Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1917, p. 8

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< IV" ifc" •'J-- ' ^roken lots in Fall Clothing iK Overcoats,mSuits If you are in need of an Overcoat or a Suit, we can save you on a garment $ # f . r-r4 Mr-'- r"s *•5 £- $3.00 "to We have some broken lots of good new Overcoats and Suits, which we-are dosing out regardless of co% >* Come and insped the line. It will be to your advai^ ;^ tage'when buying clothing. 'M JOS W FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. Clearance Sale! WINTER WEAR * * With the season for wear hardly begun we are closing out our stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear fund Sweater Coats at a big reduction from our usual prices $3.00 Men's Wool Union Suits 1_ $8.48 $2.50 Men's Wool Union Suits .$2.15 $1.00 Men's Cotton Union Suits.. 79c ^ iiSc Boys' Fleeced Union Suits. 48c I SOc Children's Union Suits 3te 50c Men's Fleeced Shirts or Drawers ' 39c $5.00 Wool Sweater Coats _^_„_$4.25 Many other items equally low priced , JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY, ILL. THE PRICE PURE FOOD STORE * *5 --We pride ourselves in the- EXCELLENT Assortment ' & all lines of goods that may be found Ht this store. With our large stock and splendid varieties shopping is made a real pleasure here. Then, too, you are given the advantage of our unsurpassed service. Our slock of winter goods is still quite complete while our grocery and notion departements are -as complete as it is possible for us to make them. F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY, ILL. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO ADD TO YOUR f© i "|> ESOLVE today to make your home more ^comfortable and cozy during the year o 1V17. We will, be pleased to explain to you how this can be accomplished at a small cost. Of course, if you should like something ex­ pensive for your home we can also accom­ modate you. We carry one of the biggest stocks of FURNITURE to be found in Mc-_ 'Henry county and are always ready to serve you in a highly satisfactory manner. UNDERTAKING « Day and Night Service JACOB .JUSTEN ^ MUikNRY, ILLINOIS iiyiniup njiii] If. ***'? • *v3v ; 1 ' ' • £ \ - -V - PtAljrpBAX*B, nas OF WCAL HRSREST AS PICKED OP BT PLA1NDHALBP SEPOBTBR9 DURING WEBS What People are Doing h This Vil­ lage and the Immediate Vicinity-- Other Short 1'aragraphs ... . Batter Market Butter on the Elgin board of trwfe sold at 39 cents per pound last Sat­ urday. See McAllister's ad this week and save money. Get your kodak films at McAllis­ ter's and preserve that beautiful winter scenery now. i * A treat is offered automobile en­ thusiasts at the auto show at Over* ton's garage, Jan. 18-22. A baby boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Roth- errael on Monday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Benny Freurid are rejoicing over the arrival of & baby girl at their home on Tuesday of this week. No admission will jx» charged to the auto show at Overton's garage, which opens next week. Ge see the elegant display.' Will Thurlwell, who wa^ injurSl on the ice while employed at Bor­ den's, is recovering nicely from the effects of the injury, The body of Charles Wilson, who passed away at his late home at Crystal Lake ( last Friday, was brought here for burial last Sunday. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wiswall in Chicago last Saturday. Mrs. Wiswall 'was for­ merly Elizabeth Buss of this village. The annual January thaw was with us all last week and from pres­ ents indications there will be no farther break in the winter weather until spring. A threatened icemen's strike was averted on the Borden ice fields here Monday morning when the company allowed the workmen a satisfactory increase in wages. Geo. Jones, who has been made manager of the Wilbur Lumber com­ pany yards at Lanark, 111., is this week assisting the bookkeeper at the Crystal Lake yards. Youthful lines, beauty, grace, util­ ity have been built into Spirilla cor­ sets in conjunction with health, com­ fort and style. Mabelle Wheeler, cor- setiere* Tel. No. 56-J. Miss Anna M. KnoX, operator at the local exchange of the Chicago Telephone company here, has been transferred to the Elgin office, where she has a position as toll operator. All of the very latest 1917 models of Overland and Chalmers cars will be on display at the second annual auto show to be held at the Overton garage on the West Side, Jan. 18-22. Geo. Justen is in Chicago, where he is employed by a large undertak­ ing concern. The experience thus gained is most valuable to the young man, who some day hopes to suc­ ceed his father in business here. The Choral society, consisting of our local talent, and under the di­ rection of Rev. M. J. McEvoy, pas­ tor of St. Patrick's church, will give a concert in this village sometime be­ fore lent begins. Details will be published later. