Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1912, p. 4

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T6e Mcllenry Plaindeaier V natlflBD IVSRY THURSDAY tit F. Q. SCHREINER. B*&k Building- Tetophoae, No.ST*. Vl- .*J0 tlx mo«th«, 76CM. Tkiw* months. «0ett. Tharsday, October 31, 191a. 3'..• KING WOOD. Bert McCannon's family spent Sun­ day in Woodstock. 1 Mrs. Florence Bell was a Richmond visitor Saturday. Mrs. C. C. Fitch of Chicago is visit­ ing Mrs. H. W. Allen. ,A number from here attended tire dinner at.Solon last Thursday. J. S. and S. W. Brown and wives visited at Highland Park Sunday. ^ Mrs. Hattie Stevens had dental workfl done at Woodstock Thursday of last week. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson returned from the hospital last Wednesday and is gaining rapidly. Mesdames Jessie and Florence Smith were Richmond visitors Thursday aft­ ernoon of last week. Carl Fay, from the central part of the state, visited his mother, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding, last week. The W. C. T. L\ will meet with Mrs. Inga Merchant on Saturday of this week. Subject, "Farm and Rural School." Leader, Emma Brown. Ernest log-alls of Elgin, a former resident of Ringwood, was brought here for burial Tuesday. He leaves to mourn his loss one daughter, Edith, and two sisters, Mrs. Carl Richardson and Miss Frank Ingalls, both of Elgin, besides other relatives. The funeral services were held in the M. E. church. Rev. Collins officiating, and he was tenderly laid to rest beside his wife, who died three years ago. TKSKA COTTA. Mrs. M. A. Conway was a recent El­ gin visitor. James Lane of Chicago visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay of Chicago was a recent guest of relatives fhere. Messrs. Kjar and Hansen of Chicago were callers at M. Knox's Friday Mrs. Stacia Knox is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. M. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Person of Chica­ go spent Sunday with relatives here. Mesdames Henry and Frank McMil­ lan were recent Spring Grove visitors. Mrs. Brantingham of Chicago was a guest at the S. B. Leisner home Sun­ day. p Ch&s. Bay of Marshalltown, la., •pent one day last week at S. B. Leis- ner's. Eugene Leisner has gone to Califor­ nia, where he expects to remain about lour months. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Renehan of Gravslake and Mrs. English of Chicago visited at Frank Martin's Sunday. Extra vaudeville between all acts for the DeVoss Co. Adv W >-V-; .rv/v- The Official " _ IWs "how Br. Pliers Baking P®wdi»r to be most efficient it strength, oi highest purl!? and h a!thfci!ness - n* PRICE'S WtKm HI 31 WP flEal Wmt CREAM ; BAKING POWDER No Aim, No Phosniate ol lime QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ITERS CUPPED FROM PLAINDEALER Of TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. For Every Baking CALUMET B&IUMCi MIWHEIs Best--because it's the purest. Best--because it never fails. Best-- because it makes every baking light, fluffy and evenly raised. Best --because it is moder­ ate in cost--highest in quality. At your grocers. Mrs. Wm, McCollura is treating the outside of her residence to a new coat of paint, which much improves its appearance. We hear a masquerade party is be­ ing talked of for Thanksgiving night at the Parker House. Mrs. John I. Story and daughters, Misses Hattie and Edna, expect to start for their new home at Hartley, Towa, on Tuesday next. There will be regular service in the Universalist church, in this village, commencing next Sunday, November 6. Services morning and evening at the usual hour. Rev. H. Slade, Pas tor. Tickets will be issued this week for a Thanksgiving party at the River- ide House in this village, to take place on Thursday evening, November 24. Slocum's full orchestra will fur­ nish the music. There will be a reception for the pastor of the Universalist church. Rev. H. Slade. at the residence of Mrs. E. M. Owen on Tuesday evening next, Nov. 8. A musical program will be arranged and an interesting social time may be expected. All are cor­ dially invited. About twenty-five from this village and Nunda W ent to Fox Lake, via the steamer "Mary Griswold," on Sunday last and partook of a game dinner at the hotel of Ed. C. Howard of that place. The day was fine, the dinner one of Ed.'s best and all report a very pleasant