Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Nov 1912, p. 6

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The McHenry Piaindeala Published by F. GL 3CHREINER. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FOLLOWING TIMES BLAST M'NA- MARA WANTED TO DESTROY LOS ANGELES. ALSO PANAMA CANAL LOCKS Plans for Wholesale Robbery to Ob­ tain Money to Carry Out Murder­ ous Designs Are Revealed at Trial of Alleged Dynamiters. MAIN STREET OF ADRIANOPLE, TURKISH STRONGHOLD HUNDREDS HAVE NARROW ES­ CAPE WHEN FIRE SWEEPS INSANE ASYLUM. MAN DIES FOR CANARY BIRD Home for Idiots, Epileptics and Feeble-Minded Is Destroyed--In­ mates Just Escape as Walls of Building Crumble to Pieces. Indianapolis , Nov. 27 -Stories o/ how the McNamaras, after the de­ struction of the Times, hatched the plots for more extensive violence and more desperate deeds than they had at tempted before were related in fed­ eral court here Monday by Ortie E. McManigal . A plot to destroy the whole ci ty of Los Angeles by explosion and fire, to make history on the coast date from the destruction of that ci ty, instead of from the date of the San Francis­ co earthquake, was among those of which the dynamiter told. In desperate desire to carry out this dynamiting program, if the execu­ t ive board, as he feared i t would, cut off the money supply. John J . Mc- Namara was ready to resort to the "hold-up" or highway robbery to get money, said his former companion, in crime. How J. J McNamara sought to get McManigal to go to Panama to blow up the canal locks under construc­ t ion by the McOlintie-Marshall com­ pany, was another interest ing episode In the conspiracy, as related by the dynamiter . The conversation in which most of these plans were disclosed, said the dynamiter , occurred at the interna­ t ional headquarters in this ci ty, April 7, 1911, only f ive days before J . R McNamara and Ortie McManigal were arrested in Detroit . J . J . McNamara while he, ( .1. IV) and McManigal were talking, said the witness, remarked that he had a scheme for Los Angeles, the plan be­ ing to get three or four "good fel lows" locate the aqueduct and principal wa­ ter mains th^re, and put charges un­ der them. Then, by using Schmidt 's device for set t ing fire to a building in several places simultaneously, by t£e use of the clocks. chemicals, fuses and cans, said the dynamiter , a number of big f ires would be started in different places, and with the water supply cut off , the ci ty would be wiped off the map. If not sending McManigal on a hunting tr ip, said the witness, McNa­ mara said he would send him to Panama to blow up the locks. McManigal said he asked if the explosive would be carried al l the way to Panama but J . J . said i t was manufactured down there, and the dynamiter could steal a whole maga­ zine and "dump i t fnto the locks." New York. Nov. 26.--In a fire that swept tin* l i runswick Home for Idiots , Epileptics a n d Feeble-Miuded at Amityvil le, L 1. , Sunday, one man was burned to death and several others who are missing are believed to h»ye perished. Eight hundred inmates of the various buildings of the inst i tu­ t ions were led out to safety. Some of them t o o enfeebled by their affl ic­ t ions to w a l k , were taken out in thri l l­ ing rescues. When the flames, fanned by a southeast wind, threatened the adja­ cent Long Island Home and l^ouden hall , several hundred inmates of that inst i tut ion were also led out . The man burned to death was Fri t? Mondary, thir ty years old, of New York ci ty. He was sent to the home five years ago He escaped from the building when the fire was discovered but returned to rescue his pet canary and perished Other inmates were seen to run back toward the flaming building and all of them have not been accounted for. An at tendant f irst discovered the fire, th e cause of which is not known, in one of the dormitories. The staff of the home immediately set to work carrying out the helpless, f if teen of whom were found lying on their cots terror-str icken as the fire crackled in the next room. Hurry calls for as­ sistance were sent out and firemen from six Long Island towns re­ sponded. The walls of the Brunswick Home collapsed soon after the last inmate had been carried out . In the mean­ t ime Louden hall and the Long Island Home were emptied of their occu­ pants. Hundreds of residents of Amity­ vil le used automobiles, horses and bicycles to round up the insane In­ mates, none of whom are believed to have escaped. r •- > , 0 I 'R photograph gives a view of the main street of Adrianople, the fort if ied ci ty of European Turkey which the Bulgarians have been str iving to surround and capture. 