Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1912, p. 4

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Ike Nctleary Pldiodeiler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. OdcetD Bank Bnlldlng. Telephone. No.S7*. TKRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION! neyear • ix months. 75 cta. Thrae months. 40oU. Thursday, October 24, 191a. QUARTER Of A CENTURY. {? ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PLAINDEALER OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Married, at Oct. 25, l^T. M eh ring-, Mr. ,-ulih'il a f ront of if a new Tuesdav. The lirst snow of the season 11 ih section on Saturday evening 1:im Bonslett & Stoffel havt good improvement to tin their store in the shape storm house. Johnsl>ur_'h. by the lu v. Father Adplph Fischer to Miss Kate Thelen, both of McHenry. Married. At the residence of the officiating clergyman. Rev. R. K. Todd, in \\\H>dsUK*k. on Thursday. Oct. 20, 1 hs7. Wm. J. (,'utteridfre of Lake Geneva. Wis., and Miss May.*rie Clark of McHenry. Died- In Lander, Wyoming lerri tory, Oct. IS, ISsT, Warren M. Mr Onil>er, a.ifed tifty-one years. He leaves one brother. Henry MoOmber. of this village and one sister. Mrs. Greenleaf. of Waukejran. as the only surviving members of his family. Henry Colby, whose store is in the Riverside block, has commenced a grand closing out sale of his immense stock of goods. He has decided to change his business and wishes to dis- }>ose of his goods in the shortest time jKJSsible. The entertainment by the Good Templars, at the old cheese factory hall, on Friday evening- of thi* w.-ek promises t-o be one of the most suc­ cessful and enjoyable entertainim ni> ever given in McHenry. .\ nio>t in teresting- prog-ram has Iwen arranged and no ]>ains w ill be spared to make it pleasant for all who may attend. Oysters and other refreshments will be served after the literary exercises are concluded, and a general good time i^ expected. Let all turn out and give them a rousing benefit. Following i> the prog-ram: Instrumental music _ Mary Went worth Male Quartet W. H. Ford. F. C. Colby, W. D. Went worth. W. A. Cristy. "The Cotter's Saturday Night" Miss Julia A. Story Mixed Quartet Miss Dora Whiting. Miss Amy Owen. F. C. Colby. \V. A. Cristy. "The Guiding Star"' .. .. . . Miss Lucy McLean Duet Miss Mattie Smith and Miss Amy Owen. Charade . .Miss Dora Whiting and Mi's. G. W. Lesley. Violin Solo K. L. Scott "Cardinal Wolsey on being- fast off by King Henry VIII..C. W. Shifter Male Quartet. . W. II. Ford. F. C. C-olby, W. I). Wentworth. W. A. Cristy. Admission to hall, 10 cents: supper, 25 cents. Doors open at 7:3U: enter­ tainment at 8:01). Vote "Yes" on the at the Election November 5 , 1 9 1 2 The adoption of Voting Machines in McHenry county will insufe more accurate election returns, greater satisfaction to the individual voter and to the candidate who wants a fair count, and will Save the county Money A Voting Machine election costs only about 50 per cent as much as a paper ballot election, and is 100 per cflnt better. The carrying of this question on Nov. 5 does nothing except to give the Board of Supervisors of Mc­ Henry county authority to purchase Voting Machines when they are convinced that this purchase would be advantageous to the county. Henry Bakery Others are buying our delicious Bakery Goods, why not you? Others buy here because they know that our Bakery is always fresh from the oven. They also know that the quality is here. LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION A. TIETZ, Prop. Phone 103 R Jplsijii VOTE FOR THOS. E. GRAHAM for f- vt-rvBakin! N mocratic i> H'M'ilUl- m Gener v. *th i BAKING POWDER Best--because it's the purest. Best--because it never fails. Best-- because it makes every bakinglight, fluffy and evenly raised. Best --because it is moder­ ate in cost--highest in quality. At your grocers. *• ECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World'* Pure Food Expo- ftition, Chicago, 1U. Pvit Exposition, France^ March, 1812. cheap or big-can baking powder. Don't be milled. Buy Calumet. It i more economical -- more wholesome -- give* bat results. Calumet it far superior to sour milk and soda. Everybody's Doing It What? Why, buying their groceries and fruits of us, to he sure. Our line com­ prises the very choicest on_the market and we are able to give you lirst class service at all times. Call us up, give us your order and we will do the rest. We never fail to please, (iive us your order for fruits for canning pur­ poses. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 86-W flcHenry, - Illinois. ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 OFFICIAL STATEMENT or THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Statement of ownership, manage­ ment of THK MCIIKNUY l'LAINDKALKK published weekly at McHenry, Illinois required by the Act of Aug. 24, 1912. Name of I'/ditor: F. <]. Schreiner, McHenry, 111. Name of Publisher: F. G. Schreiner, McHenry, 111. Name of Owner: F. G. Schreiner, Me Henry, 111. Known bondholder, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, i mortgages. oi- other securities: None, j F. CJ. SCHKKINKR. j Sworn and sul^scriHed l>efore me this 2Hth day of September. 1912. < M.IVKK N. OVVKN, Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 7, li»ir>. CORN CONTEST AND SOCIAL. A corn contest and social will take place in the lirefeld school on Thurs day evening. October iil. A good time is promised. All are invited. Ad\ ANNA M. ST(M:K, leacIK• r A neglected cough may become chron ic. Our cough remedy will stop it. 2f>c the bottle at Petcscb's. Adv. 17 4 Don't Ask Us who is going to be the next president of the United States. We do not know a thing about it. Ask us all the ques­ tions you want to about meats and groceries and we will be able to give you a satisfactory an­ swer. We deal in these lines and know that we can please you. :: J.W. Aebischer (Sucoibbt MeHENRY. ILL. U. f'rt U.> PHONE 80-N 0 Congressman Ira C Copley of Aurorfi, Illinois CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION NOVEMBER 5,1912 HIS PLATFORM. I b*Jlev« in public regulation and control, by properly constituted authorities, of all public service corporations--railway, traction, tel­ egraph, telephone, electric light, gas and all others. I believe that the public is entitled to know that it gets a fair standard of service, and at a fair price, and that the corporatidn makes a fair business profit. I feel that the PUBLIC l£ ALSO ENTITLED TO ASSUR­ ANCE THAT ITS LIFE, HEALTH AND PROPERTY ARE SAFE GUARDED IN THE UTMOST Ut GREE. I believe that the pubhc and employes of the company are entitled to know that every possible safeguard is thrown about the lift- and health of the employes. I t>r ieve in a fair working out of Em pioyer's Liability. I believe in putting the burden of TAXATION ON THE SHOULD ERS OF THE PEOPLE WHO CAN iEST AFFORD TO BEAR IT, anc who get the most benefit from the stability which this government ot fers to income and capital. I be­ lieve in an Income Tax exempting moderate Incomes, and one in which the ratio of taxation---when the income Is enjoyed by a private individual -- Increases as the in- lome itself increases in size. I oe- lieve In an Inheritance Tax ex­ empting moderate inheritances, out one in which the ratio of taxa- Lion increases as the size of the inheritance itself increases. Republican Nominee at the April Primaries by a Majorttf of 6,900 s i mmm 'A 'Progressives Have Since Endorsed Him, as Their Candidate HI6 PLATFORM. I beileve In the conservation of a! the national and state resources \ for the benefit of all the people. t BELIEVE IN PROTECTION, BUT I BELIEVE IN PROTECTION THAT REDUCES* A8 FAR AS POSSIBLE, THE C08T OF THE CHEAPER ARTICLES that are ->ec«*sarily consumed by the poo> - . r people and, If additional revenue iust be raised from this source, :hat the tax on the LUXURIES rHAT ARE ENJOYED BY THE RICHER PEOPLE BE MADE TO STAND SUCH INCREASES, .is far as possible. I believe in the principle advocated by President Taft when he caused the present Tariff Commission to be estab­ lished. After this body has had an opportunity to gather its facts, this country, for the first time, will be able to approach tariff leglsla f-.lon from a fair and scientific standpoint and, for the first time, he schedules will be framed in the interest of the ultimate consumer, as well as in the interest of the producers. Heretofore no one has ever been heard on a tariff scheo- ule excepting the producer. To sum up my platfoim in one sentence, I AM A ' PROGRESS IVE" REPUBLICAN AND b. LIEVE IN THE POLICIES Or T H E O D O R E R O O S E V E L T , NAMELY, "A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERYBODY." To Voters of the Eleventh Congressional District: I have been twice nominated and once elected by you on the above platform and I am again a candidate for your suffrage without a single change of principle. I call your attention to the fact, that every plank of my platform promulgated four years ago as an epitome of my progressive Republican principles, is now embod­ ied in the platform of the new Progressive Party, of which Theodore Rooseveft is nominee for president. The primary vote of this district and the primary vole of this whole country, wherever primaries were held, bears witness to the fact that Theodore Roosevelt was the"nominee of the Republican voters for president and the principles advocated by Theodore Roosevelt are the principles of a great majority of the voters of this coun­ try. As a delegate to the Republican convention in Chicago it is my judgment that