Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1912, p. 5

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CentraJ Opera. Ho vise Sunday Evening, Oct. 27 f THE FLORA DeVOSS CO. IN Why Lindy Ran Away 9 9 SPECIAL SCENERY AND EFFECTS! HIGH CUSS VAUDEVILLE! POPULAR PRICES. ^yHEN you buy a heatinsr stove you want one that will consume the least amount of fuel, give the greatest amount of heat, hold the tire, prevent the formation of clink ers, have a hand some appearance and last a lifetime THEN BUY A ...ROUND OAK... That is the stove t h a t h a s m a d e good in every one of the above tests for forty years. We depend upon satisfied custom res for future sah 'S. (>ur stove business l ias in­ creased each year whieh i s proof positive that we have the right policy and the RICiHT" STOV K. Call and see the line. :: 1\ L. McQMBER.. >; West Mchenry West Main Street (r P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, /lutton, /logs, Veal,. Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price List* furniahed on application. COLD STORAUE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall * j, Patton St. Wholesale Market. BE A PROGRESSIVE If you Mi in it it is time to clcuu u|i puuuui, iuk tiir auaighi PROGRESS­ IVE TICKET. If you think your electric light bills are too high, CALL ME! I will show you how to rWuc; i. SAMUEL M. ESLER BEST OF EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. M?HENRY,'ILL. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONIC LED-BY I » • A. •- - • OUR ABLE CORPS OT^TXTKR^SPONDEN TS- 4 V- ! ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Jos. Died rich was a Chicago visitor Monday. A Raymond S. Howard was an Aurora visitor Monday. Mrs. T. J. Walsh was a Chicago vis­ itor Wednesday. M iss Elizabeth Thelen was an Elgin visitor yesterday. John R. Knox was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander was a Chica­ go visitor Wednesday. M. J. Walsh was among the Chica­ go visitors Wednesday. Wm. StolTel boarded the Chicago train Tuesday morning. J. H. Miller was a business visitor at Lake Geneva Wednesday. Ed. Wirfs of Waukegan called on McHenry relatives last Sunday. Everett Hunter and son, Arthur, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. L. F. Block and daughter. Teazel, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Clinton Martin left last Friday morning for a week's visit at Lamoille, ill. Mrs. J. C. Bickler and sons, William and Carl," were Chicago visitors last Friday. Miss Ruby ClaMon spent from Fri­ day till Monday evening with Dundee friends. Miss Edith Carpenter of Elgin spent Wednesday as the gyest of McHenry friends. Mrs. J. W. Aebischer spent Tuesday and Wednesday as the guest of Chica­ go relatives. Mr. and Mis. Rollin Waite were among the Chicago passengers Tues­ day morning. Miss Christine It. Miller was among those to Iniard the Chicago train Tues­ day afternoon. Gerhard Wegener and Miss Eva Miller of Lily Lake were Woodstock visitors last Saturday. Miss Bessie Miller of Genoa June tion. Wis., was the guest of Miss Flor­ ence Granger Sunday. Mis. Frank E. Cobb anil daughter, Lenore, were guests of Chicago rela­ tives the first of the week. Misses Anna Rossdeutscher and Grace Murphy of Wauconda were callers in town one evening last week. Dr. C. H. Fegets, Kirk Craine. J. D. Lodtz and Clarence Cobb were Chi­ cago passengers Thursday morning. Mis. Jaeob Just en and sons, George and Albert, spent Friday,. Saturday and Sunday as the guests of Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton and Mrs. H. Kennebeck and son, Ben, sjient Sunday at Seneca. The trip was made in the latter's auto. Mesdames George Wardlow, E. R. Lincoln and Ernest Hoeft of Crystal Lake drove to this village one day last week and remained for a short visit with friends. "Why Lindy Ran Away" by the De- Voss company Sunday eyjftiing, Oct. 27. Adv PROBA TE NEWS [I'urnlshpd by Mclleurv tJounty Abstract (Xunpany, Woodstock. Illinois. Office In Ar­ nold Hlock. -eiiSt side pulillc square. Ab­ stracts <>f t it,le find conveyuncliiK. Money to loan on real estate In sums of Hve hundred to ten l housaiid dollars. Time and payment* to suit tmrrower. Phoned H34. 