EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER Offlt* ta Bank Ruildinc Telephone *W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Om Year SI .50 *1* MooUm, ffe Three Month.. Thursday, February 1, 1917 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS* m <Rwn® H Week and Go During •/ 14 | "* T -.<2, P,i:i fr * k •/ *v • L, P. Newman and Frank Zuels- dorf of "Woodstock were guests of their families here Sunday. Herbert Lanwer of Barrington was a guest in the John F. Claxton home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Carrigan of Rock Island, 111., passed several days last and this week as guests in the home of the latter's parents, Sir. and Mrs. John Niess. , ^ ^ James McLaugWiti of Sandwich, 111., passed a few days this week as the gnest of relatives here. P. J. Dorr passed Saturday last in the windy city. Geo. Wirfs was a metropolitan city, visitor Wednesday. | / Wm. Smith transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. * i/8' John R. Knox passed Wednesday in the meropolitan city. flf . & Walter Fay was a windy city pas- §' senger Wednesday morning. .7- Dr. A. Mueller was a professional % , : visitor in Chicago Wednesday. |K; \ Floyd Renehan of Ro&nd Lake was l't t, * calling on relatives here Sunday. - Ift Wm. Karls and Nick Meyers left |» * for Kenosha Wednesday evening. *. 4 Mrs. B. F. Martin is a guest of "I , relatives in Chicago since Sunday. , Charles J. Reihansperger passed 1 ,. i' Sunday with relatives at West Chi cago. Fred Eggebrecht of Elgin spent Wednesday with John H. Millar and family. Mrs. M. Merry of Hebron spent Tuesday as the guest of Mrs. Simon Stoffel. Ray Martin was among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mrs. John Cossmann passed last week as the guest of her" parents at Ingleside. Mrs. Barbara Engelin and daugh ter, Dora, were Chicago visitors Wednesday'. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock was the guest of relatives here over the week end. Wm. Lloyd of Preston, Arizona, wm a guest in the home of Homer Clemens recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh spent a recent day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle. Misses Esther Miller and Theresa Barbian attended a dance at Crystal Uke Saturday evening. Mrs. Mary Leickem went to Chi cago Wednesday morning for a two weeks' visit with relatives, f Miss Pearl Claxton attended the Zimpelman-Kennedy wedding at Woodstock last Saturday. Floyd Cooley of the Illinois Uni versity at Urhana is home for a short vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley. Mrs. McClellan of Richmond and Mf" Becker of Chicago ware here to attend the Laures-Christen- sen wedding Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Courtney of Elberta, Canada, who have been vis iting here since the holidays, will re- tarn'to their home this week. i Dr. Robert Fegers and niece, Miss Helen Fegers, of Keokuk, la., are gests of Dr. C. H. Fegers and Miss Eleanor McGee since Sunday. Mrs. John Washington of Carters- ville was called to Chicago to the death bed of her brother, Jas. Green, Monday and will remain here until after the funeral. J. F. Claxton returned Monday from Waxtkesha, where he has spent the past two weeks undergoing treat ment for rheumatism. He is much benefitted by the treatment. Mrs. W. J. Walsh .returned Satur day irom Hancock, Mich., where she was called owing to the serious ill ness of her sister. A slight improve ment, but with little hopes of recov ery, is still asserted. Chas. L. Page, Jas. B. Perry, Mrs. Fred Weinschenker, Mrs. Nick J lis ten, Fred Justen and daughter, Mrs. L. Eisenmenger, Ben Stilling and daughter, Eva, and Frank Schnabel were Gtacago passengers this morn ing. LPROBA TE NEWS j Real Estate Transfers William Bonslett & w to Joseph Justen, w 35 ft of It 19, blk 3, West McHenry $ H. L. Scott to Roy Norton, It 8, Assr's plat; sub-It 2 of • It 7 & sub-It 1 of It 7, Otto Basse's sub-div, Spring Grove Frederick Beller to J. Marion Sims, It 33, Sunnyside sub- d!v, sees 36 & 36, McHenry .8 V'A- •• m; f" % jL s; For Mail Messenger Service Between McHenry Office and Station > t y - : m&irM •1.00 1100.00 1.00 Joseph McCaffery, 38 Chicago Mrs. Lucile Carpenter, 40.Janesville Paul Kamholz, 28.... Marengo LHlie Abraham, 20 .Marengo Emil Lange, . .Elgin Zelma Westphall, 23... Harvard Fred A, Holmes, 43.........Chicago Bessie Wright Kelly, 35..Woodstock Carl F. Salzmann, 21..Crystal Lake Olive Severns, 23 Woodstock Don't forget the Neutral club naas- <fl»erade ftt Central opera house Fri- i Sealed proposals for carrying the United States mails (including par cel post mails) on messenger route No. 235305 between the postoffice at McHenry, Illinois, and Chicago St Northwestern railway, route No. 135004, each way as often as required will be received by the postmaster until February 8. 