Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1912, p. 5

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THE Riverside Park, McHenry, -WILL PRESENT- ri »•»«»*»»*• I» or EACH WEEK, GIVING TWO SHOWS EACH EVENING All Seats, IOC. We are now located in our two doors west of the old location and invite the Public to call and see us. We have added new stocks of season­ able merchandise in all departments and are prepared to sell you new, fresh, up-to-date #oods at the lowest poss­ ible prices consistent with fjood quality. We are show­ ing a tine in of :: " DRESS G00D5 in all the popular shades, ranging in price from 35c to $1.50 per yar4 A large varity of Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Flannels, Ktc. See our line of new changeable Silks. Your meas­ ure taken for a Suit, Coat, Skirt or Dress. A perfect tit guaranteed by the Ideal Ladies' Tailoring Co. of Chicago. A large variety of Cloths and Trimmings to select from. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT is larger than ever. We are showing exceptional values in men's heavy work shoes from $2.50 to $4.50. Our line of International Tai­ loring samples is the finest we have ever shown. Call and look them over. Groceries, Tea, Coffee, Flour, .Etc., alwavs pure and fresh. . : : : : : : . J. WALSH, 'PHONE 63-R. GOODS DELIVERED. WEST HcHENRY. OUR FALL AND WINTER is arriving dail)T and we propose to handle the largest and most complete stock that we have ever carried this year. We are using the utmost care in selecting our stock and believe we can satify you in all lines. :: :: OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE John Stoffel iShefAcHenry Bakery Others are buying our delicious Bakery Goods, why not you? Others buy here because they know that our Bakery is always fresh from the oven. They also know that the quality is here. LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION Phone 1 0 3 R !! A. TIETZ, Prop. BE A PROGRESSIVE Is the old party good enough for you? What if LINCOLN had said that? The Progressive Party handles modern questions in an up-to-date way. Det me wire your house for electric light^ My work is strictly up-to-date %od always satisfactory. " " :: :: :: :: SAMUEL M. ESLER oc.BI OF SViiRYTHINC ELE&TiUCAL. •wrr M?HENRY, ILL. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS »--May" 1 KllWSriEUl. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. 15 J. J. Reser was in Crystal Lake Sat­ urday. F. Block journeyed to McHenry Sat­ urday. Nels Peterson was in Crystal Lake Saturday. M rs. Bonicsen was a Woodstock vis­ itor Friday. Clarende Anderson was in Crystal Lake Monday. Emil Berlin was in Woodstock Sat­ urday evening. Mrs. Ray Dygert was a Crystal Lake visitor Monday. Mrs. A. Jacobs visited relatives at Elgin over Sunday. * ^ Mrs. C. Stratton and children were recent Elgin visitors. F. W. Hartman was in Woodstock on business Saturday. Mrs. F. W. Wille and Mrs. A. Jac­ obs are on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike spent Wednesday at Zion City. M iss A. Townsend left Saturday to attend college at Oberlin, Ohio. Mrs. E. Hesse 1 grave was a Wood­ stock business caller Friday. Mrs. A. J. Murphy of Woodstock visited at the manse Friday. Mrs. Olive Baldwin of Crystal Lake was here on business Tuesday. Mrs. Laura Goff of Crystal Lake spent Friday with Mrs. Smith. Mr. Rush ton. mother and niece were week end visitors at Woodstock. A. Peterson and son, George, were Sharon business callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Risley and son visited at I). O. Kline's Wednesday. .T. L. Barker and E. Cadwallader were Chicago passengers Wednesday. 1). O. Kline and family left Sunday evening for their new home in Austin. Mr. and Miv L. M. Goddard of Woodstock vi.-iited relatives here Sun­ day. j Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler and Miss A. Townsend were in Woodstock Fri­ day. State's Attorney Joslyn of Wood­ stock was here on business Wednes­ day. Mrs. L. Johnson and son, Lloyd, vis­ ited recently with her sister at Ba- tavia. Sherman Levey of Rockford is vis­ iting his grandmother, Mrs. George Irish. Mrs. A. Anners and Mrs. A. Jacobs were business callers in Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Waiter Case of Chicago spent last week with S. M. Simmons and family. J. Mikkleson and F. W. Wille, Jr., were Crystal Lake callers Wednesday evening. Mi*s. P. D. Castle and daughter of Austin visited at Grandfather Button's Wednesday. Mr. and Mk-s. H. Wille and sons of Crystal Lake were pleasant callus here Sunday. Mrs. A. F. Salow and Mrs. A. Peter­ son and son, George, were at Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. A. Stephenson and daughter, Edna, visited relatives in McHenry Saturday and Sunday. Misses Mabel and Elsie Wille were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goddard at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. L. Bennett and son, James, vis­ ited her sister, Mrs. Madalene God­ dard, at Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters, Virginia and Mabel, of Woodstock vis­ ited at the parental home Sunday. Miss Lura Davis of Austin visited from Wednesday until Saturday with J. C. Button and Mrs. P. Hodgkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Brock way of Janes- ville, WTis., are visiting in the home of the latter's brother. E. E. Knilans. Mrs. W. Linscott and two children of Woodstock were visiting relatives and friends here from Friday until Monday. Miss« Eva Brown returned to her home in Chicago Monday after a three months' visit at the home of S. M. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. John Merchant of Solon Mills visited in the home of their Bon, S. A. Merchant, from Friday un-. til Monday. Iloht. Dornbureh of Cleveland, O., and brother, Ben, of Crystal Lake were visiting at F. W. Wille's the first of the week. Mrs. Hermanoe and children returned to their home in Rockford after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Burgett. Mrs. H. A. Stone and Mrs. Josie Peterson of Woodstock and Mrs. H^rry Silliman of Seneca were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Diets Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bonnicksen were very pleasantly surprised Sunday morn­ ing when about seventy of their friends assembled at their hospitable home and spent a very pleasant day. Mrs. With Skinner and son, Mer- wvn. of Elgin visited her grandmother, Mi-s. S. Wakefield, from Wednesday until Sunday. Mr. Skinner came out Saturday and accompanied his family- home Sunday. The ladies of the cemetery associa­ tion will serve a chicken dinner at the church parlors Thursday, Oct. 3, at 12 o'clock. Adults. 25 cents, and 15 cents for children under twelve years. \s it is our annual meeting the elec­ tion of officers will take place. Every­ one is invited to attend. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. I wish to announce that my new blacksmith shop, situated on Wauke- gan street, near the railroad tracks on the West Side, is now open for busi­ ness. I am in a position to take care of all work that may come my way and can always guarantee satisfaction. 1 will do all sorts of blacksmithing, horseshoeing and wagon-making. Your patronage is hereby solicited. 14-tf Jos. MAY. RIXUWOOD. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. 15 Mrs. C. E. H. Tuttle is in Dundee with her daughter, Mrs. Todd. W. E. Bradley and wife were Chica­ go visitors Thursday of'last week. Irving Ilerbert and family of Key­ stone spent Sunday at "Warren Foss'. Will Beck and wife returned from their western trip Friday of last week. Mr. Hotchkiss of Gr» -enwood is pre­ paring to move into James Green's cottage. Mrs. Hattie Buck land is improving. M rs. Stacia Knox of McHenry is car­ ing for her. Mrs. T. J. Walsh and son, Dick, of McHenry were calling on friends Sun­ day evening. John Miller of McHenry has rented Joe May's house and has a blacksmith shop in the barn. Miss Ethel Elf us of Solon and Miss Creger of West Chicago were guests of Mary and Bertha Beli Sunday. Miss Mary Bell and aunt, Libbie Bell, attended Mrs. JamesOverton's funeral at Solon Tuesday afternoon. The Ladies' Aid will meet Tuesday of next week with Rev. Collins in Greenwood. Dinner will be served. E. A. Smith left Monday for his home in Portland, Ore. His brother, J. D., sj>ent the day with him in Chi. cago. Mrs. Mamie Harrison of West Mc­ Henry and two friends from Warren, 111., spent Monday at H. M. Stephen­ son's and S. W. Brown's. Miss Bertha Bell attended the Elk- horn fair last Thursday and Friday. S. W. Brown, wife, sister and mother also had the pleasure of. attending. The W. C. T. I'. held their first meeting after vacation, at Mrs. Mary Dodge's Saturday afternoon The next meeting will be with Mrs. Delia Ho- bart in Ostend. 15 the OSTKXD. I-mill farms. D. F. Quiiflan. A numtfct^ from here Attended Elkhorn fair lasTvi'ftiftk^A. Mr. and Mrs. Fredf Eppel were Woodstock callers Friday. Mir. and Mrs. Ed Martin spent Sun­ day at the home of Guy Harrison. Mi-s. Roy Conradt and daughter spent Thursday with relatives in this vicinity. A baby l»y came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Thomas last Friday. A large crowd attended the club, which was held with Mrs. Grant Ran­ dall last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas of Woodstock spent a day recently with ,the former's brother. Mrs. Edwards returned to her home last Friday morning after spending a week with her niece, Mrs. Clara Har­ rison. Mrs. Clyde Clark and Mrs. Wesley Davis and children spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Abbott. j* VOLO. . • I sell farms. D. F. Qninlan. 15 Mrs. Albert Miller was a McHenry caller Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Raught was a recent Waukegan caller. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. A. J. Raymond visited her daughter in Grayslake Friday. Mrs. Wm. Huson of Round Lake vis­ ited her parents here Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Kapple of Grayslake called on her parents here Friday. Miss Zella Huson spent Thursday with her sister, Mi's. Ray Paddock. John Capella spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents in Chicago. Ves Wagner entertained Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buhr, Theo. Winkle and family and Nick Buhr and wife over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lusk are moving to McHenry, where Ed will open a store in the building formerly oooupied by M. J. Walsh. KM BRA 1.1* PA RK. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. 15 Mrs. Ellen Frisby.J^s^havlng a silo installed on her farm. R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Sat­ urday and Sunday at the Parle. Miss Alice Sutton joined a party of young ladies in a trip to the lakes Sun day. W. K. Burns and Kenneth Burns were Saturday and Sunday visitors at the Park. Chas. Cohen and family closed their summer cottage and returned to the city Sunday. E. R. and R. E. Sutton enjoyed a launch ride in Rob's new launch Sun­ day afternoon. Several from the Park attended the K. C. doings at Stoffel's hall in Mc­ Henry on Thursday evening of last week. Dr. C. H. Fegers, Wm. McGee, Rose Justen and Eleanor McGee spent Sun­ day with the latter's sister, Mrs. E. R. Sutton. I sell farms. D. F Quinlan. K EXCELLENT FARM FOR SALE. One of the finest farms in this sec­ tion is hereby offered for sale. The farm consists of 160 acres and is locat­ ed two and one-half miles southwest of McHenry. One hundred and twenty- acres are now under cultivation and more can be placed under the plow. The buildings are all in tirst-class con­ dition and splendid spring water runs thru the farm. This is positively tj»e very best farm proposition that has been offered for sale in these [tarts and anyone looking for farm property will make no mistake by looking this one over. Easy terms. For further in­ formation inquire of or write B. L. Hutson, Woodstock, 111., or F. E. Hut- son, McHenry, 111. 'Phone 99-M. 13 I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. 15 OUR SMOOTH FINISH LUMBER with beautiful natural grain and soft fibre" will enhance the value of your house and cost no more than ordinary lumber when you consider the time and work it saves your carpenter. It. can be finished in the natural or paint­ ed, as desired, and perfect results secured. It is bright in color, sound and free from pitch and knot& Let us show you what this fort of lumber means to you. LIMBER CO. WEST H'nri, ILL '!ot\ M YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT NEVER DISAPPOINTS FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUMBER CO. P. A. BOH LANDER JOHN STOFFEL M. J. WALSH West McHenry N. P. STEILEN & SON HUCK'S GROCERY M. M. NIESEN McHenry J. C. DEBRECHT Johnsburgh PATRIOTISM 5!»F couimnr can scarcely l»e expected of chil­ dren reared by homeless parents with no more serious thought than the present. "Just as the twig is l»ent.. the tree's inclined," and as more recent writers have said, "The home is the backbone of our nation." it. behooves all lovers of life, liberty and happi­ ness, and particularly those di. recting lite footsteps of the youth of our country to set a good ex­ ample. To do this it is not nec­ essary to- build a palace and go into debt for life. Wood con­ struction will just meet your re­ quirements. With it you can plan a home of any size you may ultimately desire and then start with a few rooms and build on as j our demands require. We have helped many people solve their building problems and would like to help you. Come in and let's talk itover. " :: ••There's No Place Like Home" WILBUR LUMBER (?0. PHONE 6 We Pay The Highest Met Mas -FOR- Calves, Hides AND- Chickens Let us know what yon have and we will make you a price. J.W.Aebischer (SuccMtr tt C. G. Pratt.) HcHENRY. ILL. S-; THONE M-N Use Roberts' Fly Oil, Best by test. At Petesch's. $1.00 per gallon. 7 School Books Tablets, Pencils, Paper and everything else in the line of School Sup­ plies at the drug store of N. H. PETE5CH 'Phone 56-W JVUHFNRY, IIX. Warm will find you in need of many- articles that are on sale at only first-class Hardware Es­ tablishments. That's what we claim to be conducting and are sure that our line consists of an excellent assortment of the many things that you may be in need of at this, the spring season F. L. McOMBER., * The.West Side Hardware Man. ^ ^ -51 Comfortable Why let the sultry days annoy you and make you uncomfortable when we can save you all the displeasures? Let me sell you a lawn of porch swing, lawn chairs or hammock. I have them in all styles and prices. :: :: :: Window Screens <§L Doors Don't let that disease spreading fly get into your house. Get our window and door screens. We will put 'em up for you. Possibly you need an awning, too. If you do, we can fix you with anything in this line. A telephone call will place us at your service. :: :: :: JACOB JUSTEN. THt Mctife-MRY FURNITURE MAN (F A LARGE STOCK OF READY-TO-WEAR PRICKS RANGE FROM JL50 to J3.50 Also Samples of id utnb' Kii (odts $5.00 and up Guaranteed in every way J. D. LODTZ, /IcHenry, Illinois.

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