Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1917, p. 5

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mm »; ^ • f ' . t, , * ' , \ ̂ '. * ~V "* * • - % ' ' * * j - - F|FGJ| LÎ BNGLTLDF WALTOIYKLIIBT AITIBBHBT, FFLH& f\ • •'. OA *V:'f -".V J. * <* ^ ' fAir ft' *>r, " ~ * VS -' KW- 1*THAT ALWAYS HAS IT Xv •'• §jJ»% A -5. ' '• * » ̂ ," "llSffel ,m GOING from store to store in search of some new remedy, toilet preparation or other items usually carried by druggists, is not a pleasant ex­ perience. For years we haVe kept right up-to- date regarding new articles which are constantly being placed on the market. We stock all the worthy ones and usually have them on hand as quickly as the stores located in large cities. We realize the importance of service and constantly strive to live up to the reputation we have gained- "The Store that Always Has It" 'PHONE 60-w N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST FOR QUALITY Coffee, at 25 cents & pound; butter and butterine and bulk syrup, at 75 cents per gallon. We were out of syrup for a few weeks, but we were able to get more. :! :: :: :: - :: BUY A KIDDIE KAR for your child. We know from our experience that you will nOt easily try anything for them that they will enjoy more. $1.75 and $2.00 each. SMITH BROS 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. Buy Shoes Now Don't wait until a steadily ad­ vancing market compels high­ er prices. My line of Work Shoes is quite complete and for a short time you can get them at practically before war prices. Increasing sales in­ dicate that my prices are be­ low others, but will be com­ pelled to advance prices with­ in a short time. Don't Delay! Bay Now! JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY PAINTS! - ' - • In Order to unify our line of Paints we will sell our Paints at less th&n the regular price. If you have painting to do requiring from a quart to a gal­ lon or two, it will pay you to look at these Paints. They include Floor Paints, Wall Paints and Flat Paints. Quart Cam.^__. One-half galloo__.:..i>» Oile gallon Screen Paint, black, pint._-___:. Screen Paint, black, 1-2 pint____. Screen Paint, green, pint Screen Paint, green, 1-2 p|nt .55c 1.05 2.00 ,25c 15c J5c 20c VOGT'S DRUG STORE WEST McHENRY. IU-. ^ l>- X " 'V* 0 -* . "i - \ 1 ' \ " - * J*--'- •• ' • ' - " v ' / ! -- . 5. , • • v , ^ /y " * ' - * , " -1 $•<:> Ar; m „ jP •. t*.*•>' <** *•« v iV t , , Lk- JOHNSB0RG We understand that wedding bells are to ring out here soon. A number from here are- planning on attending the Yolo church picnic at Volo next Sunday. Quite a few from this place attend­ ed the horse races at McHenry last Saturday afternoon. Another happy crowd of young folks enjoyed the dance * given at Smith's hall here last evening. Joe Michels of Chicago spent a re­ cent clay as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels, here. A number of our summer resorters were out for the week end. Most of the resorters will be here for the season by the end of next week. Arrangements are being made for a picnic to be held here July 4 for the benefit of St. John's church. Further particulars \prifl be given next week. During the electrical storm of Mon­ day night lightning struck a silo on a farm occupied by Math. Smith north of this place. The chute was entirely destroyed, but fortunately no further damage was done. ' i)r. Arnold Mueller returned to a Chicago hospital on Wednesday morn­ ing of this week. The doctor has not been getting along as well as hoped foe since his recent operation and it was thought advisable to take him back to-Chicago, where he would re­ ceive the best of treatment and care. Mr. and, Mrs. Bernard Tonyan of this place celebrated their golden wed ding anniversary on Wednesday of last week by inviting their children and their families, together with a few in­ vited relatives and friends, to spend the day with them. At nine "clock in the morning the aged couple, with their children, grandchildren ,v rela tives and a host of friends gathered at-St. John's Catholic church, where solemn high mass was read by the pastor, Rev. Wm. Weber. After the ceremony a reception was tendered the couple at^ their