,; •- r.i < $ "" - • - *-* V " MimM •y '• > * * * " •: ~ f ** ' r * • ™ " ' : PLAUTDEALBB, ••T V*';v» i-'cc- j' rtn. »rv~ - A / ' ? "v,i ' ̂ w , \,.* ^ ; mmmmmmmmmmmmrnrnmrnm̂ n . i i ' t\ • ) ifr -T, r i •W ariPIDV PI MlkPiV IV Supervisor of Assessments. XBv W Btlllll iLAInllLALUli^oHm Waite, e& and e 16 ft, •/TT I Its 6, 9, & 12, 6 A 7, 10 & 11, fOIUSHGD EVE*Y THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER Office la Bank Building Telephone «-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Om Ytv - Six Months, JVc Tfcr* Month#, He Thursday, July 5, 1917 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LIST HSg%% Land, Lote and Personal Property Of McHenry Townsl# Publication of Assessment List-Llada State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. Ptiblic notice is hereby given, that the following is a full and complete List of the changes in valuation in the Assessment of Lands in Township 45, aw v Range 8, E, (McHenry), County of 4 u «.V' ; McHenrv, State of Illinois, for the v v, su i * year A. D .1917, as appears from the e \f , - , i Assessment Books of said Year. '* M' V " Lynn Richards, . f i k"4* Supervisor of Assessments. Jp: M. M. Smith, N 27 a w% nw»4 sL,s'* sec 1, town 45, range 8, 27 a. .$ 966 , V • Peter H. Flescli, (s of rd) eft ;.$*"•v• )#• nw% sec 6, 52 a 1218 ^ ' .4-1m,'; Matt B. Schaefer, ex w 314%ft. J* - of n 104 ft sub-lot 1 of lot 15, sec 13. 3.42 a............... 472 Jacob Schmitt, w 314% ft. cf..n; /t" 104 ft. sub-lot 1 of lot 15, sec 13, .73 a ' 33 Anton M. Schmitt, pt sub-lot 2 < of lot 28, sec 13, 2.65........ 81 lit ; John M. Pitzen, e % aj>t sub-lot i f , * 2 of lot 28, sec 13, .75 ....... 342 Joseph B. Hettermann, (ex s 257 ^ - ft) e 42 ft lot 29, sec 13, .10.. 159 Bernard Tonyan, s 257 ft of e 42 P?" ft lot 29, sec 13, .15 a 50 John and Wm. Harris, w 30 a sw *4 se ^4 sec 20, 30 a 550 Gilbert Harris, e 10 a sw% se *4 sec 20, 10 a 180 John Froelich, Flanders* sub-drv of s% sw*4 nw% lot 12, blk 1, sec 22 133 Robt L. Altaian, Flanders' sub- div of s% sw*4 nwVi lot 6, blk 2, sec 22 . 133 Wilfred Merton, Flanders' sub- div of s% swVi nw% lot 8. blk blk 2, sec 22 133 Grace McGuire, Flanders' sub- div of sVz sw% nwH lot 10, blk 1 100 Howell's Villas Sub Eva W., Martin A. and Warren L. Howell,' Its 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16 and 11, blk 1 sec 24.. Adolph W. Gast and Olla E. Johnston, lot 3, blk 1 Eva W., Martin A. and Warren II Howell, Its 13,14, 15, 16,17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 26, blk 1 100 Axel J. and Ellen Bidstrup, It ,19, blk 1 Eva W., Martin A. and Warren L. Howell, (ex n 32 ft of 33) Its 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37, blk 1 Patrick and Louis Hughes, It 32 and n 32 ft It 33, blk 1 Eva W., Martin A. and Warren L. Howell, Its 38, 39, 40, 43, 46, \ J, ' . 47, 48 and 49, blk 1 *5: „ Patrick and Louis Hughes, Its 41 *"T- and 42, blk 1.... Eugene Kovats, Its 44 and 45, blk 1 ; A. Louise Buettner, (ex 8 and % nely % 7) Woodlawn Park, incl Its 4 to 10, sec 25, 1.37 a.. 434 i Martha N. Meeker, Woodlawn j* Park nely % It 7 and Wood lawn Park lot 8, sec 25, .38 a.. 66 ; Frank J. and Anna Freund, pt ' % ne% sec 26, 41.39 a 1667 i E. M. Owen Est, (ex 6 Its 66x 132 ft in rear lots 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 Owen's est addn. and s i pc 166 ft front) lot 9, sec 26, -5 1662 a 933 Geo. A. Himler, pc 166 ft front K as per D. R. 148, p 91, pt It 9, | sec 26, .40 a 1233 Laura E. Colby, It 25 and (ex as §. per D. R. 141, p 379) pt lot 27, §V; , lec 27, 125.27 a 2934 |f' ^ August Schiller, as per D. R. 141, f , , : p 3 7 9 , p t I t 2 7 , s e c 2 7 , 5 . 