903 and #11.1 RKAI. KSTATE TRANSFERS. Wm Itonsleti A w to Anton K ruin pen. It 3. I>lk 13, W McHerny - .t#75 00 Itarbaru S«-liles>le to Maine, part out lot W McHenry. F. T Flanders and W to l*oo and Kiffina Moenke. lot s. hlk I. F. I' Flanders' sub dtv of s an a of wH nwH se<-22. Mc­ Henry 1211000 Same to U W Itrandt. lot. 9. blk 1. K I' Flanders' i v of s 20 a of wH n » U sec 22. McHenry SJOOfl l'Kl IHATK l'ltlH'KF.DI N< JS. Estate of Andrew T. McMillan. ( PuKxf of death and p> ti 'ion for prolnate tiled- Peter lto'. lyn-mel. Final report filed. Andrew T. McMillan. Prottf of death and petition for admission of wiU U) probate tiled tyid approved- Hear­ ing set for Nov. 4, 1VJ12. MAKRIAUF. L,K'PNSJ££. BlUUKTIKLU C. Hoy's sale Tuesday, Oct. 29. Joe Robinson went to tl^e city Sun­ day. Geo. Wheeler was a Woodstock caller Monday. Mrs. Sandberg and son returned to Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. E. E. Knilans is visiting her motber at Delavan. H. P. Barl»er had business in Crys­ tal Lake Thursday. Mis. Goflf of Crystal Lake -was a Ridgi'field caller Thursday. Miss Glenys Jacobs was a business caller in Woodstock last Saturday. Andrew Nelson is spending some time in the city. He went last, week. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Miss Lizzie Furney Thursday after­ noon. Herman Irish and son of Harvard visited the former's mother and sisters Sunday. Chancev Stephenson of Chicago is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mis. A. Stephenson. Mr. and Mis. E. Jacobs entertained Oscar Johnson and Will Brown of Woodstock Sunday. Mis. E. li. Smith visited her broth­ er. S. E. Olmstead, and family in Woodstock Sat ui-day. Miss Gertrude Fay of Ringwood was a Ridgetield and Woodstock caller the latter part of last week. Mrfc. Frank Fay and little son of Ring wood visited with her sister. Mts. 1'. B. Haughawout, recently. C. Burg and R Knilans enjoyed '"The Divorce" given at the opera house in \Vo<xlstock Thursday. Misses Minnie Moore and Lndie Furney of Chicago visited with their cousin, Miss Li/./.ie Furney, over Sun­ day. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet with Mis. Henry Reed Thursday afternoon, Oct. .'U, wishing a large at­ tendance. Misses Marjorie Reser, Genevieve Goddard and Elsie and Mabel Wille were business callers in Woodstock Sal urday. Missi s Erina and May Henise of Mc- Henrt visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. .Jacobs the latter part of last week. Station Agent Lynch took in the moving pictures at, Woodstock Satur­ day evening and Spent the night at the home of his daughter. Mis. L. M. Coddard. Mr. Lynch was also a busi­ ness caller Wednesday. Miss Ethel Reed brought into the news oflice a cluster of tine, juicy red raspberries which had that spicy fra­ grance of the summer time. The berries were picked by Mrs. William Reed from their garden Tuesday, Oct. '2*2. The berries were unusually large. All special scenery for the DeVosa company Oct. 27. Adv Economize with CM-Namel What U Clu-Namel ? An everiMtias Tarnish rich in cw. CofH*®* m mm or (mbzJm* Easy to apply. Flow* out perfrdly. Shows no bnuh marts or lap*. Require* little blinking. Wkat Is Cki-Numl For? To mak« old woodwork look new. To keep new wood from lookup old. To preserve iti natural beauty. To make wood waterproof, wear­ proof, time proof. To brighten up old furniture, give new \- color and liutre