.... Ill MeHSHBT FLAJOTDEAL1SB, MaBBJVBT, EtE. "" • ' . -i '• '$ IT "THAT ALWAYS HAS IT" F," ' r' 3>&4rr- -by^' ' # .• * :r*,t >' . -f r JG from store to store in search of some new remedy, toilet preparation or other items Usually carried by druggists, is not a pleasant ex- jperience. For years vv.e have kept right up-to- date regarding new articles which are constants- being placed on the market. We stock all the worthy ones and usually have them on hand as quickly as the stores located in large cities. We ffcalize the importance of service and constantly strive to live up to the reputation we have gained. "The Store that Always Has It" Summer * Underwear! You cannot make a mistake by buying your Underwear for the whole summer now. We have a complete line for the whole family, babies up to old people. Some are the same price as before th6 war while others are a trifle higher. None will be any cheaper for some time to come. SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. Don't wait until a steadily ad vancing market compels high er prices. My line of Work Shoes is quite complete and for a short time you can get them at practically before war prices. Increasing sales in dicate that my prices are be low others, but will be com pelled to advance prices with in a short time. Doii'l Delay! Buy Now! JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY PAINTS! In order to unify our line of Paints we will sell our Paints at less than the regular price. If you have painting to do requiring from a quart to a gal lon or two, it will pay you to look at these Paints. They include Floor faints, Wall Paints and Fiat Paints. ^ Quart Cans One-half gallon. One gallon Screen Paint,-black, pint. Screen Paint, black, 1-2 pint-- Screen Paint, green, pint ______ Screen Paint, green,.1-3 pint. 5Se -4t.es - |2 M - l~v 25c . . . J 5 e WEST McHENRY. ILL. VOGT'S DRUG STORE PHONE 6o-w N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST SOLON MILLS Harry Turner of Union was a Tues day visitor here. ' A. F. Wellman waft a Thursday caller in Chicago. R. L. Turner was a business caller at McHenry Monday. Mrs. Wm. Cowen of McHenry was a Monday caller in cown. Miss Maude Spaulding of Chicago* spent Memorial day here. Fayette Thomas spent Thursday afternoon last at McHenry. £. J. Buss of McHenry was a busi ness caller in town Monday. Lee Hodge departed for Crow,Wing, Minn., on 'Wednesday last. Mrs. Sievert and niece of Fox Lake were Tuesday callers at J. Pester's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Merrell were Ring- wood and McHenry callers Monday. Mrs. Rosing of Round Lake spent several days the past week at Geo. Vogel's. } Mrs. C. W. Cropiey and daughter, Leona, spent Monday at West Mc Henry. ' , Miss Marie Rosing returned to her home Tuesday evening for a few days* visit. Mrs. Trow spent, the latter part of the week with her daughter, Mrs. A. Merrell. Mrs. A. F. Wellman and Mrs. A. Bell and son, George, spent Sunday at West Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noble and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aylward were Harvard visitors last week. v Miss Edna Anderson of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ocar Yanke. Miss Fannie Haskins has returned to her home in Ringwood after com pleting a very successful school term. Geo. Yanke, Vivian Esh, Misses Lillian, Ruth and Hannah Yanke were business callers at Woodstock Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner and Mrs. Chas. Osborn and sons, Leslie ami Everett, were callers at McHenry Monday. " Funeral services for Mr. Earle Cor nish were held at the Solon Mills cem etery last Sunday afternoon, conduct ed by Rev. Horn of the M. E. church. Mr. Cornish's death came as a shock to his many friends and acquaintances He is survived by a wife and small daughter, who have the heartfelt sym pathy of all.. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Earle Cornish were C. B. McGloon and Mrs. Nettie McGloon of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Robert Hermann of Lawton, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fillweber, Harold Fillweber, Mr. and Mrs Van Patten, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kinrade and daughter, Ruth, Mrs. Kinrade, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. La Plant of Antioch; Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Craine, Mr. Mur ray and son of Chicago. TERRA COTTA Mrs. #W. H. Grant was a Chicago1 visitor Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Grant called at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Louis Anderson spent Saturday: evening with Richmond friends. Mrs. Merton Gracy was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday evening. M4ss Annie Buss of Woodstock spent Sunday at Phil Huffman's. Raymond Riley spent the week end as the guest of Chicago relatives. Miss Catherine Martin is spending a couple of weeks with" Chicago rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Walker spent Saturday evening with Chicago rela tives. Miss Florence Knox spent Wednes day and Thursday with McHenry rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family visited at Jay Doherty's one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and. chil dren of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. August