9 4 a.. 120 f Cy*" * Frank Wattles, s% sw% sec 28, town 45, range 8, /80 a 2200 Frank Hutson, n% s% sec 29, 160 a .. 2933 |\ ?<, s John J. Motzer, pt of s pt lot 1, v: sec 35, .20 a >250 fy ' Mineral Springs Park * v Louis F and Marie K. Ljungberg, & v' pc nw and se of blk 2, pt e FV ' frl % nwy4 sec 36, 474 a..... 158 . Do., Its 1 and 2, blk 1, sec 36... > 99 Wells and Barbian, (ex Its ;llj 'US fev S&-. A ' CliS oliU D41 UiiiU) \CA AUO JrXf 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 21) incl Its 3 to 23, blk 1, sec 36 Sunnyside Club, lot 16, blk 1, sec 36 John J. Barbian, It 17, blk 1 sec 86 Sunnyside Fredrick Bellar, Its 23, 24, 25, 34, 3 5 , 3 2 a n d 3 3 , s e c 3 6 , 1 . 3 2 a . . Cristine Belle Miller, se cor 44 as per D. R. 134, p 342, sec 36, f 2.50 a ... •*' Thos. J. Brooks, It 37, sec 36. .22 a • ' J. Marion Simes, It 38, sec 36, jj2 a Grace C. Franklin, n 165 ft of s 545 ft of e 198 ft., sw% ne*4 sec 5, town 45, r 9, .75 a...... Martin Freund, (ex n 165 ft. of s 545 ft of e 198 ft. of sw% ne*4) w% neV4 (ex R. R.) ne >4, neVi, sec 5, 113.71 a Mathias J. Schaefer, w% swbi %, sec 6, 73.15 a j Peter F. Freund, Its 3, 4 and 19, d sec 7, 99.36 a .... 2237 Chas. Lindquist, County Clerk's 5 plat as per D. R. 148, p. 294, pt lot 3, sec 17, 2.48 a * John J. Pitzen, pt It 3, sec 17, 75.92 a. f.. Fredric W. Lucke, pt It 6 and n pt It 8% Chas. E. Carson, s pt It 8%.... M. Pitzen,(ex as per D. R. 147, p. 342, pt It 12, sec 18, 2.27 a.. Mathias Schaefer Est., pt lot 13, sec 18, 90.44 a Theo. Wiedeman, as per D. R. 147, p. 342, pt It 12, sec 18, .30 272 25 25 160 400 33 33 100 1367 2000 70 786 900 100 100 1517 blk 13 1101 Jacob Stock, (ex e 16 ft.) e% Its 10 & 11, blk 13 *,.100 Cherubino Unti, It 3, blk 14.... 760 Joseph J. Diedrich, s 6 ft lt& 6» 7, 3, blk 19. .1860 Mathias Freund, (ex « 6 ft.) It . 3, blk 19..... 158 Henry Miller; WH Its 10 and 11, blk 20 447 A. Edgar and Lucile Nye, e% Its 10 and 11, blk 20 664 C. H. Fegers, e 85 ft Its 1 and 4, blk 24 767 C. G. Berner, s 37 ft sub-It 2, It « 10, blk 24 701 t'rank Freund, sub-It 1 and It 1, sub-It 1 and Its 5 and 8, blk 25 667 East Side of Fox River Outside Corp. Chas. Rietesel, It 4, blk 8 350 Otto L. Sohm, Its 1, 2, 3 & 4, blk 0 , -- • ^2 Wm. Quinn, its* 1 & 2, blk i6.... 50 Jas. F. Quinn, Its 3 & 4, blk 10.. 50 Henry Quinn, Its 5 & 6, blk 10.. 74 Loretta Quinn, Its. 7 & 8, blk 10 . 207 Michael Quinn, Its 9 & 10, blk 10 50 Simon Quinn, Its 11 & 12, blk 10 50 Fegers' Out Lots (Outside Corp.) C. H. Fegers, incl Its 5 to 14, blk 2 200 J. G. Schrauth, Its 1, 2, 3, 4, l(y - 16, 17 and 18, blk 2.*00 State of Illinois, • .••if* • • •-« » * . Carey, John ....... Geary, P. J Campbell, John ...... Chamberlin. R. Colby. G. W,. Colby, FT. Connell, Anna .,., i iv...... Churchill, C. F . . . . Cooley, Fred A...4^.>tc,^i.. Coates, Wm. C... .. Conway, James L.. Conway, M A. Covalt, F. E...... ,^v£;.. ̂ . Cornwell, James ^ Coates, E . Cristy, J. E.. . Cossman, Wm» ... S* w.-»..»., Dalstrom, C. A Detzeno, Nick ... fa.., Degen, Henry . Deutschmann, Fred »„ , Debrecht, J. C .... Dodge, W. A... Diethorn, Fred , Diedrich, Fred ....4,., Diedrich, Peter Diedrich, Jacotf P..l»:ifj». » *, ii Diedrich, Joseph .. . Diedrich, Jacob M . . . . . . . . . , . , Donavin, Walter J.........., Donavin & Reihansperger ., Dowe, Christina Duffy, John J.,»», Eddy, Andrew ... .. Edberg, P. Edinger, L. I..,..,.;.