home here. A sumptuous dinner was served and the afternoon was spent in visiting and social entertainment. The couple are the parents of thirteen children and forty-seven grandchildren, all of whom are living and most of whom were present at the '"anniversary. Their many friends in and around Johns- burg congratulate them upon their good fortune of being able te cele­ brate this rare event and trust that they may live to enjoy their cozy home here many years more. The annual exercises of the thir­ teenth school district will take place at parish hall here on Sunday, June 24. An excellent program has been prepared for the occasion and every­ one interested in school work should be present. The program follows; Song--"Welcome" ..... Children Salutatory Frances Michels Congratulations Room 3 Song--"Sei Gegrusst" Children Dialogue--"Days of the Week".... 7 Girls Recitation--"Kitten's Fright" Babies Song--"Our Flag" .Children Recitation--"Planting Himself to Grow" 3rd Grade Girls Song and Drill--"Hop Hop" 2nd and 3rd Grade Boys Dialogue--"Eier" .-.Julia Thelen, Hilda Freund Drill--"Garland". 2nd and 3rd Grade Girls Pantomime--"Star Spangled Ban­ ner" 8th Grade Dialogue--"The Corner Drug Store" # ...8th Grade Drill--"Dairy Maids" .;..... .12 Girls Song--Patriotic Medley Children Pantomime--"Tenting Tonight"... ' 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Boys Address and distribution of Palmer method diplomas. .Rev. Wm. Weber Address and distribution of 8th grade diplomas A. M. Shelton Valedictory, and class farewell.. Class Class ofv1917 Alex Adams Hillegard Freund Bernard Althoff Julia Thelen ^ Joseph Huemann Frances Michels William Smith Class motto: "Look to the end." Class flower;. Pink peony. Admission 25 cents for adults and; 18 cents for children. Fred Powers of McHenry was a business caller here Thursday last. Miss Susan Herbes of Chicago is spending a few days at R. I. Turner's. Mrs. Sarah Wilson of Chicago was a guest of Mrs. Adelaide Coates the past week. • Mrs. Fannie Johonnott of Richmond was a Saturday caller at Mrs. Wm. Turner's. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mikutis and family are moving to their new home at Cicero, 111. » Grant Hill and Misses Luella and Viola Haldeman were Sunday visitors at Woodstock. Mrs. John Pester accompanied Miss Frances Kopn to her home In Wauke- gan Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Turner and Miss Mae Aylward spent a few days the past week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thayer and family of Hebron were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turrter. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haldemann and daughter, Floy, attended the bacca­ laureate sermon at Richmond Sunday evening. Dan Sheen of Union Grove, Wis., and Miss Hazel Turner were calling on friends andJ relatives here Sunday afternodlfe George, Lillian, Hannah * and Ruth Yanke and Vera Turner attended the oratorio, "Redemption," at Williams Bay Friday evening. Miss Lucy Wheelwright returned to her home at Harvard, HI., Thursday after completing a successful term of school at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Overton, C. B. McCloon, Mrs. Robert Herman, Mrs. Nettie McCloon and Mrs. Earle Cojrn- sh motored to Antioch Sunday.' * C. B. McCloom, Mrs. Nettie Mc- jCloon, Mi's. Robert Trfermann and Mrs. Earle Cornish and daughter, Lor­ raine, left for Minneapolis, Minn, Monday. TERRA COTTA Lewis Anderson was a Richmond visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan called in Crystal Lake Friday. Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin spent Sunday at P. H. Conway's. Mrs. Wm. Coleman of Elgin spent Friday last at G. P. Bay's. Misses Mae and Lizzie Ames were Crystal Lake callers Friday. ' Miss Lillian Riley was the guest of Chicago relatives several days last week. Jay Hanrahan of Chicago was a caller at J. M. Phalin's Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nelson and son, Melvin, spent Tuesday evening at A. Gaebe's. M. Knox was a visitor at Milwau­ kee, Wis., "Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. EL .Adams and son, Donald, spent Sunday with rela­ tives here. » Mrs. David Johnson of Chicago spent Saturday with her aunt, Mrs. John Riley. