THE IT HENRY PLAITOEALOt ranum EVERY ISDBIMT IV F. G. SCHREINER OiNlMt* flhtak Sniidine TatepitoM *-W , TERMS Of 30BS<mifTiPNt Us Months, 9Sc JLM Tte-- Montis. Uc Thursday, Jn. li, 1917 QUARTER OF A CENTURY Item CUpped Fro* The Plaindealer Of Twenty-Five Tears Ago Notice ef Sale ef Real Estate J. F. Casey, Atty. By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry County, 'Illinois, made on the peti tion of the undersigned, Katie Keefe, Executrix, of the Estate of William Davis, deceased, for leave to sell the Real Estate of said deceased, at the January Term, A. D. 1917, of said Court, to-wit, on the Third (3) day of January, 1917, Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the Tenth (10) day of February, 1917, next, LJ Chas. 1 Lamphere hps gone to Wauconda, where he proposes to «tay for the next month or two. Ice on the pond is WOw reported •boot ten inches thick and It is ex- pec ted they will commence cutting A tipxt week. 'Ice boating on the pond has been brisk the past week and greatly en joyed by many. Isaac Wentworth is s*id to have the "boss" boat in this locality. By the Redfield, Sooth Dakota, Journal we learn that Frank Schnorr hps been elected one of the county commissioners of Spink county, South Dakota. Fred McOmber came oat from Chi cago Saturday evening last very sick and is now at the home of his parents in this village under the care of Dr. Fegers. He has typhoid fever. We are now enjoying in this sec tion the first sleighing of the season pnd in fact the first for the past two years. The change makes our streets look lively and everybody feels better. The friends and acquaintances of Henry Rogers' family, late of Volo, but now of Waukegan, were greatly shocked and pained New Year's Morning to laarn that Willie, the fply son, had died the night before, f|»ly five fee**? before the dawn of the New Year, after an illness of only two days' duration. James Tyrrell, an old and highly respected citizen, died at his resi dence about three miles southwest of this village on Tuesday morning, aged seventy-four years. He was taken with an attack of la grippe on Friday last, which terminated int« pneumonia and congestion; and re- *• suited in his sudden death yesterday. The officers of McHenry lodge, No. 158, A. F. & A. M., were pub licly installed on Monday evening last by Deputy Grand Master Hew itts of Elgin. About .fifty of the Masonic brethern and their friends Were present. After the installation ceremonies the company adjourned to the Riverside House, where a boun- tiful banquet was spread, to which all tdid ample justice. Jos. J. Gillea Joe. J. Gilles, at one time engaged in business in this village, but 'who during the past thirty years has made his home at Elgin, passed away at St. Joseph's hospital in that city last Friday morning. The de- eeased .was born in Germany Aug. 18, 1840, and came to this country with his parents when only one year old. He is survived by a widow, • nine children and two. brothers typing in Minneapolis. The funeral service took place from St Joseph's church at Elgin at 9:30 o'clock on Monday x morning of this week. Many of the older resident^ of this village will remember the deceased as a business man here and they extend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones. • Plaindealer ads bring results. hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon ( land 5 o'clock jn the afternoon of said day, to-wit, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the front door of the dwelling house on the prem ises described in this notice, herein, also described in said decree and order herein, in the Village of West McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the following de scribed real estate belonging to the estate of William Davis, deceased, to- wit: Lots Number six (6) and ten (10) of A. H. Hanly's out-lots to West McHenry, as shown on the plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in book one, of Plats, on page 7, containing 4.52 acres of land, more or less; also Lot Number thirteen (13) of the County Clerk's Plat of part of Section Number twenty-seven (27), in Township Number forty- five (45) North, of Range Number eight (8) east of the third Principal Meridian, as shown on the plat there PROBATE NEWS j [Furnished by McHenry Ojnty Abstract Company, Woodstock, 111B- nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan Ml real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Tim* AND (HI* ments to suit borrower. 90S and 911.] . . „ . * Real Estate Transfers between the Matytias J. Pitsen to Theodore J. Wiedemann, pt it 12 nw frl qr of frl sec 1$, Co. Clk's Mat, McHenry Marriage Li cans-- Otto Wittlief, 22.... Marengo Emina Martins, 25 , Union RIDGEFIKLD F. W. Hartman is gaining slowly. Borden's are filling their ice houses this week. Leroy Skinner left last Thursday morning for Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Rose Goddard was a Wood stock caller one day last week. Chauncey Stephenson lost a very valuable horse Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby spent Sunday afternoon at Crystal Lake, i J. Mikkelsen spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in Wiscon sin. • I Harold Walkup spent the past two 'weeks with friends at Winona Lake, Ind. | Mrs. Ed. Anderson and An, Axel, Meridian, as shown on the piai tnere- business callers at Crystal Lake of recorded in said Recorders Office in Book two of Plats, on page 41, i Miggea Gr||Ce Bockhus and Helen containing 9.18 acres* of land, more Carl8on wen Woodstock callers or less; all of said lots being located Mondjiy in and being a part of the East half j Johnston's theme tar next of the Southeast quarter of said morning wi„ "Primary tion Number twenty-seven (27) and ^ containing in all 13.70 acres of land, more or less, ai>d situated, lying and being ip the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois, will be sold to the highest and best bidder. Terms of Sale, for cash. The Lessons in Prayer." Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ormsby of Crystal Lake visited with their par ents here Sunday. Mrs. Permelia Hodgldnson visited at the home of A. J. Murphy at rit thl i Woodstock Saturday. purchaser to pay 20 per cent oT the, Elgton Hunt of Ejg*m m a purchase price on the day of sale. the home of Mrs. Belle K.U. K«f., Executrix I ̂„„t of a* w„k. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe arc Same Old Story Cook County Herald: Is the vis- Do. January 6, 1917. proud parents of a Beven pound son, who arrived Sunday, Jan. 7. Northwestern attempting to put the j Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daugh* P. L. Z. & W. out of business so that ters of Woodstock visited Sunday she can gobble her up for a song? !afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. The big road recently issued a sup-' Reed. plement to the freight tariff, to go Miss Rhode Locke of Delavan, into effect Jan. 20, 1917, cancelling wis., has been spending the past tiro all thru freight rates with the small j weeks with her sister, Mrs. E. E. road. Receiver Peck had the North- j Knilans. western hauled into court as the P. E. E. Knilans had to have one of L. Z. ft W. is in the hands of the bis great toes amputated Tuesday of court and the hearing was held j last week and at this writing the P»-, Thursday. We understand that the tient is getting along fine. Northwestern will suspend the sup plement until a hearing has been held before the Public Utilities com mission. When the matter is heard before the latter body the receiver is going to ask that the Northwest ern be compelled to adjust the past business of the joint traffic arrange ment and pay to the P. L. Z .it W. the percentage of freight charges that were collected from the smaller road in excess of what rightly be longed to them. From indications, the big interest* are opposed to the building of the proposed new electric line and do not want the L. Z. * W. to become part of an electric system. Telephone Na 108-R SIMON STOFFEL .Insurance agefit for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS VOLO Bessie Miller was a Round Uke caller Sunday. Geo. Walton and family of Grays- lake spent Sunday at John Walton's. Miss Anna Compton and Mrs. Kate Wagner were Round Lake shoppers Saturday. Miss Ella Moore attended AM Auxiliary meeting at Mrs. Coon's in Wauconda last Thursday. Mrs. S. J. Russell and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright and Miss Ella Moore attended the musical eon- cert at Wauconda Friday evening. Plaindealer ads bring results. DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST * Office In Telephone Exrhaag Centerville McHenry, >•: >: BBnob Telephone Na 7t-W