and hide the white scratches. What will Chi-Namel Do? Stand more abuse and hard than any ordinary varnish. Lustre, color and durability are not injured by boiling water or soap. A hammer blow that dents the wood will not cause Chi-Namel Vamish to flake or powder. To change old color and give a high glow with one application, use colored Qu-NameJ Vanish. To gire brilliant lustre without changing former color, use Natural Chi- Namel Vamish. Costa only one-half cent pet square foot. % Wm Kaom it in off tun and colors S. W. PROWN R'l^GWOOIf. BfiJj.wfMif- L'-rov W. Scott, 24 Euieiine Mill. 20 Donald I'. E.hle, 21 Velma E. Jones, IV Robert Jones, L;la Count, 18 Wilson W. Foster, 4"» .Harvard I'alin.vra, VYis. Harvard Harvard Harvard l>elev»n, Wis. Huntley badge Esther H. £enk, 21 Huntley James II- Wehner, 2tt. . . . . Harvard .Jane Madaline Phyllis Jones, 21 Andrew W. Poppe, 21 Woodstock Olga Peterson, 22 - Momence Frank Wells Tanning, 23. . Woodstock Gladys Anne Carpenter, 23. Harvard MISTAKE NO. 2. Well, Sime, my son, Your glass is run, The law has got you tight. You are sure to get a tie pass And it will serve you right. I don't run to the depot just as you have wrote: I don 't rush the Deneen car For to sell my vote. I don't wear a Bull ModSfe And hide it behind a raft, And for a little money Vote for Deneen and Taft. I don't twom canning factories And work for them night and day, Until the j*>or farmers Have a hell of a bill to pay. 1 don't laugh round the corner At, you grafting tars. If I don't mistake my next laugh Will be at you thru prison bars. * Now if you will keep still We will M>on have you sane, pws-°n aid my salve Is good for the brain. Conundrum, guess the code: O. H. and !'• C. and K. Bill will tell you. Miss IVVoss and her own company at the Central opera house Sunday evening, Oct. 27. , Adv KINI1WIIOII. Frank Haw ley of Chicago was the guest of his parents Sunday. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin spent Sunday with Libbie Simpson. Mis. Lillian Marvin returned from Wayne last week and is now in Solon. Mrs. Inga Merchant entertained her cousin from Woodstock part nf last week. Miss K>nma Coates spent last week with Mis. Irving Herl»ert in Key­ stone. The next meeting of the W. C. T. lT. will be with Mrs. Inga Merchant Nov. 2. The W. T. P. had a pleasant meeting at Mrs. Hi ley Thomas' last Saturday. Henry Stephenson and son, Paul, spent last Saturday with Mis. Steph­ enson in (Ikioagu. Miss Helena Adams entertained a I tarty of her young friends Saturday, it being her birthday. Ellis Hughes and wife of Hebron visited at S. W. and Amos Smith's Saturday night and Sunday. Mis. J. Richardson of Richmond and Mrs. Sarah Wright ol Three Oaks, Mich., visited Mrs. Florence Hell, Wednesday. Ethel Harrison entertained a num­ ber of her McHenry school friends Friday evening. Ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. Emma Matthews has returned from her visit to West Chicago and is spending the week with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Edith McCannon. t Mesdames Jessie and Florence Smith gave a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Covell Saturday evening at the home of the latter, about thirty being pres­ ent. An excellent supper was served and all spent a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Covell left Sunday even­ ing for their home. Miss Anna Wa­ terman went with them and will spend the winter with the families ol Howard and Walter Waterman in Idaho. OOOD LiVK SHINGLES made from sound lumber and slowly dried (not baked) will hold their own in actual wear against all roof substitutes. The shingles we handle are made by the best mills in the country, are standard thickness, clear and sound and full of the natural life of the wood, which renders them impervious