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daugh­ ters were Woodstock and Crystal Lake callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Riley and fam­ ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox near Woodstock. Several from here attended the Mc­ Henry high school alumni banquet at McHenry Saturday evening. Mrs. W. J. Walsh and Mrs. T. A. Bolger and daughter, Vivian, spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. M. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Shine and son of Chicago spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week at Riley's. Many from here attended the com­ mencement exercises at Crystal Lake high school Friday evening, Miss Lillian Riley and Edward Knox*being two of the class of twenty-one who graduated. VOLO Miss Ella Moore was a McHenry visitor Sunday. Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry was a caller here Saturday. John Meyers and Alice were Mc­ Henry visitors Sunday. Mrs. Math. Wagner entertained company over Sunday. Reed Geary of Wauconda made a Sunday evening call here. Mrs. T. Henkle and daughters spent Thursday last in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ford of Grays- lake spent Sunday in the home of Wm. Frost. Mr. and Mrs. T. Crocker of Liber­ ty ville spent Sunday with Lee Huson and, family. ! Mrs. Ben Cushman and Murle, of Round Lake were callers at Jas. Kir- wan's recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Jepson and children of Owen, Wis.* are visiting her brother here. Mrs. McCabe and "son, Bernard, a"!ld Wm. Dillon and family enjoyed an auto trip to Elgin Sunday. Miss Maribn Huson of Elgin spent the first of the week as a guest in the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson. SOLON MILLS Miss Irene Pester spent Sunday at Fox Lake. H. H. Fay spent Mondajf afternoon at Woodstock. Ed. Carey of Spring Grove was a Wednesday caller in town. Mrs. L. S. Overton is spending a few days at Champaign, 111. ' Miss Viola Aylward of Hebron WjM a isrisf caller | Monda.y RIDGEFIELD Mrs. Hans Nelson was a Woodstock shopper Monday. Mrs. Erickson was a Crystal Lake shopper last Wednesday. Mrs. Carrie Johnson called on rela­ tives at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Rose Goddard transacted busi­ ness at Woodstock Monday. ^ Mrs. Bohl and children were shop­ ping at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Nettie Levey was a Crystal Lake business visitor Friday. Mrs. Nora Skinner was shopping at Crystal Lake last Wednesday. Ray Lynch attended to business matters at Woodstock last Thursday. Mrs. Martini was the guest of Crys­ tal Lake friends Wednesday of last week. D. M. Fitzgerald was a business visitor at the county seat last Wed­ nesday. Mr. and ' Mrs. Otto ffohnson were Woodstock business visitors last Thursday. Mrs. Wakefield passed Wednesday of last week as the guest of friends at Woodstock. Mrs. R. L. Dufield passed last week Thursday as the guest of friends at Crystal Lake. ( Miss Clara Eickhoff of Woodstock was the guest of Mrs. S. A. Merchant last Thursday. Mrs. E. Rosman and baby spent last Friday as the guests of friends at the county seat. 1 OSTENO Mr. Cornwell, wife and daughters were brief callers at Crystal Lake Sunday. Ed. Wallis is hauling lumber for his new bam to be built on the site of the one burned down last fall. , Henry Hobart and family spent a day recently at Richmond and took dinner with C. F. Hobart and family. r,' FEPJERAL Electric Washing Machines -SOLD ON- MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1-12 down and 1-12 each month for 11 months with light bill. PRICES $105 UP Thp Fodoral jiiaeliiiie is in the front rank of the family of Electrical Appliances whose job is to take over the heaviest work ip the house. Electricity to do a week's Yashing costs 5 to 6 cents. Demonstration at our sales ^ooms, Crystal Lake. . ic Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS BRAIN BWLOEfi Every One Knows that his brain works better, his mind clearer and he feels good all over when his digestion is right. Keep yourdigestion right with good healthful food. *Ask