the will of the people was overridden and the nomination of Mr. Taft by the con­ vention was accomplished by delegates illegally seated. I am enthusiastically supporting Theodore Roosevelt for president and if I am returned to congress will advocate and support the principles enunciated in his platform. The voters of this district know exactly where Tstand and I submit my cause to them in the November election. Bell System TJ/^HEN the frost is on the punkiji y? and the fodder's in the shock1' the banker or merchant may feel inclined to try for a little business in Greenfield, Indiana, the home of the Hoosier Poet, Greenfield is not a large place, but it is a live one, and it will cost only $1.25 to send a message over Bell Long Distance lines via Chicago Telephone Company. Be the city large or small, far or near, the Bell System reaches it. Call "Long Distance." Manager's Tele­ phone 9903 James Perkins, 1 Manager CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All tMiv.-rt iaementu Inverted uiuler thl» at the following r*U>»; Five linen or M rent* for ttrat Insertion; 16 cent# for each •ubsequent Inwrtlon. More than Ave linen, & cunt* a line (or ft rat Insertion, and a cent* ̂ line for addition! Insertions. T^OK SALE--White May boar. *- B. B. <iiUDiwo8, HliiKWOod, III. 1H-M» * Tel; No. McHenry. poll SALE-- A first-class surrey In fine cou- A tliMon. Will l>e sold cheap. Inquire or write KiRuecEY HOOHK. Plst&keu Bay. lti-tf Wit SALK- Uounes and lpts lu McHenry 1 Also river property wltli acreage. Sold Moving pictures at the Central op<3ra houBe on Saturday ol Lbis week, ^.dv per tufre or lot. West McUem-y. Ill Inquire of U. A. HATTKM. 41-tf FOR acre farm; well Imp jiew Hilo^iud milk Uouae, all bullal rirove d lUK* iu good repair; will rent for cash. Possession glren Mar. 1, 1»13. For particulars address J. V. WINO. North Crystal Lake, 111. l»-2t OPEN FOR BUSINESS. I wish to announce that my new blacksmith shop, situated on Watike- gan street, near the railroad tracks on the West Side, is now open for busi­ ness. 1 am in a position to take care of all nork that may come my way and can always guarantee satisfaction. I will do all sorts of blacksmithing, horseshoeing and wagon-making. Your patronage is hereby solicited. 14-tf Jos. MAY. It's True Mother has had her pic ture taken rather oftener than father has--but even she hasn't been in in two years and that picture will never do to send to Aunt Jane. She wears her hair so much more becomingly now-- and anyway, it's high time there was another picture for the family collection. Make your appointments now for Christmas Photos. We make and sell picture frames Siitifttel's ^iiuto Studio 'PHONE IOfl-J WEST H'HENRY, ILL -THE Cheery Light! ON long, dre&ry autumn and win­ter nights Electric Light sends out a welcoming radiance. It makes th«, home brighter and is easiest to read by. In addition, it is the most economical light. If you own a home on one of our distributing lines, we will wire it at cost, allowing you two years to pay without interest. The expense is low. POBUC SERVICE CO. OF NOITIEUt IUJN01S. | Professional. Society | | Business Cards 5 fH * OAVm G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, f t \ "«• •"«' »*»'de»ce, e*rn»r Elm ar.4 CraM street*, McHenry, Illinois. Telephone No. ai.. JMS-J :: Office Pheae M7- CHARLES H. FRANCIS LAWYER ESTATE-WORK A SPECIALTY WOODSTOCK, ILL Kendall Block 112 '1-2 Cut Street TektpfcoM Mo S9J. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHenry, llltooi* Pine Stock Merchandise Farm Salea Real Estate C. 4. AUCTOMUR Telephone No. SM WEST M'HENRY, ILL. L Q.SENG Same degree of ex­ cellence n l!«uero *4 cigare, MM ' errlce, same oU tan4, oasne every* King except the VNUMBER i<i 106 N. 6th Awe. CHICAGO. HVifc^ElLS U1ECKED FREE are the talk of the town and all who have patron­ ized this store are per­ fectly satisfied with our goods and service. We fully realize that a satis­ fied customer is worth a great deal and for that reason we doing every­ thing within reason to please you. Try us and lie convinced. :: :: Math. Laures THE WEST SIDE OROCERYMAN Phone 8 West McHenry WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STOIY TELLING TRAVEUHG HEN AMP SHEEP? H I ! TRAVELING MEN BEING 1W1K 1 MIS TO THE FORE, SHEEP KEEP THEIRS BEHIND. Little Ro-Peep she lost her sheep, and didn't know where to tind them: so she left them alone and soon they came home, a-hustling their tails behind tliem. Mutton or lamb chops are nice for a change- try them. :: :: :: :: E. F. Matthews WEST HcHENRv ILL. 'FHom; s NOVEMBER'S will find the leakg around your windows Storm Sash vi ill stop these leaks Better order now be­ fore cold weather sets in. :: :: WILBUR Mil COMFANY 'PHONE «, a warn MMfl£Nit¥, " I

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