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held Thursday, Jan. 18, with Mrs. C. S. Howard on Wauke- gan street. Subject, Frances Wil- iard Memorial. Leader, Mrs. Gretta Goodell. Anyone interested in the subject of temperance most cordially invited. . The power of the press is never more manifested than when a man asks the editor "not to mention that little trouble of his in the paper." True, it is a matter of news and be­ comes the duty, of the newspaper to print it, and it is also common talk on the street. But to print it in the paper hurts more than street talk, LETTER FIOM CORP. STEWART Anxious to Leave the Border, Tho the Climate Is Delightful $*n Antonio, Tex., Dec. 31, 1916. McHenry Plaindealer. Dear Sir--Having just received the McHenry Plaindealer away down here on the border and reading the different items makes a fellow long to be home, tho all the boys had a very Merry Christmas. We certainly thank the people of McHenry county for the lovely dona­ tion of $350.00 sent to us and which afforded us suds a good timte during the holidays. # The dance given at the armory at Woodstock surely was a grand suc­ cess. We are unlucky about getting home, several regiments, which came here weeks after we did, having left Camp Wilson. Some of the boys went home on furloughs, lasting fif­ teen days during the Christmas sea­ son, Walter Geske being among them. The 7th Illinois and 1st Wis­ consin regiments left three days ago- . We are all longing to be home, as there is nothing for us to do but drill and take long hikes every day. We are here six months and almost seven months since we answered the call. I have been six years in ser­ vice and will be entitled to an hon­ orable discharge in March and will not re iirttlf : .~ MMPMP OPERA HOUSE McHENRY .v" [ 4 •JT*' THURSDAY, JAN. II i > |Dustin Farnum --in-- ; •tffm BLAIR? SATURDAY, JAN. 13 Blanche Sweet / -IN- The Warrens of Virginia SUNDAY, JAN. 14 Fanny Ward ----!N "For The Defence" CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisements inserted under this IumlI at the followingr»t+9: FiveUneaor Use, 96 oentff for first Insertion; 14 cents for subse^a^nt Insertion More th*n Ave lines, & cents a line for first insertion sua 3 osnts m line for addition! insertions. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 19 FOR SALE--A cow and some heif­ ers. Inquire of or write B. J. Adams, West. McHenry, 111. 30-tf FOR RENT--The R. A. Howard building in West McHenry, HI. Ap­ ply to Simon Stoffel. 28-4t Young man and wife wants place to work for board and room. A few hours a day. Phone 109-J. * FOR SALE--Eight head of young Holstein heifers, three in calft. Johp A. Bowers, Spring Grove, 111. 26 FOR SALE*--House and' four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreiner, West McHenry, I1L FOR SALE--120 egg steel shell in­ cubator and brooder. Used only a few times. Inquire at this office. 30 FOR SALE--About 30 thoro-bred Duroc brood sows. Can be seen any time. Math. J. Glossen, Volo, 111. P. O. Round Lake, 111. 29-tf WANTED--To buy at once, near Fox riv^r or small lake, a hundred acre farm. Will pay cash. Inquire at this office before Jan. 15. SO"* FOR RENT--A modern six room bungalow, with hot water heat, gas and electric lights. Also for sale a gas range and oak kitchen cabinet. For particulars write to Fred Kar- ges, 118 Douglas St., Woodstock, 111. FOR SALE OR RENT--House, build­ ings and three acres of land in south­ ern part of corporation known as the Samuel McDonald place. For terms write or call Miss Margaret McDonald, 332 Linden Park Place, Highland Park, 111., phone 8, or call at West McHenry State bank. 23-tf TO RENT FOR CASH--The John Powers farm of 234 acres, situated 5 miles south of McHenry and 3 miles north of Crystal Lake. Farm has two dwelling houses. 45 acres fall plowing done. Most modernly equipped farm in the county. Apply to David Powers, Crystal Lake, or George L. Murphy, Woodstcok, 111. FOR SALE--McHenry county farms in sizes of 20, 120, 160, 184 acres with good improvements. Als^ one of 285 acres of nice level land with good im­ provements, with or without stock. One of <285 acres including 100 head of live stock, 10 horses, and all farm­ ing tools. All good bargains. In­ quire of Ben Stilling, McHenry, 111. Phones 28 and 75-J. 26 FOR SALE--My big type Poland China boar, Chief Woncjer, sired by Mastodon Chief No. 129083 by Sur­ prise Wonder 5th No. 103067. Weight 800 lbs. and not fat« If you were looking for something good do not buy before seeing this hog. James Hunter, Crystal Springs Farm, known as J as. -isayler farm, West McHenry, 111. Phone 622-M-2. 