„ E n g s t r o m , N . P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engeln, Anton , ........; Engeln, Barbara Eisenmenger, L. H. Jr.. . . . McHenry County, ss. Public notice is hereby given, that the following is a full and complete, . „ , List of the changes in value of thejEppel, Fred R.... Assessment of Lots and Blocks in the Ekstrom, John P.. .ti.* Village of West McHenry, County of Eisner, John ...... i . v*. McHenry, State of Illinois, for the Eichler, <Jodfred .... .,..,> year A. D. 1917, as appears from the ~ " " ~ 467 967 800 100 750 750 100 680 667 TOO 11 433 150 Assessment Books of said Year Lynn Richards, Supervisor of Assessments W. D. Wentworth, except e 50 ft&n%" It 4, blk 1 John Carey, Its 3 & 4, blk 2 H. C. Smith, It 7, blk 2 Gertrude M. Thelen, nwtt It 8, blk 2 Mary Powers, s% It 3, blk 1.... Bridget Phalin, e 60 ft -n% It 3, blk 1 Geo. Bohr, e 50 ft n% It 4, blk 1 N. J. J us ten, (ex e 50 ft. lot 4) sub-It 2, It 4; sub-It 1, It 6; sub-It 1, It 15; sub-It 2, It 16 blk 3 Peter Justen, e 50 ft It 4, blk 3 Frank H. Wattles, Its 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, blk 11 Herbes Addition Mamie Herbes, (ex e 50 ft) K 1 Wm. M. Heimer, e 50 ft. It 1... Out Lots to West McHenry Frank H. Wattles, e 60 ft of n 132 ft It 1 Henry Kamholz, (ex e 60 ft of n 132 ft) n 148 ft It 1 Frank H. Wattles, (ex n 148 ft. It 1 State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. Public notice is hereby given, that the following i3 a full and complete List of the changes in value in the Assessment of Lots and Blocks in the Village of Ringwood, County of Mc Henry, State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1917, as appears from the As sessment Books of said year. Lynn Richards, Supervisor of Assessments N. D. Stevens, (ex 84 ft, off e side and ex 120 ft off w side- e of- w 60 ft and ex w 60 ft) sub-It 6, It 80. : Wm. Hejburn, 84 ft off 0 side sub-It 6, It 30 C. D. Hall, 120 ft e of 4r 60 ft. sub-It 6f It 30 Hoy Banking Co., e pt It 6 Publication of Assessment, Personal Property State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. Public notice is hereby given, that the following is a full and complete List of the Assessment Value of Per sonal Property in the Town of Mc Henry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1917, as taken from the Assessment Books of said year. Lynn Richards, Supervisor of Assessments. 391 50 50 767 i ? j[V Stf- 87 88 % • r#r < J*/ Augustus Borman, County Clk's plat, as per D. R. 140, p. 646, pt It 13, sec 18, .25 a........ John C. and Johanna Bauer, as • per D. R. 140, p. 547, pt It 13, ! sec 18, .25 a May's Sub of Part N»/2 Netf George R. John, It 1, sec 18..;. .< £. G. Wentzel, It 2, sec 18...... Sunnyside Beach Sub-Div Jacob Schaefer, incl Its 2 to 9, sec 18 George W. Thiel, It 1, sec 18.... Hubert Freund, n 32 a w% nw % sec 31, 32 a Publication of Assessment List--Lots State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. Public notice is hereby given, that the following is a full and complete List of the changes in value of the Lots and Blocks in the village of Mc Henry, County of McHenry, State of of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1917, as appears from the Assessment Books bfm Richards, Abbott, T. A. $1430 Adams, Katharine 504 Adams, B. J 152 Adams Bros. 654 Adams, Castor Est 320 Adams, C. M 1601 Adams, Jacob H 431 Adams, Geo. E. 312 Anderson, John A 666 Althoff, Wm 358 Allen, H. W 650 Alexander, Lbr. Co 1100 Ahrens, Henry W 82 Aurora Brg. Co 125 Anderson, John 35 Anderson, F. A. 37 Artificial Stone Co. 295 Boettcher, Robert 620 Bechtel, Chas ..' 