Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1912, p. 5

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fr Central =5}\ j. w. sran. LESSEE AM) MANAGER OWING TO THE CLOSING OF THE SUM­ MER SEASON OF THE AIR DO/IE WILL BE PRESENTED AT THE CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE ON WMPDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SPNDAYS 2....Shows Each Night....2 Until Further Notice All Sea.ts, 10 Cents Bel! System sometimes hear that a certain bus- iness, a transportation line or some unusual event put a place "on the map." The Bell Long Distance Telephone Service not only puts 75,000 American cities and towns on the map, but it makes instant inter-communication between them an everyday occurrence. The three-minute conversation rate to Chicago is 25 cents. Call "Long Distance" over Chicago Tele­ phone Company's lines. Manager's Tele­ phone 9903 James Perkins, Manager We are now located in our f two doors west of the old location and invite the Public to call and see us. We have added new stocks of season­ able merchandise in all departments and ace prepared to sell you new, fresh, up-to-date tfoods at the lowest poss­ ible prices consistent with gx>od quality. We are show­ ing a fine line :: DRESS GOODS in all the popular shades, ranging in price from 35c to $1.50 per yard A large varity of Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Flannels, Etc. See our line of new changeable Silks. Your meas­ ure taken for a Suit, Coat, Skirt or Dress. A perfect fit guaranteed by the Ideal Ladies' Tailoring Co. of Chicago. A large variety of Cloths and Trimmings to select from. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT is larger than ever. We are showing exceptional values in men's heavy work shoes from $2.50 to $4JiO. Our line 01 International Tai­ loring samples is the finest we have ever shown. Call and look them over. Groceries, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Etc., always pure and fresh. : : : : : M. J. WAL5H, 'PHONE 63-ft. GOODS DELIVERED. WEST NeKENRY. H6<?McHenry Bakery Others are buying our delicious Bakery Goods, why not you? Others buy here because they know that our Bakery is always fresh from the oven. They also • know that the quality is here. LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION Phone 103-R A. TIETZ, Prop. BE A PROGRESSIVE If you think it is time to clean up politics, vote the straight PROGRESS­ IVE TICKET. If you think your electric light bills are too high, CALL ME! I will show you how to reduce them. SAMUEL M. ESLER BEST EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. MCHENRY, ILL. TELEPHONE Ha. 108-11 I * • NEIGHBORING N& WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Perlie Peck was in the city Thurs­ day. A. A. Dietz went to Crystal Lake Thursday. Wilbur Levey was a Crystal Lake caller Thursday. Mrs. E. B. Smith called on relatives in Woodstock Friday. Mrs. H. Wille and son, Arthur, spent Saturday at Crystal Lake. H. P. Barber was in the city on business Friday and Saturday. Mrs. J. G. Hart man was a pleasant caller at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. L. Johnson and son, Lloyd, were at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. Malvenbough's son from the city spent Sunday with her here. Mrs. Rushton and granddaughter were Woodstock callers Saturday. Miss Florence Simmons was a pleas­ ant caller at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Skinner were b» si- ness callers at Belvidere Saturday. Mrs. C. F. Anderson and daughtei, Mary, were callers at the Lake Satui- day afternoon. The Ladies' Aid society met with the president, Mrs. L. A. Walkup, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and grandson. Wesley Skinner, went to Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. Genevieve Goddurd. Mabel and Elsie Wille and Pearl Reed were calling in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Baldwin of Mau- mee, Ohio, spent ten days with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike. Mrs. W. L. Vanke and son and Mrs. Louise .lohnson and son were Crystal Lake shoppers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. ('. Manley and Sam Otis of Harvard Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike. Miss Lizzie Furney entertained her cousin, Mrs. Charles Moore, of Chica­ go a couple of days last week. Mi's. Giesselbrecht entertained over Sunday her mother, Mrs. Murpby, and sister, Marion, of Woodstock. P. B. Haughawout and son in-law, R. Frydendall, were business callers in the city Thursday of last week. S. Reed and family, also Mi's. Water­ man and daughter of Woodstock spent the Sabbath with Father Reed and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobs and daughter, Glenys, two sons, Howard and Earl, and the the latter's wife, also Mr. and Mrs. I. E Mason attend­ ed the funeral of Dorr Jacobs at Crys tal-Lake Friday, Oct. 4. Mrs. A. D. Ross and Mrs. George Ross of Austin returned home the first of the week after a two weeks' visit with Mrs. E. E. Shepard. The ladies intended to make a much longer visit, but the illness of Mrs. A. D. Ross pre vented. Republican rally at Ridgefield Tues­ day, Oct. 8, in Yanke hall. Speakers were G. W. Conn, Jr., Judge D. T. Smiley, J. H. Vickers, D. R. Joslyn, A. J. Olson, Theodore Hamer and V. S. Lumley. Considering the muddy roads the meeting was well attended. Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, James, and Mrs. Madalene Goddard of Wood­ stock went to the city to meet then mother, Mrs. J. B. Lynch, who re­ turned Wednesday from a seven weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. Wr. Merchant, and family in northern Wisconsin. SCHOOL NOTES. Ethel Gustafson, Joseph and Axel Johnson are new pupils. Mabel Kline has left us and gone to Austin, where she is in seventh grade. A fifth grader has succeeded in short­ ening the word "curtain"' to four let­ ters, "crtn." Fifth and sixth grades are now read­ ing Evangeline, while seventh and eighth grad£ pupils have completed Enoch Arden and taken up physiology for three months in place of reading. Some of the callers of the past month are Rev. Giesselbrecht, Mrs. M. An­ derson, Lura Giles, Helen Carleson, Edyth Nelson. Elsie Anderson, Ruth Kline and Agnes Risley. We hope to welcome more the coming months. Sept. 12 the whole school went on a hazel nutting party to Martin Ander­ son's woods, leaving the school house about two o'clock and returning about five. An enjoyable afternoon was spent in spite of the wild bees and the other accidents which occurred. The following pupils have been nei­ ther absent nor tardy: Willie Wei- land, Rose Peterson, Edna Stephenson, Mary Bonnicbsen, Inga Ericksoa, Os­ car Nelson With Letsler, Clarence Sandberg, Christina Mickkleson, Wil­ lie Anderson. Olga Anderson. KINQWOOD. A. L. Beck was called to Chicago en business Monday. H. M. Stephenson and family were Elgin visitors Sunday. Quite a number of our townspeoile saw Gov. Deneen Saturday. v Misses Mary and Bertha Bell were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Ed Bell and wife s|>ent Sunday at James Bell's at Spring Grove. Thomas Walkington, wife and daugh­ ter were Richmond visitors Sunday. The W. C. T. U. held a pleasant meeting at Mrs. Hobart's last Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen and Miss Agnes Bigelow s|>ent Sunday at Lake Geneva. Floyd Howe was called to Michigan last Saturday by the serious illness of h s father. Mrs. Nell ie Dodge and Mrs. Grace M^Cannon took Miss Anna Waterman t > Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Melissa Gould of WoodsUxk spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and.Mrs. C. D. Bacon. H. M. Stephenson went to Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Stephenson will be oj>- erati*d on lor appendicitis. Mrs. Jane Amelia Carr and Mi's. Col­ lins of Greenwood were visitors at Libbie Simpson's Saturday. Paul Stephenson decorated one win­ dow of the drug store very prettily with autumn leaves and vines last Sat­ urday. Mrs. Myrtle Sanborn and Mrs. Mar­ tha Bradley attended the meeting of the Lotus Woman's club at Solon Sat­ urday last. Mi's. J. I). Smith called on her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. .lames Hodge, at Solon last Saturday, it being their t>4th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Edna Carr and Mr. and Mi's. John Kenneth of Chicago and Mrs. L. A. Met annon of Greenwood spent Friday with Ringwood relatives. Charles Stephenson now has his barn moved onto his new place. John Ste­ phenson is moving his family into the house vacated by C. H. Joe Miller has moved his mother to McHenrv. Economize with Chi-Namel What is Chi-Namd? An everlatfiag TUBUI rick m QUKM Chi. Contains no rosin 01 I'--m", Easy to apply. Flow* out perfectly. Sbows nobnuh marts ot hps. Require* little brushing. What i« Chi-Namel For? To mak« old woodwork look new. To keep new wood from looking old. To preserve its natural beauty. To make wood waterproof, wear­ proof, tiraeprooi. To (xightea up old innJhm, giro new color and lustre ana hide tbe whity scratches. What will Chi-Namol Do? Stand more abuse and hud knock* than any ordinary varnish. Lnatie, color and durability am not injured by boiling water or *eap. A iuuamer blow that dent* the wood will not cause Chi-Namel Varnish to flake or powder. To change old color and V give a high glo*s with one application, use colored Cai-Narad Vamifh. To give brilliant lustre without changing former color, use Natural •Chi- Namel Vamish, Coats only one-half cent per square not. % Wm hav* H in off and colors S. w.""p»bwp| RINGWOOD. ILLINOIS VOLO. Kapple spent Saturday Mrs. Ch%s. here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lusk of McHenry spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wort* were Mc Henry visitors Friday. Mrs. Ves Wagner and daughter were Gray slake callers Saturday. Miss Ella Moore was a Wauconda caller Wednesday afternoon. Miss Anna Compton called on her sister, Mrs. Kirwan, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Croker of Liberty- ville spent Sunday at Lee Huson s. Mrs. Lucy Clough of Wauconda called at A. J• Raymond's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson entertained Waukegan company Saturday and Sun­ day. Mrs. Ray Paddock and Miss Ella Moore were Round Lake callers Satur­ day. Mrs. Frank Hironimus and children •pent Friday with friends at West Fre­ mont. Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and son of Round Lake called on friends here TKRKA COTTA. Miss Delia Coqway of Elgin was the guest of relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family visited Emerald Park relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powers of Mc­ Henry visited at J. M. Phalin's Sun­ day. Eugene Leisner of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents and sister here. Mark and Phil Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Sunday wtih relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Collins of Elgin were recent guests in the home of M. A. C-onway. Miss Elsie Trudell is home from Woodstock, where she has been work­ ing the past few weeks. Those from away who attended the funeral of A. T. McMillan Thursday afternoon were: John Starr and Mrs. Minnie Starr Grainger of Belvidere, Mrs. Mary J. Rogers and daughter, Grace, of Chicago, Mr. and Mi's. Robt. Hall of La Grange, Mrs. Polman and Miss Wilson of Palatine, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wingate and Miss Lizzie Ames of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buck, Jr., of Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthews of Huntley, Mrs. Walter Hatchwell and two daughters of Will- liams Bay, Wis., Frank Peck and John Heffron of Chicago, Mark and Phil Hoffman of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Flanders of Ringwood and Mrs. Helen Fox of Nassua, la. WT'\ /F WE CAN Sl'PPU BUILDING MATERIAL for aqy kind of a structure you contemplate building on the s h o r t e s t n o t i c e . T h o r o u g h l y seasoned lumber of full thickness and guaranteed quality, shingles or prepared roofings for cover­ ings, framing, etc. all the pick of the best manufacturers. Come in and look us over--maybe we can save you some money, time and trouble. : WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST IMENRY, ILL REGISTER THIS FALL YOU MUST DO SO IP YOU WANT TO VOTE --REGISTRATION OCT. IMI. It will be necessary for every person desiring to vote this fall to register. New registration in a presidential year is a prime necessity and it is up to those who want to vote to see that their names are on the registry lists. Registration laws in Illinois, so far as they relate to the time of registra tion of voters, are alike in every coun­ ty, save three or four, where boards of election commissioners look after the matter of registration. In McHenry and ninety-eight other counties of the state, however, it devolves on the elec­ tion judges in every town and voting precinct to make up voting registry lists. Let no voter, no matter how old he is or no matter how long he has lived in his town or precinct, think he can vote this fall without being registered, for if he does he will find out his mis­ take later on. In the country counties of the state, like McHenry county, the two days of registration will be Oct. 15 and Oct. 29. On those days the judges of election in every town will meet in their respective towns and voting districts to prepare registry lists of voters. A residence of one year in the state, 90 days in the county and 30 days in the town or voting precinct are the requisites of a legal voter of Illinois, assuming, of course, that he is a nat­ uralized citizen. Citizenship papers 'are more diffcult to obtain now than they were a few years ago by reason of a change in the federal law in this respect. For that reason any person who has not obtained both sets of nat­ uralization papers before this date will be unable to vote at this fall's election. VILLAGE FENCE TO BE SOLD. The fence which until recently has enclosed the public park will be sold at public aucfion to the highest bidder on Saturday, Oct. 12, at 2 o'clock. ^ PER ORDER VILLAGE BOARD: Adv. 16-2 WHEN YOU CALL ON YOUR BEST «L take a box of---- KRANZ CHOCOLATES -from MCALLISTER IMG S10K1 E. V. M'ALLISTER & CO. Druggists West McHenry We h) lie t -FOR- Calves, Hides -AND- Chickens Let us know what you have and we will make you a price. J.W.Aebischer (Suctutr (• C. G. Freit.'i' NcHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE 80-M COWS FOR SALE. We have 80 choice cows, new milk­ ers and close springers, for sale; also 30 Holstein heifers. We can save you money on cows. Give us a trial. D. HERELEY & SONS, Adv. Harvard, 111. * CHECK * THAT COLD just as quickly as possible. One can never tell what a cold will develop into. Our PINK COLD TABLETS is a never-failing antidote for colds. It mak^s no dif ference whether the cold is in the incipient stage or well advanced It is guaranteed to cure. :: :: :: PRICE, 25 CENTS. N. H. PETESOH NcHENRY, ItfegfftHS. LJb A BIG ASSORTMENT OF RELIABLE HAKES AT THE CORRECT PRICES. F. L. Mc1 The West Side Hardware jWian. PRETTY THINGS For The Home From now until spring you will be pass­ ing most of youf time in your home aw} with the approach of cold weather also comes the thought of making ycyir home comfortable and cozy. Did you ever stop and think of the many comforts there are in GOOD FURNITURE? Home is not complete without nice fur­ niture and we are here to supply you. We handle everything in the of Furniture at satisfactory prices. :: :: JACOB JUSTJLN. THE McHENRY FURNITURE MAN (F A LARGE STOCK Or READYT0-WEAI PANTS! PRICES RANGE FROM Also Samples of Mies' and Ms' Rain (oats $5.00 and up Guaranteed In every way J. D. LODTZ, ncHenry, Illinois. Nfc:

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