is V We can't get every man'% trade though we admit we'd* like to. But we ask you to. try us. Our hope is thatf well serve you so well that you'll keep on comiip. % Sincerity Clothing . Ready to wear, is a pleasure to sell as it will give satis faction and at prices > $15 to $25 a Suit . which is a saving of 25 per cent Royal Taylors Clothing Made to order by the largest tailoring house in busi ness. Suits $18.00 to $15.00 which is 25 per cent cheaper than any made to order suit, quality considered. JOS. W. FREUND v VftlSST M<fHENRY, ILL. . & i -•<3- & ' 1 4 i" *4 v.: Jfv SHOES! Whiat Size? How Much? That is all we need to ask you--the size, and the price you want to pay. We can give you ANY size.« You caif^>ay ANY KIND of a price you want to, and who ever the price you pay, it will be the BEST value for the money to be found anywhere in this sectftra. That is the in ducement we offer you and no other touchit.« 1 • F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY, ILL. : - w - ASK. THE WIFE She knows . s / Mr. Husband $ ^ a h . - Do you realize that the time is near at hand when friend wife will be taking up the an nual spring inventory in your home? And do you also realize that she will find a num ber of things that will be needed to keep the home cheerful. Well, these are facts, and by co-operating with her in planning and se- ' lecting the things that are needed you will * \ be intrumental in making housecleaning time a pleasure for her. It's easy to make a select ion from our large stock of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and Linoleums. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS a® Spring and Summer ib new and weaves « /I West icHwry, 11L Snort Voiles and Silks, novelty plaids and stripes in the newest creation for the smart dresser, up to 15c per yard A new line of Ladies' Collars in voiles, silks and georgetta crepes, plain and embroidered. Auto Veils and Caps Shirt Waists and Muslin Under- • wear. Shoes for the whole family at extremely low prices. New line of Men's Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Shirts, Spring Ties, Hosiery, Etc. . , Made-to-order Suits Full line of pure, fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. 'Phone 63-R Goods delivered GIFTORIAN ADDRESS ISi? (Continued from first page) Prophesies have been made these four years concerning: Miss Helena Adams and Miss Vera Hutson. Please step forward, ladies. We all expect to hear of the engagements of you two, seekers of matrimony, within a short time. To start you both out in the line of household furnishings I pre sent you each a frying pan. Make good use of them. But the question is which will need theirs first? We have in our class a very studious young lady, Miss Verena Brefeld She told me the other day that her head was swollen. She claimed she washed her head and that irritated the scalp. But I know different, Verena. I really think you "oveiv taxed your brain try ing to count the number of days to the end of school. So I will give you this porous plaster. Just stick*it on the head. It will cure any ailment of the head and we will say your trouble was caused by over study. The class photographer, Miss Wini fred Bradley, will please stcpforward. Jimmy has been "shooting us for four years. She drags us but on the coldest and hottest days to have our picture taken. Now that you may be able to take your own picture, I pre sent you this little Donkey kodak. Just pull the slide and you will see yourself--show the audience. Our pianist, Miss "Mame Barbian, needs a little praise. You have al ways had elegant taste for class in the line of raggy music. But think ing that you probably exhausted; all your popular pieces, I have invested in a few new Juts of the season, such as "Everybody's Doing It" and "Circus Day." I am sure you will enjoy play ing them over on your piago this very day. Then there is Mr. Lester Page, who knows the lightning's play. He will never make a photographer, he is too positive andx positive people never make good negatives. In electricity a positive and a negative make a shock, and no one wants shocking pictures. He will be at the top of his profes sion, that is at the top of the tele graph poles fixing wires. He ought to have an electric plant of his own and I would like to set him up in busi ness, but this is the best I can do for him. Plant these seeds in a good soil and in a few months you will havev some electric plant of your own, at least plants that will produce mere shocks to the acre than any electric plant on earth. We have in our class one fair dam sel, Miss Margaret Harrison, who ex pects to spend the coming year in a little two by four Hickville schoolroom way out in nowhere. Thinking per haps that you would not be provided with the necessaries I present you this flexible devise, which is not so flexible to the feeler, however. Now hang this in a conspicuous place in time of