Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1917, p. 8

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m UP BT PLAINDBALEP DURING l f 4 , Kf Jfet i3 ••&!.• ." 'n- -."nHL j-*: OPERA HOUSE MCHENRY %Vf - 1 r-r* -,* -$&y ?. &•' if. IF.*- » r~ 15" ,. , "Lp® ... . •Vc - • * .- ^ '- * 5,', i;1 ClosingOut •:v ;"£«&' " .v.- "i r. r>< to*7 AVy $i\ * g>(? - I- : , '"""<> V>- ' ^--.ii'»•'. |4 '-:*•/ >> £:• ' ' •< J ' fi^F * $&-- & * ' • lf- Pv /"y | - A * r*-,~ {A>* : - n p r -!.> ,• V.;-"\- ,i V^* iM : Mr"' -",'• .: W>' rt' r, * ,/ / ^ V:'&>' S;.V:- imw*- )4T* . broken lots in Fall Clothing in Overcoats and Suite If you are in need of an Overcoat or a Suit, we can save you on a garment $3.00 to $5.00 We have some broken lots of good new Overcoats and Suits, which we are closing out regardless of cost. Come and inspect the line. It will be to your advan­ tage when buying clothing. :-: :-: WEST McHENRY, ILL. LISTEN! Do you know that it. pleases us to see y<?u come to this store? Well, it does. And7 it pleases us still more to serve you with our carefully selected merchandise. We aim to keep our goods clean«, and up-to-date^and assure you»that your patronage is appreciated. Jos. J. Miller R1NGWOOD SHOES! W hat Size? How Much? That is all we need to ask you--the size, and the price you want to pay. We can give you ANY size. You can pay ANY KIND of a price you want to, and what­ ever the price you pay, it will be the BEST value for the money to be found anywhere in this Section. That is the in­ ducement we offer you and no other Jiouse can touch it. TT A T* rv u\ A t l i t r / v / i i i a i i u WEST McHENRY, ILL. ASK THE WIFE She knows Mr. Husband* • Do you realize that the time is upai at hand when friend wife will be taking up the an­ nual spring inventory in your home? And do you also realize that she will find a num­ ber of things that will be needed to keep the home cheerful. Well, these are facts, and by co-operating with her in planning and se­ lecting the things that are needed you will be intrumental in making housecleaning time a pleasure for her; It's easy to make a select­ ion from our large stock of Furniture, Hugs, Carpets, Curtains and Lineoleums. JACOB JJJSTEN i; r McHENRY, ILLINOIS Wliat People are Doing in This ¥11' lage and the Immediate Vicinity--' Other Short Paragraphs ltette* Market Butter pn the Elgin board of -trade sold at 40 cents per pound last Sat­ urday. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlafi. Vycital's Easter sale from March 15 to 22. \ Four Dundee salooiis are now oper­ ated by Elgin men. Read The Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings. ^Special Easter sale at Vycital's. Begin^ today and lasts one week. Take advantage of the special Easter sale at Vycital's Novelty store. E^celal sagey sulphur hair tonic cures dandruff. 60 cents per bottle at Petesch's. The Social Wheel will meet with Mrs. N. H. Petesch on Thursday aft­ ernoon, March 22. The Altar and Rosary society of St. Patrick's church will meet with Mrs. J. McEvOy Saturday, March 17, at 2:30 p. m. Peter J. Freund has entered the employ of the Oliver typewriter fac­ tory at Woodstock, starting work there last week. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Wagner, who reside east of town, on Tuesday morn­ ing of this week.- Souvenirs in the form of small American flag pins are being handed out by officials ^ the West McHenry State bank these days. Barbian Bros., the local cigar man­ ufacturers, have added another cigar maker to their working force, the new-comer starting work this week. Dairymen in this section of the dis­ trict have signed up today with Bor­ den's for the association price, $2.12 per hundred for milk testing 3.5 per cent. That the rain of last week brought considerable frost from the ground can be seen from the gradual disap­ pearance of small ponds about the village. NOTICE--$500,000 property dam­ age, 40 lives lost in tornado at New Castle, Ind. Be prepared by insuring your property and lives with Hayes & Justen, West MeHenry, 111. The first and second basket ball teams of the McHenry public school will play the Woodstock first and sec­ ond teams at the school auditorium on Wednesday evening of next week.. The severe wind and sleet storm of the first of the week played havtfc with the