Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Aug 1912, p. 4

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Jte NcHeiry MiiBieaier PO*LrSH*D CTCRT TtttTMDAT »T F. Q. SCHREINER. Hik Bttlldlns. Tol«phon«, No.tTS. '; rmnm* op •ua»oniPTioN« : *-8® •fc* oumtts, M«M. Tkm Matba. M«M. Tkundmy, August 8,191a. SIDEWALK ORDINANCE. AN ORDIN ANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OE SIDE­ WALKS OF CONCRETE, AND PRO- VIBTNG FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PORTION OF THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH WALKS BY THE VILLAGE^ ALSO PROVID­ ING-FOR SPECIAL TAXATION ON THE ABUTTING PREMISES FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE REMAIN­ ING PORTION OF THE COST OF SAID WALKS, AND ALSO PROVID­ ING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE ^VIOLATION OF CERTAIN PROVI­ SIONS OF SUCH ORDINANCE: Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village cf McHenry, of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, as follows, to-wit: Section 1. That all concrete or ce­ ment walks hereafter laid in any pub­ lic street or place in said Village shall be of concrete where no special ordi­ nance has been or may be provided therefor, and shall not be of less than flour (•) feet in width; that the excava­ tion for the bed of said walks shall not be less than one and one-quarter (li) feet in depth, said bed to be filled or made of gravel, sand or good live cin Am to within four (4) inches of grade Use; said filling to be thoroly tamped Md rammed; upon said bed shall be placed or laid three (3) inches of con 'mete work, to be mixed in the follow­ ing proportion, to-wit: One (1) portion at the best Portland cement to seven (7) parts clean sand and gravel or broken stone, except as to cross walks, which shall be laid with five (5) inches of maerete of the same proportion as •foresaid, said concrete shall be thoro- |jr mixed in dry form, then wet and aiixed again; one (1) inch of top finish­ ing in following proportions, to-wit: One (1) portion of the best Portland cement to one and one-half (li) parts of clean, sharp sand, to be thoroly mixed dry before wetting; said top fin­ ishing to be thoroly floated down and troweled and creased at each block; said walks shall be laid in separate blocks of uniform size, but not to ex­ ceed four and one-half (41) feet in length; said work shall be bound in food and substantial forms, set true to grade. Section 2. That all sidewalks here­ after built, constructed or re-laid with­ in said Village shall be built with a •tope of one-quarter (i) of one inch to the foot toward the center, of the street on which they are laid (Section 3. The grade for all side­ walks within the corporate limits of Mid Village, under and in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, or any other ordinance which shall or may be hereinafter passed, shall be established by some competent engin­ eer employed by the said Board of Trustees for that purpose, and it shall be the duty of said engineer to furnish a plat of such grade to the Board of Trustees aforesaid; and such Board of Trustees aforesaid, or some person authorized by them, shall furnish such plat or grade to the owner, his agent or lessee of the property interested or to the superintendent of streets, or other officer or person in charge of the construction of said walks, upon their application to said Board of Trustees. Said grade shall be the same, as near­ ly as possible, from one end of the block to the other. Section 4. No sidewalk shall be laid, beik of constructed under the pro- vaaions of this ordinance, at any differ­ ent grade, or upon any other level tfcan of the adjacent sidewalk, unless so ordered by the Board of Trustees. Section 5. That any person desiring to lay any concrete or cement walk •hall, before beginning such work, ob­ tain a permit to lay the same from the committee on sidewalks of said Vil­ lage. Section 6. All concrete sidewalk built and constructed under and in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance which are accepted by the Board of Trustees, if so constructed by the owner of the property abutting on •aid sidewalk, such owner shall be paid by the Village Board six (6) cents per square foot of sidewalk. Section 7. All such sidewalks shall be constructed as hereinbefore set forth by the owner of the abutting premises, when and in such time and where the President