enjoyment, but donjt forget to use it severely in time of annoy- OPERA HOUSE McHKNRY fcv 3 THU RSDAY, J U1M E f •. Edna Goodrich -IN- "The House of Lies" ~ SATURDAY, JUNE 9 Wallace Reid and Gleo Ridgley IN •- "The House of Golden Windows" a. SUN DAY. JUNE 1Q Valentine Grant ^ -IN-- "The Datigtfier. of Mac- »» ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST AS PICKED UP BY PLAINDKALEF REPORTERS DURING WEEK Next we are proud to say we have one speedy person, Miss Florence Har rison, in our class. Why, the rest of can't begin to keep up with her. But you understand the word, speedy, can be applied most anywhere, and in this case Florence is our marathon jr. So I have invested in a pe- ometer for you as a means of check ing the speed of your walking. Just attach it to the left foot and you will soon be able to navigate at our speed. We have one young lady, Miss Nellie Doherty, who is a professional Latin scholar. She expects some day to write a revised edition of Virgil. Here wishing you all the luck possible, Nellie, and I find it my duty to pre-r sent you with this medal. Keep it and remember the njpny nights you have spent digging out your Latin and the many more you will spend if you undertake that task of revising. And then Miss Eleanor Conway is always looking for' her pencils. I wish I could picture Eleanor's look of dismay when a freshman found twen ty lead pencils the other day, nineteen of which Eleanor claimed to be hers. You have complained about it contin ually since then. Accept this in re turn for those borrowed from you during your high school career. Last but not forgotten is Mr. Paul Stephenson. When I came to you I didn't think there was anything left, but I knew Jpou would feel so insulted at waiting that I have decided to give you something that would last long- --an all day sucker. Treat the rest of,the class, Paul. I hope all will be pleased with their gifts and appreciate them when look ing at them in after years; think of your happy days spent at old M. H. S. Lillian Stilling. Auto Accident Five men, residents of Chicago and Oak Park, driving a large touring car on the Crystal Lake road, met with a serious accident Saturday night near the farm home of Nels Nelson on the Wm. H. Harrison farm southwest of this village. An eye witness says that the occupants of the car were driving at the rate of forty miles an hour when they suddenly struck a deep rut in a rough stretch of the road, the driver losing control of the car, which turned a complete somer sault, turning again on itd side Every man was severely injured and the miraculous wonder is that they were not killed. Dr. Freeman of Crystal Lake was summoned and dressed the wounds. They wer-2 tak en home the same night. Mr. Nelson very kindly took them into his home for medical attention and says that he received news that they are on the road to recovery. The auto was badly damaged. ° Read The Plaindealer and keep post ed on local happenings. What People are Doing in This Vil lage and'the Immediate Vicinity- Other Short Paragraphs Batter Market Butter on the Elgin board of trade sold at- 40 cents per pound last Sat urday. Mrs. Harold Whiting is a new em ploye at the C. Unti ice cream par lors in Centerville. A boy was born to Mr: and Mrs. Peter Miller, who reside north of this village, on Wednesday, June 6. Theo. Schiessle is again able to walk about without the aid of crutches. He is just recovering from a severe at tack of rheumatism. Rev. M. J. McEvoy will attend the diamond jubilee at Notre Dame Uni versity Sunday and Monday. A passionist farther will say ihass at the usual hours, eight and ten o'clock, on Sunday. ) Fishing parties have .been quite numerous during the past week or more. Some fine strings of blue gills, rock- and silver bass and bull heads have, been seen on our streets during the past few days. Local owners of fast steed* 6.W making daily trips to and from the driving park, getting their animals in shape for Saturday's event. The track looks great and with perfect weather conditions good time should be made in the various events. A meeting, for the purpose of dis cussing plans for the holding of a Fourth of July celebration in McHen- ry, will take place at the village hall tomorrow (Fridav) evening. Every body interested snould be present at this meeting. Cemetery day was observed in both Catholic churches in this village on Sunday last. The usual ceremony took place when the congregations marched to the cemeteries, the pas tors leading and chanting prayers for the deceased members in both par ishes. Simon Stoffel, McHenry's hustling insurance agent, has been down in the tornado district adjusting losses for the companies that he represents. The local insurance man is considered one of the best adjusters'^ the, state and he- is always called upon in oases of this sort. McIIenry citizens honored registra tion day by the general flying of the stars and