1917. This service will not be let for * stated period, and no written contract; with bond is required. The service will be subject to all the postal laws and regulations ap plicable thereto; and reductions will be made from the pay of the mail messenger for failure to properly provide for the performance of the service, and fines will be imposed for other dilinquencies. Persons bidding must be not under. Sixteen years of age and suitable to be intrusted with the care and cus tody of the mails.. The accepted bidder will be ex pected to provide for the perform ance of the service at the compensa tion stated- in the order designating his as mail messenger until his em ployment is terminated by proper notice or order from this office; he will also be required to take the oath -prescribed by law. Proposals must be made at a per annum rate for all service required, and persons wishing to bid should inform themselves of the amount and character of the service; and the ac cepted bidder under this advertise ment will be required to perform, without additional compensation, all trips now required and any that may hereafter become necessary between the points named above. The mail messenger may resign at any time by giving the First Assis tant Postmaster General, Division of Post Office Service, written notice thirty days before the time he intends to cease service. Section 1384, Postal Laws and Reg ulations of 1913: - • 1. Mail messengers shall receive the mail from and deliver it into the post office, mail cars and on board steamboats when such cars or boats are accessible. When cars or boats are not accessible mails shall be de livered to the railroad or steamboat employes at nearest accessible point. The service" shall be performed in ac cordance with the schedules of ar rivals and departures prescribed by the postmaster. 2. The mail messenger shall guard the pouches and 8|cks in his custody from, theft or injury, and shall obey all orders and regulations or special instructions from the post office de partment or the postmaster affect ing the messenger service. 3. Where the pouch is hung on 'a mail crape, either during the day or night, the mail messenger shall re main near the crane until the pouch is caught by the mail train. If there is a failure to catch the pouch it shall be taken back to the post office. 4. Mail messengers will be paid monthly as soon' after the close of each month as their accounts can be adjusted. No more than a fair and reasonable compensation will be allowed for this service. Postal clerks, when in charge of mail, are entitled to ride with the mail messenger. Blank bids may be secured from the postmaster upon application therefor. Proposals should be inclosed in a sealed envelope marked "Proposal for Mail Messenger Service on Route No. 235305," and the name of the bidder should be written on the out side of the envelope. For further particulars inquire at the post office McHenry, HI.' TERRA COTTA Mrs., M. Knox spent Tuesday with McHenry relatives. Miss Annie Buss of Woodstock spent Sunday at her home here. Ben Brown of Woodstock was a business caller in this vicinity Friday. Merton Gracy was a business vis itor at Crystal Lake Thursday even ing last. Mrs. Paul Forester was a business visitor in Crystal Lake Monday morning. Mrs?. Leonard Beal visited at the home of her aunt, ftrs. T. L. Fland- s, last Wednesday. Miss Clara E. Frisby attended a Lake couny teachers' meeting at Waukegan Saturday. Miss Esther Rose of Crystal Lake spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Miss Frances Knox. Mrs. B. F.. Martin went to Chi cago Sunday evening, where she will visit relatives for a few days. Miss Florence Knox began her school duties, at Holcombville school last Wednesaay. 'Miss Lola Boyle, who had been teaching there, re signed owing to the illness of her mother.