50 DIE IN THEATER PANIC Children Are Trampled to Death When Film Explodes in a Span­ ish Playhouse. SENATOR RAYNER IS DEAD Passes Away of Neuritis in Washing­ ton City--His Death May Change Political Complexion of Senate. Washington. Nov. 27--Isidor Ray- ner. United States senator from Mary­ land, died here Monday of neuri t is , from which he had been a sufferer for f ive years, fol lowing an acute il l­ ness of six weeks. Mr. Rayner lay in a comatose condit ion for nearly a week before passing away Senator Rayner at tempted to enter actively into the Democratic campaign and met Rourke Cockran in joint de­ bate at Balt imore late in September. The efTort exhausted him and he be­ came seriously i l l immediately after­ ward. Before he entered congress he had at tained a national reputat ion be­ cause of his vigorous conduct of the late Admiral Schley's case before the naval board of inquiry that investi­ gated the action of American officers in the batt le with Admiral Cervera 's Spanish fleet . H" was sixty-two years oM and was bom in Balt imore. He was a r^ernber cf the low^r hous, ' of cm- press from 18. '6 to 1^92, and in 1 ' .*04 became senator. His death may afTect control of the senate after March 4. He probably wil l be succeeded by a Republican a n d h i s v o t e w a s c o u n t e d o n t o g i v e t h e D e m o c r a t s o n e m a j o r i t y Bilbao, Spain. Nov. 26.--Fifty chil­ dren and others were kil led in a panic in a moving picture show here Sun­ day. The scene of the accident was a large circus, which had been convert­ ed into a continuous cinematograph show. As the price of admission was only two cents, the building was crowced to i ts utmost capacity, for the most part with women and chil­ dren. The operator of the machine lost his nerve when a fi lm ignited, and screamed "Fire!" He was able to extinguish the flames himself without diff iculty, but the effect of his cry upon the audience was instantaneous. The disaster caused frenzied crowds to gather outside the building and the authori t ies had great diff iculty in carrying on the work of rescue and extricating the dead and injured from the piles of wrecked seats . The manager and other employes have been arrested and are held pend ing an inquiry. Take John Schrank to A s y l u m . Milwaukee. Nev. 2 7 . - l o h n S < h r ; m k . t h e w o u l d - b e a s s a s s i n o f i n ! , n . ] R o o s e v e l t , w a s t a k e n t o t h e N o r t h e r n H o s p i t a l f o r t h e I n s a n e n e a r O - h kosh. Monday, by D e p u t y S i ' . - : i ff Fred Becker . J u d g e A ( ' B a c k u s < * t t h e m u n i c i p a l c o u r t h a v i n g c o m m i t t e d j him to that inst i tut ion after a coin- m i s s i o n o f a l i e n i s t s h a d a d j u d g e d h i m insane Begin Trial of 106 Koreans. Seoul. Korea Nov. 2 7 - The new trial on appeal of the inc, Koreans convicted September of part icipat­ ing in a conspiracy against the l ife of Count Terauchi. the Japanese govern­ or general of Korea, began Tuesday Eighteen Are Hurt in Trolley Crash. Montreal , Nov 2 7 -- E i g h t e e n per son s w e r e i n j u r e d i n a c o l l i s i o n b e ­ tween two suburban trolley cars near here Monday. A Jieavy snow caused one motorman to run past a switch. The injured were cut by glass Samuel Gompers Seriously III. Rochester . N. Y., Nov 27.-- Presi­ dent Samuel Gompers of the Ameri­ can Federation of Labor was taken seriously i l l a t his hotel here Monday and is threatened with pneumonia, ac­ cording to his physicians. NEWS FROM FAR AND NEAR Colorado Springs. Colo. , Nov. 25.-- Mildred Sheehan, twelve years old, who with a party of schoolchildren was enjoying a picnic in the moun­ tains, fel l 500 feet down the Devil 's s l ide in Cheyenne canyon, near this ci ty, and was kil led. Kingston, Jamaica, Nov. 22.