WHAT DO YOU BID vJ>V:§$ ' '# . • <; FOR THIS- $21 Cole's Hot Blast Heater HERE IS A CHANCE TO GET THE BEST HEATER MADE AT YOUR OWN PRICE COLE'S HOI BLAST will save you $35 in fuel this winter using soft coal or slack - It makes $5 worth of Coai give more heat than $10.00 worth in any other stove It will even make a ton of cheap slack soft coal do more work and hold fire better than your neighbor gets out of two tons of lump coal in his expensive Oak Stove. (Olf'S HOT BUST for hard coal and coke gives great saving of fuel over any base burner Slow combustion and economy Instead of rapid combustion and rapid waste of expen sive fuel. Small amount ashes to handle, instantaneous heat, quick morn ing heat, even steady heat, only successful stove for coke, large sensitive radiating surface, powerful base heat, requires less Attention, reasonable in price, burns anything, holds fire Saturday night to Monday morning. Your Bid must be placed by Monday, September 30, '12 Call on us before that date and you will get a card upon which to write your name and the amount of your bid. The cards will be placed in a sealed box and at 4:00 p. m. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1912, the card bearing the highest offer gets the stove. It is likely that someone will get this $21.00 heater for considerably less. It may be you if you bid on it. . • COLE'S HOT BLAST is the stove that burns the gas in soft coal and other fuel, which is wasted in ordinary stoves, and this saves every family one-half SEE COLE'S GUARANTEED RESULTS--FREE BOOKLET Call and see this wonderful heater and fuel saver and place your bid as early as possible i 13 #• 1 F NEW FALL Hats, Gloves, Shirts, Gents' Furnishings JOS. W. FREUN WEST MCHENRY, - . PHONE 59-R SCHOOL NOTES INTERESTING ITERS CONCERNING OUR 'EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. II,?' ' fifSVs ; . 1$ '»» ••• We 11 be out in 30 days, but you'll be out more if you don't supply yourselves with Shoes for many months to come. Would you like to purchase •vjood Shoes. at wholesale prices? Of course you do and that is what jou can do at the \v KST SIDE SHOE STORE. Come early and get fir^t choice. .. OSTEN WOLLAR ' West McHenry, Illinois. ball arrived Mon- be tested by its o ^ 4 4 ; - System C£*HE Atr Line distance to Evansville9 Indiana, is about 270 miles. To send your voice there over our Bell Long Distance lines costs $2.00. ^ The Chicago Telephone Company is the open door to the Bell System's universal service which makes it possible for the busi ness man to send his voice on a mission instead of taking a long and arduous journey. Call "Long Distance" from your own tele phone. 11 Nye came into the room would Leon Dodge? Don't forget to do your supplement ary reading. The best warbler in our boys' j^lee club is a "Martin." Mr. Shelton, county superintendent, was at M. H. S. Tuesday afternoon. P. Lodtz, '15, has been pronounced champion giggler of the high school. (A Girl)--I killed a mouse. (Leon Dodge)--Them girls what kill mice are heros. The American history class will have a test Thursday on the work covered this year. The new basket day. It will soon numerous friends. Edward Bolger, '16, had a narrow escape early Tuesday morning when an infuriated cow took after him. We are all wondering when we will get a ride in that three passenger Maxwell. How about it Mr. Nye? That committee had better get busy and think up some money-making scheme for the Athletic association. What caused the lock on M. H. S. safe to give way, allowing all the money to scatter over the school room? Current events were discussed this week by Katie Buch, Agnes Tesch, Frances Welch and Genevieve Knox. Don't call up your school friends for a little or lothing during school hours. ' Gen" Sherman can't march all the time. Evidently "Bruce" and "Bud" have tired of their job as editors. The "Daily Bark" is fast becoming a thing of the past. t The seniors held their first class meeting Monday afternoon. The fol lowing officers were elected: Neill Doherty, president, and Mary Burke, secretary. Perhaps if "Euchre Steve" got stung by a "bumble bee" he would be able to distinguish between said creature and a "humble bee." ' -Owing to the fact that the boys of Richmond high are not going to have a basket ball team . this year, there is some doubt as to whether the boys of M. H. S. will see a victory this season. When the seniors were advised to get class pins instead of class rings, for the reason that they would be present ed with rings when they became en gaged, the advisor did not make pro visions for the probable old maids and "Shrimps." What you ask for is what you get here. You are not asked to buy some thing "just as good." Petesch. 