son of Elgin were visitors at W. Pomrening's recently. Miss Eva Davoll spent Wednesday afternoon with Villa and Mildred Flan­ ders. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Randall spent the Fourth at V. F. Hunt's. Misses Anna and Mary Bolger of Emerald Park are spending a few days I . , , . I V ,V,c i i -»y ' a Miss Mamie Costello and Phil Ayl- ward were callers at Will Doherty's Thursday evening. The air dome still continues to offer each week something new and novel and is getting to be the popular resort» Superb productions are being shown from the world's most remarkable The Wired House IS A MORE COMFORTABLE HOUSE MORE VALUABLE HOUSE MORE nmm mm Ask your neighbor who has it about the pleas­ ure and convenience of ELECTRIC SERVICE It's within the reach of any income. And the ex­ pense of wiring houses for it is low. :: We do the work at cost, payable in 24 monthly installments. PUBLIC SERVICE CO. Or NORTHERS ILLINOIS . • , * ; * • - " • ? \ ' K ' * * J studios. E. F. Mat thews will have a carload of large Alberta peaches arrive in Mc­ Henry between the fifteenth and twen­ tieth of this month. Just the thing for canning, l-,- . place your order with him at OIK" 3-2t YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT NEVER DISAPPOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. P. A. BOHLANDER JOHN STOPFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBKECHT Johnsburgh h ("yflffwi * VLt p| 11 'J1 n ind druery This is the place where the best of meats and the fresh­ est of groceries, vegetables and fruits are always obtain­ able. We aim to please our customers and with that end in view we buy nothing but the very best and sell at a price that is fair. Our ser­ vice cannot be surpassed. We solicit your patronage. J.W.Aebischer (SucMMr to C. offratt.) NcHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE 80-M PROBA TE NEWS What you ask for is what \ou get here. You are not asked to buy some­ thing "just as good." Pete«ch. 52 I Furnished by McHeury County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office In Ar­ nold Block, east stde public square. Ab­ stracts of title and eonveyaurtue. Monev U) loan on real estate In sums of Ave hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and to suit borrower. Phones 884. #03 ana 0U.| REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Frank H Wattles & w to Jos May. pt't 8, blk 3 original plat W McHenry I21S0 00 Fred Deutscbmann &. w to Mathlaa E ('•omlsky. it 4 Win Mouslett's sub-dlv of pt wH nwX sec i» and pt eH ne* sec 35, McHenry «®00 P Flanders & w to Wells Wlnulgstad. et al. It 2, blk 2, E P Flanders' sub- dir. sec 28, McHenry. MOW MARRIAGE LICENSES. Leon G. Waterman, 26.. Marengo Anna M. Nelson, 19 " WHO IS GUILTY? North Crystal Lake Herald: Two young McHenry sports, on their way to Crystal Lake in a buggy last Sun­ day afternoon, were in a hilarious mood, when suddenly their equine be­ came frightened at a passing auto and ran thru a ditch, then the animal turned and again ran thru the same tch. The heighth of the young fel­ lows' happiness (?) was reached when the outfit ran into a cherry tree. No serious damage resulted from the escapade. Brick ice cream for Sunday. Eiesve orders NOW at McAllister's. 4 Dependable Drugs There are distinct advantages in buying drugs and medicines where you know the experience and training of the management is such as to i n s u r e s c i e n t i f i c s e r v i c e . . . . - For Your Protection When* we supply your drugs you can always be sure that everything necessary to protect your interests has been done. We also con­ sider right prices as part of good service and will guarantee that, quality considered, lower prices than ours cannot be found anywhere. N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. 'Phone 56-W McBFNPV, |U '.'Ml will find you in need of many articles that are on sale at only first-class Hardware Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season F. L. McOMBER-, The West Side Hardware Man. •.*: •«v * Y - . IS HERE We have an elegant new line of Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum In fact, we have everything in the Home Furnishing line and know that we can sat­ isfy you both in quality and price. JACOB JUSTEN You Know and so do we that baking during the hot summer months is anything but a pleasant undertaking and we are here to save the women of McHenry and vi­ cinity a lot of work. LET US DO YOUR BAKING FOR YOU. We can do it more quickly and just as good if not better than you, kind lady, could do it yourself. Let us do the worrying for yok. # v l>lioiieio3-R A. T1ETZ, Prop I J =^1 P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COrtMISSlON MERC HA JIT SPECIAL ATTENTION G1VKN TO THE SALE Of Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poeltfy* Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest koaae on the street. Tags and price !M» tlMtAed on application. COLD STORAUB FREE CHICAQO. ILLINOIS-Stall * *. Pattea 9$. Whodtto Market.

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