•; -• i ^, '&L- ^ 7 J':: * ' ' *4^*' '* '" 1 •- i/l;#:; ••„ **\X * "i * , S» We can't get every man's trade though we admit we'd like to. But we ask you to try us. Our hope is that IKrell serve you so well that youll keep on coming. Sincerity Clothing Ready to wear, is a pleasure to sett as it will give satis faction and at prices 4^5 to $25 a Suit which is a saving of 25^ per cent Royal Taylors Clothing Made to order by the largest tailoring house in busi ness. Suits $18.00 to $35.00 which is 25 per cent cheaper than any made to order suit, quality considered. JOS. W. FREUND WESTJtfcHENRY, ILL. • • ty Li' SHOES! What Size? How Much? That is all we need to ask you--the size, and the price you want to pay. We can give you ANY size. You can pay ANY KIND of a price you want to, and what ever the price you pay, it will be the BEST value for the money to be found anywhere in this section. That is the in ducement we offer you and no other house can touch it. F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY, ILL. p*-': % 2 ' 'im wT % U' *4 m ty • S..' ' I f S f e r l 'E'»V ' ft' ' ST • it ASK THE WIFE She knows Mr. Husband Do you realize that the time is near at hand when friend wife will be taking up the an- nual'spring inventory in your home? And do you also realize that she will find a num ber of things that will be needed to keep the home cheerful. Well, these are facts, and by co-operating with her in planning and se lecting the things that are needed you will be intrumental in making housecleaning time a pleasure for her. It's easy to make a select ion from our large stock of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and Linoleums. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS ^ 41- % 4 £ " ; ItfiA- Spring and Summer Goods West Sport Voiles and Silks, novelty plaids and stripes in the newest creation for the smart dresser, up to____ 65c per yard - i . A new line of Ladies' Collars in voiles, silks and georgetta crepes, plain and embroidered. Auto Veils and Caps Shirt Waists and Muslin Under wear. Shoes for the whole family at extremely low prices. eNew line of Men's Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Shirts, Spring Ties, Hosiery, Etc. Made-to-order Suits , Full line joi pure, fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. - : ft^cHepry, ML .p^ 53.^ Goods delivered in new colors and weaves k ; " L - * " 4 4 * - ' : ' • ^ " ' ' s • & g" - .*-V- Butter Market Butter on the Elgin board of Parade advanqed one cent last Saturday, selling at 38 cents per pound. Salvet in 10, 20 and 40 lb. boxes. Vogt's di*6g store. Farm machinery and binding* twine at Math. Freund's. Lee's Germozone in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Vogt's drug store. Hess'. Panacea in 25, 60 and $1.25 packages. Vogt's drug store. Burbank and Rural New Yorker seed potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. Phone your drug orders. Ouz; de livery service is free. Petesch: Phone 60-W. O'Cedar oil, Wizard polish, mops, etc., for house cleaning. N. J. Jus- ten A Son. , »v „• G. E. Schoel has gone to Chicago, where, we are told, he has secured ac ceptable employment. A nine pound daughter was wel comed in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman last Sunday. Harold Whiting is moving frohi the Huemann cottage on Court street to the Carey flat on the West Side. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Justen an nounce the arrival of a son at their home near this village on April 30. Seed potatoes, the Burbank and Rural Ney Yorker varieties, at M. M. Niesen's. Come early while the sup ply lasts. G. C. Boley and John Knox, Jr., are among the latest McHenryites to enter the employ of the Oliver type writer factory at Woodstock. Charles C. Schoonmaker of Genoa, 111., son of the former editor of The Plaindealer, has enlisted his services in the Third Regiment, I. N. G. The Young Ladies' sodality of St. John's church, Johnsburg, will give a May party at the parish hall on Tuesday, May 29. Tickets, 50c. Miss Margaret Bonslett has given up her position at the Barbian Bros, cigar factory to accept a position at the Oliver factory at Woodstock. Give us your order for seed pota toes. We handle the Burbank and Rural New Yorker. You can't beat these two varieties. M. M. Niesen. Weather permitting, a number from here will attend the concert to be given by the McHenry Choral club at Richmond tomorrow (Friday) night. The Willing Workers will meet with Mrs, T. J. Walsh Thursday of next week, May 17. All members are urged to be present at this meeting. Fred Mershon, former cashier at the Hoy Banking company bank here, has recently written to McHenry friends from Boston, where he is now at work. A number of our young people at tended a social dance at the Hebron opera house on Friday evening of last week. The McHenry folks report a fine time. Harvey Baron, fireman at the Bor den factory here, is