52 Use Roberts' Ply "Oil, Best Wy test. : At Petesch's. (1.00 per gallon. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. Manager's Tele phone 9903 James Perkins, Manager Seme people teem to think that any kind of a soil of a fandy nature mixed with a small per c e n t a g e o f P o r t l a r Cement ought to ma! perfect concrete. Pott land Cement has pe formed and will perform wonders but it will no make stone from dirt Call for a Cepy of Mr Free Booklet WtRUd "Cwwt, Sud u Grml far Concrete"- tali* Imw to telcct tk« m ••rials for nakiag c*«cr«t Chicago A A Cement WILBUR is not a new product It has been on the market for fourteen years. The same raw materials, taken from the same quarries, have always been used in ' its manufacture, and the process supervised by practic ally the same men. Hence the unvarying quality of the 'Double A" . Braeii ^Tkm Bemt That Can Be Modim9$ F. E. COVALT, HMAtW fr P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVBN TO THB SALK OF Dressed Beef, rtiitton, Hogg, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3, Pulton St. Wholesale Market. IS OTTO MUERHKE DEAD? McHENRY /rIENDS HAVE HEARD NOTH ING ABOUT IT. The following article is clipped from the Lake County Independent: "Lake county people will be sur prised to learn of the death in Chicago on Sunday of Otto Muerhke, at one time one of the prominent leaders of the Democracy in western Lake coun ty, and who for years conducted the Muerhke hotel at Fox Lake. "His funeral was held at McHenry Henry Tuesday, Sept. 10, and his death was not generally known in Lake county. "Muerhke had worked for some time in a wholesale house in Chicago in the liquor department and, it is said, he had contracted consumption, which brought on his demise. v "Muerhke was well known for y&ars and for "a long time he made a success ful hotel proprietor. It was he who held the annual game dinners at his hotel for years, the mecca for poli ticians and the place where many good times were had by hundreds of Lake county men." McHenry friends Of Mr. Muerhke cannot understand the article. There is one thing that they are certain of and that is if Mr. Muerhke is dead he was not buried in McHenry, as stated in the article above. McHenry friends of the former Fox Lake hotel proprietor believe that there is a mistake somewhere and that Mr. Muerhke is still living. A feast for the eyes for the ladies of McHenry at the fall opening of the Lotus millinery parlors on the West Side. 15 ?. Jf. Boblander Olest BteBtary, ........... Fall and Winter Goods are coming in daily. Come and see our All kinds and prices for Men, Womfn, Misses and Children for Fall and Winter wear in high and regular cuts for dress and service. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000. A BANK BOOK in your name gives your business associ ates confidence in your ability, respect for your standing. AN ACCOUNT IN OUR BANK will teach you habits of thrift, economy and and saving. It saves you from bookkeeping to do business thru our Bank, paying all bills by check. :: :: :: BANK BOOK I .SAFETY DEPOSIT 80XES, $3.00 PER YEAR.. EDWIN L. WAGMER, Pru. T --OFFICERS:-- OR. C. H. FEGERS, Vie* Pre.. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. SIMON STOFFE14 Vie* Pru. The all steel frame, low down Clover Leaf Spreader now on our floor. Come in and let us show you this steel constructed machine, backed up with our prompt service. McCormick Corn Harvesters, Corn Elevators, ̂ En gines, Wagons, Buggies, Plows Twine and Repairs. :: WM. STGiTEL Dhnnpc- OFFICE 88-.T rnones. residence 90-j SPECIAL BARGAIN WEEK There .re good reuons lor holding . Special Banaln Week a, Pall and Wlnttr Merchandiee l» arriving almost dally and In order to make room we are going to reduce the prices on llfht weight good*. SPECIAL DRESS GOODS PRICES All Lawn Tissues, a good range of colors, sold at 25c per yard. Take your choice of any in stock at - aoc Border Lawns, 46,inch wide, color tan, lavender and blue, sold at 20c per yard, while they last per yard. •*** A few pieces left of Cotton Voile and Ratine. These goods are very popular. To close them out quickly we have marked them per yard ; All fancy lawn, sold at from 12*c to 25c per yard, one big lot, at per yard OXFORD BARCIAINSL^All Men's Oxfords, any color or style, sold at $3.50 apd $4.00. Take your choice of any pair $a.8S Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps, sold at $2.50 and $3.00. Your choice of any in stock, per pair - MUSLIN UNDERWEAR! All Muslin Underwear will be closed out at»a great saving. Now is your time. L. F. BLOCK, McHENRY PHONE 79-J