,.JfPL • ' v w. MeHEimr, uai j- MANY S , i - w sps? B^P X C P AIMT^ • l^f Ml * l\ll\ X - 4':- • ." /, - "-'v . " ' ""• ' , '•" Protects and Beautifies Good Paint answers a double purpose. It protects your house and also beautifies it. It makes of the "house" a "home." The same pleasant transfor mation is made in porch furniture, floors, walls and other places where points, varnishes, e^c, are used. We have an excellent line of * Household Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Interior „ Finishes, Mixed Paints, Patco Wall Paint You can get at our store just what is needed, for any ./ paint job, and prices will always be as low as poss ible consistent with quality. "THE STORE THAT HAS A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE." B. P. S.-BEST PAItfT SOLE* v». For 25 Gents a Pound A few have asked 11s if.Coffee is up in price. We do not know what may come, but, have bought about a ton of our 25c grade, so you are sure to get a good coffee at 25c for two months at least. If you pay more for your Coffee try our 35c Bogata. WHY NOT USE MORE RICE THESE DA,YS? { - It is one of the few things that is still cheap,- per pound _ _. 12c and 8c SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-4 McHenry, I». PAINTS! In order to unify our line of Paints we will sell*1' our Paints at less than the regular price. If you have painting to do requiring from a quart to a gal lon or two, it will pay you to look at these Paints. They include Floor Paints, Wall Paints and Flat Paints. . Quart Cans 55c One-half gallon. _. -_.$1.05 One gallon -- $2.M Screen Paint, black, pint. - - 25c Screen Paint, black, 1-2 pint... ...1.15c Screen Paint, green, pint 35c Screen Paint, green, 1-2 pint . _ .. .»c VOGT'S DRUG STORE WEST McHENRY, ILL. Buy Shoes Now Don't wait until a steadily ad vancing market compels high er prices. My line of Work Shoes is quite complete and for a short time you can get them at practically before war prices. Increasing sales in dicate that my" prices are be low others, but will be com pelled to advance prices with in a short time. Don't Delay! Buy Now! • • . JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY THOME M-W N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST I JOHNSBURG 'Ready to do whitewashing at 8c per I stanchon, W^rk guaranteed. Phone 600-M-l. • Smith, Johnsburg, I III. • 42-tf j That our farmers believe in doing j their bit by .planting is manifested by J the uriusual number of acres thai; they ' have placed under cultivation this spring. With favorable weather con ditions this vicinity will turn out tike j largest crops ever recorded here. A few of our sumther resorters were out from the city for the week end. Three of the young ladies who were out evidently believe in exercise, as they walked to. and from McHenry last Saturday afternoon. They carried a camera with them and took several yie^s on the trip. 0 The next dance <at Smith's hall here is advertised to take place on Wednes day evening, May 23. Manager Smith announces that the same music has been engaged , for the coming event and also that a good time is in store for those who attend. Dance tickets, 50 cents. The pupils of our district'school are rehearsing for the township exercises to be held at the M. W. A. hall at Ringwood next Saturday night. The Johnsburg school has an important part in the evening's program and those interested in the work of the children should be sure to attend the exercises. , While the young men here are not particularly anxiou| to join the army or navy, they are more than "willing to do their bit on the soil and this they surely are doing. We feel cer tain that Uncle'Sam will give them just a^s much credit f6r this spirit as he would if they all shouldered a gun as this year's crops. will be a most important figure in determining the result of the war. . 4 We are informed that Dr. Arnold Mueller of this place is making ar rangements for the installation of an X-Ray machine' of the very latest type. Our doctor believes in keeping abreast of the times and cannot see why the people of this locality should not be given the advantage of having all the very latest inventions known to the medical profession within easy access. We congratulate the doctor Upon his progressive nature and trust that the new acquisition to his already complete office equipment will prove a paying investment. Last Sunday evening a number of her young friends called at the home of Miss Clara Smith, who resides a short distance north of Johnsburg, to remind her of .her twenty-first birth day anniversary. The crowd arrived at an early hour and the victim of the surprise, totally unaware of her friends' plans, was some little time recovering from the shock that usually accompanies such events. The fore part of the evening was passed at euchre, the prizes going to the following: First, Leo Freund; second, Miss Coletta Freund; conso lation, Albert Huff. After the dis tribution of the prizes refreshments were served. Included in the refresh ments was a mysterious cake and if the readers really want to know all about this cake they'll have to ask someone who was present and partook of same. After refreshments, games were played until the home-going hour, when all departed wishing their hostess many happy returns of the day. Those who made up the com pany of jolly-makers were: Misses Mamie, Coletta and Frances Freund, Agnes, Eleanor, Susie, Lischen, Le- nora, Clara §nd Agatha Smith, Vera Young, Theresa Mertes, Rosa Thelen, Gretchen Adams; Messrs. Emil De- brecht, Joe, Fred, Stephen, Ben, Tony and John Smith, Leo Freund, George and Joe Frett, John Thelen, Joe and Albert Huff, Alford Debrecht and Joe Adams. The occasion proved a most enjoyable one for all. Sunday here. *?