30-tf I wish every young fellow would spend three years of this life and he would then realize the value of a dollar. The weather is very warm today. We are going in our shirt sleeves and the birds are singing--all of them are with us now. It makes me think of a warm day up home, when I used to go fishing along Hanly's mill race. No hickory trees here, but plenty of pecans and they are fine. The Pa the Weekly took a. moving picture of us the other night and it will be shown in Chicago next week. Will fail in for retreat now and With gratitude toward all for our good Christmas, I will close, wishing The Plaindealer a very happy and prosperous New Year. -- r . Corp. Wm. Stewart. Sett Gas Plant The village of Hebron, for a "con­ sideration of $500, has purchased the property of the Hebron Gas com­ pany, which, up to a short time ago, supplied the village with gas for heating and lighting. The advent of electricity in the village has put the gas concern out of commission. The •Jll*f« dads have alao passed a cur- - "-?/ V, , ^ '/V. i „ {£• mk Your Credit tl &S1 You would not expect a perfect stranger to give you much of an accommodation in a financial way. You would not ask him for a loan. You would not expect it of a banker who knew nothing of your affairs unless you could give security. But if you had done business with a banker and proven to his satisfaction that you were careful and trustworthy you could probably get an accommodation fc^r a short time without security. If you open a checking account at this bank we will be able to get a better opinion as to your finan­ cial methods and financial standing. Then we will be in a position- to extend accommodationss to you when you are in need of them. As you handle your checking account in prosperous times, you will handle your borrowed money in hard times, We shall li^hav^ you open a checking account with" Henry; '-'V- "nil: iriiiriiTj^ uv •; - ' ' •¥ • •fSi •£' •« < ^ , - <1 - •- 4 • v -;v- f'-A "A-,.'***-." 'i. - ^ " v'3 ^ • % . •jjjj Si " i i § i r -I • % 4""^.4 MrM*S ivA'-.-r The Solemn Grandeur of Sacred Music In all the realm of music, there Is nothing so ex­ pressive of human aspirations, hopes and emotions as the hymns of prayer, praise and devotion with ^ which our tongue is so richly blessed. Columbia Records In tone and modulation, truth and feeling, the Columbia Records of sacred music are worthy in every way of the highest standard of Columbia recording. Let us play some y •% of the best heloved hymns or oratorios over to you. .?i * «.! m V'l*> , - ' y '• > , • . -J y.rdi&P y- •ins % , • •i: ; is'is \si' 't* ' N. A. HUEMANN, x WEST McHENRY few ordinance, by which every child, under the age of fourteen, must be off the street between the hours of 8:00 p. m. and 5:00 a. m. during tfte winter months, while they are al­ lowed an extra half hour in the even­ ing in the summer time. State of Ohio, City, of Toledo, Lucas County, ra. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing: business in the City of Toledo, County and Stat# afore­ said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every Cuac of C«t«rrh t^&t cannot be cured by the use of HAULS CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHKNBY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem­ ber, A. D. 1886. A. W. OL.EASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inters- ally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. BeM f jr testimonials, free. . F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 7Gc. 8*4'i Family Fills for constipation. Social Dance A social dance has been announced to take place at Smith's hall, Johns- burg, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 17. Oeffling's orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. Everybody is cordially invited to attend, as a good time is promised all. Dance tickets, 50 cents. x < Help make The Plaindealer newsy by sending in any itetftj^jBfwa |h»t you may know of. . V American Sieel FeneePost For Poultry Yards " frJ* Ttsk'. r/ *'>•$* .4" .• LUMBER CO. s WEST AkHENRV. ILL « PHONES Read Plaindealer Ads '•* p. jj.i /.At- i l . . a - -

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