and enjoyable time. Percy Hill, son of Capt. Hill, met with a sad accident last week at Fox Lake. He was engaged in extracting the caps from some unloaded brass shells, when he happened to get one that had not been discharged and it exploded, cutting his hand badly. It is reported that he will not be able to use it again this fall. The entertainment and oyster sup­ per by the Good Templars on Friday evening last drew out a large crowd and was a very entertaining and en­ joyable affair. The program, in all its parts. «was well rendered and the or­ ganization has cause to feel proud of this, their first entertainment. The supper was pronounced excellent by all The receipts footed up the hand­ some sum of $44.70. The following changes in residences have taken place the past week: Mr. Howell has moved into John Story's house, Lee Andrus has moved into Mrs. Stebbin's house vacated by Mr. Howell. J. Van Slyke has taken pos­ session of Mrs. L. A. Clark's house, E. Perkins lias moved into his own house just vacated by Mr. Van Slyke and Frank Quigly has moved into John Hogan s ̂ ouse near the brewery. Geo. W. Owen has commenced work on his new toboggan slidey which he proj)oses to erect this wintefy He will have a double slide, each l,o00 feetHn length and fixed up in shape second to none in the northwest. There is dead loads of fun for the young folks, and some older ones, in one of these slides and Mr. Owen will spare no pains to make this one both safe and pleasant. Hurrah for McIIenry's tol>oggan slide. southern city about a fortnight RUSHES 1.000 MILES TO HARRY DECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS W*U*i Para Food Fi|n •ition. Chicago, UL Pari* Expotilioa, Fnmcm, March. 1912. You ̂ .. . . .. b..u cheap or oig-can oaring powaet. Uont il misled. Buy Calumet It'* more economical -- more wholesome--gives tmtmuulis. Calumot ii far lapcrior to torn milk omd tod*- FORMER McHENRY GIRL IS HARRIED AT MOBILE, ALABAMA. - f The following announcement of the marriage of a former McHenry girl, which appeared in Monday's issue of the Elgin Daily Courier, will be of in­ terest to many Plaindealer readers: Racing 1,000 miles as fat>t as railroad train could carry her, Miss Evelyn Sayler, nineteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I). E. Sayler, 429 Russell street, arrived at Mobile, Ala., late Sunday afternoon and was married on schedule time a few minutes later to Earl Hudson, a former Elgin news­ paper man, who had preceded her to the ago. The wedding sets a record for rapid fire matrimonial arrangements carried out on a schedule plan which admitted of no delays. Hudson arrived in Mo­ bile a little more than two weeks ago with his father-in-law, who has land interests nearby. Saturday morning his bride severed her connections with the material office of the watch factory and left for Mobile with her sister, Pearl, who sprung a surprise on friends on Sunday, September 22, by taking a trip to St. Joe, Michigan, and marry ing Slade Clark, a popular gas com­ pany solicitor. Claris, who also left Elgin for the south two weeks ago to seek his fortune, was waiting at the train with Hudson. Hudson had the license. The quar­ tet hurried to the residence of Mrs. Sarah Dodson, where the Rev. Paul Hein, a Lutheran pastor of Columbus, Ohio, was waiting. At .5 o'clock the marriage service was read in the pres ence of a few newly made friends of Hudson and Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Clark attended the couple, After a wedding supper Mr. and Mrs. Hudson left for Fairhope, a winter resort on Mobile bay, where they are spending their honeymoon. They will return to Mobile, where they will stay for a time at least. Hudson will probably remain in the newspaper business for the present. The young people are well known and popular in Elgin. Friends know- that they intended to marry in the near future, but did not expect that they had any such hurry up plans. The bride was a member of the Philathea class of the First Methodist church, members of which were con­ siderably surprised at the news of the wedding. The departure from Elgin Saturday morning was not announced until the hour of starting. Hudson, who is the son of Patrol­ man Alfred Hudson, formerly worked in the watch factory, but two years ago became a member of the repor- torial staff of the Elgin Daily News. Several months ago he