NEW FALL r Auction Sale! .:'y~ J £ -- 1« if»il«ni9r mtft Ifldfeiirv, Illinois. Hats, Gloves, Shirts, Gents' Furnishings JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - PHONE 59-R (P ANOTHER BIG DAY NEXT Next Saturday, October 1"_\ will be another big day III OUR FIVE AND TEH CENT DEPARTMENT We have added quite a largv stoc k in this deparment since last week and more is coming in daily. On Saturday wf will give you some of the biggest bar gains ever offered in McHenry at 5c and 10c. There will be some startling bargains in things that you need in every day life. Come early and get first choice. :: :: :: J. J. VYCITAL tiding Out... We'll be out in 30 days, but you'll be out more if you don't supply yourselves with Shoes for many months to come. Would you like to purchase r .Good Shoes. at wholesale pric^#? Of course you do and that is what you can at the WTOST SIDE SHOE STORE. Come torly and get first choice. OSTKN <& WOLLAR West McHenry. Illinois. X We have one of the largest \ and best lines of Blankets and ltobes ever brought to McHenry. We have them in all styles and prices and are sure that we can please you. Come in and see what we have to offer. We are always glad to show our goods and quote you prices. First class workmanship is guaranteed on all harness and repair work we turn out* B. L. WEST McHENRY, ILL. a. s. Rsndnit, Having decided to quit, farming the undersigned will sett at public auction on the Ed. Knox farm, known as the old Doherty farm, situated 14 miles south of MeHenry, on the McHenry Terra (5)tta road, on, Tuesday, Oct. 15 Commencing a* one-6'CTo6k p. m., the following described property, to-wit: 23 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK--23 consisting of 18 Mead of Cattle 10 of which are milkers with calves by sides and some springers. With a few exceptions this herd consists of well marked Holsteins. F6ur 18-months'- old heifers, 3 last winter calves, 2 year old bull. 5 Head ot Horses. Bay horee, weight, 1200 pounds; black mare, weight 1000 pounds; bay mare colt, past three years, broke double; bay gelding, past three years^broke double; Prince Noir mare colt, past two year%. Eighty full blood S. C. brown leghorns and a few choice Indi an Runner ducks. liny, drain and Machinery. Quantity of potatoes', sixteen acres of hill corn in shock, machine and hand cut: stack of straw, about seven tons of good tame hay, Deere pulverizer, 14-disc and nearly new; riding plow, top buggy, corn planter, Humphrey bone cutter, Racine incubator, 240-egg hatch, in fine condition; double strain er, hay loader, couple of milk cans and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE. All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of twelve months' time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at seven per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. (Jn account of moving away :U1 accounts must be settled with owner within a few days according to above terms. M. D. IlENISK. SIMON STOPFER, Clerk. THERE is scarcely anything that people buy in a drug store, which they have to take more on faith, than an article made of rubber. The difficulty with this class of goods as ordinarily sold is that you cannot teli how the article is going to wear Jby just looking at it. Ap pearances are so deceitful. There are so many cheap and worthless rubber goods on the market and there are so many opportunities to buy them that we feel it a duty to inform our patrons ill this respect and are ready at all times to assist them in selecting this class of goods and thus avoid their being imposed upon. We recognize the fact that the sick, above all others, are entitled to a square deal and have made a thorough study of the rub ber question with the result that when they buy an article made of rubber from our store they will get the best that their money is able to purchase, including Hot Water Bottles and rubber Syringes of all kinds. F. MASQUELET, East Side near the River Auction Sale! F. O. GANS, AUCTIONEER Having sold his farm the undersigned will sell at public auction on the Theo. Winkel farm situated \ mile north of McHenry, on the McHenry and Rich mond road, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, '12 commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. the following described property, to-wit: 27--HEAD OF COWS--27 some new milkers and close springers, four yearling heifers, one Angora goat. HORSES--8-year-old bay mare with colt by side, 2 yearling colts. HAY AND CJRA1N--15 tons timothy hay in barn,, 10-tons millet hay in barn, k stack of straw, 3f> acres corn in shock, 400 bushels