-- It Is believed that more than 100 parsons lost their l ives at Montego bay dur­ ing the recent hurricane and t idal wave that devastated parts of the is­ land. Forty-two bodies were recov­ ered from the bay Wednesday and the search continues. The town is practically swept awav. The towns of l .ucea and Green Is land were devasted. only f ive out of 300 houses remaining standing in Lucea. Gibraltar , Nov. 22--The United States cruisers Montana ahd Tennes see arrived here After coaling they" wil l proceed to Turkish waters Washington. Nov 22.--Charles r> Hil les again is private secretary to the president . The chairman of the Republican national committee has resumed his posit ion at the White House, taking the place of Carml Thompson, appointed treasurer of the T'nited States Sustain Heavy Fire Loss. Robinson, 111 . Nov. 20--The lumber yards and offices of Mayor Harry Otey were part ial ly destroyed by f ire here Sunday Otey's loss wil l be f lf tv thousand dollars, part ial ly covered by insurance. Gold Output Breaks Record. Pierre, S D., Nov. 2K The annual report of the state mine inspector issued here shows the gold production of South Dakota during the last year to be $S.O:55.r ,98, the largest ever re­ corded. RACE SUICIDE IS HIT POSTAL AUTHORITIES ARREST DOCTORS AND DRUGGISTS. Mine Cave-In Catches Fifty. tVilkesbarre, Pa. , Nov. 27.--Fifty men were caught behind a cave-in at tfce No. 2 mine of the Barnum Coal company at Pit ts ton Monday Thirty of the men were taken out, some of them severely injured. United Crusade Against Illegal Prac­ tices Is Begun in All Parts of Country. Chicago, Nov. 22 -- Raids were made in nearly every section of the United States simultaneously Wednesday by postal inspectors, when a nation-wide crusade against doctors, druggists and other persons advocating methods conducive to race suicide was begun. Ten men and women were arrested in Chicago alone, hut . the govern­ ment 's net , spread over the whole country, brought in a total of 173 per­ sons from 72 different towns and ci t ies. The defendants are charged with using the mails to promote criminal medical practices or the sale of drugs and other materials for I l legal purposes. The number of arrests made were as follows: Chicago, 12; Port land, Ore. , 9; Seatt le , 8; Oakland, Cal. , 8; Cincinati , 8; San Francisco, 7; Pit ts­ burg, 7; Indianapolis , 5; St . Paul , 5; Denver, 5; Spokane, 5; Oklahoma City, 5; Forth Worth, 4; Omaha, 4; St. Louis, 3; Buffalo, 3; Los Angeles, 3; Mobile, 3; Mariet ta. Ohio, 3; San Jose, Cal. , 3; New York, 2; Albany. 2; Washington, 2;__M«niphi8. 2; Birming­ ham, 2; Steubenvil le, ̂ h io, 2; Cleve­ land, 2; Duluth, 2; ^Vinjina, Minn. , 2; San Antonio, 2; Houston, 2; New Or­ leans, 2; Kansas City, 2; Topeka, 2; Alameda. Cal. , 2; Atlanta. 1; Toledo, 1; Minneapolis , 1; Galveston, 1; Salt Lake City, 1; I thaca, N. Y.. 1; Elmira, N. Y., 1; East Orange, N. J . , 1; Lan­ caster , Pa. . 1; Pine Bank, Pa. , 1; Cumberland. Md., 1; Charleston, S. C., 1; Columbus, S. C., 1; Jacksonvil le, Fla. , 1; Columbus, Ohio, 1; Spring­ field, Ohio, 1; Mount Vernon, 111., 1 ; Dayton. Ohio, 1; Convoy, Ohio, 1; Fort Wayne, Ind. , 1; Terre Haute, Ind. , 1; Peoria, 111. , 1 ; Kalamazoo, Mich. , 1; Iron River, Mich. , 1; Holden, Mo., 1; Muskogee. Okla. , 1; Wichita. Kan. , 1; Council BlufTs. Ia. , 1; Bell ing- ham, Wash. , 1; Crecent, Wash. , 1; Tacoma, Wash. , 1; Sacramento, Cal. , 1; Pfj taluma. Cal , 1; Fresno, Cal. , 1; Glendale, Cal . , 1. TO PENSION EX-PRESIDENTS Carnegie Corporation of New York Will Provide $25,000 Per Year for Ex-Executives During Life. New York, Nov. 23.--Following a meeting of the trustees of the Car­ negie Foundation held in the home of Andrew Carnegie Thursday in was an­ nounced that i t had been decided to offer pensions to the future ex-presi­ dents of the United States and to the unmarried widows of ex-presidents. The offer wil l be made to those en­ t i t led to i t without application being made. Under the terms of the announce­ ment President Taft . when he ret ires on the fourth of next March, wil l be offered $25,000 by the Carnegie cor­ poration. The question of making provision for our ex presidents has been one widely discussed with suggest ions that congress pass a bil l providing for them AUSTRIAN CALLS SIX ARMY CORPS TO COLORS AS SER­ VIAN CRISIS ARRIVES. PEACE CONDITIONS DRASTIC France Warns Turks Against Doing Violence to Christians--Atrocious Acts of Butchery Laid to Servians --Slaughter Women and Children. London, England, Nov 25.