114 Brefeld, B. J. 60 Bassett, W. F 88 Bassett, E. E 71 Bacon, Wm 116 Bacon, Chas. D. 171 Barbian, N. E 232 Barbian Bros 2695 Baur, Math. J 71 Bauer, Michael 677 Bell, Louis 20? Bell, Florence Mrs 666 Bell, James 243 Bell, Edward 716 Beth, W.J 30 Becker, Oscar 100 Brefeld, Ben 28 Bradley & Foss 2100 Bradley, W. E... 864 Berner, C. Gsv 30 Beatty, S. H • 754 Britz, Peter 858 Blake, Mathias 56 Blake, Will 674 Blake, Mat M ' 411 Blake, Chris 43 Blake, Joseph 622 Blake, J. M. 1333 Blake, Frank M 880 Blake, John 39 Blake, Peter 405 Brown, S. W 715 Browning, Mrs. E 45 Brown, A. M 30 Brunswick, Leo 422 Bidstrup, A. J. Biggers, J. B 469 Bickler, J. C 234 Bishop & Olson .....•».. f...... 33 Birk, Jacob v... «-»ft . 28 Bowman Dairy Co.. 1700 Bohlander, Mrs. Anna.......... 667 Boh lander, F. A 2965 83 166 66 38 1267 Everett Hunter Boat Co..;. Erickson, C .... ... Earley, John .......»........ i. Fay, Emma ................ Fay, F. E. Fay, Harry H Fegers, Dr. C. H . . . Flanders, E. P...... Flodin, C. F Flesch, P. H Francisco, Warren Freund, F. J. & John E. Freund, John H * Freund, Jacob M.. Freund, Peter B Freund, John Freund Peter M.. Freund, Jacob Freund, Peter J Freund, Mathias S Freund, Math Freund, John S.. Freund, Jos. J Freund, John J. Freund, Anton H Freund, Hubert Freund, Ben Freund, Peter JP Freund, John V Freund, Joseph L Freund, Martin H . . Freund, Nick N .o ̂ Freund, Jonn F Freund, John N Freund, Peter Jr. Freund, John F. Freund, Jos. W . . . . Freund, Jos. W Freund, Martin S. Freund, John P. Freund, M. J Freund, Michael Freund, Math. N Freund, Anton P Freund, Stephen H . . . Fritz, Martin Freeman, Mra, John. Franzen, Nick Frett, Albert M.... Frett, Joseph J Frett, Chtp. G Frett, John M * Feltz, Fred C Froehlich, A. I .*. Foss, Warren M German Ins. Co Gerding, Mrs. Paul •Geier, E. M Gibbs, Fred W Grasser, Frank i i .. Glossen, John Estate Gorman, Mrs. Jennie Grammater & Co Guyser, Richard Gunther, F. & W Goodman, C. M Goodman, F. M Green, Mrs. Mary Harrison, Raymond Harrison, Eleanor Harrison, Clayton ^ Harrison, Geo. H Harrison, Roy C... Harrison, Ora D Harrison, C. L Harrison, C. W. & Son. Harrison, C. W. 7 Hall, C. D Hall, Chas. O ...L.. Hall, Lyman Harris, Bros Harris, Gilbert Harrar, Jos Harmseli, C. B Hawley, E. C Havern, Mrs. J. A..,. Hallstrom, Martin Heimer, Henry Heimer, John Heimer, Wm. M Heimer, P. J Heimer, Math Herman, Bros Hess, Nicholas Hepburn, Wm. ................ Hettermann, J. B Hettermann, H. J Hettermann, H. W Herdrich, Chas Himler, Geo. A Hopper, E. J Howard, R. S Howard, G. S Hohenstein, Geo Hodge, Edson Huemann, N. A Huemann, Fred W. Huemann, Jacob Huemann, Jos. H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hoffman, Fred A. Hobart, Henry ......... r, ,, . Howell, Mrs. Eva W... . . . . . . . . Holly, Joseph ,C Howe, Mrs. E. W Hogan, John M Hohnquist, August Huff, John Hunter, Everett '. Hunter, James 120 i Huck, Lawrence Borden's Condensed Milk Co. , , .. 8639 Bonslett, Adelia . ...i^ £25 Bonslett, Wm 265 Bolger, Mrs. Ellen,............ 58 Boley, Mrs. G. F.» 28 Boal, Sam^pl 367 Boyle, John ........»>.«.*•...., 320 Brents, J ohn ........ 25 Buckland, J. V................. 2165 Buch, J. J.