now driving a beautiful new Saxon Six touring car, purchased thru the J. L. Losee agency at Hebron. . *- J. L. Losee of Hebron reports the sale of a 7-22 Chalmers touring car to W. C. Fay of Evanston. Mrs. Fay is the daughter of Mrs. E. W. Howe of this village. The G. E. Schoel family is moving into the flat over the C. Unti ice cream parlor. The flat being vacated will be occupied by Max Anders' fam ily of Wauconda. Kirk Harrison has given up his po sition in the Schneider Bros, meat market on the West Side and is now employed at the Oliver typewriter factory at the county seat. Sixty-five couples attended the dance given under the auspices of the McHenry Chapter, O. El S., at Stoffel's hall last Saturday evening. Everyone present reports, a fine time. Work of enlarging the Busy Bee cafe conducted by Math. Laures on the West Side was . completed re cently. The improvement is a note worthy one and will adjl to the facil ities of .the place; . ' Since the inauguration of the auto mobile passenger service between this village and Woodstock, more of the McHenry employes at the Oliver fac tory are now making daily trips to and from the county seat. Our information regarding the clos ing of the Brefeld barber shop on the West Side was incorrect. Martip B. Schmitt informs us that the shop is still open and that patrons of the place will always find a first-class rftan at. the chair. While we are sorry that the error occurred, we are glad to rectify same. * John D. Lodtz of this village in forms us that he has just received word from his son, Percy, that he has enlisted in the United States navy and that he will be home for a few days' visit before entering active" service. Percy is now at St Paul, Minn., where he has been employed since leaving McHenry. TERRA COTTA ^ ttuNi KIshsmht JPbsl&B I' THURSDAY. MAY-IO Donald Brian -IN- "The Smugglers SATURDAY. MAY 12 •- All Star Cast IN til 'Bootless Baby and The Man on the Case" SUNDAY, MAY 13 Wallace Reid and Cleo :'K- v. Ridgeiy"':j;V "This SeifisT~" CLASSIFIEP DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Two sows with thirteen pigs; also some seed corn. John B. Young, West McHenry, 111. 47-It K h&f- FOR SALE--John Glossen residence in north end of town. Inquire of J. H. Kennebeek, executor, McHenry, 111. 45-tf FOR SALE--Nine room house, bam and one acre of land; also piano. In quire at Math. J.' Scheafer's, McHen ry, 111. 43 FOR SALE--A 1915 3 speed 15 h. p. Indian motorcycle. Newly repainted and in first-class condition. Call at this office. 38-tf FOR RENT--A modern flat on the West Side. For further information inquire of or write Jos. W. Freund, West McHenry, 111. 45-tf Make Your Money Work For Yon reason some people seem so prosperous under all condi tions is often because they have money at work for thelu. They have saved a reasonable portion of their earnings and placed, it in the bank on interest. They are then assured of a certain* definite income every year. , ; „ You have to work for your money. Then make your money work for you. Two dollars per week placed in a savings account every year for ten years will amount with interest |okoyer $1300.00. Can you not save two dollars per week? 4 . y , We pay 3 per cent interest and compound the interest every Six months. We would be pleased to have you open an ac^oupt ^ - ~ ^ " v ;r. 1. v We&l McHenry State Bank fH. v * m mi. - 1 FOR RENT--Seven room flat with gas, electric lights and city water. $10.00 per month. Inquire at West McHenry State Bank. 45-3t FOR SALE--About fifteen bushels of good eating Early Ohio potatoes at .75 per bushel while they last. Wm. Bonslett, West McHenry, 111. 47 FOR .SALE--A quantity of Oder- brocker barley seed. Screened and free from foul seed. W. E. Whiting, West McHenry, 111. Phone 620-R-l. FOR SALE--Winter-laying strain S. C. White Leghorn eggs for hatching. $1.00 per setting or $5.00 per hun dred. Mrs. Geo. Kuhn, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--One good horse, six years old, broke single or double. A No. 1 Yello# Dent s§ed corn. F. C. Feltz, West McHenry, 111. Phone 71-M. 45 FOR SALE--14 inch Gale gang plow, $65.00; Chanticleer power washer, $25.00; also all other kinds of farm machinery. Inquire of F. E. Howe, Ridgefield, 111. 43-tf $49. Easy payment, nothing down, buys the NEW NO. 9 OLIVER type writer. I give you the lowest factory price. For particulars address H. T. Cooney, Woodstock, 111. 40 FOR RENT--Upper flat in Brefeld building in West McHenry. Seven rooms with bath, steam heat and elec tric lights. Inquire of Mrs. C, Bre feld, West. McHenry, 111. 46 FOR SALE OR RENT--A summer home at Emerald Park on Fox river near McHenry. In first-class condi tion. Will sell or rent by the season. Theo. Schiessle, West McHenry, 111. 4t WANTED--Assemblers, aligners, typewriter men and machine hands of all kinds; steady work and good wages. Good positions for girls over sixteen. The Oliver Typewriter Co., Woodstock, 111. 