--Three classes of the Austrian reserves have been called out , says the Chronicle 's Vienna correspondent. About 300,000 men, he says, have been massed around the Servian frontier and steady preparations are going forward in Galicia. "I t is reported that the Don Cossacks have been mobil ized and that the Russian authori t ies are holding al l available roll ing stock on the l ines running to the Austrian frcntier ," says a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Vienna. London, Nov. 23.--Nazdm Pasha, holding by desperate effort the de­ fense l ines of Tachatal ja and fighting within his rapidly dwindling ranks a frightful epidemic of cholera, was no­ t if ied Thursday by the government at Constantinople that the Bulgarian pro­ posals for an amistice had been re­ jected and ordered to resume opera­ t ions at once. ThuB the Turkish army must f ight on to a decisive end. This note was made public by the porte: "The porte. f inding the Bulgarian condit ions for an armist ice unaccept­ able. has ordered Nazim Pasha to re­ sume mili tary operations." There is st i l l a strong possibil i ty ^f the Bulgarians making an entry into Constantinople and the powers are again considering action to prevent such an eventuali ty. France look the Init iat ive by notifying the Turkish government that Bhe would hold Tur­ key responsible for any violence against Christ ians. Vienna, Nov. 23.--Lieutenant Wag­ ner, the war correspondent of the Reichspost , telegraphed Thursday that while at Nlsh he heard well-nigh in­ credible detai ls of the barbari t ies com­ mitted by the Servian troops on the Albanians. A Red Cross doctbr with the Servian army told him: "The Servians gave no quarter . All the Albanians, armed or unarmed, as well as the women and children, who fel l into their hands, were mercilessly kil led. General Stepanovitch, the Ser­ vian commander, had the Albanians captured at Kratova formed into two rows and shot dead with machine guns, the general saying: " 'We must extirpate those, Austro- Hungarian favori tes. ' "General Zivkovitch also had 950 Albanians and Turkish notables cut down near Sienltza. 3 ROADS ARE INDICTED MISSING J BLAST Starch House of Corn Products Refining Plant Is .Wrecked. TWENTY-SIX ARE INJURED Fire Breaks Out in Ruins Adding Horror to Disaster at Waukegan, III.--Most of Vic'tims Are Foreigners. GRAND JURY SAYS CARRIERS PAID $60,000 IN REBATES. 15 YEARS FOR SIDNA ALLEN Leader of Clan Is Found Guilty of Murder in the Second Degree at Wytheville, Va. Wythevll le, Va. . Nov. 2. r i -Sidna A l l e n , l e a d e r of t h e A l l e n c l a n , which shot up the Carroll county court at Hil lsvil le last March, resul ing In the death of f ive persons, was found guil ty Friday of murder In the second degree for the kil l ing of Judge Thornton L Massle The jury f ixed the penalty at f if teen years In the penitentiary. Prairie Fire Sweeps Country. Pine Ridge Indian Agency, S. D, Nov 2<> -A prair ie f ire which devas­ tated a section of country 100 miles long and ten miles wide swept the Sioux reservation and burned i tself out in the breaks of the r iver Sunday. Rockefeller Gives $5,000. Washington. Nov. 22.--John J . Rockefeller contributed $ 5 , 0 0 0 to the American Red Cross Wednesday for use in rel ief work in the Balkan sates. Mr. Rockefeller 's contribution makes the American total $40,000. Oldest U. 8. Ship Out of Commission. Vallejo. Cal . , Nov. 22.--The century- old receiving ship. Independence, the oldest vessel In the navy, was placed out of commission at Mare Island navy yard Wednesday. The cruiser j pio.led in Frank Kittredge's s tore at Cleveland takes her place. j Walsh's Spur Sunday. Blunder Causes Fatal Train Crash. Alexander, La. . Nov. 26 -A South­ ern Pacific passenger train coll ided with a Texas & Pacific e{press f lyer on a grade crossing Sunday. Two trainmen were kil led and two hurt . Misunderstanding caused wreck Blast Kills One; Five Hurt. Poplar Bluff . Mo., Nov 26--Charles Coonce was kil led and five other men Injured, three probably fatal ly, when one hundred pounds of dynamite ex- McKinley's Horse Strangled. New Philadelphia, O , Nov 25. Charger, former President McKinley's r iding horse, met a violent death on the farm of Albert Lewis at StraB- burg Friday. He became entangled in a wire fence and was strangled. Two Convicted of Murder. Janesvil le, Wis. , Nov. 25.