severed this position to take one on the City Press bureau of Chicago, which he held un­ til he left for the south. (F Mother tatts had her pic­ ture taken rather oftener than father has--but even she hasn't been in in two years jyad that picture will "never do to send to Aunt Jane. She wears her hair so much more becomingly now-- and anyway, it's high time there was another picture for the family collection. Make your appointments now for Christmas Photos. We make and self picture frames SdiMbel's Ptwti Studio THAW 100-J WEST N'HENRY III. /7s /Pearl hunters, who have made Wil- mot, Wis., their headquarters during the past summer, have ceased opera­ tions for the season. They shipped a carload of shells out of that village as a result of their summer's labors. They did not report many valuable finds of pearls. ' Get your favorite perfume at Mc­ Allister's. Adv CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisement* ln«erted under this at tile following rat** Five lines or less, lb conta for flrc^ Insertion, Ift cents for each ftnbuexftuent insertion- More than dve lines, 5 cents a line for first insertion, and 3 cent* a line for addition I insertions. Cheater White May boar. S. 8. GlDDlMlH, KlnRwnod, 111. Tel. No. «KXt-M-2, Mcllenry. JpOLi SALK- in-at* -A LEARNER uayenport, seat. In <4uire tit the home o( MRS JjfUJK SALE McHenry. III. npn .NICK MARTIN. 20-lt •pHUt SALE-A first-class surrey in line con- ^ ditloii. Will lie sold clii-ap. Inquire 01 write KIHOHKBT HOIMK. Plstakee Bay. 16-tf "EHM'ND-- On streets of McHenry a pair of eye glasses. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. XpOl'ND-A pocket hook. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Inquire of W. G. SCUHEINBR West McHenry, 111. 30 B^OIi SALE-- Houses and lots In McHenry •*- Also river property with acreage. Sold per acre or lot. Inquire of G. A. SATTEM, West McHenry. III. 41-tf LOST--Somewhere between my home and McHenry or in the village of McBenry a light lap robe. Finder will please return or notify me. MRS, PATRICK MCCABE, McHen­ ry. 111. 20 T OST--Somewhere between store and the depot last tjocket iKxtk •'lnder will receive Boblander's Saturday, a containing over $6 In money. reward by returning same to this office. 20 T OST--Somewhere iietween the West Side and St. Mary's Catholic church, on Tues­ day morning of thiat week, a w>n>an gold chain and cross. Finder will receive reward returning same to this office. z TpOR SALE--Mitchell automobile, four pas- A senger, perfect condition, £K)0 (X) New tires, three extra tires, wind shield, speedom­ eter, chains, pump, tools, clock, bumper, horn and Jack. Jos. J. MBOTES. Oak I'ark Hotel, IMstakee Hay. 20tf VOTE FOR J. E. Barber of Marengo DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR STATES ATTORNEY OF M«HENRY COUNTY If Elected, A Square Deal to Everybody Everybody's Doing It What? Why, buying their groceries and fruits of us, to be sure. Our line com­ prises the very choicest on the market and w# are able to give you first-class service at all times. Call us up, give us your order and, we will do the rest. We never fail to please. Give us your orHer for fruits for canning pur­ poses. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 86-W rtcHenry, - Illinois. Don't Ask Us who is going to be the next president of the United States. We do not know a thing about it. Ask us all the ques- t * / tious you want to about meats and groceries and we will be able to give you a satisfactory an­ swer. We deal in these lines and know that we can please you. :: :: J.W. Aebischer (SnceiMi1 (D C, 41. tf'rett.) McHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE SO-M VOTE FOR THOS. E. GRAHAM Democratic no for Representa­ tive in General /1BBC iiibly, 8th District ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER S -THE- Cheery Light! ^\N long, dreary autumn and win- ^^ter nights Electric Light sends out a welcoming radiance. It makes the home brighter and is easiest to read by. In addition, it is the most economical light. If you own a hone on one of our distributing lines, we will wire it at cost, allowing you two years to pay without interest. The expense is low. PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS. 7 The jK)puliir photoplays at the Cen­ tral opera house Saturday evening. All seats 10c. Adv All special scenery for "The Circus Girl" Sunday'levening. Adv