-........,,-...,.. Buch, H. E................, Buchert, Albert .a...'...,... Behrens, Gusta ........., Blomgren, J . A . . . . . . . . . . . . , Blomgren, R. .. • *« **••«< Bohr, Nick Carson, Anna M . . . . . . . . . . Carey, John .... »».. .>•. Carr, C. H.•••••»«,,«• 1' 104 165 112 132 25 25 101 33 279 847 Chase, Eli P........V.»........ 2792 Hoy Banking Co.. Hoy Banking Co., Ringwood.... 1892 Immakus, Anton India Tea Co Ibsh, Adolph *... Isberg, A. L................... Jacks, D. T. *.. Jaeger, Philip ...........»..,. Jecks, C. E.*«.»«•»««..».... Jensen, Jens ............... Jungen, Math. Jung, Martin Est Jung, John B ,,.... Judd, C. D. Jung, Math. Jung, Nick . * ... Jung, Joseph ........"......... Justen, Michael ............... Justen, Jacob •... *, ,.• Justen, Fred ............ ....... Justen, N. J *. *•»* Justen, Peter U.i. . v . Justen, Ben ........,.2! Justen, Mrs. Jos. H . . . Justen, John J... 2880 sm 606 62 423 188 45 60 1808 i3s: 204 63 807 95 110 682 110 25 428 25 1130 769 409 869 720 467 1780 684 ' 63 1405 125 168 384 145 77 383 28 299 95 695 184 35 63 911 125 126 25 230 165 1930 32 25 190 445 177 2363 132 33 448 686 497 65 625 124 666 389 473 522 838 969 444 425 340 68 429 185 389 846 122 615 234 87 334 106 152 436 189 769 666 40 33 28 148 1787 229 107 77 170 1066 60 68 285 322 1834 70 301 129 63 146 406 726 460 725 760 3935 382 909 169 895 98 306 142 602 536 347 296 28 822 40 468 244 115 69 91 25 68 35 115 243 59 229 125 93 631 95 73 325 63 1774 562 2287 189 364 620 204 78 110 1166 68 459 172 1145 100 5362 Justen, Jacob R Justen, M. M C lax ton, J . F « , « . # • 1 1 6 2 .Justen, Jacob F,.. 268 28 80 60 474 .33 1241 428 696 28 492 445 210 441 787 293 169 864 828 28 861 389 625 972 Justen, Joseph ... Katz, B. Kattner, William Kaiser, Frank , Kamholz, Ollie Kamholz, Fred Kamholz, Herman Kamholz, Henry C.. .v......... Krumpen, Mane Anna....... Kennebeck, J. H .4 .-., Kennebeck, Ben M..,, Kennebeck, Elizabeth •*>»»»... •> Krumpen, Anton ;.. *. Kimball, J. W v• i...... King, Joseph King, John Klapperich Henry J.'....... .V* Klein, John H Knox, John R.a... Knox, John .... •*'*..»..»... Knox, Alice and Mary...... *,\, Knapp, G. A Krohn, Karl ... Kock, Adam ... Koerber, John . Kramer, Geo. P Krause, Wm. Krause, Albert »>.*.. Matilda Krueger ,...y,.... Kranz, Matilda ........ Koeppe, Wm. ... > v.;.. > ^....... Kling, Chas ..._.V..., Ladd, J. C• %"». .I... Landwer, A . - A . , , ^ . . . . » . . . » Lay, John P . • . . . • • t , . , s » . * « . . . . Lay, Martin Lawrence, A. .... i^ ft,., ^ Laures, Math. B. Lasch, Emil Laughlin, Mrs. Mary... Lallinger, Albert ... . Lane, Diedrich ... v Leonard, E. E. and Ida..... »v v> Lodtz, J. D.......,....... . * . */« Lind, H. J.... • • ...^**>*....• • • • May, Martin N . . May, John M > < I.. • -*.» • • i • .ft '.:. * .#, ft ftV ' May, Stephen ^>. . ...... May, Joseph May, Joseph May, Jacob J May, Katherine May, Nick Martin, Abbie L... Martin, F. E. Matz, John Matthews, Mrs. Delia Mellin, S. J.. Mertes, Jos. J Meyers, Wm. J Merchant Eliza J X Meyers, Geo. Merchant, Ray Miller, Math. .. • Miller, Jacob P. Miller, Tony J Miller, Peter , Miller, John P Miller, Cristine Belle. Miller, John F Miller, Joseph J.. Miller, Gertrude L Miller, Caroline ............... Miller, John A . . Miller, Frank Miller, E. M Miller, J. H. Miller, Henry Miller, Peter F... Michels, Hubert Michels, Jos. J.,,.'