•*?•••• Mrs. Chas. Vdgel #spent Saturday in Beloit, Wis. . ' Mrs. Russell Turner is spending the week at McHenry. / ® L. B. Covell of Richmond was a business caller here Tuesday. 0 ' Mrs. Mary Rehorst of Richmond called -on Mrs. Wm. Turner Friday. Mr, and Mrs. 'Wm. Rawson were Sunday guests at W. H. Gardner's. Mrs. Sievert of Fox Lake was a Monday guest in the Pester home. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Overton enter tained Antioch friends Monday even ing. Mrs. J. Fillweber of Antioch was^a week end guest of hei; sister, Mrs. G^o. Vogel. , Mrs. Lyle Freemaj^ and ^aagiter, Loretta, spent Wednesday at Geo. Vogel's. John J. Jus ten and Mrs. N. Justen of McHenry were Tuesday callers at R. I. Turner's. Mrs. E. S. Johonnott went to" Har- vard Tuesday morning for a visit in the H. A. Dilley home. Mr; and Mrs. W. W. Monear and daughter, Helen, were Friday even-f ing callers at E. T. Monear's. Mrs. Wm. Cowen and Miss Martha Wegner of McHenry were guests of Mrs. Fannie Overton Monday. Mesdames. James and Richard Ox- toby of Spring Grove were callers in town on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Robinson Mr, and Mrs. Ralph' Thomas and Miss Florence Thomas motored to McHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner ind Mrs: A. F. Wellman spent last Tuesday evening at C. L. Os*borne's. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. Pinney were Mr. and Mrs. Davis of St Louis, Mo., and two brothers of Victoria, Canada. Mrs. P. B. Pinney passed peace fully away at her home on Friday aft ernoon, May 4, after an illness of several months' duration. She leaved to mourn her loss a husband, sister and six brothers. The funeral ser vices were held at the M. E. church in this village Sunday. TRADp AT HOM£ Prosperous Stores Are Signs, of a Wide-A wake Community RINGWOOD Mothers' day will be, observed in the M. E. church next Sunday. Mrs. Nina Cristy o# Joplin, Mo., visited in town part of last week. Mrs. Florence Bell visited relatives in Richmond part of last week. Miss Iva Arps of Richmond vis ited her aunt, Mrs. McLaughlin, last week. Elmer Butler and little sister of central Illinois are vsiiting their sis ter, Mrs. Frank Hitchens. Floyd Merchant and Miss Alma tester of Woodstock were guests of his parents over Sunday. Several of the members attended the Eastern Star meeting at Mc Henry Monday evening. " v Grandma Hawley of Harrington spent from Wednesday until Sunday her son, E. C., of this place. Mrs. L. A. McCannon and Mrs. Maude Wilson of Greenwood visited Mrs. Emma Merchant last Friday. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Jttlia Abbott Saturday afternoon of this week. Leader, Nellie Dodge. Mrs. William Thomas and son, El bert, and wife of Ostend were,.calling at James Rainey's last Thursday evening. Cards h^ve been received announc ing the marriage of George Stevens and Miss Lillian Marvin of Elgin. Con-gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Allen entertained her three sisters and their families, Clar ence Tucker and family and May Hawver and children Sunday. There will be no institute 'this week as planned, as the county pres ident has not r|feovered from her in- juri^jKr-HS1 to be able to attend. errett Crookshank and wife of Huntley, Mrs. Jane A.&Carr and Mrs. Mrs. White of^Greenwood visited at William McCannon's Saturday night and Sunday. "SOLON MILLS and Mrs. Geo. Nobles spent Mr. Every person who lives in a town, or who lives near enough to it to do his trading there, has an interest in the upbuilding of that town. If he owns property or has business in or near it, the business conditions in that town have a very direct effect upon the value of his property and upon the money he can make out of his business or get from the sale of his property. Live, prosperous stores are always a sign of a prosperous, wide-awake community. A town where the stores do little business and are not making money, means something wrong, as every traveler knows. The value of city property--busi ness and residence lots, vacant and improved--in a good town often is worth double the value of similar property in a town of the same size where business' is slow. * - ^ Farm lands located near a good, thriving town are worth often as much as 25 to 50 per cent more than the same kind of land located away from a live town. \he farmer who wants to sell his land finds that buyers want to, be within easy distance of a town with good, liv'e stores. About the only persons who do not realize the im portance and value of prosperous and active towns with good stores are those who have never lived in or near such towns. • What is it that gives a town its life, makes stores prosperous, adds to the vdlue of all property m and near it, and makes everybody happy and contented? Just one thing prin cipally, and that is TRADE; the trade of tjje townspeople and the trade of