^ Word was received here Sunday of the death of Walter Earle, who re sided at Honey Creek, Wis. Mrs. J. . Gracy, who is a sister of Mr. Earle, left Sunday for Honiy Creek, while Mr. Gracy and Truman Soule 48 PICKED Ul* BY PLAIND&ALKV REPORTERS DURING WE£& What People are Doing to litis Vil lage and the Immediate Vicinity-- Other Short Paragraphs Batter Market Butter on the Elgin bofcrd of trade sold at 39 cents per pound last Sat urday. Plaindealer ads bring results. / Put on your funny face and dance at the masquerade Friday evening. FOR SALE---A single ». cylinder Thor motorcycle. $15.90. Phone 109-J. 81 t • - .. ' , In One egg a day will buy Hess' panacea for seventy-five hens at Mc- ^lister's/ Finest list of prizes ever offered for those who wish to ;ome in costumes and mask, Feb. 2. Help make The Plaindealer newsy by sending in any item of news that you may know o1. , A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Bickler of Spring Grove Monday, January 29. Lee's germozone in the drinking water prevents sickness , among fowls. Get it afr McAllister's. All advertisement* lutrM) under UlU he*d tt tkt toliowlBcrMM: nnllM or 1*m, M cento for ttrot I Insertion; it ceatt for «wb iumwiumI IomkIiiu. MunUu B*« line*, I cento m. Mm for flrat Uwartlon, Mid 3 oents t line tor •ddltlonl InmrUem. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire o£~c£ W. Stenger, West McHenry State, Bank. 19 FOR RENT--A housfe. Inquire of A. P. Freund, McHenry, 111. 33 FOR SALE--House and four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreiner, Weft McHenry, HI. FOR SALE--Good cook stove, will burn coal or wood. Inquire of Mrs. Ben Brefeld, McHenry, 111. - 33 FOR SALE--Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels. $1.60, $2.50 ^and $5.00 each. ' J. V. Buckland, Ringwood, 111. 31-4t FOR -SALE---Four-year-old pacing mareT Inquire of Peter Frett, at C. G. Frett's market and grocery, Mc Henry, 111. * 33 FOR SALE--Large size fbild's crib, complete with mattrciss and springs. Mrs. L. Eisenmenger, McHenry, 111. Phone 57-M. 32 Give us your next order lor en graved calling cards and see what a neat job we put out tor you. A baby girl came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schielius, residing east of town, on Friday last, Jan. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Stilling have rented G. A. Himler's new bungalow on Waukegan street and will take immediate possession. An act of congress, approved May 18, 1916, makes the West McHenry State bank again eligible as a de pository for postal savings. John I. Sutton of Sand Springs, Montana, has accepted a position with the - International Harvesting company of Chicago for the winter months. Donavin & Reinhansperger, the West Side hardware dealers, have had a new body built on to their Ford to be used for trucking purposes in the plumbing and heating business. Ben M. Schoewer, who has been employed at the Overton & Cowen garage since last May, moved with his family to Chicago this week, where he has accepted a similar po sition. Chas. Wright, who resides on the Woodstock road, shipped several of his White Plymouth Rocks to Lake Geneva Tuesday. They were pur chased at a fancy price by Wm. Wrigley, Jr., of that place. Miss Florence Knox of Terra Cot- ta has taken charge of the Holcomb ville school, previously conducted by Miss Elola Boyle, who was obliged to release her contract and remain at home to care for her mother. left Tuesday funeral. merning to. attend the Opened Meat Market Monday Adams Bros, of Johnsburg, whom we mentioned in last week's issue as having taken over the" grocery and market on Pearl street, opened for business Monday morning with choice line of groceries and meats They are deserving young men and we foresee a nccenM enterprise. Neat programs have been printed for the eighth annual convention of the Milk Producers' association to be held Tuesday, Feb. 6, at Hotel La Salle, Chicago. Delegates will be sent from here £o represent "the Ring- wood and McHenry districts. A letter to Dr. D. G. Wells from "Pike" Behlke of Manila, P. I., states that he is fine and will be back here some time this fall. This will be welcome new? to his many friends in McHenry, who remember him as a favorite in the baseball team three seasons ago. Over 300 teachers attended the Lake county teachers' institute at Gorton school, Lake Forest, 111., last week. Two of our McHenry grad uates were in attendance, Misses Clara Frisby and Alta Wentworth, who are on the staff witfcft&he Lake county school teachers. Miss Helen Fay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,. John W. Fay of this vil lage, is a student in the West Side hospital in Chicago and intends to complete the course to prepare her for a trained nurse. Miss Margaret McCabe of Emerald Park will also take up the, course at the same hos pital. "The Sowers," a thrilling drama of Russian secret police, will be the attraction at the Central on Feb. 1, with the beautiful and captivating Lasky' star, Miss Blanche Sweet, in the principal feminine role. "The Sowers" is founded on the famous novel of the same name by Henry Seton Merriman. FOR SALE--About 30 thoro-hred Duroc brood sows. Can be seen any time. Math. J. Glossen, Volo, 111. P. O. Round Lake, 111, 29-tf LOST--Between St. MSry's church and John Stoffel's house, a tiger eye beaded rosary. Finder please re turn to Martha Stoffel and receive reward. ' ^ 33 FOR SALE--Fotfr room house, to gether with two lots and good sized barn, situated in West McHenry. Eli Brink, 903 Marshall St., Lake Geneva, Wis. 33-4t FOR SLAE--At cut price one Mead ow power washer, one Chanticleer power washer, one sixteen disc grain drill and two gang plows. This ma chinery has never been i^sed. In quire at this office. 