of the Board of Trus­ sed the Board of Trustees shall, .by resolution in each case provide. •And upon refusal or neglect of such Owner or owners to build or construct - tuch sidewalk within the time as pro­ vided in such resolution, or within thirty (30) days from the time a copy of such resolution is served upon such owner or owners or person or persons who paid the last general tax on said Abutting premises, then and in that ebse, the Village Board shall have the right to build and construct such side­ walk or walks, and upon its comple­ tion by the said Village Board, the 4wner or owners of the abutting prem­ ises to such sidewalk shall immediate­ ly pay to the Village Treasurer the it and necessary expanse of construct- ig the same, less six (6) cents per Square foot of sidewalk. -Upon the •completion of the sidewalk so con­ structed by the Village Board and an Itemized statement of the cost and ex­ pose thereof submitted to the owner Or onyners of the premises abutting such owner or owners to pay the cost and necessary expense, less six (6) cents per square foot of sidewalk, to the Treasurer aforesaid, then a bill of the cost of the construction of such sidewalk, by the Village Board, show­ ing as accurately as possible in sepa­ rate items the cost of construction, and supervision thereof, shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of such Vil­ lage, certified to by officers or persons designated by said Village Board to take charge of the construction of such sidewalk, together with a list of the lots or parcels of land touching upon line of such sidewalk so constructed by the Village Board; the names of the owners thereof and the frontage; whereupon said Clerk shall proceed to prepare a special tax list against said lot, lots or parcels, and the owner or owners thereof, for the necessary cost and expense of the construction of such sidewalk, less six (6) cents per square foot of sidewalk, which special tax list shall be filed in the office of said Clerk, and said Clerk shall thereupon issue warrants directed to such officer as may be designated, by resolution of the Village Board, for the collecting of the amount of special tax so ascer­ tained to be due from the respective owners of the land touching on the line of said sidewalk. Section 8. Upon a failure to collect such special tax as heretofore provided in this ordinance, it shall be the duty of said Clerk/ cm or before the first day of May succeeding the levy of the same, to make report of all such spe­ cial tax, in writing, to the County Treasurer of the County of McHenry aforesaid, of all the lots or parcels of land upon which such special tax shall be se unpaid, with the names of the respective owners thereof, so far as the same are known to said Clerk, and the amount due and unpaid upon each tract, together with a copy of the reso­ lution ordering the construction of said walk, and together with a copy of the ordinance or resolution ordering such construction of such sidewalk, which report shall be accompanied by the oath of the Clerk ajforesaid that the list is a correct return of the lots and parcels of land upon which the special tax levied by the authority of the Village Board for the cost and necessary expense of the sidewalk (less six (6) cents per square foot) in such ordinance or resolution specified re­ mains due and unpaid, and that the amount therein stated as due and un­ paid, has not been collected, or any part thereof. Section 9. Whenever the owner or owners of any such lot or parcel of land construct such sidewalk in acoord- ance with this ordinance and in ac­ cordance with the ordinance o£ reso­ lution requiring it to be constructed, such owner shall file with the Clerk of the Village an itemized statement of the cost of construction of such side­ walk, so constructed by him, and veri­ fied by" affidavit, together with a cer­ tificate of the officers or of the person directed by such ordinance or resolu­ tion to superintend the construction thereof, that such sidewalk has been constructed and fillly completed by such owner, in accordance with such ordinance or resolution. The said Village shall thereupon, at its first meeting thereafter, allow an order to be issued to such owner for an amount equal to the sum of six (6) cents per square foot of sidewalk, said order to be cm the Treasurer of said Village. Section 10. That if any person shall build, renew, lay or relay, or attempt to build, renew or relay, or knowingly assist in doing so, any sidewalk or por­ tion thereof where no grade has been established, without first obtaining a grade therefor, from said committee on sidewalks, or upon a grade contrary to that established by said committee on sidewalks, such person so offending shall be fined in a sum of not less than five (5) dollars nor more than twenty (20) dollars for each and every offense, and a like sum for every day he or she shall fail, neglect or refuse to relay, renew, build or construct such side­ walk or a portion thereof in conform­ ity with the provisions of this ordi­ nance. Section 11. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances heretofore passed in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force, from and after its passage, approval and publication, as is provided by law. Passed this 5th day of August, A. D. 1912. Approved this 5th day of August, A D. 1912. Published this 8th day of August, A. D. 1912. J. H. Miller, President. Attest: H. E. Price, Village Clerk. IF YOU HAVE CARPETED FLOORS AND PREFER Hard Wood and Rugs AMUSEMENT ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, as follows, to-wit: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, corporation or corporations to hold, give or exhibit for gain any entertainment of a dra­ matic, operatic, minstrel or vaudeville character, public readings and recita­ tions, exhibitions of paintings or statu­ ary, concerts, musical entertainments, panoramas, moving pictures, feats of jugglery .sleightof hand or necromancy, and exhibitions of any natural or arti­ ficial curiosities, when given in any theater, opera house, nail or other public building, or give or exhibit any circus, menageries, caravan, side show, minstrel or musical entertainment given under a covering of canvas, ex­ hibition of monsters or freaks of na­ ture, variety or minstrel show, or oper­ ate a merry-go-round within the limits of the Village of McHenry without first obtaining a license so to do, which said license shall be issued and signed THIS sractALLY P1ICSD Chi-Namel Floor Outfit - WPS eL iJfTE^.RST YOU ^ • It contain* IQ0 sq, ft. erf hard-wood floor surface, which _looka_ and wean like newly varnished wood. A* ea$it to apphj m plain T^/tady te tfcM; on mxt day. Graining Fint Coater hides die old color. e Graining Compound gives die grain­ ing color. The little SeV-Graber makes die gram. (Doe* not require a skilled hand to hold k.) Chi Nm@I Varnish gives it any color dsms«i and a high lustre with one application. This Floor Outfit con­ tains a Self-Grainer, Set of Brushes, and material to grain* stain and varnish 100 square feet of wfface Only $2.50 A Tm-Ywt old Child Can Apply *«• You Can't Go Wrong. Come to our store and learn to grain like an expert in 5 minutes. You'll not have to buy. S. W. BROWN RINCWOOD, ILLINOIS CMSSIFIE! DMTIENT AS! advertisement* Inserted under this head at the following rate*: Flvellneior leu, tt cent# for first Insertion; 15 cents (or each subsequent insertion. Mums titan Ave lines, 6 cents a line (or first Insertion, and Scents a Use (or addition I insertions. XjX>R SALE--Horse and surrey. Inquire of A or write MRS. ROBT. 9chiesbi.ii, West Mc­ Henry, 111. S-tf TJ*OR SALE--Two mate full blooded mule- 1 toot hogs. Inquire of G. I. ALLMDOir, West McHenry, on H. C. Mead farm. 8-2t* JpOR SALE-- Houses and lots In McHenr, ?Ve«t McHenry, III. anry Also river property wlthjicreaRe. Sold fnqulr >er acre or lot. nqulre of O. A. SATTBM, 41-tf ~EV)R HA LB--Rubber tired surrey, In flrst- *• class condition. Can be seen and partic­ ulars given 7 E! shop. MRS. N. MARTIN, McHenry. XjM)R SALE--A number of heavy milk wag- ons. Will carry from 18 to 20 cans. Wag­ ons are very well constructed and well worth the money we ask for them. Jos. May, Ring- wood, 111. 52-tf tlon address or call on Mas. Jos. H. Jos-run, McHenry, 111. 6-2t That such license shall purpose for which it is in accordance with the chapter on thereon, and the refusal or neglect of | licenses hereinafter provided. Section 2. express the granted and the time of duration of said license, stating therein the amount received therefor and the place where such exhibition or entertainment is to be given. Section 3. That the license fee shall be as follows; 1. For any entertainment or exhi­ bition as above mentioned, when given in any theater, opera house or public building, the license fee shall be three (3) dollars for every performance or ex­ hibition. 