the women folks in your home to use for the next thirty days Early Riser flour; eat oountifully of the good things made from it, then note the im­ provement. How much better .vou feel, how much quicker you brain and your muscles respond; all due to eating delicious, healthful bak­ ing made from Early Riser flour. WEST MERRY FLOOR AND FEED HILLS THE HONE OF BETTER Groceries In these days when ALL grocer­ ies are high in price--the poor as well as the good--the real choice is in QUALITY. Good groceries cost very little more than infer­ ior ones, but they go a long ways further. Quality is our trade mark You will find it in every package or bag or pail or. basket of goods that leaves our store. You will conserve your health and your pleasure by buying groceries of us. We give you the SATIS FACTORY kind of eats. '! M. M. Niesen McHenry I'hone H6-W Mrs. Leona Brady entertained a number of her lady friends at her home on the Thompson farifi last week Thursday. Harry Brott, wife and two children and Mrs. Lucy Donelly, husband and little son of Woodstock were Sunday guests at the home of their brother, Ernest Brott. • We wonder who is most interested in Ostend ceanetery. We know of several that are very much interested, while some others seem to pull the other way. The grass is getting a great start and no one to cut it. It seems impossible to get such work done. "ringwood The work on the new meat market will soon be completed. Edwin Hawiey is home for vaca­ tion, his stfhool at Elgin beyig closed. Mrs. Walter Bradley is spending the week end with Barrington friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt and son, Junior, called on Ringwood friends Sunday afternoon. Will Stephenson and wife of Al­ berta, Canada, are visiting his broth­ er, C. Stephenson. Mrs. Ray Bartholf and children spent Sunday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Fuller Boutelle, at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen started Mr. Hawiey of Ringwood was on their trip to Boston Monday mom- arotfnd Monday morning delivering ling, intending to make the journey by fresh meat to all who wished to buy. [auto. m j--" ! • ' " " " " i-r* There are times in the lives of successful men when Credit M the bank is of vital importance. But the tixm e&ablish that credit is before its use is required."" ^ i \ 4, - i.' v-'.'M Establish Your Credit with us now and in your time of need we will back you to the limits of Sound Banking Pra&ice. H OY B AN KINO COMPAN 7 The Way to Get 100 Per Cent of satisfaction and service out of your motor car at all times is to have it regularly taken care of by people who are familiar \yith all the ills a our is heir to. gi It's the sensible and economical way MAKE IT YOUR WAY WITH US AS THE PEOPLE c/1 LWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FO KT REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING-BATTERY CHARGIM© - TIRES-GASOLINE-OILS - SUPPLIES-ACCESSORIES FORD SERVICE STATION AUTO LIVERY-QUICK SERVICE STAR GARAGE JOHN R.KNOX, PROPR. PHONE 30 MS HENRY III. Office Hours to I2:M ;i. m. 1:M to 4:36 p. tn. 7:00 to 8:00 p ra. Telephone#: Office 17 Residence SI'-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon FRF.l'ND BI.DG. Over Vogt's WEST McHENRY Telephone No. 108-R ^ SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, 4-% % r'M We'll Give You the Shad© ,, You Select in Strictly Fresh Paint < It's annoying to select a shade of paint ̂ you want to use from the Color Card and then have the dealer state he is "just out." ̂ YouTl never have that experience here. We show thirty-six shades of Bradley & Vrooman V/ Guaranteed Paint on our Color Caixl and carry every sin^k > one of them in stock--ready for immediate delivery. JN And every gallon of B & V Paint we sell li \ j Strictly Freshly Mixed--ready to give you e maximum of service and satisfaction--protected by a written, signed ' Gold Bond Guarantee. 1 ^ Bradley & Vrooman Guaranteed House Paint Donavin & Reihansperger WEST McHENRY, ILJ. * Jas. L. Conway has returned from Bristol,^ Wis., where he has been do­ ing - repair wark 'far the tbtWHUUk Dairy company. « i | > mm

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