of good oats. FARn riACHINERY_New clean sweep hay loader, new Van Brand drill, new McCormick corn binder, puU verizer on trucks, Janesville sulky plow, walking plow, corn planter with 100 rods of wire, field roller, 2 sulky cultivators, diamond tooth cultivator, one 3-section drag, one 2-section drag, surry, set light bobs, steel truck wag on, new top wagon box, heavy milk wagon, 2 sets heavy work harness Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine and belts, fanning mill, corn sheller, 4 bbls cider vinegar, 12 cider barrels, new hog rack, tank heater, 30 fence posts, barb wire, ice box, pipe tools, grind stone, milk cans, forks, shovels, hoes and other articles too numerous to mention. P H I L I P J A E G E t f GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT \ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, P6ultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Egg* This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLO STORAOE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall ft 3, Pulton St. Wholesale Market. -THE Cherry Light! /~VN long, dreary autumn and win- ^-'ter nights Electric Light sends out a welcoming radiance. It makes the home brighter and is easiest to read by. In addition, it is the most economical light. If you own a home on one of our distributing lines, we will wire it at cost, allowing you two years to' pay without interest. The expense is low. PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS. GOOD LUNCH AT NOON. Terms of Sale. All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at seven per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. Theo. Winkel. S. H. Freund, Clerk. Auction Sale! P. O. GANS, AUCTIONEER CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisement* Inserted undm uut, head at the following rates: Five lines or ltms, £6 cento (or flrat lnaertlon; 15 cents for each subsequent Insertion. More than Ave linen, 6 cent* a line for flmt Insertion, and 3 cents a line for addition! Insertions. FOH SALE-- (Jord wood. Inquire of Mas Jos. II. J08TBN, McHenry. ltt-tf T^Ol'ND--A liutivh <if keys. Owner can bave same by calling at this office, proving property aud paying for this notice. 17 "CMJK HALE--A first,-class surrey In flne .con- -1- dltlon. Will be sold cheap, lnqulreur write Kinoseky House, L'lstabee Bay. ltt-tf •pj^OU SALE-Houses and lots in McHenry Also river property with acreage. Horn, per acre or lot. Inquire of O. A. HattkM," VVeKtMcHenry.lH. 41-tf LOST-- A German silver watch and fob. Fob has the following Inscription. "A stitch In time saves nine." A reward is offered for its return to t his office or the McHenry House McHenry, III. 17 digger, one-man saw, clothes mangle and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale. All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of G months will be given on good bankable notes draw ing interest at seven per oent pec an num. No property to be removed un til settled for. Harry Nictaolls. Read The Plaindealer. VILLAGE COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE HALL IS LET TO THE SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Council Rooms, Oct. 7, 1912. The board of trustees met in regular meeting with President Miller presid ing. Trustees present: Chamberlin, Barbian, Fisher, Freund, Nickels and Weber. •Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and approved by the finance committee: Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline #144.65 John Brents, lbr on street 3.00 Purington Pav Brick Co., brick 173.00 M. D. Smalley, lbr on park fence 4.00 Neptune Meter Co., seals. 1.00 Geo. Rothermel, police service.. Public Service Co., street lights Wm. Bacon, pipe John Walsh, police service 50.00 John Walsh, supt. water works 10.00 West Side Livery, livery (j.OO M. J. Erennd, labor on street H. E. Price, stamps, frght, post 50.00 75.00 2.40 4(5.50 , r_, 5.35 John Frisby, lbr on street 4.00 John Miller, president service.. 9.00 N. E. Barbian, trustee service. 