2. For circuses, or circuses and menageries, the license fee shall be ten (10) dollars for each day. 3. For each variety or minstrel show or entertainment, either under canvas or in caravan, five (5) dollars per day. 4. For each exhibition of any natural or artificial curiosity, monster or freak of nature, five (5) dollars per day. 5. For merry-go-rounds ten (10) dol­ lars per week »r three (3) dollars per day for any fractional part of a week. Section 4. That it shall be unlaw­ ful for any person, persons, corporation or corporations to hold, conduct, give, exhibit or perform any immoral, im­ modest or indecent theatrical or any exhibition, show or amusement within the limits of said Village, or to suffer or permit the same to bo held, given, exhibited or performed. Section 5. That it shall be unlawful for any person, persons, corporation or corporations to conduct, give, exhibit or perform any such theatrical or other exhibition, show or amusement in any saloon, dram shop or place where any intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquor is sold or given away. Section 6. In addition to the license above provided for, the owner or man­ ager of any hall, opera house or theater may take out a license for such hall, opera house or theater, and the person giving such entertainments or exhibi­ tions, as above enumerated, in such hall, opera house or theater during the term of such license, shall be exempt from the payment of the license fee provided for in Section three (3) of this ordinance. The price of such license for any such hall, opera house or theater shall be twenty-five (25) dollars per annum, and at that rate for part of a year. Every such license shall expire on the last day of April next after its issuance. Section 7. It shall be the duty of every proprietor or lessee of any the­ ater, hall, opera house or other build- ng where public entertainments are given, before he permits any person or persons to use the same for the pur­ pose of giving any entertainment therein for gain, to obtain from the President the license herein required, either in his own name, or in the name of the person proposing to give such entertainment, under a penalty of not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than fifty (SO) dollar* for each and every violation of this Section, wltmmmm CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE McHENRY, ILLINOIS ONE NIGHT ONLY 5unday, Aug1, n rernirm mm wmnra by NR.lMB.fMEK The Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c SEATS ON SALE AT PETESCH'S. Some people teem to think that any kind of a •oil of a sandy nature •nixed with a small per­ c e n t a g e o f P o r t l a n d Cement ought to make perfect concrete. Port­ land Cement has per­ formed and will perform wonders but it will not make stone from dirt. Call for a C«py of •or Free Bcoklet •thM "Cement, Sand utd Gravel for Concrete"-- te'is liow to seicct the ma­ terials (or raking concrete. WILBUR LUMBU CO. Portlapd Cement is not a new product It has been on the market for fourteen years. The same raw materials, taken from the same quarries, have always been used in its manufacture* and the process supervised by practic­ ally the same men. Hence the unvarying quality of the "Double A" Braati "The Bert That Can Be Made'" :: F. E. COVALT, MGR. before our BIO REMOVAL 5ALE comes to a close. Better stock up NOW while the Bargain Prices still hold good. You will never be given another opportunity to buy at such remarkably low prices It's like putting your money in the bank. : : : : : M. J. WALSH, WEST ricHENRY, :: ILLINOIS r EXCELLENT [OAVES AND "" Delicious Pastries *)• the Iwvltild rasaft H yw White Swan ...Flour... --FOR CSV | WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST McHENRY. fiomEi&mrtPtY JOHM RICHARDSON, ¥0L0 BUCK'S, GROCERY, M'HENRY wmiii iLfifirr JOHMSRURGH, ***« ****** t Professional. Society | * &nd Susiritsss Cards * DAVID G. WELLS. M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND OCULIST. Of- lie*. and reaidence, corner Elm and Omm •tracts, McHenry, lilinaia. Telephone No. 311. HMM P1M MM .ft «Bn Mm* I CHARLES H. FRANCIS LAWYER ESTATE WOKE A SPECIALTY Kondall Bleek 113 1>2 Cass Stmt WMHSTOCK, ILL POCKET BIL.LIARI>«AX.L BOWLING ALLEYS •Located In Caatarrilla. Alac pcckat hilliw* hall over E. F. RtUhewt' meat market la West RcHhut. Good plicae ts apend f*ar MUe heura. Bowling; alter* open to tko la4io« ovory TkarMay aftarmaaa. a r BMEL> GJCnCR, t: PROPR1KTOR Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with tfood business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting pnblic pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on n* Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Tdopkoao No 093. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property In the best companies. 1 Wut Metlonry, HMiieU Piao Stock Nerchandioe ran Rod G. A. SA1TEPI AUCTIONEER WEST msratY, m. LQ.SEKQ Saaia <a<rao it ox* eolleMe a ll«aora wmi ulgan. WM, •»•> wry- tldag except tko eV~MUMBER_fa lalOSN. SthAvo. CHICAGO. Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Don! sif You Know and so do we that baking during the hot summer lnofitlis is anything but a pleasant undertaking and we are here to save the women of McHenry and vi­ cinity a lot of work. LET U8 DO YOUR BAKIN(J FOR YOU.. We can do it more quickly and just as good if not better than you, kind lady, could do it yourself. Let us do the worrying for you. i>iioneio3-R j; iMMNMMtCMNNCMMN A. TIETZ, Prop. Section fS. That any person, persons, corporation or corporations violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five (2f») dollars nor more th^n one hundred (100) dollars for each and every offense. Section y. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances heretofore passed in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and aft*»r its passage, approval and publication, as is provided by law. Passed this 5th day of August, A. D. 1912. Approved this 5th day of August, A. D. 11)12. Published this 8th day of August, A. D, 1912. J. H. Miller, President. Attest: H. E. Price, Village Clerk. Fred Nickels, ) R. G. Chamherlin, V License Com. Mat. Weber, ) Ju* Theater goers of McHenry and vi­ cinity are assured of a first-class at­ traction at the Central opera house here Sunday evening, Aug. 11, when the four act drama, "The Final Settle­ ment,1' will appear. 8 » Come to the great McHenry county fair August 27-30, 1912. General ad­ mission, 35 cents. Season ticket, 91.50 for man and wife or $1*00 for one per­ son. For information and premium list write Theo. Hamer, Sec., Wood­ stock, 111. 4 Petesch's cold cream, for tan sunburn- 26e the jar.' 02 you wish you had a photograph of your great-great - grandfa­ ther? Of course you can't have, because there wasn't any pho­ tography in thosedays But your great-great* grandchildren can have photographs of you. And you owe something to poster­ ity. :: :: :: SctinaDel's Photo Studio 'PHONIC 100-J WEST N'HENRY, II l->AR£fiUi CHECKED PREB' Everybody's Doing It What? Why, buying their groceries and fruits of us, to be sure. Our line com­ prises the very choicest on the market and we are able to give you lirst-class service at all times. Call us up, give us your order and we will do the rest. We never fail to please. Give us your order for fruits for canning pur­ poses. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 86-W ricHenry, - Illinois. WHY IS A BOOTBLACK LIKE THE SUNT mm You Can Depend on It Those five words explain the merits of I0ARLY RISER * FLOUR. What better endorsement would one ask for? That's all the housewife expects and we are here to say that we can back our words. If you have never used the McHenry product make it a point to give it a trial the very next time that you buy. Sold at the mill and by McHenry merchants WEST PPHENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS BECAUSE IE DOCS K MOST SW­ ING ON BRIGHT DAYS. Our shop shines every day, Because we keep it clean. We figure that's the only way A meat shop should be seen. We want your trade, but this we know, To secure it we the goods must show.. Here the best you'll always find, The cleanly, tender^ wholesomefkind. E. F. Matthews west MOJHENKI, iu.. rnsnES WE ARE At Your Servitf We are continually at your service with the very choicest line of gro­ ceries, vegetables and fruits to be found any­ where. We are here to please you and want you to feel that you are get­ ting the best of goods and satisfactory service when you trade hero. Stop us on the road or 'phone us your order and we assure you that it will have our very care­ ful and prompt attention Math. Laures im WEST SIDE QKOCEKYMAN Phone 8 :J West McHenry I Road The Plaindealer.

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