stripes thruout the entire village. Borden's whistle also re minded us of the importanfce of the event by a long blast of the whistle every hour of the day up to nine o'clock p. m. We are told that a few of our auto drivers have recently been warned at Crystal Lake and Woodstock. In these two cities the automobile laws are be ing enforced to the letter and Mc IIenry drivers will do well to remem ber this fact when visiting these places. A report has also been circul ated about town that a McHenry driver paid a fine in a nearby town a short time ago. St. Mary's Church Notes The solemn procession prescribed .by the Catholic church for next Sunday, the feast of Corpus Christi, will be observed in McHenry, the weather permitting. At 10 o'clock solemn high mass will begin at St. Mary's church with three priests officiating, Rev. Father Duer, at one time temporary rector at St. Mary's, altho quite along in years, has consented to be the cele brant. A father from Chicago of the Franciscan order is expected to be the deacon, while the pastor of St. Mary's will act as subdeacon. At the conclusion of the solemn high mass, the Corpus Christi proces sion will begin at St. Mary's church under the supervision of the same marshals who conducted the splendid march last year. T^wo outside altars are being con structed and appropriately decorated, where the procession will halt for ben ediction. : Thirty-five flower girls In white will carry baskets of flow#**. Thirty • '-A* r ' - ' % 'r: •; c; -'. v V'-i" J * . 4 . - * ' * ' ft *^ ' J" m » i * * •** • ! - I , ' 'v. s - .y- |-'V V?.- • • ; i X - V- - . ,,v ' * j. About Appearances *, r> . . Appearances are constantly under judgment It pays to keep appearances even in hard times, if you can do it without added expense. A man who pays his bills by checks gives the appear ance of having money and it costs him nothing. - , Until proven false, appearances are usually taken at their face value. Whenever you write a check you present the appearance of having m#ne>; in the bank, andyour credit is&rengthened be- t a u s e o f i t . ; ' T ; ^ - r / - . . . . Lei us help you make appearances count. Open a checking account witkus altho it may small in the beginning. State Bank % ' • <T»-\ *i , > ,»5_ -y % ' ' ' ;,V. m i n " (Jt--- Ok lu THE CHOICE OF All Motorics In. no matter what company you find yourself with a Buick valve-in-head, you are impressed with the fact that all have dignified respect for your choice of a motor car, for the reason that it is general ly accepted^ as the car of first choice by nearly every ownei^ regardless. c&the car. he drives. Tlieir inability t© get a Buick when they bought their car is the excuse of many. The world known truth that the Buick is a car of' unusual beauty and refinement and that the valv^-in-head is the correct principle of gasoline engine construction is responsible for thfe complete approval of the general public enjoyed by the Buick valve-in-head. CALL! US UP FOR A DEMONSTRATION m- Ws BVERYB0DY KNOWS VALVE-IN-HEAD. MEANSBWCfc Four Cylinder Modcfe? Two Passenger Roadst#r. SftS five Passenger Tourinf, Hli Six Cylinder Models Two Passenger Roadster... Five,.'Passenger Touring..., Seven Passenger Touriag... Three Passenger Coupe:..... Seven Passeagag Sedan . (IMS . I1S8S -I144S ..lists BUICK DISTRIBUTOR 'Phone 93-J CRY&TAL LAKE, ILL, DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Blflg. Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 79-W PLUMBING AND BEATING --BY Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & RRIHANSPERGFR ' altar boys and St. Mary's splendid choir will enhance the occasion, if the weather permits. AU Catholics of McHenry are kindly asked to fall in line as the courteous marshals will direct in order that the demonstration ' may be as orderly and #b magnificent as possible. I Friday morning a crew of men, un- ' der direction of Ben Stilling, will start ' out «after tamarack trees to be used .in the decorations. Thirty young ladies met at St. Mary's rectory last Wednesday, where 'Mrs. McDevitt gave them a musical mm P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT 9Mm ATTENTION OIVW TO Til ..L. OP ^ iPjroaMd BnI, fluttoa. Hogs, VmI, Pteltrj* hldas, Etc., Buttar and Eggs This Is the oldwt Immn ob the t Tags and priori** faratehM o% applioatioa. COUD STOftAOti Hit BE •mi « a fcHiino m. Wtrimli awfeii CH1CAQO, ILLINOIS. SHARON, WISCONSIN Wednesday and .Friday 8 a. m. toip. a. Send ay and Monday v_ appointment ooty F DR. CHARLES R. TREAT WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS Tuetdiy, Thoraday and Saturday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. reading. Afterwards fruited ice cream was served and a most event ful evening was anjoyod. Office iii Spauldinc Bids. Fhon No 73-K ALFORP H. POUSB Attsraey-at-Law Werft McHenry, I1L FOR SALE--House and fonr lots^ Excellent building sites. Mrs. Manr* V W«t MeStarr, IB. ^ ^ , -