electric light and telephone poles and wires in this vicinity. We are told that many of the poles are down north of this village. Farm hands this spring are de­ manding from $35 to $45 per month in this locality. Besides this they get their board, room and in many cases washing' arid the use of a horse and buggy on Sundays. Senator Kessinger of Aurora has introduced a bill at Springfield to per­ mit deepening of river channels by organizations of drainage districts, planned to apply specifically to Fox river to make it navigable by barges to the Illinois river. The McHenry high school basket ball team journeyed over to the coun­ ty seat last evening, where they were handed a trimming by the team rep­ resenting the Woodstock High school. We understand that the score was about two to one. News^ reached McHenry this week announcing the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelleher of Houghton Lake, Mich. The little iady arrived iast Saturday. The mother was formef-ly Miss Kathryn Schreiner of this village. Evidently loci! contractors have come to the conclusion that an auto truck is a necessity in these days of progress. John P. Weber and Henry Schaffer, two local contractors and builders, have placed orders for the delivery of new trucks. The John Wildi Evaporated Milk Co. of Delavan, Wis., will pay the fol­ lowing named prices per hundred for milk received . for the coming six months: April, $2.40; May, $2.00; June, $1.60; July, $2.12; August, $2.30, and Sept., $2.30. A new walk is sadly needed from Waukegan street to the village hall. One is forced to wade thru mud ankle deep these slushy days. This has been a bad place for a number of years and the public trusts that an improvement will be made there this year. N Just when everyone was looking forward to the opening of spring, old Man Winter comes along and spoils everything. He appeared again last Monday night and on Tuesday morn­ ing old Mother Earth was again com­ pletely covered with' a mantle of An anti-treating bill, recently in­ troduced in the house at Springfield by Representative Flagg, proposes a a fine of not less than $20 nor jnore than $100 or a ten to thirty day jail sentence or both for each offense of buying intoxicating drink for any other than the purchaser. Blue vitriol liniment poison used expressly for wire cuts, ^ sweeny, scratches, nail injuries in foot, bunches on shoulder, sore necks, fis­ tula, foot rot, shoe boils, spavin, cuts, bunches and all injuries to which a horse or cows is subject. $1.50 re­ ward for any horse that goes lame in 48 hours. Dr. C. A. Boschert, paten­ tee, Lake Geneva, Wis., graduate of Munich college, Germany. Sold by F. A. Cooley, West McHenry, III. ^ SPECIAL MEETING Of Village Board Takes Place Mon­ day Afternoon .. . Even matches may become a lux­ ury. The material used in making the tips now costs $700 per ton. Two years ago the cost was only $37 per ton. The sihall cartons, which for­ merly sold for five cents each, are now selling at seven cents in the local stores. PLAINDEALER ADS PAT fc<+ THURSDAY, M|RCH 15 Sessue Hayakawa IN "Alien Souls" SATURDAY, MARCH 17 Blanche Sweet . ----IN---- "Stolen Goods"" SUNDAY, MARCH '?£- Hazel Dawn " ----sw "The Feud Giri" Special Easter sale at Vycital's Novelty store, March 15 and lasts o«e week. Council Room, March 12, 1917,' 1 p. m. Special meeting of village board without cost to vHl&ge. Members present: Doherty, Justen, Kenne- beck, Simes and Stoffel. Absentees: Spencer and village clerk. President Wells called the meeting to order and called on Sirpon Stoffel to act as clerk. Marshal Rothermel stated that thirteen* "hydrants were frozen in various parts of Centerville and East Side. Marshal Revor reported four or five hydrants frozen on the West Side. Mr. Stevens, of the Public Ser­ vice company, being present, e*x- plained the workings of thawing out process, etc., at length. Motion w by Stoffel, seconded by Doherty,, to employ the Public Ser­ vice company at 60c per hour to thaw uut the hydrants and mains. Motion carried by full vote. The marshals were instructed to secure a suitable pump to pump all the water out of the shell or stem of the hydrants as soon as they were thawed out by the Public Service qompany and clean out the drain cocks on the hydrants. The marshals