46-2t LOST--On West Side last Saturday night, an overcoat containing pocket- book. Overcoat was left in a buggy near Schmitt's barber shop when owner mistook said buggy for that of his own. Finder kindly notify Mrs.. A. Eddy, West McHenry, 111. 47-lt FOR SALE--One 209 acre farm, known as the John A. Smith place, two miles east of McHenry; one 145 acre farm at Lake Defiance, also one block containing 12 lots with good, improved house, located east of Fox river bridge. Apply to or write S. H. Freund, Administrator John A. Smith estate, McHenry, 111. 41-tf WANTED--Boat builders, cabinet makers, joiners, painters, first-class all around^ carpenters, caulkers, pipe fitters and men who know how to in stall engines. We have clean and well ventilated shops. Port Clinton is sit uated on Lake Erie, in the center of the famous fruit growing district, on the main line of the New York Cen tral. A good, inexpensive, little town to make your home in, within easy reach of the Great Lakes sum mer resorts, and there is plenty of fishing, hunting and boating. Non union shop. We offer good wages and steady work. Transportation refund ed. The Matthews Boat Company, Port Clinton, Ohio. 46-4t in Elgin. Miss Lilian Riley was an Elgin vis itor Saturday. J Iflrs. Liddle spent Mohday and Tues- iLur. in dmyuro. A Complete Stock of Fencing embracing all the various meshes needed around a farm--special hog and rab bit proof, as well as extra high, strong fence for catfle and poultry. We also carry a good stock of barbed wire. All of the best wire and the kind that will not sag. Come in and look over our line and let us quote you prices. WILBUR LUMBER CO. We& McHenry, Illinois. Mr. Cornish of Solon was a busi ness caller here Saturday. Allen Noonan was a caller in this vicinity Thursday evening. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay spent Monday with her parents in Elgin. J. M. Phalin and J. H. Gracy were Elgin visitors last Thursday. Mf.' and Mrs. Merton Gracy were Chicago visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Adams and son, Donald, spent Sunday a£ P. H. Conway's. > Miss Frances Welch of McHenry visited, relatives here Saturday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway of Mc Henry spent last Thursday evening at M. Knox's; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nelson and son, son, Melvin, spent Sunday evening at A. Gaebe's. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty and family called on relatives here last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan and daughter, Ruth, spent Sunday with relatives and friends here. Real Estate Transfer* C. H. Fegers tq Elizabeth Winkel, Its 6 & 13 blk 1, C. H. Fegers' addn, McHenry. .$150.00 Do. to J. G. & Theresa Schrauth (joint tenants), Its 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 16, 17 & 18, blk 2, Dr. C. H. Fegers' addn, McHenry Christina Rothermel & h to J. C. & Louise Nettnin, It 11, J May's subdiv, see 18, Mc H e n r y . . . I . . . . . . Christina Rothermel & h to John P. Loos & w, It 10, May's subdiv, sec 18, Mc Henry • Christina Rothermel & h to John P. Loos & w, lot 10, May's sub-div, sec 18, Mc- , Henry, range 9 $ Margaret Walsh to William Franke, 4.29 a out of se cor of nw*4 se% sec 27, .Mc Henry Adelheid & Jacob Leichem to John Carey, Its 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9, blk 3, & Its 12, 13 & 14, blk 4, C. H. Fegers' addn, McHenry Margaret Schaefer to Peter Weber & w, sw^4 ne% sec 12, 39% acres, McHenry.. 6100.00 Anna M. Kennebeek 4 h to V John R. Smith, Its 7 & 10* blk 25, orig town, McHenry William H. Young et al to Blaaoha NikoU. iot 1& 1.00 m 1.0* 1700.00 10.00 -TyHEN you finish a * * telephone conver sation always say "Good Bye." Then neither1 party is left with an unpleasant impression that the conversation has been terminated abruptly. ' * Chicago Telephone Company J. H. Conrath, District Manager Telephone 9003 Woodstock j.jAi- • Rendering Works ARE PAYING the highest * * cash prices for horses and cattle for rendering purposes. Price to be • governed by the city market. Pres ent price, No. 1 Horse, $4.00; N<}. 2, one dollar less. Cattle from $1.00 to $6.00. Small animals removed free of charge. We solicit your patronage. Woodstock, 111. 'Phone 162-R I. W. SMITH if P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TH* SALI OF ^ jjftxssed Beef, nation. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter arid jests' This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and prlee Hat* famished os application, COLD STORAGE FRBE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. stall • a 3, Fulton St. Wboiaiala Market. rWa* iiM'-ia: V .. .,-M Assr's plat, Pistakee Cot tage grounds, McHenry.... 2250.00 Nicholas J. Justen & w to blk 3, West McHenry " Alice Peet to Arthur Peet, 5 a in ne. cor sett sec 9, Mc» * * * * * "".v,, v:-..*[# >- .'-'4 ' \ ' illi- ; ia oo