33-lt WANTED--Two girls, experienced, as tpyest on Underwood machine; three girls for general office work, beginners, must have high school education; three girls for advanecd office work, experienced. Apply at office of David C. Cook Publishing Co., Elgin^ or write' to Mrs. E. K. Foote, same address. , 32-2t TO RENT FOR CASH--The John Powers farm of 234 acres, situated 5 miles south of McHenry and 3 miles north of Crystal Lake. Farm has two dwelling houses. 45. acres fall plowing done. Most modernly equipped farm in the county. Apply to David Powers, Crystal Lake, or George L. Murphy, Woodst-cok, 111. FOR SALE--McHenry county farms in sizes of 20, 120, 160, 184 acres with good improvements. Also one of 285 acres of nice level land %ith good im provements, with or without stock. One of 285 acres including 100 head of live stock, 10 horses, and all farm ing tools. All good bargains. In quire of Ben Stilling^ McHenry, 111. Phones 28 and 75-J. 26 FOR SALE--My big type Poland China boar, Chief Wonder, sired by Mastodon Chief No. 129083 by Sur prise Wonder 6th No. 103067. Weight 800 lbs. and not fat. If you were looking for something good do not buy before seeing this hog. James Hunter, Crystal Springs Farm, known as Jas. Sayler farm, West McHenry, III. Phone 622-M-2. 30-tf A card party, under the auspices of the Young Ladies' sodality of St. Mary's church, will be held at Stof fel's hall Schrove Tuesday evening, Feb. 20. Tickets, 25c; coupon at tached, 10c extra, which entitles you to a chance on a $2.50 gold piece. Another prize of $2.50 gold piece will be given to the lady selling the most tickets. \ A car headed for the East Side Monday: evening struck the--south end of the bridge structure on Boone creek and overturned, throwing the occupants, two men whose names we did not learn, from the car, badly lacerating them about the neck and face. Local treatment was given them and their wounds dressed be fore leaving town. A more rigid observance of the law regarding "phools" operating motors should be established and adhered to by the authorities before McHenry is made a • . jt... i Notice of Sale of Real Estate J. F. Casey, Atty. By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, made on the peti tion of the undersigned, Katie Keefe, Executrix, of the Estate of William Davis, deceased, for leave to sell the Real Estate of said deceased, at the January Term,. A. ,D. 1917, of said Court, to-wit, on the Third (3) day of January, 1917, Notice is hereby given that oh Saturday, the Tenth (10) day of February, 1917, next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to-wit, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the front door of the dwelling house on the prem ises' ̂ described in this notice, herein, also described in said decree and order herein, in the Village of West McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois; the following de scribed real estate belonging to the estate of William Davis, deceased, to- wit: LotB Number six (6) and ten (10) of A. H. Hanly's out-lots to West McHenry, as shown on the plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in book one, of Plats, on page 7, containing 4.52 acre's of land, more or less; also Lot Number thirteen (13) of the County Clerk'* Plat of part of Section Number twenty-seven (27), in Township Number forty- five (45) North, of Range Number eight (8) east of the third Principal Meridian, as shown on the plat there of recorded in said Recorder's Office in Book two of Plats, on page 41, containing 9.18 acres of land, more or less; all of said lots being located in and being a part of the East half of the Southeast quarter of said sec tion Number twenty-seven (27) and containing in all 13.70 acres of land, more or less, and situated, lying and being in the County of McHenry, in the State of Hlinois, will be sold to the highest-and best biddar. Terms of Sale, for cash. The purchaser to pay 20 per cent of the purchase price on the day of sale. Katie Keefe, Executrix. January 6. 