-- Harry L. Ferger and Edward Meyers, aged sev enteen and nineteen, charged with the murder and rape of Mati lda Bergster- man. were found guil ty of murder in the third degrre Friday. Grant Miners' Demand. Charlestown, W Va., Nov. 25.--The National Bituminous Coal and Coke company, operating four mines and employing 600 miners at*" Eskdale, s igned the Bcale Friday granting mi­ ners an increase of 21 per cent . MacVeagh Makes Changes. Washington, Nov. 25.--Secretary MacVeagh asked for the resignation of Gideon O. Bantz as assistant treas­ urer of the United States Friday be­ cause he is said not to be In sympathy with the policy of the secretary. Rebels Beaten l/i Fight. El Paso, Tex. , Nov. 23--In a batt le Thursday, near Madera. Chihuahua, federals under Gen. . lose Blanco de­ feated two bands of rebels command­ ed by Richardo Terrazas and Juan Ramos, kil l ing twelve rebels. Red Cross Aids Soldiers. Washington, Nov. 23--The Amerl i can Red Cross sent $8,000 to the Bal kans Thursday for the rel ief of Turk lsh. Bulgarian and Servian troops. This makes a total of $4£,000 sent from the United States Government Declares That Officials Own and Control Stock in Coal Contern. Chicago, Nov. 25.--The federal grand Jury here Friday returned in­ dictments against the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Big Four and the Chicago & Indiana Southern rai lroads, charging violat ion of the Elkins act in the payment of rebates aggregating over $0o,000. A separate bil l charging the receiv­ ing of rebates was returned against the O'Gara Coal company. An indictment also was voted against Thomas O'Gara, president of the O'Gara Coal company, but not presented in court with the others. The three rai lroads against which true bil ls were found are subsidiary and vital connecting l inks In the New York Central system. The inquiry into rebating charges is aimed at vio­ lators of the Elkins act in their in­ dividual as well as corporate capac­ i ty, and i t was stated will involve many high officials of the New York Central l ines in Berious criminal charges. The al legations of the indictments returned are that the O'Gara Coal company knowingly and unlawfully accepted rebates from the three rai l­ roads named on invoices of shipments of coal from the company's mines at Harrisburg, 111., to Danvil le, 111. The criminal charges against the three rai lroads and the O'Gara Coal company grew out of an investigation by the interstate commerce commis­ sion, through James S. Harlan, re­ garding a payment of $60,000 to the coal company, which was not sat isfac­ tori ly explained by officials of the roads involved in the payment. SCHRANK DECLARED INSANE Commission of Five Physicians Pass Judgment on Man Who Attempted Life of Roosevelt. Milwaukee. Nov. 25.--John Schrank, the New York man who 6hot Col. Theodore Roosevelt In Milwaukee last month, was declared insane Friday by a commission of f ive physicians. Schrank will be sent to the Wiscon­ sin State Hospital for the Insane, near Oshkosh, Wis. The report of the commission was made before Judge August C. Backus In the municipal court. Schrank was in court . He displayed l i t t le Interest In the proceedings Members of the commission were questioned about their report . When court adjourned Distr ict Attorney Zahel said he would move that the criminal charge against Schrank be dropped and that he be sentenced to the insane hospital . FIRE DAMP KILLS 24 MINERS Coal Shaft in Alals (France) District Near Nimes Seine of a Terrific Explosion. Alais. France. Nov. 26.--Twenty- four men lost their l ives Sunday when fire damp exploded in a coal mine. Alals is a town of 20.000 in­ habitants. in the heart of a coal min­ ing region in the department of Gard, about tWenty-flve miles northwest of Nimes. Efforts at Rescuing the un­ fortunate men were made, but i t was useless, as the entire force was dead. Robs Ex-Mayor Low's Sister-in-Law. New York, Nov. 26.-- It became known Sunday that Mrs. A. A. Low. sister-in-law of former Mayor Seth Low, was robbed of $10,000 worth of Jewels. The gems were stolen from Mrs. Low's bedroom. Acquit Girl of Murder. Columbus, Ohio. Nov. 26.