the folks on the surrounding farms. In other words, the prosperity ,of the town and the country, the value of property of all kinds, is dependent very largely upon „ co-operation. People must have money to spend, and they must spend it where it will do them the most good. And the local townspeople and farmers who spend their money at home combine to cre ate more value for themselves than they 'could possibly have gained by sending away to make even a part of their purchases. There are people who seem to be unwilling to co-operate with their neighbors and friends, but that does not change the fact that they would make more money and that the prop erty they own would greatly increase in value if each one would make up his mind that in the future he will, in so far as possible, buy all his goods from the local stores. By doing so he will co-operate with them in mak ing .the home town a good place to live in, and help add to the value of each piece of property in this town and surrounding country. It's worth thinking about, and it's worth putting into operation- "Co-operation is ap plied common sense." ; How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Se ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure h&s been taken by eatarth sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex pelling: the Poison" from the Blood and bekling1 the diseased portions. * After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a short time you will see a great improvement in your greneral health Start taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at once' and get rid of calarrn, Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohiow Sold t»r a" Druggist®, 75* of them are in acftive use in the territory* served by this company--a quite suf ficient testimonial of the advantages of Iron Irons are made in various' weights and styles of finish • and sell from $4.50 upward Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS SHOES! We have just put in an ex cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while repair work receives our prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamps 'We give Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur chase. Let us explain our Silverware Premium Lists. A M. A. Thelen West McHenry GOOD THINGS TO EAT IN • SIGHT The children will gladly go to * the store and bring hortie a sack of EARLY RISER Hour be cause it means morejof the de licious good things for them in the shape of cookies, pies, cake and bread that EASILY RISER Flour always insures. The first sack is the real argument. WEST M'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS THE BOHE OF BETTER Groceries In these days when ALL grocer ies are high in price--the poor as well as the good--the real choice is in QUALITY. Good groceries cost very little more than infer ior ones, but they go.a long ways further. Quality is onr trade mark You will find it in every package or bag or pail or basket of\goods that leaves our store. You will 'Conserve'your health and your, pleasure by buying groceries of" us. We give you the SATIS FACTORY kind of eats. M. M. Niesen McHenry l'hoii* 8*-W At the Pinnacle of Hope, Desire, Achieve* ment lies Success which comes to him only who courts it. /The foundation of Business Success ; is the Bank Account. Have you laid the foundation? We are interested in your . Success. HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry • Bank of Rinowood • • ' *. 1 . • o. '• '! • - * v t * Yt % ' ^ ^ * X ^ - ^ j lli - 1~<r} ' r. ' * i » ' 5 Moft Motoric Have Motor Troubles! While we do not delight in seeing motori&s have motor troubles with their motor cars, we do delight in being af forded the opportunity of smoothing them out when th^jf occur. ; sj Motor Troubles Our Specialty! LWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FO EXPERT REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING ~ BATTERY CHARGING -- TIRES-GASOLINE-0!LS SUPPLIES-ACCESSORIES FORD SERVICE STATION AUTO LIVERY-QUICK SERVICE STAR GARAGE JOHN R.KNOX. PROPR. PHONE 30 ' MCMCNRY III. \ :ip Jis I * -T* •- : . M. p'y:* tr} - - Mi " - - .'if! £ *' * *4 •%jj * Telephones: Office 17 Residence 51-W Office Hontl 9:M to 12:M a. m. t:M to 4:3* p. m. 7:00 to 8:M p. m. A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon OverUV<5t®I DG WEST McHENRY TelephoM No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all daws* «€* property In the best eocapanlea WEST McHENRY, ILUNOli lii \ . i -~4 'i > 1 ^ ';J j Use cream for your hands. Peteeeh. Well Give You the Shade You Select in Strictly Fresh Paint " It's annoying to select a shade of paint you want to use from the Color Gird and then » : | nave the dealer state he is "just out" You'll never have that experience here. We show thirty-six shades of Bradley & Vrooman ^ Guaranteed Paint on our Color Card and carry every / one of them in stock--ready for immediate delivery. ' , " And every gallon of B & V Paint we sell is « Strictly Freshly Mixed--ready to feive you a maximum of service and satisfaction--protected by a written, sa&ned Cold Bond Guarantee. ' Bradley & Vrooman Guaranteed House Paint Donavin & ReihanspergeS " WEST McHENRY, ILL Isi xf I •" c---JC ^ Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on lcKgl happening* .••J'ii-i-,! j m IhSII . ' ^ "A ^ ii.AJ , * '