A voting machine will pay for it­ self in fewer days' \^ork than* Unj other device or* machine tipon the market. In twenty-four days' act­ ual work the Machine saves enough 'f to pay for itself. :: :: :: VOTING MACHINES COUNT CORRECTLY w There are no after-election contests ' where voting - machines are used. The count is accurate and no ground is left oil which to make a / contest. :: •' :: GOOD VOTING MACHINES AND POOR ONES Not all voting machines work sat- \ isfactorily, but there are good ones on the market and .they cosf no more than the poor ones. If Chi­ cago had bought good voting ma­ chines there would have bee^n no trouble. The election officials xjn Chicago seemed to prefer the poor ones. :: :: - VOTE "YES" NEXT TUESDAY An affirmative vote next Tuesday gives the McHenry county officials authority to buy voting machines when they are convinced that the machines work satisfactorily and are money savers. It gives then^ no license to buy inferior machines. [ They will protect your interests. Vote "Yes" on the question, "Shall McHenry County Adopt Voting - Machines?" :: :: Bell mm "J?; System T/ffE have now pointed the telephone way to Chicago, to Boscobel and to other places whence travelers come and go, and business is doing 300 days a year. We could point South to New Orleans, West to Denver, and North to Medicine Haty but enough has been said to show that Bell Long Distance lines have the inalienable right to the claim of universal service, and that every­ one can be in constant touch with this great system through the Chicago Telephone pom- pan y. Manager's Tele­ phone 9903 James Perkins, Manager I •* ft-***?**** * Professional, Society V j | a.nd Business Cards £ w* m t M DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, ttt- \ c«r»r Elm and Cm•» atra«t«, McHonry, Telephone N*. Ml. ft--«• Phsne, 246-J Jtx Offset PhMM CHARLES II. FRANCIS LAWYER ' ESTATE W9BK A SPECIALTY Kandall Block lia i-a Cmmm StfMt WOODSTOCK, UL reUpfcml* No s,j. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. Wul McHenry, llllMt* Pino Stock NikKU^IM Farm MM >oal Eatata G. A. SI1TEM AUCTIONEER Telephone No. «M WEST H'HDIRY, BJL LQ.SEN6 IMW <a<raa of o*» celleHeo a Ilea**# aad cigars, taa* eetrice, eame oM stand, eame avary* thing except the VNUNBEt _J£| la 106 N. Mi Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE Make This Your Harness Shop You will make no mistake by so doing. We believe in good workmanship at honest prices which means satis­ faction to our customers. We aim at all times to carry a complete line of HARNESS AND HORSE GOODS and respectfully ask you to come in and examine the splendid stock iliat wo now havt' on display. Just at this time we are stowing one of the largest and best stocks of Blankets and Robes ever shown in McHenry and if you are in the market for anything in our line you will make 110 mistake by coming to this shop fof it. Your pufcronage is solicited. Sec our "Star" Storm Front E. L. BEHLKE f cms are the talk of the town and all who hare patron­ ized this«»store are per­ fectly satisfied, with our goods and service. We fully realize that a satis­ fied customer is worth a great deal and for that reason we doing every­ thing within reason to ^please you. Try us anc} be convinced. :: : Math. Laures THE WEST SIDE OROCEKYMAN l'hone 8 West McHenry WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE PRESIDENT'S TRAVELING EX- PENSES AND A MENU CARD? 3VvJ, I i I ill ONE IS THE i ARE OF BILL. THE OTH­ ER A BILL OF FARE. Corne and look/over our bill of fare before arranglnj? yours. You'll like our meats. Most tender our chops, our steaks are rare. Excel­ lent our haras, salt meats the same. All cuts are prepared with the greatest care--to serve and please you is our n'ti. :: :: :: E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY. ILL. 'PHONE I NOVEMBER'S WEST McHENRY, ILL. (hilly Winds wijl tirid the leaks around your windows Storm Sash w ill stop these leaks Better order now be­ fore cold weather sets in. :: :: :: WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY 'PHONE 8. WEST McHENRY, ILL. C. I. ALLENDORF, GENERAL AUCTIONEER. Live stock and farm sales a specialty. My motto is, "Oqe price and a square deal to all." Remember the name and call phone 607-M-2. C. I. Allen- dorf, West McHenry, Route 1. l&-3Ad?

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