. Mire, John Miller, Elizabeth Miaz, Bessie Moody, A. J. * • • • McOmber, J. M.._ McRoberts, Minnie McBerney, Benj McAnsh, Andrew McDonald, Lewis S McHie, Minnie L McCarthy, Margaret McHenry Pleasure Club McCannon, Will McCannon, L. B McLaughlin, J. F Miller, Joseph N Nye, A. Edgar... Nye, N. J Noonan, Mary Nelson, Magnus Nordin, Edward A. ' Niesen, M. M * Niesen, John Niesen Peter Nett, Nick Neiss, John Newman, Mabel Nelson, A Nellis, Laura L. Nett, Math Newman, G. P. Norager, Christ F Olson, Chas. ................. Olson, John Overton & Cowen Olson, John Olson, Ferdinand ......... Oswald, F. A. * Otto, Julius Owen, O. N Owen, Mrs. Lydia Oeffling, William • • Paul, Charles Pabst, F * • • • Parks, Chas Page, Chas. L Parson, James A. Patrick, Mary '. Pearson, Gust Perry, James B Peterson, Hulda A Peterson, Caroline M Peterson, E. G Peterson, P. N "Peterson, F. C Peterson, R. A.. Peters, C. W Pepping, Albert" Peet, Chas Petesch, N. H Peet, Edward Peet, A. L Pitzen, John J Pitzen, Nicholas Pitzen, John M Pint, John Powers, Anna and Etta Pouse, A. H .̂ . Rainey, James .v.>...... Ramage, A. J Revor, J ames Reebie, Mrs. Louis Reed, Chas. E Regner, John .. . » . . . « . • Rumsford, J. H Russell, J. N. .Richardson, R. H Ritter, H. L Rothermel, Jos J Rowson, William J.n .. ." Robison, Glenn Rothermel, Mrs. Elizabeth.... • • Rothermel, Geo •»• p Sayler, James N Sayler, W. A.................. Sayler, W. A.................. Sayer, Geo. J. • Schiller, Adam • «v. Schaefer, J oseph P • Schaefer, J ohn P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schaefer, Lottie Schaffer, Henry J Schaffer, John W Schaefer, Joseph ... Schaefer, Jacob .* Schaefer, Mary K..»....... i'.. Schaefer, Peter .............i. Schaefer, H. B Schaefer, John Schaefer, Math. J.............. Schaefer, Robert Schaefer; Joseph M............ Schaefer, Joseph A...........» Schaefer, Margaret M.......... Schaefer Bros .i.«*. Schaefer, Ben J . . . . . Schaefer, Math. B...... .j.... • Schaefer, J. W..... .V#i • Schiller, A. M.................. Schrauth, J. G • ». * « Schumacher A Schaefer 826 86 686 ..666 29 88 26 80 326 725 332 726 86 88 869 66 941 3362 1080 141 664 846 87 46 208 128 87 106 68 76 126 66 4603 196 937 2697 91 70 27 26 91 1246 40 87 36 80 1691 . 372 211 211 502 2000 364 1333 764 50 91 83 383 30 282 230 422 663 506 587 412 126 28 211 767 235 32 482 2025 100 362 28 485 28 37 342 800 33 91 66 125 33 133 224 145 28 66 769 628 112 79 65 202 100 388 143 467 33 485 66 25 28 25 50 300 225 196 418 25 856 25 44 28 25 668 228 590 46 100 28 963 100 25 137 3510 45 605 66 426 28 28 45 103 1088 365 460 758 323 138 25 699 2862 96 29 30 827 28 125 213 28 83 685 87 60 260 347 68 168 79 63 464 1117 50 308 286 40 147 1534 2025 111 558 67 200 682 60 309 415 407 28 447 94 99 328 324 1778 266 Schnma^her, J. ..; 888 Schumacher, Barbara 660 S h a w , G e o . L . . . , x . . 2 8 3 Sherman, John .??. ..v.^... svi 125 Sherman & Kimball 53 Sherman, C."E...*... *-,*!*•• 928 Sherburne, Mrs. L. H..,.,V...V .80 Schoel, G. E.........•.«•..•..#5 57 Schiesple, Theo. * . : 267 Schiessle, Barbara .....i.*.»». 888 Schmitt, Math. .... ̂ ............ 455 Schmitt, Stephen F...»i....... 675 Schmitt, John M....i.i* 649 Schmitt, Jacob ...........vi,.. 614 Schmitt, Math. N 290 oCiiiilitt, Juhii J. 401 Schmitt, Anton 516 Schmitt, Martin F . . . . . ........ 846 Schmitt, Martin B.... 118 Schroeder, Louis .....* Vi.V.|i 114 Schoewer, Peter 101 Schneider, Mary ...... . » V 25 Schneider, Joseph /..ji..; 28 Schneider, Anton ... 62 Schneider Bros. .....i......... 401 Schreiner, F. ' 634 Schreiner, W. G.. ............ .. 44 Schneider, Fred w«««««.- 28 S m i t h , A l s e n a . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 Smith, Joseph 283 Smith, Barbara ^.....ft^ 867 Smith, Katharine 85 Smith, John .A.., *n.' .. ̂ * 382 Smith, J. jE*.....,.v...'.o.ft. 50 Smith Bros. Smith, W . E . . Smith, A. W . . ' . f t . Smith, Peter. .. Smith, Fred . Smith, John . Smith, S. W. Smith, M. J... .«>«... Smith, Lonnie L. ̂ i- '2058 .>ft.ii:«, <4798 U:V>'?:fjS696 • f*- : ft/-. »\.. .\ • »•;••• •• * . . m . ft , iS? «... .... ... --*:• ¥au;i,4'r Smith, J. ........ h:'.. ... t . •». .«.»•« V Sohm, D. F........ Stephenson, H. M.".. ̂ Stephenson, C. 5,., Standard Oilr Co.....ft.. Steffes,' Math. ................. Steffes, Jacob ..... ........ ... Stenger, Carl W......-4.. Stretz, Eva ......... * Struen, Dr. Carl. Stilling, Geo. A Stilling, Ben H.... Stilling, Ben .................. Stilling, Jos. B.......ft..ft Stilling, Henry Stilling, Henry J Stilling, Joseph Stilling, John J.;... ........... Stilling, J. H.. S toff el, Simon ......... «K.... Stoffel, Wm S toff el, John Stock, Theo Stock, Jacob ................. Stuart, Ira H Starritt, Clara M. i. Stevens, Hattie A . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stevens, N. .........,.. Struver, H. C........... Spencer, W m . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Spencer, John *........ Spaulding, Mrs. Jennie... Solomon, Mary Sutton, Edward R Swank Bros Simes, Wm. Skogland, August H.;...*. Taber, O. A Taylor, H. E Thelen, M. A . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . Thelen, Henry Thelen, Mary .............. Thelen, Joseph ............ .... Thennes, Philip M . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thompson, Robert A.. . . . . i . . . . Thompson, Thomas ..../.; •Thompson, F. B. E s t . . . . . . . . . . . Thompson, Ed. ......'.......... Thorstenson, J. A . . . , . Thomas E. E. Thomas & Son.........."...... Thomas, Alma ..... ... •.... Tonyan, Ben & Joa. Tonyan, Bernard Tonyan, Henry Tonyan, William Tonyan, Wm. B,. Thennes, John .... Thelen, Elizabeth 4............ Unti, C. •.... *... • •. Van Natta, M. L....... Vycital, John J............... Voeltz, August . Voeltz, Fred Voeltz, Wm. Valvoline Oil Co.... ... Vogt, Walter F. .: Vogt, Robt Ward, Mrs. Georgians Wadham, Marie Wattles* F, H........••• • Wattles, F. H.. r Wagner, J ohn J .* r«....... Walkington, Thomas .......... Walker, W. Walsh, M. J Walsh, T. J. Waite, Rollin *»/». • • • Weber, Miss Gertrude.......... Weber, Nick '****».... Weber, John P. Weber, Hubert Weckler, Adam Wetter Welch, Wm. J Welch, Wm. J Wells, D. G Weingart, Jacob .............. Weingart, Nick S* Wegener, Bernard Wegener, Gerhard Wegener, Henry Weingart, Peter Wentworth, W. D. Whiting, W. E....... v.. . • • • Whiting, D. A. * Whiting, D. A Whiting, C. D Whiting, E. E . . . . . . Wilks, F. L. f. Wilbur Lumber Co..»....n«/^^ Williams, John Williams, Emma J.... t* .is.... Williams, Peter Worts, M. L. Worts & Boley Wolkos, Oley O. * • • • Wharton, H. F....... • Wheeler, J. E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Wheeler, Ella M. Wrede, Louis ... ; r; • ..•••••«•• W r i g h t , C . P . . . . . . . Wolf, Louis A Wirfs, Geo. Winkels, Theo. W American telephone C o . . . . • • • • Chicago Telephone Co ......... . Western Union Telegraph to.. Farmers' New Era Telephone Co. S p r i n g G r o v e T e l e p h o n e C o . . . . Public Service Co 668 ' 175 664 * 657 385 • 376 t 35 . 