Gaebe and daughters called on friends and rela tives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Carey and fam ily of McHenry spent Monday even ing at J. M. Phalip's. Raymond Riley, M. Knox, J. M. Phalin, Geo.. B. Frisby and B. F. Mar tin attended the K. of C. initiation at McHenry Sunday. Several from here attended the class day exercises and commence ment exercises of the McHenry high school last Thursday afternoon and Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fox and daugh ters returned to their home at Marble Grove, Iowa, Sunday after a week's visit at the hqpie of Mrs. Marion Mc Millan and other relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. W. Beiser and daughter, Edna, who have been visiting friends in this vicinity, boarded the train here Tues day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Beiser will now make their home in Wiscon sin, where they have purchased a farm. _____ RINGWOOD Miss Lora Smith was a visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Roger Stevens of Elgin is visiting his aunt, Hattie Stevens. Some of our people attended the fu neral of Earle Cornish at Solon Mills Sunday. . Mrs. Myrtle Sanborn of Spring* Grove visited her mother, Mrs. Hattie Stevens, last Thursday. The W. C. T. U. flower mission meeting will be held in M. W. A. hall Saturday of this week. Leader, Mary Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen drove to •Salem, Wis., Monday afternoon to see Ward Bloss, who has been ill for more than a year. 4 A goodly number of our people at tended the commencement exercises i in McHenry Saturday evening. They I wet® very go*- William Rawson and wife moved their household goods to Roscoe, 111., on Monday of this week. We are sorry to lose them as they were very helpful to our village, but we wish him success in the school to which he has gone. Clarence Rife passed away at the home of his parents north of this village Saturday night, aged seventeen years. He has been sick for several months. His funeral was held in the M. E. church Tuesday morning. Rev. Kauffman of Woodstock, assisted by Rev. Baker, officiated. All extend their sympathy to the sorrowing tfam- • OSTEND E. H. Thompson visited his wife and daughter at Woodstock Sunday. Ernest Brott and wife were Sunday afternoon callers on • relatives at Woodstock. George Kaiser of Woodstock visited Sunday here at the home of his uncle, Frank Kaiser. Warren Francisco and sister ate Sunday dinner with their brother and family at Wauconda. Russell Thompson is carrying his head very erect just at present. He says is it a-carbuncle on the, back of his neckA . Miss Daisy Ainger and sister enter tained a number of the yoUng women of this neighborhood at their home near Ostend creamery. There were eight residents of this school district that were of the age that made it necessary' to register on Tuesday, besides several hired men that" we were not sure of. Alfred Richardson has enlisted in the service of Uncle Sam and leaves this week Thursday. He is the second and youngest son of R. H. Richardson and wife. VOJiO Mrs. Fanny Towers is visiting with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fisher were in Round Lake Friday. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. T. Fisher June 7. Mr. and Mrs. Lansing entertained company from Fremont Sunday. Miss Jennie Ames of Waukegan visited«•friends here the past week. Clara Rossdeutscher of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents here. Reed Geary of Lake Corners was a pleasant caller here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huson of Round Lake were Sunday callers at Wm. Frost's. Miss Ella Moore attended the Auxiliary meeting at Mrs. Brand's at Wauconda last Thursday. A number from here attended the graduation exercises at Wauconda high school Friday evening. HCftiSE RACES SATURDAY Gpod Program la Assured Lovers of Hone Flesh The local racing season (weather permitting) will be formally opened at the McHenry driving park next Sat urday afternoon, June 9, at two o'clock. The McHenry Driving club, which is responsible for the reopening of the old track, which in years gone by was considered one of the- best in northern Illinois, has prepared an excellent pro gram and lovers of this sort of sport ^re assured of a good card. The afternoon's program will con sist of a 2:30 class, free for all and a quarter mile running race. The purses for the first and second races are as follows: First, $35; second, $20; third, $10. Best two in three heatn will decide the winners. All will be mile heats. The club has been successful in en tering some of the best-horses in this vicinity and just enough rivalry ex ists between the owners of local and outside horses to make the event an interesting one. McHenry will have at least three if not more horses en tered in the various events and this will give just enough local color to bring out every horse flesh lover in McHenry and vicinity. The McHenry Driving club and the dairymen are also planning on a big celebration on July 4. Plans for this event will be announced in next week's issue of The Plaindealer. Owners of fast horses should be sure and enter in time for the July races, which will include a free for all mixed, 2:25 pace, 2:30 trot and