were instructed to •emedy the seepage of surfa^ water running into the water reservoir. Motion to adjourn by Kennebeck, seconded by Simes. Motion carried. D. G. Wells, Pres. Simon Stoffel, Clerk Pro Tem. PASSED AWAY AT ELGIN Ssrial Toole Place In This Village Tuesday at 12:30 O'clock Mrs. Mary Rourke, who left Mc­ Henry .about fifteen years ago to take up her home with her cousin, Miss Bridget Brahan, at 520 Division St., Elgin, died there at 2:30 o'clock Sun­ day morning, March 11. The deceased was' born in Carlow county, ' Ireland, Dec. 3, 1839. She came to this country when a young woman and always lived in the vicin­ ity of Ringwood and McHenry, except the years spent with the Brahan fam­ ily at Elgin. Two brother survive, Edward Brahan of New London, Wis., and Michael Brahan of Tigerton, Wis. Requiem high mass was read at 10 o'clock at St. Mary's church, Elgin, Tuesday morning, thence by automo­ bile to St. Patrick's cemetery here for burial, arriving at 12:30, where rela­ tives and friends awaited to pay their respects. Her life was one of charity toward all and pure devotion to the holy Catholic qhurch. Rev. M. J. McEvoy officiated at the grave. Marriage Licenses C. A. Davis, 23 Crystal Lake' Vera S. Shales, 24 Crystal Lake Charles T. Hubbard. 72.. .Woodstock Mrs. M.SE. Beardsley, 59.Woodstock Howard Christensen, 19... Richmond Mary Magdalena Laures, 20 McHenry Charles M. Kennedy, 24. .Woodstock Leonie E. Zimplemann, 22.Woodstock Russell A. Greene, 24. .Franklinville Elma M. Hakes, 21..... .Woodstock Charles E. Behan, 36..Crystal Lake Louise M. Lando, 23,.... fCary John Peterson, 47. Crystal Lake Barbara Wyman, 69....Crystal Lake Reciprocity Perhaps you do not believe in reciprocity with Canada, but we hope you believe in business reciprocity with your banker. We hope you believe in remembering your bank when you 'have money to deposit, as well as you do when you want to borrow money. It is a kind of reciprocity that helps the prosperity of the whole community in which ycfu live, and it costs you nothing. If we ha^ve extended you favors during the past year we hope we shall be remembered wh^n prosperity smiles on you. We shall appreciate your business and shall try to make it mutually pleasant and profitable. Deposits in this bank on certificates Of deposit or on checking accounts offer the safest passible method of keeping your money. O ur scores of satisfied customers will certify to our absolute reliability, ? McHenry State Bank """ % ••• Jt: N THE UNIVERSAL CAR The- reliability is best of Ford Jid practical usefulness t their cars all the year around. Ford service for Ford owners is as prompt, reliable and universal as the car. No matter where you may go there you will find the Ford agent fully equipped to give immediate service. Better buy your Ford car today. Tour ing Car, $360; Runabout, $345; Coupelet, $505; Town Car, $595; Sedan. $045--all f. o. b. Detroit. We° solicit your order. provei by the gifllt number in daily use. Ford owners drive JOHN R. KNOX Tel. 30 MeHenry, 111. STAR GARAGE The voice of spring, ac­ cording to the calendar, t'will soon be in the air. Now there are certain things that every woman knows must be done in the house in spring as well as at other times and the ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER eases the burden of one and the ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE * takes over the toil of the other Both, and all other electrical appliances for that matter, can be put in action- by a connec­ tion with any lamp socket in the electrified house. Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS T Notice The annual meeting of the Milk Producers' Protective association will be held at Woodman hall Monday, March 19. Meeting called to order at 9 :30 a. m. C. L. Page, Sec. Road The Plsindesler tor •»wa. v ' . ' • • "HEN answer­ ing the tele­ phone always give your number, your name or the name of your firm. Do not use the word "Hello.' Chicago Telephone Company I. H. Conrath, District Manager Telephone 9003 PLUMBING AND HEATING I« lo p. m. . gy J:l»toMlp.m, Experienced Workmen f>ONAVlN Ac REIHANSPERGER TtkphoMi; Jet 17 esidene* a-W A. I. FROEHLICH Phjsieiaii and Surgeon .FREUND BLDG.* Over McAllister'* WEST McHBN&Y

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