to the rain and sunshine. Come in and see them and get our prices. WILBUR LlilER CO. WEST MlLi-JL ii, ILL. Why Suffer? DR. SHOOP'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY WILL CURE. WE SIGN THE GUARANTEE. VOLO, Charles Dunnill spent Sunday with his parents here. Mrs. Ray l*addock was a Round Lake caller Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Raughtand Crellies were recent Waukegan visitors. Mrs. Ed Snyder and son of Rollins called at Ves Wagner's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kruttenberg entertained companv over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and son of Round Lake were here Thurs­ day. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson en­ tertained relatives from Palatine the past week. * Miss Zella Huson of Round Lake spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. R. Paddock. Our pure cold cream is absolutely harmless and will prove beneficial to any skin. 25c the jar at Petesch's. 17 . Chicken feed at M. M. Niesen's. \VK A LSI) SKI.L Shoop's Restorative Shoop's Cough Remedy Shoop's Preventics for Colds Shoop's Catarrh Remedy Shoop's Laxets Shoop's Magic Ointment for Piles E. V. M'ALLISTER & CO. Druggists West McHenry TO THE PEOPLE OF MMY m VICINITY I wish to announce that 1 am now located in the build ing until recently occupied by M. J. Walsh and can sup ply you with Ladies' and Children's Coat&, Waists, Dress Skirts, Dress Goods; Overcoats, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Overalls, Shirts, Shoes and everything to be found in a general store. Our gro eery department is also com­ plete. :: E. LUSK,: WEST If HENRY * CHECK + THAT COLD just ras quickly as possible. One can never tell what a cold will develop into. Our PINK COLD TABLETS is a never-failing antidote for colds. It makes no dif ference whether the cold is in the incipient stage or w6ll advanced It is guaranteed to cure. :: :: :: PRICE, 25 CENTS. N. H. PETESCH McHENRY, ILLINOIS. We are now located in our two dooi-s west of the old location and invite the Public to call and see us. We have added n*-w stocks of season­ able merchandise in all departments and are prepared to sell you new, fresh, up-to-date goods at llu' lowest poss­ ible prices consistent with good quality We are show­ ing a tine line :: :: :: :: DRESS GOODS in all the |iopular shades, ranging in price from 25c to $1.50 per yard A large varity of Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Flannels, Etc. See our line of new changeable Silks. Your meas­ ure taken for a Suit, Coat, Skirt or Dress. A perfect tit guaranteed by the Ideal Ladies'Tailoring I'o. of Chicago. A large variety of Cloths and Trimmings to select from. Ol'R SHOK DKPARTMKN'T is larger than ever. We are showing exceptional values in men's heavy work shoes from $2.f>0 to $4.f)0. Our line of International Tai­ loring samples is the linest we have ever shown. Call and look them over. Groceries, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Etc., alwavs pure and fresh. : . J. WALSH, PlfONE 63-R. GOODS DELIVERED. WEST MCHENRY. PHONE iib * PRETTY THINGS For The Home From now until spring you will be pass­ ing most of your time in your home and with the approach of cold weather also comes the thought of making your home comfortable and cozy. Did you ever stop and think of the many comforts there are in GOOD FURNITURE? Home is not complete without nice fur­ niture and we are here to supply you. We handle everything in the line of Furniture at satisfactory prices. :: :: JACOB JUSTEN, THL Mchc*nHY FURNITUKt MAN A LARGE STOCK OF READY TO WEAR PRICES RANGE FROM KSI t# $3.5 Also Samples of Ldflies' and Ms' Rum Outs $5.00 and up Guaranteed in every way J. D. LODTZ, Hcllenry, Illinois. • i

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