1917. ' 30-4t Raad PtaindMlar . ' • \ • UNIVERSAL CAR 1 1 A* In the scale of advancing business costs, Ford travel con- ilnues the same positive economy. City and country salesmen, manufacturers, merchants, professionaf men--every demand for ^ i motor car transportation is satisfied In the Ford car at about two • cents a mile to operate and maintain. Oyer 1,700,000 Ford cars fire making performance and profits everyday. Runabout, $345: louring, $3dQ; Coupelet, $505; Town Car,|^; ^ f. o. b. Detroft. Place your order now. McHenry. lift JOHN R. KNOX ""•" STAR GARAGll^f • " ' ¥-S*W * •X i f f Auction Sale! Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer Having decided to quit fanning, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the premises known as the J. C. Clemens farm, situated 4 miles' south of McHenry, 4 miles north of Crystal Lake and 7 miles east of Woodstock, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1917 commencingv at 11:00 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to- wit: Horses Span of black geldings, 5 and 9 year old, well matched, weight 3000 pounds; brown mare, 12 years old, weight 1500 pounds; bay mare, 9 years old, weight 1400 pounds; Clyde mare, 4 years old, weight 1400 pounds; Percheron gelding, coming 3 year old; 2 Percheron edits, coming 2 years old; yearling colt, light driv ing mare. Cows, Calves and Bulls 17 milk cows, about one-half springers, balance milkers, some with calves by their side; recorded Holstein cow, with heifer calf eligi ble to register. This dairy has been testing 3-9 at the Borden plant at McHenry. Recorded herd bull, com ing 3 years old; recorded bull, com ing 1 year old; 8 summer calves. Hogs 10 brood sows, bred to Chester White boar, due to farrow about April; 20 fall pigs, Chester White boar. Oats, Wheat and Seed Corn 400 bushels of choice Iowa Silver Mine oats, 50 bushels of Morcus wheat, 40 baskets of Yellow Dent corn. Farm Machinery Deering corn binder, nearly new; 6-ft. Deering grain binder, Van Brunt grain drill, nearly new; 2-row Deere cultivator, nearly new; Emerson cul tivator, walking cultivator, 16-disc Emerson pulverizer, Hayes corn planter and 160 rods of wire, North western farm truck wagon, narrow tire wagon, double box and spring seat, set bolster springs, end gate, shoveling board, 16-in. riding plow, 14-in. walking plo#, 3-section har row, 2-section harrow, hay rack, hog rack, set dump planks, 5-ft. Deering mower, hay rake, walking cultivator, 1-horse cultivator, set bob sleighs, set light sleighs, hand corn sheller, horse clipper, new; milk wagon, l*horse wagon, galvanized iron tank, 2 seated surry, top buggy, Cow Boy tank heat er, several barrels of cider vinegar, 6 milk cans, pails and strainers, and many small articles such as forks, shovels, etc. Harness Set of bj-eeching harness, set of 1% inch harness, new; set farm harness, 2 single harness, 2 21-inch collars, new; and several smaller collars. Engines One-horse Storer pumping engine and jack, small gas engine. Poultry 25 Brown Leghorn hensi 86 Buflf Orpington hens, 12 cockere^p Furniture, Etc. 7 Round Oak heater, couch, & beds, upright Cottage organ. Free Luneh at Nooon Terms of Sale: All sums of $10,00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months will be given on bankable notes bearing 7 per cent in terest from date of sale. No prop erty to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until settled for with ihenclerk. W. J, Beiser, Prop, v Chas. L. Page, Clerk. vGarl. W. Stenger, Settling Clerk. Moore's orchestra of Woodstock will furnish music for the masquerade Friday «veningr Do you know that it pleases us to see- you come to, this store? Well, it does. And it pleases us still more to verve you witl\ our carefully selected merchandise. We aim to keep our goods clean and up-to date and assure you that your patronage is' appreciated. _ Jos. J. Miller RINGWOOD f i/; rf, Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings % Winter will pass and spring will come and plans of improvement will be given effect. They ought of course to include Wiring Your House for SCTRIC LIGHT The .expense of the opera- tion-fixlures included-is usually small- it often in, fact,, works out less than $2 a month sor we spread the cost over 2 years. Roll Details on Request. Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS OLIVER MODE NUMBER NM THE EXTRA-CAPACITY YOURS FOR 17 CENTS A DAY -FOR SALE BY- H. T. Cooney, Agt Woodstock, 111. $ :*4 k >V & Telephone No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL * Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST . ' Office in Telephone Exchange Bidg. Centerville McHenry, (Ui]|pU ' Telephone New 7t-W > 1 Office in Spauldins Bids. Phon* No ALFORD H. POPSE Attorney-at-Law - We& McHenry. nr > PLUMBING ANN MRM? IF -BY- Experienced Workpicn ^ DONAVIN * R£IlfANSPBRG&9 • • * . . .)