9.00 R. G. Chamberlin, " " (>.00 Wm. Fisher, " " 9.00 J. W. Freund, " '• 9.00 F. J. Nickels, " " 6.00 Math. Weber, " " 9.00 H. E. Price, clerk service 25.00 On motion by Freund, seconded by Chamberlin, the bills were ordered paid, including officers' salaries. On motion by Freund, seconded by Fisher, the village hall was let to the school athletic association. On motion by Freund, seconded by Weber, the meeting adjourned. John H. MIllkk, Pres. H. E. Price, Clerk. ADMINISTRATORS NOT1UE OF FIl,INli FINAL SETTLEMENT. State of Illtnols, i County of McHenry f Estate of Peter Kotherinel, deceased. To all whom It may concern: Vou are here by notified that on the 4th day of November, 1012, I, as the administrator of said Estate, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock. Illinois, my final report of my acts aud doings as such Administrator, and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further du ties and responsibilities connected with said Estate and my administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, If you choose so to do. Dated this 7th day of October, A. D. 1912. Joseph J. Rothvrmkl. Administrator. Harvest dance at Stoffel's hall on Saturday evening, Oct. 19. ADV Fall and Winter Goods are coming in Come and see our SWEATERS All kinds and prices for Men, Women, Misses and Children SHOES for Fall and Winter wear in high and regular cuts for dress and service. w i l l u r UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000. .YOCR SIGNATURE. m^nns something1 in tin* world of finance and business if you pay all hills by check through Our Bank Connection with us not only confers benefits, ^ accommodations and advantages, but gives you a prestige and standing among prudent BUSINESS MEN. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAR... <1. .sty EDWIN L. WAGNER. Pres. --officers:-- DR. C. H. FEGERS, Vice Pras. CARL W. STENGER. Cashier. SIMON 8TOFPEL. Vice Pres. B1I LIKE A BKIDi The all steel frame, l<fw down Clover Leaf Spreader now on our floor. Come in and let us show you this steel constructed machine, backed up with our prompt service. McCormick Corn Harvesters, Corn Elevators, En gines, Wagons, Buggies, Plows Twine and Repairs. :: WM. STOFFEL DhnnpC OFF1CP 88-n rnuues. RESIDENCE oo-J Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the farm known as the Charles Potter place, located 4* miles east of McHenry and one mile west of Volo, on the McHenry and Volo road, on TMlKSbAY, OCTOBER 17 commencing at one o'clock sharp, the following described property, to-wit: FIVE Very Choice Milk COWS FOUK HEAD OF HORSES con sisting of span of gray mares, seven and eight years old, weight if)00 lbs. each: black driving horse, 4 years old, bay horse, weight 1200 pounds. Seventy-five Full BIAod Plymouth Rock Hens, j HAY AND GRAIN 8 tons of hay, quantity of corn in shock, 25 bushels choice potatoes. FARn MACHINERY--Disc cultivat or, 4-shovel cultivator, single cultivat- roller, pulverizer, 2-section lever drag, corn planter, walking plows, bob sled, set of gravel boards, McCormick mower, truck wagon, 2 narrow tired wagons, milk box, capacity 30 cans; TiO-gallon gasoline tank, new wood wa ter tank, steel water tank, 24 feet of li-inch pipe, hay raek, hog rack, 3- horse evener, 4-horse evener, 20-foot ladder, 12-foot ladder, 10-foot ladder, milk cans, swill barrels, grindstone, chicken coops and feeders, quantity of grain bags, 2 sets double harness, sin gle top buggy, pig troughs, post hole .MEN'S UNDERWEAR. S te p he ns on Brand. This label stands for quality. When you lind this on a garment you can be sure you are getting the most wool and fullest cut garment made and for wear they have no equal. Price per garment... $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Union Suits Si.50 to fj.OO Ladies' Velvet Coats, made of the best quality Velvet with crushed Persian collar and cuffs, a bargain at $15*00 We are showing a wide range of Ladies' and Misses' Coats in the new Chinchilla Cloth. Vou well appreciate the style, tit aud comfort these garmeoto offer at fio, $19 Prosperity Sale Prosperity depends on out go as well as income. Buying here decreases out go. ,4A penny saved Is a penny earned. Tills store saves you dollars. No matter how prosperous you are, buy where your dollars go farthest.--.THAT S HERE. ....PROSPERITY WOMAN'S WEAR.... OUR READY -TO-W L.AR DEPARsiwi-i IT for women is at its best. The stock offers a greater variety of Coats than we have ever shown before. Look here before buying is real good advice. Ladies' black coats, tailored by the best men in the country, neat ly trimmed, at each $S» S7» $0*50» $10* $12, $15 L. F. BLOCK, McHENRY PHONE 79-J ...DRESS MATERIAL... Before buying your outfit for the winter we would like for you to look over the well as sorted line we are showing In all the latest weaves and shades ranging in price from 2SC TO $1.50 PER YARD .CHILDREN'S COATS. A large range of styles and material for the little ones to .pick from. All new and styl ish, from $1.50 UP TO $8.00 Ladies' fine ribbed Shirts and and Drawers, fleeced 25» 35c and 50c Union Suits i^t. 50c and $1.00 Children's Shirts and Pants at -*5c, 35c and 45c Children's Union Suits, gbod ones, at ..50c i'f.