--Cecelia Farley, the stneographer who has been on tr ial for f irst degree murder for the shooting of Alvin E Zoll inger in a city park last May, was acquit­ ted Saturday. Lived Three Days With Broken Neck. Neenah, Wis. , Nov. 23 -- After l iving three days with a broken neck as a re­ sult of a fal l downstairs , Chester Rob lee, aged fif ty-five years, died here Thursday in a hospital . His body was completely paralyzed. Pulitzer Left $18,525,116. New York. Nov. 23--In a report f i led here Thursday with the deputy state controller . Joseph ( Berrv, ap­ praiser . reported the estate of the late Joseph Puli tzer , real and per»«ta al , as $18,525,116.22. Waukegan, 111., Nov. 26.---Seven are dead, seven missing and supposedly buried under tons of burned debris , and twenty-six are suffering in the Jane McAlister hospital with terr ible burns and injuries, to which probably half of them will succumb, as the re- s u i t of an explosion Monday in the stwfch house of the Corn Products Re­ fining company plant , on the outskirts of Waukegan. Fire, which broke out immediately following the explosion, reduced the building to ashes The dead: Frank Stanley, thir ty-four, laborer; married Joseph Zalenak, twenty-eight , labor- er; unmarried. Charles Tomalis , thir ty, married. Martin Slater , assistant superin­ tendent; married. Charles Pamleas. John Adams. Peter Dangala. The explosion occurred short ly after the men had returned to work from luncheon and produced a detonation that shook buildings and stopped clocks within a radius of a mile. Fire bells and whist les f lashed the signal of the accident far and wide and fire­ men, ci t izens and doctors hurried to the scene. • Mangled Men Rush From Building. Men, blind and bleeding, with f lesh hanging in shreds, s tunned and tot­ tering, rushed from the wrecked build­ ing. They were hurried into wait ing automobiles and rushed to the hos­ pital . Deputy Coroner Conrad was at the scene within ten minutes after the explosion and took charge of the res­ cuing work. The fire, which broke out within a few minutes after the explosion, made the work of rescue diff icult . Most of the employes of the starch house are Finns and Austrians and the scenes were heartrending as the doomed men, pinned under wreckage with the fire gaining fast upon them, pleaded in a foreign tongue for the help that could not be given them. Relatives at Scene. Wives and children of employes gathered by scores and pleaded with f iremen and bystanders to .help them rescue their fathers and husbands. When the fire was at I ts height and al l those rescued whom it was thought possible to rescue, two men were seen on one of the upper f loors. Their l ips were moving, but their pi teous cries for help were drowned in the crackling of the flames. Only for a moment were they seen. Then the floors gave way and carried them into the heart of the seething flames. Calls were sent to North Chicago for addit ional help in f ighting the fire and every physician in Lake county was summoned post haste to the hospital . Blast Comes Without Warning. The explosion came without warn- j ing and men were trapped l ike rats in the wrecked and' burning building. About forty employes were in the structure at the t ime, according to re­ ports at the hospital , though Superin­ tendent Charles P^berg s tates that but thir ty had any business there at that t ime. Spontaneous combustion, an ever- present danger in s tarch houses, was given as the cause of the explosion. The company had a similar explosion about nine years ago in which two l ives were lost . At that t ime they segregated the starch house from the rest of the structure. The loss by f ire is placed by Super­ intendent Ebert at $100,000, ful ly cov­ ered by insurance. I t was a five-story brick structure and has been used for a starch plant many years. I t was only through the heroic efforts of the firemen, aided by volunteers and em­ ployes of the plant , that the com­ pany's plant , the second largest in the world, was saved. Brooklyn dtaill Ruined. New York, Nov. 26.