a running, rqce. Purses, $800. General admission for next Satur day is 25 cents. Children under twelve years of age free when with parents. CLASS DAY EXERCISES Held at the High School Auditorial Thursday Afternoon Last FEDERAL Electric riHfi Machines --SOLD dS MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1-12 down and 1-12 each month for 11 months with light hill. PRICES $105 up The Federal machine is in the front rank of the family of Electrical Appliances whose job is to take over the heaviest work in the house. Electricity to d»o a week^s washing costs 5 to B cents. Demonstration at out* sales rooms, Crystal Lake. Public Service Co. OP NORTHI R\ ILLINOIS Even a Child can make good biscuits with Early Riser Flour. It is so easy to make a«pan of light, toothsome bis cuits if youha^e the right kind of flour and ours is the right kind. Prove it to yourself by ordering a sack today. rr WEST M BENRY FLOOR AND FEED HILLS Class day exercises were given in the school auditorium Thursday aft ernoon of last week with many school friends in attendance. Statistics of class of '17 by Miss Eleanor Conway was well given, also a piano selection by Miss Nelli^ Doh- erty. Misses Verena Brefeld and Elfrede Block represented the senior and jun ior members, and Miss Florence Harri son, the poet laureate, gained great fame in the poem, "Rhymes of Senior Times." A song by the class was next and Miss Vera Hutson read an inter esting paper on "Woman's Place In War." In the "Distribution of Gifts" Miss Lillian Stilling established a new idea when she presented each member of the class with a lilac on which was fastened a gift of remem brance. Her manner of presenting was very creditable. The "Class Will" by Miss Helena Adams was well appreciated and won much comment. A "Class Song," com posed by Paul Stephenson, concluded THE HONE OR BETTER Groceries In these days when ALTJ grocer ies are high in price --the. poor as well as the good--the real choice is in QUALITY. Good groceries cost very little more than infer ior ones, but they go a long ways further. Quality isour trade mark You will find it in every package or bag or pail or basket of goods that leaves our store. You will conserve your hf all.li and your pleasure by buying groceries of us. \ye'give you the SATIS FACTORY kind of ea^s. M. M. Niesen McHenry Plione 86-W / No Ambitious Man is without a bank account. Its possession shaws ^ou to be a man of Method^ Caution and Thrifts The people with whom you deal have more re spect for you if you pay by check instead of cur rency, As a matter of prudence as well as am bition, open yo,ur account with us. . ' . J - • ' ' • " . HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of M cHenry • 'Bank of Rinowood / 1 ^ M •M •> ' •. • • ? > a rule to answer the telephone promptly. The observance of this rule will bene fit all subscribers, „ » Chicago Telephone Company J. H. Conrath, District Manager Telephone 9003 the program, which will be recorded as the best way in which to celebrate Class day. Thifef Is Known For some time past residents oh the east, side of Pistakee bay have missed things from their premises and it re mained for Constable Jack Walsh of this,village to round up the crook and force him to make good his latest theft, the contents of a suitcase which haVi been stored in a garage. For a long time this individual has been sus pected of being dishonest, but not until this week was he caught with the goods. Dance at Johnahurg The next of the series of summer dances to be conducted at Smith's hall, Johnsburg, will take place next Wed nesday evening, June 13. Manager Smith is taking great pains to make this year's dances a success and with this end in view he is preparing for another large crowd next week. Oef- fling's orchestra will again furnish the music and tickets will sell at the usual price, 50 cents. Everybody welcome. Marriage Licenses David Lewis, 24............Harvard Pearl Krischke, 16... Harvard Arthur J. Slottke, 26. .Carney, Mich. Anna M. Rasmussen, 25.. .Woodstock Arnold C. Fick, 23.v,....... Harvard Pearl G. Fay, 21 Harvard Oscar H. Holmgren, 24.. . .Woodstock Carrene E. Woods, 21 Woodstock Joseph Timothy Kanaly, 18.Marengo H a s e M f . K e l l e r , t t . . . . . . . H a r v a r d Office Hour* 9.-M to I2:M a. m. 1:M lo 4:M p. m. 7:M to H:M p. m. Telephones: Office 17 Residence 51-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon OverTogt®1 DG WEST McHENRY Telephone Now 108-R X»_.- SIMON STOFFEL J Insurance agent lor all classeaurf i property in tho bwt eompaniaa WEST McHENRY, - . ILLINOIS We'll Give You the Shade You Select in Strictly y Fresh Paint 1 It's annoying to select a shade of paint you want to use from the Color Card and then' have the dealer state he is "just out." -"I YotiH never have that experience her% n We show thirty-six shades of Bradley Sr Vrooma$K Guaranteed Paint on our Color Card and carry every »«airiy:: one of them in stock--ready for immediate delivery. ' And every gallon of B & V Paint we sell i§ ? * Strictly Freshly Mixed--ready to ftiv® you a maximum dL service and satisfaction--protected by a written, ai&noQ Gold Bond Guarantee. Bradley & Vrooman Guaranteed House Paint Donavin & Reihansperger WEST McHENRY, UX Subscribe for the Plaindealer mud keep posted,v • ,'2& it/ '