458 415 : 232 829 145 32 221 223 121 495 404 129 531 1038 759 509 134 343 418 60 628 763 836 605 670 375 50 166 65 300 75 50 . 541 438 75 61 287 74 99 471 25 852 670 189 4029 618 373 30 147 737 28 799 116 521 441 565 93 66 14,4 83 1262 25 25 25 551 1165 415 396 35 173 694 514 379 2366 1547 1460 25 28 340 128 167 125 53 115 153 161 446 357 386 443 28 87 62 414 335 197 205 655 50 6781 320 145 666 79 84 496 65 135 1358 48 135 69 ~ 107 94 4>756 1.298 411 560 501 1660 ruunc ocivivc w. . . . . • • • - •» v 001Q Western United Gas & Elect Co. 2318 West McHenry State Bank.....¥>6]» Chicago Northwestern R. R- Co. w Wedding Elgin Courier, Monday, July 2: Adah Carey, on leaving the screw department office force Saturday, was presented with a cut glass sugar and creamer. Wedding bells soon." Miss Carey formerly resided in this village and is favorably known to many of our young people. She has been em ployed at the Elgin watch factory since moving to that city Start Now ToMpkoVourTireEqaipmeat" r ^ ̂ DEGIN NOW by getting a Fisk for yom| # spare rim. Thousands of today's user^ of complete Fisk equipment began years| ago with the purchase of a single tire. Ex# Perience proved to theni that the famous " isk Non-Skid is the greatest dollar-forf dollar tire value on the market--and th<> standard of Fisk Quality is higher today i.*»» '.If- Si.W: Aissts:Si; i" ¥1 M , sa AS.', & • Fisk Tirea For Sale by All Dealera "S,/ ^ "" FISK RUBBER COMPANY V3 OF N. Y. .f ^ General Offices: Chicopee Fslls, Mm. •> £ F i s k b r a n c h e s I n m o r e t h a n 1 2 5 1 1 1 -- v ' • < The Flaindealer for news. THE CENTRAL BIG JL/JL 11 jl JlV McHENftV. ILLINOIS DOUBLE ~ jfeVERY SATURDAY N1TE SHOW Commencing Saturday, July 7 Enterprise Stock -IN- -TABLOID Comedies and Dramas / . ----OPENING PLAY- s PRICES; 15c and 25c Sleeping Porch VUar Porch Shades are pificl for this puipoM. £f«rf Shade Equipped with ' Safety Wiad Dnka PORCH SHADES are not expensive. A few dollars will equip the average porch, making it a completely shaded and breezy outdoor room for refuge from summer heat. N. J. JUSTEN & SON WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS Phone 63-W CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Two buggies and har ness. All in good condition. Apply to Gilbert Howard, McHenry, 111. 52-tf FOR SALE--John Glossen residence in north end of town. Inquire of J. H. Kennebeck, executor, McHenry, I1L 45-tf IN;V IUVV***» W , , _ _ . : t: „;iUo.« FOR SALE--House and two lots lo- The business sections of the village ̂Waukegan street Inquire McHenry, 3-tf U21 A U J were again lined with automobiles and ^ |{. ^ Schaefer, vehicles of every description last Sat urday evening. For a while it looked p0R gALE--One 209 acre farm, as if the business section of Center- known M ^ John A Smith place> ville would be completely blockaded. two miles east of McHenry; one 146 •ere term at Lake Defiance, also one block containing 12 lots with good, improved house, located east of Fox river bridge. Apply to or write S. H. Freund, Administrator John A. Smith estate, McHenry, 111. 41-tf Read The Plaindealer. Advertise with The Plaindealer for results. v - * Wm. Simes has accepted the agency for the Auto-Utilizer. Ask him about it. Dogs have been responsible for the * wholesale slaughtering of sheep in the *-.•'* vicinity of Lake Forest recently. Ladies' Aid society meets with Mrs. Jas. Perkins Friday afternoon. meeting. Refreshments served* - V>i ̂ !v", ' • • ' y s :4 - " - 'M"