--The Union Sul­ phur mill in Brooklyn, belonging to the Corn Products company, was wrecked Monday afternoon by an explosion in which 15 men were crushed and burned, but luckily none lost their l ives. The explosion is said to have been due to the snapping of a bolt on a sul­ phur grinder. Eight clerks in the shipping office on the r iver side of the building made a desperate at tempt to save the rec­ ords, but a second explosion followed the first and the wall went down into the r iver. The eight men were thrown into the water. Scientific Fact Established. A number of rabbits upon whom coffee was tr ied to determine the effect of the caffeine i t contained died, prov­ ing beyond a doubt that coiTee never was intended as food for rabbits .-- Louisvil le Courier-Journal Mr. Meekton's Mean Idea. "Why did you Insist on having your wife join the Suffragette Club?" "Be­ cause." replied Mr. Meekton grimly, "I want to see that Suffragette Club get all the trouble that's coming to it." Plaint of Old Age. Washington Irving didn' t enjoy old age more than the other fel low. He sighed one day: "What a pity i t is that when we have grown old we can' t turn around and grjw young again, and die of cutt ing our teeth!" Where Foliage ComM From. A teacher was explaining to a li t­ t le gir l how ths trees developed their fol iage in the springtime. "Ah, yes," said the l i t t le miss, "I understand: they keep their summer clothes In their trunks."--Christ ian Register Don't Persecute Your Bowels CARTER'S LITTIi LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. gently on the live eliminate bile, an ' soothe the delicate membrane r bowel. C r Constipation Biliousness Sick Bead- •»- „ ^ _ •che and Indigestion, millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature CARTER'S! FTLE mis. FREE TO WOMEN-PISO'S TABLET8 •re recommended as the best 'local remedy for women's ailments. Easy to use. prompt to relieve. Two vueeks treatment, and an article ' Causes of Diseases in Women" mailed free. THE PIS0 COMPANY, BOX E, WARREN, PA. NEW KIND OF AN IRISHMAN Definition That by His Own Confes­ sion Was Very. Little Far From the Truth. Apropos o? the very tel l ing retorts that Sam Schepps made to Cross-Ex­ aminer Mclntyre in the Keeker case, Jerome S. McVVade, the Duluth con­ noisseur, said: "I l ike to se» anyone get back at an impudent lawyer. I got back at such a lawyer myself the other day. "The man was my counsel in a cus­ toms dispute over some Gobelin tapes­ tr ies that I 'd imported. iHs name had, l ike my own, a 'Mick' in i t , and I said to him, as I set t led hlB very large bil l : " 'Are you an Ir ishman, sir?" " 'No, ' he answered, with a pompous laugh, 'but I 've made a lot of money out of Ir ishmen in my t ime. ' " 'Oh, I see, ' said I . ' I suppose we might call you an Ir ishman by ex­ traction, then. ' " TRY, TRY AGAIN. o F Sue--Ana way are you afraid to ask papa? He--\Vell , I 've asked him for three of your sisters already. Poor Girl. "How long have you been married?" "It wil l be six months next Thurs­ day." "And do you st i l l regard your hus­ band as the most wonderful man who ever was born?" Then . the poor gir l broke down, says the San Francisco Star , and sobbed piteously When she could trust her­ self to speak again she said: "No. Charles has disappointed me terribly. I 'm af-fraid I have wre- wrecked my li- l ife. Last night when I asked him to get up aud see if there wasn' t a burglar in our room he bumped his nose against the edge of the open door and he said three sim- Iily awful words just as if they came natural to him." Frontier Melical List. In good old frontier days castor oil was the principal medical beverage-- good full measure, too. Only the big­ gest . person could hold a whole dose-- ot>e half a dipperful , with half a dip- perful of New Orleans molasses add- «d to help sl ick i t down and make i t ta«to good, only i t didn' t taste good. In those historic days every old worn- an was a doctor and gathered her own "yarbs" in the woods, and knew how to mix up medical messes that would st ir the vitals of a brass monkey or a cast iron pig. All backwoodsmen oelieved in "yarb" doctors. Something ID "yarbs," at that A Civil Answer. "Do many strangers set t le here, landlord ?" "They all set t le , an ' them without no more baggage than you got set t les in advance " A Treat Anytime Crisp, delicately browned Toasties Ready to serve without further cooking bf adding cream or milk. Often used with fresh or canned fruit The Memory Lingers" Ccre&l Co., Ltd. Battle Creek, Mich.

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